Results for 'András Várnai'

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  1.  16
    Andras Jakab. Neukantianismus in der ungarischen Rechtstheorie in der ersten Hälfte des XX. Jahrhunderts (Rezensionsabhandlung).András Jakab - 2008 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 94 (2):264-272.
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    Elena N. Boeck. The Bronze Horseman of Justinian in Constantinople, bespr. von András Kraft.András Kraft - 2022 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 115 (3):1129-1139.
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    Becoming their Own Monuments: Approaches to Somhegyi’s New Book.András Czeglédi - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (4):1523-1527.
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    Emotions as indeterminate justifiers.András Szigeti - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):1-23.
    Sentimentalists believe that values are crucially dependent on emotions. Epistemic sentimentalists subscribe to what I call the final-court-of-appeal view: emotional experience is ultimately necessary and can be sufficient for the justification of evaluative beliefs. This paper rejects this view defending a moderate version of rationalism that steers clear of the excesses of both “Stoic” rationalism and epistemic sentimentalism. We should grant that emotions play a significant epistemic role in justifying evaluations. At the same time, evaluative justification is not uniquely or (...)
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    Rezensionsabhandlung. Antal Visegrady, András Kecskés and Vendel Halaász: A View on La Porta´s Ouevre.Antal Visegrady, András Kecskés & Vendel Halaász - 2014 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 100 (4):549-559.
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    Commentary on Sweeney & Kernick (2002), Clinical evaluation: constructing a new model for post-normal medicine.P. Andras & B. G. Charlton - 2002 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 8 (2):143-144.
  7. Perspectives on Visual Learning, vol. 3: Image and Metaphor in the New Century.András Benedek & Kristof Nyíri (eds.) - 2019
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    Perceived childhood emotional parentification is associated with Machiavellianism in men but not in women.András Láng - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (1):136-140.
    Recent research has revealed several developmental aspects of Machiavellianism. In this study, we explored the potential relationship between perceived parentification in the family of origin and Machiavellianism in adulthood. Three hundred and ninety five Hungarian adults completed self-report measures of parentification and Machiavellianism. Results showed that emotional parentification and children’s unacknowledged efforts to contribute to the well-being of their families were associated with Machiavellianism - but only in men. Machiavellian tactics and worldview are proposed as possible coping mechanisms with the (...)
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    Der Wiener Kreis in Ungarn: The Vienna Circle in Hungary.András Máté, Miklós Rédei & Friedrich Stadler (eds.) - 2011 - Springer.
    Der Einfluss des Wiener Kreises zeigt sich bis heute auf allen Gebieten der Philosophie. Mit der erzwungenen Emigration der meisten Mitglieder wurde diese logisch-empiristische Tradition in Mitteleuropa jedoch vorerst unterbrochen. Erst als der logische Empirismus nach dem 2. Weltkrieg in der angelsächsischen Welt zu einer wichtigen Denkrichtung geworden war, wirkte er von dort zurück nach Mitteleuropa. In den Beiträgen analysieren und bewerten namhafte Experten die Auswirkungen des Logischen Empirismus auf die Entwicklung der Philosophie in Ungarn.
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    Miért szép századunk operája?: [tanulmányok.Péter Várnai (ed.) - 1979 - Budapest: Gondolat.
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  11. Were Neanderthals and Homo sapiens ‘good species’?Andra Meneganzin & Massimo Bernardi - 2023 - Quaternary Science Reviews 303.
    Prior to the advent of whole-genome sequencing in ancient humans, the likelihood that Homo sapiens and Neanderthals admixed has long been debated, mostly on the basis of phenotypic assessments alone. Today, evidence for archaic hominin admixture is being documented in an increasing number of studies, expanding the evidential basis of the debate on whether Homo sapiens and Neanderthals merit separate specific taxonomic status. Here we argue that while new evidence has provided us with a finer-grained picture of ancient intra- and (...)
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  12. The Basic Structure and the Principles of Justice.András Miklós - 2011 - Utilitas 23 (2):161-182.
    This paper develops an account of how economic and political institutions can limit the applicability of principles of justice even in non-relational cosmopolitan conceptions. It shows that fundamental principles of justice underdetermine fair distributive shares as well as justice -based requirements. It argues that institutions partially constitute the content of justice by determining distributive shares and by resolving indeterminacies about justice -based requirements resulting from strategic interaction and disagreement. In the absence of existing institutions principles of justice might not be (...)
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  13. No Need to Get Emotional? Emotions and Heuristics.András Szigeti - 2013 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16 (4):845-862.
    Many believe that values are crucially dependent on emotions. This paper focuses on epistemic aspects of the putative link between emotions and value by asking two related questions. First, how exactly are emotions supposed to latch onto or track values? And second, how well suited are emotions to detecting or learning about values? To answer the first question, the paper develops the heuristics-model of emotions. This approach models emotions as sui generis heuristics of value. The empirical plausibility of the heuristics-model (...)
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  14. Agency, Fate and Luck: Themes from Bernard Williams.Andras Szigeti & Talbert Matthew (eds.) - 2022 - Oxford University Press.
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    Not wasted on the young: Childhood, trait complexes & human behavioral ecology.Andra Meneganzin & Adrian Currie - 2025 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 109 (C):12-20.
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    Behavioural modernity, investigative disintegration & Rubicon expectation.Adrian Currie & Andra Meneganzin - 2022 - Synthese 200 (1):1-28.
    Abstract‘Behavioural modernity’ isn’t what it used to be. Once conceived as an integrated package of traits demarcated by a clear archaeological signal in a specific time and place, it is now disparate, archaeologically equivocal, and temporally and spatially spread. In this paper we trace behavioural modernity’s empirical and theoretical developments over the last three decades, as surprising discoveries in the material record, as well the reappraisal of old evidence, drove increasingly sophisticated demographic, social and cultural models of behavioural modernity. We (...)
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    Cross-Modal Conflict Increases With Time-on-Task in a Temporal Discrimination Task.András Matuz, Dimitri Van der Linden, Kristóf Topa & Árpád Csathó - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    (1 other version)Grund und möglichkeit.Franz Andrä - 1970 - Kant Studien 61 (1-4):190-199.
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    Multiple occupancy, identity, and what matters.Andra Lăzăroiu - 2007 - Philosophical Explorations 10 (3):211-225.
    As regards the question of what matters in survival two views have been identified: on the one hand, we have the view that what matters is identity (the so-called ?commonsense view?) and, on the other hand, we have the view that what matters is the holding of certain psychological connections between various mental states over time (the relation R). Several attempts have tried to reconcile these two views involving the so-called ?multiple occupancy view? or ?cohabitation thesis?. Even if the latter (...)
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    Discussion.Andras Angyal - 1939 - Philosophy of Science 6 (4):488-489.
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    On the Metascientific Representation of Inconsistency in Linguistic Theories1.Andras Kerteszandcsilla Rakosi - 2009 - In Wolfgang Wildgen & Barend van Heusden (eds.), Metarepresentation, self-organization and art. New York: Peter Lang. pp. 233.
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    Beyond reasonable doubt: reconsidering Neanderthal aesthetic capacity.Andra Meneganzin & Anton Killin - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.
    An aesthetic sense—a taste for the creation and/or appreciation of that which strikes one as, e.g., attractive or awesome—is often assumed to be a distinctively H. sapiens phenomenon. However, recent paleoanthropological research is revealing its archaeologically visible, deeper roots. The sensorimotor/perceptual and cognitive capacities underpinning aesthetic activities are a major focus of evolutionary aesthetics. Here we take a diachronic, evolutionary perspective and assess ongoing scepticism regarding whether, and to what extent, aesthetic capacity extends to our evolutionary cousins, the Neanderthals. The (...)
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    On the de-naturalization of epistemology.András Kertész - 2002 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 33 (2):269-288.
    Starting from an overview of approaches to naturalized epistemology, the paper shows, firstly, that Quine's programme yields a sceptical paradox. This means that Quine's attempt to defeat scepticism itself yields a rather strong argument for scepticism and thus against his own programme of naturalized epistemology. Secondly, it is shown that this paradox can be solved by an approach called reflexive-heuristic naturalism. Finally, the paper also raises some fundamental problems which the solution proposed has to leave open.
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    Emotions in Constitutional Institutions.András Sajó - 2016 - Emotion Review 8 (1):44-49.
    The prevailing justification for constitutional institutions is that such institutions reflect and enable rational solutions to social problems. However, constitutions are constructed through emotionally driven processes that reflect both the public sentiments of the day and, at least to some extent, basic moral emotions. Historical examples from France and the United States demonstrate the role of such emotional processes in shaping the design of liberal constitutionalism. Further, constitutional law both sets and regulates emotional display rules; favors or disfavors certain emotional (...)
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    Kierkegaard maszkjai II [Kierkegaard's Mask II).András Nagy - 2024 - Korunk 2024 (2):103-114.
    Why did Kierkegaard prefer to write his masterpieces under different pseudonyms and what was the theatrical logic behind the constant playfulness of an author otherwise doomed to melancholy? What were the reasons of his ongoing philosophical, theological and aesthetic hide-and-seek that he did not want to finish until the very last, nearly tragic phase of his authorship? How much inspiration did Kierkegaard receive from theatrical performances, from playwrights and even from actors and actresses of 19th-century Copenhagen, which seemed to be (...)
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  26. Sentimentalism and Moral Dilemmas.András Szigeti - 2015 - Dialectica 69 (1):1-22.
    It is sometimes said that certain hard moral choices constitute tragic moral dilemmas in which no available course of action is justifiable, and so the agent is blameworthy whatever she chooses. This paper criticizes a certain approach to the debate about moral dilemmas and considers the metaethical implications of the criticisms. The approach in question has been taken by many advocates as well as opponents of moral dilemmas who believe that analysing the emotional response of the agent is the key (...)
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    Cyclic vs. Circular Argumentation in the Conceptual Metaphor Theory.András Kertész & Csilla Rákosi - 2009 - Cognitive Linguistics 20 (4):703-732.
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    Resolving the Infinitude Controversy.András Kornai - 2014 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 23 (4):481-492.
    A simple inductive argument shows natural languages to have infinitly many sentences, but workers in the field have uncovered clear evidence of a diverse group of ‘exceptional’ languages from Proto-Uralic to Dyirbal and most recently, Pirahã, that appear to lack recursive devices entirely. We argue that in an information-theoretic setting non-recursive natural languages appear neither exceptional nor functionally inferior to the recursive majority.
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    Exploiting Injustice in Mutually Beneficial Market Exchange: The Case of Sweatshop Labor.András Miklós - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (1):59-69.
    Mutually beneficial exchanges in markets can be exploitative because one party takes advantage of an underlying injustice. For instance, employers of sweatshop workers are often accused of exploiting the desperate conditions of their employees, although the latter accept the terms of their employment voluntarily. A weakness of this account of exploitation is its tendency for over-inclusiveness. Certainly, given the prevalence of global and domestic socioeconomic inequalities, not all exchanges that take place against background injustices should be considered exploitative. This paper (...)
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    Árpád szabó and Imre Lakatos, or the relation between history and philosophy of mathematics.András Máté - 2006 - Perspectives on Science 14 (3):282-301.
    The thirty year long friendship between Imre Lakatos and the classic scholar and historian of mathematics Árpád Szabó had a considerable influence on the ideas, scholarly career and personal life of both scholars. After recalling some relevant facts from their lives, this paper will investigate Szabó's works about the history of pre-Euclidean mathematics and its philosophy. We can find many similarities with Lakatos' philosophy of mathematics and science, both in the self-interpretation of early axiomatic Greek mathematics as Szabó reconstructs it, (...)
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    Old dogmas and new axioms in brain theory.Andràs J. Pellionisz - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (1):103-104.
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    The 'Galilean Style in Science' and the Inconsistency of Linguistic Theorising.András Kertész - 2012 - Foundations of Science 17 (1):91-108.
    Chomsky’s principle of epistemological tolerance says that in theoretical linguistics contradictions between the data and the hypotheses may be temporarily tolerated in order to protect the explanatory power of the theory. The paper raises the following problem: What kinds of contradictions may be tolerated between the data and the hypotheses in theoretical linguistics? First a model of paraconsistent logic is introduced which differentiates between week and strong contradiction. As a second step, a case study is carried out which exemplifies that (...)
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  33. Beyond Words – Pictures, Parables, Paradoxes.András Benedek & Nyiri Kristof (eds.) - 2015 - Peter Lang.
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  34. Visual Learning: Time - Truth - Tradition.András Benedek & Agnes Veszelszki (eds.) - 2016 - Peter Lang.
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    „Er hat mich kaputt gemacht” Zur Nihilismusdeutung Friedrich Nietzsches1.András Czeglédi - 2007 - In Renate Reschke & Volker Gerhardt (eds.), Nietzsche Und Europa – Nietzsche in Europa. Akademie Verlag. pp. 119-127.
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  36. Der entfremdete Marx.András Gedő - 1971 - Frankfurt/Main,: Verlag Marxistische Blätter.
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  37. Anomalie semiotyczne. Wstepne podejscie do modelu logicznego.Andras Kertész - forthcoming - Studia Semiotyczne.
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    Az Ember Fáj a Földnek: Utak Az Ökofilozófiához.András Lányi - 2010 - L'Harmattan.
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    A filozófia határvidékén: esszék, jegyztek.András Mészáros - 1996 - Dunaszerdahely: NAP.
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    Apu.Andras Márkus - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 160 (1):6-6.
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    The Mount and the Abyss. The Literary Reading of Fear and Trembling.András Nagy - 2002 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2002 (1):227-246.
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    Continuous Narration through Scenic Depictions. The Apollonius pictus.András Németh - 2016 - Convivium 3 (1):106-121.
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    Predicting Stimulus Modality and Working Memory Load During Visual- and Audiovisual-Acquired Equivalence Learning.András Puszta, Ákos Pertich, Zsófia Giricz, Diána Nyujtó, Balázs Bodosi, Gabriella Eördegh & Attila Nagy - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    La traduction intime de l’Innommable.András Schuller - 2017 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 41:147-154.
    « Dem Namenlosen fühl ich mich vertrauter… »R. M. Rilke : Fortschritt Bien que les fragments des Âges du monde, promesses pour toujours inaccomplies d’un chef-d’œuvre de la période médiane de F. W. J. von Schelling, comptent parmi les écrits les plus populaires du philosophe de Leonberg, leur puissance philosophique et, par suite, leur importance dans la formation de la pensée schellingienne sont souvent sous-estimées par l’historiographie philosophique en général et par la réception francoph...
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    Caring dataveillance and the construction of “good parenting”: Estonian parents’ and pre-teens’ reflections on the use of tracking technologies.Andra Siibak & Marit Sukk - 2021 - Communications 46 (3):446-467.
    Digital parenting tools, such as child-tracking technologies, play an ever-increasing role in contemporary child rearing. To explore opinions and experiences related to the use of such tracking devices, we conducted Q methodology and a semi-structured individual interview-study with Estonian parents and their 8- to 13-year-old pre-teens. Our aim was to study how such caring dataveillance was rationalized within the families, and to explore the dominant parenting values associated with the practice. Relying upon communication privacy management theory, the issues of privacy (...)
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    Editorial 5/2018.András Szigeti - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (5):1029-1031.
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  47. Collective Responsibility and Group-Control.Andras Szigeti - 2014 - In Julie Zahle & Finn Collin (eds.), Rethinking the Individualism-Holism Debate. Cham: Springer. pp. 97-116.
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    Changes in the sense of agency during hypnosis: The Hungarian version of the Sense of Agency Rating Scale (SOARS-HU) and its relationship with phenomenological aspects of consciousness.András Költő & Vince Polito - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 49:245-254.
  49. Are Individualist Accounts of Collective Responsibility Morally Deficient?Andras Szigeti - 2014 - In Anita Konzelmann Ziv & Hans Bernhard Schmid (eds.), Institutions, Emotions, and Group Agents: Contributions to Social Ontology. Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer. pp. 329-342.
    Individualists hold that moral responsibility can be ascribed to single human beings only. An important collectivist objection is that individualism is morally deficient because it leaves a normative residue. Without attributing responsibility to collectives there remains a “deficit in the accounting books” (Pettit). This collectivist strategy often uses judgment aggregation paradoxes to show that the collective can be responsible when no individual is. I argue that we do not need collectivism to handle such cases because the individualist analysis leaves no (...)
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  50. The structure of wholes.Andras Angyal - 1939 - Philosophy of Science 6 (1):25-37.
    In attempting to clarify the problem of personality integration the writer gained the impression that the difficulty of such a task does does not lie alone in the paucity of usable factual data but it is due, even to a greater extent, to the inadequacy of our logical tools. Such a handicap is felt not only in the study of personality, but in the study of wholes in general. Here the attempt will be made to develop some concepts which may (...)
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