Results for 'Alber Tigor Arifyanto'

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  1.  45
    (1 other version)Sense and sensitivity: The roles of organisation and stakeholders in managing corporate social responsibility.Alberic Pater & Karlijn van Lierop - 2006 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 15 (4):339–351.
    While companies are increasingly convinced of the relevance of CSR, many are still struggling to define their responsibility. Part of the answer to this question can be found in the dual approach towards CSR. The authors unravel the concept of CSR into two components: responsibility and responsiveness. Regarding the firm's responsiveness towards society, companies can adopt two positions. They might adopt an inside‐out approach towards CSR and emphasise their own ambitions. Alternatively, they can approach stakeholders from an outside‐in perspective, wherein (...)
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  2. Trying to Resolve the Two-Envelope Problem.Casper J. Albers, Barteld P. Kooi & Willem Schaafsma - 2005 - Synthese 145 (1):89-109.
    After explaining the well-known two-envelope paradox by indicating the fallacy involved, we consider the two-envelope problem of evaluating the factual information provided to us in the form of the value contained by the envelope chosen first. We try to provide a synthesis of contributions from economy, psychology, logic, probability theory (in the form of Bayesian statistics), mathematical statistics (in the form of a decision-theoretic approach) and game theory. We conclude that the two-envelope problem does not allow a satisfactory solution. An (...)
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    Continuities and Changes in the Idea of the Welfare State.Jens Alber - 1988 - Politics and Society 16 (4):451-468.
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  4. Les droits fondamentaux et les droits de l'homme dans l'Union européenne.Siegbert Alber - 2008 - Synthesis Philosophica 23 (2):317-332.
    L’auteur part de la distinction générale entre les droits de l’homme, les droits fondamentaux et les droits civiques. Etant donné que cette séparation terminologique n’est pas appliquée dans les traités européens, il note qu’une différenciation stricte entre les droits de l’homme, les droits fondamentaux et les droits civiques n’est pas indispensable, ni cohérente. C’est pourquoi il se tourne vers les valeurs communes en analysant et en évaluant la normalisation législative des droits de l’homme dans l’Union européenne : le Traité sur (...)
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    The Uncollected Chesterton.Alberic Gerard - 1982 - The Chesterton Review 8 (1):88-89.
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  6. and aesthetics 109 and phenomenology 235-6, 240-63 post-analytic xii see also logical positivism Anaximander 253.René Marill Albéres, Félix Alcan & Ferdinand Alquié - 2010 - In Alan D. Schrift (ed.), The History of Continental Philosophy. London: Routledge. pp. 305.
  7. Het natuurrecht volgens de wijsbegeerte der wetsidee: een kritische beschouwing.Olav Jacobus Leonardus Albers - 1955 - Nijmegen: Janssen.
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  8. Information als neue Dimension im Recht.Marion Albers - 2002 - Rechtstheorie 33 (1):61-89.
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    Spinoza’nın Dil Kuramı: Eleştiriden Pratiğe.Alber Erol Nahum - 2021 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):16-35.
    Bu makalede Spinoza’nın dil eleştirisinin ve çözümlemesinin tartışılması amaçlanmaktadır. Bilindiği gibi, Spinoza, İbranice hakkında yarım kalmış bir dilbilgisi kitabı kaleme almış olsa da, bugün dil felsefesi diye adlandırılan alanda bir yapıt vermiş değildir. Bununla birlikte, dil konusunun, anlama yetisinin düzeltilmesinin önemli ayaklarından biri olması ölçüsünde, Spinoza açısından, felsefi uslamlama için bir propedötik işlevi gördüğü söylenebilir. Hatta Spinoza’ya göre, kendisinden önce gelen bazı filozofların doğanın ortak düzenini ve zorunlu nedenselliğini kavrayamamış olmasının nedeni, tam da fikirlerin ve şeylerin bağlantı ve düzenlerini izlemek (...)
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    Human rights and human nature.Marion Albers (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Springer.
    This book explores both the possibilities and limits of arguments from human nature in the context of human rights. Can the concept of human nature provide a basis for understanding fundamental rights? Is it plausible to justify the claim to universal validity of human rights by reference to human nature? Or does the idea of human rights in its modern, post-1945 manifestation go, in essence, beyond human nature? The essays in this volume introduce naturalistic positions and their concomitant critiques. They (...)
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    Literature as Colonial Loot?Irene Albers & Andreas Schmid - 2023 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 97 (4):1003-1018.
    This article proposes a method for philological provenance research that allows us to examine the transfer of »oral literatures« from colonised areas to Europe. This transfer has received little scholarly attention but is present in contemporary postcolonial narratives. It was substantial not only in consolidating the poetics of the historical avant-gardes and informing literary and linguistic theory, but also in sustaining a market for gift-books still flourishing today. To disrupt these exclusively Western cycles of exploitation, we propose to return the (...)
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    Jean-Paul Sartre: philosopher without faith.René Marill Albérès - 1961 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
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    Deliberating Our Frames: How Members of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives Use Shared Frames to Tackle Within-Frame Conflicts Over Sustainability Issues.Angelika Zimmermann, Nora Albers & Jasper O. Kenter - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (3):757-782.
    Multi-stakeholder initiatives have been praised as vehicles for tackling complex sustainability issues, but their success relies on the reconciliation of stakeholders’ divergent perspectives. We yet lack a thorough understanding of the micro-level mechanisms by which stakeholders can deal with these differences. To develop such understanding, we examine what frames—i.e., mental schemata for making sense of the world—members of MSIs use during their discussions on sustainability questions and how these frames are deliberated through social interactions. Whilst prior framing research has focussed (...)
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    GW correlation effects on plutonium quasiparticle energies: Changes in crystal-field splitting.A. N. Chantis, R. C. Albers, A. Svane & N. E. Christensen - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (22-24):1801-1811.
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    Human Rights and Basic Needs.Peter Schaber, Marion Albers, Thomas Hoffmann & Reinhardt Jörn - 2014 - In Peter Schaber, Marion Albers, Thomas Hoffmann & Reinhardt Jörn (eds.), Ius Gentium. pp. 109-120.
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    Bilder vom Menschen in Wissenschaft, Technik und Religion.Kurt Weis & Gerd Albers (eds.) - 1993 - München: Technische Universität München.
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    Let Me Make You Happy, and I'll Tell You How You Look Around: Using an Approach-Avoidance Task as an Embodied Emotion Prime in a Free-Viewing Task.Artur Czeszumski, Friederike Albers, Sven Walter & Peter König - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The embodied approach of human cognition suggests that concepts are deeply dependent upon and constrained by an agent's physical body's characteristics, such as performed body movements. In this study, we attempted to broaden previous research on emotional priming, investigating the interaction of emotions and visual exploration. We used the joystick-based approach-avoidance task to influence the emotional states of participants, and subsequently, we presented pictures of news web pages on a computer screen and measured participant's eye movements. As a result, the (...)
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    Ed, Dom Hugh Aveling and Dr W.A. Pantin The Letter Book of Robert Joseph, Monk-Scholar of Evesham & Gloucester, Oxford 1530-33, Oxford Historical Society, N.S. xix 1967 for 1964 Clarendon Press, Oxford lv - 300 pp. [REVIEW]Alberic Stacpoole - 1968 - Moreana 5 (1):65-66.
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    Comparison of Estimation Procedures for Multilevel AR(1) Models.Tanja Krone, Casper J. Albers & Marieke E. Timmerman - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Measurement bias detection through Bayesian factor analysis.M. T. Barendse, C. J. Albers, F. J. Oort & M. E. Timmerman - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Ostlicher Advent und gnostische Versuchung Gnosticism and the structural unity of eastern spirituality; bibliog.Jacques Alber Cuttat - 1960 - Kairos (misc) 2:145-163.
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    Priorities 2008.Daniel R. Friedrich, Kathrin Alber, Birgitta Bayerl & Dr Thorsten Meyer - 2009 - Ethik in der Medizin 21 (2):149-152.
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  23. Ius Gentium.Peter Schaber, Marion Albers, Thomas Hoffmann & Reinhardt Jörn (eds.) - 2014
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    Hans-Ulrich Probst: Fußball als Religion? Eine lebensweltanalytische Ethnographie. Rerum Religionum. Arbeiten zur Religionskultur 11 (Bielefeld: transcript, 2022), 346 S., ISBN 978-3-8376-6110-1, 48,00 €. [REVIEW]Anna Elisabeth Albers - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 31 (1):113-116.
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  25. Index zu Ludwig Wittgenstein "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus" und Wittgenstein-Bibliographie.I. Borgis, Karl Alber, J. V. Arregui, A. G. Gargani, F. Waismann & C. Barret - 1989 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 45 (2):295-295.
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    Priorities 2008: Newcastle, 28.–31. Oktober 2008.Daniel R. Friedrich, Kathrin Alber, Birgitta Bayerl & Thorsten Meyer - 2009 - Ethik in der Medizin 21 (2):149-152.
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    Logische Abgrenzungen des Transfiniten.Franz von Kutschera & Verlag Karl Alber - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (2):284-284.
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  28. Reflexion und Erfahrung. Eine Interpretation der Früh- und Spätphilosophie Schellings.Christoph Wild & Karl Alber - 1968 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 34 (1):157-160.
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    Using a Gaussian Graphical Model to Explore Relationships Between Items and Variables in Environmental Psychology Research.Nitin Bhushan, Florian Mohnert, Daniel Sloot, Lise Jans, Casper Albers & Linda Steg - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:453193.
    Exploratory analyses are an important first step in psychological research, particularly in problem-based research where various variables are often included from multiple theoretical perspectives not studied together in combination before. Notably, exploratory analyses aim to give first insights into how items and variables included in a study relate to each other. Typically, exploratory analyses involve computing bivariate correlations between items and variables and presenting them in a table. While this is suitable for relatively small data sets, such tables can easily (...)
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    Designing Policy Solutions to Build a Healthier Rural America.Sameer Vohra, Carolyn Pointer, Amanda Fogleman, Thomas Albers, Anish Patel & Elizabeth Weeks - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (3):491-505.
    Disparities exist in the health, livelihood, and opportunities for the 46-60 million people living in America’s rural communities. Rural communities across the United States need a new energy and focus concentrated around health and health care that allows for the designing capturing, and spreading of existing and new innovations. This paper aims to provide a framework for policy solutions to build a healthier rural America describing both the current state of rural health policy and the policies and practices in states (...)
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  31. Identität(en).Christopher A. Nixon, Winfried Eckel, Carsten Albers, Paul Clogher, Paul Nnodim, Katherine Duval, Annika Schlitte, Fiona Ennis, Annette Hilt, Patricia Rehm-Grätzel, Martin Reker, Wiedebach Hartwig, Hermann Recknagel & Michaela Abdelhamid - 2018 - Freiburg im Breisgau, Deutschland: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Band 13 der psycho-logik widmet sich aus fächerübergreifendem Blickwinkel dem Thema Identität, das in den Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften zu einem Schlagwort des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts geworden ist. Gerade die moderne und liberale Gesellschaftsordnung, die uns ungeahnt viel Freiheit ermöglicht hat, charakterisiert ein Patchwork aus Identifikationsangeboten, das zugleich die kollektive und personale Identitätsfindung problematisch macht. Aktuell hat die narrative Theorie die erinnerte und erzählte Lebensgeschichte zum Gründungsort des Selbst erhoben. Sie spielt auch in den Beiträgen dieses Bandes eine prominente Rolle. (...)
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    By Author.Tom L. Beauchamp, Baruch Brody, Marion Danis, Samia A. See Hurst, David Degrazia, Must We Have, Alber W. Dzur, Daniel Levin, Daniel M. Fox & Diane Gianelli - 2007 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 17 (4):405-407.
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    Three Interpretations of VicoVico and Herder: Two Studies in the History of Ideas.Das Vico-Axiom: Der Mensch Macht Die Geschichte.Vico: A Study of the "New Science".James C. Morrison, Isaiah Berlin, Karl Alber & Leon Pompa - 1978 - Journal of the History of Ideas 39 (3):511.
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    Index nominum.Adam de Wodeham & Alberic de Paris - 2009 - In Joël Biard (ed.), Le langage mental du Moyen Âge à l'Âge Classique. Peeters Publishers. pp. 359.
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    Corrigendum: The Use of Subscores in Higher Education: When Is This Useful?Rob R. Meijer, Anja J. Boevé, Jorge N. Tendeiro, Roel J. Bosker & Casper J. Albers - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Use of Subscores in Higher Education: When Is This Useful?Rob R. Meijer, Anja J. Boevé, Jorge N. Tendeiro, Roel J. Bosker & Casper J. Albers - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Josef Albers. "So ist Kunst ... Erlebnis".Martina Sauer - 2018 - Wiesbaden, Germany: Weimarer Verlagsgesellschaft.
    This is the first coherent monography about the life and work of the important Bauhaus master Josef Albers. It aims to discover Albers as a teacher and an artist anew. Thus, 40 years after his death an artist shall be honored, who has had till now not enough attention within the Bauhaus masters. It fall too short to introduce him solely as the teacher and idea provider of the basic course at the Bauhaus. After his emigration to the US he (...)
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    Josef Albers.Rolf-Dieter Herrmann - 1974 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 8 (2):65.
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    Ontologie (Alber Texte Philosophie).Erwin Tegtmeier (ed.) - 2000 - Alber.
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    Do thoughts have parts? Peter Abelard: Yes! Alberic of Paris: No!.Boaz Faraday Schuman - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (5):974-998.
    Spoken sentences have parts. Therefore they take time to speak. For instance, when you say, ‘Socrates is running’, you begin by uttering the subject term Socrates, before carrying on to the predicate. But are the corresponding thoughts also composite? And are such thoughts extended across time, like their spoken counterparts? Peter Abelard gave an affirmative response to both questions. Alberic of Paris denied the first and, as a corollary, denied the second. Here, I first set out Abelard’s account. I then (...)
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  41. ´The better form´ - Josef Albers´s Idealistic Concept of Art Reveals its Socio-Cultural Function.Martina Sauer - 2019 - Art Style: Art and Culture International Magazine 2 (2):30-55.
    With the aim of teaching and practicing art for the good or moreover the better, Josef Albers proves to be an idealist. At the same time, he confirms with this conviction that art can also arouse the opposite. This conviction is already evident in the grammatical form of the term, which proves that art is functional or a technique for socio-cultural applications, whether good or bad. In the presentation of the political and philosophical background of this idea as well as (...)
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    Do thoughts have parts? Peter Abelard: Yes! Alberic of Paris: No!Denmark Copenhagen - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (5):974-998.
    Spoken sentences have parts. Therefore they take time to speak. For instance, when you say, ‘Socrates is running’, you begin by uttering the subject term Socrates, before carrying on to the predicate. But are the corresponding thoughts also composite? And are such thoughts extended across time, like their spoken counterparts? Peter Abelard gave an affirmative response to both questions. Alberic of Paris denied the first and, as a corollary, denied the second. Here, I first set out Abelard’s account. I then (...)
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  43. Do Thoughts Have Parts? Peter Abelard: Yes! Alberic of Paris: No!Boaz Faraday Schuman - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (5):974-998.
    Spoken sentences have parts. Therefore they take time to speak. For instance, when you say, “Socrates is running”, you begin by uttering the subject term ("Socrates"), before carrying on to the predicate. But are the corresponding predications in thought also composite? And are such thoughts extended across time, like their spoken counterparts? Peter Abelard gave an affirmative response to both questions. Alberic of Paris denied the first and, as a corollary, denied the second. Here, I first set out Abelard’s account. (...)
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    Henry Albers . Maria Mitchell: A Life in Journals and Letters. 370 pp., illus., notes, index. Clinton Corners, N.Y.: College Avenue Press, 2001. $27.95. [REVIEW]Peggy Kidwell - 2003 - Isis 94 (3):550-551.
  45.  22
    Irene Albers. Der diskrete Charme der Anthropologie: Michel Leiris’ ethnologische Poetik. Konstanz, Germany: Konstanz University Press, 2018. 902 pp. [REVIEW]Priscilla Layne - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (2):413-414.
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  46. (1 other version)Are thoughts and sentences compositional? A controversy between Abelard and a pupil of Alberic on the reconciliation of ancient theses on mind and language.Martin Lenz - 2007 - Vivarium 45 (s 2-3):169-188.
    This paper reconstructs a controversy between a pupil of Alberic of Paris and Peter Abelard which illustrates two competing ways of reconciling different ancient traditions. I shall argue that their accounts of the relation between sentences and thoughts are incompatible with one another, although they rely on the same set of sources. The key to understanding their different views on assertive and non-assertive sentences lies in their disparate views about the structure of thoughts: whereas Abelard takes thoughts to be compositional, (...)
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    The 'De rithmis' of Alberic of Monte Cassino: A Critical Edition.Hugh H. Davis - 1966 - Mediaeval Studies 28 (1):198-227.
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  48. Anatol Rapoport, rj Albers, wp livant.P. H. Roosen-Runge - 1969 - Foundations of Language 5:349.
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  49. From aesthetics to vitality semiotics - From l´art pour l´art to responsibility. Historical change of perspective exemplified on Josef Albers.Martina Sauer - 2020 - In Grabbe, Lars Christian ; Rupert-Kruse, Patrick ; Schmitz, Norbert M. (Hrsgg.): Bildgestalten : Topographien medialer Visualität. Marburg: Büchner. Büchner Verlag. pp. 194-213.
    The paper follows the thesis, that the perception of real or virtual media shares the anthropological state of "Ausdruckswahrnehmung" or perception of expression (Ernst Cassirer). This kind of perception does not represent a distant, neutral point of view, but one that is guided by feelings or "vitality affects" (Daniel N. Stern). The prerequisites, however, for triggering these feelings/"vitality affects" are not recognizable objects or motifs, but rather their sensually evaluable “abstract representations” or their formal logical structures. In contrast to aesthetic (...)
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  50. Casper J. Albers, Barteld P. Kooi and Willem schaafsma/trying to resolve the two-envelope problem Edwin H.-c. Hung/projective explanation: How theories explain empirical data in spite of theory. [REVIEW]Fc Boogerd, Fj Bruggeman & Rc Richardson - 2005 - Synthese 145 (1):499-500.
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