Results for 'Amal Kiran'

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  1. Teilhard de Chardin and our time.Amal Kiran - 2000 - Pondicherry: Clear Ray Trust.
    On the life and philosophy of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin on Christianity and comparing it with the views of Aurobindo Ghose, 1872-1950 on Vedanta; a study.
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    Multiple Marginalizations: What Bioethics Can Learn From Black Feminism.Amal W. Cheema, Karen M. Meagher & Richard R. Sharp - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (2):1-3.
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    A Systematic Literature Review on Islamic Values Applied in Quality Management Context.Amal Hayati Ishak & Muhamad Rahimi Osman - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (1):103-112.
    Contemporary Islamic management scholars have agreed that values are embedded in quality management. Their agreement is grounded on the famous prophetic tradition encouraging diligence in work, uttered more than 1400 years ago, which has been narrated authentically. However, little studies have specifically indicated its application in quality management activities. As quality management is initiated in the West, little attention has been given to Islamic perspective of the discipline. However, as the Japanese had successfully implemented quality management in their cultural value (...)
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    International Criminal Law as a Site for Enhancing Women’s Rights? Challenges, Possibilities, Strategies.Kiran Kaur Grewal - 2015 - Feminist Legal Studies 23 (2):149-165.
    Many scholars and activists have argued that the International Criminal Court holds potential for advancing the rights of women and girls, leading to extensive feminist engagement with and investment in the Court. As the ICC enters its second decade of existence, this article offers a reflection on both the possibilities and the challenges facing feminists. Can the international criminal law really offer a site for enhancing the rights of women? And if so, how? To explore these questions I focus on (...)
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    Procedures of recruiting, obtaining informed consent, and compensating research participants in Qatar: findings from a qualitative investigation.Amal Killawi, Amal Khidir, Maha Elnashar, Huda Abdelrahim, Maya Hammoud, Heather Elliott, Michelle Thurston, Humna Asad, Abdul Latif Al-Khal & Michael D. Fetters - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):9.
    Very few researchers have reported on procedures of recruiting, obtaining informed consent, and compensating participants in health research in the Arabian Gulf Region. Empirical research can inform the debate about whether to adjust these procedures for culturally diverse settings. Our objective was to delineate procedures related to recruiting, obtaining informed consent, and compensating health research participants in the extremely high-density multicultural setting of Qatar.
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    Habits, Quick and Easy: Perceived Complexity Moderates the Associations of Contextual Stability and Rewards With Behavioral Automaticity.Kiran McCloskey & Blair T. Johnson - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    A few notes on [hdotu]unayn's translation and Ibn al-nafīs' commentary on the first book of the aphorisms.Amal Abou Aly - 2000 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 10 (1):139-150.
    The Hippocratic Aphorisms is a well-known treatise which was very popular throughout the ages. This paper studies the Arabic translation of [Hdotu]unayn ibn Ishaq, the renowned Arab translator, of the first book of the Aphorisms as well as the commentary of Ibn al-Nafis, the thirteenth-century Arab doctor, on the same book. This study highlights the difficulties that occasionally confronted the Arab commentator while commenting. The obscurity of a few Hippocratic sentences as well as [Hdotu]unayn's interpretation and alteration in meaning were (...)
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    Le sionisme et ses tragiques contradictions.Amal Jamal - 2011 - Cités 47 (3):83.
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    The ethics of obedience.Amal Kumar Mukhopadhyay - 1967 - Calcutta,: World Press.
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  10. Religious communication of vivekananda, Swami, an exposition of hinduism to the world.Kiran Ramachandran Nair - 1994 - Journal of Dharma 19 (2):175-186.
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    Evil and the State: interdisciplinary perspectives.Kiran Sarma & Ben Livings (eds.) - 2013 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
    Situational and experiential factors provide a moral lens through which people judge the morality or otherwise of actions. The research in this volume goes a step further and illustrates that individual differences may interact with these situational and experiential factors to explain the acquisition of positive attitudes to immoral behaviour.
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  12. Integrating Counterfactual Thinking and Economic Definitions of Regret into Discussions of Agent-Regret in Healthcare.Amal Sharafkhodjaeva, Bobbi R. Lovstad & Adam P. Steiner - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):39-41.
    Enck and Condley’s “Agent-Regret in Healthcare” (Enck and Condley 2025) explores an essential yet often overlooked emotional response faced by those in the healthcare system and highlights the impo...
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    Working Together: Pulling Apart.Amal Treacher - 2005 - Feminist Review 81 (1):12-14.
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    A proposal for an international Code of Conduct for data sharing in genomics.Amal Matar, Mats Hansson, Santa Slokenberga, Adam Panagiotopoulos, Gauthier Chassang, Olga Tzortzatou, Kärt Pormeister, Elias Uhlin, Antonella Cardone & Michael Beauvais - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 23 (4):344-357.
    As genomic research becomes commonplace across the world, there is an increased need to coordinate practices among researchers, especially with regard to data sharing. One such way is an international code of conduct. In September 2020, an expert panel consisting of representatives from various fields convened to discuss a draft proposal formed via a synthesis of existing professional codes and other recommendations. This article presents an overview and analysis of the main issues related to international genomic research that were discussed (...)
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  15.  42
    Conflict Theory, Temporality, and Transformative Temporariness: Lessons from Israel and Palestine.Amal Jamal - 2016 - Constellations 23 (3):365-377.
  16.  54
    Rawls on the embedded self: Liberalism as an affective regime.Kiran Banerjee & Jeffrey Bercuson - 2015 - European Journal of Political Theory 14 (2):209-228.
    In recent years, political theorists have come to recognize the central role of affect in social and political life. A host of scholars, coming from a number of distinct traditions, have variously drawn our attention to the importance of the emotions to the tradition of the history of political thought, as well as to normative political theory. This attentiveness to affect is often cast as a break with earlier, Enlightenment-inspired liberal approaches towards politics, approaches that marginalized the emotions, dismissing the (...)
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  17.  22
    Protecting the boundary: Teleworker insights on the expansive concept of “work”.Kiran Mirchandani - 1998 - Gender and Society 12 (2):168-187.
    Feminist scholars have consistently argued for broadened definitions of work that include the invisible family and emotion work done predominantly by women. This article focuses on women's resistances to placing these various activities into the common category of work. Drawing from interviews with teleworkers, it examines how and why women narrowed the meaning of work and explores some of the costs that may accompany a more expansive definition of work.
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  18. Trusting Our Selves to Technology.Asle H. Kiran & Peter-Paul Verbeek - 2010 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 23 (3):409-427.
    Trust is a central dimension in the relation between human beings and technologies. In many discourses about technology, the relation between human beings and technologies is conceptualized as an external relation: a relation between pre-given entities that can have an impact on each other but that do not mutually constitute each other. From this perspective, relations of trust can vary between _reliance_, as is present for instance in technological extensionism, and _suspicion_, as in various precautionary approaches in ethics that focus (...)
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  19.  34
    Role of Philosophy of Education in India.Kiran Srivastava - 2017 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):11-21.
    One of the important aspects of educational philosophy is that it helps to construct a comprehensive system of education. During different periods, India has witnessed various stages of development. New priorities have emerged in education with the influences of monastic scholastic, realistic, idealistic and pragmatic trends. While education institutions have evolved, there remain several gaps between the philosophical ideals proposed by educational institutions and their everyday functioning. The paper brings forth the urgent need to bridge the gaps in order to (...)
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    On Reynolds's use of de piles, Locke, and Hume in his essays on rubens and gainsborough.Amal Asfour & Paul Williamson - 1997 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 60 (1):215-229.
  21.  25
    Ser y Tener: Black Women's Activism, Development, and Ethnicity in the Pacific Lowlands of Colombia.Kiran Asher - 2007 - Feminist Studies 33 (1):11-37.
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    Texts in Context: Afro-Colombian Women's Activism in the Pacific Lowlands of Colombia.Kiran Asher - 2004 - Feminist Review 78 (1):38-55.
    This paper speaks across the divide between feminist theorists and praxis-oriented gender experts to argue for a more enabling reading of postcolonial feminist critiques of gender and development. Drawing on the activism of Afro-Colombian women in the Pacific Lowlands of Colombia – most especially Matamba y Guasá, a network of black women's organizations from the state of Cauca – it brings attention to the independent ability of women in these locations to reflect and act on their own realities and claims.
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  23. Rousseau's concept of theatre.Amal Banerjee - 1977 - British Journal of Aesthetics 17 (2):171-177.
  24.  49
    (1 other version)A Theory of Critical Junctures for Democratization: A Comparative Examination of Constitution-Making in Egypt and Tunisia.Amal Jamal & Anna Kensicki - 2016 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 10 (1):185-222.
    Journal Name: The Law & Ethics of Human Rights Issue: Ahead of print.
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  25. On the morality of Arab collective rights in Israel.Amal Jamal - 2003 - Philosophy 11 (1):65-88.
  26. Contemporary mass media and gender justice.Kiran Prasad - 2004 - Journal of Dharma 29 (2):149-162.
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  27. Sāṅkhyatattvapradīpa.Amal Dhari Singh - 1970
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  28. Do ESG Controversies Matter for Firm Value? Evidence from International Data.Amal Aouadi & Sylvain Marsat - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (4):1027-1047.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between environmental, social, and governance controversies and firm market value. We use a unique dataset of more than 4000 firms from 58 countries during 2002–2011. Primary analysis surprisingly shows that ESG controversies are associated with greater firm value. However, when interacted with the corporate social performance score, ESG controversies are found to have no direct effect on firm value while the interaction appears to be highly and significantly positive. Building on (...)
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    Changes in task-based effective connectivity in language networks following rehabilitation in post-stroke patients with aphasia.Swathi Kiran, Erin L. Meier, Kushal J. Kapse & Peter A. Glynn - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Giving Up on Someone.Kiran Bhardwaj - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 25 (1).
    We usually think nothing of our practice of ‘giving up’ on someone who has behaviors or attitudes that are morally criticizable—after all, it is my prerogative to choose with whom I will associate, and exclusion seems to be an unobjectionable part of my toolkit of social sanctions. However, this paper will argue that it is in many cases impermissible to give up on a morally unpleasant person—in fact, it would be to make an unjustified exception for oneself.
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    Hogarth's Post-Newtonian Universe.Amal Asfour - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (4):693-716.
  32.  29
    Revisiting Southeast Asian Civil Islam: Moderate Muslims and Indonesia’s Democracy Paradox.M. Khusna Amal - 2020 - Intellectual Discourse 28 (1):295-318.
    : There has been an intensive scholarly debate about the developmentof Indonesia’s post-New Order democracy. Some scholars have laudedIndonesia’s surprisingly successful transition to democratic consolidation,while others have disputed such a notion, arguing that Indonesia’s democraticprocess tends to be stagnant and even regressive. However, the absence ofa progressive civil society as a result of the increasingly dominant positionof oligarchic political elites in the structure of state power and democraticinstitutions, are a number of important factors that encourage the declineof democracy. This article (...)
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    Visual Pollution of the Banks of the Tigris River in Baghdad City Capital of Iraq.Amal Abed Asal - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1117-1126.
    The study titled "Visual Pollution of the Tigris Riverbanks in Baghdad City" consists of two main sections: the first section is dedicated to the theoretical framework, while the second section covers the practical aspect (field study). Specific areas of Baghdad were selected for this study due to the widespread presence of solid waste along the riverbanks. The importance of the study lies in the fact that visual pollution is one of the dangerous types of pollution that affects both human health (...)
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  34. Viśishṭādvaitavāda aura usakā Hindī bhakti-kāvya para prabhāva.Kiraṇakumārī Guptā - 1973 - Āgarā,: Rañjana Prakāśana.
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    Knowing a negative fact: anupalabdhi.Amal Kumar Harh - 2001 - New Delhi: New Bharatiya Book.
    On logic and reasoning in Hindu philosophy.
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    Economic regulation strategy and adequal Policy formation features.Amal Hasanly - 2018 - Metafizika 1 (1):82-93.
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  37. Ācārya Mallisheṇakr̥ta Syādvādamañjarī kā samīkshātmaka adhyayana.Kiraṇakalā Jaina - 1992 - Dillī: Parimala Pablikeśansa.
    Critical study of Svādvādamañjarī, verse work by Mallisena on Jaina philosophy.
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    (Dis)-Trust in transitioning ventilator-dependent children from hospital to homecare.Kiran Pohar Manhas & Ian Mitchell - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (8):913-927.
    Background: Scholarly work is needed to develop the conceptual and theoretical understanding of trust to nursing practice. The transition from hospital care to complex pediatric homecare involves nurses in myriad roles, including management and care provision. Complex pediatric homecare transforms children, families, professionals, and communities, but its exact implications are unclear. Research objectives: To conduct an ethical inquiry into the role and responsibilities of nurses in the qualitative experience of adults involved in the hospital-to-home transition of young, ventilator-dependent children. Research (...)
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  39. Epilogue.Kiran Pate - 2021 - In Jessica Reinisch & David Brydan, Europe's internationalists: rethinking the history of internationalism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Responsible Design. A Conceptual Look at Interdependent Design–Use Dynamics.Asle H. Kiran - 2012 - Philosophy and Technology 25 (2):179-198.
    This article investigates the conceptual foundations of technological innovation and development projects that aim to bring ethical and social issues into the design stage. Focusing on the ethics and social impact of technological innovation and development has been somewhat of a trend lately, for instance in ELSA research and in such initiatives as the Dutch Responsible Innovation programme. I argue that in order to succeed in doing social responsible and ethical sound design, a proper understanding of the relation between technology (...)
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    Interfering Quantum Trajectories Without Which-Way Information.Kiran Mathew & Moncy V. John - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (7):873-886.
    Quantum trajectory-based descriptions of interference between two coherent stationary waves in a double-slit experiment are presented, as given by the de Broglie–Bohm and modified de Broglie–Bohm formulations of quantum mechanics. In the dBB trajectory representation, interference between two spreading wave packets can be shown also as resulting from motion of particles. But a trajectory explanation for interference between stationary states is so far not available in this scheme. We show that both the dBB and MdBB trajectories are capable of producing (...)
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  42.  56
    Copula is an intuitive predicate of consciousness on fulfilment of knowing and judging acts.Kiran Pala - 2020 - Humanit Soc Sci Commun 121 (7).
    The recent investigations into knowledge and its elements viz facts, skills and objects have become prominent in various subfields of philosophy and other areas like linguistics, cognitive science, neuroscience and artificial intelligence. These investigations have been mainly on understanding the relation between the intentionality and its referential entities to know how they enrich knowledge with their existence. This article starts with an exploration of the fundamental aspects of judgemental sense from the knowledge origins perspective. To explain the consequences of this, (...)
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    Technological Presence: Actuality and Potentiality in Subject Constitution. [REVIEW]Asle H. Kiran - 2012 - Human Studies 35 (1):77-93.
    Technical mediation shapes our experience of the world, but it also shapes our experience of ourselves. In this paper, I argue that in order to understand the latter aspect of technical mediation, we need to expand on notions of technical mediation that focuses on actual use, and bring in possible use as well. The concept of technical mediation must therefore be grounded in a more general concept of technological presence. This concept indicates that technology harbours both actuality and potentiality, the (...)
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  44.  28
    The ethics of metaphor as a research tool.Kiran Pohar Manhas & Kathleen Oberle - 2015 - Research Ethics 11 (1):42-51.
    The interpretive and subjective nature of qualitative research has led to growing utilization of arts-based strategies for data collection, analysis and dissemination. The defining characteristic of all such strategies is that they are largely subjective and intended to invoke personal responses in the ‘audience.’ Following that direction, many qualitative researchers are using metaphor to capture themes emerging from their analysis. In this article, we explore ethical aspects of using metaphor in describing results of qualitative health research and illustrate some of (...)
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    Rethinking Decolonial and Postcolonial Knowledges beyond Regions to Imagine Transnational Solidarity.Kiran Asher & Priti Ramamurthy - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (3):542-547.
    Since the early twentieth century, various strands of “anticolonial” scholarship have been and are concerned with how colonial encounters and practices constitute differences. In recent years, this scholarship maps the uneven implications of “coloniality” for subjects and bodies marked as different, for example, “feminine,” “raced,” “queer,” or trans. Along with feminism, anticolonial scholarship's analytical goals—to link the body with body politics—are closely tied to its political ones: to correct the wrongs of colonial encounters and practices. The current avatars of anticolonial (...)
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  46. The interplay of indexicality between essence and meanings: an interconnection of experiences and memory.Kiran Pala - 2023 - Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10.
    This article looks at Husserlian ideas as an analytical tool to explain the cognitive aspects of experiences that range between knowledge acts in inferences and Mulligan’s contemporary perspective of meaning formation, through reflections of relations. The essay also takes into consideration the views of Levinas and Hintikka, for whom experiences form the foundations of intuitive capacity. These perspectives are essential concerning epistemic evidence to self (I/me-ness): mental objects and spatiotemporal relations are the structural notions of episteme on their own; their (...)
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    Himālī darśana. Kiraṇa - 2017 - [Lalitapura]: Sājha Prakāśana.
    Chiefly, on materialism and Indic philosophy.
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    Autonomous decisions by couples in reproductive care.Amal Matar, Anna T. Höglund, Pär Segerdahl & Ulrik Kihlbom - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-8.
    BackgroundPreconception Expanded Carrier Screening (ECS) is a genetic test offered to a general population or to couples who have no known risk of recessive and X-linked genetic diseases and are interested in becoming parents. A test may screen for carrier status of several autosomal recessive diseases at one go. Such a program has been piloted in the Netherlands and may become a reality in more European countries in the future. The ethical rationale for such tests is that they enhance reproductive (...)
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    Values and value conflicts in implementation and use of preconception expanded carrier screening - an expert interview study.Amal Matar, Mats G. Hansson & Anna T. Höglund - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):25.
    Endeavors have been made to found and incorporate ethical values in most aspects of healthcare, including health technology assessment. Health technologies and their assessment are value-laden and could trigger problems with dissemination if they contradict societal norms. Per WHO definition, preconception expanded carrier screening is a new health technology that warrants assessment. It is a genetic test offered to couples who have no known risk of recessive genetic diseases and are interested pregnancy. A test may screen for carrier status of (...)
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    Facing challenges and drawing strength from adversity: Lived experiences of Tibetan refugee youth in exile in India.Kiran Dolly Sapam & Parisha Jijina - 2020 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 20 (1):e1850489.
    ABSTRACT The current study is a qualitative investigation aimed at exploring the lived experiences of Tibetan youth who had escaped to India as unaccompanied minors and since then have been living as refugees in India without their parents. The study attempts to explore the challenges, struggles and coping of this unique population of youth refugees growing up in exile in India without the support of parents. Ten Tibetan refugee youth now studying at university level were interviewed in depth. Interpretative phenomenological (...)
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