Results for 'A. Perret'

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  1. Perspectives on socially shared cognition.A. N. Perret-Clermont, J. F. Perret, N. Bell, L. B. Resnick, J. M. Levine & S. D. Teasley - 1991 - In Lauren Resnick, Levine B., M. John, Stephanie Teasley & D. (eds.), Perspectives on Socially Shared Cognition. American Psychological Association.
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    Lettre à Nicole Belloubet.Marie Perret - 2024 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 74 (1):3-4.
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    L’épreuve de philosophie : un coefficient qui n’est pas à la hauteur.Marie Perret - 2024 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 74 (2):3-5.
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    Violence des dieux, violences de l'homme: René Girard, notre contemporain.Bernard Perret - 2023 - Paris: Éditions du Seuil.
    Boucs émissaires, violences sacrificielles, désir mimétique, autant de thèmes que René Girard (1923-2015) n'a cessé d'explorer et qui sont devenus des ressources essentielles pour notre compréhension des sociétés. L'anthropologie mimétique, dont il a posé les bases, a en effet eu des échos multiples dans les sciences humaines et les religions. Avec ce livre, Bernard Perret offre une présentation éloquente de ce vaste chantier théorique. Il éclaire notamment la fonction et la signification de la violence dans les rapports humains, des (...)
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    Bilan des réformes Blanquer : tout est à reconstruire.Marie Perret - 2022 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 72 (3):3-5.
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    Le paysage et sa limite.Jean-Paul Gavard Perret - 2012 - Cirey-sur-Blaise: Châtelet-Voltaire.
    Se saisir du paysage revient à le transformer. Le regard s'enrichit d'un nouvel oeil. Longtemps considérée comme réaliste, la peinture paysagère a désormais un autre rôle à jouer. Face au paysage, sans une expérience intérieure, la représentation n'est qu'un abîme ordinaire ou une prostitution de la peinture par elle même. L'art du paysage est le dehors où le dedans s'exile pour se voir.
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    Y a-t-il des objets plus communicationnels que d'autres?Jean-Baptiste Perret - 2004 - Hermes 38:121.
    Les Sic se sont fondées sur l'analyse des activités concrètes de communication et une attitude d'interdisciplinarité, plus que par une interrogation spécifiquement communicationnelle. Mais cela a permis des constructions spécifiques dans la mesure où les Sic accordent une grande importance à l'articulation entre objets techniques, systèmes d'actions et circulation du sensThe Information and Communication Sciences have been defined as an interdisciplinary field, and tend to bring together heterogeneous paradigms. Their main characteristic is less "communicational way" of building scientific objects than (...)
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    A Symmetrical Approach to Causality in Biology.Nicole Perret - 2012 - Philosophia Scientiae 16 (3):177-195.
    La description purement génétique de l’embryogenèse a récemment été mise en question. Un intérêt toujours plus ample est accordé aux effets des contraintes mécaniques. Afin de comprendre si ces travaux produisent une authentique intégration de niveaux, cet article propose l analyse d une de ces recherches d’un point de vue transcendantal. C’est-à-dire qu’on se posera la question du processus constitutif par lequel on décrit un objet biologique. Cette analyse révèle un processus d objectivation caractéristique du déterminisme génétique qui ne peut (...)
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    Oakeshott: Le scepticisme en politique.Quentin Perret - 2004 - Paris: Michalon.
    Philosophe politique parmi les plus controversés du monde anglo-saxon, Michael Oakeshott est quasiment inconnu en France où son œuvre n'a pratiquement pas été traduite. Il est célèbre pour sa critique du rationalisme en politique et du danger mortel que représentent pour une société les tentatives d'uniformisation abstraite imposées par l'État. Mais sa défense de la tradition en politique est loin d'être traditionnelle contrairement à Burke, Oakeshott est avant tout un individualiste. Aussi son scepticisme vis-à-vis de la politique est-il paradoxal : (...)
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    Contribution de l’Appep à la mission « Exigence des savoirs ».Marie Perret - 2023 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 73 (4):3-10.
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    The New Flesh et autres fables : à quoi rêvent les post-humains?Catherine Perret - 2013 - Cités 55 (3):43.
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    Do I Choose? Attribution and Control in Students of a Technical School1.Claude Albert Kaiser, Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont & Jean-François Perret - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob (eds.), Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum.
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    Penser la foi chrétienne après René Girard: essai.Bernard Perret - 2018 - Paris: Ad Solem.
    L'oeuvre de René Girard a remis l'anthropologie religieuse au goût du jour et a influencé en profondeur d'autres domaines des sciences humaines et sociales. Son apport à l'intelligence de la foi chrétienne est considérable : en montrant comment la Passion du Christ dévoile les ressorts de la violence constitutive des sociétés, Girard a éclairé la singularité des Evangiles par rapport aux mythes fondateurs de la culture humaine. Un nombre croissant de théologiens se sont emparés de sa pensée pour reposer les (...)
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    Émergence du Problème Et Dynamique Des Relations Lors du Démarrage D’Un Atelier de Philosophie.Anda Fournel & Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont - 2022 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 67 (3):51-70.
    Problem emergence and relational dynamics at the start of a philosophy workshop. This research aims to better understand how a common object is constructed (or not) during an interaction when the purpose of the interaction is to think together philosophically. After presenting what the practice of philosophy for children advocates, we analyze what happens when it is implemented by observing the unfolding of a philosophy workshop involving secondary school students and their teachers. We adopt an empirical approach and a precise (...)
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    Argumentation and education.Nathalie Muller Mirza & Anne Nelly Perret-Clermont (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Springer.
    Hence, argumentation will have an increasing importance in education, both because it is a critical competence that has to be learned, and because argumentation ...
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    Emergent learning in successive activities Learning in interaction in a laboratory context. [REVIEW]Baruch Schwarz, Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont, Alain Trognon & Pascale Marro - 2008 - Pragmatics and Cognition 16 (1):57-87.
    The present study focuses on the observation of learning processes as they emerge in the context of conversations among two students in three successive tasks designed to foster conceptual change in proportional reasoning. The three tasks were set according to a pre-test treatment post-test paradigm. In the pre-test and the post-test tasks, the two students solved individually several items in the presence of an experimenter. In the treatment task, the two students worked as a dyad to solve similar items; they (...)
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  17. Neither opaque nor transparent: A transdisciplinary methodology to investigate datafication at the EU borders.Ana Valdivia, Claudia Aradau, Tobias Blanke & Sarah Perret - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (2).
    In 2020, the European Union announced the award of the contract for the biometric part of the new database for border control, the Entry Exit System, to two companies: IDEMIA and Sopra Steria. Both companies had been previously involved in the development of databases for border and migration management. While there has been a growing amount of publicly available documents that show what kind of technologies are being implemented, for how much money, and by whom, there has been limited engagement (...)
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    Education in refugee camp contexts.Marion Fresia, Andreas von Känel & Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont - 2021 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 22 (1):32-64.
    The delivery of education in refugee camps has become a key component of humanitarian programs. Since the late 1980s, camps have become the dominant way through which refugee movements are managed around the world. Children, the perfect embodiment of the innocent victim, are particularly targeted by humanitarian aid. When refugee situations become protracted and the temporary permanent, their learning structures tend to be become actual schools made of an administration, a teaching staff and a curriculum. Generally funded and coordinated by (...)
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  19. Recensão a: Jacques Perret-Siris, Recherches critiques sur l'histoire de la Siritide avant 433/2.Pierre David - 1948 - Humanitas 2.
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    La transmission du texte de Juvénal d'après une nouvelle collation. By Jean-Louis Perret. Pp. 99. Helsinki (Helsingfors): Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia, 1927. 40 M. finlandais. [REVIEW]A. E. Housman - 1928 - The Classical Review 42 (1):43-43.
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  21. Recensão a: J. Perret-Horace.Américo Barbosa - 1960 - Humanitas 11.
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    Some Passages in Virgil's Eclogues.A. Hudson-Williams - 1980 - Classical Quarterly 30 (1):124-132.
    The expression transuersa tuentibus hircis has been liable to misunderstanding. Conington, Sidgwick, and Page offer no comment; Perret is puzzled; Coleman explains ‘either literally “peeping out of the corner of their eyes” or figuratively “looking askance”; cf. Greek This was too much even for the lusty goats …’; others, e.g. Holtorf, detect humour in the words. A more realistic view was taken by some earlier editors, who saw in the sidelong looks of the goats a sign of envy and (...)
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    Besnard, A. M. - Perret, J., Saint Augustin. Prier Dieu: Les Psaumes. [REVIEW]S. Folgado Flórez - 1965 - Augustinianum 5 (2):448-448.
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    (1 other version)N. Muller Mirza and A.-N. Perret-Clermont (eds): Argumentation and Education: Theoretical Foundations and Principles: Springer, Dordrecht, 2009. [REVIEW]Richard Andrews - 2010 - Argumentation 24 (2):253-254.
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    Céline Guillot, Serge Heiden, Sophie Prévost (éds). — A la quête du sens. Etudes littéraires, historiques et linguistiques en hommage à Christiane Marchello-Nizia. Lyon : ENS Editions, 2006, 364 pages. [REVIEW]Sylvie Mellet - 2007 - Corpus 6:199-205.
    Ce volume d’hommage s’ouvre, après l’introduction des coordinateurs, par quelques pages de reproductions iconographiques (enluminures, manuscrits médiévaux) en lien avec certains centres d’intérêt de C. Marchello-Nizia, suivies de la liste de ses publications, puis d’un récit à trois mains dans lequel Bernard Cerquiglini, Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet et Michèle Perret évoquent la constitution et la vie du Groupe de Linguistique romane (1971-1980) fondé en grande partie à l’instigation de C....
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    O sentido histórico da formação de colônias europeias no Paraná: o exemplo de Superagui.Caiubi Martins Dysarz - 2018 - Dialogos 22 (3):186.
    A formação de colônias de estrangeiros no Paraná, durante o século XIX, foi explicada pela historiografia local em virtude da necessidade de formação de uma agricultura de abastecimento e de uma suposta carestia de gêneros alimentícios. Para embasar tal linha argumentativa, utilizou-se a manifestação de um empresário colonizador: o suíço Carlos Perret Gentil, fundador da Colônia do Superagui. O objetivo deste trabalho é discorrer sobre suas ideias a respeito de colonização europeia e agricultura no Paraná dos oitocentos e a (...)
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  27. Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell.A. Zee - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    Since it was first published, Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell has quickly established itself as the most accessible and comprehensive introduction to this profound and deeply fascinating area of theoretical physics. Now in this fully revised and expanded edition, A. Zee covers the latest advances while providing a solid conceptual foundation for students to build on, making this the most up-to-date and modern textbook on quantum field theory available. -/- This expanded edition features several additional chapters, as well as (...)
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  28. Melencolia Illa Heroica: Françoise Proust, Walter Benjamin and `Catastrophe in Permanence': In Memoriam F.P. 1947-1998.Andrew Gibson - unknown
    Françoise Proust’s essential points of reference are Kant and Walter Benjamin. Alain Badiou ignores the extraordinary and sometimes beautiful dark power of Proust’s work on Benjamin. As is clear, however, from both Daniel Bensaïd’s interview with Proust and the title of Élizabeth Lemirre and Catherine Perret’s memorial volume (Une philosophie de la résistance: Françoise Proust), the concept of Proust that is most likely to become the dominant one is not Badiou’s, but rather the concept of her as above all (...)
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  29. Ādi-Grantha wica saṅkalita bhagata-bāṇī wica naitikatā dā saṅkalapa.Madana Gopāla Ācārīā - 2001 - [Patiala]: Bhāshā Wibhāga, Pañjāba.
    Concept of ethics in Ādi-Granth, Sikh canon.
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  30. Du groupe ethnique a la communaute religieuse: les probleme sociologique du Judaisme.A. Causse - 1934 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 14:285-335.
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  31. Variables determining a language plan for Namibia.A. Cluver - 1989 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 9 (2):45-78.
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    Filosofía de la imagen: lenguaje, imagen y representación.Fernando Zamora Águila - 2007 - México: UNAM, Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas.
    Estudio sistemático sobre la imagen y sus complejas relaciones con el lenguaje verbal, partiendo de una crítica al logocentrismo en su vertiente racionalista -que reduce el conocimiento y el pensamiento al discurso lingüístico- para desembocar en una teoría de la representación. El autor sostiene que la imagen va más allá de la representación al tornarse presencia, basándose en el examen de pensadores clásicos y teóricos actuales que han abordado cuestiones afines. Propone una teoría de la imagen que no se ciñe (...)
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  33. Ėstetika: ideologii︠a︡ i metodologii︠a︡.A. I︠A︡ Zisʹ - 1984 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka". Edited by G. L. Ermash & I. L. Lazarev.
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    Towards a functional anatomy of volition.Sean A. Spence & Chris D. Frith - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (8-9):8-9.
    In this paper we examine the functional anatomy of volition, as revealed by modern brain imaging techniques, in conjunction with neuropsychological data derived from human and non-human primates using other methodologies. A number of brain regions contribute to the performance of consciously chosen, or ‘willed', actions. Of particular importance is dorsolateral prefrontal cortex , together with those brain regions with which it is connected, via cortico-subcortical and cortico-cortical circuits. That aspect of free will which is concerned with the voluntary selection (...)
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  35. Law in a Multicultural World.A. Harper - 1983 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 10 (3):311.
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    Hsün Tzu's Theory of Argumentation: A Reconstruction.A. S. Cua - 1983 - Review of Metaphysics 36 (4):867 - 894.
    HSÜN Tzu's essay on "Rectifying Terms" is justly considered a work of "great logical interest." For in this essay, one finds a remarkably modern concern with such topics as the rationale for having terms; the empirical and pragmatic bases for the classification of terms; the formation of generic and specific terms; the importance of observing established linguistic practices; the necessity of complying with proper standards for the institution, ratification, and regulation of the uses of language ; the nature of argumentative (...)
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    Sovremennoe sostoi︠a︡nie i perspektivy sot︠s︡iologii nauki i nauchnogo znanii︠a︡: [monografii︠a].A. V. Shkurko - 2008 - Niz︠h︡niĭ Novgorod: VVAGS.
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    International Relations and the Philosophy of History: A Civilizational Approach.A. Yurdusev - 2003 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    International Relations and the Philosophy of History examines the concept of civilization in relation to international systems through an extensive use of the literature in the philosophy of history. A. Nuri Yurdusev demonstrates the relevance of a civilizational approach to the study of contemporary international relations by looking at the multi-civilizational nature of the modern international system, the competing claims of national and civilizational identities and the rise of civilizational consciousness after the Cold War.
  39. The stellar universe as a dynamical system.A. S. Eddington - 1915 - Scientia 9 (18):285.
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    A History of English Philosophy. By W. R. Sorley. (Cambridge: University Press. 1937. Pp. xvi + 380. Price 8s. 6d.).A. C. Ewing - 1937 - Philosophy 12 (47):359-.
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  41. Mr̥tyu-avatāra: Svāmīśrī Mr̥tyujayānandajī prabodhita "Mr̥tyupurāṇa" para ādhārita.Bhogībhāī Śāha - 2008 - Amadāvāda: Tīrthakr̥pā Prakāśana.
    On the philosophy of death in Hindu traditions; study based on Mr̥tyupurāṇa of Svāmī Mr̥tyujayānanda.
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    The Girardian Event and the Literary Event.Joakim Wrethed - 2024 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 31 (1):53-70.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Girardian Event and the Literary EventThe Scapegoat and Revelation in Alice Munro's "Runaway"Joakim Wrethed (bio)My critics constantly accuse me of switching back and forth between the representation and the reality of what is being represented. Readers who have been following the text attentively will understand that I do not deserve the reproach or, if I do, we all deserve it equally because we affirm the existence of real (...)
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  43. Hryhoriĭ Skovoroda-lytsar svi︠a︡toï borni.Volodymyr Shai︠a︡n - 1973
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  44. La nonciature Fornari à Bruxelles (1838-1842).A. Simon - 1954 - Revue D’Histoire Ecclésiastique 49:462-506.
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  45. Ethics from a purely Practical Standpoint.A. Bain - 1896 - Mind 5:327.
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  46. Akhlāq az naẓar-i Qurʼān: dar dū bakhsh.Jaʻfar Shiʻār - 1956 - Tabrīz: Chāpkhānah-i Shafaq.
    bakhsh-i 1. Shāmil-i imtiyaz-i akhlāq-i Qurʼān va sharḥ-i mawz̤ūʻāt-i akhlāqī -- bakhsh-i 2. Shāmil-i tamām-i āyat-i akhlāqī-i Qurʼān.
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  47. Prostranstvo, vremi︠a︡, poznanie.A. S. Abasov - 1986 - Baku: Ėlm.
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  48. Ėsteticheskie vozzrenii︠a︡ srednevekoviĭ Armenii.Arshak Abgarovich Adami︠a︡n - 1955
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  49. (1 other version)Izbrannye filosofskie proizvedenii︠a︡.Fatḥ ʻAlī Ākhundʹzādah - 1962
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    Guerra y filosofía: concepciones de la guerra en la historia del pensamiento.José García Caneiro - 2002 - Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch. Edited by Francisco Javier Vidarte.
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