Results for 'Albert Sesé'

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  1.  18
    Discussing the Scientific Evidence Generation and Psychological Research Methods in Postmodern Societies.Albert Sesé - 2018 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 24 (2):9-30.
    Evidence generation by current Social and Health Sciences is coping with some important barriers that difficult credibility of scientific products. Information and communication technologies have a strong impact over social relationships in our postmodern societies. The incidence of post-truth in our context is generating a pernicious relativism, far from contrasting the information veracity. The aim of this paper is to analyze and discuss the challenges of research methods and statistical models, more specifically for Psychological research, taking into account the impact (...)
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  2. Social cognitive theory and clinical psychology.Albert Bandura - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 21--14250.
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    “Piensa” twice: On the foreign language effect in decision making.Albert Costa, Alice Foucart, Inbal Arnon, Melina Aparici & Jose Apesteguia - 2014 - Cognition 130 (2):236-254.
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    Raging Ennui: On Boredom, History, and the Collapse of Liberal Time.Albert Dikovich - 2024 - Open Philosophy 7 (1):1-26.
    This article aims to outline a theory of political boredom based on the concept of the liberal temporal dispositive. According to this concept, modern politics is characterized by the reduction of political time consumption to enable the growing temporal autonomy of the individual. However, individuals may experience considerable stress in their pursuit to utilize this free time effectively. Boredom arises when individuals fail to “fill” their available time with meaningful actions. Political crises of boredom occur as attempts by individuals to (...)
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    The Complicated Web of Trauma Proliferation Experienced by ‘Un-homed’ Immigrant Women Exploited in Illicit Massage Businesses.Lumina S. Albert & Hansa Lysander Manohar - 2024 - Human Rights Review 25 (3):265-291.
    There has been an alarming increase in the numbers of illicit massage businesses (IMB) in the United States and the revenue generated by this illegal industry. Although empirical research on IMBs is scant, it is well documented that most of the women exploited in IMBs are immigrant women entrapped in trafficking situations involving commercial sex and/or labor exploitation. First, our research comprises an exploratory study of women exploited in US illicit massage parlors using a sample of news articles highlighting law (...)
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    Saved by a giant gourd: Political reality and philosophical deactivation of the counsellor in the Zhuangzi.Albert Galvany - forthcoming - Asian Philosophy:1-15.
    Placed in the first chapter of the Zhuangzi, the dialogue between Huizi and Zhuangzi about a giant gourd is a celebrated anecdote that, both for its structure and for the ideas it seems to mobilize, has aroused the interest of readers and, consequently, has also generated a wide variety of interpretations. While some scholars argue that the message is part of a framework of epistemological discussion, others point to perspectivism as the hermeneutical key to the passage, while others refer to (...)
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    On the consistency of circuit lower bounds for non-deterministic time.Albert Atserias, Sam Buss & Moritz Müller - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Ahead of Print. We prove the first unconditional consistency result for superpolynomial circuit lower bounds with a relatively strong theory of bounded arithmetic. Namely, we show that the theory [math] is consistent with the conjecture that [math], i.e. some problem that is solvable in non-deterministic exponential time does not have polynomial size circuits. We suggest this is the best currently available evidence for the truth of the conjecture. The same techniques establish the same results with [math] (...)
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    Between Social Science, Religion and Politics: Essays in Critical Rationalism.Hans Albert (ed.) - 1999 - Rodopi.
    Hans Albert is the leading critical rationalist in the German-speaking world and the main critic of the hermeneutic tradition. He is well-known for applying the idea of critical reason to various kinds of human practice, including economics, politics, and law. But he has also improved on Popper's methodology by introducing the idea of rational heuristics. This collection of essays presents the core of his work on epistemology, philosophy of the social sciences, philosophy of religion, and philosophy of law. Most (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Readings in philosophy.Albert Edwin Avey - 1921 - Columbus, O.,: R. G. Adams and Company.
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    Essai sur les notions de structure et d'existence en mathématiques.Albert Lautman - 1937 - Paris,: Hermann & cie..
    1. ptie. Les schémas de structure -- 2.ptie. Les schémas de genèse.
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    Desecularization or "Hollowing Out" of Theology? Review: Agamben G. (2005) The Time That Remains. A Commentary on the Letter to the Romans, Stanford: University Press.Albert Sarkisyants - 2017 - Sociology of Power 29 (2):239-252.
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  12. Out of my life and thought.Albert Schweitzer - 1998 - John Hopkins University Press.
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  13. The philosophy of civilization vol. 2.Albert Schweitzer - 1923 - Black.
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  14.  21
    Deuteronomy’s concept of life in Hebrews.Albert J. Coetsee - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (3):9.
    This article endeavours to contribute to the study of the influence and effect of Deuteronomy in the book of Hebrews. It investigates the possible influence of one of Deuteronomy’s key concepts on Hebrews, namely, the concept of ‘life’. The article starts off by defining the multifaceted concept of ‘life’ in Deuteronomy. This is followed up by combing through the text of Hebrews to identify traces of this concept in the words and arguments that the writer employs. The possible traces found (...)
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    The philosophy of personalism.Albert Cornelius Knudson - 1927 - New York [etc.]: The Abingdon press.
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    Die Geschichte des griechischen Skeptizismus.Albert Goedeckemeyer - 1905 - New York: Garland Publishing.
  17.  74
    The Debate on Impartiality: An Introduction.Albert W. Musschenga - 2005 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 8 (1-2):1-10.
  18.  43
    Indices de honte et dispositif psychothérapeutique.Albert Ciccone & Alain Ferrant - 2011 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 4 (4):41-53.
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  19.  26
    Art and Freedom: A Historical and Biographical Interpretation of the Relations between the Ideas of Beauty, Use, and Freedom in Western Civilization from the Greeks to the Present Day.Albert Salomon - 1944 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 5 (1):138-140.
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  20. Die Philosophie der Griechen.Albert Kalthoff - 1901 - Berlin,: C.A. Schwetschke und Sohn.
  21.  22
    Die Naturgeschichte der Moral und die Physik des Denkens: Der Idealismus eines Materialisten.Albert Kann - 1908 - Philosophical Review 17:673.
  22.  3
    Die naturgeschichte der moral und die physik des denkens.Albert Kann - 1907 - Leipzig,: W. Braumüller.
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    Henri Bergson und meine Ideen.Albert Kann - 1935 - Wien,: Im Selbstverlag des Verfassers.
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  24. Brightman: A Personal Word.Albert C. Knudson - 1953 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 34 (4):365.
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  25. Bowne as teacher and author.Albert C. Knudson - 1920 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 1 (2):5.
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  26. Basic issues in Christian thought.Albert C. Knudson - 1950 - New York,: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press.
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  27. Personalism and theology.Albert C. Knudson - 1939 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 20 (3):256.
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    The Doctrine of God.Albert C. Knudson - 1932 - The Monist 42:634.
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    The principles of Christian ethics.Albert Cornelius Knudson - 1943 - Nashville: Abingdon-Cokesbury press.
  30. The Philosophy of Personalism: A Study in the Metaphysics of Religion.Albert C. Knudson - 1928 - Humana Mente 3 (9):107-108.
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  31. The social gospel and theology.Albert C. Knudson - 1924 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 5 (2):102.
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  32.  11
    An introduction to the science of law.Albert Kocourek - 1930 - Littleton, Colo.: F.B. Rothman.
    The author argues that the State is the original manifestation of power, which was contrary to the popular belief of the day. As a result, the State is sovereign, & therefore not bound by any laws.
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    Grundzüge der Erkenntnistheorie Herbarts.Albert Kociok - 1904 - Jena,: Druck von A. Kämpfe.
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    Law and Other Fields of Knowledge.Albert Kocourek - 1915 - International Journal of Ethics 25 (2):179-187.
  35. Mirovozzrencheskie i metodologicheskie problemy nauki: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.Albert Nikolaevich Kochergin (ed.) - 1988 - Novosibirsk: Novosibirskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  36. 442 Readings in jurisprudence.Albert Kocourek - 1938 - In Jerome Hall, Readings in jurisprudence. Holmes Beach, Fla.: Gaunt. pp. 19--442.
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  37.  37
    Standards of American Legislation. Ernst Freund.Albert Kocourek - 1917 - International Journal of Ethics 28 (1):123-127.
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  38.  19
    The unfolding of God’s revelation in Hebrews 1:1–2a.Albert Coetsee - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (3):8.
    In the introduction to his sermon, the writer of Hebrews suggests that God’s revelation unfolded from his so-called ‘Old Testament’ revelation to his ‘New Testament’ revelation in his Son (Heb. 1:1–2a). By doing a thorough exegesis of Hebrews 1:1–2a, the author’s view of such an unfolding revelation is confirmed. From this conclusion, certain hermeneutical implications of the unfolding of God’s revelation are drawn for believers and scholars today. Among others, it is determined that God’s revelation is progressive, that his revelation (...)
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  39.  8
    Kants Begriff des Ganzen in seiner Raum-Zeitlehre und das Verhältnis zu Leibniz.Albert Johannes Dietrich - 1916 - New York: G. Olms.
  40.  35
    Corrigendum to ‘ “Piensa” twice: On the foreign language effect in decision making’ [Cognition 130 (2) (2014) 236–254].Albert Costa, Alice Foucart, Inbal Arnon, Melina Aparici & Jose Apesteguia - 2015 - Cognition 142 (C):362-363.
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  41.  4
    (1 other version)Einführung in die Logik.Albert Menne - 1966 - München ;: Francke.
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  42.  2
    Kontrolliertes Denken: Untersuchungen zum Logikkalkül und zur Logik der Einzelwissenschaften.Albert Menne - 1951 - K. Alber.
  43.  21
    Logico-philosophical studies.Albert Menne - 1962 - Dordrecht, Holland,: D. Reidel Pub. Co..
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and (...)
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  44.  76
    Der Grund der Dualität der Materie und des Indeterminismus in der physikalischen Natur.Albert Mues - 1994 - Fichte-Studien 6:277-301.
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    Editionspraxis in dürftiger Zeit am Beispiel der F. H. Jacobi-Werkeausgabe Band 3.Albert Mues - 2005 - Fichte-Studien 25:155-185.
  46.  64
    Elementary Relations Between the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, schnirelmann's Classical Theorem, and goldbach's Conjecture.Albert A. Mullin - 1964 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 10 (13-17):199-201.
  47.  19
    (1 other version)On A Necessary Condition for the Validity of Goldbach's Conjecture.Albert A. Mullin - 1963 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 9 (10):145-148.
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    Lupanov O. B.. Ob odnom métodé sintéza shém . Izvéstiá vysših učébnyh zavédénij, Radiofizika, no. 1 , pp. 120–140.Albert A. Mullin - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (4):593-594.
  49.  15
    Old Principles & New Problems.Albert Muntsch - 1929 - Modern Schoolman 5 (4):3-4.
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    Natural religion and Christian theology.Albert Victor Murray - 1956 - London,: J. Nisbet.
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