Results for 'Adelyn Brecher'

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  1.  24
    Learning from your mistakes: The functional value of spontaneous error monitoring in aphasia.Schwartz Myrna, Middleton Erica, Nozari Nazbanou, Brecher Adelyn, Gagliardi Maureen & Garvey Kelly - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Syllabic complexity effects in phonological speech errors: The role of articulatory-phonetic impairment.Schwartz Myrna, Romani Cristina, Brown Danielle & Brecher Adelyn - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Learning from errors: Exploration of the monitoring learning effect.Erica L. Middleton, Myrna F. Schwartz, Gary S. Dell & Adelyn Brecher - 2022 - Cognition 224 (C):105057.
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  4. Torture and the Ticking Bomb.Bob Brecher (ed.) - 2007 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    This timely and passionate book is the first to address itself to Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz’s controversial arguments for the limited use of interrogational torture and its legalisation. Argues that the respectability Dershowitz's arguments confer on the view that torture is a legitimate weapon in the war on terror needs urgently to be countered Takes on the advocates of torture on their own utilitarian grounds Timely and passionately written, in an accessible, jargon-free style Forms part of the provocative and (...)
  5.  14
    The kidney trade: or, the customer is always wrong.Brecher Bob - 1990 - Journal of Medical Ethics 16 (3):120-123.
    Much of the opinion scandalized by recent reports of kidneys being sold for transplant is significantly inconsistent. The sale of kidneys is not substantially different from practices espoused, and indeed endorsed, by many of those who condemn the former. Our moral concern, I suggest, needs to focus on the customer's actions rather than the seller's; and on the implications for larger questions of the considerations to which this gives rise.
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    Introduction.Bob Brecher - 2007 - In Torture and the Ticking Bomb. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–13.
    This chapter contains section titled: What is Torture? Dershowitz on Interrogational Torture Why Write about Torture? The Agenda.
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    Weaponising Freedom of Speech: Gavan Titley: Is Free Speech Racist? Cambridge: Polity Press, 2020, 155 pp.Bob Brecher - 2020 - Res Publica 27 (1):151-154.
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    The Avadhoot Gita of Dattatraya: song of the unborn.Seegla Brecher - 2018 - New Delhi: Sterling Publishers (P). Edited by Seegla Brecher & Dattātreya.
    The poem elucidates the universal Self, indestructible, immortal and free from the duality of bondage and attachment, knowledge and ignorance. Readers of philosophy and poetry will appreciate the deep, meditative exploration in this 9th-century Advaita Vedanta text. The comprehensive Sanskrit-English word-for-word translation is an invaluable resource for scholars and students of Sanskrit literature.
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    Topic for debate.Bob Brecher, Guy Gardener, Marina Velepič, Aileen Walsh, Christopher Belshaw & Stephen Holland - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (1):122-125.
  10. Rational rationing?Bob Brecher - 2008 - Clinical Ethics 3 (2):53-54.
    Triage-like procedures for solving the problems of rationing cannot work. And anyway, why should health- and medical workers carry the can for the economic and political decisions of their managers and our politicians? To foist rationing decisions onto them is a political con-trick, a deliberate attempt to deflect managerial and political responsibility elsewhere. Those on the front line should simply toss a coin; expalin to patients’ friends and relatives that that’s what they’re doing and why; and go public that that's (...)
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    Why Patronize Feminists? A Reply to Stove on Mill.Bob Brecher - 1993 - Philosophy 68 (265):397 - 400.
  12. Why the Kantian ideal survives medical learning curves, and why it matters.B. Brecher - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (9):511-512.
    The ‘Kantian ideal’ is often misunderstood as invoking individual autonomy rather than rational self-legislation. Le Morvan and Stock’s otherwise insightful discussion of ‘Medical learning curves and the Kantian ideal’, for example, draws the mistaken inference that that ideal is inconsistent with the realities of medical practice. But it is not. Rationally to be a patient entails accepting its necessary conditions, one of which is the ineliminable existence of medical learning curves. Their rational necessity, therefore, offers no grounds against a Kantian (...)
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  13. Which values? And whose? A reply to Fulford.Bob Brecher - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (5):996-998.
    Fulford’s discussion of ‘values-based practice’ as a model for medical ethics is deeply puzzling. First, it remains unclear what exactly he takes values to be or how tyhey can be based in clinical skills. Second, his proposal does not make it clear whose values these are supposed to be. I conclude that his attempt in effect to take the morality out of ethics fails.
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    Complicity and modularization: how universities were made safe for the market.Bob Brecher - 2005 - Critical Quarterly 476 (1-2):77-82.
    Education has always occupied a contradictory position in society, expected to ensure compliance and continuity and yet to encourage critique and renewal. Since the early 1980s, however, successive UK governments have directly mobilised education, and higher education in particular, as an ideological tool in the task of embedding neo-liberalism as ‘common sense’. Modularisation has been in the vanguard, first in the universities, more latterly at secondary level. The effect has been disastrous: here as elsewhere, choice has become depressingly fetishised; knowledge, (...)
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  15. Wilfred Beckerman, Small is Stupid.B. Brecher - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  16. The Family and Neoliberalism: Time to Revive a Critique.Bob Brecher - 2012 - Ethics and Social Welfare 6 (2):157-167.
    I argue that the family remains integral to neoliberal capitalism. First, I identify two tensions in the neoliberals' advocacy of the traditional family: that the ?family values? advocated run directly counter to the homo economicus of the ?free market?; and the fact that the increasingly strident rhetoric of the family belies its decreasing popularity. The implications of these tensions for how we might think of the family, I then propose, suggest that earlier critiques are worth revisiting for what they have (...)
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  17.  46
    Against Professional Ethics.Bob Brecher - 2004 - Philosophy of Management 4 (2):3-8.
    I argue that the current popularity of ‘ethics’ in general, and the extension of ‘professional ethics’ in particular, masks an increasingly unethical culture. Furthermore, attempts to codify ethics encourage a rule-governed approach, thus misunderstanding the nature of ethical practice and — whether or not inadvertently — serving to protect the professions from ethical considerations rather than the opposite.
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  18.  67
    Our obligation to the dead.Bob Brecher - 2002 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 19 (2):109-190.
    Can we have a real obligation to the dead, just as we do to the living, or is such a notion merely sentimental or metaphorical? Starting with the example of making a promise, I try to show that we can, since the dead, as well as the living, can have interests, not least because the notion of a person is, in part, a moral construction. ‘The dead’, then, are not merely dead, but particular dead persons, members of something like the (...)
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  19.  27
    What is professional ethics?Bob Brecher - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (2):239-244.
    The very term ‘professional ethics’ is puzzling with respect to what both ‘professional’ and ‘ethics’ might mean. I argue (1) that professionalism is ambiguous as to whether or not it is implicitly committed to ethical practice; (2) that to be ‘professionally’ ethical is at best ambiguous, if not in fact bizarre; and (3) that, taken together, these considerations suggest that professional ethics is something to be avoided rather than lauded.
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  20. The kidney trade: or, the customer is always wrong.B. Brecher - 1990 - Journal of Medical Ethics 16 (3):120-123.
    Much of the opinion scandalized by recent reports of kidneys being sold for transplant is significantly inconsistent. The sale of kidneys is not substantially different from practices espoused, and indeed endorsed, by many of those who condemn the former. Our moral concern, I suggest, needs to focus on the customer's actions rather than the seller's; and on the implications for larger questions of the considerations to which this gives rise.
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  21.  21
    Bioethics.B. Brecher - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (4):405-405.
    This is a collection of 15 papers from “philosophers, social scientists, and academic lawyers” concerned with “the field of bioethics itself”, “bioethics’s role in contemporary society”, and “specific issues”, including some—such as the role of the pharmaceuticals—not often addressed in such collections. They have all been commissioned for the volume either by or through the Social Philosophy and Policy Foundation, located in the USA, on whose behalf Cambridge University Press has published it in the UK. Perhaps, then, it is not (...)
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  22.  43
    In Defence of Reason.Bob Brecher - 1992 - The Personalist Forum 8 (1):35-40.
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    The Fantasy of the Ticking Bomb Scenario.Bob Brecher - 2007 - In Torture and the Ticking Bomb. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 14–39.
    This chapter contains section titled: Dershowitz's Argument and the Ticking Bomb Who Tortures? Effectiveness and Time Knowledge and Necessity The Ticking Bomb Scenario: Conclusion.
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    `Greatness' in Anselm's ontological argument.R. Brecher - 1974 - Philosophical Quarterly 24 (95):97-105.
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    Pure objects and the ontological argument.R. Brecher - 1975 - Sophia 14 (3):10-18.
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    Rorty through the looking-glass.Bob Brecher - 1997 - Res Publica 3 (1):105-114.
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    Striking responsibilities.R. Brecher - 1985 - Journal of Medical Ethics 11 (2):66-69.
    It is commonly held that National Health Service (NHS) workers are under a moral obligation not to go on strike, because doing so might well result in people's dying. Unless sainthood is demanded, however, this position is untenable: indeed, those most vociferously pursuing it are often those who bear the greatest responsibility, on their own grounds, for needless death and suffering.
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  28. Communitarianism: the practice of postmodern liberalism.Bob Brecher - 2006 - In Van der Pijl K.-G. Giesen & K. (ed.), Global Norms for the 21st Century. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 212-225.
    The chapter argues that communitarianism is the ‘postmodern bourgeois liberalism’ that Rorty, probably the leading avowedly epistemological, rather than political, or merely political, communitarian, describes himself as espousing. Proceeding by way of a detailed discussion of Philip Selznick’s definitive ‘Social Justice: a Communitarian Perspective’-- in which he seeks ‘to reaffirm, and to clarify if I can, the communitarian commitment to social justice’ -- I show that rooted in the particular as communitarianism is, it cannot but reflect the values, beliefs and (...)
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  29. What is Wrong with Eliminating Genetically Based Disability?B. Brecher - 2011 - Public Health Ethics 4 (3):218-225.
    An argument often made against the genetic elimination of disability is that to prevent people with a particular genetic make-up being born is to disvalue, or even threaten, those people who actually have it. The thought is that the view that the world would be a better place without, say, Huntingdon’s Chorea, must imply that the world would be a better place without those people who currently have it. In opposition to this objection to the elimination of genetically based conditions, (...)
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  30. Torture: a touchstone for global social justice.Bob Brecher - 2011 - In Widdows N. Smith & H. (ed.), Global Social Justice. Routledge. pp. 90-101.
    This chapter considers the wider significance of torture, addressing the manner in which it represents a touchstone for any universalistic morality, and arguing that it offers a means of refuting any moral relativism, something that ties in closely with my long-term theoretical work in metaethics (eg Getting What You Want? A Critique of Liberal Morality (Routledge: London and New York, 1998; and ongoing work around the ultimate justification of morality). Since torture consists in the erasure of a person on the (...)
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    Buying human kidneys: autonomy, commodity and power.B. Brecher - 1991 - Journal of Medical Ethics 17 (2):99-99.
    Buttle's reply to my objections to buying kidneys is helpful but unconvincing in two respects. Doing something freely leaves quite open the possibility that one is thereby making a commodity of a person; and the effects of institutionalising such a practice is itself a matter for concern. And while his emphasis on 'power' is important, the concept is hardly less problematic than 'commodification'.
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    Discourses and Practices of Terrorism: Interrogating Terror.Bob Brecher, Mark Devenney & Aaron Winter (eds.) - 2010 - Routledge.
    Arising out of one of the annual conferences I organise as Director of the University’s Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics (see -- ‘Interrogating Terror’ – and from my work on the editorial board of Critical Studies on Terrorism, this collection is published in the Routledge Critical Terrorism Studies series and brings together theoretical and empirical material to challenge the notion that ‘terrorism’ and/or ‘terror’ are transparent, given or limited to non-state agents. Instead, it seeks to expose the (...)
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  33. The politics of professional ethics.Bob Brecher - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (2):351-355.
    In order to illustrate how terms of reference themselves, such as those announced by ‘professional ethics’, delimit and distort moral consideration I start with an extended discussion of how Just War Theory operates to do this; and go on to discuss ‘the power of naming’ with reference to the British attack on Iraq. Having thus situated my approach to the politics of professional ethics in a broader political context I offer a critique of ‘professional’ ethics in terms of what is (...)
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  34.  22
    Getting what you want?: a critique of liberal morality.Robert Brecher - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    Bob Brecher claims that it is wrong to think that morality is simply rooted in what people want. Brecher explains that in our consumerist society, we make the assumption that getting "what people want" is our natural goal, and that this goal is usually a good one. We see that whether it is a matter of pornography or getting married--if people want it, then that's that. But is this really a good thing? Getting What You Want offers a (...)
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  35. Descartes' causal argument for the existence of God.Bob Brecher - 1976 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 7 (3):418 - 432.
  36.  51
    Moral Obligation and Everyday Advice.Bob Brecher - 2005 - South African Journal of Philosophy 24 (2):109-120.
    A major obstacle in the way of any rationalistic understanding of morality is that the moral ‘ought' obliges action: and on the (neo-)Humean view, action is thought to require affect. If, however, one could show that “ordinary” practical reasons are by themselves action-guiding, then moral reasons – a particular sort of practical reasons – also have no need of desire to “move” us to act. So how does the practical ‘ought' work? To answer that, we need to ask what exactly (...)
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    Practical Reasoning: A Guide for the Perplexed: Katrien Schaubroeck: The Normativity of What We Care About: A Love-based Theory of Practical Reasons. Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2013, 207 pp.Bob Brecher - 2014 - Res Publica 20 (3):323-326.
    Despite its title, this is an extremely useful book: the first four of its five chapters expound the standard range of theories of practical reasoning more clearly and accurately than one might have thought possible. A measure of Schaubroeck’s authoritative handling of her material is her ability to navigate the peaks, troughs and crevasses of the myriad variations of ‘internalism’ and ‘externalism’ without inducing either vertigo or fury. Thus she patiently guides the reader through the stupefying obstacles along the route (...)
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  38. Why torture is wrong.Bob Brecher - 2012 - In Brecher Bob (ed.), Contemporary Debates on Terrorism. Routledge. pp. 159-165.
    Even people who think torture is justified in certain circumstances regard it - to say the least - as undesirable, however necessary they think it is. So I approach the issue by analysing the extreme case where people such as Dershowitz, Posner and Walzer think torture is justified, the so-called ticking bomb scenario. And since the justification offered is always consequentialist - no one thinks that torture is in any way “good in itself” – I confine myself to consequentialist arguments. (...)
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  39. Understanding the holocaust-The uniqueness debate.Bob Brecher - 1999 - Radical Philosophy 96:17-28.
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  40. The politics of medical and health ethics: Collapsing goods and the moral climate. [REVIEW]Bob Brecher - 2006 - Journal of Value Inquiry 40 (2-3):359-370.
    In responding to Thomas Magnell's notion of 'collapsing goods', I draw attention to how medical and health ethics practices are not innocent, but political; and to suggest something about their relation to the moral climate. More specifically, I show that to take them as innocent, or as politically neutral, is not only a misunderstanding, but one that is likely to impact on the moral climate as well as being already a reflection of it. Ethics, and the various practices and understandings (...)
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    Gremlins and Parodies.Robert Brecher - 1982 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 29:48-54.
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    Knowledge, belief, and the sophisticated theodicist.Robert Brecher - 1976 - Heythrop Journal 17 (2):178–183.
  43. Maureen Ramsay, What's Wrong with Liberalism?B. Brecher - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  44. Narratives of Power: Demagogues, Politics and Morality at the Start of the 21st Century.Bob Brecher & Vicente Ordóñez - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (42).
    One way of characterising the present political conjuncture - worldwide, not just in Europe and North America - is to point to the rise to power of politicians best described as demagogues. Trump, Duterte, Putin, Modi, as well as the leaders of Europe's neo-fascist racists have in common not just certain policies and attitudes, but, significantly, a political style: that of the demagogue. Thinking through that term, ‘demagogue', is instructive in helping us to understand this phenomenon, no less historically than (...)
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  45. Ted Benton, Natural Relations: Ecology, Animal Rights and Social Justice.B. Brecher - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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    The Great Debate on Miracles.Robert Brecher - 1984 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 30:262-266.
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  47.  43
    The Roman law of obligations - McGinn obligations in Roman law. Past, present, and future. Pp. VIII + 367. Ann Arbor: The university of michigan press, 2012. Cased, us$75. Isbn: 978-0-472-11843-4. [REVIEW]Adelyn L. M. Wilson - 2014 - The Classical Review 64 (1):254-255.
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  48. Pornography: men possessing women. A reassessment.Bob Brecher - 2015 - In Brecher Bob (ed.), eds H Marway and H Widdows, Women and Violence: the Agency of Victims and Perpetrators. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 145-161.
    For a few years in the 1980s, Andrea Dworkin’s Pornography: Men Possessing Women appeared to have changed the intellectual landscape – as well as some people’s lives. Pornography, she argued, not only constitutes violence against women; it constitutes also the main conduit for such violence, of which rape is at once the prime example and the central image. In short, it is patriarchy’s most powerful weapon. Given that, feminists’ single most important task is to deal with pornography. By the early (...)
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  49. Academic freedom.Bob Brecher - 2013 - International Encyclopaedia of Ethics.
  50. Interrogation, intelligence and ill-treatment: lessons from Northern Ireland, 1971-72.Bob Brecher & B. Stuart S. Newbery, P. Sands - 2009 - Intelligence and National Security 24 (5):631-643.
    In 2008, Samantha Newbery, then a PhD student, discovered a hitherto confidential document: ‘Confidential: UK Eyes Only. Annex A: Intelligence gained from interrogations in Northern Ireland’ (DEFE 13/958, The National Archives (TNA)). It details the British Army’s notorious interrogations of IRA suspects that led to the eventual banning of the ‘five techniques’ that violated the UK’s international treaty obligation prohibiting the use of torture and ‘inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment’. Having decided that the document – Intelligence gained from should (...)
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