Results for 'Alessandra Manieri'

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    Alessandra Tanesini on Wittgenstein.Alessandra Tanesini - 1997 - Women’s Philosophy Review 17:73-74.
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  2. .Alessandra Tanesini - 2008
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  3. Wittgenstein: a feminist interpretation.Alessandra Tanesini - 2004 - Malden, MA: Polity Press.
    In this new book, Alessandra Tanesini demonstrates that feminist thought has a lot to offer to the study of Wittgenstein's philosophical work, and that -at the same time-that work can inspire feminist reflection in new directions. In Wittgenstein, Tanesini offers a highly original interpretation of several themes in Wittgenstein's philosophy. She argues that when we look at his work through feminist eyes we discover that he is not primarily concerned with providing solutions to technical problems in the philosophy of (...)
  4.  7
    Italy in a Time of Emergency and Scarce Resources: The Need for Embedding Ethical Reflection in Social and Clinical Settings.Alessandra Gasparetto & Federico Nicoli - 2020 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 31 (1):92-94.
    The COVID-19 virus is severely testing the Italian healthcare system, as the requests for intensive treatment are greater than the real capacity of the system to receive patients. Given this emergency situation, it follows that citizens are limited in their freedom of movement in order to limit infection, and that in hospitals a significant number of critical situations must be faced. This brief contribution aims to offer a reflection on the public and clinical role of the bioethicist: a figure able (...)
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    (1 other version)New APPS interview: Alessandra Tanesini - Part I.Alessandra Tanesini & John Protevi - unknown
    Today’s New APPS interview is with Alessandra Tanesini, Professor of Philosophy at Cardiff University. This is Part I; Part II will run next week. Thanks very much for doing this interview with us, Alessandra. Let’s start with your personal practice of philosophy. What are the pleasures and pains of philosophy...
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  6. O conceito de areté em aristóteles.Dagmar Manieri - 2017 - Synesis 9 (2):15-29.
    O objetivo deste artigo é um estudo da virtude em Aristóteles. O termo areté é frequentemente traduzido como “virtude”, mas sua real significação remete-nos à ideia de “excelência”. Cada atividade humana, prática, possui uma areté particular. No domínio político, além da deliberação, Aristóteles expõe a noção de phronesis. Esta última é a excelência do líder político.
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  7. Umanesimo e civiltà neotecnica.Maria Rosaria Manieri - 1969 - Napoli,: Glaux.
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  8. Saperi E pratiche barbaricine sul solanum tuberosum.Alessandra Guigoni - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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    Impressions of Hume (review).Alessandra Stradella - 2007 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45 (1):164-165.
    Alessandra Stradella - Impressions of Hume - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45:1 Journal of the History of Philosophy 45.1 164-165 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Reviewed by Alessandra Stradella Emory University Frasca-Spada, Marina, and P. J. E. Kail, editors. Impressions of Hume. Mind Association Occasional Series. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2005. Pp. xi + 308. Cloth, $74.00. Readers of Hume have a new collection of essays. Impressions of Hume adds to the literature twelve essays recounting the (...)
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    The mismeasure of the self: a study in vice epistemology.Alessandra Tanesini - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    The Mismeasure of the Self is dedicated to vices that blight many lives. They are the vices of superiority, characteristic of those who feel entitled, superior and who have an inflated opinion of themselves, and those of inferiority, typical of those who are riddled with self-doubt and feel inferior. Arrogance, narcissism, haughtiness, and vanity are among the first group. Self-abasement, fatalism, servility, and timidity exemplify the second. This book shows these traits to be to vices of self-evaluation and describes their (...)
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  11.  32
    Non-invasive Brain Stimulation for the Rehabilitation of Children and Adolescents With Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Systematic Review.Alessandra Finisguerra, Renato Borgatti & Cosimo Urgesi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The appeal to robustness in measurement practice.Alessandra Basso - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 65-66 (C):57-66.
    This paper distinguishes between two arguments based on measurement robustness and defends the epistemic value of robustness for the assessment of measurement reliability. I argue that the appeal to measurement robustness in the assessment of measurement is based on a different inferential pattern and is not exposed to the same objections as the no-coincidence argument which is commonly associated with the use of robustness to corroborate individual results. This investigation sheds light on the precise meaning of reliability that emerges from (...)
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    Caring for Esteem and Intellectual Reputation: Some Epistemic Benefits and Harms.Alessandra Tanesini - 2018 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 84:47-67.
    This paper has five aims: it clarifies the nature of esteem and of the related notions of admiration and reputation ; it argues that communities that possess practices of esteeming individuals for their intellectual qualities are epistemically superior to otherwise identical communities lacking this practice and that a concern for one's own intellectual reputation, and a motivation to seek the esteem and admiration of other members of one's community, can be epistemically virtuous ; it explains two vices regarding these concerns (...)
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  14. Virtuous and vicious intellectual self-trust.Alessandra Tanesini - 2019 - In Katherine Dormandy (ed.), Trust in Epistemology. New York: Taylor & Francis.
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    Language-play: Chris Lawn, Wittgenstein and Gadamer: towards a post-analytic philosophy of language [Book Review].Alessandra Tanesini - unknown
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    A new perspective on blame culture: an experimental study.Alessandra Gorini, Massimo Miglioretti & Gabriella Pravettoni - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (3):671-675.
  17.  76
    Scaffolding knowledge.Alessandra Tanesini - 2022 - Philosophical Issues 32 (1):367-381.
    In this article I argue that often propositional knowledge is acquired and retained by extensive reliance on physical and social scaffolds that create an environment or niche conducive to knowledge. It is incumbent on epistemologists to subject these aids to epistemic assessments. I show that several of the activities involved in the creation of niches within which inquiry can thrive are carried out by whole cultures. New generations benefit from inheriting these niches whilst being able to improve upon them to (...)
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  18. (1 other version)Collective amnesia and epistemic injustice.Alessandra Tanesini - 2016 - Imperfect Cognitions.
    Alessandra Tanesini is a Professor of Philosophy at Cardiff University working on epistemology and philosophy of language. In this post she summarises some of her recent work on collective amnesia and epistemic injustice.
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    Polarisation, Arrogance, and Dogmatism: Philosophical Perspectives.Alessandra Tanesini & Michael P. Lynch (eds.) - 2020 - London, UK: Routledge.
    Introduction / Alessandra Tanesini and Michael P. Lynch -- Reassessing different conceptions of argumentation / Catarina Dutilh Novaes -- Martial metaphors and argumentative virtues and vices / Ian James Kidd -- Arrogance and deep disagreement / Andrew Aberdein -- Closed-mindedness and arrogance / Heather Battaly -- Intellectual trust and the marketplace of ideas / Allan Hazlett -- Is searching the Internet making us intellectually arrogant? / J. Adam Carter and Emma C. Gordon -- Intellectual humility and the curse of (...)
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  20. Standpoint theory then and now.Alessandra Tanesini - 2019 - In Miranda Fricker, Peter Graham, David Henderson & Nikolaj Jang Pedersen (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology. New York, USA: Routledge.
  21.  26
    From Fetus to Child: An Observational and Psychoanalytic Study.Alessandra Piontelli - 2015 - Routledge.
    The use of ultrasonic scans in pregnancy makes it possible to observe the fetus undisturbed in the womb. Dr Alessandra Piontelli has done what no one has done before: she observed eleven fetuses in the womb using ultrasound scans, and then observed their development at home from birth up to the age of four years. She includes a description of the psychoanalytic psychotherapy of one of the research children, and the psychoanalysis of five other very young children whose behaviour (...)
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  22. Phenomenology: What’s AI got to do with it?Alessandra Buccella & Alison A. Springle - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (3):621-636.
    Nowadays, philosophers and scientists tend to agree that, even though human and artificial intelligence work quite differently, they can still illuminate aspects of each other, and knowledge in one domain can inspire progress in the other. For instance, the notion of “artificial” or “synthetic” phenomenology has been gaining some traction in recent AI research. In this paper, we ask the question: what (if anything) is the use of thinking about phenomenology in the context of AI, and in particular machine learning? (...)
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  23. Virtues and Vices in Public and Political Debate.Alessandra Tanesini - 2021 - In Michael Hannon & Jeroen de Ridder (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Political Epistemology. New York: Routledge. pp. 325-335.
    In this chapter, after a review of some existent empirical and philosophical literature that suggests that human beings are essentially incapable of changing their mind in response to counter-evidence, I argue that motivation makes a significant difference to individuals’ ability rationally to evaluate information. I rely on empirical work on group deliberation to argue that the motivation to learn from others, as opposed to the desire to win arguments, promotes good quality group deliberation. Finally I provide an overview of some (...)
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    Multicultural Policies and Female Immigration in Europe.Alessandra Facchi - 1998 - Ratio Juris 11 (4):346-362.
    In this paper the author focuses on some of the topics in the debate on multiculturalism, applying them to the issue of immigration, particularly female immigration, in Europe. She then illustrates how the individual/group relationship is a particularly complex one where women are concerned. In this framework she considers the various roles of a multicultural law and the thorny relation between women immigrants and their official representatives. She concludes by asserting the need to place individual rights before group rights and (...)
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  25. Time, desire, generation. Diotima and Aristophanes in Plato's' Simposio'.Alessandra Fussi - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (1):1-27.
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    Francesca Alberico, Giuliana Franchini, M. Eleonora Landini & Ennio Passalia (dir.), Identità e rappresentazioni di genere in Italia tra Otto e Novencento.Alessandra Gissi - 2012 - Clio 35:07-07.
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    Cybernetic legal analysis and human agency.Alessandra Lippucci - 1998 - Res Publica 4 (1):77-116.
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    Entre a Phýsis e Pólis: Temporalidade Grega.Dagmar Manieri - 2010 - Synesis 2 (1):26-47.
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    Nota sul De doctrina christiana.Alessandra Pollastri - 1995 - Augustinianum 35 (2):527-536.
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    La contingence issue de la nécessité et la nécessité issue de la contingence dans les pratiques improvisées en danse.Alessandra Randazzo - 2024 - Studi di Estetica 30.
    If artistic improvisation gives a predominant place to contingency, this contingency cannot be absolute, on pain of depriving improvisation of any technique. This article, by taking the case of dance improvisation, will explore the complex relationships between contingency and necessity, by analyzing how a relative contingency can arise from the external necessity of a given framework of action, and how an inner necessity can result from a contingency understood as a creative condition relative to the Kairos of a situation in (...)
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    A Renovação Carismática Católica no espaço laico: um estudo sobre o Grupo de Oração Universitário (GOU).Alessandra Cristina Rosa - 2007 - Horizonte 6 (11):179-179.
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  32. Affective polarisation and emotional distortions on social media.Alessandra Tanesini - unknown
    In this paper I argue that social networking sites (SNSs) are emotion technologies that promote a highly charged emotional environment where intrinsic emotion regulation is significantly weakened, and people's emotions are more strongly modulated by other people and by the technology itself. I show that these features of social media promote a simplistic emotional outlook which is an obstacle to the development and maintenance of virtue. In addition, I focus on the mechanisms that promote group-based anger and thus give rise (...)
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    A P5 Approach to m-Health: Design Suggestions for Advanced Mobile Health Technology.Alessandra Gorini, Ketti Mazzocco, Stefano Triberti, Valeria Sebri, Lucrezia Savioni & Gabriella Pravettoni - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Women and Multiple Board Memberships: Social Capital and Institutional Pressure.Alessandra Rigolini & Morten Huse - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (3):443-459.
    We show unintended consequences of quota regulations to get women on boards. Board members may have different characteristics, and even among women, there are variations. We assume that the characteristics of the board members have an influence on their contributions to boards, to businesses as well as to society. In this paper, we argue that different types of societal pressure to get women on boards have an influence on the social capital characteristics of the women getting multiple board memberships. The (...)
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  35. "Calm down, dear": intellectual arrogance, silencing and ignorance.Alessandra Tanesini - 2016 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 90 (1):71-92.
    In this paper I provide an account of two forms of intellectual arrogance which cause the epistemic practices of conversational turn-taking and assertion to malfunction. I detail some of the ethical and epistemic harms generated by intellectual arrogance, and explain its role in fostering the intellectual vices of timidity and servility in other agents. Finally, I show that arrogance produces ignorance by silencing others (both preventing them from speaking and causing their assertions to misfire) and by fostering self-delusion in the (...)
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  36. Passionate Speech: On the Uses and Abuses of Anger in Public Debate.Alessandra Tanesini - 2021 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 89:153-176.
    Anger dominates debates in the public sphere. In this article I argue that there are diverse forms of anger that merit different responses. My focus is especially on two types of anger that I label respectively arrogant and resistant. The first is the characteristic defensive response of those who unwarrantedly arrogate special privileges for themselves. The second is often a source of insight and a form of moral address. I detail some discursive manifestations of these two types of anger. I (...)
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    About the speaker: towards a syntax of indexicality.Alessandra Giorgi - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book considers the semantic and syntactic nature of indexicals - linguistic expressions, as in I, you, this, that, yesterday, tomorrow , whose reference shifts from utterance to utterance.There is a long-standing controversy as to whether the semantic reference point is already present as syntactic material or whether it is introduced post-syntactically by semantic rules of interpretation. Alessandra Giorgi resolves this controversy through an empirically grounded exploration of temporal indexicality, arguing that the speaker's temporal location is specified in the (...)
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  38. Intellectual Humility as Attitude.Alessandra Tanesini - 2016 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 96 (2):399-420.
    Intellectual humility, I argue in this paper, is a cluster of strong attitudes directed toward one's cognitive make-up and its components, together with the cognitive and affective states that constitute their contents or bases, which serve knowledge and value-expressive functions. In order to defend this new account of humility I first examine two simpler traits: intellectual self-acceptance of epistemic limitations and intellectual modesty about epistemic successes. The position defended here addresses the shortcomings of both ignorance and accuracy based accounts of (...)
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    Maternal depression and attachment: the evaluation of mother–child interactions during feeding practice.Alessandra Santona, Angela Tagini, Diego Sarracino, Pietro De Carli, Cecilia S. Pace, Laura Parolin & Grazia Terrone - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Having the measure of self and world: a response to my critics.Alessandra Tanesini - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    In this response I address criticisms raised by Ashton, Battaly, McGlynn and Simion that my account of intellectual humility (hereafter, IH), and of the vices opposed to it, is too internalistic, is insufficiently social and structural, and finally that my proposal for ameliorating vice might be not efficacious.
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    Off the Couch: Contemporary Psychoanalytic Applications.Alessandra Lemma & Matthew Patrick (eds.) - 2010 - Routledge.
    _Alessandra Lemma - Winner of the Levy-Goldfarb Award for Child Psychoanalysis!_ The contemporary relevance of psychoanalysis is being increasingly questioned; _Off the Couch_ challenges this view, demonstrating that psychoanalytic thinking and its applications are both innovative and relevant, in particular to the management and treatment of more disturbed and difficult to engage patient groups. Chapters address: clinical applications in diverse settings across the age range the relevance of psychoanalytic thinking to the practice of CBT, psychosomatics and general psychiatry the contribution (...)
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    Philosophy of Language a–Z.Alessandra Tanesini - 2007 - Edinburgh University Press.
    These thorough, authoritative yet concise alphabetical guides introduce the central concepts of the various branches of philosophy. Written by established philosophers, they cover both traditional and contemporary terminology.
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    Intellectual Vices in Conditions of Oppression: The Turn to the Political in Virtue Epistemology.Alessandra Tanesini - 2022 - In David Bordonaba Plou, Víctor Fernández Castro & José Ramón Torices (eds.), The Political Turn in Analytic Philosophy: Reflections on Social Injustice and Oppression. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 77-104.
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    Refining Value Sensitive Design: A (Capability-Based) Procedural Ethics Approach to Technological Design for Well-Being.Alessandra Cenci & Dylan Cawthorne - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2629-2662.
    Fundamental questions in value sensitive design include whether and how high-tech products/artefacts could embody values and ethical ideals, and how plural and incommensurable values of ethical and social importance could be chosen rationally and objectively at a collective level. By using a humanitarian cargo drone study as a starting point, this paper tackles the challenges that VSD’s lack of commitment to a specific ethical theory generates in practical applications. Besides, it highlights how mainstream ethical approaches usually related to VSD are (...)
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  45. Perception and action: The taste test.Alessandra Tanesini & Richard Gray - 2010 - Philosophical Quarterly 60 (241):718-734.
    Traditional accounts of perception endorse an input–output model: perception is the input from world to mind and action is the output from mind to world. In contrast, enactive accounts propose action to be constitutive of perception. We focus on Noë's sensorimotor version of enactivism, with the aim of clarifying the proper limits of enactivism more generally. Having explained Noë's particular version of enactivism, which accounts for the contents of perceptual experience in terms of sensorimotor knowledge, we use taste as a (...)
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    Whose language?Alessandra Tanesini - 2008 - In . pp. 203-16.
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    A long shadow: Nazi doctors, moral vulnerability and contemporary medical culture.Alessandra Colaianni - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (7):435-438.
    More than 7% of all German physicians became members of the Nazi SS during World War II, compared with less than 1% of the general population. In so doing, these doctors willingly participated in genocide, something that should have been antithetical to the values of their chosen profession. The participation of physicians in torture and murder both before and after World War II is a disturbing legacy seldom discussed in medical school, and underrecognised in contemporary medicine. Is there something inherent (...)
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    Alessandra Tanesini on Line Drawings: Defining Women through Feminist Practice by Cressida J. Heyes. [REVIEW]Alessandra Tanesini - 2001 - Women’s Philosophy Review 27:92-95.
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    Samuel R. Buss. The undecidability of k-provability. Annals of pure and applied logic, vol. 53 , pp. 75–102.Alessandra Carbone - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (4):1480-1481.
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    Commentary on Gerson.Alessandra Fussi - 1999 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 15 (1):254-262.
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