Results for 'Aiblis Vidal'

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  1.  27
    (1 other version)Edgar Morin et José Vidal-Beneyto.Cécile Rougier-Vidal - 2011 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 60 (2):, [ p.].
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    Being brains: making the cerebral subject.Fernando Vidal - 2017 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    To begin with -- Genealogy of the cerebral subject -- Disciplines of the neuro -- Cerebralizing distress -- Brains on screen and paper -- Up for grabs.
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    The beginning and the end: the meaning of life in a cosmological perspective.Clément Vidal - 2014 - Cham: Springer.
    In this fascinating journey to the edge of science, Vidal takes on big philosophical questions: Does our universe have a beginning and an end or is it cyclic? Are we alone in the universe? What is the role of intelligent life, if any, in cosmic evolution? Grounded in science and committed to philosophical rigor, this book presents an evolutionary worldview where the rise of intelligent life is not an accident, but may well be the key to unlocking the universe's (...)
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    La construction de la mémoire collective.José Vidal-Beneyto - 2003 - Diogène 201 (1):17-.
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    (1 other version)Brainhood, anthropological figure of modernity.Fernando Vidal - 2009 - History of the Human Sciences 22 (1):5-36.
    If personhood is the quality or condition of being an individual person, brainhood could name the quality or condition of being a brain. This ontological quality would define the `cerebral subject' that has, at least in industrialized and highly medicalized societies, gained numerous social inscriptions since the mid-20th century. This article explores the historical development of brainhood. It suggests that the brain is necessarily the location of the `modern self', and that, consequently, the cerebral subject is the anthropological figure inherent (...)
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    Begriff der Aufklärung als Naturgeschichte.Vanessa Vidal Mayor - 2006 - In Konstantin Broese, Andreas Hütig, Oliver Immel & Renate Reschke (eds.), Vernunft der Aufklärung - Aufklärung der Vernunft. Akademie Verlag. pp. 327-334.
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    Writing down one's emotions. The conjugal relationships of French couples during the First World War.Clémentine Vidal-Naquet - 2018 - Clio 47:117-137.
    Pendant la Grande Guerre, les millions de lettres échangées entre les soldats mobilisés et leurs conjointes permettent d’observer les rapports conjugaux qui se recomposent, se nouent ou se dénouent alors. Elles constituent des sources précieuses pour étudier la place des émotions dans la fabrication de nouvelles relations à distance. Cet article interroge le genre des émotions déployées dans les relations conjugales à distance, et suit trois objectifs : questionner la façon dont s’expriment et se décrivent, en commun ou différemment, les (...)
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  8. De "La ciudad de las damas" al "Agravio de las damas".Mercè Otero Vidal - 1992 - In Fina Birulés & Celia Amorós (eds.), Filosofía y género: identidades femeninas. Pamplona: Pamiela.
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  9. Human persons and human brains : a historical perspective within the Christian tradition.Fernando Vidal - 2011 - In Malcolm Jeeves (ed.), Rethinking human nature: a multidisciplinary approach. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
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    Tiempo, subjetividad y dominación social en las sociedades contemporáneas: de la dominación abstracta a la ética neoliberal del tiempo.Vidal Labajos Sebastian - 2023 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 28 (2).
    En este artículo me propongo abordar el problema del tiempo en las sociedades contemporáneas desde un diálogo entre las construcciones teóricas de Moishe Postone y Hartmut Rosa y el trabajo de Michel Foucault. Los dos primeros se han centrado en explicar cómo la temporalidad se ha convertido en un tipo de dominación abstracta, impersonal y cuasiobjetiva a partir de conceptos como la densificación temporal, la aceleración o la hibridación. Foucault, en cambio, concibe el tiempo bajo el prisma de la racionalidad (...)
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    Phenomenology of the Locked-In Syndrome: an Overview and Some Suggestions.Fernando Vidal - 2018 - Neuroethics 13 (2):119-143.
    There is no systematic knowledge about how individuals with Locked-in Syndrome experience their situation. A phenomenology of LIS, in the sense of a description of subjective experience as lived by the ill persons themselves, does not yet exist as an organized endeavor. The present article takes a step in that direction by reviewing various materials and making some suggestions. First-person narratives provide the most important sources, but very few have been discussed. LIS barely appears in bioethics and neuroethics. Research on (...)
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    Historia de la filosofía medieval.Francisco Canals Vidal - 1976 - Barcelona: Herder.
    Origenes patirsticos de la filosofia cristiana.
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  13. ¿ Qué es un doctor de la Iglesia?Francisco Canals Vidal - 1998 - Sapientia 53 (204):501-507.
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    Textos de los grandes filosófos: edad contemporánea.Francisco Canals Vidal (ed.) - 1974 - Barcelona: Editorial Herder.
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  15. Psicología y publicidad.F. Carrera Vidal - 1987 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 8:134-142.
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    Functors of Lindenbaum-Tarski, Schematic Interpretations, and Adjoint Cylinders between Sentential Logics.J. Climent Vidal & J. Soliveres Tur - 2008 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 49 (2):185-202.
    We prove, by using the concept of schematic interpretation, that the natural embedding from the category ISL, of intuitionistic sentential pretheories and i-congruence classes of morphisms, to the category CSL, of classical sentential pretheories and c-congruence classes of morphisms, has a left adjoint, which is related to the double negation interpretation of Gödel-Gentzen, and a right adjoint, which is related to the Law of Excluded Middle. Moreover, we prove that from the left to the right adjoint there is a pointwise (...)
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  17. La cuestión de los "qualia".Javier Vidal López - 1995 - Anuario Filosófico 28 (2):425-442.
    Jackson has ellaborated an argument to show that our experiences or qualitative states gather information which cannot be obtained in any other way. Functionalists reject in many ways that experience may bring new information. The point of this paper is to argue that, if func-tionalism is right, if experiences or "qualia" are not informative, then functionalism cannot report about them. The functionalist criticism of Jackson's argument makes it impossible for any functionalist theory to know experience.
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    Brief Biography.Francesca Vidal - 2010 - In Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Oliver Furbeth & Susan H. Gillespie (eds.), Music in German Philosophy: An Introduction. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 68.
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    Frankenstein’s Brain: “The Final Touch”.Fernando Vidal - 2016 - Substance 45 (2):88-117.
    From the classic Frankenstein of 1931 to Matrix, which offers a version of the philosophical fable of the brain in a vat and on to Self/less, in which the consciousness of a dying tycoon is transferred to a younger man’s body, cinema has variously explored the relationship between personhood and the body by means of fictions concerning the brain and its contents.1 From the crude disembodied brains of 1950s B-movies to the neuroimaging visuals of 21st-century cyberpunk, these films localize individuality (...)
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    Flanagan, Owen: Consciousness Reconsidered, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, Massachusetts, 1992, 234 págs.Javier Vidal - 1995 - Anuario Filosófico:481-482.
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  21. La cultura: nuevos territorios, nuevos usos= Culture: new territories, new uses.José Vidal Beneyto - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 45:15-23.
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  22. Lógica, filosofía de la.Concha Martinez Vidal - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos (ed.), Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
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    Philosophy of Mathematics and Ontological Commitment.Joseph Vidal-Rosset - 2000 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 33 (1):69-80.
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    7. Thesen über Feuerbach: Ernst Blochs Kritik des dialektischen Materialismus: 2. Teil, Nr. 19.Francesca Vidal & Ulrich Müller-Schöll - 2016 - In Rainer Ernst Zimmermann (ed.), Ernst Bloch: Das Prinzip Hoffnung. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 115-130.
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  25. Creativity for problem solvers.René Victor Valqui Vidal - 2009 - AI and Society 23 (3):409-432.
    This paper presents some modern and interdisciplinary concepts about creativity and creative processes specially related to problem solving. Central publications related to the theme are briefly reviewed. Creative tools and approaches suitable to support problem solving are also presented. Finally, the paper outlines the author’s experiences using creative tools and approaches to: Facilitation of problem solving processes, strategy development in organisations, design of optimisation systems for large scale and complex logistic systems, and creative design of software optimisation for complex non-linear (...)
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    Creativity & madness revisited from current psychological perspectives.Neus Barrantes-Vidal - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (3-4):3-4.
    Both scientific evidence and folklore have suggested that madness is associated with creativity, especially in the arts. Recently, more rigorous studies have confirmed to some extent these previous observations. The current view is that it is not severe and acute insanity that is related to heightened creativity, but the personality roots and soft manifestations of both schizophrenic and bipolar psychoses. The affective and cognitive peculiarities associated with schizotypic and hypomanic personalities may be preferentially related to different kinds of creative endeavours, (...)
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    Plato's myth of the statesman, the ambiguities of the Golden Age and of history.Pierre Vidal-Naquet - 1978 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 98:132-141.
  28.  13
    Endangerment, biodiversity and culture.Fernando Vidal & Nélia Dias (eds.) - 2015 - New York, NY: Routledge, is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business.
    This book explores the notion of endangerment which stands at the heart of a network of concepts, values and practices dealing with objects considered threatened by extinction, and with the procedures aimed at preserving them. It looks at some of the fundamental ways in which this process involves science, but also more than science: not only data and knowledge and institutions, but also affects and values. With a focus on endangerment sensibility, it encapsulates tensions between the normative and the utilitarian, (...)
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  29. Metaphilosophical Criteria for Worldview Comparison.Clément Vidal - 2012 - Metaphilosophy 43 (3):306-347.
    Philosophy lacks criteria to evaluate its philosophical theories. To fill this gap, this essay introduces nine criteria to compare worldviews, classified in three broad categories: objective criteria (objective consistency, scientificity, scope), subjective criteria (subjective consistency, personal utility, emotionality), and intersubjective criteria (intersubjective consistency, collective utility, narrativity). The essay first defines what a worldview is and exposes the heuristic used in the quest for criteria. After describing each criterion individually, it shows what happens when each of them is violated. From the (...)
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    Undecidability and Non-Axiomatizability of Modal Many-Valued Logics.Amanda Vidal - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (4):1576-1605.
    In this work we study the decidability of a class of global modal logics arising from Kripke frames evaluated over certain residuated lattices, known in the literature as modal many-valued logics. We exhibit a large family of these modal logics which are undecidable, in contrast with classical modal logic and propositional logics defined over the same classes of algebras. This family includes the global modal logics arising from Kripke frames evaluated over the standard Łukasiewicz and Product algebras. We later refine (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Cleisthenes the Athenian.Vidal Naquet - 1996 - Humanity Books.
    Two thousand five hundred years ago, in 507–506 B.C.E., the institutions of Athen were rocked by the reforms of Cleisthenes. Although the word did not yet exist, here was the foundation of democracy. First published in French in 1964, Cleisthenes the Athenian has become the classic study of the philosophical, political, and aesthetic background and significance of these reforms. The book has influenced a generation of scholars in anthropology, sociology, urban planning, political science, philosophy, and classical studies. This English translation (...)
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    Política española: pasado y futuro.Francisco Canals Vidal - 1977 - Barcelona: Ediciones Acervo.
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    Jules Vuillemin.Karel Lambert Joseph Vidal‐Rosset - 2001 - Dialectica 55 (1):3-7.
  34. Un filósofo inquieto y un jurista innovador.Ernesto Jaime Vidal Gil - 2006 - In Ramos Pascua, José Antonio, Rodilla González & A. M. (eds.), El positivismo jurídico a examen: estudios en homenaje a José Delgado Pinto. Salamanca, España: Caja Duero.
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    Is legal certainty a formal value?Isabel Lifante-Vidal - 2020 - Jurisprudence 11 (3):456-467.
    ABSTRACT Legal certainty is a central requirement for the rule of law. Legal systems should both enable those subject to law to predict human behaviour and institutional reactions and to prevent an arbitrary use of state power against them. The value of legal certainty is usually conceived as a formal value opposed to the values of freedom or equality. The purpose of this paper is to discuss this idea and to explore a less formal conception of the value of legal (...)
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    Ilustración y lenguaje en el pensamiento de J. G. Hamann.Norberto Smilg Vidal - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 16:365-383.
    ResumenEn este artículo se presenta el pensamiento de Hamann en dos aspectos principales. Por una parte, se analiza su relación crítica con el movimiento ilustrado (entendido como discurso dominante en su época) y se destaca su relación con Kant. Por otra parte, se investigan las líneas fundamentales de su concepción del lenguaje, considerada como un núcleo básico de su crítica a la Ilustración. La identificación entre razón y lenguaje permite considerar a Hamann más como un ilustrado radical que como un (...)
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  37. Homage to Cornelius Castoriadis.P. Vidal-Naquet & D. A. Curtis - 1998 - Common Knowledge 7:1-4.
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  38. Le Replacement médical, guide juridique et déontologique à l'usage des étudiants en médecine et des praticiens..Charles Addé-Vidal - 1968 - Paris,: Éditions "Revue de médecine,".
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    The creative brain: Symmetry breaking in motor imagery.José L. Contreras-Vidal, Jean P. Banquet, Jany Brebion & Mark J. Smith - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):204-205.
  40. Interrogantes sobre el continuo y el infinito matemático.Luis Creus Vidal - 1951 - Barcelona,: Ediciones Ariel.
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    Predictive Model of The Factors Involved in Cyberbullying of Adolescent Victims.Ligia Isabel Estrada-Vidal, Amaya Epelde-Larrañaga & Fátima Chacón-Borrego - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The development of Information and Communication Technologies has favored access to technological resources in adolescents. These tools provide access to information that can promote learning. However, they can also have a negative effect against people, as they can be used with other functionality, in which cyberbullying situations are caused during the interactions that arise when using social networks. The objective of this study was to determine the predictive value of the role of cyberbullying victims based on variables related to other (...)
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  42. Algunas preguntas acerca de la idea de progreso.Vidal I. Peña García - 1993 - El Basilisco 15:3-14.
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  43. Nota sobre un argumento del profesor Garrido.Vidal I. Peña García - 1971 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 1 (4):97-98.
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  44. Affectedness and viewpoint in Pilaga (Guaykuruan).Alejandra Vidal - 2008 - In Mark Donohue & Søren Wichmann (eds.), The typology of semantic alignment. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  45. III Semana gallega de filosofía. Pontevedra, abril, 1986.M. Valiño Vidal - 1986 - Diálogo Filosófico 6:372-373.
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    Reseña.Cristian Ignacio Vidal Barría - 2017 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 73:359-361.
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    Retos morales en la sociedad y en la Iglesia.Marciano Vidal - 1992 - Navarra: Editorial Verbo Divino.
    Retos morales en la sociedad y en la Iglesia En esta obra se recogen diez estudios publicados a lo largo de los dos últimos años en revistas de carácter teológico y pastoral. En todos ellos hay una preocupación que les da unidad dentro de la normal diversidad: describir la situación por la que atraviesa la moral en la sociedad y en la Iglesia y ofrecer las orientaciones pertinentes para encauzar esta dimensión importante de la existencia humana y cristiana.
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  48. Universalidad= Universality.José Vidal Beneyto - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 46:99-109.
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    Tensorial Relativistic Quantum Mechanics in (1+1) Dimensions and Boundary Conditions.Vidal Alonso, Salvatore De Vincenzo & Luigi Mondino - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (2):231-250.
    The tensorial relativistic quantum mechanics in (1+1) dimensions is considered. Its kinematical and dynamical features are reviewed as well as the problem of finding the Dirac spinor for given finite multivectors. For stationary states, the dynamical tensorial equations, equivalent to the Dirac equation, are solved for a free particle, for a particle inside a box, and for a particle in a step potential.
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  50. Esperanzas y convencimientos.Vidal I. Peña García - 1978 - El Basilisco 2:95-97.
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