Results for 'Agonism'

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  1.  32
    Agonism, Democracy, and the Moral Equality of Voice.Stephen K. White - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (1):59-85.
    Agonism emerged three decades ago as an assault on the overemphasis in political theory on justice and consensus. It has now become the norm. But its character and relation to core values of democracy are not as unproblematic today as is often thought, an issue that becomes more pressing as contemporary politics increasingly seem locked into notions of unrelenting conflict between “friends” and “enemies.” This essay traces alternative ontological roots and ethical implications of agonism, distinguishing between “imperializing” and (...)
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    Agonism and the Possibilities of Ethics for HRM.Carl Rhodes & Geraint Harvey - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (1):49-59.
    This paper provides a critique and re-evaluation of the way that ethics is understood and promoted within mainstream Human Resource Management (HRM) discourse. We argue that the ethics located within this discourse focuses on bolstering the relevance of HRM as a key contributor to organizational strategy, enhancing an organization's sense of moral legitimacy and augmenting organizational control over employee behaviour and subjectivity. We question this discourse in that it subordinates the ethics of the employment relationship to managerial prerogative. In response, (...)
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  3. Agonism and pluralism.Monique Deveaux - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (4):1-22.
    This paper assesses the claim that an agonistic model of democracy could foster greater accommodation of citizens' social, cultural and ethical differences than mainstream liberal theories. I address arguments in favor of agonistic conceptions of politics by a diverse group of democratic theorists, ranging from republican theorists - Hannah Arendt and Benjamin Barber - to postmodern democrats concerned with questions of identity and difference, such as William Connolly and Bonnie Honig. Neither Arendt's democratic agonism nor Barber's republican-inflected account of (...)
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  4. Agonistic Critiques of Liberalism: Perfection and Emancipation.Thomas Fossen - 2008 - Contemporary Political Theory 7 (4):376–394.
    Agonism is a political theory that places contestation at the heart of politics. Agonistic theorists charge liberal theory with a depoliticization of pluralism through an excessive focus on consensus. This paper examines the agonistic critiques of liberalism from a normative perspective. I argue that by itself the argument from pluralism is not sufficient to support an agonistic account of politics, but points to further normative commitments. Analyzing the work of Mouffe, Honig, Connolly, and Owen, I identify two normative currents (...)
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    From agonistic to insurgent democracy.Lorenzo Buti - 2025 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 51 (2):263-279.
    This article uncovers an internal tension within theories of agonistic democracy. On the one hand, as radical pluralists, agonistic democrats want to institute a ‘symmetrical’ political scene where different identities can struggle on an equally legitimate basis. On the other hand, they often normatively prioritize the struggles of oppressed groups against domination. In response, this article proposes to collapse any strict distinction between pluralism and social relations of domination. The result is a move from agonistic to insurgent democracy, where insurgent (...)
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    Agonistic Recognition in Education: On Arendt’s Qualification of Political and Moral Meaning.Carsten Ljunggren - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 29 (1):19-33.
    Agonistic recognition in education has three interlinked modes of aesthetic experience and self-presentation where one is related to actions in the public realm; one is related to plurality in the way in which it comes into existence in confrontation with others; and one is related to the subject-self, disclosed by ‘thinking. Arendt’s conception of ‘thinking’ is a way of getting to grips with aesthetic self-presentation in education. By action, i.e., by disclosing oneself and by taking initiatives, students and teachers constitute (...)
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    Agonistic democracy and constitutionalism in the age of populism.Danny Michelsen - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (1).
    The article examines the compatibility of agonistic democracy and populism as well as their relationship to the idea of constitutionalism. The first part shows that Chantal Mouffe’s recent attempts to reconcile her normative approach of an agonistic pluralism with a populist style of politics are not fully convincing. Although there are undeniable commonalities between an agonistic and a populist understanding of politics – the appreciation of conflict, the rejection of moralistic and juridical modes of conflict resolution etc. – the populist (...)
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    Agonistic democracy: rethinking political institutions in pluralist times.Marie Paxton - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Agonistic Democracy explores how theoretical concepts from agonistic democracy can inform institutional design in order to mediate conflict in multicultural, pluralist societies. Drawing on the work of Foucault, Nietzsche, Schmitt, and Arendt, Marie Paxton outlines the importance of their themes of public contestation, contingency and necessary interdependency for contemporary agonistic thinkers. Paxton delineates three distinct approaches to agonistic democracy: David Owen's perfectionist agonism, Mouffe's adversarial agonism, and William Connolly and James Tully's inclusive agonism. Paxton demonstrates how each (...)
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    An Agonistic Notion of Political CSR: Melding Activism and Deliberation.Cedric E. Dawkins - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (1):5-19.
    Flagging labor governance in far-flung supply networks has prompted greater scrutiny of instrumental CSR and calls for models that are tethered more closely to accountability, constraint, and oversight. Political CSR is an apt response, but this paper seeks to buttress its deliberative moorings by arguing that the agonist notion of ‘domesticated conflict’ provides a necessary foundation for substantive deliberation. Because deliberation is more viable and effective when coupled with some means of coercion, a concept of CSR solely premised on reciprocal (...)
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    Democracy and Agonism in the Anthropocene: The Challenges of Knowledge, Time and Boundary.Amanda Machin - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (3):347-365.
    The diagnosis of a new geological epoch, The ‘Anthropocene’, has implications far beyond geological science. If human activity has disrupted the planet, then this diagnosis potentially disrupts socio-political conventions. This article assesses the implications the Anthropocene has for democratic politics, by delineating three challenges: challenges of knowledge, time and boundary. In contrast to the claim that democratic institutions are unable to adequately respond to these challenges, I suggest that they might be strengthened through an engagement with them. Following an ‘agonistic’ (...)
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    Agonistic Democracy and Political Practice: Ways of Being Adversarial.Fuat Gürsözlü - 2022 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book explores the implications of agonistic democratic theory for political practice. Fuat Gürsözlü argues that at a time when political parties exacerbate political division, political protesters are characterized as looters and terrorists, and extreme partisanship and authoritarian tendencies are on the rise, the agonistic approach offers a much-needed rethinking of political practice to critically understand challenges to democracy and envision more democratic, inclusive, and peaceful alternatives. Inspired by Chantal Mouffe’s agonistic theory and drawing on insights of other prominent agonistic (...)
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    Deliberative Agonism and Agonistic Deliberation in Hannah Arendt.Giuseppe Ballacci - 2019 - Theoria 66 (161):1-24.
    In the literature there are two well-established but opposite readings of Arendt: as an agonistic theorist and as a deliberative one. In between these two positions a smaller number of scholars have argued that in Arendt these two dimensions can to a large extent be reconciled. This paper follows this third path but tries to bring it one step further. In particular, it defends the idea that those scholars who have proposed this third reading of Arendt have fallen short of (...)
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    Agonistes: Essays in Honour of Denis o’Brien.John Dillon & Monique Dixsaut - 2005 - Routledge.
    "Agonistes comprises a collection of essays presented by his friends and colleagues to Denis O'Brien, former Directeur de recherché at the Centre Nationale de Recherché Scientifique, representing the full range of his scholarly interests in the field of ancient philosophy, from the Presocratics, through Plato, Aristotle and Hellenistic philosophy, to Plotinus and later Neoplatonism. The honorand himself leads off with a stimulating Apologia, sketching the development of his scholarly interests and dwelling on the issues that have chiefly concerned him. The (...)
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    The agonistic path towards populism: Mouffe, the left and its democratic crossroads.Julián González Scandizzi - forthcoming - Contemporary Political Theory:1-20.
    The classic pejorative designation of populism currently coexists with its recent vindication. From certain left-wing political and intellectual circles, the revival of this category is part of a strategy aimed at bringing together unsatisfied demands in an emancipatory key. In line with Ernesto Laclau's theory, one of the paradigmatic examples of this tendency is Chantal Mouffe's left-populist proposal. Different critical approaches object that, in the eagerness to deepen and to radicalise democracy, these impulses often challenge its limits and flirt with (...)
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    ‘Agonistic Pluralism’ and Three Archetypal Forms of Politics.Mark Wenman - 2003 - Contemporary Political Theory 2 (2):165-186.
    In this paper, I delineate one tradition of contemporary political thought that has emerged within the more general climate of difference and diversity. This is ‘agonistic pluralism’. The paper evaluates the recent work of three authors, who exemplify this strand of political thinking; William Connolly, Chantal Mouffe, and James Tully. Over the past decade, each of these three has developed the notion of agonistic pluralism. The task here is to examine points of comparison between them. I compare the three authors' (...)
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  16. An Agonistic Approach to Technological Conflict.Eugen Octav Popa, Vincent Blok & Renate Wesselink - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):717-737.
    Traditional approaches to conflict are oriented towards establishing consensus, either in the form of a resolution of the conflict or in the form of an ‘agree-to-disagree’ standstill between the stakeholders. In this paper, we criticize these traditional approaches, each for specific reasons, and we propose and develop the agonistic approach to conflict. Based on Chantal Mouffe’s agonistic democratic theory, the agonistic approach to conflict is more welcoming of dissensus, replacing discussion stoppers with discussion starters and replacing standstills with contestation. We (...)
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    Agonism in divided societies.Andrew Schaap - 2006 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 32 (2):255-277.
    This article considers how reconciliation might be understood as a democratic undertaking. It does so by examining the implications of the debate between theorists of ‘deliberative’ and ‘agonistic’ democracy for the practice of democracy in divided societies. I argue that, in taking consensus as a regulative idea, deliberative democracy tends to conflate moral and political community thereby representing conflict as already communal. In contrast, an agonistic theory of democracy provides a critical perspective from which to discern what is at stake (...)
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  18.  38
    Philosophos Agonistes : Imagery and Moral Psychology in Plato's Republic.Richard Patterson - 1997 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 35 (3):327-354.
    Philosophos Agonistes: Imagery and Moral Psychology in Plato's Republic RICHARD PATTERSON THE COMPETITIVE IMPULSE in its simplest, first and best expression -- be best and first in everything, as Peleus advised Achilles -- seems foreign to the spirit of philosophy for a number of reasons. The most important of these finds metaphorical expression in a "Pythagorean" gnome of uncertain provenance: "Life, said [Pythagoras], is like a festival; just as some come to the festival to compete, some to ply their trade, (...)
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    Institutionalizing Agonistic Democracy: Post-Foundationalism and Political Liberalism.Edward C. Wingenbach - 2011 - Ashgate.
    Post-foundational politics and democracy -- Agonism and democracy -- A typology of agonistic democracy -- Agonistic democracy and the question of institutions -- Agonistic democracy and the limits of popular participation -- Populism, representation, and the popular will -- Political liberalism, contingency and agonistic pluralism -- Liberalism, agonism, and democracy.
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    Agonistic Democracy: Constituent Power in the Era of Globalisation.Mark Wenman - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This pioneering book delivers a systematic account of agonistic democracy, and a much-needed analysis of the core components of agonism: pluralism, tragedy, and the value of conflict. It also traces the history of these ideas, identifying the connections with republicanism and with Greek antiquity. Mark Wenman presents a critical appraisal of the leading contemporary proponents of agonism and, in a series of well-crafted and comprehensive discussions, brings these thinkers into debate with one another, as well as with the (...)
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  21.  12
    Descartes-agonistes: physico-mathematics, method & corpuscular-mechanism 1618-33.John Andrew Schuster - 2012 - New York: Springer.
    This book reconstructs key aspects of the early career of Descartes from 1618 to 1633; that is, up through the point of his composing his first system of natural philosophy, Le Monde, in 1629-33. It focuses upon the overlapping and intertwined development of Descartes’ projects in physico-mathematics, analytical mathematics, universal method, and, finally, systematic corpuscular-mechanical natural philosophy. The concern is not simply with the conceptual and technical aspects of these projects; but, with Descartes’ agendas within them and his construction and (...)
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  22. Agonistic Pluralism and Stakeholder Engagement.Cedric Dawkins - 2015 - Business Ethics Quarterly 25 (1):1-28.
    ABSTRACT:This paper argues that, although stakeholder engagement occurs within the context of power, neither market-centered CSR nor the deliberative model of political CSR adequately addresses the specter of power asymmetries and the inevitability of conflict in stakeholder relations, particularly for powerless stakeholders. Noting that the objective of stakeholder engagement should not be benevolence toward stakeholders, but mechanisms that address power asymmetries such that stakeholders are able to protect their own interests, I present a framework of stakeholder engagement based on agonistic (...)
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  23.  41
    Agonizing care: care ethics, agonistic feminism and a political theory of care.Kristin G. Cloyes - 2002 - Nursing Inquiry 9 (3):203-214.
    Agonizing care: care ethics, agonistic feminism and a political theory of care‘Care’ is central to nursing theory and practice, and has been described in a variety of ways. Intense conversations about care have been developing in other fields of study as well, from the social sciences to the humanities. Care ethics has grown out of intellectual exchange between feminist thought, moral theory and the critique of traditional western political philosophy. However, care ethics is not without its critics, as these accounts (...)
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  24.  36
    Agonistic and Epistemic Pluralisms: A New Interpretation of the Dispute between Emilie du Ch'telet and Dortous de Mairan.Anne-Lise Rey - 2017 - Paragraph 40 (1):43-60.
    The object of this article is to lay bare the consensualist presuppositions implicit within contemporary analyses of the controversies of the Classical Age by proposing an alternative model: agonistic pluralism. The convergence between this political reading of the controversies and an epistemological reading is reinforced by a discussion of Hasok Chang's work, which develops a model of epistemic pluralism that breaks away from studies in the history of science undertaken following the Kuhnian model of scientific revolutions. This makes it possible (...)
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  25. Agonism and deliberation— recognizing the difference.Fuat Gürsözlü - 2009 - Journal of Political Philosophy 17 (3):356-368.
  26.  15
    Agonistic Respect and the Ethics of Employment Relationships.Tricia D. Olsen & Harry J. Van Buren - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-14.
    Relationships between stakeholders and businesses have the potential for conflict and cooperation. Such conflicts arise out of real differences in values and interests. This article explores the employment relationship as an emblematic case of business–stakeholder relations in which conflict is inevitable because employers and employees have interests that are at least partially conflicting, even while some degree of collaboration and shared interests underpins the existence of all employment relationships. We build on insights from the philosophy of agonism to develop (...)
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  27. Demos Agonistes Redux.Christa Acampora - 2003 - Nietzsche Studien 32:374-390.
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  28. Stakeholder Dialogue as Agonistic Deliberation: Exploring the Role of Conflict and Self-Interest in Business-NGO Interaction.Teunis Brand, Vincent Blok & Marcel Verweij - 2020 - Business Ethics Quarterly 30 (1):3-30.
    ABSTRACT:Many companies engage in dialogue with nongovernmental organizations about societal issues. The question is what a regulative ideal for such dialogues should be. In the literature on corporate social responsibility, the Habermasian notion of communicative action is often presented as a regulative ideal for stakeholder dialogue, implying that actors should aim at consensus and set strategic considerations aside. In this article, we argue that in many cases, communicative action is not a suitable regulative ideal for dialogue between companies and NGOs. (...)
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    The agonistic turn of critical reason: Critique and freedom in Foucault and Castoriadis.Alexandros Kioupkiolis - 2012 - European Journal of Social Theory 15 (3):385-402.
    Straddling the divide between universalism and relativism, agonistic reason as construed by Foucault and Castoriadis dismisses universal foundations without becoming context-bound or inescapably subjectivist. It is propelled by a strong commitment to freedom and it draws flexibly on available resources and its creative potentials in order to vindicate its conditional claims. This provides a hyper-critical and liberating mode of critical reason which delves into the underlying norms of agency in order to open them up to question and to enhance free (...)
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  30. Agonism, antagonism and the necessity of care.Keith Breen - 2008 - In Andrew Schaap (ed.), Law and Agonistic Politics. Ashgate Pub. Company.
  31. "Philosophos Agonistes": Nietzsche as Exemplar and Educator.Christa Davis Acampora - 1997 - Dissertation, Emory University
    Throughout his writings Nietzsche suggests that battles waged with and for the benefit of readers and pupils are to take a form analogous to a Greek agon, a contest. The early Nietzsche anticipates a transfiguration of culture that will be brought about by means of agonistic institutions through which greatness will be cultivated in competition. Nietzsche identifies this mode of activity as healthy human striving, as an affirmative way of claiming human meaning, and as a creative process of individual and (...)
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    Agonistic Mourning: Political Dissidence and the Women in Black.Athena Athanasiou - 2017 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Drawing on a range of philosophical, anthropological and political theories, Athena Athanasiou offers a new way of thinking about agonistic performativity with its critical connections to national and gender politics and alongside the political intricacies of affectivity, courage and justice. Through an ethnographic account of the urban feminist and antinationalist movement Women in Black of Belgrade during the Yugoslav wars, she shows that we might understand their dissident politics of mourning as a means to refigure political life beyond sovereign accounts (...)
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    Debate: Agonism as deliberation – on Mouffe's theory of democracy.Andrew Knops - 2007 - Journal of Political Philosophy 15 (1):115–126.
  34.  61
    Towards an Agonistic Cosmopolitanism: Exploring the Cosmopolitan Potential of Chantal Mouffe's Agonism.Tamara Caraus - 2016 - Critical Horizons 17 (1):94-109.
    By assuming the permanence of conflict, agonistic theories of politics are apparently incompatible with cosmopolitanism. Nevertheless, this paper aims to reveal the potential for a theory of cosmopolitanism in Chantal Mouffe's agonistic theory. In the first section, I present Mouffe's own critique of cosmopolitanism, pointing to its inconsistencies. The second section examines four aspects of Mouffe's agonism and explores their cosmopolitan potential. First, I argue that Mouffe's account of pluralism reveals the interconnectedness of political practices at different levels. Second, (...)
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    Agonist Recognition, Intersections, and the Ambivalence of Family Bonds: John Dewey's Critical Theory Manifesto in China.Federica Gregoratto - 2017 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 53 (1):127.
    Traditions of thought remain vital and vivid if their borders are porous; they remain able to convey useful insights to understand our present, its roots in the past and its hints at new future perspectives if contaminations with other traditions are taken as a fruitful challenge and as a possibility of enrichment, not of jeopardy. Traditions of thought might be able to attract new followers if their models, criteria and methods are capable of transformation and amelioration. This view of traditions (...)
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  36. Agonistics: thinking the world politically.Chantal Mouffe - 2013 - New York: Verso. Edited by Elke Wagner & Chantal Mouffe.
    Political conflict in our society is inevitable, and the results are often far from negative. How then should we deal with the intractable differences arising from complex modern culture? Developing her groundbreaking political philosophy of agnostics--the search for a radical and plural democracy--Chantal Mouffe examines international relations, strategies for radical politics, the future of Europe and the politics of artistic practices. She shows that in many circumstances where no alternatives seem possible, agonistics offers a new road map for change. Engaging (...)
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    Bestor Agonistes.Herbert M. Kliebard - 1986 - Educational Studies 17 (4):542-549.
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  38. An agonistic education: A commentary on the conception of education in Nietzsche s early work.Miguel Matilla - 2002 - A Parte Rei 19:3.
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  39. Agonistic Moralism.Mark Silcox - 2018 - Contemporary Aesthetics 16 (1).
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    Agonistic inscriptions from Athens and Delphi.Jean-Yves Strasser - 2018 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 142:233-278.
    Sont réexaminées plusieurs inscriptions agonistiques d’Athènes. 1. Le texte IG II3 4, 624 pour un héraut périodonique doit certainement être attribué à Valerius Eklektos de Sinope, déjà connu par un long texte d’Athènes, une base à Olympie et un piédestal retrouvé à Delphes resté inédit et publié ici. L’ensemble permet de reconstituer le parcours d’un artiste hors norme connu par quatre textes gravés à des moments différents de sa carrière. 2. Les fragments IG II3 4, 616 et 617 appartiennent au (...)
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    Stasis: Notes Toward Agonist Democracy.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2017 - Theory and Event 20 (3):699-725.
    The difficulty with democracy is always how to define the demos—the people. Can we think of democracy in a different way? My starting point is to ask what it would mean to take kratos (power) rather than demos as the starting point of the thinking of democracy. I will argue that this is consistent with Solon’s first democratic constitution and that it leads to a thinking of democracy in terms of agonism. Maybe such a conception of agonistic democracy will (...)
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    Agonism and Deliberation in Arendt.Shmuel Lederman - 2014 - Constellations 21 (3):327-337.
  43.  24
    Agonism Management Through Agonistic Vocal Signaling in Subterranean Rodents: A Neglected Factor Facilitating Sociality?Gabriel Francescoli & Cristian Schleich - 2019 - Biological Theory 14 (1):42-51.
    Communication is inherent to social relationships. Previous papers addressed the correlation between social and communicative complexity, and the origin of sociality in rodents. In subterranean social species, as the number of animals in the same burrow increases, so do interindividual contact rates. This is because of limitations in actually used tunnel length and diameter, leading to an increasing number of agonistic situations probably resulting in time loss, threatening, and fighting with danger of injuries. To avoid this, social species are expected (...)
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    Farmers` agonistic conflict frames regarding river restoration disputes.Thomas Fickel - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-21.
    Missing cooperation between farmers and nature conservationists is an obstacle to conflictive social-ecological transformation processes of agro-systems in Germany. Conflict psychology research shows that agonistic conflict frames play a crucial role in the parties’ response to and perception of conflicts. However, the role of conflict frames regarding farmers’ response to conservation conflicts in Germany, which are a recurrent expression of social-ecological transformation, is yet unclear. To address this knowledge gap, we investigate whether farmers have different agonistic conflict frames and whether (...)
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    For an Agonistic Element in Realist Legitimacy.Manon Westphal - 2022 - Social Theory and Practice 48 (1):165-191.
    The article shows that an uncritical view of domination is a weakness of current accounts of realist legitimacy and it argues that an agonistic supplement can help overcome that weakness. Two accounts of realist legitimacy are discussed: the moral minimum account and the acceptance account. In each case, certain modifications of the argument are needed to establish a distance from moralism, but these modifications create an indifference to domination. The incorporation of an agonistic principle into realist legitimacy can solve this (...)
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    Agonism and Arete.Debra Hawhee - 2002 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 35 (3):185-207.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 35.3 (2002) 185-207 [Access article in PDF] Agonism and Aretê Debra Hawhee Oh, those Greeks! They knew how to live. What is required for that is to stop courageously at the surface, the fold, the skin, to adore appearance, to believe in forms, tones, words, in the whole Olympus of appearance. Those Greeks were superficial—out of profundity. —Friedrich Nietzsche The profound superficiality about which Nietzsche (...)
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    Reasonable Agonism : Justification and Dissent in Liberal Democracies.Kris Klotz - 2019 - Dissertation, Pennsylvania State University
    This dissertation develops a conception of reasonableness that can adequately respond to agonistic critiques of this concept. As an aspect of practical reason, reasonableness refers to the moral capacity of citizens to cooperate politically, especially in pluralistic societies. More specifically, the principles or rules of political association governing society ought to be acceptable to all reasonable members of that society. This relates, furthermore, to the idea of justification: the acceptability of fundamental political principles refers to their justifiability. Justification, in turn, (...)
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    Agonism, Pluralism, and Contemporary Capitalism: An Interview with William E. Connolly.Mark Anthony Wenman - 2008 - Contemporary Political Theory 7 (2):200-219.
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    Reasonable, agonistic, or good?: The character of a democrat.Allyn Fives - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (8):961-983.
    Postmodernists reject what they call the universalist-rationalist framework of liberalism. When they do defend liberal democracy, they do so in a contextualist manner (within a ‘form of life’) and on the basis of contestation (‘agonism’). Liberals are right to charge postmodernism with self-contradiction, relativism, and immoralism. It is also argued in this article that liberalism and postmodernism are incompatible, and therefore, they cannot be joined together in response to the hegemonic construction of democratic debate. However, liberals are caught in (...)
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    The Agonistic Poetics of Dāsya-bhāva: the Soteriological Confrontation Between Deity and Devotee.Ankur Barua - 2020 - Journal of Dharma Studies 3 (1):155-174.
    The devotional literatures across the Hindu bhakti traditions of medieval India are shaped by distinctive styles of affective responses to the divine reality. A theme which recurs in several layers of their songs is a theological dialectic between divine majesty and divine accessibility; the divine is not only simply transcendent in the sense of being a distant deity but is also immanently present in and through a range of human sensitivities, emotions, and affectivities. We will highlight the dialectic in the (...)
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