Results for 'Am Adam'

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  1. " Was Einstein a philosopher?" Deduction vs. induction, the end of certitude and conventionalism.Am Adam - 1999 - In S. Smets J. P. Van Bendegem G. C. Cornelis (ed.), Metadebates on Science. VUB-Press & Kluwer. pp. 6--1.
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  2. Sefer Noʻam Shelomoh: amarim neʻimim u-feninim yeḳarim ṿe-divre hadrakhah le-horot ha-derekh ha-yesharah she-yavor lo ha-adam la-daʻat ha-maʻaśeh asher yaʻaśun.Shelomoh Halbershṭam - 2014 - Bene Beraḳ: Mekhon Or Tsiyon. Edited by Shimon Goldberger.
    [1] ʻAl ʻinyene ḥinukh ha-banim ṿeha-banot ṿi-yeme ha-baḥarut-- [2] ʻAl ʻinyene derekh ha-Ḥasidut lesayeaʻ le-zulato be-ruḥaniyut ṿe-nilṿeh elaṿ mikhteve ḳodesh be-ʻinyan zeh.
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  3. Review], 131. Agassi, Joseph, and Nathaniel Laor,“how ignoring repeatability leads to magic”[review essay], 528. Aronovitch, Hilliard,“nationalism in theory and reality”[review. [REVIEW]Am Adam - 2000 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 30 (4):591-594.
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    I am not interested in talking with you.Adam Peña & Trevor Bibler - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (4):7-9.
    Mr. M is an eighty-five-year-old who presented to the hospital with congestive heart failure exacerbation, pneumonia, altered mental status, and sepsis. A physician determines that he lacks capacity, and the team in the intensive care unit looks to the patient's daughter, Celia, as his surrogate decision-maker because she is named as an agent in his medical power of attorney form. While in the ICU, Mr. M suffers acute respiratory distress secondary to pneumonia and thus requires intubation. Celia accepts several life-sustaining (...)
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    List of Names.Basem Abdallah, Steven A. Abrams, Mark B. Adams, Ben Agger, Rüdiger Ahrens, Arnold Aletrino, Dante Alighieri, Edward D. Allen, Lindsay Allen & Jean AmØry - 2011 - In Brian Hurwitz & Paola Spinozzi (eds.), Discourses and Narrations in the Biosciences. V&R Unipress. pp. 287.
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    Who Am I?Adam Morton - 1990 - Cogito 4 (3):186-191.
    This is a popularisation of ideas current when it was written, on personal identity and the concept of a person, making a link with problems about 'knowing who' on the border of epistemology and the philosophy of language.
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    I Am a Convicted Felon.Doug Adams - 1990 - Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 4 (3):25-26.
    My name is Doug Adam. I am a convicted felon. I turned myself in, in mid-1987, to a U.S. attorney in New York, pleading guilty to felony charges of tax fraud and fraud on a mutual fund. It leftme scared to death, millions of dollars in debt, with no job, and at the age of37 back living with my parents while I awaited sentencing. What began then was a painful process of self discovery. After thriving on competition and perfection (...)
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    On Reading Ayer at 7.00 am.Maggie Adams - 2010 - Philosophy Now 78:45-45.
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    I Am Alaskan.Brian Adams - 2013 - University of Alaska Press.
    What does an Alaskan look like? When asked to visualize someone from Alaska, the image most people conjure up is one of a face lost in a parka, surrounded by snow. Missing from this image is the vibrant diversity of those who call themselves Alaskans, as well as the true essence of the place. Brian Adams, a rising star in photography, aims to change all this with his captivating new collection, I Am Alaskan. In this full-color tribute, Adams entices us (...)
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  10. ʻAl yetser ha-adam: masot, imrot u-meshalim = About the human's instinct: essays, sayings and allegories.ʻAmiḳam Yasʻur - 2018 - Ḥefah: Dukhifat hotsaʼah la-or.
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  11. Mihu ha-adam.Noʻam Ṿisman - 2015 - Tel Aviv: Hotsaʼat ha-Ḳibuts ha-meʼuḥad.
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  12. I am here, they were there : a poetic rumination of familial history, place, and the conception of self.Adam Vincent - 2020 - In Ellyn Lyle (ed.), Identity landscapes: contemplating place and the construction of self. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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  13. Kierkegaard’s Arguments Against Objective Reasoning In Religion.Robert Merrihew Adams - 1977 - The Monist 60 (2):228-243.
    Versions of this paper have been read to philosophical colloquia at Occidental College and California State University, Fullerton. I am indebted to participants in those discussions, to students in many of my classes, and particularly to Marilyn McCord Adams, Van Harvey, Thomas Kselman, William Laserow, and James Muyskens, for helpful comment on the ideas which are contained in this paper (or which would have been, had it not been for their criticisms).
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    The Plain Inquirer’s Plain Evidence against the Global Skeptical Scenarios.Adam Leite - 2018 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 8 (3):208-222.
    _ Source: _Volume 8, Issue 3, pp 208 - 222 Penelope Maddy claims that we can have no evidence that we are not being globally deceived by an evil demon. However, Maddy’s Plain Inquirer holds that she has good evidence for a wide variety of claims about the world and her relation to it. She rejects the broadly Cartesian idea that she can’t be entitled to these claims, or have good evidence for them, or know them, unless she can provide (...)
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    I am so glad that we parted! Am I? On attitude representation, counterfactual thinking, and experienced regret.Philip Broemer & Adam Grabowski - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (1):137-143.
    Two studies examined how different linguistic forms affect the way in which people access memories of former close relationships that are irrevocably over. Remembering former relationships can activate either positive or negative attitudes. Whether people feel sorrow that bygones are in fact bygones depends on attitudinal valence, but also on the linguistic form in which people express their attitudes. More abstract linguistic forms prevent people from retrieving specific and detailed memories, and thus prompt them to generating more counterfactual thoughts and (...)
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  16. Sensory awareness as irreducible: From internalist intentionalism to primitivism.Adam Pautz - manuscript
    I am going to develop an argument against Physicalism concerning qualitative mental properties. Unlike most arguments against Physicalism, it is not based on the usual _a priori_ considerations, such as what Mary learns when she comes out of her black and white room or the apparent conceivability of Zombies. Rather, it is based on two broadly _a posteriori_ premises about the structure of experience and its physical basis.
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    Seeing is Knowing.Zed Adams - 2012 - Review of Metaphysics 66 (1):61-88.
    There is a well-known tradition of thinkers who have argued that philosophical reflection on the lived character of everyday experience can reveal significant and sometimes surprising insights into the nature of things. Philosophers as diverse as William James, Edmund Husserl, and Ludwig Wittgenstein have all suggested that first-person experience can play an important, if not definitive, role in structuring our philosophical accounts of the world. One deep source of opposition to this tradition is the worry that first-person experience simply cannot (...)
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  18. Time and Thisness.Robert Merrihew Adams - 1986 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 11 (1):315-329.
    I have argued elsewhere that there are facts, and possibilities, that are not purely qualitative. In a second paper, however, I have argued that all possibilities are purely qualitative except insofar as they involve individuals that actually exist. In particular, I have argued that there are no thisnesses of nonactual individuals (where the thisness of x is the property of being x, or of being identical with x), and that there are no singular propositions about nonactual individuals (where a singular (...)
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    Gerrymandering Circulation: Why NRP is Inconsistent with the Dead Donor Rule.Adam Omelianchuk - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (6):62-66.
    The articles by Bernat, Busch, Dudzinski et al., and Derse illustrate the difficulties with reconciling normothermic regional perfusion (NRP) with the dead donor rule (DDR) (Bernat forthcoming; Busch forthcoming; Dudzinski et al. forthcoming; Derse forthcoming). I appreciate their arguments because they help illuminate the issues that generate a dilemma: either reject NRP or the DDR. I am convinced that the dilemma is unavoidable because the procurement team is involved with determining and securing the death of the donor when circulation restarts. (...)
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    Triangular Logic of Partial Toposes.Adam Obtulowicz - 2000 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 10 (2):173-212.
    ABSTRACT We present a new method for proving theorems in the equational theory of partial maps over toposes introduced in the papers [C'089] and [086], The method is given by a system of rules of formation of proofs. The proofs of f is defined' and the proofs of correctness ‘φ)' formed by application of the rules of the system are such that they contain a computation of the value f, where f is a partial function valued in natural numbers and (...)
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  21. Decisions, Uncertainty, and the Brain.Adam Morton - 2005 - Mind 114 (455):737-739.
    I consider Glimcher's claim to have given an account of mental functioning that is at once neurological and decision-theoretical. I am skeptical, but remark on some good ideas of Glimcher's.
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  22. Varieties of Interpretationism about Belief and Desire.Adam Pautz - 2021 - Analysis 21 (3):512-524.
    In his superb book, The Metaphysics of Representation, Williams sketches biconditional reductive definitions of representational states in non-representational terms. The central idea is an extremely innovative variety of interpretationism about belief and desire. Williams is inspired by David Lewis but departs significantly from him. I am sympathetic to interpretationism for some basic beliefs and desires. However, I will raise three worries for Williams’s version (§2–4). It neglects the role of conscious experience, it makes beliefs and desire too dependent on "hidden (...)
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    Unbalanced exposure: existentialism, Marxism, and philosophical culture in state socialist Hungary.Adam Takács - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (3):437-453.
    Existentialism and existentialist thinkers enjoyed sustained interest in Hungary under communist rule. From the late 1940s to the late 1980s, this branch of “bourgeois philosophy” never ceased to generate renewed attention. However, this reception was not subsumed into the ideological orthodoxy, nor was it simply destined to fuel Marxist–Leninist criticism. Whereas Georg Lukács’s polemics with existentialism in the 1940s set the agenda to embrace a highly critical reception, it was precisely Sartre’s influence in the 1960s that had opened the door (...)
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    Reason to hope.Adam Thurschwell - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    Drucilla Cornell’s legacy defies easy summary. Thrown out of Stanford for protesting the Vietnam War, by the age of 20 she was organizing sweatshop workers for the United Auto Workers. Union organizing led her to law school (her only post-graduate degree is in law) and eventually a job as a law professor. Meanwhile, a defining encounter with Hegel at the age of 15 launched her intellectual trajectory, which would be followed by various schools of post-Hegelian thought (the Frankfurt School, Derridian (...)
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    Internalization, Internal Conflict, and I–Thou Relationships.Adam Brenner - 2014 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 21 (1):67-70.
    I am grateful to Hannes Nykänen for his discussion of the important role that I–Thou relationships, as described by Martin Buber, have in shaping a moral life. The author makes a distinction between two very different kinds of moral experience, one based in encounters between mutually engaged subjects (I–Thou relationships), and another based on the internalization of external standards. He argues that only the former can provide a foundation for moral decisions that are guided by conscience. He is careful to (...)
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  26. Knowledge, practical knowledge, and intentional action.Joshua Shepherd & J. Adam Carter - 2023 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 9:556-583.
    We argue that any strong version of a knowledge condition on intentional action, the practical knowledge principle, on which knowledge of what I am doing (under some description: call it A-ing) is necessary for that A-ing to qualify as an intentional action, is false. Our argument involves a new kind of case, one that centers the agent’s control appropriately and thus improves upon Davidson’s well-known carbon copier case. After discussing this case, offering an initial argument against the knowledge condition, and (...)
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    A Response to My Critics.Adam Potkay - 2001 - Hume Studies 27 (1):173-179.
    In The Passion for Happiness, I attempt to situate Johnson alongside Hume within a common Enlightenment culture and, in so doing, to give us a better idea of what that culture is, or may be said to be. I am concerned in the book to analyze what I see as their shared debts to classical eudaimonism, particularly as it is presented in the philosophical dialogues of Cicero. In this regard, my book builds upon Peter Jones’s Hume’s Sentiments: Their Ciceronian and (...)
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    Freedom to choose and democracy.Adam Przeworski - 2003 - Economics and Philosophy 19 (2):265-279.
    Should democracts value the freedom to choose? Do people value facing distinct choices when they make collective decisions? ‘Autonomy’ – the ability to participate in the making of collective decisions – is a paltry notion of freedom. True, democrats must be prepared that their preferences may not be realized as the outcome of the collective choice. Yet democracy is impoverished when many people cannot even vote for what they most want. ‘The point is not to be free, but to act (...)
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    It's Not Always Just a Rash.Adam Bossert - 2023 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 13 (1):24-26.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:It's Not Always Just a RashAdam BossertI looked at the emergency department track board and saw a patient waiting for a provider who was "roomed" in a hallway stretcher with a chief complaint of a rash. I briefly considered his ultimate disposition, "He's probably fine. He can't be that sick if he was triaged as safe for the hallway." I was tired and close to the end of an (...)
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  30. The Enigma of Forgiveness.Michele Moody-Adams - 2015 - Journal of Value Inquiry 49 (1-2):161-180.
    For at least two millennia, religious traditions, spiritual communities and secular moral thinkers have debated the nature and sources of forgiveness. But near the end of the twentieth century understanding forgiveness took on new urgency, as divided societies looked to forgiveness as a vehicle of reconciliation, governments sought forgiveness for past wrongs, and popular psychology explored the therapeutic effects of forgiveness. These developments have led to a remarkable increase in scholarship on forgiveness: philosophers examine its moral nature; psychologists seek to (...)
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  31. Folk psychology does not exist.Adam Morton - 2007 - In Daniel D. Hutto & Matthew Ratcliffe (eds.), Folk Psychology Re-Assessed. New York: Springer Press. pp. 211--221.
    I discuss the possibility that there is no intrinsic unity to the capacities which are bundled under the label "folk psychology". Cooperative skills, attributional skills, and predictive skills may be scattered as parts of other non--psychological capacities. I discuss how some forms of social life bring these different skills together. I end with some remarks on how abilities that are not unified in their essential mechanisms may still form a rough practical unity. (Remark: the paper is conjectural. It describes a (...)
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    Conjecturing Future Winters: Poetry, Nostalgia, and Climate Change in New England.Adam W. Sweeting - 2020 - Environment, Space, Place 12 (2):112-132.
    Abstract:This essay explores ways that looming climate change will affect how we think about future winters in New England. By all accounts, by the end of the twenty-first century the depth of the region's winter snow and cold will be much reduced from their historical averages. Drawing upon personal reflection, scientific data, and close readings of iconic New England authors, the essay examines potential future conceptions of the region's winters. I am particularly interested in how the expected warmer winters will (...)
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    Responses.Robert Merrihew Adams - 2002 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 64 (2):475–490.
    In responding here to four respected colleagues I am grateful for their perceptive, and sympathetic but not uncritical, attention to my book. I discuss their comments in an order that permits me to focus first on the good and then on the right. I begin with some remarks addressed to two of my critics at once; there follow sections addressed to each of the four individually.
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    Über Die Echtheit Der Platonischen Briefe (Classic Reprint).Rudolf Adam - 2018 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Über die Echtheit der Platonischen Briefe Der erste Aufenthalt Platos in Syrakus fällt, wie sich mit Hilfe einer bisher übersehenen Angabe seines Biographen Olympiodor feststellen läfst, in den Frühsommer des Jahres 388. Damals war Plato, der nach dem Zeugnis seines Schülers Hermodor 427 geboren ist, in der Tat beinahe 40 Jahre alt Das anfänglich gute Verhältnis zum älteren Dionys konnte bei der Ver schiedenheit der Charaktere nicht lange bestehen; schon um die Mitte des Sommers 388, zur Zeit der (...)
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  35. An introduction to the special issue on slurs.Adam M. Croom - 2015 - Language Sciences 52:1-2.
    Welcome to this special issue of Language Sciences on slurs. The collection in this issue consists of 21 original research articles from seasoned scholars and exceptional students across the humanities and social sciences. These scholars come from backgrounds in linguistics, anthropology, philosophy, psychology, and sociology, and here they investigate the use of slurs in a variety of natural languages, including English, Croatian, Hebrew, Korean, and Portuguese. -/- The topic of focus for this special issue has not only remained controversial and (...)
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    Gaming the System?: Justice, Fairness, and Disability Accommodations.Adam Cureton - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Disability 2:55-78.
    I am legally entitled to certain accommodations for my visual impairment that I do not always need. Affording me these rights is required by justice even on those rare occasions in which they are not necessary to give me an equal opportunity to fully participate in all aspects of society. I sometimes wonder whether I am nonetheless “gaming the system,” “exploiting a loophole,” or otherwise acting unjustly or unfairly by using disability accommodations in such circumstances. The essay aims to explore (...)
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    The Ethics of Organ Tourism: Role Morality and Organ Transplantation.Marcus P. Adams - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (6):670-689.
    Organ tourism occurs when individuals in countries with existing organ transplant procedures, such as the United States, are unable to procure an organ by using those transplant procedures in enough time to save their life. In this paper, I am concerned with the following question: When organ tourists return to the United States and need another transplant, do US transplant physicians have an obligation to place them on a transplant list? I argue that transplant physicians have a duty not to (...)
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    Resistance and the Reconfiguration of the Sensible. [REVIEW]Adam Burgos - 2017 - Syndicate Philosophy 1:n.p..
    Politics is about much more than the laws we enact, the politicians we elect, the institutional structures and procedures that we support, and the distribution of rights and goods that undergird those decisions. It is, certainly, all of those things, but it is also something deeper and more fundamental to our way of being in society and among those with whom we live: at the level of our sensibility lies that which conditions our experiences and interactions. By sensibility I am (...)
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    Comments on Intelligent Virtue: Moral Education, Aspiration, and Altruism.Robert Merrihew Adams - 2015 - Journal of Value Inquiry 49 (1-2):289-295.
    I am here to criticize a very good book. Julia Annas’s Intelligent Virtue offers us “an account of virtue” that is manifestly indebted to Aristotle and the ancient Stoics, but is also modern and highly original, deeply and carefully thought through, with well-informed attention to contemporary issues and insights. She says “[this] account of virtue results from attending to two ideas” . I will discuss the first of them in parts 1 and 2 of my comments, and the second in (...)
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    Is a Tattoo a Sign of Impiety?Adam Barkman - 2012 - In Fritz Allhoff & Robert Arp (eds.), Tattoos – Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 221–229.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Dispelling a Confusion ‘You Shall Not Make … Any Marks Upon Yourselves: I Am YHVH’ ‘You Are Not Your Own … Therefore Honor God with Your Body’ ‘We Must Not Injure Our Bodies: This Is the Beginning of Filial Piety’ The Christian Confucian Confusion.
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    Response to Carriero, Mugnai, and Garber.Robert Merrihew Adams - 1996 - The Leibniz Review 6:107-125.
    John Carriero, Massimo Mugnai, and Daniel Garber have all contributed significantly to our understanding of Leibniz. I am honored to have my book discussed by such distinguished Leibniz interpreters, and their present reviews all push me in ways that I find instructive. I will first discuss issues pertaining to contingency, responding to Carriero’s review and most of Mugnai’s; then issues about bodies, responding to Garber’s review and the last part of Mugnai’s.
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    Alexandria and Rome G. Grimm: Alexandria. Die erste königsstadt der hellenistischen welt . Pp. 168, 152 ills, maps. Mainz am rhein: Philipp Von zabern, 1998. Cased, dm 68. isbn: 3-8053-2337-9. A. lampela: Rome and the ptolemies of egypt. The development of their political relations 273–80 B.c . Pp. 301. Helsinki: Societas scientiarum fennica, 1998. Paper. Isbn: 951-653-295-. [REVIEW]Colin Adams - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (01):195-.
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    Reply to my respondents.Nicholas Adams - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 84 (5):360-365.
    I am grateful for the five thoughtful and generous responses by Petruschka Schaafsma, Ariën Voogt, Sophia Höff, Dominique Gosewisch, and Rob Compaijen. I propose to summarise their responses and to...
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    Of Epicycles and Elegance.Frederick Adams - 1994 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 24 (4):637 - 641.
    I am pleased to be able to respond to Al Mele’s reply to my paper on trying and desire. My remarks will bebriet.First, it is not thesis T that I find objectionable. It may be possible for me to want TO TRY to quit smoking, while currently not wanting TO QUIT smoking. I may want to try because I want to ACQUIRE the desire to quit, since people persist in nagging me to quit. So I accept thesis T because it (...)
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    A new paradigm for adaptive management.Lucy Rist, Adam Felton, Lars Samuelsson, Camilla Sandström & Ola Rosvall - 2013 - Ecology and Society 18 (4):63-.
    Uncertainty is a pervasive feature in natural resource management. Adaptive management, an approach that focuses on identifying critical uncertainties to be reduced via diagnostic management experiments, is one favored approach for tackling this reality. While adaptive management is identified as a key method in the environmental management toolbox, there remains a lack of clarity over when its use is appropriate or feasible. Its implementation is often viewed as suitable only in a limited set of circumstances. Here we restructure some of (...)
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    Virtue Perspectivism, Externalism, and Epistemic Circularity.J. Adam Carter - 2019 - In Michela Massimi (ed.), Knowledge From a Human Point of View. Springer Verlag. pp. 123-140.
    Virtue perspectivism is a bi-level epistemology according to which there are two grades of knowledge: animal and reflective. The exercise of reliable competences suffices to give us animal knowledge; but we can then use these same competences to gain a second-order assuring perspective, one through which we may appreciate those faculties as reliable and in doing so place our first-order knowledge in a competent second-order perspective. Virtue perspectivism has considerable theoretical power, especially when it comes to vindicating our external world (...)
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    Why Do We Have the Rights We Do?Hugo Adam Bedau - 1984 - Social Philosophy and Policy 1 (2):56.
    1. The question “Why do we have the rights we do?” obviously presupposes that we do have some rights; that is, that propositions of the form ‘We have the right to x,’ or of the form ‘We have the right to do x,’ are true for certain values of x. The same issues would arise if the original question had been formulated, or were to be reformulated, as it sometimes is, in a purely existential manner, viz., “Why are there the (...)
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    Putting Heart and Soul into Research: An Inquiry into Becoming ‘Scholar-Practitioner-Saint’.David Adams - 2008 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 25 (2-3):144-157.
    In this paper the author explores the relationship between his research and his personal development. The author is part of a community of scholars at the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies that is passionate about translating faith and knowledge into practical action in culture and society. His work therefore has broader relevance. The paper highlights the need for recognising multiple identities and ‘inter-disciplines’ involved in research which can then lead to the development of the community as whole. The main question (...)
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    René Girard, Friendship, and Battling to the End: A Conversation with Cesáreo Bandera.Cesáreo Bandera & Adam Ericksen - 2019 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 26 (1):195-207.
    The following conversation took place at the 2017 Colloquium on Violence and Religion in Madrid, Spain. Cesáreo Bandera and Adam Ericksen discuss Bandera's friendship with Girard, their disagreements about mimetic theory, and hope in these apocalyptic times. This is an edited version of the transcript of a recoded interview. You can watch the video recording at The Raven Review at are in your home country.Yes. In my home country. I am from the south, from Malaga. Malaga is straight (...)
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  50. Sefer La-ḥazot be-noʻam: sefer ha-Midot: maʼamarim u-veʼurim be-takhlit midot ha-adam..Mosheh ʻAzriʼel ben Eliyahu Avraham Noifeld - 2014 - Ḳiryat Sefer, Modiʻin ʻIlit: [Mosheh ʻAzriʼel ben Eliyahu Avraham Noifeld].
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