Results for 'Ana Kitazono'

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  1.  26
    “Isogaba Maware”: quality control of genome DNA by checkpoints.Ana Kitazono & Tomohiro Matsumoto - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (5):391-399.
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    Moral Distress Under Structural Violence: Clinician Experience in Brazil Caring for Low-Income Families of Children with Severe Disabilities.Ana Carolina Gahyva Sale & Carolyn Smith-Morris - 2023 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 32 (2):231-243.
    Rigorous attention has been paid to moral distress among healthcare professionals, largely in high-income settings. More obscure is the presence and impact of moral distress in contexts of chronic poverty and structural violence. Intercultural ethics research and dialogue can help reveal how the long-term presence of morally distressing conditions might influence the moral experience and agency of healthcare providers. This article discusses mixed-methods research at one nongovernmental social support agency and clinic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Chronic levels of moral (...)
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    Quantum Chemistry in Great Britain: Developing a Mathematical Framework for Quantum Chemistry.Ana Simões & Kostas Gavroglu - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 31 (4):511-548.
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    Emotional valence and contextual affordances flexibly shape approach-avoidance movements.Ana Carolina Saraiva, Friederike Schüür & Sven Bestmann - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    The Contribution of Broiler Chicken Welfare Certification at Farm Level to Enhancing Overall Animal Welfare: The Case of Brazil.Ana Paula Oliveira Souza & Carla Forte Maiolino Molento - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (6):1033-1051.
    The intensification of farm animal welfare debate has led to an increasing number of certification schemes covering this issue; however, there are concerns about the contribution of these schemes in improving welfare. The aims of this study were to identify certification schemes for broiler chicken welfare at farm level in Brazil, to investigate the extent of nutritional, environmental, health and behavioral indicators within the schemes and to analyze the content of scheme and the capacity to promote continuous improvement on certified (...)
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    Siempre inconcluso.Ana Isabel Rodríguez Abad - 2001 - A Parte Rei 14:9.
  7. Anísio Spínola Teixeira e a educação no Brasil : contribuções e desafios para a atualidade brasileira.Ana de Fátima Pereira de Sousa Abranches - 2021 - In Edna Silva & Silvia Paes Barreto, Anísio, Anísios Teixeira: um educador no Museu do Homem do Nordeste. Recife, PE: Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Editora Massangana.
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    (1 other version)La Reforma Universitaria y la política al ras del suelo.Ana Clarisa Agüero - 2018 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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    Philosophie des zeichens, de J. Simon.Ana Agud - 1992 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 4:173-182.
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    Plantas americanas para la España Ilustrada: Génesis, desarrollo y ocaso del proyecto español de expediciones botánicas. Antonio González Bueno, Raúl Rodríguez Nozal.Ana Barahona - 2001 - Isis 92 (4):760-760.
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    Ethics: The Art of Wandering Aimlessly?Ana Iltis - 2019 - Christian Bioethics 25 (1):128-143.
    Questions concerning the role (or lack thereof) of God in morality are implicitly or explicitly important in Western philosophical ethics. I describe some of the different ways philosophers treat (or ignore) God and the foundations of morality more generally, and I highlight some of the implications of these approaches for bioethics. I demonstrate that the starting points we choose for morality set the course for fundamentally different accounts of what is permissible and impermissible, good and bad, and right and wrong.
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  12. Marcas socioculturais em corpos femininos negros.Ana Rita Santiago - 2012 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 2 (2):77-91.
    Bodies of afro descendant women carry not only the historical marks of suffering and dispossession. For they are also told stories of resistance, faith and ancestry, and as social constructions, such bodies are presented as drawings of the cultural diversity that permeates individual and collective identities. Thus, this paper has the approaches around the body beyond the biological and discusses further socio-cultural marks on afro descendant feminist bodies, making allusions and images appear in Brazilian literature and speeches on such bodies.
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    Heads, Bodies, Brains, and Selves: Personal Identity and the Ethics of Whole-Body Transplantation.Ana Iltis - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (2):257-278.
    Plans to attempt what has been called a head transplant, a body transplant, and a head-to-body transplant in human beings raise numerous ethical, social, and legal questions, including the circumstances, if any, under which it would be ethically permissible to attempt whole-body transplantation (WBT) in human beings, the possible effect of WBT on family relationships, and how families should shape WBT decisions. Our assessment of many of these questions depends partially on how we respond to sometimes centuries-old philosophical thought experiments (...)
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    Bioethics and the Culture Wars.Ana S. Iltis - 2011 - Christian Bioethics 17 (1):9-24.
    The term ‘culture wars’ has been used to describe deep, apparently intractable, disagreements between groups for many years. In contemporary discourse, it refers to disputes regarding significant moral matters carried out in the public square and for which there appears to be no way to achieve consensus or compromise. One set of battle lines is drawn between those who hold traditional Christian commitments and those who do not. Christian bioethics is nested in a set of moral and metaphysical understandings that (...)
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  15.  39
    ¿Qué Culpa Tengo Yo? Performing Identity and College Teaching.Ana M. Martinez Aleman - 1999 - Educational Theory 49 (1):37-51.
  16.  23
    Un vértice para la construcción de sentidos: Estudios culturales, de género y literarios.Ana Alejandra Robles Ruiz & Patricia Del Carmen Guerrero de la Llata - 2019 - Valenciana 24:147-162.
    El objetivo de este artículo es definir qué son los estudios culturales, de género y literarios. Reflexionar acerca de la relación que hay entre ellos. Debatir cómo es posible el hecho de que puedan intersectarse éstos. E intentar explicar el funcionamiento teórico y metodológico de dichas interdisciplinas. Asimismo, este trabajo ofrece un panorama general con respecto a la situación actual de los estudios de género y los estudios literarios con esta perspectiva en México: ¿qué es lo que se está haciendo?, (...)
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    A critical perspective on institutional violence against hospitalized children: Testimonies by health professionals and family members.Ana Carla Petersen de Oliveira Santos, Climene Laura de Camargo, Mara Ambrosina de Oliveira Vargas, Cristina Nunes Vitor de Araujo, Maria Carolina Ortiz Whitaker, Francielly Zilli, Ridalva Dias Martins & Nadirlene Pereira Gomes - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12665.
    The purpose of this study is to understand institutional violence (IV) in the relationships between health professionals, hospitalized children, and family members. This is a qualitative study developed at the pediatric inpatient unit of a university hospital in the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The research participants consisted of 39 health professionals who specialized in pediatrics and 10 family members of hospitalized children. Semi‐structured interviews were the method used for data collection. Using discourse analysis as a basis and taking a (...)
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  18. Belier, Wouter W. Decayed Gods. Origin and Development of George Dumézil's" Idéologie Tripartite".Ana Isabel Jiménez Sancristóbal - 1996 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 1:250.
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    Ethics in the introduction to psychology course.Ana Ruiz - forthcoming - Ethics.
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    Increasing Equity in the Transnational Allocation of Vaccines Against Emerging Pathogens: A Multi-Modal Approach.Ana Santos Rutschman - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (2):247-257.
    This article proposes the adoption of a multi-modal system for allocating vaccine doses during large transnational outbreaks of infectious diseases. The chosen allocative criteria (public health need; country-income level; qualification through funding; and, subsidiarily, a modified lottery system) are adapted from a current embodiment of allocative multi-modality outside the context of public health: the New York City Marathon.
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    Us versus Them?Ana T. Bedard - 2008 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 28 (2):117-140.
    THEOLOGICAL REFLECTIONS ON IMMIGRATION HAVE LARGELY FOCUSED ON mandates to love the stranger and protect human rights. The U.S. and Mexican bishops' pastoral letter "Strangers No Longer" is no different. However, this ethical focus leaves Christians without sufficient theological guidance when seeking to balance concern for immigrants and U.S. citizens alike. This essay examines undocumented immigration to the United States through the lens of the common good, using a contemporary Catholic feminist understanding of the common good. It examines the impact (...)
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    Teatro de Arena de São Paulo: reflexões sobre política, arte e formação.Ana Maria Said - 2017 - Educação E Filosofia 31 (61):539-588.
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    (1 other version)Féminin-masculin : une dialogique inachevée.Ana Sanchez - 2011 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 60 (2):, [ p.].
    Le présent texte parcourt quelques-unes des œuvres d’Edgar Morin qui traitent du rapport féminin/masculin et femme/homme soit dans une perspective transdisciplinaire – du point de vue de la sociologie ou de la biologie – soit dans la perspective de la théorie de l’évolution et de la génétique. L’innovation épistémologique constitue le fondement permanent de la réflexion de cet auteur. À cet égard, les notions de dialogique et de boucle récursive sont les instruments fondamentaux de l’analyse morinienne du masculin et du (...)
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    LGBTQI + Justice during the COVID-19 crisis1.Ana Cristina Santos - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (1_suppl):157S-163S.
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  25. Ética y liderazgo transformacional en la docencia.Ana Prieto Sanchez & Egilde Zambrano van Beverhoudt - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 7 (1):81-91.
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    O corpo como objeto: considerações sobre o conceito de sublimação através da Arte Carnal de Orlan.Giselle Falbo & Ana Beatriz Freire - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 29:190-203.
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    Giuseppina Grammatico Amari.Ana María González de Tobia - 2009 - Synthesis (la Plata) 16:11-12.
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    Simónides y la metáfora del intercambio.Ana María González de Tobia - 2010 - Synthesis (la Plata) 17:65-79.
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    Ilia, y el camino de la felicidad.Ana Timonet Pérez - 2017 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 7 (1):151-154.
    Este trabajo es el ganador de la III Olimpiada de Filosofía que organiza FICUM en la modalidad de secundaria. Ana Timonet presentó su particular respuesta a la pregunta por el camino de la felicidad.
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  30. Infinito absoluto e infinitos relativos según Roger Bacon.Celina Ana Lertora Mendoza - 1987 - Naturaleza y Gracia 3:411-423.
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    Avoiding Discomfort, Implying Consent: The Role of Euphemism in Establishing Evidence of Sexual Violence at the International Criminal Court.Ana-Maria Jerca - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (2):429-447.
    The International Criminal Court (ICC) is responsible for prosecuting individuals for heinous crimes that take place during civil and/or international armed conflicts, including sexual violence. Prosecuting this crime relies primarily on survivor accounts, but witnesses often fear the psychological effects of giving such testimony, particularly because there is a high risk of retraumatization, a stigma associated with victimhood, and a fear of victim-blaming. Thus, the Court’s Victims and Witness Unit (VWU) puts forth provisions for questioning vulnerable witnesses, requiring, in part, (...)
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    Decir el mal: la destrucción del nosotros.Ana Carrasco Conde - 2021 - Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg.
    Damos por hecho que los seres humanos somos egoístas y tendemos al mal. Por eso, resignados, afirmamos que el mal es inevitable. Todo lo que leemos sobre él no hace sino reforzar nuestro punto de partida. Y nos damos por vencidos: no tenemos remedio, el mal de hoy se repetirá mañana. Llegamos incluso a insensibilizarnos ante el horror. Pero ¿y si el mal pudiera pensarse de otro modo? Al recurrir al egoísmo, ¿estamos siendo ciegos a otras posibilidades para entenderlo? ¿Hacemos (...)
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    Atenção psicológica clínica: encontros terapêuticos com crianças em uma creche1.Ana Paula de Sá Campos & Vera Engler Cury - 2009 - Paideia (Misc) 19 (42):115-121.
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    Autobiografía e histrionismo: una Imagen del autoconocimiento en la obra tardía de Wittgenstein.Ana María Giraldo Giraldo - 2014 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 21:147-159.
    El objetivo de este artículo es describir el fenómeno del autoconocimiento desde una perspectiva wittgensteiniana. En la obra tardía de Wittgenstein gran parte de sus reflexiones se centra en el análisis de expresiones de estados fenomenológicos y actitudes proposicionales. A partir del análisis de las autoadscrip-ciones de estados mentales, muchos filósofos han intentado construir una imagen de lo que sería el autoconocimiento para el filósofo austríaco en sus últimos escritos. En este artículo pretendemos mostrar que Wittgenstein tiene una posición dual (...)
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    (1 other version)Carmen Victoria Verde Castro.Ana María González de Tobia - 2012 - Argos (Universidad Simón Bolívar) 35 (2):117-118.
    El presente artículo aborda las connotaciones y los fundamentos de la paráfrasis cum canere vellem en Serv. Ecl. 6. 3. El análisis del sentido del verbo volo en este contexto y la confrontación del pasaje con Serv. Ecl. 6. 5 revelan que Servio interpreta la frase cum canerem reges et proelia como referencia a un temprano empeño de Virgilio en componer poesía épica, del que pronto desistió. Esta interpretación está condicionada por la idea de que la secuencia cronológica Églogas - (...)
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    La párodos de Áyax: El otro Áyax.Ana María González de Tobia - 2003 - Synthesis (la Plata) 10:121-131.
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    Female Micro-Entrepreneurs and Social Networks: Diagnostic Analysis of the Influence of Social-Media Marketing Strategies on Brand Financial Performance.Ana Isabel Jiménez-Zarco, Jose Antonio Clemente-Almendros, Inés González-González & Jorge Aracil-Jordà - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The business world is facing a very complicated situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Small- and medium-sized companies —both in Spain and at the global level—are seeing their survival jeopardized by a fall in revenues. This scenario is aggravated in the case of micro-SMEs headed by female entrepreneurs. Accordingly, micro-SMEs, particularly those led by female entrepreneurs, need to reinvent themselves to overcome the current adversities that could lead to the destruction of their businesses and hence their jobs. One of the (...)
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    An emotional Stroop task with faces and words. A comparison of young and older adults.Ana I. Agustí, Encarnación Satorres, Alfonso Pitarque & Juan C. Meléndez - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 53:99-104.
  39. Historical and philosophical perspectives on quantum chemistry: Kostas Gavroglu and Ana Simões: Neither physics nor chemistry: A history of quantum chemistry. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2012, xiv+351pp, $40.00, £27.95 HB.Hasok Chang, Jeremiah James, Paul Needham, Kostas Gavroglu & Ana Simões - 2013 - Metascience 22 (3):523-544.
    Contribution to a symposium on Kostas Gavroglu and Ana Simões, Neither Physics nor Chemistry, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
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    Um glossário da repressão e da subversão: fonte de pesquisa e acesso à verdade.Ana Caroline Silva de Castro - 2014 - Dialogos 18 (1).
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    Espiritualidade e saúde: polissemia, fragilidades e riscos do conceito.Ana Luísa Prosperi Leite, Fabio L. Stern & Silas Guerriero - 2021 - Horizonte:1015.
    O artigo objetiva compreender como o termo “espiritualidade” tem sido utilizado na área da saúde, discutindo os problemas decorrentes e as possíveis adversidades de sua polissemia. Para tanto, dividimos o estudo em três partes. Na primeira, apresentamos as diferentes definições de “espiritualidade” nas ciências humanas, sua relação histórica com a teologia cristã, e recente ressignificação pela Nova Era. Na sequência, demonstramos como a maior parte das produções sobre a temática na área da saúde adota uma concepção reificada e essencializada de (...)
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    Lucan's Silvae in the Vita Vaccae: A Predecessor of Statius’ Occasional Poems?Ana Lóio - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (2):804-821.
    An anonymous biography of Lucan known as the Life of Vacca attributes to the poet the composition of a work called Siluae. This information has been accepted by scholars with regard to both Lucan and Statius, thus transforming Lucan into a predecessor of Statius’ Siluae. This article seeks to demonstrate that neither the manuscript tradition of Lucan's biography nor alleged references to Lucan's Siluae in Statius’ collection substantiate the affirmation that Lucan composed a work called Siluae. It is argued that (...)
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    Metodologías activas basadas en competencias digitales para la mejora del rendimiento académico.Ana Fernández Jiménez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (4):1-20.
    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo demostrar la relación de la mejora del rendimiento académico y dominio de tres competencias digitales: manejo de información digital y comunicación en el entorno digital, colaboración y, creación del contenido digital al ser usados por el estudiante universitario en su proceso de aprendizaje activo, cómo codifican la información que aprenden, cómo comunican su desarrollo y cómo crean sus conocimientos para cumplir un propósito de mejora en sus notas y mejora académica.
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    La Organización Panamericana de la Salud como modelo para la cooperación sanitaria internacional.Ana Cristina Gallego Hernández - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (57).
    Frente a las duras pandemias y condiciones insalubres, desde mediados del S. XIX comienza a desarrollarse una verdadera cooperación internacional por la seguridad sanitaria. En este sentido, en 1902 se crea la Oficina Sanitaria Internacional, la primera organización internacional de salud de la historia, pero de ámbito regional. Esta es la antecesora de la actual OPS (Organización Panamericana de Salud) y es el resultado de múltiples conferencias que se celebraron a nivel panamericano, en la Unión Internacional de Repúblicas Americanas, actual (...)
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    La question indienne en Argentine : entre le néolibéralisme, le national-populaire et le néo-développementisme.Claudia Briones & Ana Maria Gentile - 2014 - Actuel Marx 56 (2):85-96.
    Approaches to the “Indian Issue” which fail to go beyond the mere charting of evolutions in legal norms or the articulation between neoliberalism and multiculturalism do not allow us to take the full measure of indigenous policies, in terms of the goal set for the enlargement of the spaces for public interpellation and the reconfiguration of ideas and practices pertaining to citizenship. Starting from the Argentine experience, the aim of this article is to examine the question of the sedimentation of (...)
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    El resto, la cosa y lo incondicionado: Schelling con Lacan.Ana Carrasco Conde - 2017 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 50:53-64.
    A partir del conocido pasaje del Vom Ich de F.W.J. Schelling el texto propone una lectura del conocido como “resto irreductible” para dar cuenta del terror y de sus mecanismos de control. Se propone, en crítica a lo que Žižek hace con Hegel, una lectura lacaniana de Schelling que muestra, hasta qué punto, el “Hegel” presentado por Žižek no solo es un Hegel pasado por Lacan, sino también por Schelling.
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    Introducción a la calidad de software.Ana María López Echeverry, César Cabrera & Luz Estela Valencia Ayala - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Seguridad en redes, diseño e implementación de un cifrador de datos por medio de DES triple.Ana María López Echeverry & Diego Fernando Rojas Rincón - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Substancia y cuerpo: acerca de la unidad y la composición en la filosofía de Leibniz.Ana Leila Jabase - 2023 - Tópicos 45:e0061.
    Nos ocupamos aquí de una cuestión de importancia para la filosofía moderna, y para la filosofía leibniziana en particular, como es el concepto de substancia. Veremos cómo, en Leibniz, la divisibilidad de la materia al infinito y la necesidad de un principio que dé razón de la unidad en la multiplicidad de los elementos que componen todo cuerpo, lo llevan a concebir unidades metafísicas que son su fundamento. Asimismo, la respuesta a esta cuestión alude al problema del cuerpo de una (...)
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    Digital competencies and skills as a determinant factor in Higher Education.Ana Fernández Jiménez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-17.
    This paper focuses on contributing to a better understanding of the study of Digital Competencies, Digital Skills in Higher Education. First, we have developed a descriptive analysis of journals and authors to understand the meaning of digital competencies and skills and their development in Higher Education. Secondly, we have analysed the conceptual knowledge using Web of Science; its use is growing rapidly in the research of articles or topics, being considered a topic to investigate and explore due to its importance (...)
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