Results for 'Alexandre Tarrete'

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  1. L'influence de Guillaume du vair sur la sagesse de Pierre Charron.Alexandre Tarrete - 2008 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 55:169-192.
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    Modeling Mitigation and Adaptation Policies to Predict Their Effectiveness: The Limits of Randomized Controlled Trials.Alexandre Marcellesi & Nancy Cartwright - 2018 - In Elisabeth A. Lloyd & Eric Winsberg, Climate Modelling: Philosophical and Conceptual Issues. Springer Verlag. pp. 449-480.
    Policies to combat climate change should be supported by evidence regarding their effectiveness. But what kind of evidence is that? And what tools should one use to gather such evidence? Many argue that randomized controlled trials are the gold standard when it comes to evaluating the effects of policies. As a result, there has been a push for climate change policies to be evaluated using RCTs. We argue that this push is misguided. After explaining why RCTs are thought to be (...)
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    Respectable Challenges to Respectable Theory: Cognitive Dissonance Theory Requires Conceptualization Clarification and Operational Tools.David C. Vaidis & Alexandre Bran - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Despite its long tradition in social psychology, we consider that Cognitive Dissonance Theory presents serious flaws concerning its methodology which question the relevance of the theory, limit breakthroughs, and hinder the evaluation of its core hypotheses. In our opinion, these issues are mainly due to operational and methodological weaknesses that have not been sufficiently addressed since the beginnings of the theory. We start by reviewing the ambiguities concerning the definition and conceptualization of the term cognitive dissonance. We then review the (...)
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    Selective maintenance of value information helps resolve the exploration/exploitation dilemma.Michael N. Hallquist & Alexandre Y. Dombrovski - 2019 - Cognition 183 (C):226-243.
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  5. Estabelecendo os Marcos da história da sociologia como disciplinas escolar. Entrevista com Celso de souza Machado.Anita Handfas & Alexandre Barbosa Fraga - 2014 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 4 (8):223-237.
    Celso de Souza Machado publicou, em 1987, um artigo intitulado “O ensino da Sociologia na escola secundária brasileira: levantamento preliminar”, escrito quando ainda era aluno do curso de graduação em Ciências Sociais da USP. Esse artigo se tornou referência na área e talvez seja a primeira iniciativa de trabalho científico de que se tem conhecimento sobre o ensino de sociologia no Brasil. Nesta entrevista, o autor relembra o processo de elaboração dessa pesquisa que ganhou projeção por remontar a trajetória histórica (...)
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    Improving Teenagers’ Divergent Thinking With Improvisational Theater.Mathieu Hainselin, Alexandre Aubry & Béatrice Bourdin - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  7. Symmetry and its formalisms: Mathematical aspects.Brian Hepburn & Alexandre Guay - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (2):160-178.
    This article explores the relation between the concept of symmetry and its formalisms. The standard view among philosophers and physicists is that symmetry is completely formalized by mathematical groups. For some mathematicians however, the groupoid is a competing and more general formalism. An analysis of symmetry that justifies this extension has not been adequately spelled out. After a brief explication of how groups, equivalence, and symmetries classes are related, we show that, while it’s true in some instances that groups are (...)
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    Interview with Tim Berners‐Lee.Harry Halpin & Alexandre Monnin - 2013-12-13 - In Harry Halpin & Alexandre Monnin, Philosophical Engineering. Wiley. pp. 181–186.
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    The Decentralization of Knowledge.Harry Halpin & Alexandre Monnin - unknown
    Does the centralization of the Web change both the diffusion of knowledge and the philosophical definition of knowledge itself? By exploring the origins of the Semantic Web in the philosophy of Carnap and of Google’s machine learning approach in Heidegger, we demonstrate that competing philosophical schools are deeply embedded in artificial intelligence and its evolution in the Web. Finally, we conclude that a decentralized approach to knowledge is necessary in order to bring the Web to its full potential as project (...)
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    Context-Sensitivity and the Inclusion of Subjective Beliefs Have Broad Implications.Christian G. Huber, Alexandre Wullschleger & Franziska Rabenschlag - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (12):101-103.
    We commend Hempeler et al. (2024) on their important manuscript outlining a context-sensitive and patient-centered model for informal coercion in mental healthcare. Indeed, in clinical experience a...
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  11. Aftermath of the Logical Paradise.Jean-Yves Beziau, Alexandre Costa-Leite & Itala M. Loffredo D’Ottaviano (eds.) - 2017
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    As figuras da amizade em Kant e suas relações com a Moral, o Direito e a Política.Alexandre Travessoni Gomes - 2010 - Dois Pontos 7 (2).
    Este ensaio aborda o conceito de amizade em Kant, e procura relacioná-lo com amoral, o direito e a política kantianos. Como forma de introduzir a temática, começa otexto com uma abordagem do conceito e dos tipos de amizade apresentados por Aristóteles.Após isso, aborda o conceito e os tipos de amizade apresentados por Kant, tanto naDoutrina da Virtude (A Metafísica dos Costumes) quanto nas Preleções sobre Ética. O textotrata então dos problemas e das vantagens que o conceito kantiano de amizade representa,para, (...)
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    Exploração da força de trabalho indígena na formação dos seringais em Rondônia.Carlos Alexandre Barros Trubiliano - 2017 - Dialogos 21 (3):51-63.
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    Über adäquate problemstellung in der mathematischen grundlagenforschung.Alexandre van Wittenberg - 1953 - Dialectica 7 (3):232-254.
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    Les personnes atteintes de l'hépatite C sont-elles des victimes comme les autres?Jacques-Antoine Robert & Alexandre Regniault - 2002 - Médecine et Droit 2002 (52):20-29.
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    Protocomputing Architecture over a Digital Medium Aiming at Real-Time Video Processing.Aoi Tanibata, Alexandre Schmid, Shinya Takamaeda-Yamazaki, Masayuki Ikebe, Masato Motomura & Tetsuya Asai - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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    Dream content of Canadian males from adolescence to old age: An exploration of ontogenetic patterns.Allyson Dale, Alexandre Lafrenière & Joseph De Koninck - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 49:145-156.
  18. (1 other version)A Case of Non-Ideal Guidance: Tackling Tax Competition.Alexandre Gajevic Sayegh - 2016 - Moral Philosophy and Politics (1):2016-10-04.
    In the global justice literature, growing attention has been given to problems particular to a globalised economy such as tax competition. Political philosophers have started to reflect on how these problems intersect with theories of global justice. This paper explores the idea according to which action-guiding principles of justice can only be formulated at such intersections. This is the starting point from which I develop a ‘non-ideal theory’ of global justice. The methodology of this theory posits that principles of justice (...)
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    Estudo do processo de resposta num teste de memória.Fabián Javier Marín Rueda, Fermino Fernandes Sisto, Cláudia Araújo da Cunha & Alexandre José Raad - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 31:26-38.
    O processo de resposta do Teste Pictórico de Memória (TEPIC-M) classifica seus itens em três categorias sequenciais (céu, terra e água). Assim, aventou-se a hipótese que pessoas com uma familiaridade diária com o mar (Aracaju-grupo A) lembrariam mais desses itens quando comparadas com pessoas sem es..
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    Laughing like a caveman: excess and experience inside Georges Bataille’s Lascaux.Marc-Alexandre Dumoulin - 2024 - Journal for Cultural Research 29 (1):59-75.
    Towards the end of his life, Bataille became increasingly fascinated by prehistoric culture. His analysis of the Lascaux cave frames it as the symbolic site of our birth, envisioning in its art the final step to anthropogenesis: we, as a species, became human once we began smearing pigment on cave walls. Bataille’s account of this dual birth of art and humanity is neither an ode to our rational mind nor to our capacity for aesthetic contemplation. Rather, the murals adorning the (...)
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    Breve introducción a la estética sociológica.Alexandre Sanvisens I. Marfull - 1956 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 2:33-72.
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    Inscriptions peintes en linéaire B à Malia.Jan Driessen & Alexandre Farnoux - 1991 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 115 (1):71-93.
    Lors de la campagne de fouilles de 1990 à Malia, au Quartier Nu, deux inscriptions en linéaire Β peintes sur deux vases à étrier ont été découvertes. Elles proviennent d'un bâtiment détruit au début du MR III B, d'après le matériel abondant trouvé dans la couche de destruction. Elles sont constituées chacune d'un mot, vraisemblablement un anthroponyme. Elles apportent une nouvelle preuve de l'intérêt du MR III maliote.
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    If You’re ‘Still In’ the Paris Climate Agreement, Then Show Us the Money.Georges Alexandre Lenferna - 2018 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 21 (1):52-55.
    In the wake of Trump’s misguided decision to pull the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement, there has been a groundswell of sub-national US support for climate action. Governors Brown (...
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    Apresentação - Sua voz em nossas cabeças: 20 anos sem Sebald | His voice in our heads: 20 years without Sebald.Beatriz Malcher & Davi Alexandre Tomm - 2021 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 3 (2):1-15.
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    Acordo Brasil-Santa Sé: Catolicização da Vida Pública na República Laica.Hugo Alexandre Espínola Mangueira - 2010 - Horizonte 8 (19):151-152.
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    Rousseau et l’éducation : apports et tensions.Stéphane Martineau & Alexandre Buysse - 2016 - Revue Phronesis 5 (2):14-22.
    Rousseau’s thoughts on education are being presented and then put in tension with todays educational conceptions. We aim at highlighting in how far Rousseau’s work can still contribute to conceive teaching and learning, but also how it is in tension with some contemporary educational tenets. We conclude by emphasising the need to reflect all teaching and learning taking into account the objective to allow the development of a human being bestowed with a unique potential, that of being able to become (...)
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    Localités distribuées, globalités localisées.Dominique Vinck, Alexandre Camus, Florian Jaton & Pierre-Nicolas Oberhauser - 2018 - Symposium 22 (1):41-60.
    S’appuyant sur trois enquêtes de terrain qui portent sur le façonnage d’êtres numériques, le présent article traite des relectures méthodologiques que l’on peut faire de trois contributions de Latour à l’enquête ethnographique. 1. Il montre que l’accent mis sur les séquences d’action permet d’engager une enquête systématique qui rend compte de trajectoires. 2. Il avance que le concept d’actant sensibilise à l’éventail des entités agissantes qui infléchissent ces trajectoires, de même qu’au peuplement de situations apparemment inoccupées. 3. Il soutient que (...)
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    Una discusión sobre anarquismo cristiano: Entrevista a Alexandre Christoyannopoulos.Alexandre Christoyannopoulos & Pedro García-Guirao - 2013 - Erosión: Revista de Pensamiento Anarquista 3 (2):111-123.
    De origen francés y griego, el Dr. Alexandre Christoyanno-poulos creció en Bruselas aunque lleva viviendo en Reino Unido casi desde 1997. En University of Kent estudióEconomía, Relaciones Internacionales y Estudios Europeos, y por último, Ciencias Políticas y Religión. Comenzó a trabajar en University of Kent y en Canterbury Christ Church University. Desde septiembre de 2010 es profesor de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales en la Loughborough University. Ha publicado Christian Anarchism: A Political Commentary on the Gospel (2010); en 2014 (...)
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    Book Review 'Catching capital: The ethics of tax competition'. [REVIEW]Alexandre Gajevic Sayegh - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 16 (2).
    In today’s globalised economy, characterised by high capital mobility but largely domestic tax policy, individuals and corporations can pick and choose between different tax regimes. In Catching Capital: The Ethics of Tax Competition, Peter Dietsch offers a commanding analysis covering the moral assessment and an institutional solution to the problem of tax competition. This book will prove useful to political philosophers and legal theorists seeking a thorough approach to global justice that proceeds from real-world practice. And, more importantly, it will (...)
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    (1 other version)O processo de consolidação da assistência à inf'ncia e o amparo à maternidade no Brasil: entre o público e o particular. [REVIEW]Hélvio Alexandre Mariano - 2009 - Diálogos (Maringa) 13 (3).
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  31. What is it like to lack mineness? Depersonalization as a probe for the scope, nature and role of mineness.Alexandre Billon - 2023 - In M. Guillot & M. Garcia-Carpintero, Self-Experience: Essays on Inner Awareness. Oxford University Press. pp. 314-342.
    Patients suffering from depersonalization complain of feeling detached from their body, their mental states, and actions or even from themselves. In this chapter, I argue that depersonalization consists in the lack of a phenomenal feature that marks my experiences as mine, which is usually called “mineness,” and that the study of depersonalization constitutes a neglected yet incomparable probe to assess empirically the scope, role, and even the nature of mineness. Here is how I will proceed. After describing depersonalization (§2) and (...)
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    Individu et communauté chez Spinoza.Alexandre Matheron - 1969 - Paris,: Editions de Minuit.
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    Érasme typographe: humanisme et imprimerie au début du XVIe siècle.Alexandre Vanautgaerden - 2012 - Genève: Librairie Droz.
    "Alexandre Vanautgaerden's research shows that Erasmus never ceased to adapt, depending on each type of text, the layouts of his books to best control their reception. A reversal of the traditional countdown of the exegesis of Erasmus's works, which lends at times a blind faith to his correspondence, this present work focuses on the study of manuscripts and printed books. Erasmus would not settle for just writing his texts, but preoccupied himself, with a growing scrupulousness, with the manner in (...)
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  34. Geometrical aspects of local gauge symmetry.Alexandre Guay - 2004
    This paper is an analysis of the geometrical interpretation of local gauge symmetry for theories of the Yang-Mills type.
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    De la méthodologie à la dialectique.Alexandre Marc - 1970 - Paris,: Presses d'Europe.
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  36. Newton and the Leibniz--Clarke correspondence.Alexandre Koyré & I. Bernard Cohen - 1962 - Archives Internationales d'Historie des Sciences 15:63--126.
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    Justice in a Non-Ideal World: Bridging the Gap Between Political Theory and Real-World Politics.Alexandre Gajevic Sayegh - 2019 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    The realisation of justice in the real world requires moral principles and political action. This book offers a roadmap for these two notions to connect.
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    Bernard Stiegler : lost in disruption?Alexandre Moatti - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Cet article a déjà été publié dans le Carnet Zilsel, en date du 16 septembre 2017. L'auteur remercie Catherine Dupuy, Pascal Engel, Éric Guichard, Gaïa Lassaube, Pierre Lévy, Pierre Mœglin, David Monniaux, Mathieu Triclot et Stéphane Vial, ainsi qu'Arnaud Saint-Martin et Jérôme Lamy, éditeurs du Carnet Zilsel, de leur relecture du projet d'article et de leurs remarques. Il va de soi que l'article lui-même n'engage que son auteur. Rhuthmos remercie Alexandre Moatti et les Carnets Zilsel d'avoir permis - Philosophie (...)
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  39. My own truth ---Pathologies of Self-Reference and Relative Truth.Alexandre Billon - 2011 - In Rahman Shahid, Primiero Giuseppe & Marion Mathieu, Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, Vol. 23. springer.
    emantic pathologies of self-reference include the Liar (‘this sentence is false’), the Truth-Teller (‘this sentence is true’) and the Open Pair (‘the neighbouring sentence is false’ ‘the neighbouring sentence is false’). Although they seem like perfectly meaningful declarative sentences, truth value assignment to their uses seems either inconsistent (the Liar) or arbitrary (the Truth-Teller and the Open-Pair). These pathologies thus call for a resolution. I propose such a resolution in terms of relative-truth: the truth value of a pathological sentence use (...)
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  40. Outline of a Phenomenology of Right.Alexandre Kojève - 2007 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Alexandre Koj_ve offers a systematic discussion of key themes such as right, justice, law, equality, and autonomy in which he presages our contemporary world of economic globalization and international law. Edited and translated by Bryan-Paul Frost, this is the authoritative English language edition of a monumental work in political philosophy.
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    La philosophie de la joie.Alexandre Jollien - 2008 - Bry-sur-Marne: Institut national de l'audiovisuel. Edited by Bernard Campan.
    " Alexandre est la joie. Celui qui n'a pas rencontré la joie, n'a pas rencontré Alexandre ", écrit Bernard Campan en ouverture de ce livre. A travers des extraits d'entretiens radiophoniques menés avec notamment Albert Jacquard et d'une conférence sur le thème de la résilience, Alexandre Jollien, tel un Socrate du XXIe siècle, fait part de son approche de la philosophie et met en œuvre son talent de passeur. Exégète des textes anciens, amoureux de la dialectique et (...)
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    Petit traité de l'abandon: Pensées pour accueillir la vie telle qu'elle se propose.Alexandre Jollien - 2012 - [Paris]: Éditions du Seuil.
    Alexandre Jollien poursuit sa quête philosophique d’une sagesse qui nous apporte la paix intérieure. Si la joie est le but, la voie royale pour la vivre, thème directeur de ces Pensées, est l’abandon ou, en termes bouddhistes, la « non-fixation ». Ne pas « fixer », c’est se débarrasser des représentations, étiquettes qui figent les autres, le monde en des identités immuables, et par là même laisser la vie être ce qu’elle est, ne rien vouloir changer, ne pas s’obstiner (...)
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    Înțelepciunea Cabalei.Alexandre Safran - 1997 - București: Editure Hasefer.
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  44. What is the Point of Persistent Disputes? The meta-analytic answer.Alexandre Billon & Philippe Vellozzo - forthcoming - Dialectica.
    Many philosophers regard the persistence of philosophical disputes as symptomatic of overly ambitious, ill-founded intellectual projects. There are indeed strong reasons to believe that persistent disputes in philosophy (and more generally in the discourse at large) are pointless. We call this the pessimistic view of the nature of philosophical disputes. In order to respond to the pessimistic view, we articulate the supporting reasons and provide a precise formulation in terms of the idea that the best explanation of persistent disputes entails (...)
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  45. Should the Government Regulate Insider Trading?Alexandre Padilla - 2010 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 22 (1):379-398.
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    Alexandre Lefebvre interviews Paul Patton.Alexandre Lefebvre - 2013 - Contemporary Political Theory 12 (3):206-214.
  47. Neural correlates of “hot” and “cold” emotional processing: a multilevel approach to the functional anatomy of emotion.Alexandre Schaefer - unknown
    The neural correlates of two hypothesized emotional processing modes, i.e., schematic and propositional modes, were investigated with positron emission tomography. Nineteen subjects performed an emotional mental imagery task while mentally repeating sentences linked to the meaning of the imagery script. In the schematic conditions, participants repeated metaphoric sentences, whereas in the propositional conditions, the sentences were explicit questions about specific emotional appraisals of the imagery scenario. Five types of emotional scripts were proposed to the subjects (happiness, anger, affection, sadness, and (...)
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  48. Depersonalization and the sense of bodily ownership.Alexandre Billon - 2022 - In Adrian Alsmith & Matthew Longo, Routledge Handbook of body awareness. Routledge. pp. 366-379.
    Depersonalization consists in a deep modification of the way things appear to a subject, leading him to feel estranged from his body, his actions, his thoughts, and his mind, and even from himself. Even though, when it was discovered at the end of the 19th century, this psychiatric condition was widely used to probe certain aspects of bodily awareness, and more specifically the sense of bodily ownership (SBO), it has been strangely neglected in contemporary debates. In this chapter, I argue (...)
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    Galileo Studies.Alexandre Koyré - 1978 - Humanities Press.
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    Lecture de Kant.Michel Alexandre - 1978 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by Gérard Granel.
    Recueil des commentaires de Michel Alexandre sur la "Critique de la raison pure" d'après des notes de cours, comme la première édition de 1961. Cependant, on y a ajouté un quatrième chapitre, intitulé "L'ordre", avec des notes sur les deux dernières critiques, "Critique de la raison pratique" et "Critique du jugement". L'ensemble couvre les vingt dernières années d'enseignement de M. Alexandre (1932-1952), dont le commentaire relève du genre "Auslegung" (qu'on pourrait traduire par "exposition") comme celui que firent de (...)
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