Results for '"management culture"'

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  1.  10
    Exploring Innovative Approaches to Managing Cultural Heritage for Economic Benefit.Dr Kajal Chheda, Mohan Garg, Monika, Anila Bajpai, Sanjay Bhatnagar, Vidhya Lakshmi & Anvesha Garg - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:952-962.
    Cultural heritage management is essential for protecting the historical and cultural significance of sites while contributing to economic growth. This study's objective is to ascertain and evaluate modern management techniques for heritage sites that maximize economic benefits while ensuring sustainable protection. It seeks to discover methods that effectively stabilize heritage conservation with economic development goals. This study investigates the relationship between Economic benefits, Cultural preservation, Public Engagement, Community Impact, Sustainability of Management Practices, and Innovative approaches to managing cultural heritage utilizing (...)
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    Increasing the level of management culture in business organizations in the context of applying social responsibility practice.Regina Andriukaitiene - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії:10-12.
    _Relevance_. The starting point for embedding CSR as part of the management culture is the vision and values. But first, you need to understand what 'values' means in CSR terms. Companies spend time and effort in creating their mission, vision and values statements, but these are often only from a commercial and internal viewpoint. To achieve CSR values, managers need to take an objective external vie", identifying their various stakeholders, and the company's impacts upon them [1]. Management culture (...)
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    Inducing Error Management Culture – Evidence From Experimental Team Studies.Alexander Klamar, Dorothee Horvath, Nina Keith & Michael Frese - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Field studies indicate that error management culture can be beneficial for organizational performance. The question of whether and how error management culture can be induced remained unanswered. We conducted two experiments with newly formed teams, in which we aimed to induce error management culture and to explore whether we would also find beneficial effects of error management culture on performance in an experimental setting. Furthermore, we tested whether culture strength moderates the relationship between error management (...)
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    Safety in psychiatric inpatient care: The impact of risk management culture on mental health nursing practice.Allie Slemon, Emily Jenkins & Vicky Bungay - 2017 - Nursing Inquiry 24 (4):e12199.
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  5. Державна політика у сфері культури: Особливості реалізації в сучасних умовах.Maryna Maksymenko & Valerii Pavliuk - 2014 - Схід 6 (132):32-35.
    The article analyzes the basic principles of state policy in the sphere of culture. The specific mission of cultural awareness is determined in the national socio-cultural context. The study highlights the key concepts of contemporary cultural policy in Ukraine, including "management culture" and "cultural support". The article discloses their role in the national public identity. The authors conclude on the necessity of substantial organizational and managerial reform of cultural policy on the principle of consistency in maintaining spiritual achievements (...)
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    Формування концепції ноосферно-інформаційно-інноваційного розвитку адміністративного нооменеджменту у сучасну епоху.В. Г Воронкова, Регіна Андрюкайтене & М. Ю Максименюк - 2017 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 69:44-50.
    The paper presents the analysis of the concept of the noosphere, information and innovation management, which aims to realize the idea of noosphere thinking in administrative management, namely development of harmonious relationship between man, society, nature. It is revealed that the sphere of mind and spirit is based on the concept of the noosphere-no-information-innovative development of administrative management, which serves as the core of noosphere thinking manager. The aim is to create the concept of noosphere thinking, which is a key (...)
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    Взаємодія управлінської освіти та управлінської культури як основа нової управлінської парадигми інформаційного суспільства.Maria Kononets - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 76:103-111.
    The relevance of the research topic is that the interaction of managerial education and managerial culture in the information society is an integral part of the formation of a management paradigm of the ХХ1 century. The interaction of managerial education and managerial culture in information societies is an interdisciplinary matrix of many socio-humanities and behavioral sciences. The problem is conceptualization of the interaction of managerial education and managerial culture in the information society, which allows to develop modern (...)
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  8.  22
    The danger of compartmentalization: An analysis of the relationship between theology and politics through the prism of the right to freedom of religion.Silvio Ferrari - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (4-5):465-473.
    This article argues that we cannot separate theology on the one hand and politics, law and economy on the other when trying to understand how to deal with religious and cultural diversity. Through an historical examination of the formation of the right to religious liberty in the West, it shows that the European secular state is still deeply indebted with its theological presuppositions. This conclusion explains why systems of religiously based personal regimes are much less widespread in Europe than in (...)
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    The 3 power values: how commitment, integrity, and transparency clear the roadblocks to performance.David Gebler - 2012 - San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
    Get organizational results by nurturing commitment, integrity, and transparency. A healthy corporate culture is the secret to an organization's performance. The good news is that employees already embody the values needed to propel the organization to its goals, but institutional roadblocks get in the way. All too often leaders don't know how to diagnose their culture in order to clear these roadblocks to performance. The 3 Power Values presents a breakthrough model that permits leaders to measure and manage (...)
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    The new enterprise culture in Hungary.Bela Kos - 1998 - World Futures 52 (2):175-179.
    In order that Hungarian enterprises might survive and grow in western markets, management culture will have to change. Hungary has a lot of advantages, a well educated work force, a culture of change and a latent ability to rebuild itself. It is geographically well placed in the centre of Europe but, unfortunately, it has no mineral wealth to speak of and it is relatively small. Hungary, therefore, has to depend on export to grow and prosper. Change might require (...)
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  11.  26
    Conclusion générale : de la diversité à la cohabitation culturelle.Dominique Wolton - 2008 - Hermes 51:195.
    La globalisation qui devait ouvrir le monde conduit à un défi inverse: gérer le retour des identités et la diversité culturelle. Il s'agit maintenant de créer une autre mondialisation associant humanisme universaliste et respect des identités. Or, il apparaît que le cadre politique traditionnel est le plus apte à permettre de respecter cette diversité culturelle. Il doit donc être préservé pour assurer la protection non seulement sociale mais aussi culturelle. Si les pouvoirs européens sous-évaluent la question des identités et ne (...)
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    Філософсько-методологічні основи визначення принципів інформаційно-пропагандистського забезпечення в збройних силах.Mykola Shevchenko - 2016 - Схід 5 (145):114-120.
    From the perspective of socio-economic point of view the author pointed out three groups of consistent patterns of informational and propagandistic support in the armed forces, namely: 1) dependency of its nature, place in the instruments and phenomenology of ideologic work on: peculiarities of security environment; peculiarities of military culture of the particular society; type of society, which is characterized according to the criteria of perception of war as a means of defendind national interests and national ability to act (...)
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    Diversity and Complementarity of Cultures as Principles of Universal Civilization.Anna Murdoch - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (5-6):117-128.
    Hofstede’s cultural values framework has been applied in a study looking at possible relations between migration streams and their country of destinations. The study is based on a model which consists of three factors: Human Resources Management, Culture Dimensions and Migration and it points out their non-linear relationship. Migration outflows from Poland in 2002 are measured against culture dimensions (both in Poland and destinations countries) and power distance emerges as the most influential possible “pull” factor. A list of (...)
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  14.  12
    Citizenship, Borders, and Human Needs.Rogers Smith (ed.) - 2011 - Pennsylvania University Press.
    From anxiety about Muslim immigrants in Western Europe to concerns about undocumented workers and cross-border security threats in the United States, disputes over immigration have proliferated and intensified in recent years. These debates are among the most contentious facing constitutional democracies, and they show little sign of fading away. Edited and with an introduction by political scientist Rogers M. Smith, Citizenship, Borders, and Human Needs brings together essays by leading international scholars from a wide range of disciplines to explore the (...)
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  15.  20
    Психологічні аспекти формування лідерської культури керівника у контексті рефлексивної моделі управління.Maria Kononets - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 77:181-191.
    The relevance of the research topic is that the psychological aspects of leadership culture are formed under the influence of many factors - economic, organizational, philosophical, philosophical, emotional. The problem statement is the conceptualization of the psychological aspects of forming a leader's leadership culture that creates strategy and produces strong managerial ideas. A true leader should inspire, inspire enthusiasm, support people in motivation and form high-performing teams as a whole. Analysis of Recent Research and Publications - for analysis, (...)
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    Attitudes of management students towards workplace ethics: A comparative study between South Africa and Cyprus.Adèle Thomas, Maria Krambia- Kapardis & Anastasios Zopiatis - 2014 - African Journal of Business Ethics 3 (1):1.
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    Інформаційно-комуніативна культура особистості та проблеми її віртуалізації: Соціально-філософські виміри.В. В Мельник - 2016 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 67:258-266.
    The article presents the conceptualization of development of information culture of personality under the conditions of modern society; identified methodological bases of information culture that develops in conditions of virtual-network society; defines the essence and the content of the information culture and analysis concepts and categorical apparatus information culture, disclosed the relationship to information information management culture; problems of development of information culture and ways of their solving. It is concluded that the information (...) that develops in modern conditions, requires the development of appropriate theoretical and conceptual approaches to this innovative issues that affects a lot of problems and ontological epistemological, axiological dimensions. (shrink)
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    The Rise and Fall of the Medical Gaze: The Political Economy of Immigrant Medical Inspection in Modern America.Amy L. Fairchild - 2006 - Science in Context 19 (3):337-356.
    ArgumentIn this paper I examine the mass medical inspections of immigrants to the United States from the 1890s through the 1920s. I show how, framed as it was not only by nativism and eugenics but also by national industrial imperatives and priorities, scientific medicine served dual purposes. On the one hand, the medical exam was a tool for managing cultural and biological threats to the nation. There were regional variations in medical inspections that reflected the politics of race. On the (...)
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  19.  70
    Cultural Diversity in Business: A Critical Reflection on the Ideology of Tolerance.Teresa Escrich & J. Félix Lozano - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 142 (4):679-696.
    Cultural diversity is an increasingly important phenomenon that affects not only social and political harmony but also the cohesion and efficiency of organisations. The problems that firms have with regard to managing cultural diversity have been abundantly studied in recent decades from the perspectives of management theory and moral philosophy, but there are still open questions that require deeper reflection and broader empirical analysis. Managing cultural diversity in organisations is of prime importance because it involves harmonising different values, beliefs, credos (...)
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  20. Promoting Sustainable Development of Cultural Assets by Improving Users' Perception through Space Configuration; Case Study: The Industrial Heritage Site.Hassan Bazazzadeh, Adam Nadonly, Koorosh Attarian, Behnaz Safar Ali Najar & Seyedeh Sara Hashemi Safaei - 2020 - Sustainability 12 (12).
    The role of the cultural assets as one of the pillars of sustainable development is undeniably of great significance in the cultural sustainability of cities. Indeed, the way users understand and interpret cultural heritage sites would be highly critical to managing cultural organizations properly. It means by improving users’ perception of these sites, it can expect a fair distribution of comprehensive awareness among generations about the values of cultural assets. Past studies in spatial psychology have demonstrated that environmental properties can (...)
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  21.  15
    Networks or Structures? Organizing Cultural Routes Around Heritage Values. Case Studies from Poland.Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska & Anna Góral - 2018 - Humanistic Management Journal 3 (2):253-277.
    The most common way of managing cultural heritage recently takes form of cultural routes as they seem to offer a new model of participation in culture to their recipients; they are often a peculiar anchor point for inhabitants to let them understand their identity and form the future; they offer actual tours to enter into interaction with culture and history, to build together that creation of the heritage, which so is becoming not only a touristic product, but, first (...)
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  22. Strategic and participatory design in integrated ventures. Fitness case La Plata, Argentina.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa & Ticiana Agustina Alvarado Wall - 2021 - Designia 9 (1):17-37.
    The objective of this article is to analyze the relationships between theories of strategic design and participatory design, in multiple commercial alliances between local entrepreneurs from different sectors and their integrated application in the urban context. Various authors have dealt with these strategic issues in isolation and less frequently have addressed them from the entrepreneurial experience. A review of the specific literature allows us to account for the main concepts involved in this approach. The case being analyzed refers to a (...)
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    Revealing the Moderating Role of Organizational Support in HR Professionals’ Competencies, Willingness, and Effectiveness Relationship: Empirical Evidence From a Developing Economy.Aqeel Ahmad, Muhammad Fareed, Mohd Faizal Mohd Isa & Sri Sarah Maznah Mohd Salleh - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Human resources management is essential to ensure the success of any organization which is based on the belief that an organization gains competitive advantage by using its people effectively and efficiently. But HR professionals need organizational support to make the employees more committed and passionate about their work. In this study, the researchers aim to examine the moderating effect of organizational support in the relationship between human resource professionals’ competencies, HR professionals’ willingness, and HR professionals’ effectiveness. HR Professionals’ competencies such (...)
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  24.  13
    Управління розвитком організаційної культури як чинник впливу на зміни в організації.Regina Andriukaitiene, A. V. Cherep, V. H. Voronkova, O. P. Punchenko & O. P. Kyvliuk - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 75:169-179.
    The relevance of the research is manifested in the fact that organizational culture is an important and penetrating everywhere concept with regards to influence on organizational change programmes. Literature analysis shows that there is ambiguity in the assessment of organizational culture. A certain outcome of a cultural variable may have not the same effect on all organizational processes associated with management activity.. According to Melnick, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the processes of management and management (...)
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    Sensemaking– wiedza i kultura organizacji w świetle humanistyki zintegrowanej.Mateusz Bonecki - 2012 - Filo-Sofija 12 (18).
    SENSEMAKING. ORGANIZATIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND CULTURE IN THE LIGHT OF INTEGRATED HUMANITIES Definitions of organizational culture usually focus on shared symbols, rituals, behavioral patterns, or even propositional assumptions concerning reality. Such phenomena represent heterogeneous collection of objects, events, and processes. Instead, the paradigm of integrated humanities defines organizational culture in terms of beliefs which provide both practical instructions for agents and shared interpretative schemes which guide the understanding of the environment. In this context, the process of “sensemaking” is (...)
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  26.  7
    Mitigating AI-induced professional identity threat and fostering adoption in the workplace.Liah Shonhe & Qingfei Min - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    The increasing adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the workplace raises concerns about its impact on professionals’ sense of identity and their willingness to use this technology. This study investigates the relationship between AI-induced professional identity threat (PIT) and AI use intention in the workplace. We explore how factors like AI identity, records and information management culture, explainable AI (XAI) as a collaborator, professional experience, and temporal distance, can influence these relationships. Data was collected through an online survey distributed (...)
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  27.  20
    Reimagining academic freedom: a companion piece.Anne Pirrie & Kari Manum - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 58 (6):895-909.
    We consider academic freedom in the context of broader developments in higher education. We suggest that the tenor of contemporary debates on the subject is a manifestation of pervasive forms of authoritarianism that undermine the university as a home of adventure, a place and space that is conducive to the conduct of free inquiry.It is evident that some champions of academic freedom engage in dangerously polarized forms of spectacle, engendered by a management culture that embraces showmanship and routinely favours (...)
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  28.  39
    Migration, Culture and Classic Factors. Can We Operationalise Culture Dimensions in a Meaningful Way? Comments to Anna Murdoch’s “Diversity and Complementarity of Cultures as Principles of Universal Civilization”.Florentina Constantin - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (5):129-132.
    Hofstede’s cultural values framework has been applied in a study looking at possible relations between migration streams and their country of destinations. The study is based on a model which consists of three factors: Human Resources Management, Culture Dimensions and Migration and it points out their non-linear relationship. Migration outflows from Poland in 2002 are measured against culture dimensions (both in Poland and destinations countries) and power distance emerges as the most influential possible “pull” factor. A list of (...)
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    Liberalization, modernization, westernization.Joseph Heath - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (5-6):665-690.
    This paper distinguishes three distinct processes of change that a system of values can undergo: modernization, liberalization and westernization. Modernization refers to the changes needed to establish compatibility with science and technology, along with the functional demands of a capitalist economy. Liberalization refers to the changes needed to bring values into alignment with the requirements of a bureaucratic nation-state, along with the specific institutional strategies used to manage cultural pluralism. In a slight regimentation of everyday use, the term ‘westernization’ is (...)
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  30.  21
    Educational Marketisation and the Head’s Psychological Well–Being: A Speculative Conceptualisation.Izhar Oplatka, Nick Foskett & Jane Hemsley–Brown - 2002 - British Journal of Educational Studies 50 (4):419 - 441.
    One of the most important changes in the environment of schooling during the last decade has been the establishment of educational markets and inter-institutional competition which, in turn, has led to the development of a new management culture in schools. In the light of these developments, this paper draws together the research on heads' responses to marketisation and suggests theoretical hypotheses on the impact of its underlying features on their psychological well-being. Our argument is that the major features of (...)
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  31.  15
    Creative Impact Measure of Cros – Cultural Managerial Apects.Ľuboš Magdolen & Hana Janáková - 2013 - Creative and Knowledge Society 3 (2):16-27.
    The world today is characterized by intercultural diversity. More and more communication takes place between people with different linguistic as well as cultural backgrounds. This happens because of contacts within the areas of business, science, education etc. but also because of immigration brought about by labour shortage or unstable political situation. The globalisation of the economy with increased appreciation by companies that managing cultural differences properly can be a key factor in getting things done effectively across borders. With increased contact (...)
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    Przestrzeń uwagi a współczesna inżynieria epistemiczna. O przyszłości uniwersytetu.Tomasz Majewski - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 38:7-26.
    The article is a critical comment on the contemporary condition of the university and the reform of higher education introduced in Poland in 2018. The management culture imposed by the reform, focused on “scientific productivity” and bibliometrics, is in conflict with the university’s ethos of striving for truth and open discussion, constitutive for the community of learners and scientists. The author argues that attachment to these values is not only a matter of tradition, but a special task of the (...)
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  33.  16
    Концепція управлінської освіти інформаційного суспільства.М Оkononets - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 74:129-137.
    Relevance of the research topic is that management education as a complex social phenomenon of the present, is an integral part of the formation of managerial culture of the head. Management education is interpreted from different sides, which suggests that managerial education is an interdisciplinary matrix of many socio-humanities and behavioral sciences. Problem statement - managerial education helps to form the personal qualities of the manager, which in general contributes to the formation of the concept of personal management. It (...)
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  34.  20
    Cultura y Democracia del Agua.Ramón Vargas - 2006 - Polis 14.
    La crisis del agua es la crisis de la vida. Sin cambio cultural no puede darse un cambio en la gestión del agua. Esto implica que la cultura del agua debería dejar de ser considerada como un componente más de los proyectos, programas y planes para pasar a ser entendida como generadora y condicionante de todos los otros componentes de la gestión.Los enfoques actuales de la gestión del agua evitan poner el eje de su acción en la cultura y democracia (...)
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