Results for 'Adrian JoŸnston'

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  1. Western Skeptic vs Indian Realist. Cross-Cultural Differences in Zebra Case Intuitions.Krzysztof Sękowski, Adrian Ziółkowski & Maciej Tarnowski - 2021 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (2):711-733.
    The cross-cultural differences in epistemic intuitions reported by Weinberg, Nichols and Stich (2001; hereafter: WNS) laid the ground for the negative program of experimental philosophy. However, most of WNS’s findings were not corroborated in further studies. The exception here is the study concerning purported differences between Westerners and Indians in knowledge ascriptions concerning the Zebra Case, which was never properly replicated. Our study replicates the above-mentioned experiment on a considerably larger sample of Westerners (n = 211) and Indians (n = (...)
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    How many ways can you die? Multiple biological deaths as a consequence of the multiple concepts of an organism.Piotr Grzegorz Nowak & Adrian Stencel - 2022 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 43 (2):127-154.
    According to the mainstream position in the bioethical definition of death debate, death is to be equated with the cessation of an organism. Given such a perspective, some bioethicists uphold the position that brain-dead patients are dead, while others claim that they are alive. Regardless of the specific opinion on the status of brain-dead patients, the mere bioethical concept of death, according to many bioethicists, has the merit of being unanimous and univocal, as well as grounded in biology. In the (...)
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  3. Pseudorationality.Adrian M. S. Piper - 1988 - In Amelie Oksenberg Rorty & Brian P. McLaughlin (eds.), Perspectives on Self-Deception. University of California Press. pp. 173--197.
    I want to argue that self-deception is a species of a more general phenomenon, which I shall call pseudorationality, which in turn is necessitated by what I shall describe as our highest-order disposition to literal self-preservation. By "literal self-preservation," I mean preservation of the rational intelligibility of the self, in the face of recalcitrant facts that invariably threaten it.
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    Robert E. Grant: The social predicament of a pre-Darwinian transmutationist.Adrian Desmond - 1984 - Journal of the History of Biology 17 (2):189-223.
    Wakley in 1846 called Grant “at once the most eloquent, the most accomplished, the most self-sacrificing, and the most unrewarded man in the profession.”128 I have shown some of the reasons why this was so, and I have suggested that his Lamarckism was one of a number of factors that served to alienate him from the conservative scientific community in the 1830's and 1840's. I have further shown the need for a fundamental rethinking of Grant's position in the history of (...)
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  5. Conative Transcendental Arguments and the Question Whether There Can Be External Reasons.Adrian Moore - 1999 - In Robert Stern (ed.), Transcendental Arguments: Problems and Prospects. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 271--292.
    A characterization of transcendental arguments is proffered, whereby they yield conclusions about how things are via intermediate conclusions about how we must think that they are. A variant kind of argument is then introduced. Arguments of this variant kind are dubbed ‘conative’ transcendental arguments: these yield conclusions about how it is desirable for things to be via intermediate conclusions about how we must desire that they are. The prospects for conative transcendental arguments are considered. It is argued that, although they (...)
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    Ethnic Markers and How to Find Them.Adrian Viliami Bell & Alina Paegle - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (2):470-481.
    Ethnic markers are a prominent organizing feature of human society when individuals engage in significant anonymous interactions. However, identifying markers in natural settings is nontrivial. Although ad hoc assignment of markers to groups is widely documented in the ethnographic literature, predicting the membership of individuals based on stylistic variation is less clear. We argue that a more systematic approach is required to satisfy the basic assumptions made in ethnic marker theory. To this end we introduce a three-step ethnographic method to (...)
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  7. (1 other version)The Bounds of Sense.Adrian W. Moore - 2006 - Philosophical Topics 34 (1-2):327-344.
    This essay was written for a special issue of Philosophical Topics on the links between Kant and analytic philosophy. It explores these links through consideration of: Wittgenstein’s Tractatus; the logical positivism endorsed by Ayer; and the (very different) variation on that theme endorsed by Quine. It is argued that in all three cases we see analytic philosophers trying to attain and express a general philosophical understanding of why the bounds of sense should be drawn where they should—but thereby confronting the (...)
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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging, Covert awareness, and brain iniury.Adrian M. Owen - 2013 - In Judy Illes & Barbara J. Sahakian (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics. Oxford University Press. pp. 135.
    Rapid technological advances have produced a variety of novel techniques that allow a comprehensive assessment of brain function to be combined with detailed information about brain structure and connectivity. Any assessment that is based on exhibited behavior after brain injury will be prone to error for a number of reasons. These questions are explored in the context of recent studies in both healthy populations and brain injured patients that have sought to investigate covert awareness through the use of functional neuroimaging. (...)
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    Die Sprache und das Schöne: Karl Philipp Moritz' Sprachreflexionen in Verbindung mit seiner Ästhetik.Adrian Aebi Farahmand - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    Karl Philipp Moritz (1756-1793) ist bekannt als Autor des Anton Reiser und als Ästhetiker der Klassik. Heute vergessen hingegen ist der Arbeitsbereich, der ihm neben seiner Beschäftigung mit dem Schönen der wichtigste war: seine Auseinandersetzung mit der Sprache. Das vorliegende Buch zeigt Moritz als originellen Grammatiker und Sprachphilosophen vor dem Hintergrund der europäischen Geistesgeschichte. Und es beleuchtet, wie sich in den Sprachreflexionen diejenigen Denkfiguren entwickeln, die er später seiner Ästhetik zu Grunde legt: So wird das Theorem des "in sich selbst (...)
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  10. The Money Pump Is Necessarily Diachronic.Adrian M. S. Piper - 2014 - Adrian Piper Research Archive Foundation Berlin/Philosophy.
    In “The Irrelevance of the Diachronic Money-Pump Argument for Acyclicity,” The Journal of Philosophy CX, 8 (August 2013), 460-464, Johan E. Gustafsson contends that if Davidson, McKinsey and Suppes’ diachronic money-pump argument in their "Outlines of a Formal Theory of Value, I," Philosophy of Science 22 (1955), 140-160 is valid, so is the synchronic argument Gustafsson himself offers. He concludes that the latter renders irrelevant diachronic choice considerations in general, and the two best-known diachronic solutions to the money pump problem (...)
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  11. Bullshit, trust, and evidence.Adrian Briciu - 2021 - Intercultural Pragmatics 18 (5):633-656.
    It has become almost a cliché to say that we live in a post-truth world; that people of all trades speak with an indifference to truth. Speaking with an indifference to how things really are is famously regarded by Harry Frankfurt as the essence of bullshit. This paper aims to contribute to the philosophical and theoretical pragmatics discussion of bullshit. The aim of the paper is to offer a new theoretical analysis of what bullshit is, one that is more encompassing (...)
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  12. Vigilance and perception of social stimuli: Views from ethology, and social neuroscience.Adrian Treves & Diego Pizzagalli - 2002 - In Marc Bekoff, Colin Allen & Gordon M. Burghardt (eds.), The Cognitive Animal: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on Animal Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 463--469.
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  13. The shortcomings of the methodical approach in teaching philosophy and the human sciences.Adrian Costache - 2021 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 13 (1):241-259.
    Romanian pedagogical theory rests on the assumption that any educational content can be taught and learned faster and better by recourse to a battery of teaching methods. In the present study we question that assumption and show that the methods generally recommended have no didactic merits when it comes to teaching philosophy and the human sciences. In order to prove that we commence by rendering manifest the origins, the specificity and the presuppositions of the teaching methods described in the literature. (...)
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  14. The Being of History, the Play of Différance and the Problem of Misunderstanding.Adrian Costache - 2013 - Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Philosophia 58 (3):179-190.
    Beginning with the second decade of the last century, after a fierce critique of W. Dilthey and the Historical School’s epistemological approach, philosophical hermeneutics has assumed the position of “official” philosophy of history of our times. However, in our previous work we have shown that philosophical hermeneutics is not actually able to give a better answer to “What is history?” than that already offered by the Historical School. Now we would like to show that its answer to the other fundamental (...)
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  15. The immoral brain.Andrea L. Glenn & Adrian Raine - 2009 - In Jan Verplaetse (ed.), The moral brain: essays on the evolutionary and neuroscientific aspects of morality. New York: Springer.
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  16. Legal and ethical implications of treatment of Minors.D. Adrian Wilkinson - 1982 - In J. D. Keehn (ed.), The Ethics of psychological research. New York: Pergamon Press.
  17.  24
    When foods become animals: Ruminations on Ethics and Responsibility in Care- full practices of consumption.Dr Mara Miele & Adrian Evans - 2010 - Ethics, Place and Environment 13 (2):171-190.
    Providing information to consumers in the form of food labels about modern systems of animal farming is believed to be crucial for increasing their awareness of animal suffering and for promoting technological change towards more welfare-friendly forms of husbandry (CIWF, 2007). In this paper we want to explore whether and how food labels carrying information about the lives of animals are used by consumers while shopping for meat and other animal foods. In order to achieve this, we draw upon a (...)
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    A Reflection on Biomedical Engineering Ethics Education from Multiple Perspectives.Adrian Chan, Monique Frize, Colleen Ennett, Daphne Ong & Amanada Cherpak - forthcoming - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine.
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    Representing gay men with HIV/AIDS.Adrian Coyle - 1996 - In Sue Wilkinson & Celia Kitzinger (eds.), Representing the other: a Feminism & psychology reader. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. pp. 72.
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    The cell and the organism: essays presented to Sir James Gray.Adrian Horridge - 1963 - The Eugenics Review 54 (4):219.
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  21. Effizienz und Wettbewerbspolitik Uber die normative Grundlegung des Rechts gegen private Wettbewerbsbeschrankungen.Adrian Kunzler - 2008 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 94 (3):362-383.
    Recently, the EU enacted provisions that could lead to a tendency that restrictions of competition are appraised more and more by economic criteria, such as socialor consumer welfare or in short, under efficiency criteria. Furthermore, many academic scholars are proposing that the function and purpose of competition law shall no longer be that of ensuring the freedom to compete but rather the promotion of economic and social welfare. This article deals with the question on what grounds the primary goal of (...)
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    El momento maquiavélico, de JGA Pocock.Adrián Lara Laura - 2009 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 9:165-180.
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    Incitación para recuperar el futuro. Una lectura de la Razón Esperanzada de Ernst Bloch.Adrián Gurza Lavalle - 1997 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 3.
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  24. HRM and the Ethics of Commodified Work in a Market Economy.Adrian Walsh - 2007 - In Ashly Pinnington, Rob Macklin & Tom Campbell (eds.), Human Resource Management: Ethics and Employment. Oxford University Press.
  25.  13
    Un análisis fenomenológico de la propiedad contrapuesto al "new realism" de Maurizio Ferraris.Adrián Bueno Junquero - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 14:45.
    El presente ensayo compara un análisis fenomenológico de la propiedad con el nuevo realismo de Maurizio Ferraris. La comparación expone los límites de la perspectiva fenomenológica al mismo tiempo que también muestra los momentos estructurales de su modo de dación: momento intuitivo; momento de la solicitud; momento del reconocimiento; momento de la propiedad. Una vez expuesta la unidad de estos momentos, el ensayo pone de manifiesto cómo la perspectiva del nuevo realismo pensaría la propiedad a través de la nueva ontología (...)
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    Modelo multiobjetivo para el planeamiento de la transmisión usando una técnica evolutiva y puntos interiores.Carlos Adrián Correa Flórez, Ricardo Andrés Bolaños Ocampo & Alejandro Garcés Ruíz - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    La constante evolutiva: continuidades y rupturas en el pensamiento de José Ingenieros.Jonathan Adrián Georgalis - 2018 - [Buenos Aires?]: Compaginado desde TeseoPress.
  28.  19
    Enlightenment and Education, Then and Now.Adrian O'Connor - 2021 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 32 (1):61-82.
    Ideas about education and its power to transform people’s intellectual, social, political, and personal lives were central to Enlightenment thought. They were also central to the Enlightenment belief that new ways of thinking engendered new ways of living (and vice versa). Taken together, these points placed education at the heart of early modern debates over the constitution of society, the organization and administration of the polity, the nature and purpose of civil society, and the relations that govern everyday life. To (...)
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    Deep Brain Stimulation and Changes in “Personality”: A Catch-All with Merits and Pitfalls.Cassandra J. Thomson & Adrian Carter - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (3):320-322.
    The 30th anniversary of the first DBS surgery of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) for Parkinson’s disease was celebrated in Grenoble this June. Since this initial surgery, the application of DBS has e...
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    Marcos de argumentación: Relacionando principios para la evaluación de las semánticas con juegos de justificación de argumentos.Gustavo Adrián Bodanza - 2023 - Análisis Filosófico 43 (2):223-244.
    Los marcos de argumentación son modelos de argumentación derrotable desarrollados en el campo de la inteligencia artificial para analizar la justificación de argumentos según su interacción por medio de ataques. Las semánticas de extensiones para los marcos de argumentación son criterios para sancionar uno (punto de vista escéptico) o varios (punto de vista crédulo) subconjuntos de argumentos justificados. Una forma de evaluar diferentes semánticas de extensiones es considerando si satisfacen o no algunos “principios” (es decir, propiedades razonables o deseables). Además (...)
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    Concepts and Mechanisms of Negotiation Derived from Experiences in the Electronic Milieu.Sidey Myoo & Adrian Mróz - 2022 - Dialogue and Universalism 32 (2):33-43.
    In this paper, we address the relevance of virtual worlds for negotiation using the example of Second Life and AltspaceVR; we take into account mindset issues and an avatar’s influence on this process. The concept of negotiation is related here to the concept of a networked society to describe actions undertaken between two or more individuals, groups, and/or organizations. The network is a milieu for negotiating with oneself and with others. Negotiating in a networked space can be an opportunity for (...)
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    Sprache, Erkenntnis und Wissenschaft: eine Fundamentalanalyse der Möglichkeiten und Voraussetzungen von Erkenntnis und der logischen Stadien des Erkenntnisprozesses.Adrian Brücker - 2017 - Bonn: Bouvier.
    Band 1. Erkenntnis und Sinn -- Band 2. Sprache Gedanke, Tatsache und Logik.
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    Reconstrucția filosofiei românești.Adrian Michiduță - 2020 - Craiova: Aius.
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  34. Utopía y ratio gubernatoria en la conquista de América.Luis Adrián Mora Rodríguez - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 50 (127):27-32.
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    Technology: COVID-19 and the ‘New-Normal’ Lifestyle vs. Security Challenges.Visar Shehu & Adrian Besimi - 2020 - Seeu Review 15 (1):71-85.
    In the last period, especially during the COVID-19 pandemics, individuals as well as institutions globally and in North Macedonia particularly, have failed to correctly respond to the new challenges related to cyber security, online attacks, and fake news. Being that in a state of isolation and quarantine most governmental institutions have heavily relied on online tools to communicate among each other and with the public, it is quite evident that they have not been well prepared to adopt new technologies. This (...)
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  36. Fifth International Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling (CGGM 2006)-Extensions for 3D Graphics Rendering Engine Used for Direct Tessellation of Spline Surfaces. [REVIEW]Adrian Sfarti, Brian A. Barsky, Todd J. Kosloff, Egon Pasztor, Alex Kozlowski, Eric Rornan & Alex Perelman - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 215-222.
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    CRESPO, M. (Ed.). Filosofía trascendental, Fenomenología y Derecho Natural. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 2018, 193 pp. [REVIEW]Adrián Bueno Junquero - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 15:221.
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    The Critical Writings of Adrian Stokes.Adrian Stokes - 1978 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 37 (2):243-245.
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  39. II—Adrian Haddock: Meaning, Justification, and‘Primitive Normativity’.Adrian Haddock - 2012 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 86 (1):147-174.
    I critically discuss two claims which Hannah Ginsborg makes on behalf of her account of meaning in terms of ‘primitive normativity’: first, that it avoids the sceptical regress articulated by Kripke's Wittgenstein; second, that it makes sense of the thought—central to Kripke's Wittgenstein—that ‘meaning is normative’, in a way which shows this thought not only to be immune from recent criticisms but also to undermine reductively naturalistic theories of content. In the course of the discussion, I consider and attempt to (...)
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  40. Sufletul lui Adrian.Adrian Mihalache - 2002 - Dilema 462.
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  41. What is Interpretability?Adrian Erasmus, Tyler D. P. Brunet & Eyal Fisher - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34:833–862.
    We argue that artificial networks are explainable and offer a novel theory of interpretability. Two sets of conceptual questions are prominent in theoretical engagements with artificial neural networks, especially in the context of medical artificial intelligence: Are networks explainable, and if so, what does it mean to explain the output of a network? And what does it mean for a network to be interpretable? We argue that accounts of “explanation” tailored specifically to neural networks have ineffectively reinvented the wheel. In (...)
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    Submajority rules: Forcing accountability upon majorities.Adrian Vermeule - 2005 - Journal of Political Philosophy 13 (1):74–98.
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    Discussing the Formal Components of Material Objects: A New Reply to Bennett.Adrián Solís - 2024 - Metaphysica 25 (1):145-162.
    Recently mereological hylomorphism, the theory in which form and matter are considered to be proper parts of objects, has become very important among contemporary metaphysicians. The present work aims to analyse and dismantle Bennett’s criticism regarding the existence of formal proper parts. To do this, I will start by presenting Koslicki’s mereological hylomorphism. Next, I will focus on Bennett’s critique which seeks to deny the existence of formal proper parts. Finally, I will analyse critically the Bennett’s criticism focusing on the (...)
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    Los criterios de textualidad en la hermenéutica de Paul Ricoeur. Un análisis crítico.Adrián Bertorello - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 14:43-63.
    RESUMENEl trabajo examina críticamente la afirmación central de la hermenéutica de Paul Ricoeur, a saber, que el soporte material de la escritura es el rasgo determinante para que una secuencia discursiva sea considerada como un texto. La escritura cancela las condiciones fácticas de la enunciación y crea, de este modo, un ámbito de sentido estable en el que se puede validar una concepción de la subjetividad que está implicada en las dos estrategias de lecturas (el análisis estructural y la apropiación), (...)
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    Temporal Politics: Contested Pasts, Uncertain Futures.Adrian Little - 2022 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Develops a new theory of political temporality to demonstrate how to conduct political analysis in times of conflict and uncertainty -/- Offers an important differentiation between a political theory of temporality and philosophies of time Examines contemporary debates on migration and border control to demonstrate the myopia in the understanding of historical contexts that give rise to the displacement and/or mobility of migrants Analyses current debates about the decline of or lack of faith in democratic institutions exemplified by the rise (...)
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    Ethics education and value prioritization among members of U.s. Hospital ethics committees.Adrian Bardon - 2004 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (4):395-406.
    : Calls for ethics education for members of hospital ethics committees presume that the effects and benefits of such education are well-established. This is not the case. A review of the literature reveals that studies consistently have failed to uncover any significant effect of ethics education on the moral reasoning, moral competency, and/or moral development of medical professionals. The present paper discusses this negative result and describes the author's national study of the value priorities of members of hospital ethics committees. (...)
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    The Stability of Philosophical Intuitions: Failed Replications of Swain et al.Adrian Ziółkowski - 2021 - Episteme 18 (2):328-346.
    In their widely cited article, Swain et al. report data that, purportedly, demonstrates instability of folk epistemic intuitions regarding the famous Truetemp case authored by Keith Lehrer. What they found is a typical example of priming, where presenting one stimulus before presenting another stimulus affects the way the latter is perceived or evaluated. In their experiment, laypersons were less likely to attribute knowledge in the Truetemp case when they first read a scenario describing a clear case of knowledge, and more (...)
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    Can Clinical Empathy Survive? Distress, Burnout, and Malignant Duty in the Age of Covid‐19.Adrian Anzaldua & Jodi Halpern - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (1):22-27.
    The Covid‐19 crisis has accelerated a trend toward burnout in health care workers, making starkly clear that burnout is especially likely when providing health care is not only stressful and sad but emotionally alienating; in such situations, there is no mental space for clinicians to experience authentic clinical empathy. Engaged curiosity toward each patient is a source of meaning and connection for health care providers, and it protects against sympathetic distress and burnout. In a prolonged crisis like Covid‐19, clinicians provide (...)
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  49. Predictive processing and the representation wars: a victory for the eliminativist.Adrian Downey - 2018 - Synthese 195 (12):5115-5139.
    In this paper I argue that, by combining eliminativist and fictionalist approaches toward the sub-personal representational posits of predictive processing, we arrive at an empirically robust and yet metaphysically innocuous cognitive scientific framework. I begin the paper by providing a non-representational account of the five key posits of predictive processing. Then, I motivate a fictionalist approach toward the remaining indispensable representational posits of predictive processing, and explain how representation can play an epistemologically indispensable role within predictive processing explanations without thereby (...)
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    The applicability of grading systems for guidelines.Adrian Baker, Jonathan Potter, Katharine Young & Ira Madan - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (4):758-762.
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