Results for 'Andre Leite'

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  1.  15
    Law and morals: proceedings of the special workshop held at the 28th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy in Lisbon, Portugal, 2017.André Ferreira Leite de Paula & Andrés Santacoloma Santacoloma (eds.) - 2019 - Stuttgart: Nomos.
    The relationship between law and morality is a topic which receives special importance and attention, especially in "liberal democracies" in which the law is supposed to regulate highly pluralized and fragmented societies. Under conditions of plurality of values, many social forces and legal theories require a certain kind of neutrality from the legal system, a means of compatibility of the many "world views" and "moral systems" that are present within the same social space. Such a conciliating commitment sounds particularly relevant (...)
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    Research as praxis.Eduardo Vianna, João Otavio Garcia & Andre Leite - 2022 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 23 (1).
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  3. Functions: New Essays in the Philosophy of Psychology and Biology.André Ariew, Robert Cummins & Mark Perlman (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Oxford University Press.
  4.  40
    Occasions of identity: a study in the metaphysics of persistence, change, and sameness.André Gallois - 1998 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Occasions of Identity is an exploration of timeless philosophical issues about persistence, change, time, and sameness. Andre Gallois offers a critical survey of various rival views about the nature of identity and change, and puts forward his own original theory. He supports the idea of occasional identities, arguing that it is coherent and helpful to suppose that things can be identical at one time but distinct at another. Gallois defends this view, demonstrating how it can solve puzzles about persistence (...)
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  5. The World Without, the Mind Within: An Essay on First-Person Authority.André Gallois - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this challenging study, André Gallois proposes and defends a thesis about the character of our knowledge of our own intentional states. Taking up issues at the centre of attention in contemporary analytic philosophy of mind and epistemology, he examines accounts of self-knowledge by such philosophers as Donald Davidson, Tyler Burge and Crispin Wright, and advances his own view that, without relying on observation, we are able justifiably to attribute to ourselves propositional attitudes, such as belief, that we consciously hold. (...)
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    Theory contraction through base contraction.André Fuhrmann - 1991 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 20 (2):175 - 203.
  7. The confusions of fitness.André Ariew & Richard C. Lewontin - 2004 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55 (2):347-363.
    The central point of this essay is to demonstrate the incommensurability of ‘Darwinian fitness’ with the numeric values associated with reproductive rates used in population genetics. While sometimes both are called ‘fitness’, they are distinct concepts coming from distinct explanatory schemes. Further, we try to outline a possible answer to the following question: from the natural properties of organisms and a knowledge of their environment, can we construct an algorithm for a particular kind of organismic life-history pattern that itself will (...)
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  8. Rethinking Identity: Dialectics, Quasi-Sets, and Metalogic.André Henrique Rodrigues - manuscript
  9. A survey of multiple contractions.André Fuhrmann & Sven Ove Hansson - 1994 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 3 (1):39-75.
    The AGM theory of belief contraction is extended tomultiple contraction, i.e. to contraction by a set of sentences rather than by a single sentence. There are two major variants: Inpackage contraction all the sentences must be removed from the belief set, whereas inchoice contraction it is sufficient that at least one of them is removed. Constructions of both types of multiple contraction are offered and axiomatically characterized. Neither package nor choice contraction can in general be reduced to contractions by single (...)
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  10. Does every theory have empirically equivalent rivals?André Kukla - 1996 - Erkenntnis 44 (2):137 - 166.
    The instrumentalist argument from the underdetermination of theories by data runs as follows: (1) every theory has empirically equivalent rivals; (2) the only warrant for believing one theory over another is its possession of a greater measure of empirical virtue; (3) therefore belief in any theory is arbitrary. In this paper, I examine the status of the first premise. Several arguments against the universal availability of empirically equivalent theoretical rivals are criticized, and four algorithms for producing empirically equivalent rivals are (...)
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    Galton, reversion and the quincunx: The rise of statistical explanation.André Ariew, Yasha Rohwer & Collin Rice - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 66:63-72.
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  12. Ernst Mayr's 'ultimate/proximate' distinction reconsidered and reconstructed.André Ariew - 2003 - Biology and Philosophy 18 (4):553-565.
    It's been 41 years since the publication of Ernst Mayr's Cause and Effect in Biology wherein Mayr most clearly develops his version of the influential distinction between ultimate and proximate causes in biology. In critically assessing Mayr's essay I uncover false statements and red-herrings about biological explanation. Nevertheless, I argue to uphold an analogue of the ultimate/proximate distinction as it refers to two different kinds of explanations, one dynamical the other statistical.
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  13. Disentangling Diversity in Deliberative Democracy: Competing Theories, Their Blind Spots and Complementarities.André Bächtinger, Simon Niemeyer, Michael Neblo, Marco R. Steenbergen & Jürg Steiner - 2009 - Journal of Political Philosophy 18 (1):32-63.
    IN the last decade deliberative democracy has developed rapidly from a “theoretical statement” into a “working theory.”1 Scholars and practitioners have launched numerous initiatives designed to put deliberative democracy into practice, ranging from deliberative polling to citizen summits.2 Some even advocate deliberation as a new “revolutionary now.”3 Deliberative democracy has also experienced the beginning of an empirical turn, making significant gains as an empirical (or positive) political science. This includes a small, but growing body of literature tackling the connection between (...)
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    Measuring the implementation of codes of conduct. An assessment method based on a process approach of the responsible organisation.André Nijhof, Stephan Cludts, Olaf Fisscher & Albertus Laan - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 45 (1-2):65 - 78.
    More and more organisations formulate a code of conduct in order to stimulate responsible behaviour among their members. Much time and energy is usually spent fixing the content of the code but many organisations get stuck in the challenge of implementing and maintaining the code. The code then turns into nothing else than the notorious "paper in the drawer", without achieving its aims. The challenge of implementation is to utilize the dynamics which have emerged from the formulation of the code. (...)
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  15. Nagel, Williams, and moral luck.Judith Andre - 1983 - Analysis 43 (4):202-207.
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  16. Connaissance de l'individu par les tests.André Rey - 1964 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 19 (3):482-482.
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    Laudan, Leplin, Empirical Equivalence and Underdetermination.André Kukla - 1993 - Analysis 53 (1):1 - 7.
  18. Identity over time.Andre Gallois - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Traditionally, this puzzle has been solved in various ways. Aristotle, for example, distinguished between “accidental” and “essential” changes. Accidental changes are ones that don't result in a change in an objects' identity after the change, such as when a house is painted, or one's hair turns gray, etc. Aristotle thought of these as changes in the accidental properties of a thing. Essential changes, by contrast, are those which don't preserve the identity of the object when it changes, such as when (...)
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  19. Berkeley's master argument.Andre Gallois - 1974 - Philosophical Review 83 (1):55-69.
    In my article "berkeley's master argument" I attempt to show that an argument berkeley uses in the 'dialogues' and 'principles' to support his contention that whatever is perceivable is perceived can be seen as an illuminating attempt to relate conceptualizing, Imaging and perceiving. In consequence it cannot be dismissed as resting on an elementary fallacy, But reflects on the conditions for the self ascription of experience.
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  20. Scientific realism, scientific practice, and the natural ontological attitude.André Kukla - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (4):955-975.
    Both sides in the debate about scientific realism have argued that their view provides a better account of actual scientific practice. For example, it has been claimed that the practice of theory conjunction presupposes realism, and that scientists' use of multiple and incompatible models presupposes some form of instrumentalism. Assuming that the practices of science are rational, these conclusions cannot both be right. I argue that neither of them is right, and that, in fact, all scientific practices are compatible with (...)
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    Models for relevant modal logics.André Fuhrmann - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (4):501 - 514.
    Semantics are given for modal extensions of relevant logics based on the kind of frames introduced in [7]. By means of a simple recipe we may obtain from a class FRM (L) of unreduced frames characterising a (non-modal) logic L, frame-classes FRM (L.M) characterising conjunctively regular modal extensions L.M of L. By displaying an incompleteness phenomenon, it is shown how the recipe fails when reduced frames are under consideration.
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    La justice climatique.Pierre André & Axel Gosseries - 2024 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
    Entre les actions judiciaires intentées contre l’inertie des États ou des grandes entreprises, les mouvements sociaux qui revendiquent une transition plus équitable et les sommets climatiques internationaux où elle est sans cesse invoquée pour négocier des accords, la justice climatique s’est installée comme un sujet politique majeur. En complément des analyses juridiques, politiques, sociologiques et économiques, une réflexion éthique est indispensable pour en saisir toute la portée. -/- Comment justifier l’objectif de limiter le réchauffement planétaire à 2 ou 1,5 °C (...)
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  23. Theoreticity, underdetermination, and the disregard for bizarre scientific hypotheses.André Kukla - 2001 - Philosophy of Science 68 (1):21-35.
    The problem of scientific disregard is the problem of accounting for why some putative theories that appear to be well-supported by empirical evidence nevertheless play no role in the scientific enterprise. Laudan and Leplin suggest (and Hoefer and Rosenberg concur) that at least some of these putative theories fail to be genuine theoretical rivals because they lack some non-empirical property of theoreticity. This solution also supports their repudiation of the thesis of underdetermination. I argue that the attempt to provide criteria (...)
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    Peter John Olivi on Perception, Attention, and the Soul’s Orientation towards the Body.André Martin - 2019 - In Elena Băltuță, Medieval Perceptual Puzzles: Theories of Sense Perception in the 13th and 14th Centuries. Leiden ;: Investigating Medieval Philoso. pp. 304-333.
    In this paper, I aim to explain Peter John Olivi’s technical notion of “aspectus.” More specifically, I distinguish different uses of this notion by Olivi, not all of which have been made clear in the secondary literature, in order to help resolve a prima facie tension in the way Olivi puts together his active theory of cognition and his direct account of cognition (or “direct realism”). In brief, the issue is that Olivi builds his active theory of cognition out of (...)
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  25.  15
    Delboeufian Reflections on Agency, Consciousness, and Evolution.André R. LeBlanc - 2024 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 31 (11):153-174.
    The work of Joseph Delb??uf (1831‐1896), a philosopher, psychologist, and mathematician, provides fresh insights on the relationship between agency, consciousness, and evolution. Without agency, Delb??uf argued, the distinction between the self and the external world would be impossible, the function of feelings such as pain and pleasure would be incomprehensible, and consciousness would not have evolved. Delb??uf also posited a psychological stage of evolution, preceding that of natural selection, whereby sentient organisms influence the selection of their own traits through the (...)
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  26. Teleology.André Ariew - 2007 - In David L. Hull & Michael Ruse, The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Teleology in biology is making headline news in the United States. Conservative Christians are utilizing a teleological argument for the existence of a supremely intelligent designer to justify legislation calling for the teaching of "intelligent design" (ID) in public schools. Teleological arguments of one form or another have been around since Antiquity. The contemporary argument from intelligent design varies little from William Paley's argument written in 1802. Both argue that nature exhibits too much complexity to be explained by 'mindless' natural (...)
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  27. Forster and Sober on the curve-fitting problem.André Kukla - 1995 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 46 (2):248-252.
    Forster and Sober present a solution to the curve-fitting problem based on Akaike's Theorem. Their analysis shows that the curve with the best epistemic credentials need not always be the curve that most closely fits the data. However, their solution does not, without further argument, avoid the two difficulties that are traditionally associated with the curve-fitting problem: that there are infinitely many equally good candidate-curves relative to any given set of data, and that these best candidates include curves with indefinitely (...)
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    Wie wird man, was man ist?: eine Auseinandersetzung mit Nietzsches Vorstellung von Selbstverwirklichung.André Kamphaus - 2012 - Münster: LIT.
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    The Role of Toleration in Spinoza’s Epistemic Democracy.Andre Santos Campos - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (3):129-148.
    Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise (TTP) contains two main arguments for toleration, one theological, the other political. In light of the latter, the capacity for judging is embedded in each individual’s power and cannot be overcome or dismissed. The individual, not the state, is the subject par excellence of judgment concerning the true and the good. In the Political Treatise (TP), however, multiplicity takes centre stage. The multitude, a concept that Spinoza had seldom used until then, appears to emphasise that the more (...)
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    A medicina divina em Ambrósio de Milão.André Luiz Benedito - 2024 - Patristica Et Mediaevalia 45 (2):19-35.
    Los gestos curativos realizados por Jesús de Nazaret durante su ministerio público dieron lugar a numerosos abordajes en el período patrístico, especialmente en el campo de la soteriología. En el siglo IV encontramos la figura de Ambrosio de Milán quien, en varios de sus escritos, presentó la dinámica histórico-salvífica a la luz de diversos elementos tomados de la práctica de la medicina. Sus ricas metáforas proporcionan un reflejo multifacético de la manera en que Cristo obra la salvación entre los hombres. (...)
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    Circularity, Definition and Truth.André Chapuis & Anil Gupta (eds.) - 2000 - New Delhi: Sole distributor, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
  32.  8
    The (Other) Boundary Problem: Conceptualizing Membership of the Demos’ Two Bodies.Andre Santos Campos - 2024 - Jus Cogens 6 (3).
    This paper intersects the literature on the democratic boundary problem with the literature on the constructivist turn in political representation to show that the boundary problem broadly construed involves a distinction between ‘the problem of inclusion’ (into pre-existing demoi and their decision-making procedures) and ‘the problem of constituting the demos’ (which involves criteria for partaking in constituent power). This distinction is consistently neglected by democratic theorists. However, it has serious implications for representative democracies because the standard answers to the boundary (...)
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  33. Under the influence of Malthus's law of population growth: Darwin eschews the statistical techniques of Aldolphe Quetelet.Andre Ariew - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 38 (1):1-19.
    In the epigraph, Fisher is blaming two generations of theoretical biologists, from Darwin on, for ignoring Quetelet's statistical techniques and hence harboring confusions about evolution and natural selection. He is right to imply that Darwin and his contemporaries were aware of the core of Quetelet's work. Quetelet's seminal monograph, Sur L'homme, was widely discussed in Darwin's academic circles. We know that Darwin owned a copy (Schweber 1977). More importantly, we have in Darwin's notebooks two entries referring to Quetelet's work on (...)
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  34.  41
    Epicurus and his gods.Andre-Jean Festugiere - 1955 - New York,: Russell & Russell.
  35.  5
    Entre a Cultura de Vidro e a Emergência Das Telas: Considerações Sobre o Conceito de Experiência [Erfahrung] Em Tempos Digitais.André Gonçalves & Maurício Fernandes - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 35 (35):174-188.
    Este artigo propõe considerações sobre o conceito de experiência [Erfahrung] a partir do texto Experiência e Pobreza, de Walter Benjamin, publicado em 1933, no qual o intelectual alemão desenvolve argumentos relacionados à experiência e à cultura observando o desenvolvimento tecnológico a partir da modernidade do século XIX, e sugere que haveria um “empobrecimento da experiência”, fazendo referência ao que chama de “cultura de vidro”. Articula-se essa leitura ao que tem sido chamado de “cultura de telas” - momento em que a (...)
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    On Foucault’s Legacy: Governmentality, Critique and Subjectivation as Conceptual Tools for Understanding Neoliberalism.André Duarte & Maria Rita de Assis César - 2024 - Foucault Studies 36 (1):6-30.
    ABSTRACT: The text addresses Foucault’s critical understanding of neoliberalism as a new contemporary governmentality strategy for the conduction of people’s lives. A major aspect of Foucault’s analysis of neoliberalism relies on his understanding of the neoliberal homo oeconomicus as dependent on subjectivation processes related to self-assumed values and standards oriented by the competitive economic market. Our hypothesis is that governmentality, critique and subjectivation are the core notions that shaped Foucault’s understanding of neoliberalism and form the legacy of his seminal analysis. (...)
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    God, evil and the metaphysics of freedom.André Nascimento Pontes & Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2021 - Filosofia Unisinos 10 (3).
    This paper is a translation to Portuguese of the ninth chapter of Alvin Plantinga’s 1974 book The Nature of Necessity, in which the famous freewill defense for the problem of evil is presented in its most complete form. By making use of the theory of possible worlds developed in the previous chapters of the book, Plantinga engages in a recognizably successful attempt to show that the existence of evil is not inconsistent with the existence of an omnipotent, omnibenevolent and omniscient (...)
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    (1 other version)Usos políticos dos projetos de conversão na fronteira amazônica (Século XVII).André José Santos Pompeu - 2023 - Horizonte 20 (63):e206304.
    O presente texto versa sobre as utilizações políticas que a conversão dos grupos indígenas suscitou na fronteira amazônica. A fronteira a que aludimos aqui diz respeito aos rios Marañon, Solimões e Negro, onde os limites das colônias europeias se encontravam. Se por um lado havia o caráter espiritual, em reduzir os indígenas a fé católica, por outro, as conversões foram amplamente utilizadas pelos estados ibéricos para garantir sua zona de influência, além de garantir a supremacia econômica no vale amazônico. E (...)
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    Sources of the remarks in Wittgenstein's zettel.André Maury - 1981 - Philosophical Investigations 4 (1):57-58.
  40.  35
    Retrato policial: um perfil da praça de polícia em São Paulo (1868-1896).André Rosemberg - 2010 - História 9 (2):95-115.
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    The Ultimate Reconciliation.Andre Furlani - 2024 - The European Legacy 29 (7):861-864.
    Volume 29, Issue 7-8, November - December 2024.
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  42. Mind’s Crisis.André Laks - 1993 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 31 (S1):19-38.
  43. Natural selection doesn't work that way: Jerry Fodor vs. evolutionary psychology on gradualism and saltationism.André Ariew - 2003 - Mind and Language 18 (5):478-483.
    In Chapter Five of The Mind Doesn’t Work That Way, Jerry Fodor argues that since it is likely that human minds evolved quickly as saltations rather than gradually as the product of an accumulation of small mutations, evolutionary psychologists are wrong to think that human minds are adaptations. I argue that Fodor’s requirement that adaptationism entails gradualism is wrongheaded. So, while evolutionary psychologists may be wrong to endorse gradualism—and I argue that they are wrong—it does not follow that they are (...)
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    Justiça.André Santos Campos - 2024 - Lisbon: Edições 70.
    O que é a justiça? O presente ensaio apresenta um panorama sumário das mais influentes abordagens filosóficas à justiça, privilegiando as predominantes no estado da arte no primeiro quartel do século XXI e a relevância, para quem tenciona entrar pela primeira vez nos estudos filosóficos sobre o tema, da arrumação (sobretudo, teórica e conceptual) do que se tem falado sobre justiça em filosofia política, moral e do direito. ----- What is justice? This essay presents an overview of the most influential (...)
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  45. The Semi-Future Democracy. A Liberal Theory of the Long-term View.Andre Santos Campos - 2024 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Traditional institutions are often considered inadequate to govern for the long term as their politicians promote short-term thinking which can harm the future. This book proposes a novel theory of social time perception to address the short-term thinking of traditional institutions which threaten to stifle liberal democracies. The semi-future reconfigures liberal democracies’ franchises, representative instruments, deliberative practices, accountability mechanisms, and policymaking to include in the demos all citizens, regardless of age, and holders of representable objective interests in the future. The (...)
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  46. Zoopolitical Remains: Seeking Interspecies Justice in the History of Western Political Thought.André Krebber & Serrin Rutledge-Prior - manuscript
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  47. Vocabulaire technique et critique de la philosophie.André Lalande - 1968 - Paris,: Presses Universitaires de France.
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  48. A la conquista del tiempo perdido = Die eroberung der verlorenen zeit.André Lavoie - 2022 - In Idalia Sautto, Laguna Trujillo, Maria Paula, Manuel Bueno Botello & Savannah Beck, Blickwinkel: marasmo. Ciudad de México: Goethe-Institut Mexiko.
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    O antinatalismo benatariano e o pessimismo metafísico de Schopenhauer.André Mário Gonçalves Oliveira - 2024 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 15 (1):e88376.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar como o conceito de antinatalismo – isto é, uma visão filosófica que defende a ideia de que é melhor que os humanos parem de trazer novas vidas ao mundo, ou que teria sido melhor não termos sido trazidos à existência – e, mais especificamente, o antinatalismo de David Benatar, se alinham à vertente metafísica do pessimismo schopenhaueriano, presente no Tomo I de O Mundo como Vontade e Representação e também nos Suplementos. Ao fazer (...)
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  50. Architectonique disjonctive, automates systémiques et idéalité transcendantale dans l'œuvre de G. W. Leibniz.André Robinet - 1988 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 178 (2):257-258.
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