Results for 'Agata Mazzeo'

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  1.  31
    Noémi Tousignant. Edges of Exposure: Toxicology and the Problem of Capacity in Postcolonial Senegal. xi + 209 pp., notes, bibl., index. Durham, N.C./London: Duke University Press, 2018. $24.95 . ISBN 9780822371243. [REVIEW]Agata Mazzeo - 2019 - Isis 110 (2):438-440.
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    Mazzeo on the RenaissanceRenaissance and Revolution.Frank J. Warnke & Joseph A. Mazzeo - 1967 - Journal of the History of Ideas 28 (2):289.
  3.  34
    On Education: Conversations with Riccardo Mazzeo.Zygmunt Bauman & Riccardo Mazzeo - 2012 - Malden, MA: Polity. Edited by Riccardo Mazzeo.
    What is the role of education in a world where we no longer have a clear vision of the future and where the idea of a single, universal model of humanity seems like the residue of a bygone age? What role should educators play in a world where young people find themselves faced with deep uncertainty about their future, where the prospects of securing a stable, long-term career seem increasingly remote and where intensified population movements have created more diverse communities (...)
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    Hypersequent and Display Calculi – a Unified Perspective.Agata Ciabattoni, Revantha Ramanayake & Heinrich Wansing - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (6):1245-1294.
    This paper presents an overview of the methods of hypersequents and display sequents in the proof theory of non-classical logics. In contrast with existing surveys dedicated to hypersequent calculi or to display calculi, our aim is to provide a unified perspective on these two formalisms highlighting their differences and similarities and discussing applications and recent results connecting and comparing them.
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    A proof-theoretical investigation of global intuitionistic (fuzzy) logic.Agata Ciabattoni - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (4):435-457.
    We perform a proof-theoretical investigation of two modal predicate logics: global intuitionistic logic GI and global intuitionistic fuzzy logic GIF. These logics were introduced by Takeuti and Titani to formulate an intuitionistic set theory and an intuitionistic fuzzy set theory together with their metatheories. Here we define analytic Gentzen style calculi for GI and GIF. Among other things, these calculi allows one to prove Herbrand’s theorem for suitable fragments of GI and GIF.
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    The Affective Bases of Risk Perception: Negative Feelings and Stress Mediate the Relationship between Mental Imagery and Risk Perception.Agata Sobkow, Jakub Traczyk & Tomasz Zaleskiewicz - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:190271.
    Recent research has documented that affect plays a crucial role in risk perception. When no information about numerical risk estimates is available (e.g., probability of loss or magnitude of consequences), people may rely on positive and negative affect toward perceived risk. However, determinants of affective reactions to risks are poorly understood. In a series of three experiments, we addressed the question of whether and to what degree mental imagery eliciting negative affect and stress influences risk perception. In each experiment, participants (...)
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    Threats, Victims and Unimaginable Subjects of Rights: A Genealogy of Sex Worker Governance in Poland.Agata Dziuban - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (2):243-263.
    This paper sketches the emergence of, and shifts within, the social, legal, and political figurations of sex workers in Poland. By adopting a genealogical perspective, I investigate how sex workers have been (re)constituted as subjects of governance and unimaginable social justice claimants in legislation, political debates, and law enforcement strategies. With a broad temporal scope, this article traces continuities, transformations, and disruptions within modes of sex work governance in Poland from the adoption of the first laws relating to sex work (...)
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    Two Types of Choice-Functional Indefinites: Evidence from Ga.Agata Renans - 2018 - Topoi 37 (3):405-415.
    There is a longstanding discussion whether wide-scope indefinites denote choice functions that are existentially bound or remain free. Data from Ga, an under-researched language spoken in Ghana, show that there are wide-scope indefinites denoting existentially bound skolemized choice functions whose parameter is bound by a higher quantificational NP, free skolemized choice functions with the speaker or a higher quantificational NP as a parameter, and narrow scope quantificational indefinites. Thus the data show that both existentially bound and free skolemized choice functions (...)
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  9.  36
    Algebraic proof theory: Hypersequents and hypercompletions.Agata Ciabattoni, Nikolaos Galatos & Kazushige Terui - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (3):693-737.
  10.  76
    Mīmāṃsā deontic logic: proof theory and applications.Agata Ciabattoni, Francesco Antonio Genco, Björn Lellmann & Elisa Freschi - 2015 - In Hans De Nivelle (ed.), Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods. Springer. pp. 323--338.
  11. Towards a Semantic Characterization of Cut-Elimination.Agata Ciabattoni & Kazushige Terui - 2006 - Studia Logica 82 (1):95-119.
    We introduce necessary and sufficient conditions for a (single-conclusion) sequent calculus to admit (reductive) cut-elimination. Our conditions are formulated both syntactically and semantically.
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    Festschrift for Marjorie H. Nicolson: "Reason and the Imagination", ed. J. A. Mazzeo.F. E. L. Priestley & J. A. Mazzeo - 1963 - Journal of the History of Ideas 24 (3):433.
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    A Closer Look at Emotions.Agata Błachnio & Aneta Przepiórka - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (2):127-129.
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  14. O pojęciu sztuki życia: luźne wariacje na temat zwrotu Michela Foucaulta.Agata Bielik - 1995 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 16 (4):135-143.
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    The Concept of Subject in Julia Kristeva’s Theory – an Attempt at Reconstruction.Agata Czarnacka - 2007 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 19:107-114.
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    The contemporary model manager as a new man the creator.Agata Dembek - 2013 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 7 (2):103.
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    Musine Kokalari and the Power of Images: Law, Aesthetics and Memory Regimes in the Albanian Experience.Agata Fijalkowski - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (3):577-602.
    Tarot cards are one means to unlocking an image. In this article, the image is that of the Albanian writer and political dissident Musine Kokalari at her 1946 trial. Her photograph features in Albanian discourses about its communist past. I argue that the image provides clues as to the manner in which the country has faced up to its own history. For what is certain is that the Albanian account of the Enver Hoxha dictatorship remains incomplete. Drawing on Walter Benjamin’s (...)
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    “Being Human”: Edward Bond’s Theories of Drama.Agata Handley & David Allen - 2017 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 7 (7):307-329.
    The playwright Edward Bond has recalled the impact of seeing photographs of Nazi atrocities at the end of World War Two: “It was the ground zero of the human soul.” He argues we need a different kind of drama, based in “a new interpretation of what it means to be human.” He has developed an extensive body of theoretical writings to set alongside his plays. Arguably, his own reflections on “what it means to be human” are based in his reaction (...)
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  19.  13
    Barbara Klich-Kluczewska, Rodzina, tabu i komunizm w Polsce, 1956-1989 [Famille, tabou.Agata Ignaciuk - 2018 - Clio 48.
    Ce livre de Barbara Klich-Kluczewska est sans aucun doute un des ouvrages les plus marquants des dernières années en histoire culturelle de l’État polonais communiste. Barbara Klich Kluczewska, qui est rattachée à la faculté d’histoire de l’université Jagellonne de Cracovie, est une des figures dirigeantes de l’histoire anthropologique et de l’histoire du genre en Pologne. Intéressée par les méthodes de l’histoire orale, visuelle et comparative, elle a publié une micro-histoire de la vie priv...
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  20. Biofabbriche: sul "futuro della natura umana".Agata C. Amato Mangiameli - 2004 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 4:549-578.
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  21. (1 other version)Dal pre-giudizio al giudizio: note in margine al sistema della prova.Agata C. Amato Mangiameli - 2006 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 1:47-66.
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    Anassagora: il primo sinolo.Pietro Mazzeo - 2014 - [Italy]: Editrice Tipografica.
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  23. Hobbes: the scientific secularization of the world.Joseph Anthony Mazzeo - 1974 - [New York,: J. Norton Publishers.
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    L' esperienza nel criticismo kantiano: l'agnosticismo.Pietro Mazzeo - 2017 - Bari: Editrice Tipografica.
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    Logica e tumulti: Wittgenstein filosofo della storia.Marco Mazzeo - 2021 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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    Metaphysical Poetry and the Poetic of Correspondence.Joseph Anthony Mazzeo - 1953 - Journal of the History of Ideas 14 (2):221.
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    Reason and Imagination: Studies in the History of Ideas 1600-1800.Joseph Anthony Mazzeo - 1962 - Routledge.
    First published in 1962, Reason and Imagination presents collection of fourteen essays dedicated to Marjorie Hope Nicholson and is divided equally between works of her colleagues and of her former students. It contains themes like noble numbers and poetry of devotion, Cromwell as Davidic King, the isolation of the renaissances hero, Milton's dialogue on Astronomy, music, mirth and galenic traditions in England, the Augustan conception of history, Locke and Sterne, and literary criticism and artistic interpretation, to weave a narrative of (...)
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    The Augustinian conception of beauty and Dante's convivio.Joseph Anthony Mazzeo - 1957 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 15 (4):435-448.
  29.  12
    The First Nucleic Acid Strands May Have Grown on Peptides via Primeval Reverse Translation.Marco Mazzeo & Arturo Tozzi - 2023 - Acta Biotheoretica 71 (4).
    The central dogma of molecular biology dictates that, with only a few exceptions, information proceeds from DNA to protein through an RNA intermediate. Examining the enigmatic steps from prebiotic to biological chemistry, we take another road suggesting that primordial peptides acted as template for the self-assembly of the first nucleic acids polymers. Arguing in favour of a sort of archaic “reverse translation” from proteins to RNA, our basic premise is a Hadean Earth where key biomolecules such as amino acids, polypeptides, (...)
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  30. The new philosophy.Joseph Anthony Mazzeo - 1974 - [New York,: J. Norton Publishers.
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  31. Kryptoteologie deleuzjanizmu: wokół książki Michała Herera ( Gilles Deleuze . Struktury-maszyny-kreacje).Agata Bielik- Robson - 2007 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 1:139-153.
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    Equal in the presence of death?Agata Sagan - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (8):584-584.
  33. Fabienne POMEL (dir.), Cloches et horloges dans les textes médiévaux.Agata Sobczyk - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce compte rendu a déjà paru dans la revue Perspectives médiévales, 35 | 2014. Nous remercions Agata Sobczyk de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. F. Pomel (dir.), Cloches et horloges dans les textes médiévaux, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2012. Le recueil fait suite à trois autres, consacrés à des objets que l'on peut considérer comme emblématiques pour un certain nombre de textes médiévaux, tous parus sous la direction de Fabienne Pomel aux Presses Universitaires de Rennes : (...)
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  34. Algebraic proof theory for substructural logics: cut-elimination and completions.Agata Ciabattoni, Nikolaos Galatos & Kazushige Terui - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (3):266-290.
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    Psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form.Agata Wytykowska, Aleksandra Jasielska & Dorota Szczygieł - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (3):447-459.
    The study was aimed at validating the Polish version of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form. Our findings confirm the reliability and validity of the scale. With respect to reliability, internal consistency coefficients of the TEIQue-SF were comparable to those obtained using the original English version. The evidence of the validity of the TEIQue-SF came from the pattern of relations with the other self-report measure of EI, personality measures, as well as affective and social correlates. We demonstrated that the TEIQue-SF (...)
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    Towards Responsible and Sustainable Supply Chains – Innovation, Multi-stakeholder Approach and Governance.Agata Gurzawska - 2020 - Philosophy of Management 19 (3):267-295.
    Supply chains are an indispensable element of any global economy. At the same time such supply chains create a societal and environmental burden. Drastic actions are required to mitigate these effects. Supply chains should become responsible and sustainable (where responsibility and sustainability are understood in a broad sense) addressing economic, political, societal, legal, human rights, ethical and environmental concerns. This research shifts from the question of why companies should implement responsibility and sustainability into supply chains, to how they should do (...)
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  37. The moral status of stem cells.Agata Sagan & Peter Singer - 2007 - Metaphilosophy 38 (2-3):264–284.
    What moral status should we attribute to stem cells? To answer this neglected question, we look in this essay at the properties of embryos and other entities that could develop into beings who have uncontested moral status, namely, adult humans. Our analysis indicates that those who grant moral status to embryos should also grant it to stem cells. This has implications that verge on absurdity, since even if we were to try to do what we can to protect these entities, (...)
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    The New Biology as an Example of Newspeak: The Case of Polish Zoology, 1948–1956.Agata Strządała - 2020 - Journal of the History of Biology 53 (1):141-157.
    The “New Biology” that arose in the Eastern Block during Stalinist times was based on the idea of the heritability of acquired characteristics. In rejecting the paradigm of Mendelian chromosome genetics as well as science-based farming, the New Biology led to a deterioration of scientific life and the free exchange of ideas. In imposing Lysenko’s ideas onto zoology, the New Biology adopted the totalitarian language of Newspeak, which dominated public discourse in communist countries. Newspeak had several defining elements: a limited (...)
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  39.  32
    Cultural and psychological variables predicting academic dishonesty: a cross-sectional study in nine countries.Agata Błachnio, Andrzej Cudo, Paweł Kot, Małgorzata Torój, Kwaku Oppong Asante, Violeta Enea, Menachem Ben-Ezra, Barbara Caci, Sergio Alexis Dominguez-Lara, Nuworza Kugbey, Sadia Malik, Rocco Servidio, Arun Tipandjan & Michelle F. Wright - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (1):44-89.
    Academic dishonesty has serious consequences for human lives, social values, and economy. The main aim of the study was to explore a model of relations between personal and cultural variables and academic dishonesty. The participants in the study were N = 2,586 individuals from nine countries (Pakistan, Israel, Italy, India, the USA, Peru, Romania, Ghana, and Poland). The authors administered the Academic Dishonesty Scale to measure academic dishonesty, the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale to measure distress, the Almost Perfect Scale – (...)
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  40. From Display to Labelled Proofs for Tense Logics.Agata Ciabattoni, Tim Lyon & Revantha Ramanayake - 2013 - In Sergei Artemov & Anil Nerode (eds.), Logical Foundations of Computer Science (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7734). Springer. pp. 120 - 139.
    We introduce an effective translation from proofs in the display calculus to proofs in the labelled calculus in the context of tense logics. We identify the labelled calculus proofs in the image of this translation as those built from labelled sequents whose underlying directed graph possesses certain properties. For the basic normal tense logic Kt, the image is shown to be the set of all proofs in the labelled calculus G3Kt.
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  41. Chińska ustawa eugeniczna w świetle bioetyki kulturowej.Agata Strządała - 2006 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 7:105-114.
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    Storia naturale della sinestesia: dalla questione Molyneux a Jakobson.Marco Mazzeo - 2005 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
  43.  8
    Reditus into self-inflicted immaturity: Agamben’s perversions.Agata Bielik-Robson Theology - 2024 - Journal for Cultural Research 28 (3):234-250.
    In my essay, I offer an interpretation of Giorgio Agamben’s political thought as a case of philosophical perversion. According to Lacan, perverse practice is based on a structural non-personal enjoyment, in which a pervert assumes the role of an executioner, meticulously executing his task. My analysis will focus on Agamben’s perverse use of the messianic discourse, the aim of which is to explode it from within: while applying all elements of the messianic idiom, Agamben assumes a mission the goal of (...)
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  44. W poszukiwaniu prawdy o człowieku. Diokles Henryka Sienkiewicza.Agata Skała - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 17 (17/18):237-248.
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    Los problemas con el término “terrorismo” dentro del mundo occidental.Agata Pawlowska - 2022 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 25 (2):189-198.
    El objetivo de este artículo consiste en analizar las definiciones del término terrorismo que preponderan en el discurso académico occidental. Este análisis permitirá constatar una intrínseca imposibilidad de formular una definición consensuada de dicho término. A lo largo del texto se defenderán las siguientes tesis: a) Las definiciones analizadas del término describen, de manera general, el modo en que operan las relaciones capitalistas de producción dentro de su actual etapa histórica. b) Dichas definiciones constituyen, en realidad, la proyección de los (...)
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    Żargon autentyczności (Charles Taylor, The Ethics of Authenticity).Agata Bielik - 1996 - Etyka 29:209-216.
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  47. Autokreatywna koncepcja subiektywności: geneza.Agata Bielik - 1994 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 10 (2):5-26.
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    Warunki możliwości komunikowania wartości.Agata Borońska - 2012 - Filo-Sofija 12 (16):195-211.
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  49. Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 15.Agata Ciabattoni, David Gabelaia & Igor Sedlár - 2024 - London: College Publications.
    Since ancient times, philosophers have recognised that truth comes in many 'modes', so that a proposition can be not only true or false, but also, for example, 'necessary' or 'possible'. These ideas led to the modern field of modal logic, a lively area of research at the interface of philosophy, mathematics and computer science. -/- Nowadays, the term 'modal logic' is understood in a broad sense, allowing it to encompass logics for reasoning about seemingly unrelated phenomena such as knowledge, obligations, (...)
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    Politics of all-women exhibitions today: The case of Poland.Agata Jakubowska - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (4):518-531.
    Recent years have brought enormous growth in the number of women-only art exhibitions. These exhibitions are accompanied by discussions that concentrate on curatorial feminist activism. In this text, I propose a different perspective by taking into consideration all exhibitions where the participants were determined by social category and which were organized in one country during one year. This perspective not only allows us to remark on and analyse activities that otherwise remain unnoticed but also encourages us to extend our understanding (...)
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