Results for 'Aase Stabell'

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  1.  90
    Patients' Dignity in a Rehabilitation Ward: ethical challenges for nursing staff.Aase Stabell & Dagfinn Nåden - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (3):236-248.
    The purpose of this study was to explore the challenges met by nursing staff in a rehabilitation ward. The overall design was qualitative: data were derived from focus interviews with groups of nurses and analyzed from a phenomenological-hermeneutic perspective. The main finding was that challenges emerge on two levels of ethics and rationality: an economic/administrative level and a level of care. An increase in work-load and the changing potential for patient rehabilitation influence the care that nurses can provide in rehabilitating (...)
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  2. "If you cannot tolerate that risk, you should never become a physician": a qualitative study about existential experiences among physicians.M. Aase, J. E. Nordrehaug & K. Malterud - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (11):767-771.
    Background and objectives: Physicians are exposed to matters of existential character at work, but little is known about the personal impact of such issues. Methods: To explore how physicians experience and cope with existential aspects of their clinical work and how such experiences affect their professional identities, a qualitative study using individual semistructured interviews has analysed accounts of their experiences related to coping with such challenges. Analysis was by systematic text condensation. The purposeful sample comprised 10 physicians (including three women), (...)
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  3. Voltooid verleden, onvoltooide geschiedenis: een essay over geschiedenis en identiteit.Peter Stabel & Jeroen Puttevils - 2023 - Brussel: Academic & Scientific publishers.
    Het begrip 'identiteit' beroert, verbindt en verdeelt. Het gaat dan om hoe de eigen natie een bepaalde identiteit uitdraagt, hoe leden van die natie daaraan moeten conformeren, om genderidentiteit, om uiterlijke kenmerken van mensen. Die laatste twee worden soms samengebracht onder de noemer 'woke', als verzet tegen discriminatie op basis van gender, beperking of ras. Wetenschappers bestuderen deze fenomenen als nooit tevoren. Populaire politici en opiniemakers schrijven er boekjes over. Maar wat betekent identiteit nu echt en wat doet identiteit met (...)
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  4. Arguments from Need in Natural Resource Debates.Espen Dyrnes Stabell - 2023 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 26 (1):19-33.
    With regard to any natural resource, we can ask whether we should obtain (more of) it. For instance, we may ask whether we, as a society, should seek to obtain more minerals, or more oil. Furthermo...
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    Det andre spillet.Øyvind Aase - 2005 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 17 (31).
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    Filosof på rødt lys: om tenkeren og fotgjengeren Arild Haaland som intellektuell avviker.Øyvind Aase - 2017 - Bergen: Bodoni Forlag.
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    Language Lateralization and Auditory Attention Impairment in Young Adults at Ultra-High Risk for Psychosis: A Dichotic Listening Study.Ingvild Aase, Kristiina Kompus, Jens Gisselgård, Inge Joa, Jan O. Johannessen & Kolbjørn Brønnick - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  8. Existence Value, Preference Satisfaction, and the Ethics of Species Extinction.Espen Dyrnes Stabell - 2019 - Environmental Ethics 41 (2):165-180.
    Existence value refers to the value humans ascribe to the existence of something, regard­less of whether it is or will be of any particular use to them. This existence value based on preference satisfaction should be taken into account in evaluating activities that come with a risk of species extinction. There are two main objections. The first is that on the preference satisfaction interpretation, the concept lacks moral importance because satisfying people’s preferences may involve no good or well-being for them. (...)
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  9. Hard Environmental Choices: Comparability, Justification and the Argument from Moral Identity.Espen Dyrnes Stabell - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (1):111-130.
    In decision-making based on multiple criteria, situations may arise where agents find their options to be neither better than, worse than nor equal to each other with respect to the relevant criteria. How, if at all, can a justified choice be made between such options? Are the options incomparable? This article explores a hypothetical case that illustrates how such a situation can arise in an environmental context; more specifically, it considers the deliberations of an imagined ‘ethics committee’ as it struggles (...)
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  10. Precaution and Fairness: A Framework for Distributing Costs of Protection from Environmental Risks.Espen Dyrnes Stabell & Daniel Steel - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (1):55-71.
    While there is an extensive literature on how the precautionary principle should be interpreted and when precautions should be taken, relatively little discussion exists about the fair distribution of costs of taking precautions. We address this issue by proposing a general framework for deciding how costs of precautions should be shared, which consists of a series of default principles that are triggered according to desert, rights, and ability to pay. The framework is developed with close attention to the pragmatics of (...)
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  11. Why Environmental Philosophers Should Be "Buck-Passers" about Value.Espen Dyrnes Stabell - 2021 - Environmental Ethics 43 (4):339-354.
    The value of nature has been extensively debated in environmental ethics. There has been less discussion, however, about how one should understand the relation between this value and normativity, or reasons: if something in nature is seen as valuable, how should we understand the relation between this fact and claims about reasons to, for example, protect it or promote its existence? The “commonsense” view is that value gives rise to reasons. The buck-passing account of value, on the other hand, implies (...)
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  12.  36
    Constraints on the Precautionary Principle and the Problem of Uncertainty.Espen D. Stabell - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (3):56-57.
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    Eric Katz on ”De-Extinction”: Ontology, Value and Normativity.Ronald Sandler, Espen Dyrnes Stabell, Ryan Baylon, Cora Lundgren, Philine Weisbeek, Benjamin Yelle & Markus Zaba - 2022 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 25 (2):104-108.
    Eric Katz (1992) influentially argued that ecological restoration involves the ‘big lie’ that a successful restoration re-establishes or re-creates all of what was lost through human degradation, a...
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    An Excusability Principle for Firms Under the Market Failures Approach.Espen Stabell - 2024 - Business Ethics Journal Review 11 (4):22-28.
    Endörfer and Larue (2022) argue that Joseph Heath’s Market Failures Approach to business ethics (MFA) implies a demandingness dilemma: under conditions of imperfect competition, they argue, the MFA is either too demanding, if requiring that firms should seek to generate Pareto efficiency or “social optima”, or not demanding enough, if it gives up on social optima and focus instead on incremental Pareto improvements. I argue the MFA can be combined with an excusability principle to overcome the problem of over-demandingness. Since (...)
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  15.  21
    Økoargumentet for sivil ulydighet – en kritikk.Espen Dyrnes Stabell - 2023 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 58 (1):70-75.
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    Fostering hope and resilience amidst intractable ethical dilemmas brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.Allen Alvarez, Espen Dyrnes Stabell, Gitte Koksvik & May Thorseth - 2021 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2:1-4.
    This special issue of Etikk i Praksis – Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics features four articles that address a number of urgent ethical issues that arise in the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    What our hopes and fears tell us about our values.Allen Alvarez, Espen Dyrnes Stabell & May Thorseth - forthcoming - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics.
    This open issue of the Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics consists of four papers that discuss topics covering fetal diagnostics ethics, value conflicts in the use of artificial intelligence, abortion and population ethics.
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    Parental perceptions of learning loss during covid-19 school closures in 2020.Charlotte Booth, Aase Villadsen, Alissa Goodman & Emla Fitzsimons - 2021 - British Journal of Educational Studies 69 (6):657-673.
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    New directions in Thomas Paine studies.Scott Cleary & Ivy Linton Stabell (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book propels the study of American revolutionary and radical Thomas Paine into the twenty-first century by engaging an interdisciplinary and international group of scholars in an exploration of Paine's role in politics, literature, and the invention of the global.
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  20.  24
    Health care policy at a crossroads? A discursive study of patient agency in national health quality strategies between 1993 and 2015.Inger Lassen, Aase M. Ottesen & Jeanne Strunck - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (4):e12252.
    The Danish health care sector currently undergoes changes that imply a gradual transition from an evidence‐based activity model to a value‐based quality model centered on patient involvement and value‐based governance. The patient naturally occupies a central position in health care, and the transition therefore raises important questions about health care quality and how successive national health quality strategies value quality and ascribe roles and agency to patients. To explore the complexity of these quality strategies, we analyze and discuss how political (...)
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  21.  4
    Stretching oneself too thin and facing ethical challenges: Healthcare professionals’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.Margrethe Aase Schaufel, Elisabeth Schanche, Kristine Husøy Onarheim, Ingeborg Forthun, Karl Ove Hufthammer, Inger Elise Engelund & Ingrid Miljeteig - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (8):1630-1645.
    Backgrounds Most countries are facing increased pressure on healthcare resources. A better understanding of how healthcare providers respond to new demands is relevant for future pandemics and other crises. Objectives This study aimed to explore what nurses and doctors in Norway reported as their main ethical challenges during two periods of the COVID-19 pandemic: February 2021 and February 2022. Research design A longitudinal repeated cross-sectional study was conducted in the Western health region of Norway. The survey included an open-ended question (...)
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  22.  40
    (1 other version)Introduction.Espen Dyrnes Stabell, May Thorseth, Allen Alvarez & Siri Granum Carson - 2014 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2:1-4.
    _Taking issue with sustainable governance involves careful consideration of social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainability, and the interplay of those dimensions in political processes and decision-making. The current issue of Etikk i Praksis contributes to this task by offering analysis of central concepts in the discourse of sustainability, as well as examinations of political and moral issues raised by pressing environmental challenges such as climate change._.
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    Der Begriff der Gleichzeitigkeit bei Kant und Einstein.Jürgen Stabel - 2012 - Kant Studien 103 (1):47-69.
  24.  17
    The dynamic developmental theory of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Present status and future perspectives.H. Aase T. Sagvolden - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (3).
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    Emergency, Values and Evidence.Allen Alvarez, Espen Dyrnes Stabell & May Thorseth - 2020 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1:1-6.
    This open issue of the Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics consists of four papers that discuss the topics covering vaccination, sustainability, development ethics research and family ethics. It also includes a book review.
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    Freedom to avoid harm.Allen Alvarez, Espen Dyrnes Stabell & May Thorseth - 2022 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1:1-3.
    The editorial introduces original articles, a commentary and book review.
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    Moral Uncertainty. W. MacAskill, K. Bykvist, and T. Ord, 2020 Oxford, Oxford University Press. [REVIEW]Espen D. Stabell - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 38 (3):541-543.
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    A dynamic developmental theory of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) predominantly hyperactive/impulsive and combined subtypes.Terje Sagvolden, Espen Borgå Johansen, Heidi Aase & Vivienne Ann Russell - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (3):397-419.
    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is currently defined as a cognitive/behavioral developmental disorder where all clinical criteria are behavioral. Inattentiveness, overactivity, and impulsiveness are presently regarded as the main clinical symptoms. The dynamic developmental behavioral theory is based on the hypothesis that altered dopaminergic function plays a pivotal role by failing to modulate nondopaminergic (primarily glutamate and GABA) signal transmission appropriately. A hypofunctioning mesolimbic dopamine branch produces altered reinforcement of behavior and deficient extinction of previously reinforced behavior. This gives rise to delay (...)
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  29.  83
    The dynamic developmental theory of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Present status and future perspectives.Espen Borgå Johansen, Terje Sagvolden, Heidi Aase & Vivienne Ann Russell - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (3):451-454.
    The dynamic developmental theory (DDT) has benefited from the insights of the commentators, particularly in terms of the implications for the proposed steepened delay gradients in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The introduction of modified memory processes as a basis for the delay gradients improved the links to aspects of ADHD. However, it remains unclear whether the hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive subtypes are separate subgroups or may be explained as different outcomes of the same genetic factors and thus explicable by the same principles. (...)
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  30. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Delay-of-reinforcement gradients and other behavioral mechanisms.A. Charles Catania - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (3):419-424.
    Sagvolden, Johansen, Aase, and Russell (Sagvolden et al.) examine attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) at levels of analysis ranging from neurotransmitters to behavior. At the behavioral level they attribute aspects of ADHD to anomalies of delay-of-reinforcement gradients. With a normal gradient, responses followed after a long delay by a reinforcer may share in the effects of that reinforcer; with a diminished or steepened gradient they may fail to do so. Steepened gradients differentially select rapidly emitted responses (hyperactivity), and they limit the (...)
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