Results for 'Alek Lačev'

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  1. Modeling Semantic Emotion Space Using a 3D Hypercube-Projection: An Innovative Analytical Approach for the Psychology of Emotions.Radek Trnka, Alek Lačev, Karel Balcar, Martin Kuška & Peter Tavel - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
    The widely accepted two-dimensional circumplex model of emotions posits that most instances of human emotional experience can be understood within the two general dimensions of valence and activation. Currently, this model is facing some criticism, because complex emotions in particular are hard to define within only these two general dimensions. The present theory-driven study introduces an innovative analytical approach working in a way other than the conventional, two-dimensional paradigm. The main goal was to map and project semantic emotion space in (...)
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  2. Czech Version of the Spiritual Well-Being Scale: Evaluation and Psychometric Properties.Peter Tavel, Jan Sandora, Jana Furstova, Alek Lačev, Vit Husek, Zuzana Puzova, Iva Polackova Solcova & Klara Malinakova - 2020 - Psychological Reports 1.
    Spirituality and spiritual well-being are connected with many areas of human life. Thus, especially in secular countries, there is a need for reliable validated instruments for measuring spirituality. The Spiritual Well-Being Scale is among the world’s most often used tools; therefore, the aim of this study was its psychometrical evaluation in the secular environment of the Czech Republic on a nationally representative sample (n = 1797, mean age: 45.9 ± 17.67; 48.6% men). A non-parametric comparison of different sociodemographic groups showed (...)
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    Harmful situations, impure people: An attribution asymmetry across moral domains.Alek Chakroff & Liane Young - 2015 - Cognition 136 (C):30-37.
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  4. Conciliatory views, higher-order disagreements, and defeasible logic.Aleks Knoks - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2).
    Conciliatory views of disagreement say, roughly, that it’s rational for you to become less confident in your take on an issue in case you find out that an epistemic peer’s take on it is the opposite. Their intuitive appeal notwithstanding, there are well-known worries about the behavior of conciliatory views in scenarios involving higher-order disagreements, which include disagreements over these views themselves and disagreements over the peer status of alleged epistemic peers. This paper does two things. First, it explains how (...)
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    The Cognitive Value of Fiction in Thought Experiments in Personal Identity.Aleks Zarnitsyn - 2015 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 49 (2):62-81.
  6. (1 other version)Conciliatory Reasoning, Self-Defeat, and Abstract Argumentation.Aleks Https://Orcidorg Knoks - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (3):740-787.
    According to conciliatory views on the significance of disagreement, it’s rational for you to become less confident in your take on an issue in case your epistemic peer’s take on it is different. These views are intuitively appealing, but they also face a powerful objection: in scenarios that involve disagreements over their own correctness, conciliatory views appear to self-defeat and, thereby, issue inconsistent recommendations. This paper provides a response to this objection. Drawing on the work from defeasible logics paradigm and (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Misleading higher-order evidence, conflicting ideals, and defeasible logic.Aleks Https://Orcidorg Knoks - 2020 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 8:141--74.
    Thinking about misleading higher-order evidence naturally leads to a puzzle about epistemic rationality: If one’s total evidence can be radically misleading regarding itself, then two widely-accepted requirements of rationality come into conflict, suggesting that there are rational dilemmas. This paper focuses on an often misunderstood and underexplored response to this (and similar) puzzles, the so-called conflicting-ideals view. Drawing on work from defeasible logic, I propose understanding this view as a move away from the default metaepistemological position according to which rationality (...)
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    Evidence and facts about incoherence: Reply to Schmidt.Aleks Knoks - 2023 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):1-11.
    In her recent `Facts about incoherence as non-evidential epistemic reasons‘ Eva Schmidt defends the claim that not all epistemic reasons are provided by evidence. Schmidt presents three cases describing agents with incoherent beliefs and argues that, in each case, the fact that an agent’s beliefs are incoherent provides her with a non-evidential epistemic reason to suspend judgment on the issue that her beliefs are about. While I find the suggestion that facts about incoherence can play positive roles in our cognitive (...)
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    Cognitional and Intentionality Analysis as the Key to Epistemic Foundation.Patrick O. Aleke - 2023 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 24 (1):30-50.
    Since Descartes, the quest for the foundation in epistemology has suffered a series of setbacks. The consequence of the opposition against an epistemic foundation is epistemic skepticism. The irony of the skeptic position is that scepticism in all its hues is self-refuting. Although the establishment of a foundation is essential for coherent epistemology, the quest for epistemic foundation has suffered some oppositions because most attempts at establishing foundational epistemology have focused on intentional signs or products – beliefs, concepts, propositions, etc. (...)
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    How the Mind Matters for Morality.Alek Chakroff & Liane Young - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 6 (3):43-48.
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  11. Taksonomia Funkcjonalnych Kompetencji Cyfrowych Oraz Metodologia Pomiaru Poziomu Funkcjonalnych Kompetencji Cyfrowych Osób Z Pokolenia 50+.Alek Tarkowski, Anna Mierzecka, Justyna Jasiewicz, Mirosław Filiciak, Małgorzata Kisilowska, Andrzej Klimczuk & Elżbieta Bojanowska - 2015 - Centrum Cyfrowe Projekt: Polska;Stowarzyszenie „Miasta W Internecie”.
    Raport wydany został przez Stowarzyszenie "Miasta w Internecie". Jego celem jest opracowanie modelu i katalogu funkcjonalnych kompetencji cyfrowych. Przedstawia on analizȩ badań i literatury przedmiotu, taksonomie kompetencji cyfrowych oraz projekt pomiaru funkcjonalnych kompetencji cyfrowych. Raport powstał w ramach „Projektu systemowego - działania na rzecz rozwoju szerokopasmowego Internetu ", realizowanego przez Ministerstwo Administracji i Cyfryzacji oraz Stowarzyszenie „Miasta w Internecie" pod hasłem POLSKA CYFROWA RÓWNYCH SZANS.
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    Sociological studies.Tadeusz Alek-Kowalski - 1993 - Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
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    Aristoteli zhaṛangutʻyuně hayotsʻ mshakuytʻi hamatekʻstum: gitazhoghovi nyutʻeri zhoghovatsu = Nasledie Aristoteli︠a︡ v kontekste armi︠a︡nskoĭ kulʹtury: sbornik materialov konferent︠s︡ii = Aristotle's heritage in the context of Armenian culture: conference proceedings.Alek̕san Step̕ani Baġdasaryan (ed.) - 2017 - Erevan: EPH hratarakchʻutʻyun.
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    Realpolitik, Punishment and Control: Thucydides on the Moralization of Conflict.Alek Chance - 2013 - Journal of Military Ethics 12 (3):263-277.
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    A Land of Two Nations: Baruch Kimmerling's Intellectual Legacy.Alek Epstein - 2011 - The European Legacy 16 (4):531 - 534.
    The European Legacy, Volume 16, Issue 4, Page 531-534, 01Jul2011.
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    Judging the Trial: Hannah Arendt as a Moral Philosopher of Nation-State Building.Alek D. Epstein - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (7):901-905.
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  17. Komizm i tragizm ofiary.Alek Fryszman - 1999 - Principia 23.
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    Keankʻid arzhēkʻě.Alekʻs Galaychean - 2017 - Erewan: Hegh. hrat..
    Mas A. Mardkayin arzhēkʻner -- Mas B. Hawatkʻ ew mnapashtutʻiwn -- Mas G. Ěntanekan mtorumner.
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    Istina i ekzistent︠s︡ii︠a︡: kŭsnii︠a︡t Khaĭdeger i vŭprosŭt za preodoli︠a︡vaneto na metafizikata.Aleks Kostova - 2022 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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    A complete, unabridged, “pre-registered” descriptive experience sampling investigation: The case of Lena.Alek E. Krumm & Russell T. Hurlburt - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (1):267-287.
    Descriptive Experience Sampling (DES) attempts to apprehend in high fidelity pristine inner experience (the naturally-occurring, directly-apprehended phenomena that fill our waking lives, including inner speaking, visual imagery, sensory awarenesses, etc.). Previous DES investigations had shown individual differences in the frequency of inner speaking ranging from nearly zero to nearly 100% of the time. In early 2020, the Internet was ablaze with comments expressing astonishment that constant internal monologue was not universal. We invited Lena, a university student who believed she had (...)
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    Philosophy and Eschatology: A Quest for Truth and Meaning.Patrick Owo Aleke - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophy 9 (4):253.
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    Defeasibility in Epistemology.Aleks Knoks - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Maryland at College Park
    This work explores some ways in which logics for defeasible reasoning can be applied to questions in epistemology. It's naturally thought of as developing four applications: The first is concerned with simple epistemic rules, such as "If you perceives that X, then you ought to believe that X" and "If you have outstanding testimony that X, then you ought to believe that X." Anyone who thinks that such rules have a place in our accounts of epistemic normativity must explain what (...)
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    Neoplatonizmi: tʻavisupʻlebisa da namdvili me-s żiebaši.Lela Alekʻsiże - 2019 - Tʻbilisi: Programa "Logosi".
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  24. Deontic Logic and Normative Systems 2020/21.Aleks Knoks (ed.) - 2021
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  25. Epistemic conflicts and the form of epistemic rules.Aleks Knoks - 2024 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (2):158-190.
    While such epistemic rules as 'If you perceive that X, you ought to believe that X' and 'If you have outstanding testimony that X, you ought to believe that X' seem to be getting at important truths, it is easy to think of cases in which they come into conflict. To avoid classifying such cases as dilemmas, one can hold either that epistemic rules have built-in unless-clauses listing the circumstances under which they don't apply, or, alternatively, that epistemic rules are (...)
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    Moral Principles: Hedged, Contributory, Mixed.Aleks Knoks - 2021 - In Deontic Logic and Normative Systems 2020/21.
    It's natural to think that the principles expressed by the statements "Promises ought to be kept" and "We ought to help those in need" are defeasible. But how are we to make sense of this defeasibility? On one proposal, moral principles have hedges or built-in unless clauses specifying the conditions under which the principle doesn't apply. On another, such principles are contributory and, thus, do not specify which actions ought to be carried out, but only what counts in favor or (...)
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    God and suffering in Africa: An exploration in natural theology and philosophy of religion.Patrick O. Aleke - 2023 - South African Journal of Philosophy 42 (4):348-360.
    (2023). God and suffering in Africa: An exploration in natural theology and philosophy of religion. South African Journal of Philosophy: Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 348-360.
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  28. Doing Good Leads to More Good: The Reinforcing Power of a Moral Self-Concept.Liane Young, Alek Chakroff & Jessica Tom - 2012 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 3 (3):325-334.
    What is the role of self-concept in motivating moral behavior? On one account, when people are primed to perceive themselves as “do-gooders”, conscious access to this positive self-concept will reinforce good behavior. On an alternative account, when people are reminded that they have done their “good deed for the day”, they will feel licensed to behave worse. In the current study, when participants were asked to recall their own good deeds (positive self-concept), their subsequent charitable donations were nearly twice that (...)
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  29. The Moral and existential dilemmas of the Israeli soldier.Daṿid Hardan & Aleks Zehavi (eds.) - 1985 - Jerusalem: Center for Programming, Dept. of Development and Community Services, World Zionist Organization.
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    Prote hyle: notions of matter in the Platonic and Aristotelian traditions.Andrea Le Moli & Lela Alekʹsiże (eds.) - 2017 - Palermo: Palermo University Press.
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    Kʻartʻuli enatʻmecʻnierebis istoria.Alekʻsandre Pʻocʻxišvili - 1995 - Tʻbilisi: Ganatʻleba.
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  32. Obóz Kultury 2.0.Mirosław Filiciak, Alek Tarkowski, Agata Jałosińska, Andrzej Klimczuk, Maciej Rynarzewski, Jacek Seweryn, Stunża M., D. Grzegorz, Marcin Wilkowski & Anna Orlik - 2010 - Fundacja Ortus.
    Obóz Kultury 2.0 Mirosław Filiciak, Alek Tarkowski, Agata Jałosińska, Andrzej Klimczuk, Maciej Rynarzewski, Jacek Seweryn, Stunża M., D. Grzegorz, Marcin Wilkowski & Anna Orlik .
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  33. Hay tramabanakan mitkʻě rasminnerord daram.Alekʻsandr Mikʻayeli Tʻevosian - 1976
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    Response modalities and the cognitive architecture underlying action control: Intra-modal trumps cross-modal action coordination.Lisa Weller, Aleks Pieczykolan & Lynn Huestegge - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105115.
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    Introspection in Emotion Research: Challenges and Insights.Leiszle Lapping-Carr, Alek E. Krumm, Cody Kaneshiro & Christopher L. Heavey - 2024 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 31 (1):76-109.
    Introspection, or looking inward to observe one's experience, is inherent in many methods used to study feelings, the experiential component of emotion. Challenges of introspection make faithful, high-fidelity descriptions of feelings difficult to attain. A method that (1) cleaves to a specific moment, (2) cleaves to pristine inner experience, (3) brackets presuppositions, and (4) utilizes an iterative process may be particularly well suited to this task. We review some contemporary introspective methods from the perspective of these four methodological constraints, finding (...)
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    Estimating weights of reasons using metaheuristics: A hybrid approach to machine ethics.Benoît Alcaraz, Aleks Knoks & David Streit - 2024 - In Sanmay Das, Brian Patrick Green, Kush Varshney, Marianna Ganapini & Andrea Renda, Proceedings of the Seventh AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES-24). ACM Press. pp. 27-38.
    We present a new approach to representation and acquisition of normative information for machine ethics. It combines an influential philosophical account of the fundamental structure of morality with argumentation theory and machine learning. According to the philosophical account, the deontic status of an action – whether it is required, forbidden, or permissible – is determined through the interaction of “normative reasons” of varying strengths or weights. We first provide a formal characterization of this account, by modeling it in(weighted) argumentation graphs. (...)
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  37. The Framework Catalogue of Digital Competences.Justyna Jasiewicz, Mirosław Filiciak, Anna Mierzecka, Kamil Śliwowski, Andrzej Klimczuk, Małgorzata Kisilowska, Alek Tarkowski & Jacek Zadrożny - 2015 - Centrum Cyfrowe Projekt: Polska.
    The Framework Catalogue of Digital Competences Justyna Jasiewicz, Mirosław Filiciak, Anna Mierzecka, Kamil Śliwowski, Andrzej Klimczuk, Małgorzata Kisilowska, Alek Tarkowski & Jacek Zadrożny Centrum Cyfrowe Projekt: Polska (2015) .
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  38. A Curious Dialogical Logic and its Composition Problem.Sara L. Uckelman, Jesse Alama & Aleks Knoks - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 43 (6):1065-1100.
    Dialogue semantics for logic are two-player logic games between a Proponent who puts forward a logical formula φ as valid or true and an Opponent who disputes this. An advantage of the dialogical approach is that it is a uniform framework from which different logics can be obtained through only small variations of the basic rules. We introduce the composition problem for dialogue games as the problem of resolving, for a set S of rules for dialogue games, whether the set (...)
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    Measuring the Frequency of Inner-Experience Characteristics by Self-Report: The Nevada Inner Experience Questionnaire.Christopher L. Heavey, Stefanie A. Moynihan, Vincent P. Brouwers, Leiszle Lapping-Carr, Alek E. Krumm, Jason M. Kelsey, Dio K. Turner & Russell T. Hurlburt - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  40. Ramowy Katalog Kompetencji Cyfrowych.Justyna Jasiewicz, Mirosław Filiciak, Anna Mierzecka, Kamil Śliwowski, Andrzej Klimczuk, Małgorzata Kisilowska, Alek Tarkowski & Jacek Zadrożny - 2015 - Centrum Cyfrowe Projekt: Polska.
    Ramowy Katalog Kompetencji Cyfrowych Justyna Jasiewicz, Mirosław Filiciak, Anna Mierzecka, Kamil Śliwowski, Andrzej Klimczuk, Małgorzata Kisilowska, Alek Tarkowski & Jacek Zadrożny Centrum Cyfrowe Projekt: Polska (2015) .
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    What are the determinants of survival curves of words?Freek Van de Velde & Alek Keersmaekers - 2020 - Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 2 (2):127-137.
    An evolutionary approach to historical linguistics can be enlightening when not only the mechanisms, but also the statistical methods are considered from neighboring disciplines. In this short paper, we apply survival analysis to investigate what factors determine the lifespan of words. Our case study is on post-classical Greek from the 4th century bc to the beginning of the 8th century ad. We find that lower frequency and phonetically longer lexemes suffer earlier deaths. Furthermore, verbs turn out to have higher survival (...)
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    Reasons in Weighted Argumentation Graphs.David Streit, Vincent de Wit & Aleks Knoks - 2023 - In Natasha Alechina, Andreas Herzig & Fei Liang, Logic, Rationality, and Interaction: 9th International Workshop, LORI 2023, Jinan, China, October 26–29, 2023, Proceedings. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 251-259.
    The philosophical literature that tackles foundational questions about normativity often appeals to normative reasons—or considerations that count in favor of or against actions—and their interaction. The interaction between normative reasons is usually made sense of by appealing to the metaphor of (normative) weight scales. This paper substitutes an argumentation-theoretic model for this metaphor. The upshot is a general and precise model that is faithful to the philosophical ideas.
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    Ben dat le-daʻat: ha-ʻemdah ha-diʼaleḳṭit ba-hagut ha-Yehudit bat zemanenu meha-Rav Ḳuḳ ʻad ha-Rav Shagar.Ephraim Chamiel - 2018 - Yerushalayim: Karmel.
    The dialectical position in contemporary Jewish thout from Rav Kook to Rav Shagar.
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  44. Fun Borukh Spinoze biz Shmuel Aleḳsander: a ḳritisher analiz un an aygener bliḳ.I. S. Polishuck - 1956 - Shiḳage,: L.M. Shtayn.
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  45. Eḥad be-khol dimyonot: hagutam ha-diʼaleḳṭit shel Ḥaside Ashkenaz = One God, many images: dialectical thought in Hasidei Ashkenaz.Yosef Yitsḥaḳ Lifshits - 2015 - Tel Aviv: Hotsaʼat ha-Ḳibuts ha-meʼuḥad.
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  46. Sefer Otsar ha-yiḥud: ḥibur maḳif ʻal hilkhot yiḥud, ṿe-nitḥaleḳ le-3 roshim:... Hilkhot yiḥud... Shut ha-yiḥud...ʻIyun ha-yiḥud.Daṿid Ben Eliyahu Edri - 2013 - Petaḥ Tiḳṿah: Daṿid Edri.
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    Replies to critics.Eva Schmidt - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):1-16.
    In these replies, I react to comments on my paper “Facts about Incoherence as Non-Evidential Epistemic Reasons”, provided by Aleks Knoks, Sebastian Schmidt, Keshav Singh, and Conor McHugh. I discuss potential counterexamples to my claim that the fact that the subject’s doxastic attitudes are incoherent is an epistemic reason for her to suspend; whether such incoherence-based reasons bear on individual attitudes or only on combinations of attitudes; the prospects of restricting evidentialism about epistemic reasons to reasons to believe; whether incoherence-based (...)
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  48. Normative Indeterminacy in the Epistemic Domain.Nicholas Leonard & Fabrizio Cariani - 2020 - In Scott Stapleford & Kevin McCain, Epistemic Duties: New Arguments, New Angles. New York: Routledge.
    Building on recent formal work by Aleks Knoks, we explore how the idea that certain epistemic norms may be indeterminate could be implemented in a default logic.
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  49. Philosophical Context of Jung's Theory of Complexes and Archetypes.Boris Rafailov - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (4):375-382.
    The paper gives a hermeneutical description of Jung’s theory of complexes and archetypes, in which the complexes are defined as those parts of psyche which have split from it. Thus the human inward could not be conceived as a simple and unified whole. Complexes were understood as neutral “nodal points” of the inner structure of psyche. Jung’s searching for the factors of their formation resulted in articulating of the theory of archetypes which he saw as the invisible “roots of consciousness”. (...)
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