Results for 'Amanda Szabo'

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  1.  85
    BDNF mediates improvements in executive function following a 1-year exercise intervention.Regina L. Leckie, Lauren E. Oberlin, Michelle W. Voss, Ruchika S. Prakash, Amanda Szabo-Reed, Laura Chaddock-Heyman, Siobhan M. Phillips, Neha P. Gothe, Emily Mailey, Victoria J. Vieira-Potter, Stephen A. Martin, Brandt D. Pence, Mingkuan Lin, Raja Parasuraman, Pamela M. Greenwood, Karl J. Fryxell, Jeffrey A. Woods, Edward McAuley, Arthur F. Kramer & Kirk I. Erickson - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  2.  18
    How Political Repression Stifled the Nascent Foundations of Heredity Research before Mendel in Central European Sheep Breeding Societies.Péter Poczai, Jorge A. Santiago-Blay, Jiří Sekerák & Attila T. Szabó - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (2):41.
    The nineteenth century was a time of great economic, social, and political change. The population of a modernizing Europe began demanding more freedom, which in turn propelled the ongoing discussion on the philosophy of nature. This spurred on Central European sheep breeders to debate the deepest secrets of nature: the transmission of traits from one generation to another. Scholarly questions of heredity were profoundly entwined with philosophy and politics when particular awareness of “the genetic laws of nature” claimed natural equality. (...)
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    Pediatric do-not-attempt-resuscitation orders and public schools: A national assessment of policies and laws.Michael B. Kimberly, Amanda L. Forte, Jean M. Carroll & Chris Feudtner - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (1):59 – 65.
    Some children living with life-shortening medical conditions may wish to attend school without the threat of having resuscitation attempted in the event of cardiopulmonary arrest on the school premises. Despite recent attention to in-school do-not-attempt-resuscitation (DNAR) orders, no assessment of state laws or school policies has yet been made. We therefore sought to survey a national sample of prominent school districts and situate their policies in the context of relevant state laws. Most (80%) school districts sampled did not have policies, (...)
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    Identitás és kulturális idegenség.Gábor Bednanics, Zoltán Kékesi & Ernő Kulcsár Szabó (eds.) - 2003 - Budapest: Osiris.
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    (1 other version)Where am I? Who am I? The Relation Between Spatial Cognition, Social Cognition and Individual Differences in the Built Environment.Michael J. Proulx, Orlin S. Todorov, Amanda Taylor Aiken & Alexandra A. de Sousa - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  6.  18
    Perception of a Perpetrator as a Successful Person Predicts Decreased Moral Judgment of a Rape Case and Labeling it as Rape.Boglárka Nyúl, Anna Kende, Márton Engyel & Mónika Szabó - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Verbal framing of statistical evidence drives children’s preference inferences.Laura E. Garvin & Amanda L. Woodward - 2015 - Cognition 138 (C):35-48.
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    Creative Writing.Deborah Rosenfelt, Rosamond S. King, Ashwini Tambe, Yvette Christiansë, Amanda Solomon Amorao & Carmen Giménez Smith - 2016 - Feminist Studies 42 (3):565.
    Abstract:“Poetry in the Wake” series: (pp. 563 - 574)Deborah Rosenfelt, I Need a Poem (pp. 565)Rosamond S. King, This Was Always Going to Be a Poem about Work (pp. 566 - 567)Ashwini Tambe, November 9; One Week Later (pp. 568 – 569)Yvette Christianse, Eve (pp. 570 - 571)Amanda Solomon Amorao, To My Student Who Is an Immigrant (pp. 572 - 573)Carmen Gimenez Smith, Ethos (pp. 574).
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    Spirituality in Psychotherapy.Teodóra Tomcsányi, Viola Sallay, Zsuzsanna Jáki, Péter Török, Tünde Szabó, András Ittzés, Krisztina Csáky-Pallavicini, Edith A. Kiri, Katalin Horváth-Szabó & Tamás Martos - 2017 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 39 (3):235-262.
    While scientific interest in the relationship between psychotherapeutic praxis and spirituality is growing, there is still little knowledge on this topic, especially in an East Central European context. To explore how psychotherapists understand spiritual issues and experiences they encounter in their work and to learn what happens to these issues in the course of psychotherapy, this study analyses semi-structured interviews with 30 Hungarian psychotherapists. Applying a grounded theory analytical strategy, three main topics were identified: the therapist's attitude towards spirituality leaves (...)
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    A Response to Selected Commentaries on “Pediatric Do-Not-Attempt-Resuscitation Orders and Public Schools: A National Assessment of Policies and Laws”.Michael B. Kimberly, Amanda L. Forte, Jean M. Carroll & Chris Feudtner - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (1):W19-W21.
    Caring for children with life-shortening illnesses is a humbling task. While some decisions are simple and safe, the emotionally-charged choices regarding how to best care for these children often...
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    Descolonizar a filosofia brasileira: desafios éticos e políticos para as filosofias do sul global.Rodrigo Pelloso Gelamo, Amanda Veloso Garcia & Augusto Rodrigues - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (spe):415-438.
    Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é problematizar algumas das principais práticas da filosofia universitária brasileira, de forma a denunciar seus pressupostos colonizadores e apontar seus limites na elaboração de um pensamento filosófico capaz de se relacionar, efetivamente, com os problemas do território brasileiro. Analisa-se como a estratégia de leitura e explicação dos textos europeus e estadunidenses, considerados predominantemente as referências clássicas à filosofia, faz funcionar as relações de saber e dominação existentes do Norte global sobre os povos do Sul por (...)
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    Children's responses to cognitive challenge and links to self-reported rumination.Amy L. Gentzler, Amanda L. Wheat, Cara A. Palmer & Rebecca A. Burwell - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (2):305-317.
  13. Do Lions have Manes? For Children, Generics are about Kinds, not Quantities.Amanda Brandone, Andrei Cimpian, Sarah-Jane Leslie & Susan Gelman - 2012 - Child Development 83:423-433.
  14. On Qualification.Zoltán Gendler Szabó - 2003 - Philosophical Perspectives 17 (1):385-414.
  15.  9
    Jogosultságok-elmélet és gyakorlat: a Miskolci Egyetem és a Miskolci Akadémiai Bizottság által 2008. december 5-én és 6-án rendezett konferencia anyaga.Ildikó Bartha, Krisztina Ficsor, Tamás Győrfi & Miklós Szabó (eds.) - 2009 - Miskolc: Bíbor.
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    Cognitive Agency Without Individuality.Amanda Corris - 2023 - Constructivist Foundations 18 (3):370-371.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Beyond Individual-Centred 4E Cognition: Systems Biology and Sympoiesis” by Mads Julian Dengsø & Michael David Kirchhoff. Abstract: A move to sympoiesis entails a conceptual overhaul of autopoiesis, a key facet of the enactive approach to cognition. In this commentary, I invite more systematic thinking about the concept of autopoiesis and enactivist commitments to it, given the inconsistencies regarding individuality raised in the target article.
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    Reseñas varias. [REVIEW]Vicente Raga Rosaleny, Ignacio Valdés, Andrea Mosquera, Amanda Núñez, Alejandro Sánchez Berrocal & Óscar Cubo - 2019 - Endoxa 43:347.
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  18. The Goal of Conversation.Zoltán Gendler Szabó - 2020 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 94 (1):57-86.
    Dickie (2020) presents an argument against the traditional, broadly Gricean view of conversation. She argues that speakers must sometimes be more specific than required for sharing knowledge on a topic of common concern. Her proposed solution is to claim that the goal of conversation is not just sharing knowledge but also sharing cognitive focus. In response, I argue that her proposal faces both conceptual and empirical difficulties, and that the traditional view can handle the problem of non-specificity by acknowledging that (...)
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  19. Sensitivity Training.Zoltán Gendler Szabó - 2006 - Mind and Language 21 (1):31-38.
  20.  53
    The Loss of Uniqueness.Z. Gendler Szabo - 2005 - Mind 114 (456):1185-1222.
    Philosophers and linguists alike tend to call a semantic theory ‘Russellian’ just in case it assigns to sentences in which definite descriptions occur the truth-conditions Russell did in ‘On Denoting’. This is unfortunate; not all aspects of those particular truth-conditions do explanatory work in Russell's writings. As far as the semantics of descriptions is concerned, the key insights of ‘On Denoting’ are that definite descriptions are not uniformly referring expressions, and that they are scope-bearing elements. Anyone who accepts these two (...)
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  21.  37
    Bell's local causality for philosophers.Gábor Hofer-Szabó & Péter Vecsernyés - unknown
    This paper is the philosopher-friendly version of our more technical work. It aims to give a clear-cut definition of Bell's notion of local causality. Having provided a framework, called local physical theory, which integrates probabilistic and spatiotemporal concepts, we formulate the notion of local causality and relate it to other locality and causality concepts. Then we compare Bell's local causality with Reichenbach's Common Cause Principle and relate both to the Bell inequalities. We find a nice parallelism: both local causality and (...)
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  22.  36
    Meaning, Truth, and Physics.Laszlo E. Szabo - unknown
    A physical theory is a partially interpreted axiomatic formal system, where L is a formal language with some logical, mathematical and physical axioms, and with some derivation rules, and the semantics S is a relationship between the formulas of L and some states of affairs in the physical world. In our ordinary discourse, the formal system L is regarded as an abstract object or structure, the semantics S as something which involves the mental/conceptual realm. This view is of course incompatible (...)
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  23.  65
    Facial expression of pain: An evolutionary account.Amanda C. De C. Williams - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (4):439-455.
    This paper proposes that human expression of pain in the presence or absence of caregivers, and the detection of pain by observers, arises from evolved propensities. The function of pain is to demand attention and prioritise escape, recovery, and healing; where others can help achieve these goals, effective communication of pain is required. Evidence is reviewed of a distinct and specific facial expression of pain from infancy to old age, consistent across stimuli, and recognizable as pain by observers. Voluntary control (...)
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  24. The loss of uniqueness.Szabó Zoltán Gendler - 2005 - Mind 114 (456):1185 - 1222.
    Philosophers and linguists alike tend to call a semantic theory ‘Russellian’ just in case it assigns to sentences in which definite descriptions occur the truth-conditions Russell did in ‘On Denoting’. This is unfortunate; not all aspects of those particular truth-conditions do explanatory work in Russell's writings. As far as the semantics of descriptions is concerned, the key insights of ‘On Denoting’ are that definite descriptions are not uniformly referring expressions, and that they are scope-bearing elements. Anyone who accepts these two (...)
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    Assent is not consent.Amanda Sibley, Mark Sheehan & Andrew J. Pollard - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (1):3-3.
    A recent article from Archives of Disease in Childhood outlined problems with the act of gaining child assent for research participation. However the arguments used in the article are incomplete or misguided. Rather than being harmful, assent should be seen as an ethically-appropriate way in which we can engage with the child about his participation in research. While additional clarification of the concept of assent is needed, the child's family context can provide us with a valuable guide to the way (...)
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  26. Pareto Principles in Infinite Ethics.Amanda Askell - 2018 - Dissertation, New York University
    It is possible that the world contains infinitely many agents that have positive and negative levels of well-being. Theories have been developed to ethically rank such worlds based on the well-being levels of the agents in those worlds or other qualitative properties of the worlds in question, such as the distribution of agents across spacetime. In this thesis I argue that such ethical rankings ought to be consistent with the Pareto principle, which says that if two worlds contain the same (...)
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  27. Approaches to organisational culture and ethics.Amanda Sinclair - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (1):63 - 73.
    This paper assesses the potential of organisational culture as a means for improving ethics in organisations. Organisational culture is recognised as one determinant of how people behave, more or less ethically, in organisations. It is also incresingly understood as an attribute that management can and should influence to improve organisational performance. When things go wrong in organisations, managers look to the culture as both the source of problems and the basis for solutions. Two models of organisational culture and ethical behaviour (...)
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    What is Violence?Amanda Cawston - 2015 - In Herjeet Marway & Heather Widdows (eds.), Women and Violence: The Agency of Victims and Perpetrators. Palgrave MacMillan. pp. 216-231.
    The aim of this chapter is to uncover a specifically political conception of violence which will capture our interest in violence as it relates to a fundamental problem for society. The chapter will first analyze (and reject) several existing definitions of violence in terms of whether they successfully describe a fundamental problem, then propose a new conception of violence that directs our attention towards problematic attitudes rather than types of actions. This new conception allows us to consider the relationship between (...)
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    Az újkori szkepticizmus története.István Faragó-Szabó - 2005 - Budapest: Áron.
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    Voices in the winds of change.Amanda Kottler - 1996 - In Sue Wilkinson & Celia Kitzinger (eds.), Representing the other: a Feminism & psychology reader. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. pp. 57.
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    Ole Martin Moen og Aksel Braanen Sterri: Aktivdødshjelp – Etikk ved livets slutt.Amanda Schei - 2020 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 55 (1):93-96.
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    Berkeley's Triangle.SzabÓ ZoltÁn - 1995 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 12:41.
  33. (1 other version)Adjectives in Context.Zoltan Szabo - 2001 - In Robert M. Harrish & Istvan Kenesei (eds.), Perspectives on Semantics, Pragmatics, and Discourse. John Benjamins.
    0. Abstract In this paper, I argue that although the behavior of adjectives in context poses a serious challenge to the principle of compositionality of content, in the end such considerations do not defeat the principle. The first two sections are devoted to the precise statement of the challenge; the rest of the paper presents a semantic analysis of a large class of adjectives that provides a satisfactory answer to it. In section 1, I formulate the context thesis, according to (...)
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    Justice for women/gestators: superior personhood or plain old feminism?Amanda Roth - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (1):22-23.
    Robinson offers the ‘superior personhood’ approach (SPA) to capture the value of gestation and ground justice for women/gestators.1 SPA holds that women/gestators are more than mere persons given the reality of pregnancy and the vital role women/gestators play in reproduction.1 In this commentary, I speak to some background context perhaps relevant to SPA, lay out areas of agreement with Robinson and then raise four worries about the approach. In my view, the devaluing of gestation and injustice for women/gestators need rectifying, (...)
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  35. Should we welcome robot teachers?Amanda J. C. Sharkey - 2016 - Ethics and Information Technology 18 (4):283-297.
    Current uses of robots in classrooms are reviewed and used to characterise four scenarios: Robot as Classroom Teacher; Robot as Companion and Peer; Robot as Care-eliciting Companion; and Telepresence Robot Teacher. The main ethical concerns associated with robot teachers are identified as: privacy; attachment, deception, and loss of human contact; and control and accountability. These are discussed in terms of the four identified scenarios. It is argued that classroom robots are likely to impact children’s’ privacy, especially when they masquerade as (...)
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  36. Semantics and.Zoltan Gendler Szabo - 2005 - In Ernie Lepore & Barry C. Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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  37.  73
    The Way We Argue Now: A Study in the Cultures of Theory.Amanda Anderson - 2005 - Princeton University Press.
    How do the ways we argue represent a practical philosophy or a way of life? Are concepts of character and ethos pertinent to our understanding of academic debate? In this book, Amanda Anderson analyzes arguments in literary, cultural, and political theory, with special attention to the ways in which theorists understand ideals of critical distance, forms of subjective experience, and the determinants of belief and practice. Drawing on the resources of the liberal and rationalist tradition, Anderson interrogates the limits (...)
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  38.  13
    Problems of Compositionality.Zoltán Gendler Szabó - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    This book is a critical discussion of the principle of compositionality, the thesis that the meaning of a complex expression is fully determined by the meanings of its constituents and its structure. The aim of this book is to clarify what is meant by this principle, to show that its traditional justification is insufficient, and to discuss some of the problems that have to be addressed before a new attempt can be made to justify it.
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  39. Satisfaction, Settlement, and Exposition.Amanda Fulford - 2016 - In Amanda Fulford & Naomi Hodgson (eds.), Philosophy and Theory in Educational Research: Writing in the Margin. New York, NY: Routledge.
  40. What is Violence?Amanda Cawston - 2015 - In Herjeet Marway & Heather Widdows (eds.), Women and Violence: The Agency of Victims and Perpetrators. Palgrave MacMillan. pp. 216-231.
    The aim of this chapter is to uncover a specifically political conception of violence which will capture our interest in violence as it relates to a fundamental problem for society. The chapter will first analyze (and reject) several existing definitions of violence in terms of whether they successfully describe a fundamental problem, then propose a new conception of violence that directs our attention towards problematic attitudes rather than types of actions. This new conception allows us to consider the relationship between (...)
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    Felelet a Mondolatra: tanulmányok a 60 éves Bogárd Szabó István tiszteletére.István Bogárdi Szabó, József Zsengellér, Tamás Kodácsy & Tamás Ablonczy (eds.) - 2016 - Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiadó.
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    Reichenbachian common cause systems.Gábor Hofer-Szabó & Miklos Redei - 2004 - International Journal of Theoretical Physics 43:1819-1826.
    A partition $\{C_i\}_{i\in I}$ of a Boolean algebra $\cS$ in a probability measure space $(\cS,p)$ is called a Reichenbachian common cause system for the correlated pair $A,B$ of events in $\cS$ if any two elements in the partition behave like a Reichenbachian common cause and its complement, the cardinality of the index set $I$ is called the size of the common cause system. It is shown that given any correlation in $(\cS,p)$, and given any finite size $n>2$, the probability space (...)
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  43. Knowledge of Meaning: An Introduction to Semantic Theory.Zoltan Gendler Szabo, Richard Larson & Gabriel Segal - 1997 - Philosophical Review 106 (1):122.
    To the best of my knowledge, no one in recent decades has written a book of this magnitude about the semantics of natural language. Certainly, nothing available today matches this volume in depth, precision, and coherence. The authors present classical and recent results of linguistic semantics within the framework of interpretative T-theories and defend the philosophical foundations of their approach by showing how it fits into the larger enterprise of cognitive linguistics. The book also includes an array of excellent exercises (...)
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  44. Perceived Greenwashing: The Effects of Green Marketing on Environmental and Product Perceptions.Szerena Szabo & Jane Webster - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (4):719-739.
    Many firms are striving to improve their environmental positions by presenting their environmental efforts to the public. To do so, they are applying green marketing strategies to help gain competitive advantage and appeal to ecologically conscious consumers. However, not all green marketing claims accurately reflect firms’ environmental conduct, and can be viewed as ‘greenwashing’. Greenwashing may not only affect a company’s profitability, but more importantly, result in ethical harm. Therefore, this research extends past greenwashing studies by examining additional influences on (...)
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    Developing a new justification for assent.Amanda Sibley, Andrew J. Pollard, Raymond Fitzpatrick & Mark Sheehan - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundCurrent guidelines do not clearly outline when assent should be attained from paediatric research participants, nor do they detail the necessary elements of the assent process. This stems from the fact that the fundamental justification behind the concept of assent is misunderstood. In this paper, we critically assess three widespread ethical arguments used for assent: children’s rights, the best interests of the child, and respect for a child’s developing autonomy. We then outline a newly-developed two-fold justification for the assent process: (...)
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    Finding the question.Zoltán Gendler Szabó - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (3):779-786.
    Yablo gives us an account of subject-matter - a characterization of what declarative sentences are about. I argue that this account can be seen as a way of adjusting Frege’s theory of meaning, so as it no longer carries the implausible commitment that declarative sentences refer to their truth-values. I also point out that Yablo’s approach faces an unpleasant choice: give up a uniform compositional semantics for interrogative sentences or abandon the idea that ordinary characterizations of subject matter are literally (...)
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  47. Physicalism Without the Idols of Mathematics.László E. Szabó - 2023 - Foundations of Science:1-20.
    I will argue that the ontological doctrine of physicalism inevitably entails the denial that there is anything conceptual in logic and mathematics. The elements of a formal system, even if they are tagged by suggestive names, are merely meaningless parts of a physically existing machinery, which have nothing to do with concepts, because they have nothing to do with the actual things. The only situation in which they can become meaning-carriers is when they are involved in a physical theory. But (...)
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  48. The Analytic-Continental Debate.Istvan Farago-Szabo - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (2):107-113.
    In 2007, a debate took place between Hungarian representatives of the analytic and continental schools of philosophy. Boldizsár Eszes and János T?zsér concluded their article about the history of analytic philosophy by the claim that the only possible method of philosophising is analytic. Answering on behalf of continental philosophers, Tibor Schwendtner approached the topic from the points of view of the sociology of knowledge and academic politics. Tamás Ullmann also defended continental philosophy, emphasizing that it is not vague or unscientific. (...)
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    Cancer as a Metaphor.Amanda Potts & Elena Semino - 2019 - Metaphor and Symbol 34 (2):81-95.
    ABSTRACTSince the publication of Susan Sontag’s highly influential Illness as Metaphor in 1978, many studies have provided follow-up analyses on her critique of metaphors for cancer, but none hav...
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  50. Can we program or train robots to be good?Amanda Sharkey - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 22 (4):283-295.
    As robots are deployed in a widening range of situations, it is necessary to develop a clearer position about whether or not they can be trusted to make good moral decisions. In this paper, we take a realistic look at recent attempts to program and to train robots to develop some form of moral competence. Examples of implemented robot behaviours that have been described as 'ethical', or 'minimally ethical' are considered, although they are found to only operate in quite constrained (...)
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