Results for 'Alex Richman'

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  1.  61
    A Tale of Two Perspectives: Regulation Versus Self-Regulation. A Financial Reporting Approach (from Sarbanes–Oxley) for Research Ethics.Vincent Richman & Alex Richman - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (2):241-246.
    Reports of research fraud have raised concerns about research integrity similar to concerns raised about financial accounting fraud. We propose a departure from self-regulation in that researchers adopt the financial accounting approach in establishing trust through an external validation process, in addition to the reporting entities and the regulatory agencies. The general conceptual framework for reviewing financial reports, utilizes external auditors who are certified and objective in using established standards to provide an opinion on the financial reports. These standards have (...)
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  2. What's So Bad About Killer Robots?Alex Leveringhaus - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (2):341-358.
    Robotic warfare has now become a real prospect. One issue that has generated heated debate concerns the development of ‘Killer Robots’. These are weapons that, once programmed, are capable of finding and engaging a target without supervision by a human operator. From a conceptual perspective, the debate on Killer Robots has been rather confused, not least because it is unclear how central elements of these weapons can be defined. Offering a precise take on the relevant conceptual issues, the article contends (...)
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    Research at the Auction Block: Problems for the Fair Benefits Approach to International Research.Alex John London & Kevin J. S. Zollman - 2010 - Hastings Center Report 40 (4):34-45.
    The “fair benefits” approach to international research is designed to produce results that all can agree are fair without taking a stand on divisive questions of justice. But its appealing veneer of collaboration masks ambiguities at both a conceptual and an operational level. An attempt to put it into practice would look a lot like an auction, leaving little reason to think the outcomes will satisfy even minimal conditions of fairness.
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    A Non-Paternalistic Model of Research Ethics and Oversight: Assessing the Benefits of Prospective Review.Alex John London - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (4):930-944.
    To judge from the rash of recent law review articles, it is a miracle that research with human subjects in the U.S. continues to draw breath under the asphyxiating heel of the rent-seeking, creativity-stifling, jack-booted bureaucrethics that is the current system of research ethics oversight and review. Institutional Review Boards, sometimes called Research Ethics Committees, have been accused of perpetrating “probably the most widespread violation of the First Amendment in our nation's history,” resulting in a “disaster, not only for academics, (...)
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    Hazy Totalities and Indefinitely Extensible Concepts.Alex Oliver - 1998 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 55 (1):25-50.
    Dummctt argues that classical quantification is illegitimate when the domain is given as the objects which fall under an indefinitely extensible concept, since in such cases the objects are not the required definite totality. The chief problem in understanding this complex argument is the crucial but unexplained phrase 'definite totality' and the associated claim that it follows from the intuitive notion of set that the objects over which a classical quantifier ranges form a set. 'Definite totality' is best understood as (...)
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  6. The New Hume Debate.Rupert Read & Kenneth A. Richman - 2002 - Philosophy 77 (299):125-129.
  7.  26
    The Hierarchical Transformation of Event Knowledge in Human Cultural Transmission.Alex Mesoudi & Andrew Whiten - 2004 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 4 (1):1-24.
    There is extensive evidence that adults, children, and some non-human species, represent routine events in the form of hierarchically structured 'action scripts,' and show superior recall and imitation of information at relatively high-levels of this hierarchy. Here we investigate the hypothesis that a 'hierarchical bias' operates in human cultural transmission, acting to impose a hierarchical structure onto descriptions of everyday events, and to increasingly describe those events in terms of higher hierarchical levels. Descriptions of three everyday events expressed entirely in (...)
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    Existential Risk, Climate Change, and Nonideal Justice.Alex McLaughlin - 2024 - The Monist 107 (2):190-206.
    Climate change is often described as an existential risk to the human species, but this terminology has generally been avoided in the climate-justice literature in analytic philosophy. I investigate the source of this disconnect and explore the prospects for incorporating the idea of climate change as an existential risk into debates about climate justice. The concept of existential risk does not feature prominently in these discussions, I suggest, because assumptions that structure ‘ideal’ accounts of climate justice ensure that the prospect (...)
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  9. The Genealogy of Content or the Future of an Illusion.Alex Rosenberg - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (3):537-547.
    Eliminativism about intentional content argues for its conclusion from the partial correctness of all three of the theses Hutto and Satne seek to combine: neo-Cartesianism is correct to this extent: if there is intentional content it must originally be mental. Neo-Behaviorism is correct to this extent: attribution of intentional content is basically a heuristic device for predicting the behavior of higher vertebrates. Neo-Pragmatism is right to this extent: the illusion of intentionality in language is the source of the illusion of (...)
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  10. Reductionism in a historical science.Alex Rosenberg - 2001 - Philosophy of Science 68 (2):135-163.
    Reductionism is a metaphysical thesis, a claim about explanations, and a research program. The metaphysical thesis reductionists advance (and antireductionists accept) is that all facts, including all biological facts, are fixed by the physical and chemical facts; there are no non-physical events, states, or processes, and so biological events, states and processes are “nothing but” physical ones. The research program can be framed as a methodological prescription which follows from the claim about explanations. Antireductionism does not dispute reductionism’s metaphysical claim, (...)
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    Issues for business ethics in the nineties and beyond.Alex C. Michalos - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (3):219-230.
    Nine issues of fundamental importance for business ethics are examined with a view to encouraging researchers in the field to direct their attention to them in the 1990s and beyond. The issues are related to organized labour, social dumping, international finance and Third World debt, tobacco promotion, arms trade, wealth concentration and taxation, pollution and resource depletion, international trading blocks, and the Canadian Business Council on National Issues and other business organizations.
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  12.  19
    Developing Disability-Focused Pre-Health and Health Professions Curricula.Rachel Conrad Bracken, Kenneth A. Richman, Rebecca Garden, Rebecca Fischbein, Raman Bhambra, Neli Ragina, Shay Dawson & Ariel Cascio - 2023 - Journal of Medical Humanities 44 (4):553-576.
    People with disabilities (PWD) comprise a significant part of the population yet experience some of the most profound health disparities. Among the greatest barriers to quality care are inadequate health professions education related to caring for PWD. Drawing upon the expertise of health professions educators in medicine, public health, nursing, social work, and physician assistant programs, this forum showcases innovative methods for teaching core disability skills and concepts grounded in disability studies and the health humanities. Each of the essays offers (...)
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  13. Why do Spatiotemporally Restricted Regularities Explain in the Social Sciences?Alex Rosenberg - 2012 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 63 (1):1-26.
    Employing a well-known local regularity from macroeconomics, the Phillips curve, I examine Woodward’s ([2000], [2003]) account of the explanatory power of such historically restricted generalizations and the mathematical models with which they are sometimes associated. The article seeks to show that, pace Woodward, to be explanatory such generalizations need to be underwritten by more fundamental ones, and that rational choice theory would not avail in this case to provide the required underwriting. Examining how such explanatory restricted regularities are underwritten in (...)
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    „Are we doing alright?“ Die Komplexität ethisch-verantwortlicher Forschung zu sexueller Orientierung, geschlechtlicher Identität und Gesundheit im südlichen und östlichen Afrika.Alex Müller - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (2):293-299.
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    Homer and the Poetics of Gesture.Alex C. Purves - 2019 - Oup Usa.
    This book draws on studies of movement, gesture, and early film to offer a series of readings on repetition through the body in Homer. Each chapter presents an argument based on a specific posture, action or gesture, through which to rethink epic practices of embodiment and formularity.
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    The plastic deformation of ferromagnetic face-centred cubic Fe-Ni-C alloys.G. F. Bolling & R. H. Richman - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (158):247-264.
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  17. (1 other version)Principles of Logic.Alex C. Michalos - 1971 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 22 (2):205-206.
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  18. The Present Position in the Scottish Universities.Alex Morgan - 1925 - Hibbert Journal 24:742.
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  19.  13
    Comentário: As fronteiras fenomenológicas entre cognição e mundo.Alex de Campos Moura - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (spe):173-176.
    Resumo Este artigo defende o ponto de vista de que as bases da ciência cognitiva contemporânea estão em sintonia com o pensamento de Merleau-Ponty, em seus aspectos antiobjetivista e antirrepresentacionalista. A ideia de representação mental é contestada, tanto na CC quanto no pensamento de Merleau-Ponty. A cognição não espelha um mundo exterior independente dos sujeitos incorporados. O mundo é um existencial, como afirmam Merleau-Ponty e a CC. A hipótese da representação mental supõe que o mundo pode ser percebido de forma (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty leitor de Freud.Alex Moura - 2016 - Doispontos 13 (3).
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    Critical Realism and Empirical Bioethics: A Methodological Exposition.Alex McKeown - 2017 - Health Care Analysis 25 (3):191-211.
    This paper shows how critical realism can be used to integrate empirical data and philosophical analysis within ‘empirical bioethics’. The term empirical bioethics, whilst appearing oxymoronic, simply refers to an interdisciplinary approach to the resolution of practical ethical issues within the biological and life sciences, integrating social scientific, empirical data with philosophical analysis. It seeks to achieve a balanced form of ethical deliberation that is both logically rigorous and sensitive to context, to generate normative conclusions that are practically applicable to (...)
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  22.  48
    The relationship between mothers’ eating restraint and their children’s attitudes and behaviors.Nicole M. Rüther & Charles L. Richman - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (3):217-220.
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    Descriptive Completeness and Linguistic Variance.Alex C. Michalos - 1967 - Dialogue 6 (2):224-228.
  24.  44
    Deleuze's Unwritten Marx.Alex Taek-Gwang Lee - 2024 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 18 (3):319-332.
    This article explores the relationship between Gilles Deleuze's philosophical endeavours and Marxism, with a particular focus on his unfinished work, Grandeur de Marx. Despite the collapse of Soviet socialism, Deleuze acknowledged that his philosophical pursuits were profoundly intertwined with Marxist thought. His insistence on this connection was not a mere expression of regret or an apology for his political leanings. In the 1990s, as neoliberal globalisation spread beyond the United States and Europe, Marxism persisted as a rallying cry for resistance. (...)
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    Nietzsche and overcoming nihilism: Affirming life in the human condition.Alex Silk - 2024 - Iai News, the Institute of Art and Ideas.
    Should we embrace nihilism, as Nolen Gertz suggests, or try to overcome it? For Nietzsche, nihilism must be overcome – if we're strong enough. The key, argues Alex Silk, is to see how nihilistic beliefs – that, say, nothing matters – derive from nihilistic feelings and bodily states. Understanding the basic features of human nature and experience at the root of nihilism paves the way toward a healthier, affirming perspective on ourselves and human life. Nietzsche’s rhetorical style helps us (...)
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  26.  36
    The Monster of Supercapitalism.Alex C. Michalos - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (S1):37 - 48.
    Among other interesting claims made in Robert Reich's 2007 treatise, Supercapitalism, it is asserted in various ways that proponents of corporate social responsibility (CSR) or what I would call 'business ethics' are engaged in relatively unproductive exercises. Their resources would be better used if they undertook the hard work of engagement in democratic political processes leading to legislation that would force corporations to pursue the public interest as well as their own. In this article, I summarize some of Reich's central (...)
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  27. The Metaphysics of Microeconomics.Alex Rosenberg - 1995 - The Monist 78 (3):352-367.
    The study of economics has been a going concern among philosophers for the better part of twenty years without very many people even noticing that economics has a metaphysics. Indeed, among economists the term ‘metaphysical’ is probably an epithet of opprobrium, employed to suggest that a claim is untestable or otherwise without cognitive significance. Philosophers of economics will admit to the existence of an epistemology of economics—the study of the nature, extent and justification of economic knowledge. But even this is (...)
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    Assessing Classification Reliability of Conditionals in Discourse.Alex Reuneker - 2023 - Argumentation 37 (3):397-418.
    Conditional constructions (if–then) enable us to express our thoughts about possible states of the world, and they form an important ingredient for our reasoning and argumentative capabilities. Different types and argumentative uses have been distinguished in the literature, but their applicability to actual language use is rarely evaluated. This paper focuses on the reliability of applying classifications of connections between antecedents and consequents of conditionals to discourse, and three issues are identified. First, different accounts produce incompatible results when applied to (...)
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    Irony and Opinion.Alex Priou - 2016 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 10 (2):151-167.
    _ Source: _Volume 10, Issue 2, pp 151 - 167 This paper considers the unity of Socrates’ twin apparitions of sophist and statesman, alluded to in the _Sophist_. Examining how these apparitions are at work in the _Theaetetus_, I argue that the difficulty is that of combining the nurturing or educative role of the statesman with the sophist’s practice of refutation. Beginning from Socrates’ shift in appearance early in the dialogue, I argue that the cause of this shift is Theaetetus’ (...)
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    Plato’s Minos and the Euthyphro.Alex Priou - 2018 - Polis 35 (1):145-163.
    At the start of Plato’s Minos an anonymous comrade argues that the variability of law according to time and place undermines the claim that it conveys moral truth. But by the end he has accepted Minos as the greatest of lawgivers because of his education by Zeus. How does he manage to slide so quickly from the moral laxity of conventionalism to the moral absolutism of divine revelation? Guided by this question, the author considers how the two divergent parts of (...)
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    The Socratic Arc of Aristotle’s Metaphysics 3.Alex Priou - 2019 - Review of Metaphysics 72 (3):463-496.
    Scholars have typically viewed book 3 of Aristotle’s Metaphysics as an unsystematic array of different metaphysical problems. In this article, the author argues that Aristotle organizes them with great care. The principle behind his ordering of the problems stems from Aristotle’s concern with impressing upon his audience the difficulty of becoming thoroughly perplexed. This principle is found to make sense of the discrepancies between Aristotle’s list of the problems in 3.1 and his discussion of them in 3.2–6. In short, Aristotle’s (...)
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    The art experience: an introduction to philosophy and the arts.Alex Rajczi - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The Art Experience: An Introduction to Philosophy and the Arts takes readers on an engaging and accessible journey that explores a series of fundamental questions about the nature of art and aesthetic value. Three of these questions serve as the major sections for the book's 12 chapters: What makes something a work of art? How should we experience art in order to get the most out of it? And once we understand art, how should we evaluate whether it is good (...)
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    Two Kinds of Self-Expression: How Free Will Enhances Meaning in Life.Alex Mendez - forthcoming - The Journal of Ethics:1-20.
    In this paper, I first outline a brief dialectic on free will and meaning in life. I then argue that meaning-compatibilism gives us reason to reject meaning-incompatibilism as it is currently understood. However, I critique meaning-compatibilism to the extent that it is silent with regard to freedom’s role in generating meaning in life. Because of these observations, I reconceptualize meaning-incompatibilism and urge us to adopt an alternative version of the position I call, “narrow meaning-incompatibilism.” Following my formulation of this position, (...)
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    Correction: Developing Disability-Focused Pre-Health and Health Professions Curricula.Rachel Conrad Bracken, Kenneth A. Richman, Rebecca Garden, Rebecca Fischbein, Raman Bhambra, Neli Ragina, Shay Dawson & Ariel Cascio - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-2.
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    Cutting surgical practice at the joints: Individuating and assessing surgical procedures.Alex London - unknown - In Ethical Guidelines for innovative surgery. Hagerstown, MD: University publishing group. pp. 19-52.
    in Angelique M. Rietsma and Jonathan D. Moreno eds., Ethical Guidelines for Innovative Surgery. (Hagerstown, MD: University Publishing Group) 19-52. [PDF].
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    Many Rāmāyaṇas: The Diversity of a Narrative Tradition in South AsiaRāmāyaṇa and RāmāyaṇasMany Ramayanas: The Diversity of a Narrative Tradition in South AsiaRamayana and Ramayanas.Robert P. Goldman, Paula Richman & Monika Thiel-Horstmann - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (4):605.
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    (1 other version)Wisdom in Heraclitus.Alex Long - 2007 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy: Winter 2007 33:1.
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    The Sovereignty of Joy: Nietzsche's Vision of Grand Politics.Alex McIntyre (ed.) - 1997 - University of Toronto Press.
  39. Positivism versus the hermeneutic-dialectic school.Alex C. Michalos - 1969 - Theoria 35 (3):267.
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    Technology in Espionage and Counterintelligence: Some Cautionary Lessons from Armed Conflict.Alex Leveringhaus - 2023 - Ethics and International Affairs 37 (2):147-160.
    This essay contends that the ethics around the use of spy technology to gather intelligence (TECHINT) during espionage and counterintelligence operations is ambiguous. To build this argument, the essay critically scrutinizes Cécile Fabre's recent and excellent book Spying through a Glass Darkly, which argues that there are no ethical differences between the use of human intelligence (HUMINT) obtained from or by human assets and TECHINT in these operations. As the essay explains, Fabre arrives at this position by treating TECHINT as (...)
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  41. Culture and Immigration.Alex Sager - 2007 - Social Philosophy Today 23:69-86.
    A number of prominent political philosophers, including Will Kymlicka and Joseph Carens, have suggested that one reason for limiting immigration is to protect culture, particularly what Kymlicka calls “societal culture”: “a territorially-concentrated culture, centered on a shared language which is used in a wide range of societal institutions, in both public and private life.” I situate this claim in the context of liberal nation-building and suggest that the arguments for the protection of culture are often vague, confused or tend to (...)
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  42.  16
    Plato and the Stoics.Alex Long (ed.) - 2013 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Plato was central both to the genesis of Stoic theory and to subsequent debates within the Stoa. These essays provide new and detailed explorations of the complex relationship between Plato and the Greek and Roman Stoic traditions, and together they show the directness and independence with which Stoics examined Plato's writing. What were the philosophical incentives to consulting and then returning to Plato's dialogues? To what extent did Plato, rather than Xenophon or Antisthenes, control Stoic reconstructions of Socrates' ethics? What (...)
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  43.  26
    Crimes of NarrationAlbert Camus, dans le premier silence... et au-dela.Evelyn H. Zepp, Alex Argyros & Paul-F. Smets - 1987 - Substance 16 (3):78.
  44.  37
    Questioning Socio-Ecological Transformations.Alex Loftus - 2016 - Environmental Values 25 (5):499-502.
  45.  1
    Of Rule and Office and the Limits on Rule in Plato.Alex Long - 2024 - Polis 41 (3):511-516.
  46.  12
    1. Joy, Sovereignty, and Atopia.Alex McIntyre - 1997 - In The Sovereignty of Joy: Nietzsche's Vision of Grand Politics. University of Toronto Press. pp. 1-21.
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    Works Cited.Alex McIntyre - 1997 - In The Sovereignty of Joy: Nietzsche's Vision of Grand Politics. University of Toronto Press. pp. 175-178.
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    Business and Society.Alex C. Michalos - 2021 - In Deborah C. Poff & Alex C. Michalos (eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 239-240.
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    Business Ethics Quarterly.Alex C. Michalos - 2021 - In Deborah C. Poff & Alex C. Michalos (eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 277-277.
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    Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes.Alex C. Michalos - 2021 - In Deborah C. Poff & Alex C. Michalos (eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 1001-1003.
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