Results for 'Anders Hammarström'

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  1.  25
    (1 other version)Una mirada al futuro de la tecnología y del ser humano. Entrevista con Anders Sandberg.Anders Sandberg & Antonio Diéguez - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 20 (2).
    miembro del Future of Humanity Institute de la Universidad de Oxford y experto en mejoramiento humano y transhumanismo, sobre cuestiones centrales de su labor investigadora.PALABRAS CLAVETRANSHUMANISMO, MEJORAMIENTO HUMANO, ANDERS SANDBERG, BIOTECNOLOGÍAABSTRACTInterview with Anders Sandberg, member of the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University and expert in human enhancement and transhumanism, about central topics in his works.KEYWORDSTRANSHUMANISM, HUMAN ENHANCEMENT, ANDERS SANDBERG,BIOTECHNOLOGY.
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    On Anders V. Munch’s doctoral thesis From Bayreuth to Bauhaus: The Gesamtkunstwerk and the Modern Art Forms.Anders Troelsen - 2013 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 23 (46).
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  3. Functional stability and systems level causation.Anders Strand & Gry Oftedal - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (5):809-820.
    A wide range of gene knockout experiments shows that functional stability is an important feature of biological systems. On this backdrop, we present an argument for higher‐level causation based on counterfactual dependence. Furthermore, we sketch a metaphysical picture providing resources to explain the metaphysical nature of functional stability, higher‐level causation, and the relevant notion of levels. Our account aims to clarify the role empirical results and philosophical assumptions should play in debates about reductionism and higher‐level causation. It thereby contributes to (...)
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  4. Beyond words.Rudi Anders - 2015 - Australian Humanist, The 117:11.
    Anders, Rudi A Melbourne suburb A short speech Congratulations..
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  5. Exploring belief.Rudi Anders - 2016 - Australian Humanist, The 124:17.
    Anders, Rudi I enjoy mixing with people who hold different beliefs from mine. Belief is a very complex and rather odd thing. I am particularly interested in the psychology of belief. Sometimes belief is the cause of terrible conflict and suffering.
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    En Filosofibok: tillägnad Anders Wedberg.Anders Wedberg (ed.) - 1978 - Stockholm: Bonnier.
    Berg, J. Buñuels dagdröm.--Bergström, L. Pessimismens konsekvenser.--Furberg, M. Möjliga teser hos Johannes Climacus.--Halldén, S. Teckenrelationen och språkreglernas juridik.--Hedenius, I. Ett argument mot den rättsfilosofiska domstolsrealismen.--Mates, B. Om Platons argument "den tredje människan."--Marc-Wogau, K. Kant om lögnen.--Næss, A. Om filosofiske projekter som forener empirisk semantikk og metafysisk spekulasjon.--Ofstad, H. Får nazister lettere magesår enn humanister?--Prawitz, D. Om moraliska och logiska satsers sanning.--Stenius, E. Om Descartes' psykofysiska modell.--Tranøy, K. E. Filosofenes etiske ansvar.--Wright, G. H. von. En filosof ser på filosofien.
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    Puzzle and politics of historical reconstruction.Anders Runesson - 2022 - Approaching Religion 12 (1):4-17.
    This essay focuses on the topic of the emergence of Christianity and Judaism as related but distinct religious traditions, as an example of a process of religious and cultural change, which has had an enormous impact on Western and other societies around the world. At the heart of this question lies what appear to be contradictions between normative practices in antiquity and those we know of today, leading us to consider the historical and hermeneutical issue of continuity and change over (...)
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  8. Stream of humanist consciousness.Rudi Anders - 2014 - Australian Humanist, The 113:16.
    Anders, Rudi Sometimes it is nice to do something totally unconnected to the usual bustle of life, such as a walk in the park. This time I visit a German Lutheran church in Melbourne; I have never entered it before. The exterior and interior consistently retain the traditional design. The bluestone gives it a sense of permanence - timelessness. I rarely like modern churches; mixing modern and traditional never works for me. This church is not large and has an (...)
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  9. Descriptions, truth value intuitions, and questions.Anders J. Schoubye - 2009 - Linguistics and Philosophy 32 (6):583-617.
    Since the famous debate between Russell (Mind 14: 479–493, 1905, Mind 66: 385–389, 1957) and Strawson (Mind 59: 320–344, 1950; Introduction to logical theory, 1952; Theoria, 30: 96–118, 1964) linguistic intuitions about truth values have been considered notoriously unreliable as a guide to the semantics of definite descriptions. As a result, most existing semantic analyses of definites leave a large number of intuitions unexplained. In this paper, I explore the nature of the relationship between truth value intuitions and non-referring definites. (...)
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    Stultitia and Type 2 Diabetes: The Madness of Not Wanting to Care for the Self.Anders Kruse Ljungdalh - 2013 - Foucault Studies 16:154-174.
    This paper explores the condition of stultitia, which is described by Michel Foucault in The Hermeneutics of the Subject as a condition one is in, before having started to care for the self. The purpose is to shed light on one of the paradoxes of patient education by introducing and elaborating an aspect of Foucault’s literary activities, which has not, to my knowledge, been investigated empirically before. To illustrate this condition, the paper targets the relation between type 2 diabetes, contemporary (...)
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    Beyond Figures and Numbers Participatory Budgeting as a Leverage for Citizen Identity and Attachment to Place.Justyna Anders-Morawska & Marta Hereźniak - 2019 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 24 (2):27-40.
    The purpose of the paper is to examine the potential of participatory budgeting for the formation of citizen identity and attachment to the place in terms of individual, territorial and thematic focus. In the theoretical discussion, the authors analyse the concepts of place attachment, social identity and their influence on civic participation. The authors propose a conceptual framework for the analysis of relationships between PB, place attachment, and social identity. In the case of the community development model of PB, place (...)
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  12. An atheist's meditation: Living in the present.Rudi Anders - forthcoming - Australian Humanist, The 122:9.
    Anders, Rudi When I see a colourful sunset, my mind goes to a spectacular purple sunset I saw near the Mexican border many years ago. That memory stops me from being fully aware of the scene in front of me. No two sunsets are the same and my memory is stopping me from fully appreciating the spectacle before my eyes. Famous and spectacular places don't work for me because expectations and memories get in the way, but when I walk (...)
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  13. Belonging.Rudi Anders - 2013 - Australian Humanist, The 112:20.
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  14. Freedom and mental conditioning.Rudi Anders - 2015 - Australian Humanist, The 118:16.
    Anders, Rudi Mental conditioning is like gravity; it feels so normal and ever-present that it often goes unnoticed, but it influences much human behaviour. I am not free when I am not aware how my ideas and attitudes are absorbed from my culture, family, the media and peers. It takes courage to stand alone.
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  15. Privacy at work – ethical criteria.Anders J. Persson & Sven Ove Hansson - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 42 (1):59 - 70.
    New technologies and practices, such as drug testing, genetic testing, and electronic surveillance infringe upon the privacy of workers on workplaces. We argue that employees have a prima facie right to privacy, but this right can be overridden by competing moral principles that follow, explicitly or implicitly, from the contract of employment. We propose a set of criteria for when intrusions into an employee''s privacy are justified. Three types of justification are specified, namely those that refer to the employer''s interests, (...)
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  16. Icons and agency in the Georgian Orthodox Church.Anders Nielsen - 2011 - In Armin W. Geertz & Jeppe Sinding Jensen, Religious narrative, cognition, and culture: image and word in the mind of narrative. Oakville, CT: Equinox.
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  17. Martha Nussbaum on animal rights.Anders Schinkel - 2008 - Ethics and the Environment 13 (1):pp. 41-69.
    There is quite a long-standing tradition according to which the morally proper treatment of animals does not rely on what we owe them, but on our benevolence. Nussbaum wishes to go beyond this tradition, because in her view we are dealing with issues of justice. Her capabilities approach secures basic entitlements for animals, on the basis of their fundamental capacities. At the same time Nussbaum wishes to retain the possibility of certain human uses of animals, and to see them as (...)
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    Plato's philosophy of mathematics.Anders Wedberg - 1977 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
  19. Época-Ed.Ander Egg & Ezequiel-Servicio Social Para Una Nueva - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  20. Inference and Consciousness.Anders Nes & Timothy Hoo Wai Chan (eds.) - 2019 - London: Routledge.
    Inference has long been a concern in epistemology, as an essential means by which we extend our knowledge and test our beliefs. Inference is also a key notion in influential psychological or philosophical accounts of mental capacities, from perception via utterance comprehension to problem-solving. Consciousness, on the other hand, has arguably been the defining interest of philosophy of mind over recent decades. Comparatively little attention, however, has been devoted to the significance of consciousness for the proper understanding of the nature (...)
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  21. Patrick Fuery, The Theory of Absence: Subjectivity, Signification, and Desire Reviewed by.Laura Anders Canis - 1996 - Philosophy in Review 16 (3):160-162.
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    Philosophie im Konjunktiv: Nichtidentität als Ort der Möglichkeit des Utopischen in der negativen Dialektik Theodor W. Adornos.Anders Bartonek - 2011 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  23. Técnicas de reuniones de trabajo.Ander Egg Ezequiel - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  24. Prescripts: authoring with templates.Anders Fagerjord - 2005 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 10 (1).
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    Sachregister.Anders Moe Rasmussen & Axel Hutter - 2014 - In Axel Hutter & Anders Moe Rasmussen, Kierkegaard Im Kontext des Deutschen Idealismus. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 295-304.
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    Ambisjonen om å introdusere Heidegger underveis.Anders Reiersgaard - 2004 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 39 (3):199-204.
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    Values in Nanomedical Research: A Discussion Based on the NANOCAN Project on Nanoparticles in Cancer Therapy and Diagnosis.Anders Strand - 2017 - NanoEthics 11 (3):259-271.
    The NANOCAN project aims to enhance our understanding of the behavior of nanomaterials in the body, focusing on biodegradable nanoparticles for cancer diagnostics, and targeted cancer drug delivery. There is a range of available and potentially useful nanoparticles and drugs that might be of interest to such a project. In this paper, we make values implied in—and relevant to—choices between these alternatives explicit, thereby offering a case study of how values enter research processes in this area. From a project centered (...)
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    The Multiple Realization Book.Anders Strand - 2017 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 31 (2):218-221.
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    Mourning the Future.Günther Anders, Manuela Kölke & Christopher John Müller - 2024 - Journal of Continental Philosophy 5 (1):169-177.
    This is the first English translation of “Die beweinte Zukunft,” a retelling of the story of Noah and the flood by Günther Anders (1902–1992). The German original was written in 1961 and first published in 1962 in the journal Alternative: Zeitschrift für Literatur und Diskussion in a slightly longer version, which also carried a subtitle that translates to “from the Molussian Apocrypha, translated by Günther Anders.” This link to Molussia, a fictious land of Anders’s invention that is (...)
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    Willa Cather's Sexual Aesthetics and the Male Homosexual Literary Tradition.John P. Anders - 1999 - U of Nebraska Press.
    In this first full-length study of male homosexuality in Cather's short stories and novels, John P. Anders examines patterns of male friendship ranging on a continuum from the social to the sexual. He reveals how Cather's work assumes an unexpected depth and complexity by drawing on both the familiar tradition of friendship literature inspired by classical and Christian texts and a homosexual legacy that is part of, yet distinct from, established literary traditions. Anders argues that Cather's artistic achievement (...)
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  31. Faith and tradition; My faiths.Rudi Anders - 2016 - Australian Humanist, The 121:17.
    Anders, Rudi 1850 CE The British Invent a new rifle...
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  32. The neuron dance.Rudi Anders - 2017 - Australian Humanist, The 126:16.
    Anders, Rudi They dance in view, they dance in secret. And yet they dance together...
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    Plato on Democracy and Political technē.Anders Dahl Sorensen - 2016 - Boston: Brill.
    In _Plato on Democracy and Political technē_ Anders Dahl Sørensen offers an in-depth investigation of Plato’s discussions of democracy’s ‘epistemic potential’, arguing that this question is far more central to his political thought than is usually assumed.
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  34. Science theory for engineers and physicists.Anders E. W. Jarfors - 2025 - Boca Raton: CRC Press.
    This book is a concise hands-on guide that provides students a useful tool for a systematic approach to scientific inquiry. Science Theory for Engineers and Physicists provides a basic understanding of "the method" as a question and to understand how a reliable answer that can be validated is constructed. It covers the basic terminology and methods which are exemplified for ease of understanding for the reader. Testing of hypotheses and quantitative understanding of uncertainty and uncertainty propagation are also illustrated. The (...)
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  35. Superstition or rationality in action for peace!Anders Vilhelm Lundstedt - 1925 - New York, [etc.]: Longmans, Green and co..
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    Cognition and Cultural Context: An Inquiry Into Gadamer's Theory of Context-dependence.Anders Odenstedt - 2001
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  37. 'Anonymus Iamblichi': the fragments of Iamblichus' unamed source in protrepticus 20.Anders Dahl Sorensen (ed.) - 2025 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In the second half of the nineteenth century, the Protrepticus ('Exhortation to Philosophy') by Iamblichus of Chalcis, the second book of his ten-volume introduction to Pythagorean philosophy, became the site of a series of important philological discoveries. It had long been known that Iamblichus (floruit late third and early fourth century CE), in composing the Protrepticus, had made extensive use of lengthy extracts from earlier thinkers, subjected to differing degrees of editorial modification.
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    Adornos konstellative hermeneutikk – Naturhistorisk interpretasjon og historiefilosofi i Adornos Hölderlin-lesning.Anders Kristian Strand - 2013 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 30 (4):167-223.
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  39. Den kantiske periode i dansk filosofi, 1790-1800.Anders Thuborg - 1951 - [København]: Gyldendal.
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    Wonder and education: on the educational importance of contemplative wonder.Anders Schinkel - 2020 - New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Wonder is commonly perceived as akin to curiosity, as stimulating inquiry, and as something that enhances pleasure in learning, but there are many experiences of wonder that have a less obvious place in education. In Wonder and Education, Anders Schinkel theorises a kind of wonder which he calls 'contemplative wonder'. Contemplative wonder opens up space for the consideration of (radical) alternatives wherever it occurs, and in many cases is linked with deep experiences of value; therefore, it is not just (...)
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    Classifying comparability problems in a way that matters.Anders Herlitz & Henrik Andersson - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-19.
    How should one understand comparisons in which neither of two alternatives is at least as good as the other? Much recent literature on comparability problems focuses on what the appropriate explanation of the phenomenon is. Is it due to vagueness or the possibility of non-conventional comparative relations such as parity? This paper argues that the discussions on how to best explain comparability problems has reached an impasse at which it is hard to make any progress. To advance the discussion we (...)
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    Designing mixed reality: perception, projects and practice.Peter Anders - 2008 - Technoetic Arts 6 (1):19-29.
    Mixed reality is an increasingly prevalent technology that merges digital simulations with physical objects or environments. This article presents principles for the design of mixed reality compositions. The principles are illustrated by projects and experiments by the author involving architecture and robotics.
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    Krisens konturer.Munk Anders - 1973 - København,: Rhodos.
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  44. Feasibility of Whole Brain Emulation.Anders Sandberg - 2013 - In Vincent Müller, Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 251-64.
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    Three Problematic Aspects of Analytical Aesthetics.Anders Pettersson - 2008 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 19 (35).
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    Data in the smart city: How incongruent frames challenge the transition from ideal to practice.Anders Koed Madsen - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (2).
    This paper presents an analysis of interviews, focus groups and workshops with employees in the technical administration in the municipality of Copenhagen in the year after it won a prestigious Smart City award. The administration is interpreted as a ‘most likely’ to succeed in translating the idealised version of the smart city into a workable bureaucratic practice. Drawing on the work of Orlikowski and Gash, the empirical analysis identifies and describes two incongruent ‘technological frames’ that illustrates different ways of making (...)
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    På sporet av tidens orden.Anders Dunker - 2019 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 37 (1):220-232.
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    Arkeologihistoria som historia och som arkeologi: studier i arkeologins egenhistorier.Anders Gustafsson - 2001 - Göteborg: Göteborg University, Dept. of Archaeology.
    Thesis (doctoral)--Göteborgs universitet, 2001.
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  49. Philosophie und Spezialforschung.Anders Karitz - 1933 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 40 (3):11-11.
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    Thomas Thorild: A Characterization.Anders Karitz - 1924 - The Monist 34 (3):426-451.
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