Andreas K. Engel [27]Antke Engel [6]Annerose Engel [2]A. Engel [2]
Amir Engel [2]Andreas Engel [1]Alexandra Engel [1]Aude Engel [1]

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  1. Where’s the action? The pragmatic turn in cognitive science.Andreas K. Engel, Alexander Maye, Martin Kurthen & Peter König - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (5):202-209.
  2.  45
    The Pragmatic Turn: Toward Action-Oriented Views in Cognitive Science.Andreas K. Engel, Karl J. Friston & Danica Kragic (eds.) - 2016 - MIT Press.
    Cognitive science is experiencing a pragmatic turn away from the traditional representation-centered framework toward a view that focuses on understanding cognition as "enactive." This enactive view holds that cognition does not produce models of the world but rather subserves action as it is grounded in sensorimotor skills. In this volume, experts from cognitive science, neuroscience, psychology, robotics, and philosophy of mind assess the foundations and implications of a novel action-oriented view of cognition. Their contributions and supporting experimental evidence show that (...)
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  3. Oscillatory responses in cat visual cortex exhibit inter-columnar synchronization which reflects global stimulus properties.Charles M. Gray, P. Kreiter Konig, Andreas K. Engel & Wolf Singer - 1992 - Nature 338:334-7.
  4. Temporal binding, binocular rivalry, and consciousness.Andreas K. Engel, Pascal Fries, Peter König, Michael Brecht & Wolf Singer - 1999 - Consciousness and Cognition 8 (2):128-51.
    Cognitive functions like perception, memory, language, or consciousness are based on highly parallel and distributed information processing by the brain. One of the major unresolved questions is how information can be integrated and how coherent representational states can be established in the distributed neuronal systems subserving these functions. It has been suggested that this so-called ''binding problem'' may be solved in the temporal domain. The hypothesis is that synchronization of neuronal discharges can serve for the integration of distributed neurons into (...)
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  5. Implications of Action-Oriented Paradigm Shifts in Cognitive Science.Peter F. Dominey, Tony J. Prescott, Jeannette Bohg, Andreas K. Engel, Shaun Gallagher, Tobias Heed, Matej Hoffmann, Gunther Knoblich, Wolfgang Prinz & Andrew Schwartz - 2016 - In Andreas K. Engel, Karl J. Friston & Danica Kragic, The Pragmatic Turn: Toward Action-Oriented Views in Cognitive Science. MIT Press. pp. 333-356.
    An action-oriented perspective changes the role of an individual from a passive observer to an actively engaged agent interacting in a closed loop with the world as well as with others. Cognition exists to serve action within a landscape that contains both. This chapter surveys this landscape and addresses the status of the pragmatic turn. Its potential influence on science and the study of cognition are considered (including perception, social cognition, social interaction, sensorimotor entrainment, and language acquisition) and its impact (...)
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    (1 other version)Binding and the neural correlates of consciousness.Andreas K. Engel & Wolf Singer - 2000 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 5 (1):16-25.
  7. Synchronization of oscillatory responses in visual cortex correlates with perception in interocular rivalry.Pascal Fries, Pieter R. Roelfsema, Andreas K. Engel & Wolf Singer - 1997 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Usa 94:12699-12704.
  8.  76
    Neuronal assemblies: Necessity, signature, and detectability.Wolf Singer, Andreas K. Engel, A. Kreiter, M. Munk & P. R. Roelfsema - 1997 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 1 (7):252-60.
  9.  25
    Temporal coding in the visual cortex: New vistas on integration in the nervous system.Andreas K. Engel, P. Kreiter Konig & Schillen A. K. - 1992 - Trends in Neurosciences 15:218-26.
  10. Neural correlates of auditory temporal predictions during sensorimotor synchronization.Nadine Pecenka, Annerose Engel & Peter E. Keller - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  11. Direct physiologic evidence for scene segmentation by temporal coding.Andreas K. Engel, P. Kreiter Konig & Wolf Singer - 1991 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Usa 88:1936-40.
  12.  88
    Relation between oscillatory activity and long-range synchronization in cat visual cortex.P. Kreiter Konig, Andreas K. Engel & Wolf Singer - 1995 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Usa 92:290-94.
  13.  40
    Top-down and bottom-up modulation of pain-induced oscillations.Michael Hauck, Claudia Domnick, Jürgen Lorenz, Christian Gerloff & Andreas K. Engel - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  14. Temporal binding and the neural correlates of consciousness.Andreas K. Engel - 2003 - In Axel Cleeremans, The Unity of Consciousness: Binding, Integration, and Dissociation. Oxford University Press.
  15.  11
    Correlated firing in sensory-motor systems.P. Kreiter Konig & Andreas K. Engel - 1995 - Current Opinion in Neurobiology 5:511-19.
  16.  72
    Combined Subthalamic and Nigral Stimulation Modulates Temporal Gait Coordination and Cortical Gait-Network Activity in Parkinson’s Disease.Jonas R. Wagner, Miriam Schaper, Wolfgang Hamel, Manfred Westphal, Christian Gerloff, Andreas K. Engel, Christian K. E. Moll, Alessandro Gulberti & Monika Pötter-Nerger - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundFreezing of gait is a disabling burden for Parkinson’s disease patients with poor response to conventional therapies. Combined deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus and substantia nigra moved into focus as a potential therapeutic option to treat the parkinsonian gait disorder and refractory FoG. The mechanisms of action of DBS within the cortical-subcortical-basal ganglia network on gait, particularly at the cortical level, remain unclear.MethodsTwelve patients with idiopathic PD and chronically-implanted DBS electrodes were assessed on their regular dopaminergic medication in (...)
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  17. Constraining consciousness: Towards a systematic catalogue of explananda.T. Metzinger & A. Engel - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):S10 - S12.
  18.  23
    Choix de tessères grecques en plomb.Arthur Engel - 1884 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 8 (1):1-21.
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    Does time help to understand consciousness?Andreas K. Engel, Pascal Fries, Peter König, Michael Brecht & Wolf Singer - 1999 - Consciousness and Cognition 8 (2):260-68.
  20. How precise is neural synchronization?P. Kreiter Konig, Andreas K. Engel, P. R. Roelfsema & Wolf Singer - 1995 - Neural Computation 7:469-85.
  21.  22
    Assessing the complexity of lectal competence: the register-specificity of the dative alternation after give.Benedikt Szmrecsanyi, Laura Rosseel, Jason Grafmiller & Alexandra Engel - 2022 - Cognitive Linguistics 33 (4):727-766.
    Recent evidence suggests that probabilistic grammars may be modulated by communication mode and genre. Accordingly, the question arises how complex language users’ lectal competence is, where complexity is proportional to the extent to which choice-making processes depend on the situation of language use. Do probabilistic constraints vary when we talk to a friend compared to when we give a speech? Are differences between spoken and written language larger than those within each mode? In the present study, we aim to approach (...)
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  22.  15
    Review: Neuerscheinungen: Käte Meyer-Drawe: Illusionen von Autonomie. Diesseits von Ohnmacht und Allmacht des Ich.Antke Engel - 1992 - Die Philosophin 3 (5):91-94.
  23.  44
    Review: Cornelia Ott: Die Spur der Lüste. Sexualität, Geschlecht und Macht.Antke Engel - 1999 - Die Philosophin 10 (19):88-92.
  24.  92
    Umverteilungspolitiken: Aneignung und Umarbeitung der begrenzten Ressource "Maskulinität" in lesbischen und transgender Subkulturen.Antke Engel - 2000 - Die Philosophin 11 (22):69-84.
  25.  57
    Neuerscheinungen: Farideh Akashe-Böhme (Hrsg.): Reflexionen vor dem Spiegel.Antke Engel - 1992 - Die Philosophin 3 (6):78-79.
  26. Paradigm shifts in neurobiology: Towards a new theory of perception.Andreas K. Engel & Peter König - 1993 - In Christopher Hookway, Philosophy and the Cognitive Sciences. Cambridge University Press. pp. 131--138.
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  27.  55
    Review: Heike Kahlert: Weibliche Subjektivität. Geschlechterdifferenz und Demokratie in der Diskussion.Antke Engel - 1997 - Die Philosophin 8 (16):96-99.
  28.  38
    Seeking Mandela?Amir Engel - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2006 (135):186-191.
    Seeking Mandela is a disappointing book. This is not because it does injustice to the subject matter of its research. The opposite is true: the book deals with the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and with the historical transition of power in South Africa in a rigorous and attentive manner. The problem lies in the name that the authors, Heribert Adam and Kogila Moodley, chose to give the book. Seeking Mandela: Peacemaking between Israelis and Palestinians is a promising, hopeful title for a project. (...)
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  29. Time and conscious visual processing.Andreas K. Engel - 2003 - In Hede Helfrich, Time and Mind II: Information Processing Perspectives. Hogrefe & Huber Publishers. pp. 141-159.
  30.  52
    Études de Philosophie Antique et Médiévale. Dossier Thomas d'Aquin.Aude Engel - 2009 - Chôra 7:9-19.
    The investigation of the famous riddle of the «boneless one» gives a new solution: the «boneless one» is man, placed in the conditions of hisorigins, when he belonged to the silver race and woman was just being created. The «boneless» occurs in a long passage about winter, a cosmic deluge that reproduces the conditions in which mankind fell from the golden age. This happens when Zeus fights the Titans, in a war that almost causes a return to the original Chaos. (...)
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    Where are somatosensory representations stored and reactivated?Katja Fiehler, Annerose Engel & Frank Rösler - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (2):206-207.
    The studies cited by Dijkerman & de Haan (D&dH) stress the distinction between perception and action within the somatosensory system but provide little information about memory functions. Recent findings by our group and by others show that the dorsal stream is also activated during short-term memory maintenance and long-term memory retrieval of haptic information. These data complement and extend the proposed model.
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    From Cult to Culture: Fragments Toward a Critique of Historical Reason.Charlotte Fonrobert & Amir Engel (eds.) - 2009 - Stanford University Press.
    After launching his career with the 1947 publication of his dissertation, _Occidental Eschatology_, Jacob Taubes spent the early years of his career as a fellow and then professor at various American institutions, including Harvard, Princeton, and Columbia. During his American years, he also gathered together a number of prominent thinkers at his weekly seminars on Jewish intellectual history. In the mid-60s, Taubes joined the faculty of the Free University in West Berlin, initially as the city's first Jewish Studies professor of (...)
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    Der Mensch in der Perspektive der Kognitionswissenschaften.Peter Gold & Andreas K. Engel (eds.) - 1998 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  34. Oxford Handbook on the Foundations and Regulation of Generative AI.Philipp Hacker, Brent Mittelstadt, Sarah Hammer & Andreas Engel (eds.) - forthcoming
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    'Early'evoked versus 'late'induced gamma oscillations.Christoph S. Herrmann, Matthias H. J. Munk & Andreas K. Engel - 2004 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 8 (8):347-355.
  36.  23
    Subjective Evaluation of Performance in a Collaborative Task Is Better Predicted From Autonomic Response Than From True Achievements.Alexander Maye, Jürgen Lorenz, Mircea Stoica & Andreas K. Engel - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  37.  20
    Chemosensory Event-Related Potentials in Response to Nasal Propylene Glycol Stimulation.Mohammad Sirous, Nico Sinning, Till R. Schneider, Uwe Friese, Jürgen Lorenz & Andreas K. Engel - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  38.  23
    Aerobic Exercise Induces Functional and Structural Reorganization of CNS Networks in Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Jan-Patrick Stellmann, Adil Maarouf, Karl-Heinz Schulz, Lisa Baquet, Jana Pöttgen, Stefan Patra, Iris-Katharina Penner, Susanne Gellißen, Gesche Ketels, Pierre Besson, Jean-Philippe Ranjeva, Maxime Guye, Guido Nolte, Andreas K. Engel, Bertrand Audoin, Christoph Heesen & Stefan M. Gold - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  39.  11
    Soldatische Sorge. Subjekt, Macht und Geschlecht bei Heidegger.Antke Engel - 2002 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 50 (6):986-987.
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