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Andrew Pyle [46]Andrew J. Pyle [2]
  1.  74
    Malebranche.Andrew Pyle - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    Nicolas Malebranche is one of the most important philosophers of the seventeenth century after Descartes. A pioneer of rationalism, he was one of the first to champion and to further Cartesian ideas. Andrew Pyle places Malebranche's work in the context of Descartes and other philosophers, and also in its relation to ideas about faith and reason. He examines the entirety of Malebranche's writings, including the famous The Search After Truth, which was admired and criticized by both Leibniz and Locke. Pyle (...)
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  2.  80
    Atomism and its critics: from Democritus to Newton.Andrew Pyle - 1995 - Dulles, Va.: Thoemmes Press.
    A substantial and in-depth study of the history of the atomic theory of matter between the time of Democritus and that of Newton. It is the first to emphasize the continuity of the atomic debate and the debt owed by the seventeenth-century "moderns" to the medieval critique of Aristotle.
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  3.  71
    Boyle on science and the mechanical philosophy: a reply to Chalmers.Andrew Pyle - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 33 (1):171-186.
    Robert Boyle thought that his scientific achievements in pneumatics and chemistry depended on, and thus provided support for, his mechanical philosophy. In a recent article in this journal, Alan Chalmers has challenged this view. This paper consists of a reply to Chalmers on two fronts. First it tries to specify precisely what ‘the mechanical philosophy’ meant for Boyle. Then it goes on to defend, against Chalmers, the view that Boyle's science does support his natural philosophy.Keywords: Robert Boyle; Mechanical philosophy; Reductionism.
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  4.  90
    Animal Generation and the Mechanical Philosophy: Some Light on the Role of Biology in the Scientific Revolution.Andrew J. Pyle - 1987 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 9 (2):225 - 254.
    In a recent paper, Keith Hutchison has advanced the thesis that the Mechanical Philosophy represents a shift towards supernaturalism in our conception of the physical world. This paper concentrates on one of the great problems of seventeenth-century biological theory — animal generation — to illustrate (and modify) Hutchison's thesis, thereby also serving to locate one role of the life sciences in the Scientific Revolution. This choice of focus enables us to draw heavily on Jacques Roger's seminal work on animal generation (...)
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  5.  18
    Locke.Andrew Pyle - 2013 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    John Locke has a good claim to the title of the greatest ever English philosopher, and was a founding father of both the empiricist tradition in philosophy and the liberal tradition in politics. This new book provides an accessible introduction to Locke’s thought. Although its primary focus is on the Essay Concerning Human Understanding, it also discusses the Two Treatises on Government, the Essay on Toleration, and the Reasonableness of Christianity, and draws on materials from Locke’s correspondence and notebooks to (...)
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  6.  52
    Key Philosophers in Conversation: The Cogito Interviews.Andrew Pyle (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    Key Philosophers in Conversation is a fascinating collection of interviews presenting the ideas of some of the worlds leading contemporary philosophers. Each interview features a discussion with a key philosopher looking at philosophical issues such as; the philosophy of mind, ethics, science, political philosophy and the history of philosophy. Those interviewed are; W.V.O Quine, Michael Dummet, Mary Warnock, Hilary Putnam, Alasdair MacIntyre, Daniel Dennett, Martha Nussbaum, Roger Scruton, Bernard Williams, Jean Hampton, Richard Dawkins, Derek Parfit, Peter Strawson, David Gauthier, Hugh (...)
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  7. Atomism and Its Critics: Problem Areas Associated with the Development of the Atomic Theory of Matter from Democritus to Newton.Andrew Pyle - 1995 - Burns & Oates.
    A study of the history of the atomic theory of matter between the time of Democritus and that of Newton. The classical atomic theory, we are told, consisted of four central doctrines: a firm commitment to indivisible units of matter; a belief in the reality of the vacuum; a reductionist conception of forms and qualities and a mechanistic account of natural agency. The work provides a critical account of the arguments used for and against these four theses during three time-periods: (...)
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  8.  11
    Liberty: Contemporary Responses to John Stuart Mill.Andrew Pyle - 1994 - Burns & Oates.
    Mill's On Liberty has turned out to be, as he predicted, the most widely read and long-lasting of his writings. It has proved, however, extremely difficult to pin Mill down to any definite political doctrines. His contemporaries clearly had the same problems as have beset modern commentators. Some portray Mill as a dangerous revolutionary, a latter-day Jacobin; others see him as peddling mere platitudes. This volume traces the reception of On Liberty in the periodical literature, from the "rave" review of (...)
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  9. Atomism and Natural Necessity.Andrew Pyle - 2006 - Philo 9 (1):47-61.
    When the atomic theory was revived in the seventeenth century, the atomists faced a problem concerning the status of the laws of nature. On the face of it, the postulation of absolutely hard, rigid, and impenetrable atoms seems to entail the existence of natural necessities and impossibilities: Atoms A and B cannot interpenetrate, so atom A must push atom B when they collide. The properties of compound bodies are to be explained in terms of their “textures” (i.e., the arrangements of (...)
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  10. Malebranche on animal generation : Preexistence and the microscope.Andrew Pyle - 2006 - In Justin E. H. Smith, The Problem of Animal Generation in Early Modern Philosophy. Cambridge University Press.
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  11.  21
    The dictionary of seventeenth-century British philosophers.Andrew Pyle (ed.) - 2000 - Bristol, England: Thoemmes Press.
  12. David Hume and the argument to design.Andrew Pyle - 2012 - In Alan Bailey & Dan O'Brien, The Continuum Companion to Hume. Continuum. pp. 245.
  13.  21
    Philosophy and social science.Antony Grayling, Andrew Pyle & Naomi Goulder - 2006 - In A. C. Grayling, Andrew Pyle & Naomi Goulder, The Continuum encyclopedia of British philosophy. Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum.
    The Continuum Encyclopedia of British Philosophy" employs a wide construal of 'philosophy' that was common in former centuries. Its biographical entries include writers on mainstream philosophical topics whose individual contribution was small (for example, writers of textbooks or minor critics of major figures). But the encyclopedia also includes celebrated figures from other intellectual domains (e.g. poets, mathematicians, scientists and clergymen), who had something to say on topics that count as broadly philosophical. This interdisciplinary approach, coupled with sophisticated indexing and cross-referencing, (...)
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  14. Relativism: Some reflections: Pyle Relativism.Andrew Pyle - 2008 - Think 6 (17-18):187-199.
    ‘That's true-for-you, but not true-for-me.’ Are there any truths for which this is, indeed, true?
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  15. The excellencies of Robert Boyle (review).Andrew Pyle - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (2):pp. 245-246.
    In the last generation or so, the accepted canon of seventeenth-century philosophy has been increasingly subjected to challenge, and a powerful case has been made, by a variety of scholars, for the inclusion of figures such as Bacon, Gassendi, Malebranche, and Bayle. One might also make a case for the inclusion of Robert Boyle, not just because of his clear influence on Locke and Newton, or for his important contributions to natural philosophy, but because of the intrinsic interest and importance (...)
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  16.  20
    The Continuum encyclopedia of British philosophy.A. C. Grayling, Andrew Pyle & Naomi Goulder (eds.) - 2006 - Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum.
    v. 1. A-C -- v. 2. D-J -- v. 3. K-Q -- v. 4. R-Z.
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  17. The Continuum Encyclopaedia of British Philosophy, Volume 3.Anthony Grayling, Andrew Pyle & Naomi Goulder (eds.) - 2006 - Thoemmes Continuum.
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  18.  42
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of History.Andrew Pyle - 1999 - Cogito 13 (3):215-216.
  19.  36
    A Note from the Editor.Andrew Pyle - 1994 - Cogito 8 (3):203-204.
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  20.  49
    A three-cornered dispute about God and nature: Steven Nadler: The best of all possible worlds: A story of philosophers, God and evil in the age of reason. Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2010, 320pp, $18.95 PB.Andrew Pyle - 2010 - Metascience 20 (2):291-293.
    A three-cornered dispute about God and nature Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s11016-010-9481-5 Authors Andrew Pyle, Department of Philosophy, University of Bristol, 9 Woodland Rd, Bristol, BS8 1TB UK Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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  21. Conceivability and possibility.Andrew Pyle - 2004 - British Journal of Aesthetics 44 (2):206-207.
  22.  24
    F. J. Glynn.Andrew Pyle - forthcoming - Cogito.
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  23.  26
    Malebranche and Ideas.Andrew Pyle - 1995 - Philosophical Books 36 (3):177-179.
  24.  9
    Malebranche über Wahrnehmung.Andrew Pyle - 2008 - In Dominik Perler & Markus Wild, Sehen und Begreifen. Wahrnehmungstheorien in der Frühen Neuzeit. Berlin, Deutschland: de Gruyter. pp. 145-176.
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  25.  25
    Mill’s Progressive Principles by David O. Brink.Andrew J. Pyle - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (4):853-854.
  26. Peter Alexander (1917-2006).Andrew Pyle - 2006 - Locke Studies 6:15-21.
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  27. Pivcevic. Editorial board.A. Pyle, Andrew Pyle, G. Reddiford A. Morton & M. I. G. Stanford C. Wilde - 1995 - Cogito 9:109.
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  28.  60
    Pierre gassendi and the birth of early modern philosophy - by Antonia LoLordo.Andrew Pyle - 2008 - Philosophical Books 49 (3):253-254.
  29. Paul Russell, The Riddle of Hume's Treatise: Scepticism, Naturalism, and Irreligion Reviewed by.Andrew Pyle - 2008 - Philosophy in Review 28 (6):429-431.
  30.  55
    Rationalism, Platonism and God.Andrew Pyle - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (4):868-871.
  31.  47
    Spinoza and the Ethics.Andrew Pyle - 1997 - Cogito 11 (1):50-52.
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  32. should not be taken to be those of Editors, Editorial Board, the COGITO Society or the publishers. Details concerning the preparation and submission of articles can be found inside the back cover of each issue.A. Pyle, Andrew Pyle & G. Reddiford A. Morton - 1996 - Cogito 10:167.
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  33.  52
    Thomas Henry Huxley.Andrew Pyle - 1995 - Cogito 9 (3):229-238.
  34.  11
    The Origins of Modern Philosophy of Science 1830-1914.Andrew Pyle (ed.) - 1996 - Routledge.
    First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  35.  76
    The Subjection of Women: Contemporary Responses to John Stuart Mill.Andrew Pyle - 1995 - Burns & Oates.
    Mill's On Liberty (1859) denies people the right to sell themselves into slavery. Yet such, says Mill, is the condition of half the population, denied the most elementary legal and political rights. The Subjection of Women is a cry of protest against the injustices of existing British institutions and a plea for political, legal, and educational reforms. This volume contains a sample of the resulting literature. Of particular interest is the fact that, among the critics and reviewers who responded to (...)
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  36.  9
    Utilitarianism.Andrew Pyle - 1998 - Burns & Oates.
    This archive of source materials from Victorian periodicals provides insight into the evolving moral and political thought of Britain in the 1800s. It is a treasure-trove for the historian of philosophy and anyone interested in utilitarianism.
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  37.  56
    What Hylas Should Have Said to Philonous.Andrew Pyle - 1991 - Cogito 5 (2):100-106.
  38.  10
    The Dictionary of Eighteenth-century British Philosophers: A-J.John W. Yolton, William Yolton, Jean S. Yolton, John Valdimir Price, John Stephens, John W. Stephens & Andrew Pyle (eds.) - 1999 - Sterling, Va.: Burns & Oates.
    This is a comprehensive reference source on 18th-century authors writing in the English language about philosophical ideas and issues. It features authors taken from 1689 through to the mid-19th century, the period beginning with John Locke and ending with Dugald Stewart. The word philosophical is used in a wide, 18th-century sense. Therefore, the Dictionary includes epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, education, politics, rhetoric, science, medicine, biology, geology, chemistry and theology.
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  39.  44
    Annie Bitbol-Hespériès. Le Principe de vie chez Descartes. Paris: Libraire Philosophique J. Vrin, 1990. Pp. 236. ISBN 2-7116-1034-9. [REVIEW]Andrew Pyle - 1992 - British Journal for the History of Science 25 (2):265-266.
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    David F. Channell, The Vital Machine: A Study of Technology and Organic Life. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991. Pp. xi + 192. ISBN 0-19-506040-7. $22.95. [REVIEW]Andrew Pyle - 1993 - British Journal for the History of Science 26 (1):128-129.
  41.  39
    Daniel Garber, Leibniz: Body, Substance, Monad. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Pp. xiii+428. ISBN 978-0-19-956664. £35.00. [REVIEW]Andrew Pyle - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Science 43 (3):487-488.
  42.  49
    Divine Will and the Mechanical Philosophy: Gassendi and Descartes on Contingency and Necessity in the Created World. [REVIEW]Andrew Pyle - 1995 - International Philosophical Quarterly 35 (4):505-506.
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  43.  28
    Mirko D. Grmek. La première révolution biologique: Reflexions sur la physiologic et la medecine du xvii siècle. Paris: Editions Payot, 1990. Pp. 358. ISBN 2-228-88277-1. [REVIEW]Andrew Pyle - 1991 - British Journal for the History of Science 24 (2):255-257.
  44. Pt. I, Outsiders. Becoming and outsider : Gassendi in the history of philosophy / Margaret J. Osler ; Sir Kenelm Digby, recusant philosopher / John Henry ; Theophilus Gale and historiography of philosophy / Stephen Pigney ; The standing of Ralph Cudworth as a philosopher / Benjamin Carter ; Nicholas Malebranche : insider or outsider? [REVIEW]Andrew Pyle - 2009 - In G. A. J. Rogers, Tom Sorell & Jill Kraye, Insiders and Outsiders in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy. New York: Routledge.
  45.  50
    The Authority of Experience: Sensationist Theory in the French Enlightenment John O'Neal University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996. viii + 284 pp. $45.00. [REVIEW]Andrew Pyle - 1998 - Dialogue 37 (3):588-.
  46.  34
    William R. Shea, The Magic of Numbers and Motion: The Scientific Career of René Descartes. Canton, Mass.: Science History Publications, 1991. Pp. x + 371. ISBN 0-88135-098-2. $54.95. [REVIEW]Andrew Pyle - 1993 - British Journal for the History of Science 26 (2):242-243.
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