Results for 'A. D’Angelo'

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  1. Emotional Experience and the Senses.Lorenza D'Angelo - 2022 - Philosophers' Imprint 22 (20).
    This paper investigates the nature of emotional experience in relation to the senses, and it defends the thesis that emotional experience is partly non-sensory. In §1 I introduce my reader to the debate. I reconstruct a position I call ‘restrictivism’ and motivate it as part of a reductive approach to mind’s place in nature. Drawing on intuitive but insightful remarks on the nature of sensation from Plato, I map out the conditions under which the restrictivist thesis is both substantive and (...)
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    Low-frequency Raman scattering of silver borate glasses.G. D’Angelo, C. Vasi, A. Bartolotta, G. Carini, C. Crupi, G. Di Marco & G. Tripodo - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (13-16):1631-1638.
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    Youth Football Players’ Psychological Well-Being: The Key Role of Relationships.Eleonora Reverberi, Chiara D’Angelo, Martin A. Littlewood & Caterina Francesca Gozzoli - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:567776.
    The work examines the influence of the relationship that football players have with significant others on their psychological wellbeing (PWB), adopting a psychosocial perspective. According to this perspective, PWB can be considered a basic condition for an effective talent development and holistic growth of young athletes. Current literature on talent development in sport has been analyzed to support the theoretical hypothesis of psychosocial perspective. Thus, it has been tested empirically through a Structural Equation Model. Analysis reveals a strong and positive (...)
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  4. L'episcopato meridionale alla vigilia del Vaticano II: l'origine e la formazione.A. D'angelo - 1994 - Studium 90 (4):555-578.
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  5. A Study of Perennial Philosophy and Psychedelic Experience, with a Proposal to Revise W. T. Stace’s Core Characteristics of Mystical Experience.Ed D'Angelo - manuscript
    A Study of Perennial Philosophy and Psychedelic Experience, with a Proposal to Revise W. T. Stace’s Core Characteristics of Mystical Experience ©Ed D’Angelo 2018 -/- Abstract -/- According to the prevailing paradigm in psychedelic research today, when used within an appropriate set and setting, psychedelics can reliably produce an authentic mystical experience. According to the prevailing paradigm, an authentic mystical experience is one that possesses the common or universal characteristics of mystical experience as identified by the philosopher W. T. (...)
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    Local and cooperative molecular mobilities in thermoplastic polymers.A. Bartolotta, G. Carini, G. D’Angelo, G. Di Marco, F. Farsaci, O. P. Grigoryeva, L. Sergeeva, O. Slisenko, O. Starostenko & G. Tripodo - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (13-16):1591-1598.
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  7. The phenomenology of embodied attention.Diego D’Angelo - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (5):961-978.
    This paper aims to conceptualize the phenomenology of attentional experience as ‘embodied attention.’ Current psychological research, in describing attentional experiences, tends to apply the so-called spotlight metaphor, according to which attention is characterized as the illumination of certain surrounding objects or events. In this framework, attention is not seen as involving our bodily attitudes or modifying the way we experience those objects and events. It is primarily conceived as a purely mental and volitional activity of the cognizing subject. Against this (...)
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    Phase behaviour of thermoplastic interpenetrating polymer networks by thermal and mechanical measurements.A. Bartolotta, G. Carini, G. D’Angelo, G. Di Marco, S. La Rocca, O. P. Grigoryeva, L. Sergeeva, O. Slisenko, O. Starostenko & G. Tripodo - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (3-5):723-730.
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    Low temperature specific heat of heterocyclic polymer networks: Effect of network density.G. Carini, G. D’Angelo, G. Tripodo, A. Bartolotta, G. Salvato & L. Hong - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (33-35):3999-4005.
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    Effects of a short length alcohol on the dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine system.S. Rifici, C. Crupi, G. D’Angelo, G. Di Marco, G. Sabatino, V. Conti Nibali, A. Trimarchi & U. Wanderlingh - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (13-15):2014-2020.
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    Low-temperature specific heat in caesium borate glasses.C. Crupi, G. D’Angelo, G. Tripodo, G. Carini & A. Bartolotta - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (3-5):741-747.
  12. The History and Philosophy of the Postwar American Counterculture: Anarchy, the Beats and the Psychedelic Transformation of Consciousness.Ed D'Angelo - manuscript
    This is a greatly expanded version of my article "Anarchism and the Beats," which was published in the book, The Philosophy of the Beats, by the University Press of Kentucky in 2012. It is both an historical and a philosophical analysis of the postwar American counterculture. It charts the historical origins of the postwar American counterculture from the anarchists and romantic poets of the early nineteenth century to a complex network of beat poets and pacifist anarchists in the early decades (...)
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  13. The Choreography of the Soul: A Psychedelic Philosophy of Consciousness.Ed D'Angelo - manuscript
    This is a 2020 revision of my 1988 dissertation "The Choreography of the Soul" with a new Foreword, a new Conclusion, a substantially revised Preface and Introduction, and many improvements to the body of the work. However, the thesis remains the same. A theory of consciousness and trance states--including psychedelic experience--is developed. Consciousness can be analyzed into two distinct but generally interrelated systems, which I call System X and System Y. System X is the emotional-visceral-kinaesthetic body. System X is a (...)
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    A Phenomenology of Creative Attention.Diego D'Angelo - 2018 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2018 (2):100-117.
    This paper develops the concept of ‘creative attention’. Against classical theories that understand attention as a spotlight that brings objects into focus, I will argue that attention is a complex phenomenon structured in different layers. The most basic layer is perceptual, passive and pre-predicative: at this level, attention is creative – and this is the central claim of this paper – because it institutes meanings and rules for our behaviour.
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    Addict to win? A different approach to doping.Carlos D'Angelo & Claudio Tamburrini - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (11):700-707.
    Traditionally the doping debate has been dominated by those who want to see doping forbidden (the prohibitionist view) and those who want to see it permitted (the ban abolitionist view). In this article, the authors analyse a third position starting from the assertion that doping use is a symptom of the paradigm of highly competitive elite sports, in the same way as addictions reflect current social paradigms in wider society. Based upon a conceptual distinction between occasional use, habitual use and (...)
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  16.  51
    Roots of (African American) Rhetorical Theory in Frederick Douglass's My Bondage and My Freedom.D'Angelo Bridges - 2020 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 53 (1):51-61.
    One might presume that elite educational environments, including colleges and universities, have been the exclusive venues for rhetorical theory. Rhetorical theory typically takes the form of published treatises, monographs, and essays. Thus, the status of theorist would have been denied to, among others, African Americans during the nineteenth century because they were not afforded opportunities to become literate or, even if literate, not admitted into realms of elite literacy. But there are the seeds of a competing story, particularly regarding the (...)
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    Pre-service teachers' perceptions of middle school students.Kevin J. O’Connor & Christina M. D’Angelo - 2013 - Educational Studies 39 (5):548-551.
    This report shares a study that explored the perceptions pre-service teachers have of middle school students. Participants were asked to complete the Adjective Checklist (ACL) by endorsing the words they considered most characteristic of a typical middle school student. Items most frequently endorsed indicated a predominantly negative perception (e.g. ?awkward?, ?confused? and ?emotional?). Implications for pre-service teacher training are discussed.
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    Wave–Particle Duality: An Information-Based Approach.R. M. Angelo & A. D. Ribeiro - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (11):1407-1420.
    Recently, Bohr’s complementarity principle was assessed in setups involving delayed choices. These works argued in favor of a reformulation of the aforementioned principle so as to account for situations in which a quantum system would simultaneously behave as wave and particle. Here we defend a framework that, supported by well-known experimental results and consistent with the decoherence paradigm, allows us to interpret complementarity in terms of correlations between the system and an informer. Our proposal offers formal definition and operational interpretation (...)
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    The metaphysics of transcendental subjectivity: Descartes, Kant, and W. Sellars.Edward D'Angelo - 1984 - Amsterdam: B.R. Grüner.
    The general topic of this book is the metaphysics of the subject in Kantian transcendental philosophy. A critical appreciation of Kant's achievements requires that we be able to view Kant's positions as transformations of pre-Kantian philosophy, and that we understand the ways in which contemporary philosophy changes the letter of Kantian thought in order to be true to its spirit in a new philosophical horizon. Descartes is important in two respects. One the one hand, he institutes a philosophical movement which (...)
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    Die Schwelle des Lebe-Wesens.Diego D’Angelo - 2012 - Studia Phaenomenologica 12:61-83.
    One of Heidegger’s most important descriptions of bodily existence can be found in his Nietzsche lectures. This paper aims to elucidate this “metaphysics of the body” both in relation to Heidegger’s Leibniz-interpretation in the later Marburg lectures as well as in the context of his later thought. Leibniz and Nietzsche are Heidegger’s points of departure in the attempt to think the difference between θεωρία and πραξις beyond Being and Time: It is only by understanding their relationship, through a radical re-thinking (...)
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    Movements of the Mind. A Theory of Attention, Intention and Action by Wayne Wu (review).Diego D'Angelo - 2024 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (4):734-735.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Movements of the Mind. A Theory of Attention, Intention and Action by Wayne WuDiego D’AngeloWU, Wayne. Movements of the Mind. A Theory of Attention, Intention and Action. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023. 257 pp. Cloth, $80.00Wayne Wu presented a theory of attention as selection-for-action in 2014. According to this theory, given a behavioral space in which the agent has multiple inputs and outputs to choose from, attention involves (...)
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    Who is Phoenix?Roberto D'Angelo - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (11):753-754.
    "Some patients find it difficult to be in the present because they are stuck in the past; others, by contrast, struggle to remain connected with the past and are suspended in a so-called present that is effectively atemporal, that is out of time”.1 For psychoanalysts, the most profound and ultimately ethical way that we can help individuals, is by helping them know themselves. This involves discovering how they were shaped by their past and how their ongoing self-experience cannot be understood (...)
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  23. A proposito di Croce storico dell'Estetica.P. D'angelo - 1990 - Rivista di Estetica 29 (33):105-122.
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    De la metafísica a la anarquía. El pensamiento político de Reiner Schürmann.Valerio D'Angelo - 2016 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 49:43-69.
    El artículo pretende abordar el modo en el que la obra de Reiner Schürmann, a través de un original interpretación del pensamiento de Martin Heidegger, consigue desarrollar un tipo de filosofía política anárquica. Se intentará analizar, en la dispersa obra del filósofo holandés, la idea de anarquía como condición existencial, prestando especial atención al nexo entre el concepto de muerte de la metafísica y la posibilidad de una praxis política anárquica. El artículo se compone de tres partes: en la primera (...)
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  25. Mindfulness as "open attention" : a phenomenological perspective.Diego D'Angelo - 2023 - In Susi Ferrarello & Christos Hadjioannou, The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Mindfulness. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Philosophy for Children: A Note on Lipman's Lisa.Edward D'angelo - 1977 - Journal of Pre-College Philosophy 2 (3):39-40.
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    Quale fondazione per la politica europea? Il bene, il potere e l'impolitico a partire da Roberto Esposito.Diego D'Angelo - 2018 - Philosophical Readings 10 (1).
    The present contribution tackle the question of which kind of philosophy is apt to thinking contemporary Europe. In order to thematize this problem, the philosophy of Roberto Esposito is analyzed in detail. The central idea of the paper is that contemporary politics cannot be founded upon classical metaphysical instances, such as God, a teleological structur, or some other moral good. The foundation of contemporary politics must rely in politics itself. Esposito’s philosophy of the “impolitico” can help us in thiking this. (...)
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  28. Anarchism and the Beats.Ed D’Angelo - 2012 - In Sharin N. Elkholy, The Philosophy of the Beats. The University Press of Kentucky. pp. 227-242.
    The paper charts both the interpersonal connections between historical anarchist figures and the beat poets as well as the philosophical similarities between them. Almost all the beat poets were anarchists, though their politics was secondary to their attempts to transform consciousness. Among the anarchists, the romantic socialist Gustav Landauer, who was especially popular in post-war American anarchist circles, came closest to the political perspective of the beat poets. Like the beats, Landauer was a poet, a pacifist, an anarchist, a communitarian, (...)
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    Ars est celare artem: da Aristotele a Duchamp.Paolo D'Angelo - 2005 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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  30. Teaching Philosophy in the Elementary School: A Curriculum Approach.Edward D'angelo - 1977 - Journal of Pre-College Philosophy 2 (4):41-45.
  31.  21
    La genesi dell'autocoscienza. Da Darwin a Mead e Merleau-Ponty.Diego D'angelo - 2012 - Nóema 3:1-245.
    l nostro obiettivo è di rintracciare l'origine dell'autocoscienza attraverso una indagine filosofica che, a partire dalle ricerche di Darwin, segue il filo che lega lo scienziato inglese alle concezioni pragmatiste sviluppate da Mead e Wright, i quali hanno messo in evidenza alcuni aspetti chiave che sviluppiamo poi in una ricostruzione sistematica e genealogica condotta con l'aiuto della fenomenologia classica e della filosofia di Carlo Sini.
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    Sensibilité, intuition et art dans l’ Estetica de 1902.Paolo D’Angelo - 2024 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 310 (4):11-26.
    L’essai vise à reconstruire dans l’ Estetica come scienza dell’espressione e linguistica generale de Croce de 1902 la relation complexe entre les concepts d’intuition, d’expression et de sensibilité. Pour Croce, l’activité esthétique semble toujours osciller entre une forme de connaissance et une productivité qui trouve dans la matérialité du médium expressif (en particulier l’art) sa propre façon d’apparaître au niveau sensible.
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    Access and Mediation: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Attention.Maren Wehrle, Diego D'Angelo & Elizaveta Solomonova (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This volume proposes an interdisciplinary framework that views attention from a particular angle: as a means of accessing, that is, disclosing the world in a practical and meaningful way. Moreover, it investigates how this access is concretely mediated. The book is structured in the following two parts: 1) Attention and Access The first section is concerned with attention as such. What is attention and what does it do? A common thread between the expected contributions addresses attention as a directional disclosing (...)
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    Supporting autonomy in young people with gender dysphoria: psychotherapy is not conversion therapy.Roberto D'Angelo - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (1):3-9.
    Opinion is divided about the certainty of the evidence base for gender-affirming medical interventions in youth. Proponents claim that these treatments are well supported, while critics claim the poor-quality evidence base warrants extreme caution. Psychotherapy is one of the only available alternatives to the gender-affirming approach. Discussion of the treatment of gender dysphoria in young people is generally framed in terms of two binary approaches: affirmation or conversion. Psychotherapy/exploratory therapy offers a treatment option that lies outside this binary, although it (...)
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    Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Solger, Erwin. Quattro dialoghi sul bello e sull’arte.Paolo D’Angelo - 2006 - Rivista di Estetica 32:203-204.
    Fino a vent’anni fa il nome di Solger, uno dei pensatori più significativi del Romanticismo tedesco, certo il più sistematico e filosoficamente attrezzato tra i protagonisti di quella grande stagione, era noto in Italia, anche fra gli studiosi di estetica, quasi soltanto per la menzione che delle sue teorie viene fatta nelle Lezioni di Estetica di Hegel. Nel giro di pochi anni, però, la situazione è radicalmente cambiata. Sono state tradotte le sue Lezioni di estetica, apparse postume nel 182...
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    Barbarians at the Gates of the Public Library: How Postmodern Consumer Capitalism Threatens Democracy, Civil Education and the Public Good.Ed D'Angelo - 2006 - Library Juice Press.
    Barbarians at the Gates of the Public Library is a philosophical and historical analysis of how the rise of consumerism has led to the decline of the original mission of public libraries to sustain and promote democracy through civic education. Through a reading of historical figures such as Plato, Helvetius, Rousseau, and John Stuart Mill, the book shows how democracy and even capitalism were originally believed to depend upon the moral and political education that public libraries (and other institutions of (...)
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    Feminicidios en América Latina y el Caribe. Las respuestas posibles desde las organizaciones de mujeres para colmar vacíos legales.Eugenia D’Angelo - 2021 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 38:23-48.
    América Latina es uno de los territorios del mundo más inseguros para ser mujer, siendo el femicidio/feminicidio la expresión más dramática de la violencia que soportan las mujeres. Pese a ello, los Estados latinoamericanos y caribeños no generan información actualizada, interseccional, ni de libre y fácil acceso sobre estos crímenes, impidiendo la comprensión de la complejidad de escenarios y dificultando la elaboración de políticas públicas efectivas, eficientes y sostenibles en el tiempo para dar respuesta a este flagelo.
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    Giovanni Morelli e l’estetica positivistica.Paolo D’Angelo - 2017 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 10 (2):7-17.
    Bernard Berenson used to refer to Giovanni Morelli as «the founder of the Method». With these words, he meant that Morelli was the scholar who, first, transformed connoisseurship in a science, giving to the discipline a stringent method. Does Morelli’s theory of painting really deserve this praise? To answer this question, this paper examines in the first part the philosophical and scientific background of Morelli’s doctrine, showing how its original debt payed to romantic philosophy went replaced by a neat positivist (...)
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    La carne e il tatto nel "De Anima" di Aristotele. Un’interpretazione fenomenologica.Diego D'Angelo - unknown
    The aim of this paper is to offer a phenomenological interpretation of Aristotle’s approach to the sense of touch. The first part of this text deals with the role of touch in De Anima and states the central point of the argument to be developed: to show that touch has an ontological function insofar as it is the condition of possibility for accessing objects as objects. Some methodological considerations are required in order to delineate the overall context in which the (...)
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    Revolución y mística en Gustav Landauer.Valerio D'angelo - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (2):441-460.
    el presente artículo quiere investigar el papel de la mística en la teoría política de Gustav Landauer. La tesis que se defenderá es que la “conservación revolucionaria” que caracteriza la propuesta política landaueriana tiene que enmarcarse en una concepción mística del tiempo histórico, basada en una recuperación del pasado como instrumento de emancipación política. Para esta finalidad se analizará, en un primer párrafo, el contenido utópico a la vez que restaurador de la noción landauerianana de revolución, y, en un segundo (...)
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    Il ritorno del trattato filosofico. Qualche osservazione sulla forma letteraria di Documentalità.Paolo D’Angelo - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 50:245-253.
    This article puts forward some observations about the literary form of Documentalità. The genre to which Documentalità belongs is undoubtedly the philosophical treatise. This is a novelty, because the philosophical treatise is not a popular literary form with contemporary philosophers. But it is a genre that proves to be functional in the project of philosophical reconstruction pursued by Ferraris, and that do not necessarily conflict with the Derridean roots from which Documentality moves.
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    Arte e società nell’estetica dell’idealismo italiano.Paolo D’Angelo - 2022 - Rivista di Estetica 81:93-105.
    The theme of the relationship between art and society is certainly not a central topic in the aesthetic reflection of Italian neo-idealism. Neither in Croce nor in Gentile it is ever discussed at length, and the few writings in which it is addressed are brief and polemically oriented. This essay, however, proposes to discuss the few hints present in Croce and Gentile on this subject. First, the debate on the materialistic interpretation of history will be examined, to which both Croce (...)
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    Training And Resistance to Change: Work with a Group of Prison Guards.Caterina Gozzoli, Chiara D’Angelo & Giancarlo Tamanza - 2018 - World Futures 74 (6):426-449.
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  44. Lanceros, Patxi Theft of the future. Borders, Fear, Crisis, Madrid: Catarata.Valerio D'Angelo - 2019 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 8 (14):189-193.
    Hay un proverbio que circula en algunos países europeos que dice: “el futuro es un mal recuerdo del presente”. Esta expresión, algo paradójica, cobra un sentido claro a la luz de la lectura del último trabajo de Patxi Lanceros, profesor de filosofía política y teoría de la cultura en la Universidad de Deusto. En El robo del futuro, el autor trata de reflexionar, lucida y sosegadamente, acerca de alguno de los fenómenos políticos más acuciantes de nuestros tiempos; de la emergencia (...)
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    Max Stirner y la política de la insurrección.Valerio D'Angelo - 2021 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 82:31-48.
    En este artículo se quiere trazar una teoría política de la insurrección en el pensamiento de Max Stirner, en tanto alternativa ética y política a la revolución. Se mostrará cómo, según el pensador alemán, la revolución es en última instancia una estrategia fallida de emancipación en tanto en cuanto no libera al individuo de las formas de subjetividad que lo mantienen dependiente del poder. Más en general, se enseñará como el orden liberal post-revolucionario, detrás del lenguaje secular de los derechos, (...)
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  46. "The Choreography of the Soul": Recursive Patterns in Psychology, Political Anthropology and Cosmology.Edward D'angelo - 1988 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Stony Brook
    The component structures of two distinct neuropsychological systems are described. "System-Y" depends upon "system-X" which, on the other hand, can operate independently of system-Y. System-X provides a matrix upon which system-Y must operate, and, system-Y is transformed by the operations of system-X. In addition these neuropsychological structures reverberate in political history and in the cosmos. The most fundamental structure in the soul, in society, and in the cosmos, has the form of a conical spiral. It can be described mathematically as (...)
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    Facebook Displays as Predictors of Binge Drinking: From the Virtual to the Visceral.Megan A. Moreno, Bradley Kerr & Jonathan D’Angelo - 2014 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 34 (5-6):159-169.
    Given the prevalence of social media, a nascent but important area of research is the effect of social media posting on one’s own self. It is possible that an individual’s social media posts may have predictive capacity, especially in relation to health behavior. Researchers have long used concepts from the theory of reasoned action to predict health behaviors. The theory does not account for social media, which may influence or predict health behaviors. The purpose of this study was to test (...)
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    Home-Care Workers’ Representations of Their Role and Competences: A Diaphanous Profession.Diletta Gazzaroli, Chiara D’Angelo & Chiara Corvino - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Because of the gradual aging of the population, hospital facilities for socio-sanitary care of the elderly are quite scarce relative to the very high number of elderly people present in the country. This has pushed a high number of families to privately hire home-care workers. The scientific literature gives a picture of the psycho-physical risks that this type of profession is exposed to; however, there is still a need for a more systemic reflection with regard to representations about their role (...)
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    Phosphatidylinositol‐4‐phosphate: The Golgi and beyond.Maria A. De Matteis, Cathal Wilson & Giovanni D'Angelo - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (7):612-622.
    Initially identified as a key phosphoinositide that controls membrane trafficking at the Golgi complex, phosphatidylinositol‐4‐phosphate (PI4P) has emerged as a key molecule in the regulation of a diverse array of cellular functions. In this review we will discuss selected examples of the findings that in the last few years have significantly increased our awareness of the regulation and roles of PI4P in the Golgi complex and beyond. We will also highlight the role of PI4P in infection and cancer. We believe (...)
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    The Self-Regulation of Learning – Self-Report Scale for Sport Practice: Validation of an Italian Version for Football.Eleonora Reverberi, Caterina Gozzoli, Chiara D’Angelo, Margherita Lanz & Angela Sorgente - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Self-regulation of learning is a key psychological factor that supports young athletes aiming to reach the elite level by promoting their involvement in deliberate practice. We contributed to the validation of the Italian version of the Bartulovic et al. Self-Regulation of Learning – Self-Report Scale for Sport Practice by testing its factorial structure, reliability, and measurement invariance among elite and non-elite football players, involving 415 male professional, semi-professional, and amateur youth academy players. The original six-factor structure did not fit the (...)
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