Results for 'An Yanming'

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  1.  14
    Liang Shuming: Eastern and Western Cultures and Confucianism.Yanming An - 2002 - In Chung-Ying Cheng & Nicholas Bunnin, Contemporary Chinese Philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 147–164.
    This chapter contains section titled: Eastern and Western Culture Evolution of Terms Analysis of Chinese Society.
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    Ying yong lun li xue de xin shi ye: 2007 "ke ji lun li yu zhi ye lun li" guo ji xue shu yan tao hui wen ji.Yanming An & Qian Wang (eds.) - 2008 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
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    The concept of Cheng and its western translations.Yanming An - 2004 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 4 (1):117-136.
    The main reasons for the difficulty in understanding and translatingcheng may be summarized as follows. First, its prehistory is not always clear. This makes it troublesome to identify its original meaning. Second, the multiple sources from the three schools, Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism, often causecheng to be entangled with various concepts specifically affiliated to certain schools. The particular meanings of these concepts and their connections withcheng possibly mislead our effort to explore the core content ofcheng as such. Finally,cheng has been (...)
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  4.  70
    Taking Confucian Ethics Seriously. Edited by Kam-por Yu, Julia Tao, and Philip J. Ivanhoe.Yanming An - 2013 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 40 (2):359-364.
  5.  14
    Liang the Moral and Social Philosopher.Yanming An - 2023 - In Thierry Meynard & Philippe Major, Dao Companion to Liang Shuming’s Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 181-198.
    This chapter examines Liang Shuming’s work The Fundamentals of Chinese Culture (Zhongguo wenhua yaoyi 中國文化要義), analyzing his major conceptions about Chinese society and investigating his intellectual relations to Western thinkers. Inspired by Bertrand Russel’s discussion of the psychological sources for human activities, Liang distinguished three components of the human heart: instinct, intellect, and reason. He coined a new term, “the operation of mind” (xinsi zuoyong 心思作用), to denote an integral unity composed of intellect and reason. Meanwhile, he reiterated his old (...)
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    The Idea of Cyclicality in Chinese Thought.Yanming An - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (3):389-406.
    The Chinese view of time and history cannot be defined as either “cyclicality” or “linearity” in the sense of St. Augustine and Hegel. Like the Indo-Hellenic cyclicality, it regards the cyclical movements as universal in both Heaven and human. Nevertheless, it contains neither the conception of Great Year or Mahayuga, nor that of repeated destruction and reconstruction of humankind. It holds that the cyclical movements do not recur as “uniform rotation,” but appear as a chain composed of countless links each (...)
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    Li, Youzheng 李幼蒸, a hermeneutics of the Ren-learning: A structural analysis of confucian ethics 仁學解釋學 : 孔孟倫理學結構分析.Yanming An - 2009 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 8 (3):341-344.
  8.  97
    Western 'sincerity' and confucian 'Cheng'.Yanming An - 2004 - Asian Philosophy 14 (2):155 – 169.
    In philology, both 'sincerity' and 'cheng' primarily mean, 'to be true to oneself'. As a philosophical term, 'sincerity' roots in Aristotle's 'aletheutikos'. In medieval Europe, it is regarded as a neutral value that may either serve or disserve for 'truth.' As for Romantics, it is a positive value, and an individualistic concept whose two elements 'true' and 'self' refer to a person's 'true feeling' and 'individuality'. In contrast, both 'self' and 'true' in Confucianism are universalistic concepts, meaning 'good nature' common (...)
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  9.  20
    The Idea of Cheng : Its Formation in the History of Chinese Philosophy.Yanming An - 1997 - Dissertation, University of Michigan
    "Cheng" is a key term in Chinese culture. At the same time, it has been widely viewed as an "elusive," even "the most unintelligible term" by both Chinese and Western scholars, because of its various, sometimes even contradictory usages and definitions. This dissertation points out that cheng possesses a core meaning--consistency. It is shared by all the usages and definitions, and legitimizes their validity as the members of the cheng family. ;The idea of cheng evolves mainly through two traditions, the (...)
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  10. Liang Shuming and Henri Bergson on intuition: Cultural context and the evolution of terms.Yanming An - 1997 - Philosophy East and West 47 (3):337-362.
    Liang Shuming once applied the concept of intuition to characterize Chinese culture as a whole. Later, he not only replaced the theoretical position of intuition with the concept of reason, but discarded the term for intuition itself. This essay will answer three questions related to this academic riddle. (1) What does intuition mean to both Bergson and Liang? (2) What does the Chinese cultural heritage contribute to the formation of Liang's intuition? (3) What is the relationship between Liang's intuition and (...)
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  11.  22
    New Life for Old Ideas: Chinese Philosophy in the Contemporary World: A Festschrift in Honour of Donald J. Munro.Yanming An & Brian J. Bruya (eds.) - 2019 - Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.
    Over five decades, Donald J. Munro has been one of the most important voices in sinological philosophy. Among other accomplishments, his seminal book The Concept of Man in Early China influenced a generation of scholars. His rapprochement with contemporary cognitive and evolutionary science helped bolster the insights of Chinese philosophers and set the standard for similar explorations today. -/- In this festschrift volume, students of Munro and scholars influenced by him celebrate Munro’s body of work in articles that extend his (...)
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  12. Family love in confucius and mencius.Yanming An - 2008 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 7 (1):51-55.
  13.  47
    Review of John H. Berthrong, Expanding Process: Exploring Philosophical and Theological Transformations in China and in the West: SUNY, 2008. 237pp. ISBN: 13: 978-0-7914-7515-7. [REVIEW]Yanming An - 2010 - Sophia 49 (2):321-323.
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  14.  56
    An, Yanming, the idea of Cheng (sincerity/reality) in the history of chinese philosophy.Wenyu Xie - 2008 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 7 (2):211-213.
  15.  22
    Engineering, Development and Philosophy: American, Chinese and European Perspectives.S. H. Christensen, Carl Mitcham, Li Bocong & An Yanming (eds.) - 2012 - Springer.
    This inclusive, cross-cultural study rethinks the nexus between engineering, development, and culture. It offers diverse commentary from a range of disciplinary perspectives on how the philosophies of today’s cultural triumvirate—American, European and Chinese—are shaped and given nuance by the cross-fertilization of engineering and development. Scholars from the humanities and social sciences as well as engineers themselves reflect on key questions that arise in this relational context, such as how international development work affects the professional views, identities, practice and ethics of (...)
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  16. Of Diversities and Comparisons..Sor-Hoon Tan - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (1):111-124.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Of Diversities and Comparisons...Sor-hoon TanEncyclopedia of Chinese Philosophy. Edited by Antonio S. Cua. New York and London: Routledge, 2003. Pp. 1,020.Encyclopedias can be useful in teaching philosophy when students need some reading that sets out the basics on a key topic in a few pages without their getting lost in too many complex details or being misled by oversimplifications. They can also be edifying for the philosophy teacher and (...)
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  17.  4
    Li Yanming Wen Ji.Yanming Li - 2005 - Tai Hai Chu Ban She.
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    Makesi Engesi zheng zhi xue shuo yan jiu =.Yanming Li - 2002 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she. Edited by Qingjian Liu & Haijiao Yang.
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  19.  44
    Involuntary polymodal imagery involving olfaction, audition, touch, taste, and vision.Wei Dou, Yanming Li, Mark W. Geisler & Ezequiel Morsella - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 62:9-20.
  20.  21
    Solutions to No-Wait Flow Shop Scheduling Problem Using the Flower Pollination Algorithm Based on the Hormone Modulation Mechanism.Chiwen Qu, Yanming Fu, Zhongjun Yi & Jun Tan - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-18.
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  21.  48
    An Explanation to Hsi K'ang's Refutation of My Essay—Residence is Devoid of Good and Bad Fortune: You Must Rather Preserve Your Life.Juan K'an - 1983 - In His K'ang & Robert G. Henricks, Philosophy and Argumentation in Third-Century China: The Essays of Hsi K'ang. Princeton University Press. pp. 169-179.
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  22. Śaṅkarācāryyera granthamālā: Śrīmadyatīśvara-Śaṅkarācāryya praṇīta granthasamūhera samābeśa. Śaṅkarācārya - 1995 - Kalikātā: Basumatī-Sāhitya-Mandira. Edited by Pañcānana Tarkaratna & Cidghanānanda.
    Complete works of Śaṅkarācārya, Hindu philosopher; with commentary and Bengali translation.
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  23. Ādi Śaṅkara Laghuprabandhāvaliḥ: Ādiśaṅkaralaghuprabandhāvaliḥ. Śaṅkarācārya - 2012 - New Delhi: Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan. Edited by Gautama Vā Paṭela.
    Collection of published and unpublished 48 works of Śaṅkarācārya.
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  24.  32
    Encapsulation and subjectivity from the standpoint of viewpoint theory.Ezequiel Morsella, Anthony G. Velasquez, Jessica K. Yankulova, Yanming Li & Adam Gazzaley - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e55.
    The groundbreaking, viewpoint theory of Merker et al. explains several properties of the conscious field, including why the observer cannot directly apprehend itself. We propose that viewpoint theory might also provide a progressive, constitutive marker of consciousness and shed light on why most of the contents of consciousness are encapsulated.
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  25. Ḳovets maʼamarim hilkhatiyim ṿe-divre haʻarakhah le-zikhro shel ha-Rav-ha-gaʼon Seʻadya ben-Rabi Aharon Shariʼan.Seʻadya ben Aharon Shariʼan & Shelomoh ben Yosef Ḥabshush (eds.) - 1971
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  26.  19
    A potential Z‐DNA‐forming sequence is an essential upstream element of a plant promoter.Gynheung An - 1987 - Bioessays 7 (5):211-214.
    The fine‐structure analyses of the nopaline synthase (nos) promoter which is active constitutively in a wide range of plant tissues reveal that a portion of the upstream essential region for maximal transcription is a potential Z‐DNA‐forming element. Z‐DNA sequences are found in almost all plant‐promoter regions, suggesting that these structural elements may play important roles in plant gene expression.
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  27. Brahmasūtraśaṅkarabhāṣyam: Bhāmatyādivyākhyopavyākhyā-navakopetam. Śaṅkarācārya - 1995 - Vārāṇasī: Pradhāna vitaraka Caukhambā Vidyābhavana. Edited by Anantakrishna Sastri, S. N. & Vācaspatimiśra.
    Commentary, with supercommentaries, on Bādarayana's Brahmasūtra, basic aphoristic work of Vedanta philosophy; Advaita viewpoint.
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  28. Sandanŭn kŏt: An Pyŏng-uk chajŏnjŏk esei.Pyŏng-uk An - 1988 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Munhak Sasangsa.
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  29.  15
    Compassion in Action Cultural Counseling as an Indigenized Application of the Clinical Yu & der-Heuy Yee - 2012 - Philosophical Practice: Journal of the American Philosophical Practitioners Association (American Philosophical Practitioners Association) 7 (3).
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  30. Yŏngwŏn han chayuin: An Pyŏng-uk esei.Pyŏng-uk An - 1983 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Samyuk Ch'ulp'ansa.
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  31. Śrī Ādi Śaṅkarācāryā śikavaṇa āṇi Daivajña Brāhmaṇa: I. Sa. 788-820.Digambara Śrīpāda Aṇavekara - 2018 - Kāṇakoṇa, Govā: Artha Prakāśana. Edited by Maṅgalā Aṇavekara-Ḍāṅge.
    On the life and teachings of Śaṅkarācārya; includes history of Daivadnya Brahmans, Hindu caste in coastal region of Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, and Kerala.
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  32. Śrīśaṅkaramaṇḍanamiśrayoḥ matasamīkṣā: anusandhānātmakamadhyayanam.Ṭi Nārāyaṇan Kuṭṭi - 1991 - Bāluśśrī, Keralam: Advaitaprakāśanakāryālayaḥ.
    Comparative study of the Advaita philosophy of Śaṅkarācārya and Maṇḍanamiśra, ancient philosophers.
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  33. Bhāsarvajñaracita Nyāyabhūṣaṇa kā Anumāna pariccheda. Añjanā - 2002 - Dillī: Je. Pī. Pabliśiṅga Hāusa.
    Study of Inference (anumāna) according to the Nyāyabhūṣaṇa, an autocommentary by Bhāsarvajña, 10th century, on his Nyāyasāra, aphorism on Nyaya philosophy.
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  34. Looking deeply: Vivekacūḍāmaṇi of Śrī Śaṅkarācārya. Śaṅkarācārya - 2021 - Boston, MA: Ramakrishna Vedanta Society of Massachusetts. Edited by Tyagananda.
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  35. Br̲ahmasūtr̲aṃ: Śaṅkarabhāṣyabhāṣanuvādam. Śaṅkarācārya - 1994 - Tr̥śśūr: Di Īthōs.
    Classical commentary on Brahmasūtra of Bādarāyaṇa, with Malayalam translation.
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  36. Sanatsujātīyam: Śrīmanmahābhārate Udyogaparvaṇi: Śrīmacchaṅkarabhagavatpādācāryapraṇītabhāṣyasahitam = Sanatsujātīyam: Makāpāratattīn̲ Utyokaparvattīl: Śrīcaṅkarapakavatapātācāryal arulīya paṣyattuṭan̲um ataiyan̲ucaritta Tamil̲uraiyuṭan̲um cuṭiyatu. Śaṅkarācārya (ed.) - 1978 - Tirukkovil̲ūr: Śrī Ñān̲ān̲anta Tapōvan̲am.
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    How Entrepreneurship Education at Universities Influences Entrepreneurial Intention: Mediating Effect Based on Entrepreneurial Competence.Yijun Lv, Yingying Chen, Yimin Sha, Jing Wang, Lanyijie An, Tingjun Chen, Xiang Huang, Yangjie Huang & Leilei Huang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research shows that entrepreneurial activities significantly promote economic development, which enhances the importance of the innovative entrepreneurial potential of college students. This study analyzes the effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intention from the perspective of planned behavior theory. By examining the significant role of entrepreneurship education at colleges and universities on economic and social development, we established a conceptual model. To understand the relationship between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intention, the hypotheses propose the intermediary role of entrepreneurial ability, and (...)
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  38.  1
    Critical and An-Archic Rationality.Srđan Maraš - 2024 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 44 (1):83-107.
    The article tries to indicate the key similarities and differences between Kant’s modern and Lévinas’s postmodern thinking on the ontological, ethical, and aesthetic levels. In doing so, the analysis and comparison is based on two basic types of rationality that we encounter here: critical and an-archic rationality. Despite certain non-negligible similarities that are manifested in these forms of rationality, the conclusion inevitably leads in the direction of highlighting their essential differences, which at decisive points in the end prove to be (...)
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    SEX: An American Commentary.An Unfinished Essay-in-Progress - 1995 - In Beverly Guy-Sheftal, Words of Fire: An Anthology of African American Feminist Thought. The New Press.
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    The erotic/aesthetic quality seen from the perspective of Levinas’s ethical an-archaeology.Srđan Maraš - 2020 - Filozofija I Društvo 31 (1):98-107.
    This paper emphasizes the place and the role of the aesthetic quality and the role of the erotic in Levinas’s project that deals with ethical an-archaeology. Despite Levinas’s categorical statements that there are irreconcilable differences between ethics and aesthetics, i.e. between ethics and the erotic, above all, it is emphasized here that these differences do not represent a stark or sharp contrast, but quite contrary, they often constitute a subversive ontological element. On the other hand, somewhat unexpectedly, with its ethical (...)
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  41.  48
    The role of rumination in posttraumatic stress disorder and posttraumatic growth among adolescents after the wenchuan earthquake.Xinchun Wu, Xiao Zhou, Yufei Wu & Yuanyuan An - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:148041.
    Three hundred and seventy-six middle school students in Wenchuan County were assessed three and one-half years after the Wenchuan earthquake to examine the effects of rumination on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and posttraumatic growth (PTG). The results revealed that recent intrusive ruminations partly mediated the relationship between intrusive rumination soon after the earthquake with PTSD but not with PTG. Recent deliberate rumination partly mediated the relationship between intrusive rumination soon after the earthquake and PTG but not PTSD. Moreover, recent deliberate (...)
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  42.  24
    Understanding the Anticontagion Process and Reopening of China during COVID-19 via Coevolution Network of Epidemic and Awareness.Lingbo Li, Ying Fan, An Zeng & Zengru Di - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    The novel coronavirus pandemic is intensifying all over the world, but some countries, including China, have developed extensive and successful experience in controlling this pandemic. In this context, some questions arise naturally: What can countries caught up in the epidemic learn from China’s experience? In regions where the outbreak is under control, what would lead to a resurgence of the epidemic? To address these issues, we investigate China’s experience in anticontagion interventions and reopening process, focusing on the coevolution of epidemic (...)
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  43. Gdbor Kutrovdtz An Epistemological Reconsideration of Present Controversies about Science Science Wars and Science Studies.An Epistemological Reconsideration - 2004 - In Sonya Kaneva, Challenges Facing Philosophy in United Europe: Proceedings, 23rd Session, Varna International Philosophical School, June, 3rd-6th, 2004. Iphr-Bas.
  44. Śaṅkaro jayati loka-Śaṅkaraḥ: Bhagavatpāda Ādiśaṅkarācāryasannyāsapañcaviṃśaśatīsmr̥ti-grantha = Adi Shankaracharya 25th centenary commemoration volume. Śaṅkarācārya, Jayamanta Miśra, Parmeshwar Nath Mishra & Rāmavilāsa Caudharī (eds.) - 2001 - Paṭanā: Akhila Bhāratīya Pīṭha Parishad va Śaṅkarācārya Paramparā evaṃ Saṃskr̥ti Rakshaka Parishad.
    Contributed articles on Śaṅkarācārya, Hindu philosophy, and religious life.
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  45. Arŭmdaun ch'angjo: An Pyŏng-uk susang sup'ilchip.Pyŏng-uk An - 1969 - Sŏul: Samyuk Ch'ulp'ansa.
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  46. Alp'a wa omega: An Pyŏng-uk susangnok.Pyŏng-uk An - 1963 - Sŏul: Sin T'aeyangsa.
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  47.  16
    Stakeholder governance and the CSR of banks: An analysis of an internal governance mechanism based on game theory.Jiaji An, He Di & Meifang Yao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Banks have an important social responsibility to serve the real economy and to maintain financial stability, and they also need to be responsible to borrowers and others. Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic affecting the global economy and increasing financial risks, it is particularly important for banks to assume social responsibilities. This study theoretically analyzed the outstanding applicability of stakeholder governance theory. Using a two-stage game method, the optimal pressure intensity of the social responsibility stakeholders was calculated, and the (...)
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  48.  34
    Reframing Recruitment: Evaluating Framing in Authorization for Research Contact Programs.Candace D. Speight, Charlie Gregor, Yi-An Ko, Stephanie A. Kraft, Andrea R. Mitchell, Nyiramugisha K. Niyibizi, Bradley G. Phillips, Kathryn M. Porter, Seema K. Shah, Jeremy Sugarman, Benjamin S. Wilfond & Neal W. Dickert - 2021 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 12 (3):206-213.
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  49. For the Good or the Bad? Interactive Effects of Transformational Leadership with Moral and Authoritarian Leadership Behaviors.Sebastian C. Schuh, Xin-an Zhang & Peng Tian - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (3):629-640.
    Although the ethical aspects of transformational leadership have attracted considerable attention, very little is known about followers’ reactions to the moral and immoral conduct of transformational leaders. Against this background, this study examined whether and how transformational leadership interacts with moral and authoritarian leadership behaviors in predicting followers’ in-role and extra-role efforts. Building on attribution theory, we hypothesized that the positive and negative effects of these leadership behaviors would be particularly pronounced for highly transformational leaders given that this leadership style (...)
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  50.  46
    The Relationship Between Posttraumatic Cognitive Change, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Posttraumatic Growth Among Chinese Adolescents After the Yancheng Tornado: The Mediating Effect of Rumination.Yi Zhang, Wei Xu, Guangzhe Yuan & Yuanyuan An - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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