Results for 'Achim Klenke'

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  1. Objectivist conditions for defeat and evolutionary debunking arguments.Michael Klenk - 2019 - Ratio 32 (4):246-259.
    I make a case for distinguishing clearly between subjective and objective accounts of undercutting defeat and for rejecting a hybrid view that takes both subjective and objective elements to be relevant for whether or not a belief is defeated. Moderate subjectivists claim that taking a belief to be defeated is sufficient for the belief to be defeated; subjectivist idealists add that if an idealised agent takes a belief to be defeated then the belief is defeated. Subjectivist idealism evades some of (...)
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  2. Emotions beyond brain and body.Achim Stephan, Sven Walter & Wendy Wilutzky - 2014 - Philosophical Psychology 27 (1):1-17.
    The emerging consensus in the philosophy of cognition is that cognition is situated, i.e., dependent upon or co-constituted by the body, the environment, and/or the embodied interaction with it. But what about emotions? If the brain alone cannot do much thinking, can the brain alone do some emoting? If not, what else is needed? Do (some) emotions (sometimes) cross an individual's boundary? If so, what kinds of supra-individual systems can be bearers of affective states, and why? And does that make (...)
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    Survival of Defeat - Evolution, Moral Objectivity, and Undercutting.Michael Klenk - 2018 - Dissertation, Utrecht University
    Evidence from biology and psychology suggests that our moral views depend on our evolutionary history. For example, if we humans would have evolved to live like hive bees, we would probably think very differently about moral questions such as whether we have a duty to care for our children. The findings from biology and psychology threaten to ‘debunk’ the justification of judgements about objective moral truths. Objective moral truths are always the same and they do not vary with our contingent (...)
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    Die Nachsichtigkeitskonzeption der Toleranz Eine Replik auf Peter Königs.Achim Lohmar - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 69 (1):61-72.
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    Reviewed Work(s): Graph structure and monadic second-order logic. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications, vol. 138 by Bruno Courcelle; Joost Engelfriet.Achim Blumensath - forthcoming - Association for Symbolic Logic: The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.
    Review by: Achim Blumensath The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, Volume 19, Issue 3, Page 394-396, September 2013.
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    Charting Moral Psychology’s Significance for Bioethics: Routes to Bioethical Progress, its Limits, and Lessons from Moral Philosophy.Michael Klenk - 2020 - Diametros 17 (64):36-55.
    Empirical moral psychology is sometimes dismissed as normatively insignificant because it plays no decisive role in settling ethical disputes. But that conclusion, even if it is valid for normative ethics, does not extend to bioethics. First, in contrast to normative ethics, bioethics can legitimately proceed from a presupposed moral framework. Within that framework, moral psychology can be shown to play four significant roles: it can improve bioethicists’ understanding of the decision situation, the origin and legitimacy of their moral concepts, efficient (...)
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  7. Language and German Idealism, Fichte's Linguistic Philosophy, by Jere Paul Surber.Achim Köddermann - 1994 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 9:361.
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  8. Empire on the Brink: From the Demise of the Han Dynasty to the Fall of the Liang Dynasty. Notes on Chinese Historiography in the Wei-Jin-Nanbeichao Period.Achim Mittag & Min & Ye - 2008 - In Fritz-Heiner Mutschler & Achim Mittag (eds.), Conceiving the Empire: China and Rome Compared. Oxford University Press.
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    Emergenz: von der Unvorhersagbarkeit zur Selbstorganisation.Achim Stephan - 1999 - Dresden: Dresden University Press.
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  10. Third factor explanations and disagreement in metaethics.Michael Klenk - 2020 - Synthese 197 (1):427-446.
    Several moral objectivists try to explain the reliability of moral beliefs by appealing to a third factor, a substantive moral claim that explains, first, why we have the moral beliefs that we have and, second, why these beliefs are true. Folke Tersman has recently suggested that moral disagreement constrains the epistemic legitimacy of third-factor explanations. Apart from constraining third-factor explanations, Tersman’s challenge could support the view that the epistemic significance of debunking explanations depends on the epistemic significance of disagreement. This (...)
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    Emotions, Existential Feelings, and Their Regulation.Achim Stephan - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (2):157-162.
    This article focuses on existential feelings. To begin with, it depicts how they differ from other affective phenomena and what type of intentionality they manifest. Furthermore, a detailed analysis shows that existential feelings can be subdivided, first, into elementary and nonelementary varieties, and second, into three foci of primary relatedness: oneself, the social environment, and the world as such. Eventually, five strategies of emotion regulation are examined with respect to their applicability to existential feelings. In the case of harmful existential (...)
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  12. The dual role of 'emergence' in the philosophy of mind and in cognitive science.Achim Stephan - 2006 - Synthese 151 (3):485-498.
    The concept of emergence is widely used in both the philosophy of mind and in cognitive science. In the philosophy of mind it serves to refer to seemingly irreducible phenomena, in cognitive science it is often used to refer to phenomena not explicitly programmed. There is no unique concept of emergence available that serves both purposes.
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    Liberty, Manipulation, and Algorithmic Transparency: Reply to Franke.Michael Klenk - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (2):1-8.
    Franke, in Philosophy & Technology, 37(1), 1–6, (2024), connects the recent debate about manipulative algorithmic transparency with the concerns about problematic pursuits of positive liberty. I argue that the indifference view of manipulative transparency is not aligned with positive liberty, contrary to Franke’s claim, and even if it is, it is not aligned with the risk that many have attributed to pursuits of positive liberty. Moreover, I suggest that Franke’s worry may generalise beyond the manipulative transparency debate to AI ethics (...)
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  14. Evolution and Moral Disagreement.Michael Klenk - 2018 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 14 (2).
    Several philosophers have recently argued that evolutionary considerations undermine the justification of all objectivist moral beliefs by implying a hypothetical disagreement: had our evolutionary history been different, our moral beliefs would conflict with the moral beliefs of our counterfactual selves. This paper aims at showing that evolutionary considerations do not imply epistemically relevant moral disagreement. In nearby scenarios, evolutionary considerations imply tremendous moral agreement. In remote scenarios, evolutionary considerations do not entail relevant disagreement with our epistemic peers, neither on a (...)
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  15. Moods in Layers.Achim Stephan - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1481-1495.
    The goal of this paper is to examine moods, mostly in comparison to emotions. Nearly all of the features that allegedly distinguish moods from emotions are disputed though. In a first section I comment on duration, intentionality, and cause in more detail, and develop intentionality as the most promising distinguishing characteristic. In a second section I will consider the huge variety of moods, ranging from shallow environmentally triggered transient moods to deep existential moods that last much longer. I will explore (...)
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    Ein hässliches Gefühl?Achim Geisenhanslüke - 2020 - Psyche 74 (9-10):687-711.
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    Carving an Origin for Mexico's Ancient Cultures: Jade Artifacts and the Question of their Provenance in 19th-Century Science.Miruna Achim - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (3):477-497.
    In the second half of the 19th century, pre-Hispanic jade artifacts from Mexico—especially jade celts and votive axes—stood at the center of scholarly debates on the origins of American civilizations. The contradiction between the prevalence of carved jades, on the one hand, and the apparent absence of jade mineral deposits in the Americas, on the other, resuscitated centuries-old theories that placed the beginnings of pre-Hispanic civilizations in China. The increasing availability of Chinese and Mexican jades in the same spaces of (...)
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    Exploiting persistent mappings in cross-domain analogical learning of physical domains.Matthew Klenk & Ken Forbus - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 195 (C):398-417.
  19. Cit de veche este le noi “problema” tiganilor (romiloi-)?V. Achim - 1999 - Dilema 314:12 - l8.
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    Dicționar de estetică generală.Ionel Achim (ed.) - 1972 - [București],: Editura politică.
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    Zum Einfluss der Hochleistungssport-Karriere auf die Berufskarriere – Chancen und Risiken / The Influence of a High-Performance Career on the Occupational Career – Chances and Risks.Achim Conzelmann & Siegfried Nagel - 2006 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 3 (3):237-261.
    Zusammenfassung Eine Karriere im Hochleistungssport ist mit hohen zeitlichen Belastungen verbunden. Da die Spitzensport- Karriere lebenszeitlich beschränkt ist und in der Regel in der vierten Lebensdekade beendet wird, stellt sich die Frage nach den Auswirkungen eines Engagements im Hochleistungssport auf die Berufskarriere. Hierzu wurden im Rahmen einer quantitativ orientierten Kohortenanalyse ehemalige Spitzensportler zu ihrem beruflichen Werdegang und möglichen Einflussfaktoren des Hochleistungssports retrospektiv befragt. Die Befunde der beiden Teiluntersuchungen zeigen, dass die hohen zeitlichen Anforderungen des Spitzensports den beruflichen Werdegang nur zum (...)
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    Nähe und Distanz im Zeremoniell – eine Frage des Vertrauens?Achim Thomas Hack - 2005 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 39 (1):431-479.
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    Pius II. und der Empfang des heiligen Andreas 1462 in Rom.Achim Thomas Hack - 2015 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 48 (1).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Jahrgang: 48 Heft: 1 Seiten: 325-388.
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    Wittgenstein's philosophy of mathematics.Virginia H. Klenk - 1976 - The Hague: M. Nijhoff.
    Wittgenstein's remarks on mathematics have not received the recogni tion they deserve; they have for the most part been either ignored, or dismissed as unworthy of the author of the Tractatus and the I nvestiga tions. This is unfortunate, I believe, and not at all fair, for these remarks are not only enjoyable reading, as even the harshest critics have con ceded, but also a rich and genuine source of insight into the nature of mathematics. It is perhaps the fact (...)
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  25. An introduction to bioethics.Udo Schüklenk - 2001 - In Carnita Ernest & Udo Schüklenk (eds.), Principled choices: medical ethics in South Africa. Johannesburg, South Africa: Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation.
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  26. part 5. Bioethics and health justice. Research ethics.Udo Schüklenk & Ricardo Smalling - 2014 - In Darrel Moellendorf & Heather Widdows (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Global Ethics. London: Routledge.
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    Naturalisierung, Reduktion und reduktive Erklärung.Achim Stephan - 2000 - Facta Philosophica 2 (2):237-248.
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    Literatur und Aussagen über Allgemeines.Achim Vesper - 2014 - In Ingrid Vendrell Ferran & Christoph Demmerling (eds.), Wahrheit, Wissen und Erkenntnis in der Literatur. Philosophische Beiträge. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 181-196.
    Nach einer weit verbreiteten Überzeugung beruht der Wert von fiktionaler Literatur wenigstens zum Teil darauf, dass Leser durch sie zu Wissen gelangen. Warum aber kommt fiktionale Literatur für den Erwerb von Wissen in Frage? Einige Autoren verweisen darauf, dass Literatur zwar kein propositionales Wissen im Sinne des Überzeugungswissens, aber ein nicht-propositionales Wissen im Sinne des Wissens von subjektiven Perspektiven oder von Fertigkeiten vermittelt. Der Beitrag argumentiert dafür, dass sich zusätzlich zu nicht-propositionalem Wissen auch propositionales Wissen durch Literatur erwerben lässt. Leser (...)
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    Sulzer über die schönen Künste und das Gute.Achim Vesper - 2011 - In Frank Grunert & Gideon Stiening (eds.), Johann Georg Sulzer (1720-1779): Aufklärung zwischen Christian Wolff und David Hume. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. pp. 169-190.
  30. Can Machines Think? An Old Question Reformulated.Achim Hoffmann - 2010 - Minds and Machines 20 (2):203-212.
    This paper revisits the often debated question Can machines think? It is argued that the usual identification of machines with the notion of algorithm has been both counter-intuitive and counter-productive. This is based on the fact that the notion of algorithm just requires an algorithm to contain a finite but arbitrary number of rules. It is argued that intuitively people tend to think of an algorithm to have a rather limited number of rules. The paper will further propose a modification (...)
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  31. Are animals capable of concepts?Achim Stephan - 1999 - Erkenntnis 51 (1):583-596.
    Often, the behavior of animals can be better explained and predicted, it seems, if we ascribe the capacity to have beliefs, intentions, and concepts to them. Whether we really can do so, however, is a debated issue. Particularly, Donald Davidson maintains that there is no basis in fact for ascribing propositional attitudes or concepts to animals. I will consider his and rival views, such as Colin Allen's three-part approach, for determining whether animals possess concepts. To avoid pure theoretical debate, however, (...)
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    Peinliche Träume.Achim Geisenhanslüke - 2018 - Psyche 72 (12):1043-1065.
    Der Beitrag geht im Anschluss an die Arbeiten Léon Wurmsers der Bedeutung des Schamaffekts in Freuds Schriften nach. Auf der einen Seite versucht er zu entwickeln, dass die Scham unter dem übergreifenden Titel der Peinlichkeit bereits in den frühen Schriften Freuds eine zentrale Rolle spielt: Peinlichkeit benennt vor diesem Hintergrund alle Unlustgefühle, die das eigene Selbst betreffen. Auf der anderen Seite stellt die Konfrontation mit peinlichen Erlebnissen und Erfahrungen für die Psychoanalyse eine Herausforderung dar, die sich auch in Freuds eigenen (...)
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    Attitudes Towards the Donation of Human Embryos for Stem Cell Research Among Chinese IVF Patients and Students.Achim Rosemann & Huiyu Luo - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (3):441-457.
    Bioethical debates on the use of human embryos and oocytes for stem cell research have often been criticized for the lack of empirical insights into the perceptions and experiences of the women and couples who are asked to donate these tissues in the IVF clinic. Empirical studies that have investigated the attitudes of IVF patients and citizens on the donation of their embryos and oocytes have been scarce and have focused predominantly on the situation in Europe and Australia. This article (...)
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  34. Heritable Genome Editing in a Global Context: National and International Policy Challenges.Achim Rosemann, Adam Balen, Brigitte Nerlich, Christine Hauskeller, Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner, Sarah Hartley, Xinqing Zhang & Nick Lee - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (3):30-42.
    A central problem for the international governance of heritable germline gene editing is that there are important differences in attitudes and values as well as ethical and health care considerations around the world. These differences are reflected in a complicated and diverse regulatory landscape. Several publications have discussed whether reproductive uses would be legally permissible in individual countries and whether clinical applications could emerge in the context of regulatory gaps and gray areas. Systematic comparative studies that explore issues related to (...)
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    Was ist eigentlich Toleranz?Achim Lohmar - 2010 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 64 (1):8-32.
    Während es im moralisch-politischen Diskurs geradezu unkontrovers ist, dass Toleranz eine eminent wichtige Rolle für ein friedliches Zusammenleben von Menschen in pluralistischen Gesellschaften spielt, ist es alles andere als klar, was Toleranz überhaupt ist. Insbesondere die häufig anzutreffende Auffassung, dass es ‚Paradoxien‘ der Toleranz gäbe, sowie die in der Literatur immer von Neuem auftauchende Vexierfrage, ob Toleranz auch den Feinden der Toleranz gelten kann oder muss, sind deutliche Anzeichen dafür, dass es kein stabiles Verständnis der Natur dieser Einstellung gibt. Das (...)
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    Analogical model formulation for transfer learning in AP Physics.Matthew Klenk & Ken Forbus - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (18):1615-1638.
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    Pragmatism and Moral Objectivity.Michael Klenk - 2021 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 13 (2).
    Most non-robust-realist metaethical theories, such as expressivism, constructivism, and non-robust forms of realism, claim to retain a sense of objectivity in ethics. A persistent issue for these theories is to identify an objective criterion for moral truth that meets their objectivist aspiration. Objectivist aspirations are often probed by confronting non-realists with abject normative positions, such as those of rational racists, which are licensed by the framework of the respective non-realist theory but nevertheless strike us a wrong. In such cases, non-realist (...)
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    A Taxonomy of Environmentally Scaffolded Affectivity.Sabrina Coninx & Achim Stephan - 2021 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 54 (1):38-64.
    In this paper, we argue that the concept of environmental scaffolding can contribute to a better understanding of our affective life and the complex manners in which it is shaped by environmental entities. In particular, the concept of environmental scaffolding offers a more comprehensive and less controversial framework than the notions of embeddedness and extendedness. We contribute to the literature on situated affectivity by embracing and systematizing the diversity of affective scaffolding. In doing so, we introduce several distinctions that provide (...)
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    Locality and modular Ehrenfeucht–Fraïssé games.Achim Blumensath - 2012 - Journal of Applied Logic 10 (1):144-162.
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    Simple monadic theories and indiscernibles.Achim Blumensath - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (1):65-86.
    Aiming for applications in monadic second-order model theory, we study first-order theories without definable pairing functions. Our main results concern forking-properties of sequences of indiscernibles. These turn out to be very well-behaved for the theories under consideration.
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    Culturally meaningful networks: on the transition from military to civilian life in the United Kingdom.Achim Edelmann - 2018 - Theory and Society 47 (3):327-380.
    This article introduces the Culturally Meaningful Networks (CMN) approach. Following a pragmatist perspective of social mechanisms more broadly, it develops and demonstrates an approach to understanding networks that incorporates both structure and meaning and that leverages time to understand how these aspects influence each other. I apply this approach to investigate a longstanding puzzle about why some of those who leave military service for civilian life fare well, and others badly. In a mixed-methods analysis, I follow a sample of individuals (...)
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    Journeys end in lovers’ meeting.Achim Geisenhanslüke - 2024 - Psyche 78 (9-10):904-935.
    Der Beitrag widmet sich der Bedeutung der Objektwahl in der Literatur. Ausgehend von antiken Bestimmungen der Funktion des Eros bei Hesiod und Platon wendet sich der Aufsatz Freuds Begriff der »Objektwahl« zu, um auf dieser Grundlage drei literarische Texte unterschiedlicher Epochen in den Blick zu nehmen. Shakespeares Komödie »A midsummer night’s dream« liest der Autor als Ausdruck einer verunsichernden Erfahrung von Kontingenz, die das Thema der Liebe zugleich in eine Spannung von Tragödie und Komödie verortet. Goethes Gedicht »Willkommen und Abschied« (...)
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    Empire and humankind: Historical universalism in ancient china and Rome.Achim Mittag & Fritz-Heiner Mutschler - 2010 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 37 (4):527-555.
  44. Bioethics: an anthology.Udo Schüklenk & Peter Singer (eds.) - 2021 - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
    The second edition sold a total of 19k copies since release in 2006, with strong sales (at least 1300 ) every year since release. The third edition has sold 6k copies since coming to market in December 2015. Solid 5-star reviews on Amazon, and #1 result when searching for 'Bioethics'. Will includes several new additions, including important historical readings and new contemporary material published since release of last edition in 2015.
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    Detecting geometric infeasibility.Achim Schweikard & Fabian Schwarzer - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 105 (1-2):139-159.
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    How Willing Are You to Accept Sexual Requests from Slightly Unattractive to Exceptionally Attractive Imagined Requestors?Achim Schützwohl, Amrei Fuchs, William F. McKibbin & Todd K. Shackelford - 2009 - Human Nature 20 (3):282-293.
    In their classic study of differences in mating strategies, Clark and Hatfield (1989, Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, 2, 39–54) found that men and women demonstrated a striking difference in interest in casual sex. The current study examined the role of an imagined requestor’s physical attractiveness (slightly unattractive, moderately attractive, and exceptionally attractive) on men’s and women’s willingness to accept three different requests (go out, come to apartment, go to bed) as reflected in answers to a questionnaire. We tested (...)
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  47. Affektive Intentionalität: Beiträge zur welterschließenden Funktion der menschlichen Gefühle.Achim Stephan, Jan Slaby, Henrik Walter & Sven Walter (eds.) - 2011 - Paderborn, Deutschland:
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    John Stuart Mills doppelte Vaterschaft für den Britischen Emergentismus.Achim Stephan - 1996 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 78 (3):277-308.
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  49. Asthetik als Prufstein. John Deweys Naturalisierung der asthetischen Erfahrung.Achim Vesper - 2005 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 112 (1):74.
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    Kant über Einbildungskraft und schöne Kunst.Achim Vesper - 2019 - In Rudolf Meer, Giuseppe Motta & Gideon Stiening (eds.), Konzepte der Einbildungskraft in der Philosophie, den Wissenschaften und den Künsten des 18. Jahrhunderts. De Gruyter. pp. 435-452.
    Ein Gemeinplatz der modernen Ästhetik besteht darin, dass sich die Produktivität des Künstlers einem entfesselten Gebrauch seiner Einbildungskraft verdankt. Nach dieser Vorstellung kann der Künstler neue Werke hervorbringen, weil er sich der assoziativen Kraft seiner Einbildungskraft überlässt. Als eine historische Quelle für die Auffassung, dass der Künstler in der Verwendung seiner Einbildungskraft von zwingenden Regeln frei ist, wird dabei oft Kants Genietheorie des Künstlers angesehen. Kant wird damit als Opponent der Regelpoetik Gottscheds und Vorbereiter der Genieauffassung der Romantik wahrgenommen. Tatsächlich (...)
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