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  1.  32
    The Concept of Identity.Andrew Brennan - 1984 - Noûs 18 (3):541-548.
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    (1 other version)Thinking about Nature (Routledge Revivals): An Investigation of Nature, Value and Ecology.Andrew Brennan - 1988
    Ecology - unlike astronomy, physics, or chemistry - is a science with an associated political and ethical movement: the Green Movement. As a result, the ecological position is often accompanied by appeals to holism, and by a mystical quasi-religious conception of the ecosystem. In this title, first published in 1988, Andrew Brennan argues that we can reduce much of the mysticism surrounding ecological discussions by placing them within a larger context, and illustrating that our individual interests are bound with larger, (...)
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  3. The Moral Standing of Natural Objects.Andrew Brennan - 1984 - Environmental Ethics 6 (1):35-56.
    Human beings are, as far as we know, the only animals to have moral concerns and to adopt moralities, but it would be a mistake to be misled by this fact into thinking that humans are also the only proper objects of moral consideration. I argue that we ought to allow even nonliving things a significant moral status, thus denying the condusion of much contemporary moral thinking. First, I consider the possibilityof giving moral consideration to nonliving things. Second, I put (...)
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  4.  29
    Personal Identity.Andrew Brennan - 1992 - Philosophical Quarterly 42 (166):103-106.
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  5.  57
    Moral Pluralism and the Environment.Andrew Brennan - 1992 - Environmental Values 1 (1):15 - 33.
    Cost-benefit analysis makes the assumption that everything from consumer goods to endangered species may in principle be given a value by which its worth can be compared with that of anything else, even though the actual measurement of such value may be difficult in practice. The assumption is shown to fail, even in simple cases, and the analysis to be incapable of taking into account the transformative value of new experiences. Several kinds of value are identified, by no means all (...)
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    Thinking About Nature: An Investigation of Nature, Value and Ecology.Jane M. Howarth & Andrew Brennan - 1991 - Philosophical Quarterly 41 (162):94.
    Ecology – unlike astronomy, physics, or chemistry – is a science with an associated political and ethical movement: the Green Movement. As a result, the ecological position is often accompanied by appeals to holism, and by a mystical quasi-religious conception of the ecosystem. In this title, first published in 1988, Andrew Brennan argues that we can reduce much of the mysticism surrounding ecological discussions by placing them within a larger context, and illustrating that our individual interests are bound with larger, (...)
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  7.  52
    Understanding Environmental Philosophy.Andrew Brennan & Y. S. Lo - 2010 - Routledge.
    Environmental philosophy is one of the exciting new fields of philosophy to emerge in the last forty years. "Understanding Environmental Philosophy" presents a comprehensive, critical analysis of contemporary philosophical approaches to current ecological concerns. Key ideas are explained, placed in their broader cultural, religious, historical, political and philosophical context, and their environmental policy implications are outlined. Central ideas and concepts about environmental value, individual wellbeing, ecological holism and the metaphysics of nature set the stage for a discussion of how to (...)
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  8.  48
    Reason and Action.Andrew Brennan - 1980 - Philosophical Quarterly 30 (121):372.
  9. Conditions of Identity: A Study of Identity and Survival.Andrew Brennan - 1988 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Addressing many topics in epistemology and metaphysics, this treatise sets out a new theory of the unity of objects, and discusses personal identity, the metaphysics of possible worlds, the continuity in space time, and the nature of philosophical theorizing.
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  10. Philosophical Dialogues: Arne Naess and the Progress of Ecophilosophy.Nina Witoszek & Andrew Brennan - 2001 - Environmental Values 10 (3):418-421.
    The volume documents, and makes an original contribution to, an astonishing period in twentieth-century philosophy_the progress of Arne Naess's ecophilosophy from its inception to the present. It includes Naess's most crucial polemics with leading thinkers, drawn from sources as diverse as scholarly articles, correspondence, TV interviews and unpublished exchanges. The book testifies to the skeptical and self-correcting aspects of Naess's vision, which has deepened and broadened to include third world and feminist perspectives. Philosophical Dialogues is an essential addition to the (...)
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  11. Necessary and sufficient conditions.Andrew Brennan - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Describes the received theory of necessary and sufficient conditions, explains some standard objections to it, and lays out alternative ways of thinking about conditions and conditionals.
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  12.  26
    Philosophical Dialogues: Arne Naess and the Progress of Philosophy.Nina Witoszek & Andrew Brennan (eds.) - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The volume documents, and makes an original contribution to, an astonishing period in twentieth-century philosophy—the progress of Arne Naess's ecophilosophy from its inception to the present. It includes Naess's most crucial polemics with leading thinkers, drawn from sources as diverse as scholarly articles, correspondence, TV interviews and unpublished exchanges. The book testifies to the skeptical and self-correcting aspects of Naess's vision, which has deepened and broadened to include third world and feminist perspectives. Philosophical Dialogues is an essential addition to the (...)
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  13.  38
    Two Conceptions of Dignity : Honour and Self-Determination.Andrew Brennan & Y. S. Lo - unknown
  14.  15
    (1 other version)Amnesia and Psychological Continuity.Andrew Brennan - 1985 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 11:195-209.
    Is amnesia the mother of discontinuity? Perhaps surprisingly, amnesia is perfectly compatible with psychological continuity. Think, for example, of David Wiggins’ version of Locke. Wiggins first describes a relationCof strongco-consciousnesswhich gives continuity ‘between personPtjand personQtksuch that, for somesufficiencyof things actually done, witnessed, experienced, … at any time byPtj, Qtkshould later havesufficientreal or apparent recollection of then doing, witnessing, experiencing, … them.’ Wiggins continues:… anyone bent on grasping the nerve of Locke's conception of person would see … that the identity-condition he (...)
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  15.  64
    Poverty, Puritanism and Environmental Conflict.Andrew Brennan - 1998 - Environmental Values 7 (3):305-331.
    The paper proposes two ideas: (1) The wilderness preservation movement has failed to identify key elements involved in situations of environmental conflict. (2) The same movement seems unaware of its location within a tradition which is both elitist and Puritan. Holmes Rolston's recent work on the apparent conflict between feeding people and saving nature appears to exemplify the two points. With respect to point (1), Rolston's treatment fails to address the institutional and structural features which set the agenda for individual (...)
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  16.  77
    Globalization, environmental policy and the ethics of place.Andrew Brennan - 2006 - Ethics, Place and Environment 9 (2):133 – 148.
    Globalization is hailed by its advocates as a means of spreading cosmopolitan values, ideals of sustainability and better standards of living all around the world. Its critics, however, see globalization as a new form of colonialism imposed by rich countries and transnational corporations on the rest of the world, a process in which the rhetoric of sustainability and equality does not match the realities of exploitation and impoverishment of people and nature. This paper endorses neither view. Globalization is not new, (...)
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    IX*—Fragmented Selves and the Problem of Ownership.Andrew Brennan - 1990 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 90 (1):143-160.
    Andrew Brennan; IX*—Fragmented Selves and the Problem of Ownership, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 90, Issue 1, 1 June 1990, Pages 143–160, htt.
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  18. Autonomy and interdependence: A dialogue between liberalism and confucianism.Andrew Brennan & Ruiping Fan - 2007 - Journal of Social Philosophy 38 (4):511–535.
  19.  87
    Best candidates and theories of identity.Andrew Brennan - 1986 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 29 (1-4):423-438.
    Attacks on ?closest continuer? and ?best candidate? theories of identity have something correct in them while still failing to discredit the theories they oppose. What follows from Noonan's and Wiggins's objections to such theories is that they need to be so formulated as not to deny the necessity of identity. The best metaphysics for best?candidate theories to adopt is one in which everyday objects are taken to transcend, in a certain sense, their life histories in given worlds. This metaphysics also (...)
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  20.  68
    Asian traditions of knowledge: the disputed questions of science, nature and ecology.Andrew Brennan - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 33 (4):567-581.
    The search for 'ecological insights' in venerable Asian traditions of thought prompts questions about how such traditions understood humans in relation to nature. Answers which focus on philosophical and religious ideas may overlook culturally important understandings of people and places articulated within scientific and medical thinking. The paper tentatively explores the prospects for gleaning a form of ethics of place from the study of traditional Hindu and Chinese medical sources. Although there are serious problems with the idea that any unadulterated (...)
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  21.  28
    Environmental Philosophy: Principles and Prospects.Andrew Brennan & Robin Attfield - 1996 - Philosophical Quarterly 46 (183):266.
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  22.  36
    The Ontological Turn. Studies in the Philosophy of Gustav Bergmann.A. A. Brennan, M. S. Gram & E. D. Klemke - 1975 - Philosophical Quarterly 25 (99):174.
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  23.  52
    Confucian and Liberal Ethics for Public Policy: Holistic or Atomistic?Andrew Brennan & Julia Tao - 2003 - Journal of Social Philosophy 34 (4):572-589.
  24. Logic (key Concepts In Philosophy).L. Goldstein, A. Brennan, ME Deutsch & JYF Lau - unknown
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  25.  75
    (1 other version)Environmental Ethics.Andrew Brennan & Norva Y. S. Lo - 1998 - In [no title]. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. pp. 333-336.
    Environmental ethics is the discipline in philosophy that studies themoral relationship of human beings to, and also the value and moralstatus of, the environment and its non-human contents. This entrycovers: the challenge of environmental ethics to theanthropocentrism embedded in traditionalwestern ethical thinking; the development of the discipline fromthe 1960s and 1970s; the connection of deep ecology, feministenvironmental ethics, animism and social ecology to politics; theattempt to apply traditional ethical theories, includingconsequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics, to supportcontemporary environmental concerns; the broader (...)
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  26.  84
    Environmental awareness and liberal education.Andrew Brennan - 1991 - British Journal of Educational Studies 39 (3):279-296.
  27.  46
    Ecological Theory and Value in Nature.Andrew A. Brennan - 1986 - Philosophical Inquiry 8 (1-2):66-95.
  28.  40
    Learning difficulties and the concept of a person.Andrew Brennan & Paul Dumbleton - 1989 - British Journal of Educational Studies 37 (2):147-168.
  29.  43
    Analysis, development and education.Andrew Brennan - 1986 - British Journal of Educational Studies 34 (3):249-267.
  30. Personal identity and personal survival.Andrew A. Brennan - 1982 - Analysis 42 (January):44-50.
    Parfit argues that survival, Not identity, Is the important thing in cases of personal resurrection, Fission, Etc. I argue that parfit's and dennett's well known cases--And fantasies about cloning and telecloning--Suggest a distinction between type and token persons, Memories, Intentions, Etc. Parfit is wrong, I suggest, To think survival more determinate than identity; with quine I hold that there is no objective matter to be right or wrong about.
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  31. Discontinuity and identity.Andrew Brennan - 1987 - Noûs 21 (2):241-60.
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  32. Persons and their brains.Andrew A. Brennan - 1969 - Analysis 30 (October):27-31.
  33. Survival and importance.Andrew A. Brennan - 1987 - Analysis 47 (October):225-30.
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  34. Books on Personal Identity since 1970.Kenneth F. Barber, Jorge Je Gracia, York Press, Andrew Brennan, Caroline Walker Bynum, Michael Carrithers, Roderick M. Chisholm, I. L. La Salle & Frederick C. Doepke - 2003 - In Raymond Martin & John Barresi, Personal identity. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
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  35. Animal Ethics: Time for a New Approach?Andrew Brennan - 1995 - Animals and Science in the Twenty-First Century: New Technologies and Challenges.
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  36. Biodiversity.Andrew Brennan & Norva Y. S. Lo - 2014 - In Darrel Moellendorf & Heather Widdows, The Routledge Handbook of Global Ethics. London: Routledge.
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    But is it social? How to tell when groups are more than the sum of their members.Allison A. Brennan & James T. Enns - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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  38. (2 other versions)Conditions of Identity: A Study of Identity and Survival.Andrew Brennan - 1989 - Mind 98 (390):315-317.
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  39. Deep Ecology.Andrew Brennan - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette, The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
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  40.  41
    Disposition Toward Environmental Hazards in Hong Kong Chinese : Validation of a Chinese Version of the Environmental Appraisal Inventory (EAI-C).Andrew Brennan - unknown
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  41. Environment.Andrew Brennan - 2010 - In John Skorupski, The Routledge Companion to Ethics. New York: Routledge.
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  42. Ethics, Environmental.Andrew Brennan & Yeuk-Sze Lo - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  43.  17
    (1 other version)Ethics, ecology and economics.Andrew Brennan - 1995 - Biodiversity and Conservation 4 (8):798-811.
    This paper describes the general structure of an environmental philosophy. There can be many such philosophies, and those with their roots in economic theory have been extensively studied recently. Specific examples cited in the paper include the work of David Pearce and Robert Goodin. Economics-based philosophies can founder on the issue of externalities and a misplaced attempt to provide a comprehensive approach to valuing nature as a bundle of goods and services. It is argued that it is dangerously easy to (...)
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    Environmental Literacy and Educational Ideal.Andrew Brennan - 1994 - Environmental Values 3 (1):3 - 16.
    Environmental literacy is not encouraged by discipline-based education. Discipline-based education is damaging not only because it breaks the link between experience and theory but also because it encourages learners to believe that complex practical problems can be solved using the resources of just one or two specialist disciplines or frameworks of thought. It is argued that discipline-based education has been extremely successful, and its very success is a factor which explains some of our poor thinking about environmental problems. These problems (...)
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  45.  23
    Globalisation and the environment : endgame or a 'new Renaissance'?Andrew Brennan - unknown
  46.  27
    Identity and eternal predicates.A. A. Brennan - 1977 - Philosophical Studies 31 (4):285 - 288.
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    Indirect Discourse.Andrew Brennan - unknown
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  48.  16
    I: The Philosophy and Psychology of Personal Identity.Andrew Brennan - 1989 - Philosophical Books 30 (2):106-107.
  49.  12
    Nineteenth‐ and Twentieth‐Century Philosophy.Andrew Brennan - 1991 - In Dale Jamieson, A Companion to Environmental Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 146–160.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The eighteenth‐century legacy Idealism and nature philosophy Mud and gold Evolution and naturalism Sociology, organicism, and anarchism The city and the country Wilderness and the loss of Being.
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    Philosophy.Andrew Brennan - unknown
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