Results for 'Alice Giannini'

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  1.  16
    Artificial intelligence, ethics, law: a view on the Italian and American debate (and on their differences).Alice Giannini - 2022 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 51 (2):248-263.
    Artificial intelligence, ethics, law: a view on the Italian and American debate (and on their differences) In the past ten years the scientific discourse on artificial intelligence (AI) has thrived. What are the challenges that AI poses to the law? If something goes wrong, who should be blamed? In the pursuit of answers to these questions, legal scholars – as the authors of the reviewed books – jumped on the AI bandwagon, joining philosophers, ethicists, computer scientists.The essay highlights recurring traits (...)
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    The role of alternative salience in the derivation of scalar implicatures.Alice Rees & Lewis Bott - 2018 - Cognition 176 (C):1-14.
  3. Imagination and Creativity in the Scientific Realm.Alice Murphy - 2024 - In Amy Kind & Julia Langkau, Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Imagination and Creativity. Oxford University Press.
    Historically left to the margins, the topics of imagination and creativity have gained prominence in philosophy of science, challenging the once dominant distinction between ‘context of discovery’ and ‘context of justification’. The aim of this chapter is to explore imagination and creativity starting from issues within contemporary philosophy of science, making connections to these topics in other domains along the way. It discusses the recent literature on the role of imagination in models and thought experiments, and their comparison with fictions. (...)
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    Riding the Adolescence: Personality Subtypes in Young Moped Riders and Their Association With Risky Driving Attitudes and Behaviors.Fabio Lucidi, Luca Mallia, Anna Maria Giannini, Roberto Sgalla, Lambros Lazuras, Andrea Chirico, Fabio Alivernini, Laura Girelli & Cristiano Violani - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  5.  22
    Metaphorical Expressions and Culture: An Indirect Link.Alice Deignan - 2003 - Metaphor and Symbol 18 (4):255-271.
    Lakoff (1993) argued that basic level conceptual metaphors are grounded in human experience, and are therefore likely to be found widely across different languages and cultures. However, other mappings may not be shared. It is well documented that many metaphorical expressions vary across languages, and a number of researchers have argued cultural motivations for this. Possible reasons for cross-linguistic differences in metaphor are that different cultures hold different attitudes to metaphor vehicles, or that the source domain entities and events are (...)
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    UK clothing retailers squeezing suppliers.Alice G. Lewthwaite-Page - 1998 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 7 (1):17–20.
    As major clothing suppliers are being forced by competition to cut costs, is this inevitably leading their suppliers to cut corners in working conditions, and what ethical considerations are relevant? The author is completing her MBA at London Business School and has a background in the textile industry.
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    Truth and Reconciliation of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities: A Case Study of COVID-19.Alice B. Popejoy - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (3):79-83.
    “Structural racism in the COVID-19 pandemic: moving forward” offers a nuanced and important critique of racial and ethnic health disparities starkly illuminated by COVID-19....
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    Hoping to Fear: The Cathartic Transformation of the Civic Community.Stephanie-Alice Baker - 2010 - In Janette McDonald & Andrea M. Stephenson, The resilience of hope. New York: Rodopi. pp. 68--97.
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  9. Deepening critical theory : French contributions to theories of recognition.Miriam Bankovsky & Alice Le Goff - 2012 - In Miriam Bankovsky & Alice Le Goff, Recognition theory and contemporary French moral and political philosophy: reopening the dialogue. New York: distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan.
  10.  21
    Decisions following reading and bias in recall.Vicky Timme, Alice Corkill & John A. Glover - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (2):77-78.
  11. Complessità e Riduzionismo.Vincenzo Fano, Enrico Giannetto, Giulia Giannini & Pierluigi Graziani - 2012 - ISONOMIA - Epistemologica Series Editor.
    The enormous increasing of connections between people and the noteworthy enlargement of domains and methods in sciences have augmented extraordinarily the cardinality of the set of meaningful human symbols. We know that complexity is always on the way to become complication, i.e. a non-tractable topic. For this reason scholars engage themselves more and more in attempting to tame plurality and chaos. In this book distinguished scientists, philosophers and historians of science reflect on the topic from a multidisciplinary point of view. (...)
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  12. Notes and News.Savilla Alice Elkus - 1914 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 11 (21):587.
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  13. [no title].Alice Pinheiro Walla & Mehmet Ruhi Demiray - unknown
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    Temporal reasoning as indexical inference.Alice Gb ter Meulen - 2013 - In Kasia M. Jaszczolt & Louis de Saussure, Time: Language, Cognition & Reality. Oxford University Press. pp. 37.
  15. How play matters for democracy.Petr Urban & Alice Koubová - 2021 - In Alice Koubová & Petr Urban, Play and Democracy: Philosophical Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  16.  6
    L'insomnie de l'eschatologie.Alice de Rochechouart - 2022 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf.
    Selon Derrida, 'Tout vrai questionnement est sommé par un certain type d'eschatologie' : la philosophie serait tirée de son sommeil dogmatique par une injonction eschatologique. Ainsi, alors que la notion d'eschatologie est originellement théologique et désigne la doctrine de la fin des temps, elle est convoquée par la philosophie contemporaine chez Heidegger, puis chez Levinas et Derrida, justement pour réfuter toute philosophie téléologique de l'histoire. Comment comprendre ce réinvestissement inattendu? Cet ouvrage propose d'abord une généalogie du motif eschatologique dans la (...)
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  17.  13
    THE NEoRo Woman And The Ballot.Alice Dunbar-Nelson - 1995 - In Beverly Guy-Sheftal, Words of Fire: An Anthology of African American Feminist Thought. The New Press.
  18. God is good.Mary Alice Jones - 1955 - Chicago,: Rand McNally.
  19.  24
    Stratification, luttes sociales et démocratie chez Charles Wright Mills.Alice Le Goff - 2015 - Astérion 13 (13).
    This article examines Charles Wright Mills’ sociological works and political thought : it shows how they provide the basis of a reflection on the social conditions of democratic conflict. First Mills’ work questions the impact of social stratification on democratic conflict. Second Mills’ approach of the notion of « mass society » puts emphasis on the way the decline of the autonomy of social orders contributes to a weakening of democratic conflict. Finally, we compare the way Mills and Pierre Bourdieu (...)
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  20.  20
    Listening time and the short-term perceptual deprivation effect.Joseph R. Levine, Alice Pettit & Bruce T. Leckart - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (1):10-11.
  21.  12
    Aufenthalt - Bewegung, Bewegung - Aufenthalt.Manfred Moser, Alice Pechriggl & Li Baudisch (eds.) - 2008 - Klagenfurt: Drava Verlag.
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  22.  69
    Social utilitarianism in the philosophy of mo Tzu.Alice Lum - 1977 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 4 (2):187-207.
  23.  24
    Structural priming is a useful but imperfect technique for studying all linguistic representations, including those of pragmatics.Alice Rees & Lewis Bott - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
    Structural priming is a useful tool for investigating linguistics representations. We argue that structural priming can be extended to the investigation of pragmatic representations such as Gricean enrichments. That is not to say priming is without its limitations, however. Interpreting a failure to observe priming may not be as simple as Branigan & Pickering imply.
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    A Systemic Functional Perspective on the Controversy surrounding the Two English Translations of Simone de Beauvoir’s Iconic Sentence in Le Deuxième Sexe.Alice Caffarel-Cayron - 2021 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 31 (2):274-296.
    This article presents a systemic functional perspective for understanding the social and philosophical meanings conveyed by Beauvoir’s iconic sentence “on ne naît pas femme: on le devient,” with a view to addressing the controversy surrounding its English translations and complementing current philosophical debates. It analyzes Beauvoir’s linguistic resources in the sentence in question and describes how its meanings are symbolically articulated through her lexicogrammatical selections. This analysis serves as a point of departure for discussing the 1953 and 2009 translators’ choices.
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  25.  14
    Erinnern und Vergessen.Alice Kohli-Kunz - 1973 - Berlin,: Duncker Und Humblot.
  26.  15
    Editorial: Obsessive-Compulsive Related Disorders: Towards an Advancement of the Knowledge of These Internalizing Disorders.Yura Loscalzo, Marco Giannini & Kenneth G. Rice - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Studyholism: A New Obsessive-Compulsive Related Disorder? An Analysis of Its Association With Internalizing and Externalizing Features.Yura Loscalzo & Marco Giannini - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Studyholism is a new potential obsessive-compulsive -related disorder recently introduced in the literature. According to its theorization, there are two types of Studyholic: Engaged and Disengaged Studyholics, which are characterized, respectively, by high and low levels of Study Engagement. This study aims to shed light on the role of internalizing and externalizing features as antecedents and outcomes of Studyholism and Study Engagement. Moreover, it aims to analyze the differences in psychopathology and sensation seeking between students demonstrating Disengaged and Engaged Studyholism. (...)
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  28.  34
    The Wellbeing of Italian Peacekeeper Military: Psychological Resources, Quality of Life and Internalizing Symptoms.Yura Loscalzo, Marco Giannini, Alessio Gori & Annamaria Di Fabio - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:294614.
    Working as a peacekeeper is associated with the exposure to acute and/or catastrophic events and chronic stressors. Hence, the meager literature about peacekeepers’ wellbeing has mainly analyzed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This study aims to deep the analysis of the wellbeing of peacekeepers military. Based on the few studies on this population, we hypothesized that Italian peacekeeper military officers and enlisted men (n = 167; 103 males, 6 females, 58 missing) exhibit lower levels of internalizing symptoms (i.e., PTSD, depression, general (...)
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  29.  2
    Segni. Scritti in ricordo di Riccardo De Biase.Paola Marangolo, Gianluca Giannini & Mattia Papa (eds.) - 2023 - Rome: tab edizioni.
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    Forms of engagement: the ethical significance of literacy teaching.Alice Lesnick - 2006 - Ethics and Education 1 (1):29-45.
    This interpretive study proposes a framework with which to explore the ethical significance of classroom-based literacy practices. Overly narrow views of literature as a source of role models or moral precepts take insufficient account of the complexity of text and experience. Through analyses of telling examples from student writing and discussion in response to literature, the occurrence and interaction of six forms of ethical engagement are documented: judging, distancing, empathizing, affiliating, disclosing and resisting. The study concludes that ethical matters are (...)
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  31.  29
    The wounding of Philip II of Macedon: fact and fabrication.Alice Swift Riginos - 1994 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 114:103-119.
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    The Just Price, the Free Market, and the Value of Women.Alice Kessler-Harris - 1988 - Feminist Studies 14 (2):235.
  33. The Warrior's Ethos & The Writer's Book I as an Art of Phronesis.Eve-Alice Roustang-Stoller - 2007 - In Corinne Noirot-Maguire & Valérie M. Dionne, Revelations of character: ethos, rhetoric, and moral philosophy in Montaigne. Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 71.
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  34. Archaeologies of listening: beginning thoughts.Peter R. Schmidt & Alice B. Kehoe - 2019 - In Peter Ridgway Schmidt & Alice Beck Kehoe, Archaeologies of listening. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.
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    Archaeologies of listening.Peter Ridgway Schmidt & Alice Beck Kehoe (eds.) - 2019 - Gainesville: University Press of Florida.
    This book provides a fresh and bold look at how archaeologists and heritage managers may enhance their capacity to interpret and understand material culture and heritage values. Drawing on the founding principles of anthropology, Archaeologies of Listening demonstrates the value of cultural apprenticeship, an almost forgotten part of archaeological practice.
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  36.  19
    The Gender Wars and Academic Freedom.Judith Suissa & Alice Sullivan - 2021 - The Philosophers' Magazine 95:82-91.
  37.  17
    Aquinas and the Metaphysics of Creation. By Gaven Kerr.Alice M. Ramos - 2020 - International Philosophical Quarterly 60 (4):492-495.
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    Anselm on Truth and Goodness.Alice Ramos - 2014 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 21:85.
    St. Anselm provides us with a metaphysics of the Logos, whereby things are true in relation to the Divine Intellect, or by the one first truth. This type of metaphysics has ethical implications, for the truth of man’s essence needs to be brought to completion through right action. Rectitude of the rational creature’s will is necessary for man’s doing the truth or standing in the truth. This paper shows that the actualization of man’s essence can only be achieved through the (...)
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    Beauty.Alice Ramos - 2010 - Quaestiones Disputatae 1 (1):261-263.
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    Human Dignity and Human Action.Alice Ramos - 2001 - Acta Philosophica 10 (2).
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  41. Karol Wojtyla-John Paul II's Idea of Ultimate Reality and Meaning.Alice Ramos - 1995 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 18 (2):102-118.
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  42.  13
    William Blake: Mental Slavery and his Visions of Mental Freedom.Alice Reininger - 2022 - Athens Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):163-172.
    William Blake belongs to one of those visionary artists who, during his lifetime, did not receive much recognition from society, was not understood and therefore even marked as “crazy”, his art “odd”. Nevertheless, a small circle of sensitive connoisseurs favored and supported him. But fortunately, his work was not completely forgotten. It seems that today William Blake is being highly valued. An extensive exhibition of his fine, masterful artwork was shown at Tate Britain in London till February 2020. His pictorial, (...)
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  43. The fetus, the fruit fly, and the fish heart : a reflection on Darwin's chapter 1. The evidence of the descent of man from some lower form.Alice Roberts - 2021 - In Jeremy M. DeSilva, A most interesting problem: what Darwin's Descent of man got right and wrong about human evolution. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
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  44.  21
    Du miracle au miraculeux : une déconstruction derridienne du miracle.Alice de Rochechouart - 2021 - ThéoRèmes 16 (16).
    Although the concept of miracle rarely appears in Derrida's philosophy, it is possible to define it, obviously very differently from its traditional theological meaning. In Derrida's philosophy, the miracle becomes the very structure of belief, involved in any address to others. Miracle is thus regarded as a ‘bare faith’, that is, as the irreducibility of the religious. As a result, it is no longer defined as something that departs from naturalistic probability: on the contrary, the structure of ‘the miraculous’ is (...)
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    A Note on Descartes‘ cogito.Morris Lazerowitz & Alice Ambrose - 1986 - Metaphilosophy 17 (1):85–86.
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    Vêtir et dévêtir des hommes : photographier les corps, révéler les masculinités.Véra Léon & Alice Morin - 2021 - Clio 54 (54):223-232.
    Dans le cadre de ce numéro thématique de Clio, nous avons recueilli les propos de Laure Ledoux, artiste et photographe. Née en 1986, elle vit et travaille à Paris. Après avoir étudié à l’école supérieure d’art et céramique de Tarbes, elle est diplômée de l’École européenne supérieure de l’image de Poitiers en 2008 et de l’École nationale supérieure de la photographie d’Arles en 2012. Ses travaux ont été présentés lors d’expositions dans des galeries, musées et centres d’art, mais aussi édité...
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    Non-expert listeners show decreased heart rate and increased blood pressure in response to atonal music.Alice M. Proverbio, Luigi Manfrin, Laura A. Arcari, Francesco De Benedetto, Martina Gazzola, Matteo Guardamagna, Valentina Lozano Nasi & Alberto Zani - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Italian telephone-based Verbal Fluency Battery (t-VFB): standardization and preliminary clinical usability evidence.Edoardo Nicolò Aiello, Alice Naomi Preti, Veronica Pucci, Lorenzo Diana, Alessia Corvaglia, Chiara Barattieri di San Pietro, Teresa Difonzo, Stefano Zago, Ildebrando Appollonio, Sara Mondini & Nadia Bolognini - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThis study aimed at standardizing and providing preliminary evidence on the clinical usability of the Italian telephone-based Verbal Fluency Battery, which includes phonemic, semantic and alternate verbal fluency tasks.MethodsThree-hundred and thirty-five Italian healthy participants and 27 individuals with neurodegenerative or cerebrovascular diseases were administered the t-VFB. Switch number and cluster size were computed via latent semantic analyses. HPs underwent the telephone-based Mental State Examination and Backward Digit Span. Construct validity, factorial structure, internal consistency, test-retest and inter-rater reliability and equivalence with (...)
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  49.  8
    Introduction.Andrea Altobrano & Alice Pugliese - 2013 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 1 (1):1-3.
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    Écrits féministes de Christine de Pizan à Simone de Beauvoir, anthologie réunie et présentée par Nicole Pellegrin.Alice Primi - 2011 - Clio 34:15-15.
    Depuis l’importante anthologie de textes féministes français parue en 1978 sous le titre Le Grief des femmes, depuis longtemps épuisée, aucun recueil similaire n’avait été composé. Nicole Pellegrin se propose de combler cette lacune, qui témoigne, selon elle, du retard français en matière d’enseignement et de vulgarisation sur l’histoire des femmes et du genre. Elle rassemble ici vingt extraits de textes, produits entre le début du XVe siècle et les années 1970. Peu d’entre eux ont été écrits...
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