Results for 'Élaine Ménard'

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  1.  31
    Tensions in Cataloging: Observations on Standards and Implementation.Clément Arsenault, Élaine Ménard & John E. Leide - 2008 - Journal of Information Ethics 17 (1):28-42.
  2.  39
    Körper der Lust Ein Gespräch mit Monique David-Ménard.Monique David-Menard - 1994 - Die Philosophin 5 (10):85-94.
  3. The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World.Elaine Scarry - 1985 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Part philosophical meditation, part cultural critique, The Body in Pain is a profoundly original study that has already stirred excitement in a wide range of intellectual circles. The book is an analysis of physical suffering and its relation to the numerous vocabularies and cultural forces--literary, political, philosophical, medical, religious--that confront it.Elaine Scarry bases her study on a wide range of sources: literature and art, medical case histories, documents on torture compiled by Amnesty International, legal transcripts of personal injury trials, and (...)
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  4. Kant's "An Essay on the Maladies of the Mind" and Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime.Monique David-Ménard - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (4):82 - 98.
    David-Ménard examines the problem of the genesis of Kant's moral philosophy. The separation between Kantian practical reason and the inclinations of sense which it regulates is shown by the author to originate in Kant's attempt to regulate his own tendency to hypochondria. Her argument links the themes from two of Kant's precritical works which attest to this tendency-"An Essay on the Maladies of the Mind" and Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime-to the final form of (...)
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  5. Methodological Issues in New Institutional Economic.Ménard Claude - 2001 - Journal of Economic Methodology 8 (1):85-92.
  6. Les pulsions en psychanalyse: concept ou mythe?M. David-Ménard - 1987 - Studia Philosophica 46:44-51.
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    Plants of the gods: Ethnic routes to altered consciousness.Elaine Perry - 2002 - In Elaine Perry, Heather Ashton & Andrew W. Young, Neurochemistry of Consciousness: Neurotransmitters in Mind. John Benjamins. pp. 36--205.
  8.  3
    Quel rôle pour la bioéthique face à la complexité des enjeux planétaires?Jean-Frédéric Ménard - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 7 (1):54.
    Ce texte offre quelques réflexions épistémologiques et méthodologiques en réponse au texte d’Antoine Boudreau LeBlanc qui plaide pour une bioéthique renouvelée, capable de faire le lien entre science et politique afin de relever les défis majeurs auxquels l’humanité est actuellement confrontée. Cette proposition apparait nécessaire, compte tenu du paradoxe qui émerge du fait que l’expertise et la spécialisation grandissante ne se traduisent pas toujours par des solutions aux problèmes complexes qui affligent l’humanité. Il apparaît nécessaire de réfléchir à la nature (...)
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    Quelques réflexions en vue du renouvellement de la relation entre le droit et la bioéthique.Jean-Frédéric Ménard - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 7 (1):8.
    On a souvent dit que la bioéthique émergea au confluent des sciences de la santé, de la théologie, de la philosophie et du droit. Or, pour poursuivre son évolution, la bioéthique se doit d’adopter une position critique vis-à-vis de cet héritage, notamment en ce qui concerne le droit.
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    Head Cases: Julia Kristeva on Philosophy and Art in Depressed Times.Elaine Miller - 2014 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    While philosophy and psychoanalysis privilege language and conceptual distinctions and mistrust the image, the philosopher and psychoanalyst Julia Kristeva recognizes the power of art and the imagination to unblock important sources of meaning. She also appreciates the process through which creative acts counteract and transform feelings of violence and depression. Reviewing Kristeva's corpus, Elaine P. Miller considers the intellectual's "aesthetic idea" and "thought specular" in their capacity to reshape depressive thought on both the individual and cultural level. She revisits Kristeva's (...)
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  11. A 'Nudge' for Public Health Ethics: Libertarian Paternalism as a Framework for Ethical Analysis of Public Health Interventions?J. -F. Menard - 2010 - Public Health Ethics 3 (3):229-238.
    Is it possible to interfere with individual decision-making while preserving freedom of choice? The purpose of this article is to assess whether ‘libertarian paternalism’, a set of political and ethical principles derived from the observations of behavioural sciences, can form the basis of a viable framework for the ethical analysis of public health interventions. First, the article situates libertarian libertarianism within the broader context of the law and economics movement. The main tenets of the approach are then presented and particular (...)
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    Book review: Case studies and credibility: Review by Elaine englehardt. [REVIEW]Elaine Englehardt - 1994 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 9 (1):61 – 63.
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    How Are We to Read Beyond the Pleasure Principle?.Monique David-Ménard - 2017 - Oxford Literary Review 39 (2):246-264.
    This paper considers Freud's 1920 text, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, in light of Jacques Derrida's critical commentary on it in The Post Card. Against the deconstructive reading that highlights the performative aspects of Freud's speculative remarks, David-Ménard reads Freud's theory of the death drive as an epistemological and experimental hypothesis necessary for giving an account of the complexity and diversity of the clinical phenomenon of repetition in psychoanalysis. Though the death drive never appears locatable as such in the various (...)
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    Close to Home: A Materialist Analysis of Women's Oppression.Elaine Marks, Christine Delphy & Diana Leonard - 1987 - Substance 16 (1):95.
  15.  19
    Separations et transferts dans la hierarchie polynomiale des groupes abeliens lifinis.Ménard Bourgade - 2001 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47 (4):493-502.
    We prove some results on the polynomial hierarchies of infinite abelian groups. In particular, we show the polynomial hierarchy over an infinite group of exponent a prime number p collapse if and only if it is the case in the classical theory.
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    La bibliothèque de Nag-Hammadi et la connaissance de la gnose.Jacques E. Ménard - 1975 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 31 (1):3.
  17.  17
    In Memory of Her! Exploring the Political Power of Readings—Feminist and Ecological.Elaine M. Wainwright - 2015 - Feminist Theology 23 (2):205-220.
    Over the last 30 years or more the feminist and ecological movements have contributed significantly to two major shifts in the human social imaginary. These shifts have lead to new ways of reading/interpreting classical texts, and in this instance, biblical texts. This article addresses the political function of readings which have attended to gender, power and a range of multiplicative vectors over the recent decades of feminist interpretation. The more recent shift in the social imaginary to what Lorraine Code calls (...)
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    A staged progression for integrating ethics and social impact: across the computer science curriculum.Elaine Yale Weltz - 1998 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 28 (1):30-34.
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  19. The genetic versus the axiomatic method: Responding to Feferman 1977: The genetic versus the axiomatic method: Responding to Feferman 1977.Elaine Landry - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (1):24-51.
    Feferman argues that category theory cannot stand on its own as a structuralist foundation for mathematics: he claims that, because the notions of operation and collection are both epistemically and logically prior, we require a background theory of operations and collections. Recently [2011], I have argued that in rationally reconstructing Hilbert’s organizational use of the axiomatic method, we can construct an algebraic version of category-theoretic structuralism. That is, in reply to Shapiro, we can be structuralists all the way down ; (...)
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    Exploring physical mediumship: psychic photos, spirit voices, and materializations.Elaine M. Kuzmeskus - 2022 - Atglen: Schiffer Publishing.
    Elaine Kuzmeskus retraces historical sâeance sessions and retells firsthand accounts of spirits reaching from beyond the veil so that we, the living, can better understand what happens in these encounters and why.
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  21. Shared structure need not be shared set-structure.Elaine Landry - 2007 - Synthese 158 (1):1 - 17.
    Recent semantic approaches to scientific structuralism, aiming to make precise the concept of shared structure between models, formally frame a model as a type of set-structure. This framework is then used to provide a semantic account of (a) the structure of a scientific theory, (b) the applicability of a mathematical theory to a physical theory, and (c) the structural realist’s appeal to the structural continuity between successive physical theories. In this paper, I challenge the idea that, to be so used, (...)
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  22.  53
    Categories for the Working Philosopher.Elaine M. Landry (ed.) - 2017 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    This is the first volume on category theory for a broad philosophical readership. It is designed to show the interest and significance of category theory for a range of philosophical interests: mathematics, proof theory, computation, cognition, scientific modelling, physics, ontology, the structure of the world.
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    Do threatening stimuli draw or hold visual attention in subclinical anxiety?Elaine Fox, Riccardo Russo, Robert Bowles & Kevin Dutton - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (4):681.
  24. Categories in context: Historical, foundational, and philosophical.Elaine Landry & Jean-Pierre Marquis - 2005 - Philosophia Mathematica 13 (1):1-43.
    The aim of this paper is to put into context the historical, foundational and philosophical significance of category theory. We use our historical investigation to inform the various category-theoretic foundational debates and to point to some common elements found among those who advocate adopting a foundational stance. We then use these elements to argue for the philosophical position that category theory provides a framework for an algebraic in re interpretation of mathematical structuralism. In each context, what we aim to show (...)
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  25. Just business: business ethics in action.Elaine Sternberg - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Just Business provides the first comprehensive, reasoned framework for resolving questions of business ethics and corporate governance. Innovative, accessible, and global in scope, its powerful Ethical Decision Model can be used to manage the ethical problems of business as they arise in all their complexity and variety. Just Business combines business realism with philosophical rigor, and demonstrates that it is not necessary to emasculate or to adulterate business for business to be ethical. The book benefits from Elaine Sternberg's extensive experience (...)
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  26.  19
    Fighting Words: Turnus at Bay in the Latin Council ( Aeneid 11.234–446).Elaine Fantham - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (2):259-280.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Fighting Words:Turnus at Bay in the Latin Council (Aeneid 11.234–446)Elaine FanthamUntil the publication of Philip Hardie's important new discussion "Fame and Defamation in the Aeneid: The Council of Latins" (1998), Virgil's extended treatment of the Latin council had passed a generation of relative neglect—neglect all the more surprising because the debate occupies a quarter of the eleventh book.1 But then the book itself is generally treated as a lowering (...)
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  27.  66
    Attentional bias for threat: Evidence for delayed disengagement from emotional faces.Elaine Fox, Riccardo Russo & Kevin Dutton - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (3):355-379.
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    Facial Expressions of Emotion: Are Angry Faces Detected More Efficiently?Elaine Fox, Victoria Lester, Riccardo Russo, R. J. Bowles, Alessio Pichler & Kevin Dutton - 2000 - Cognition and Emotion 14 (1):61-92.
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  29. Building the barriers: Adolescent girls delimit the future.Elaine Batcher - 1987 - In Greta Hofman Nemiroff, Women and Men: Interdisciplinary Readings on Gender. Fitzhenry & Whiteside. pp. 150--164.
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    Challenging gender practices: Intersectional narratives of sibling relations and parent–child engagements in transnational serial migration.Elaine Bauer & Ann Phoenix - 2012 - European Journal of Women's Studies 19 (4):490-504.
    This article aims to contribute to the currently sparse literature on transnational families and gender. It focuses on the retrospective accounts of Caribbean-born adults who as children were serial migrants, joining their parents in the UK following a period of separation. It considers aspects of their relationships with their siblings and with their mothers and fathers. The article illuminates what the serial migrants viewed as contradictory everyday practices that produced ‘non-shared environments’. It discusses three ways in which transnationalism appeared to (...)
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    Against the Grain: Socially Just Social Science from the Standpoint of Roxana Ng.Elaine Coburn - 2017 - Studies in Social Justice 11 (1):136-159.
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    Créer des concepts dessiner l'impensé.Monique David-Ménard - 2004 - Rue Descartes n° 45-46 (3):75-87.
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    Formes et occurrences de l’incertitude en psychanalyse.Monique David-Ménard - 2025 - Noesis 39:145-158.
    Je distingue successivement trois modes d’incertitude en psychanalyse. L’incertitude caractérise d’abord la progressive connaissance d’un cas qui se présente au connaître comme une énigme et qu’il s’agit de construire comme singulier. L’incertitude de la connaissance tient ensuite à l’alliance très particulière du savoir et du non savoir dans la pratique et la théorie de la psychanalyse. Elle tient enfin à la mise au point d’une nouvelle définition du champ même auquel la psychanalyse a affaire : un certain régime des actes (...)
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  34. Is it Necessary to Look for the Universal in the Difference between the Sexes? The'Formulae of Sexuation'in Lacan.Monique David-Menard - 2004 - In Kelly Oliver & Lisa Mae-Helen Walsh, Contemporary French Feminism. Oxford University Press. pp. 215.
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    Natalie Boymel Kampen.Elaine Fantham - 2013 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 106 (4):691-692.
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    With malice aforethought: The ethics of malitia on stage and at law.Elaine Fantham - 2008 - In Ineke Sluiter & Ralph Mark Rosen, Kakos: badness and anti-value in classical antiquity. Boston: Brill. pp. 307--319.
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  37. Fascist scholars, fascist scholarship : the quest for ur-fascism and the study of religion.Elaine Fisher - 2010 - In Christian K. Wedemeyer & Wendy Doniger, Hermeneutics, politics, and the history of religions: the contested legacies of Joachim Wach and Mircea Eliade. New York: Oxford University Press.
  38.  22
    Structural priming can inform syntactic analyses of partially grammaticalized constructions.Elaine J. Francis - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    A Source Book in Classical AnalysisGarrett Birkhoff Uta Merzbach.Elaine Koppelman - 1975 - Isis 66 (2):284-285.
  40.  15
    Hammerschmidt, Claudia (ed.): Patagonia literaria V. Representaciones de la identidad cultural mapuche. Menard & André - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (2):494-495.
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    Multiple growth factors are associated with lesions of atherosclerosis: Specificity or redundancy?Elaine W. Raines & Russell Ross - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (4):271-282.
    Within the last five years, a number of specific growth factors have been localized in developing lesions of atherosclerosis. This localization of growth factors that is not observed in normal vessels, together with the pleotrophic activities of growth factors, have suggested a role for growth factors in atherosclerotic lesion progression. However, based on in vitro studies, many of the growth factors identified in lesions have overlapping target cells and are derived from the same cellular sources. What is the relative role (...)
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  42. Philosophy and the weapons of nuclear war.Elaine Scarry - 2024 - In Jens Bjering, Anders Engberg-Pedersen, Solveig Gade & Christine Strandmose Toft, War and aesthetics: art, technology, and the futures of warfare. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
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    Utopia at Penn State.Elaine Zajano - 1988 - Moreana 25 (Number 98-25 (2-3):65-66.
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    Gradient acceptability and linguistic theory.Elaine Francis - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    In Gradient Acceptability and Linguistic Theory, Elaine J. Francis examines a challenging problem at the intersection of theoretical linguistics and the psychology of language: the problem of interpreting gradient judgments of sentence acceptability in relation to theories of grammatical knowledge. This problem is important because acceptability judgments constitute the primary source of data on which such theories have been built, despite being susceptible to various extra-grammatical factors. Through a review of experimental and corpus-based research on a variety of syntactic phenomena (...)
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    Broader, Bolder, Better: How Schools and Communities Help Students Overcome the Disadvantages of Poverty.Elaine Weiss & Paul Reville - 2019 - Harvard Education Press.
    _In _Broader, Bolder, Better_, authors Elaine Weiss, of the Broader, Bolder Approach to Education campaign, and Paul Reville, former Massachusetts secretary of education, make a compelling case for a fundamental change in the way we view education._ The authors argue for a large-scale expansion of community-school partnerships in order to provide holistic, integrated student supports (ISS) from cradle to career, including traditional wraparound services like health, mental health, nutrition, and family supports, as well as expanded access to opportunities such as (...)
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  46. Category theory: The language of mathematics.Elaine Landry - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (3):27.
    In this paper I argue that category theory ought to be seen as providing the language for mathematical discourse. Against foundational approaches, I argue that there is no need to reduce either the content or structure of mathematical concepts and theories to the constituents of either the universe of sets or the category of categories. I assign category theory the role of organizing what we say about the content and structure of both mathematical concepts and theories. Insofar, then, as the (...)
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  47.  16
    Grace Jantzen: Redeeming the Present.Elaine L. Graham (ed.) - 2009 - Ashgate.
    Chapter Redeeming the Present Elaine Graham What does it mean to do feminist moral philosophy with notions of utopia and transformation as points of..
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  48. The loss of women from science, mathematics, and engineering undergraduate majors: An explanatory account.Elaine Seymour - 1995 - Science Education 79 (4):437-473.
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  49.  52
    Ethics in Tax Practice: A Study of the Effect of Practitioner Firm Size.Elaine Doyle, Jane Frecknall-Hughes & Barbara Summers - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (4):623-641.
    While much of the empirical accounting literature suggests that, if differences do exist, Big Four employees are more ethical than non-Big Four employees, this trend has not been evident in the recent media coverage of Big Four tax practitioners acting for multinationals accused of aggressive tax avoidance behaviour. However, there has been little exploration in the literature to date specifically of the relationship between firm size and ethics in tax practice. We aim here to address this gap, initially exploring tax (...)
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  50.  9
    Making the Difference: Gender, Personhood, and Theology.Elaine L. Graham - 1995 - Burns & Oates.
    Within the human and social sciences, the analysis of gender is treated as an essential aspect of human behaviour. By contrast, within the church there has been little sustained or disciplined attention to the nature and underlying significance of gender, theological discourse and church policy all too often displaying their ignorance and unexamined assumptions about the crucial issues involved. Elaine Graham attempts a more detailed and critical inquiry into how an analysis of gender can affect policy, practice and discourse with (...)
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