Results for 'Alexandra Ziaka'

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  1.  22
    Ethical, legal, and social implications in research biobanking: A checklist for navigating complexity.Olga Tzortzatou-Nanopoulou, Kaya Akyüz, Melanie Goisauf, Łukasz Kozera, Signe Mežinska, Michaela Th Mayrhofer, Santa Slokenberga, Jane Reichel, Talishiea Croxton, Alexandra Ziaka & Marina Makri - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 24 (3):139-150.
    Biobanks’ activity is based not only on securing the technology of collecting and storing human biospecimen, but also on preparing formal documentation that will enable its safe use for scientific research. In that context, the issue of informed consent, the reporting of incidental findings and the use of Transfer Agreements remain a vast challenge. This paper aims to offer first–hand tangible solutions on those issues in the context of collaborative and transnational biobanking research. It presents a four‐step checklist aiming to (...)
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    Barômetro da sustentabilidade: uma análise da produção científica.Sandra Mara Pereira D'Arisbo, Alexandra Andrade de Almeida Cardoso, Cristiano Stamm & Moacir Piffer - 2024 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 26 (1):24-51.
    O objetivo deste artigo é coletar informações e realizar uma análise da produção científica relacionada ao Barômetro da Sustentabilidade (BS). A metodologia do BS foi desenvolvida em 1997 por Robert Prescott-Allen, com o objetivo de elaborar um indicador que combinasse dados divergentes para apresentar um retrato da sustentabilidade de uma região ou país. Para isso, foram consultados os sites de pesquisa “Portal de Periódicos Capes”, “Web of Science – WoS” e “Scopus” no período de agosto de 2010 (mês e ano (...)
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    “It's not like they're selling your data to dangerous people”: Internet privacy, teens, and (non-)controversial public issues.Margaret S. Crocco, Avner Segall, Anne-Lise Halvorsen, Alexandra Stamm & Rebecca Jacobsen - 2020 - Journal of Social Studies Research 44 (1):21-33.
    This study examines high school students’ responses to a public policy discussion on the topic of Internet privacy. Specifically, students discussed the question of whether search engines and social media sites should be permitted to monitor, track, and share users’ personal data or whether such practices violate personal privacy. We observed discussions of the topic in four high school classrooms in 2015–2016, prior to the presidential election in 2016. We first explain why the topic failed to work as a controversial (...)
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    Le corps obèse, sémaphore de la souffrance familiale.Patrice Cuynet, Maria de la Almudena Sanahuja & Alexandra Bernard - 2012 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 197 (3):43-55.
    Résumé À travers le cas clinique d’une adolescente obèse, l’article postule que le corps « obèse » peut être l’espace d’expression de la conflictualité inter et transgénérationnelle. Le symptôme de l’obésité viendrait alors préserver l’homéostasie familiale. Cet écrit met le projecteur sur la dimension contenante de ce corps « encombrant », signifiant formel d’une enveloppe psychique porteuse de traces douloureuses appartenant au mémorial familial. Il expose ainsi une explication au phénomène de résistance à l’amaigrissement rencontré parfois dans la clinique de (...)
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    Leadership in the Employees of a Public Institution, Cajamarca.Suárez Peña, Willam, Villón Prieto, Rafael Damián, Llontop Arista, Llanos Vásquez Yesica, Alexandra de Nazareth, Gonzáles Imán & Lina Ariadne - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1521-1534.
    The general objective of this research was to understand the manifestations of managerial leadership in the employees of a public institution in Cajamarca. The research is qualitative in nature, based on the analysis of scientific research obtained from the review of various studies and academic documents. The main results revealed the coexistence of different leadership approaches within the institution, highlighting transformational leadership and systemic leadership, characterized by fostering skills development, promoting a shared vision, and stimulating innovation; however, the presence of (...)
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    Stories in the Mind? The Role of Story‐Based Categorizations in Motion Classification.Frank Papenmeier, Juan Purcalla Arrufi & Alexandra Kirsch - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (9):e13332.
    Categorization is fundamental for spatial and motion representation in both the domain of artificial intelligence and human cognition. In this paper, we investigated whether motion categorizations designed in artificial intelligence can inform human cognition. More concretely, we investigated if such categorizations (also known as qualitative representations) can inform the psychological understanding of human perception and memory of motion scenes. To this end, we took two motion categorizations in artificial intelligence, Motion‐RCC and Motion‐OPRA1, and conducted four experiments on human perception and (...)
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    L’enveloppe du couple comme échappatoire à la souffrance individuelle et familiale dans les situations de violences conjugales.Marie Naimi, Almudena Sanahuja & Alexandra Vidal-Bernard - 2022 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 238 (4):91-110.
    Cet article s’intéresse au phénomène des violences conjugales en montrant l’intérêt de considérer l’articulation des enveloppes psychiques au niveau individuel, familial et « couplal ». Il met le projecteur sur les matériaux psychiques transmis de génération en génération, qui traversent ces contenants. Si certaines traces du passé sont conscientes et élaborées, d’autres demeurent inconscientes et empreintes de traumatismes. Par l’effet d’emboîtement des enveloppes psychiques et par le biais du nouage des alliances inconscientes, ces héritages négatifs se retrouvent impliqués dans les (...)
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    Texting!!!Elena Nicoladis, Amen Duggal & Alexandra Besoi Setzer - 2023 - Interaction Studies 24 (3):422-436.
    Previous research shows that females use more exclamation marks than males, often to establish rapport. The purpose of the present studies was to test whether people associate texters’ use of exclamation marks with friendliness and femaleness. If this association is due to normative expectations, we hypothesized that females would appear less friendly if they did not use an exclamation mark in texting. In Study 1, participants rated a texter using an exclamation mark to be highly female and highly friendly. The (...)
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    Students’ Confidence and Interest in Palliative and Bereavement Care: A European Study.Hod Orkibi, Gianmarco Biancalani, Mihaela Dana Bucuţã, Raluca Sassu, Michael Alexander Wieser, Luca Franchini, Melania Raccichini, Bracha Azoulay, Krzysztof Mariusz Ciepliñski, Alexandra Leitner, Silvia Varani & Ines Testoni - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    As part of a European Erasmus Plus project entitled Death Education for Palliative Psychology, this study assessed the ways in which Master’s Degree students in psychology and the creative arts therapies self-rated their confidence and interest in death education and palliative and bereavement care. In five countries (Austria, Israel, Italy, Poland, Romania), 344 students completed an online questionnaire, and 37 students were interviewed to better understand their views, interest, and confidence. The results revealed some significant differences between countries, and showed (...)
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    Pioneering Healthcare Law: Essays in Honour of Margaret Brazier.Catherine Stanton, Sarah Devaney, Anne-Maree Farrell & Alexandra Mullock (eds.) - 2015 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book celebrates Professor Margaret Brazier's outstanding contribution to the field of healthcare law and bioethics. It examines key aspects developed in Professor Brazier's agenda-setting body of work, with contributions being provided by leading experts in the field from the UK, Australia, the US and continental Europe. They examine a range of current and future challenges for healthcare law and bioethics, representing state-of-the-art scholarship in the field. The book is organised into five parts. Part I discusses key principles and themes (...)
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    Hē ekleipsē tou hypokeimenou: hē krisē tēs neōterikotētas kai hē Hellēnikē paradosē.Theodōros I. Ziakas - 1996 - Athēna: Ekdoseis Domos.
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    Hē ekleipsē tou hypokeimenou: hē krisē tēs neōterikotētas kai hē Hellēnikē paradosē.Theodōros I. Ziakas - 1996 - Athēna: Ekdoseis Domos.
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    Distraction: Problems of Attention in Eighteenth-Century Literature.Alexandra Bacalu - 2017 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 6 (2):155-161.
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  14. Linnaeus and Chinese plants: A test of the linguistic imperialism thesis.Alexandra Cook - unknown
    It has been alleged that Carolus Linnaeus practised Eurocentrism, sexism and racism in naming plant genera after famous botanists, and excluding ‘barbarous names’. He has therefore been said to practise ‘linguistic imperialism’. This paper examines whether Linnaeus applied ‘linguistic imperialism’ to the naming of Chinese plants. On the basis of examples such as Thea (¼Camellia), Urena, Basella, Annona, Sapindus (¼Koelreuteria), and Panax, I conclude that Linnaeus used generic names of diverse origins. However, he misidentified Chinese plants’ habitats, and acted on (...)
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    Petrushevskaya and women's prose: Barometers of cultural integration.Alexandra Heidi Karriker - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (4):1579-1584.
  16.  55
    WEIRD societies may be more compatible with human nature.Alexandra Maryanski - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):103-104.
    Are WEIRD societies unrepresentative of humanity? According to Henrich et al., they are not useful for generalizing about humans because they are at the extreme end of the distribution for societal formations. In their vision, it is best to stick with the traditional societies for speculations about human nature. This commentary offers a more realistic starting point, and, oddly enough, concludes that WEIRD populations may be more compatible with humans' evolved nature than are most traditional societies.
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  17. La question de la mort, coll. « Ouverture philosophique ».Alexandra Roux - 1999 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 189 (4):495-495.
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    Topical discussions in contemporary Russian social and political theory.Alexandra F. Yakovleva & Denis E. Letnyakov - 2014 - Studies in East European Thought 66 (3-4):245-261.
    The article presents an overview of the most interesting ideas, topics, and discussions among those constituting the problem field of social and political philosophy in post-Soviet Russia.
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    Rethinking “mutualism” in diverse host‐symbiont communities.Alexandra A. Mushegian & Dieter Ebert - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (1):100-108.
    While examples of bacteria benefiting eukaryotes are increasingly documented, studies examining effects of eukaryote hosts on microbial fitness are rare. Beneficial bacteria are often called “mutualistic” even if mutual reciprocity of benefits has not been demonstrated and despite the plausibility of other explanations for these microbes' beneficial effects on host fitness. Furthermore, beneficial bacteria often occur in diverse communities, making mutualism both empirically and conceptually difficult to demonstrate. We suggest reserving the terms “mutualism” and “parasitism” for pairwise interactions where the (...)
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  20.  50
    Metaphysical Resources for the Treatment of Violence: The Self–Action Distinction.Alexandra Pârvan - 2017 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 24 (3):265-267.
    The commentaries by Warren Kinghorn and Giuseppe Butera provide me with the welcome opportunity to reaffirm and briefly address a concern that lies at the core of my work in recent years. It regards the lack of a metaphysical perspective and consequently metaphysically informed interventions, or what I recently came to term 'metaphysical care', in psychological and medical treatments when there are identifiable metaphysical assumptions at work both in clinicians and treated persons that affect the treatment and the well-being of (...)
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    Neurotechnologies and Identity Changes: What the Narrative View Can Add to the Story.Alexandra Zorila - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (1):48-50.
    Do neuromodulation technologies change patients’ personal identities? Haeusermann et al. claim that there is not enough evidence to support this worry. In their study, participants, following a res...
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  22.  19
    Mauro Bonazzi, Il platonismo.Alexandra Michalewski - 2016 - Philosophie Antique 16 (16):218-221.
    Le terme platonisme est ambigu : il peut désigner soit le contenu de la philosophie de Platon, soit l’histoire de sa réception et de ses interprétations. C’est en suivant les méandres de cette seconde acception que Mauro Bonazzi (MB) propose une étude du platonisme dans un parcours allant de Speusippe jusqu’aux derniers diadoques de l’école d’Alexandrie. L’ouvrage, qui entre rapidement dans son objet, comporte quatre chapitres bien équilibrés : 1. « L’Académie antique » (p. 3-37) ; 2. « Plato...
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    Landscapes of Injustice, Landscapes of Repair (Editor's Introduction).Alexandra Moore - 2023 - Studies in Social Justice 17 (3):321-322.
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    Crafting Representation: Deploying Racecraftian Techniques to Critique Gender- and Sexuality-Swapping in HBO's Lovecraft Country.Alexandra Stamson - 2021 - Studies in the Fantastic 12:38-54.
    Even with a significant increase in representation of minority identities in popular media – especially in stories of speculative fiction – the ways in which inclusivity is designed must be examined, with Lovecraft Country standing as a useful example for this scrutiny. Adapted from a novel of the same name, the show Lovecraft Country swapped the genders and sexualities of a few characters from the book to increase representation. The ways that these swaps reified tropes about diverse identities is the (...)
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    Seeing the world through another person’s eyes: Simulating selective attention via action observation.Alexandra Frischen, Daniel Loach & Steven P. Tipper - 2009 - Cognition 111 (2):212-218.
  26. The Good and the Gross.Alexandra Plakias - 2013 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16 (2):261-278.
    Recent empirical studies have established that disgust plays a role in moral judgment. The normative significance of this discovery remains an object of philosophical contention, however; ‘disgust skeptics’ such as Martha Nussbaum have argued that disgust is a distorting influence on moral judgment and has no legitimate role to play in assessments of moral wrongness. I argue, pace Nussbaum, that disgust’s role in the moral domain parallels its role in the physical domain. Just as physical disgust tracks physical contamination and (...)
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    The Unspeakable.Haase Fee-Alexandra - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (30):318-343.
    Why do we say that something is unspeakable, even though we know the issue well? We find in many cultural contexts the classification of something as ‘unspeakable'. Using semantics and semiotic theory separating between ‘concept', ‘sign', and ‘reference object of the sign' in several cases where the ‘unspeakable' is described, we will discuss the functions of ‘the unspeakable‘ as a cultural phenomenon. Philosophers use the term frequently with reference to their culture. In our article we will look at the socio-cultural (...)
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    (1 other version)Le rejet de la sagesse et du bonheur comme buts de la philosophie chez le jeune Heidegger.Alexandra Leduc - 2001 - Symposium 5 (2):215-233.
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    Impure temporalities in the history of political philosophy: the historiography of dēmokratia in late eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Britain.Alexandra Lianeri - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (3):514-532.
    Building on Bernard Williams’ thesis about the intertwining of history and political philosophy, the essay explores how the problem of the history of dēmokratia after the late-eighteenth and over the nineteenth-century in Britain constituted a primary and critical field in which the philosophical meaning of democracy was debated. Configuring a new temporal perspective grounded in the relationship between ancient and modern democracy, historiographical works by John Gillies, William Mitford, and George Grote put forth an understanding of the concept as a (...)
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    Political discourse as dialogue. A Latin American perspective: by Adriana Bolívar, Abingdon and New York, Routledge, 2018, 209 pp, $124.00, ISBN: 978-1-138-67878-1 (hbk), $31.17, ISBN: 978-1-315-5870-7.Alexandra Álvarez - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (1):185-187.
    In this book, which forms part of the Routledge Cultural Studies Series, Adriana Bolívar focuses on the Latin American political culture and introduces an innovative way of seeing and analyzing pol...
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    L’analyse interactionnelle comme modalité pédagogique : l’exemple d’un dispositif pour la formation des infirmiers à la relation thérapeutique en psychiatrie.Alexandra Nguyen, Laurent Frobert & Jérôme Favrod - 2020 - Revue Phronesis 9 (2):93-107.
    Interaction analysis opens promising perspectives for nursing education. Sixteen students and three teachers conducted an interaction analysis, based on video-recorded therapeutic activities. The study aims to understand the practice of self-disclosure in psychiatric nursing. How does the use of interaction analysis tools in a training setting constitute a resource for the acquisition of professional skills? We show how this training design constitutes a resource for : a) the acquisition of clinical theoretical knowledge, b) the articulation of theoretical and practical knowledge, (...)
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    Image and Text in Graeco-Roman Antiquity (review).Alexandra Pappas - 2011 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 104 (4):513-515.
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    Immutability, (Im)passibility and Suffering: Steps towards a “Psychological” Ontology of God.Alexandra Pârvan & Bruce L. McCormack - 2017 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 59 (1):1-25.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie Jahrgang: 59 Heft: 1 Seiten: 1-25.
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    Experimental evidence on the irreversebility effect.Alexandra Rauchs & Marc Willinger - 1996 - Theory and Decision 40 (1):51-78.
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    Politiques forestières et « bonne gestion » des ressources : le cas de Madagascar.Alexandra Razafindrabe - 2015 - Éthique Publique 17 (2).
    Madagascar, l’un des hotspots mondiaux de la biodiversité, est dans cette situation où la difficile gestion des ressources forestières, causée par un certain nombre de facteurs liés à la pauvreté des populations, mène à des pertes annuelles forestières considérables. La principale interrogation que nous soulevons est relative à l’impact des politiques forestières qui y sont menées, dans l’objectif d’aboutir à une gestion durable des ressources forestières. Compte tenu de ce contexte local malgache affaibli, est-il réellement possible de parvenir à une (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty Penseur de l’Imaginaire.Alexandra Renault - 2003 - Chiasmi International 5:111-144.
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    Heretics and Believers: A History of the English Reformation by Peter Marshall.Alexandra Walsham - 2020 - Common Knowledge 26 (1):158-159.
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    The Role of Frustration in Human–Robot Interaction – What Is Needed for a Successful Collaboration?Alexandra Weidemann & Nele Rußwinkel - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:640186.
    To realize a successful and collaborative interaction between human and robots remains a big challenge. Emotional reactions of the user provide crucial information for a successful interaction. These reactions carry key factors to prevent errors and fatal bidirectional misunderstanding. In cases where human–machine interaction does not proceed as expected, negative emotions, like frustration, can arise. Therefore, it is important to identify frustration in a human–machine interaction and to investigate its impact on other influencing factors such as dominance, sense of control (...)
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  39. Reproductive labour and indigenous hospitalities in post/colonial fieldwork.Alexandra Widmer - 2022 - In Jenny Bangham, Xan Chacko & Judith Kaplan, Invisible Labour in Modern Science. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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  40. Towards Shutdownable Agents via Stochastic Choice.Elliott Thornley, Alexander Roman, Christos Ziakas, Leyton Ho & Louis Thomson - 2024 - Global Priorities Institute Working Paper.
    Some worry that advanced artificial agents may resist being shut down. The Incomplete Preferences Proposal (IPP) is an idea for ensuring that doesn't happen. A key part of the IPP is using a novel 'Discounted REward for Same-Length Trajectories (DREST)' reward function to train agents to (1) pursue goals effectively conditional on each trajectory-length (be 'USEFUL'), and (2) choose stochastically between different trajectory-lengths (be 'NEUTRAL' about trajectory-lengths). In this paper, we propose evaluation metrics for USEFULNESS and NEUTRALITY. We use a (...)
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    Ruth Boeker, Catharine Trotter Cockburn (Cambridge Elements: Women in the History of Philosophy), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023, 74 pp.Alexandra Bacalu - 2024 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 13 (2):154-157.
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    A plea for complex categories in ontologies.Alexandra Arapinis & Laure Vieu - 2015 - Applied ontology 10 (3-4):285-296.
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  43. Classifying emotion: A developmental account.Alexandra Zinck & Albert Newen - 2008 - Synthese 161 (1):1 - 25.
    The aim of this paper is to propose a systematic classification of emotions which can also characterize their nature. The first challenge we address is the submission of clear criteria for a theory of emotions that determine which mental phenomena are emotions and which are not. We suggest that emotions as a subclass of mental states are determined by their functional roles. The second and main challenge is the presentation of a classification and theory of emotions that can account for (...)
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  44. Needs, Moral Self-consciousness, and Professional Roles.Andrew Alexandra & Seumas Miller - 1996 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 5 (1):43-61.
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    Pascalova hlediska.Alexandra Brocková - 2024 - Filosoficky Casopis 72 (Mimořádné číslo 3):25-37.
    The initial part of the paper deals with the situation of the knowing person in the context of the limits of knowledge. It focuses primarily on Pascal’s interpretation of the exhortation to know oneself, which will subsequently become the unifying motif of the entire text presented here. Although only Thoughts is discussed here, there presently follows a passage focusing on the broader context of this topic within the framework of the entirety of Pascal’s life and work. Following this part comes (...)
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  46. Feminism, intellectuals and the formation of micro-publics in postcommunist Ukraine.Alexandra Hrycak & Maria G. Rewakowicz - 2009 - Studies in East European Thought 61 (4):309-333.
    This article broadens understanding of the role that East European intellectuals have played in building foundations for democratic institutions and practices over the past two decades. Drawing on Habermas’ writings on the public sphere, we use interviews conducted with founders of women’s and gender studies centers, professional women’s NGOs and Internet forums to examine the establishment of new micro-contexts for civic engagement and critical debate in Ukraine. Three main types of indigenous feminist micro-public are identified: academic, professional and virtual. Through (...)
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    Democracy and the Divine: The Phenomenon of Political Romanticism.Alexandra Aidler - 2019 - Lexington Books.
    Democracy and the Divine articulates a democracy that is based on the principle of giving oneself to another. For this project, the author highlights two traditions that rarely have been read side by side or considered seminal to the philosophical idea of democracy: nineteenth-century German romanticism and French postmodernism.
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    Copyright in teaching materials.Andrew Alexandra & Seumas Miller - 1999 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 31 (1):87–96.
    Book reviewed in this article: Perspectives on the Unity and Integration of Knowledge Garth Benson, Ronald Glasberg & Bryant Griffith Intercultural Communication: pragmatics, genealogy, deconstruction Robert Young.
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    Exclusion, commodification and plant variety rights legislation.Andrew Alexandra & Adrian Walsh - 1997 - Agriculture and Human Values 14 (4):313-323.
    Plant variety rights legislation, now enactedin most Western countries, fosters the commodificationof plant varieties. In this paper, we look at theconceptual issues involved in understanding andjustifying this commodification, with particularemphasis on Australian legislation. The paper isdivided into three sections. In the first, we lay outa taxonomy of goods, drawing on this in the secondsection to point out that the standard justificationof the allocation of exclusionary property rights byappeal to scarcity will not do for abstract goods suchas plant varieties, since these (...)
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  50. Plea Bargaining in Lower Courts in New South Wales.Andrew Alexandra - 1999 - Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics 1 (1).
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