Results for 'Amy Chandran'

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  1.  37
    Transubstantiation, Absurdity, and the Religious Imagination: Hobbes and Rational Christianity.Amy Chandran - 2024 - Hobbes Studies:1-31.
    This article evaluates the political implications of Thomas Hobbes’s extensive treatment of religion by taking up the motif of the Eucharist (and accompanying doctrine of transubstantiation) in Leviathan. Hobbes holds out transubstantiation as an exemplar of absurdity and an historical outgrowth of Christianity’s inauspicious meeting with pagan practices. At the same time, Leviathan contains allusions to eucharistic imagery in its narration of the generation of the “Mortal God,” the commonwealth, as the incorporation of a civil body. These conflicting sentiments are (...)
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    A ‘divine lawgiver’ for the leviathan? The commonwealth by institution and the case of the prudent prophet.Amy Chandran - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (8):1343-1362.
    Recent scholarship has cast welcome light on the political relevance of Hobbes’s extensive treatment of theology and sacred history. Building on extant contributions, this article argues that God’s historical founding of a Kingdom lends insights into well-known difficulties attaching to Hobbes’s exposition of the Commonwealth by Institution. Although there are evident discrepancies between sacred history and man's natural estate, Abraham and Moses each faced political challenges that persist into the present. Acting as God’s authorized representatives not only allowed them to (...)
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  3. Democracy and Disagreement.Amy Gutmann & Dennis Thompson - 1996 - Ethics 108 (3):607-610.
  4. Multiculturalism: Examining the Politics of Recognition.Amy Gutmann (ed.) - 1994 - Princeton University Press.
    A new edition of the highly acclaimed book Multiculturalism and "The Politics of Recognition," this paperback brings together an even wider range of leading philosophers and social scientists to probe the political controversy surrounding multiculturalism. Charles Taylor's initial inquiry, which considers whether the institutions of liberal democratic government make room--or should make room--for recognizing the worth of distinctive cultural traditions, remains the centerpiece of this discussion. It is now joined by Jürgen Habermas's extensive essay on the issues of recognition and (...)
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    Identity in Democracy.Amy Gutmann - 2004 - Princeton University Press.
    I doubt that even one of her readers will agree with all of Gutmann's conclusions--but they will all have to take account of the wealth of empirical evidence and stringent reasoning in this book.
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  6. Empathy: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives.Amy Coplan & Peter Goldie (eds.) - 2011 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Empathy has for a long time, at least since the eighteenth century, been seen as centrally important in relation to our capacity to gain a grasp of the content of other people's minds, and predict and explain what they will think, feel, and do; and in relation to our capacity to respond to others ethically. In addition, empathy is seen as having a central role in aesthetics, in the understanding of our engagement with works of art and with fictional characters. (...)
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  7. Understanding empathy.Amy Coplan - 2011 - In Amy Coplan & Peter Goldie, Empathy: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 3--18.
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  8. Civic education and social diversity.Amy Gutmann - 1995 - Ethics 105 (3):557-579.
  9. The Case Against Representationalism About Moods.Amy Kind - 2013 - In Uriah Kriegel, Current Controversies in Philosophy of Mind. New York, New York: Routledge.
    According to representationalism, the phenomenal character of a mental state reduces to its intentional content. Although representationalism seems plausible with respect to ordinary perceptual states, it seems considerably less plausible for states like moods. Here the problem for representationalism arises largely because moods seem to lack intentional content altogether. In this paper, I explore several possible options for identifying the intentional content of moods and suggest that none of them is wholly satisfactory. Importantly, however, I go on to argue that (...)
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  10. Etiquette: A Confucian Contribution to Moral Philosophy.Amy Olberding - 2016 - Ethics 126 (2):422-446.
    The early Confucians recognize that the exchanges and experiences of quotidian life profoundly shape moral attitudes, moral self-understanding, and our prospects for robust moral community. Confucian etiquette aims to provide a form of moral training that can render learners equal to the moral work of ordinary life, inculcating appropriate cognitive-emotional dispositions, as well as honing social perception and bodily expression. In both their astute attention to prosaic behavior and the techniques they suggest for managing it, I argue, the Confucians afford (...)
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  11. What is Consciousness?Amy Kind & Daniel Stoljar - 2023 - New York: Routledge.
    What is consciousness and why is it so philosophically and scientifically puzzling? For many years philosophers approached this question assuming a standard physicalist framework on which consciousness can be explained by contemporary physics, biology, neuroscience, and cognitive science. This book is a debate between two philosophers who are united in their rejection of this kind of "standard" physicalism - but who differ sharply in what lesson to draw from this. Amy Kind defends dualism 2.0, a thoroughly modern version of dualism (...)
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    Allocation of scarce resources during the COVID-19 pandemic: a Jewish ethical perspective.Amy Solnica, Leonid Barski & Alan Jotkowitz - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (7):444-446.
    The novel COVID-19 pandemic has placed medical triage decision-making in the spotlight. As life-saving ventilators become scarce, clinicians are being forced to allocate scarce resources in even the wealthiest countries. The pervasiveness of air travel and high rate of transmission has caused this pandemic to spread swiftly throughout the world. Ethical triage decisions are commonly based on the utilitarian approach of maximising total benefits and life expectancy. We present triage guidelines from Italy, USA and the UK as well as the (...)
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  13. Corporate Moral Responsibility.Amy J. Sepinwall - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (1):3-13.
    This essay provides a critical overview of the debate about corporate moral responsibility. Parties to the debate address whether corporations are the kinds of entities that can be blamed when they cause unjustified harm. Proponents of CMR argue that corporations satisfy the conditions for moral agency and so they are fit for blame. Their opponents respond that corporations lack one or more of the capacities necessary for moral agency. I review the arguments on both sides and conclude ultimately that what (...)
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  14. Children, Paternalism and the Development of Autonomy.Amy Mullin - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (3):413-426.
    This paper addresses the issue of paternalism in child-rearing. Since the parent–child relationship seems to be the linguistic source of the concept, one may be tempted to assume that raising a child represents a particularly appropriate sphere for paternalism. The parent–child relationship is generally understood as a relationship that is supposed to promote the development and autonomy-formation of the child, so that the apparent source of the concept is a form of autonomy-oriented paternalism. Far from taking paternalism to be overtly (...)
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    Empire and education.Alexander Means, Amy Sojot, Yuko Ida & Manca Sustarsic - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (7):879-881.
    Hardt and Negri’s Empire series has inspired twenty years of debate and experimentation across the social sciences and humanities in fields as divergent as international re...
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    Board Composition and Stakeholder Performance: Do Stakeholder Directors Make a Difference?Amy J. Hillman, Gerald D. Keim & Rebecca A. Luce - 2001 - Business and Society 40 (3):295-314.
    In this article, we examine the link between board composition and an enterprise strategy outcome, stakeholder relations. Because a firm’s enterprise strategy is set at the highest level of the organization, we expect the presence of stakeholder directors (suppliers, customers, employees, and community representatives) to be positively associated with stakeholder performance.Results from an analysis of 3,268 board members representing 250 firms are discussed in the context of both corporate governance and stakeholder management literatures.
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  17. Communitarian critics of liberalism.Amy Gutmann - 2002 - In Derek Matravers & Jonathan E. Pike, Debates in Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology. New York: Routledge. pp. 308 - 322.
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  18. Children, paternalism, and education: A liberal argument.Amy Gutmann - 1980 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 9 (4):338-358.
  19.  30
    Deliberating about Bioethics.Amy Gutmann & Dennis Thompson - 1997 - Hastings Center Report 27 (3):38-41.
    In some sense, bioethics was built on conflicts. Abortion, physician‐assisted suicide, patients’ demand for autonomy all are staple and contentious issues. And the controversies continue to proliferate. What forum best serves such debates? A look at political theories of democracy can help answer that question. The most promising for bioethics debates are theories that ask citizens and officials to justify any demands for collective action by giving reasons that can be accepted by those who are bound by the action. This (...)
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  20. The challenge of multiculturalism in political ethics.Amy Gutmann - 1993 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 22 (3):171-206.
  21.  99
    It’s not them, it’s you: A case study concerning the exclusion of non-western philosophy.Amy Olberding - 2015 - Comparative Philosophy 6 (2).
    My purpose in this essay is to suggest, via case study, that if Anglo-American philosophy is to become more inclusive of non-western traditions, the discipline requires far greater efforts at self-scrutiny. I begin with the premise that Confucian ethical treatments of manners afford unique and distinctive arguments from which moral philosophy might profit, then seek to show why receptivity to these arguments will be low. I examine how ordinary good manners have largely fallen out of philosophical moral discourse in the (...)
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    Authorship Not Taught and Not Caught in Undergraduate Research Experiences at a Research University.Lauren E. Abbott, Amy Andes, Aneri C. Pattani & Patricia Ann Mabrouk - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2555-2599.
    This grounded study investigated the negotiation of authorship by faculty members, graduate student mentors, and their undergraduate protégés in undergraduate research experiences at a private research university in the northeastern United States. Semi-structured interviews using complementary scripts were conducted separately with 42 participants over a 3 year period to probe their knowledge and understanding of responsible authorship and publication practices and learn how faculty and students entered into authorship decision-making intended to lead to the publication of peer-reviewed technical papers. Herein (...)
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    Intuitions about support in 4.5-month-old infants.Amy Needham & Renee Baillargeon - 1993 - Cognition 47 (2):121-148.
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  24. Sorrow and the Sage: Grief in the zhuangzi.Amy Olberding - 2007 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 6 (4):339-359.
    The Zhuangzi offers two apparently incompatible models of bereavement. Zhuangzi sometimes suggests that the sage will greet loss with unfractured equanimity and even aplomb. However, upon the death of his own wife, Zhuangzi evinces a sorrow that, albeit brief, fits ill with this suggestion. In this essay, I contend that the grief that Zhuangzi displays at his wife’s death better honors wider values averred elsewhere in the text and, more generally, that a sage who retains a capacity for sorrow will (...)
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  25. Confucius' Complaints and the Analects' Account of the Good Life.Amy Olberding - 2013 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 12 (4):417-440.
    The Analects appears to offer two bodies of testimony regarding the felt, experiential qualities of leading a life of virtue. In its ostensible record of Confucius’ more abstract and reflective claims, the text appears to suggest that virtue has considerable power to afford joy and insulate from sorrow. In the text’s inclusion of Confucius’ less studied and apparently more spontaneous remarks, however, he appears sometimes to complain of the life he leads, to feel its sorrows, and to possess some despair. (...)
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  26. (2 other versions)Deliberative democracy beyond process.Amy Gutmann & Dennis Thompson - 2002 - Journal of Political Philosophy 10 (2):153–174.
  27.  66
    Denying Corporate Rights and Punishing Corporate Wrongs.Amy J. Sepinwall - 2015 - Business Ethics Quarterly 25 (4):517-534.
    Scholars addressing the moral status of corporations are motivated by a pair of conflicting anxieties: If corporations are not moral agents, we will be unable to blame them for their wrongs. But if corporations are moral agents, we will have to recognize corporate moral rights, and the legal rights that flow therefrom. In early and under-appreciated work, Tom Donaldson sought to allay both concerns at once: Corporations, he argued, are not moral persons, and so are not eligible for many of (...)
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  28. [no title].Amy Russell - unknown
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  29. Children, autonomy, and care.Amy Mullin - 2007 - Journal of Social Philosophy 38 (4):536–553.
  30. Qualia realism.Amy Kind - 2001 - Philosophical Studies 104 (2):143 - 162.
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    Psychoanalysis and the Methodology of Critique.Amy Allen - 2016 - Constellations 23 (2):244-254.
    In his account of critical theory as diagnosing social pathologies of reason, Axel Honneth has rehabilitated the analogy between critical theory and psychoanalysis – according to which the critical theorist stands in relation to the pathological social order as the analyst stands in relation to the analysand, and the aim of critical theory is to effect the diagnosis and, ultimately, the cure of social disorders or pathologies. In this article, I show that Honneth, like Habermas before him, has an overly (...)
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  32. Trust, social norms, and motherhood.Amy Mullin - 2005 - Journal of Social Philosophy 36 (3):316–330.
  33. Are We Driven? Critical Theory and Psychoanalysis Reconsidered.Amy Allen - 2015 - Critical Horizons 16 (4):311-328.
    If, as Axel Honneth has recently argued, critical theory needs psychoanalysis for meta-normative and explanatory reasons, this does not settle the question of which version of psychoanalysis critical theorists should embrace. In this paper, I argue against Honneth's favoured version – an intersubjectivist interpretation of Winnicott's object-relations theory – and in favour of an alternative based on the drive-theoretical work of Melanie Klein. Klein's work, I argue, provides critical theorists with a more realistic conception of the person and a richer (...)
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    From Corpses to Courtesy: Xunzi’s Defense of Etiquette.Amy Olberding - 2015 - Journal of Value Inquiry 49 (1-2):145-159.
    Etiquette writer Judith Martin is frequently faced with “etiquette skeptics,” interlocutors who protest not simply that this or that rule of etiquette is problematic but complain that etiquette itself, qua a system of conventional norms for human conduct and communication, is objectionable. While etiquette skeptics come in a variety of forms, one of the most frequent skeptical complaints is that etiquette is artificial.The worries Martin canvasses are frequently also raised in more philosophical work as reasons to doubt the moral significance (...)
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    Infants' use of featural and experiential information in segregating and individuating objects: a reply to Xu, Carey and Welch.Amy Needham & Renée Baillargeon - 2000 - Cognition 74 (3):255-284.
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    Philosophical Exclusion and Conversational Practices.Olberding Amy - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (4):1023-1038.
    Professional philosophy in the United States has recently enjoyed a revival of discussion regarding the inclusion of Asian philosophies in the discipline, a revival that includes popular press articles, journal articles, books, and blog discussions.1 Such discussions can prompt hope that change is afoot and the discipline may, at long last, become more genuinely inclusive. However, for those of us who have been in the profession long enough, it is likewise difficult to resist a certain cynicism. After all, episodic bursts (...)
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    Gratitude and Caring Labor.Amy Mullin - 2011 - Ethics and Social Welfare 5 (2):110-122.
    I argue that it is appropriate for adult recipients of personal care to feel and express gratitude whenever care providers are inspired partly by benevolence, and deliver a real benefit in a manner that conveys respect for the recipient. My focus on gratitude is consistent with important aspects of feminist ethics of care, including its attention to the particularities and vulnerabilities of caregivers and care recipients, and its concern with how relations of care are shaped by social hierarchies and public (...)
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  38. How method travels: genealogy in Foucault and Castro-Gómez.Amy Nigh & Verena Erlenbusch-Anderson - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (7):2147-2174.
    This paper examines whether, and how, Foucauldian genealogy travels to contexts and problematizations beyond the method's European site of articulation. Our particular focus is on the work of Colombian philosopher Santiago Castro-Gómez, whose work includes both a systematic defense of the usefulness of Foucauldian inquiry for decolonial study and genealogical inquiry in a Foucauldian spirit but in a context beyond Foucault's own horizon of study. We show that taking up Foucault's work in the context of Latin America leads Castro-Gómez to (...)
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    The complementary roles of Chance and Lawlike elements in Peirce's evolutionary cosmology.Frederick Kronz & Amy McLaughlin - 2002 - In Harald Atmanspacher & Robert Bishop, Between Chance and Choice: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Determinism. Thorverton UK: Imprint Academic.
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    Dialogic syntax and complement constructions in toddlers' peer interactions.Bahar Köymen & Amy Kyratzis - 2014 - Cognitive Linguistics 25 (3):497-521.
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  41. Democracy & democratic education.Amy Gutmann - 1993 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 12 (1):1-9.
    A profound problem posed by education for any pluralistic society with democratic aspirations is how to reconcile individual freedom and civic virtue. Children cannot be educated to maximize both individual freedom and civic virtue. Yet reasonable people value and intermittently demand both. We value freedom of speech and press, for example, but want people to refrain from false and socially harmful expression. The various tensions between individual freedom and civic virtue pose a challenge that is simultaneously philosophical and political. How (...)
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    Infants' formation and use of categories to segregate objects.Amy Needham, Gwenden Dueker & Gregory Lockhead - 2005 - Cognition 94 (3):215-240.
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    Fetal microchimerism and maternal health: A review and evolutionary analysis of cooperation and conflict beyond the womb.Amy M. Boddy, Angelo Fortunato, Melissa Wilson Sayres & Athena Aktipis - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (10):1106-1118.
    The presence of fetal cells has been associated with both positive and negative effects on maternal health. These paradoxical effects may be due to the fact that maternal and offspring fitness interests are aligned in certain domains and conflicting in others, which may have led to the evolution of fetal microchimeric phenotypes that can manipulate maternal tissues. We use cooperation and conflict theory to generate testable predictions about domains in which fetal microchimerism may enhance maternal health and those in which (...)
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  44. Dreaming of the Duke of Zhou: Exemplarism and the analects.Amy Olberding - 2008 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35 (4):625-639.
    Exemplars clearly play a significant role in the ethical vision of the Analects. However, while they are often treated as illustrations of the text’s more abstract ethical commitments, I argue that they are better understood to source those commitments. Such is to say that the conceptual schemata of the Analects – its account of human flourishing, the specific virtues it recommends, and its suggested path for self cultivation – originate in the people the text so vividly describes, in the unmediated (...)
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  45. Liberal Feminism: Comprehensive and Political.Amy R. Baehr - 2013 - In Amy Baehr, Feminist Interpretations of John Rawls. pp. 150-166.
  46. Children and the Argument from 'Marginal' Cases.Amy Mullin - 2011 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 14 (3):291-305.
    I characterize the main approaches to the moral consideration of children developed in the light of the argument from 'marginal' cases, and develop a more adequate strategy that provides guidance about the moral responsibilities adults have towards children. The first approach discounts the significance of children's potential and makes obligations to all children indirect, dependent upon interests others may have in children being treated well. The next approaches agree that the potential of children is morally considerable, but disagree as to (...)
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    Emotion Development in Infancy through the Lens of Culture.Amy G. Halberstadt & Fantasy T. Lozada - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (2):158-168.
    The goal of this review is to consider how culture impacts the socialization of emotion development in infancy, and infants’ and young children’s subsequent outcomes. First, we argue that parents’ socialization decisions are embedded within cultural structures, beliefs, and practices. Second, we identify five broad cultural frames (collectivism/individualism; power distance; children’s place in family and culture; ways children learn; and value of emotional experience and expression) that help to organize current and future research. For each frame, we discuss the impact (...)
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  48. Technology and Narratives of Continuity in Transgender Experiences.Amy Billingsley - 2015 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 1 (1):2015.
    This essay examines narratives of fundamental change, which portray a break in the continuity between a pre-transition and post-transition transgender subject, in accounts of transgender transitions. Narratives of fundamental change highlight the various changes that occur during transition and its disruptive effects upon a trans subject’s continuous identity. First, this essay considers the historical appearance of fundamental change narratives in the social sciences, the media, and their use by families of trans people, partners of trans people, and trans people themselves. (...)
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  49.  49
    Rawls on the Relationship between Liberalism and Democracy.Amy Gutmann - 2003 - In Samuel Freeman, The Cambridge companion to Rawls. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 168--99.
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    Philosophy Through Film, 4th edition.Amy Karofsky & Mary M. Litch - 2021 - Routledge.
    Some of the world’s best-loved films can be used as springboards for examining enduring philosophical questions. Philosophy Through Film provides guidance on how to watch films with an eye for their philosophical content, helping students become familiar with key topics in all of the major areas in Western philosophy, and helping them to master the techniques of philosophical argumentation. -/- The perfect size and scope for a first course in philosophy, Philosophy Through Film assumes no prior knowledge of philosophy. It (...)
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