Results for ' unique character of biology itself'

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  1.  14
    There is a Place for Intelligent Design in the Philosophy of Biology.Del Ratzsch - 2009 - In Francisco José Ayala & Robert Arp, Contemporary debates in philosophy of biology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 343–363.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction A Brief Historical Note Failed Shortcuts Looking Deeper The Richness of Biology The Persistence of Design Real Design? Conclusion Postscript: Counterpoint Notes References.
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    There is a place for intelligent design in the philosophy of biology : intelligent design in (philosophy of) biology : some legitimate roles.Del Ratzsch - 2009 - In Francisco José Ayala & Robert Arp, Contemporary debates in philosophy of biology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 343–363.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction A Brief Historical Note Failed Shortcuts Looking Deeper The Richness of Biology The Persistence of Design Real Design? Conclusion Postscript: Counterpoint Notes References.
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    Europe and Mankind. Husserl’s Biased Reflections on the Origin of Philosophy and Not Europeanized Civilizations.Elmar Holenstein - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 7:315.
    Nowhere does the theory-laden character of Husserl’s phenomenological intuitions become as apparent as in his reflections on cultural philosophy. It is his theory that the qualification of one‘s own tradition as one of many manifestations of something valid in itself and binding for all is a unique achievement of Greek-European philosophy. However, that conviction can be found equally in South Asian “doctrines of Oneness” as well as in East Asian instances of the “Golden Rule”. Every person with (...)
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    Underplayed Ethics and the Dilemmas of Psychiatric Care.Chong Siow Ann & Tamra Lysaght - 2013 - Asian Bioethics Review 5 (3):173-175.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Underplayed Ethics and the Dilemmas of Psychiatric CareChong Siow Ann and Tamra LysaghtThe practice of psychiatry is fraught with uncertainty. The exact causes and the biological substrates underlying mental disorders remain to be elucidated; even the diagnosis of these disorders is descriptive and not based on an etiological understanding and no biological diagnostic markers have been validated. The manifestation of almost all mental disorders results from a complex interaction (...)
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  5. Forms of materialist embodiment.Charles T. Wolfe - 2012 - In Matthew Landers & Brian Muñoz, Anatomy and the Organization of Knowledge, 1500-1850. Pickering & Chatto.
    The materialist approach to the body is often, if not always understood in ‘mechanistic’ terms, as the view in which the properties unique to organic, living embodied agents are reduced to or described in terms of properties that characterize matter as a whole, which allow of mechanistic explanation. Indeed, from Hobbes and Descartes in the 17th century to the popularity of automata such as Vaucanson’s in the 18th century, this vision of things would seem to be correct. In this (...)
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    The meaningful character of value-language: A critique of the linguistic foundations of emotivism. [REVIEW]John L. Barger - 1980 - Journal of Value Inquiry 14 (2):77-91.
    The above arguments have not conclusively demonstrated the existence of value; nor have they sought to. Rather, they have focused primarily on value-language itself: what it is, what it means, and how men use it. In value-judgements, men intend to speak about reality, and not merely to manifest their feelings to influence others. The conceptual character of value-words gives them a formal objectivity lacking in mere manifestations of feeling; the meaning of value-words contains a “claim to objectivity” arising (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Four notions of biological function.Arno G. Wouters - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (4):633-668.
    I argue that there are at least four different ways in which the term ‘function’ is used in connection with the study of living organisms, namely: function as activity, function as biological role, function as biological advantage, and function as selected effect. Notion refers to what an item does by itself; refers to the contribution of an item or activity to a complex activity or capacity of an organism; refers to the value for the organism of an item having (...)
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    Internal Perception: The Role of Bodily Information in Concepts and Word Mastery.Luigi Pastore & Sara Dellantonio - 2017 - Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Edited by Luigi Pastore.
    Chapter 1 First Person Access to Mental States. Mind Science and Subjective Qualities -/- Abstract. The philosophy of mind as we know it today starts with Ryle. What defines and at the same time differentiates it from the previous tradition of study on mind is the persuasion that any rigorous approach to mental phenomena must conform to the criteria of scientificity applied by the natural sciences, i.e. its investigations and results must be intersubjectively and publicly controllable. In Ryle’s view, philosophy (...)
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  9. Soul-Leading in Plato's Phaedrus and the Iconic Character of Being.Ryan M. Brown - 2021 - Dissertation, Boston College
    Since antiquity, scholars have observed a structural tension within Plato’s Phaedrus. The dialogue demands order in every linguistic composition, yet it presents itself as a disordered composition. Accordingly, one of the key problems of the Phaedrus is determining which—if any—aspect of the dialogue can supply a unifying thread for the dialogue’s major themes (love, rhetoric, writing, myth, philosophy, etc.). My dissertation argues that “soul-leading” (psuchagōgia)—a rare and ambiguous term used to define the innate power of words—resolves the dialogue’s structural (...)
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    Religious supplicant, seductive cannibal, or reflex machine? In search of the praying mantis.Frederick R. Prete & M. Melissa Wolfe - 1992 - Journal of the History of Biology 25 (1):91-136.
    The original, prescientific Western belief that the mantis is a pious, helpful creature became a widely held explanation for the mantid's unique resting posture, and for one of its cryptic displays. This belief was a characteristic part of a broader discourse about nature in which ancient authority, religious beliefs, and superstition, but few original observations, mixed freely. Gradually, the belief in mantid gentleness and piousness became a commonplace through the continual retelling of the myths and superstitions surrounding this fascinating (...)
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    A Sketch of the Daoist Character.Xiao Jiefu - 1998 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 30 (1):58-74.
    This paper outlines the unique features of Daoist thought that comprise the inherent spirit and substance of Daoist thought and style, and analyses the formation of the Daoist character from its remote social roots. Three points are made: The heretical spirit of "being clad in rough serge but holding a pearl" is an important feature of Daoism; The objectivity of the "Way which imitates what is so of itself" is the core of Daoist reasoning, which is more (...)
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  12. Philosophical Foundations of Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2016 - Amazon Digital Services LLC.
    In this work, it is made clear: -/- (1) What it is to rationalize and how rationalization is possible; (2) What it is to repress and how repression is possible; (3) How internal conflict is possible, how it is related to anxiety and other affective states, and how internal conflict causes blindness; (4) Why it is that conceptualized self-awareness is repression-resistant (though not repression-proof) and non-conceptualized self-awareness is not repression-resistant; (5) How rationalization is necessary for repression and vice versa; (6) (...)
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    Vakbonden en sociaal overleg in het laatste kwart van de XX° eeuw.Willy Peirens - 2000 - Res Publica 42 (1):105-117.
    The unique character of the socio-economic negociations in Belgium has lost much of its glamour and prestige during the last quarter of the 20th century. While before 1975, there was more or less agreement among the social partners to redistribute welfare to the whole society, after the first oil crisis employers tended to see themselves in competition with other employers, with the trade unions and with the state. Both employers' organisations as trade unions wanted to safeguard their own (...)
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  14. Principles of self-generation and self-maintenance.U. An Heiden, G. Roth & H. Schwegler - 1985 - Acta Biotheoretica 34 (2-4).
    Living systems are characterized as self-generating and self-maintaining systems. This type of characterization allows integration of a wide variety of detailed knowledge in biology.The paper clarifies general notions such as processes, systems, and interactions. Basic properties of self-generating systems, i.e. systems which produce their own parts and hence themselves, are discussed and exemplified. This makes possible a clear distinction between living beings and ordinary machines. Stronger conditions are summarized under the concept of self-maintenance as an almost unique (...) of living systems. Finally, we discuss the far-reaching consequences that the principles of self-generation and self-maintenance have for the organization, structure, function, and evolution of single- and multi-cellular organisms. (shrink)
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    Phenomenon of Self-alienation of Culture as a Basis of Transformations of Philosophy in the Present-day world.L. M. Demchenko - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 36:7-12.
    This article covers issues illustrating determining significance of philosophy as a theoretical reflection over the utmost bases of culture as well as processes, conditioned by phenomena of alienation and self-alienation of culture, resulting in its integrity, uniqueness and originality demolition. This, in its turn, definitely leads to various kinds of deformation of philosophic reflection. The most important tendency in subduing the crisis of culture and philosophy is to project a new type of philosophizing, represented in the critical philosophy of “Frankfurt’s (...)
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  16. The significance and scope of evolutionary developmental biology: a vision for the 21st century.A. P. Moczek, K. E. Sears, A. Stollewerk, P. J. Wittkopp, P. Diggle, I. Dworkin, C. Ledon-Rettig, D. Q. Mattus, S. Roth, E. Abouheif, F. D. Brown, C.-H. Chiu, C. S. Cohen & A. W. De Tomaso - 2015 - Evolution & Development 17:198–219.
    Evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo) has undergone dramatic transformations since its emergence as a distinct discipline. This paper aims to highlight the scope, power, and future promise of evo-devo to transform and unify diverse aspects of biology. We articulate key questions at the core of eleven biological disciplines—from Evolution, Development, Paleontology, and Neurobiology to Cellular and Molecular Biology, Quantitative Genetics, Human Diseases, Ecology, Agriculture and Science Education, and lastly, Evolutionary Developmental Biology itself—and discuss why evo-devo is (...)
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  17. Dual Character Concepts in Social Cognition: Commitments and the Normative Dimension of Conceptual Representation.Guillermo Del Pinal & Kevin Https://Orcidorg Reuter - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S3):477–501.
    The concepts expressed by social role terms such as artist and scientist are unique in that they seem to allow two independent criteria for categorization, one of which is inherently normative. This study presents and tests an account of the content and structure of the normative dimension of these “dual character concepts.” Experiment 1 suggests that the normative dimension of a social role concept represents the commitment to fulfill the idealized basic function associated with the role. Background information (...)
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  18.  63
    Some aspects of theoretical biology.Ralph S. Lillie - 1948 - Philosophy of Science 15 (2):118-134.
    A theory in natural science is a comprehensive formula or doctrine which describes and correlates in a unified abstract form of statement the general determining factors of some special group of natural facts. It is at once inclusive, realistic and understandable. If a theoretical statement holds good, the existence and characteristics of many individual events can be inferred deductively from it. It thus gives a logical basis for empirical fact. But it is based on experience of nature, and must conform (...)
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    Self-Organizing Dynamics of a Minimal Protocell.Walter Riofrio - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 43:185-191.
    In this paper, we present an argument showing why the general properties of a self-organizing system (e.g. being far from equilibrium) may be too weak to characterize biological and proto-biological systems. The special character of biological systems, tell us that its distinctive capacities could have been developed in pre-biotic times. In other words, the basic properties of life would be better comprehended if we think that they were much more likely early in time. We developed a conceptual proposal on (...)
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    On the Commerce of Thinking: Of Books and Bookstores.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2009 - Fordham University Press.
    Jean-Luc Nancy'sOn the Commerce of Thinkingconcerns the particular communication of thoughts that takes place by means of the business of writing, producing, and selling books. His reflection is born out of his relation to the bookstore, in the first place his neighborhood one, but beyond that any such "perfumery, rotisserie, patisserie," as he calls them, dispensaries "of scents and flavors through which something like a fragrance or bouquet of the book is divined, presumed, sensed."On the Commerce of Thinking is thus (...)
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    Macroevolutionary Freezing and the Janusian Nature of Evolvability: Is the Evolution (of Profound Biological Novelty) Going to End?Jan Toman & Jaroslav Flegr - 2018 - Biosemiotics 11 (2):263-285.
    In a macroevolutionary timescale, evolvability itself evolves. Lineages are sorted based on their ability to generate adaptive novelties, which leads to the optimization of their genotype-phenotype map. The system of translation of genetic or epigenetic changes to the phenotype may reach significant horizontal and vertical complexity, and may even exhibit certain aspects of learning behaviour. This continuously evolving semiotic system probably enables the origin of complex yet functional and internally compatible adaptations. However, it also has a second, “darker”, side. (...)
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    The Search for Ourselves in the Universe: A Review of 'Contingency and Convergence: Toward a Cosmic Biology of Body and Mind'. [REVIEW]Letitia Meynell - 2021 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 13.
    The basic thesis of Russell Powell’s Contingency and Convergence: Toward a Cosmic Biology of Body and Mind is that law-like evolutionary processes produce humanlike cognitive capacities, rendering such capacities common in the universe. There is an important caveat; key aspects of human cognition, those that undergird cumulative culture, are entirely contingent and likely very rare. To defend this thesis, Powell marshals a wealth of evidence from a variety of disciplines and develops some singular theoretical tools. Unfortunately, at a number (...)
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  23.  12
    On a Unique Christian Appropriation of Plato in the Dialogue Ammonius by Zacharias Scholasticus.Tiziano Ottobrini - 2024 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 45 (1):151-165.
    This essay investigates the little-known dialogue by Zacharias Scholasticus entitled Ammonius, a philosophical dispute over the creation of the world. It examines in particular Zacharias’ skill in portraying the character of Ammonius, a pagan teacher of philosophy in Alexandria. Even before illustrating his own eternalist theses, which are later refuted by Zacharias, Ammonius is introduced through subtle yet unequivocal allusions as a malus Socrates, i.e. a bad teacher who corrupts young people and alienates them from philosophy, while being well (...)
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    Proteoglycans: key partners in bone cell biology.François Lamoureux, Marc Baud'huin, Laurence Duplomb, Dominique Heymann & Françoise Rédini - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (8):758-771.
    The diversity of bone proteoglycan (PG) structure and localisation (pericellular, extracellular in the organic bone matrix) reflects a broad spectrum of biological functions within a unique tissue. PGs play important roles in organizing the bone extracellular matrix, taking part in the structuring of the tissue itself as active regulators of collagen fibrillogenesis. PGs also display selective patterns of reactivity with several constituents including cytokines and growth factors, such as transforming growth factor‐β or osteoprotegerin thereby modulating their bio‐availability and (...)
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  25.  21
    Morality and Nature: Evolutionary Challenges to Christian Ethics.Johan De Tavernier - 2014 - Zygon 49 (1):171-189.
    Christian ethics accentuates in manifold ways the unique character of human nature. Personalists believe that the mind is never reducible to material and physical substance. The human person is presented as the supreme principle, based on arguments referring to free‐willed actions, the immateriality of both the divine spirit and the reflexive capacity, intersubjectivity and self‐consciousness. But since Darwin, evolutionary biology slowly instructs us that morality roots in dispositions that are programmed by evolution into our nature. Historically, Thomas (...)
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    Is Organic Life “Existential”?: Reflections on the Biophenomenologies of Hans Jonas and Early Heidegger.Andrew Tyler Johnson - 2014 - Environmental Philosophy 11 (2):253-277.
    In this paper I outline Hans Jonas’s thesis of the “existential” character of biological life and compare it with statements made by the early Heidegger concerning the essential enworldedness of all living beings. I then critically examine this thesis in the light of Heidegger’s own later refutation of his views and consequent reversal of his former position on life. I argue that while both thinkers are correct to attribute a radical openness to organic life as such, Heidegger is correct (...)
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  27.  6
    Biological organisms or Darwinian individuals?José Tomás Alvarado - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 27:1-18.
    Traditionally, it has been supposed that the central object of Biology are ‘organisms’. The expression “organism” is relatively recent in the use that it has nowadays –it was introduced by the authors of the German Idealism– but corresponds to a very traditional notion. An ‘organism’ is a substance composed by a plurality of materials organized by the same substance that acts upon itself to persist in time, in order to a finality that is the organism itself. To (...)
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    Diversity in American Biology, 1900-1940.Jane Maienschein - 1999 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 21 (1):35 - 52.
    This paper argues both that the decentralized and democratic context in the United States prior to World War II encouraged the development of diverse approaches, programs, and institutional supports for the biological sciences, and that the resulting pluralism is consistent with the complex and messy ways that science is used in a democratic society. This is not a claim that only U.S. science experiences such diversity, nor that the way science plays out in our American form of modified constitutional democracy, (...)
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    Uniqueness, individuality, and human cloning.David Elliott - 1998 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 15 (3):217–230.
    This paper challenges two main arguments often presented to show that cloning a human being would be morally wrong per se. These arguments are that human cloning would be intrinsically wrong 1) because it involves manufacturing a person rather than creating or reproducing one, and 2) because it violates some claim or right that individuals have to be biologically unique. I argue that while cloning may involve genetic selection, it need not always be a decision to select for a (...)
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  30.  45
    The Irrationality of the Good.C. E. M. Joad - 1926 - Philosophy 1 (4):497-506.
    The theories of most writers on Ethics, with whose works I am acquainted, appear to be based upon the assumption of the unique character of goodness or The Good. By the word unique these writers mean, I think, among other things that goodness cannot be analysed into or described in terms of anything other than itself, that it can be and is desired for its own sake and not for the sake of some other thing which (...)
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  31. Function, homology and character individuation.Paul E. Griffiths - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (1):1-25.
    I defend the view that many biological categories are defined by homology against a series of arguments designed to show that all biological categories are defined, at least in part, by selected function. I show that categories of homology are `abnormality inclusive'—something often alleged to be unique to selected function categories. I show that classifications by selected function are logically dependent on classifications by homology, but not vice-versa. Finally, I reject the view that biologists must use considerations of selected (...)
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  32. Broadening the problem agenda of biological individuality: individual differences, uniqueness and temporality.Rose Trappes & Marie I. Kaiser - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (2):1-28.
    Biological individuality is a notoriously thorny topic for biologists and philosophers of biology. In this paper we argue that biological individuality presents multiple, interconnected questions for biologists and philosophers that together form a problem agenda. Using a case study of an interdisciplinary research group in ecology, behavioral and evolutionary biology, we claim that a debate on biological individuality that seeks to account for diverse practices in the biological sciences should be broadened to include and give prominence to questions (...)
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  33.  9
    The clash of the trinities: a new theoretical analysis of the general nature of war.Daniel Maurer - 2017 - Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute and U.S. Army War College Press.
    This monograph suggests that theories of warfare and descriptions of the evolving character of war cannot be complete without first giving credit to the nature of war itself. Looking at varied portrayals of war from literary, academic, military, and civilian strategist perspectives, this monograph offers a redefinition of "war" as an investment in organized violence by parties interested in the extension, maintenance, or appearance of their power over an unspecified time, with an unknowable risk, for an uncertain reward. (...)
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    Subjective Evolution of Consciousness in Modern Science and Vedāntic Philosophy: Particulate Concept to Quantum Mechanics in Modern Science and Śūnyavāda to Acintya-Bhedābheda-Tattva in Vedānta.Bhakti Niskama Shanta - 2019 - In Siddheshwar Rameshwar Bhatt, Quantum Reality and Theory of Śūnya. Springer. pp. 271-282.
    How the universe came to be what it is now is a key philosophical question. The hypothesis that it came from nothing or śūnya proves to be dissembling, since the quantum vacuum can hardly be considered a void. In modern science, it is generally assumed that matter existed before the universe came to be. Modern science hypothesizes that the manifestation of life on earth is nothing but a mere increment in the complexity of matter – and hence is an outcome (...)
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    Eclesiological Communitarism of Miroslav Volf.Valentin Siniy - 2020 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 91:127-150.
    : The article analyzes the features of the doctrine of the church of the outstandingProtestant theologian of the early XXI century Miroslav Volf. Volf's understanding of the church as a reality that preceded the emergence of the individual as a Christian means a radical break with liberal Protestant ideas of the church community as created by the voluntary decision of individuals. But Volf does not share the collectivist idea of ​​the church as an organism in which the individual is completely (...)
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    I am 14 billion years old: a new epistemology of my reality and my existence.Godwin Fernando - 2014 - [Colombo]: [Godwin Fernando].
    Many professionals, mainly scientists have told me that a divine being is not necessary to explain why there is something rather than nothing. Theology and even metaphysics are redundant disciplines, they say. To me to reject a discipline a priori is irrational, whereas the methodology of science itself is basically rational. Why do Newton's equations say time is symmetrical, Einstein's relativity and quantum mechanics say time is an illusion and now Smolin says time is reborn - the present moment (...)
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    Hunger.Raymond Tallis - 2008 - Routledge.
    Understanding hunger is the key to understanding ourselves. While they seem the most obvious things about us, our hungers are also deeply mysterious, arising out of, and casting light on, the unique character of human consciousness. In humans, physiological need is transformed into a multitude of needs that are remote from organic necessity. Even first-level biological hunger is experienced differently in humans; and little in human feeding behaviour has any parallel in the animal kingdom.In this book, Ray Tallis (...)
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    Notes on Psychodramatic Treatment of a Person with Schizophrenia.Jonathan D. Moreno - 2023 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 30 (3):225-226.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Notes on Psychodramatic Treatment of a Person with SchizophreniaJonathan D. Moreno, PhD (bio)I have enjoyed reflecting on Mr. Chapy’s account of work in psychodrama with a patient with schizophrenia.Although at one time many years ago I was interested in phenomenological psychiatry, and especially the writings of Ludwig Binswanger and Medard Boss, I am not an authority on dasein-analysis, so I have nothing to add to the discussion. I should (...)
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    Philosophy of Biology, Psychology, and Neuroscience-The Organism in Philosophical Focus-Organism and Character Decomposition: Steps Towards an Integrative Theory of Biology.Manfred D. Laubichier, Manfred D. Laubichler & Gunter P. Wagner - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):S289-S300.
    In this paper we argue that an operational organism concept can help to overcome the structural deficiency of mathematical models in biology. In our opinion, the structural deficiency of mathematical models lies mainly in our inability to identify functionally relevant biological characters in biological systems, and not so much in a lack of adequate mathematical representations of biological processes. We argue that the problem of character identification in biological systems is linked to the question of a properly formulated (...)
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  40. The Age of the Systemic Imperative. A Phenomenological Diagnosis of Social Responsibility.Ivo de Gennaro & Ralf Lüfter - 2024 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 13 (2):587-609.
    We provide a phenomenological interpretation of the rise of responsibility as a key concept of contemporary ethics. If we consider the philosophical tradition at large, responsibility has emerged as a concern, or even the center of attention, of ethical reflection only in relatively recent times. How can we account for this emergence? We argue that today’s pervasive concern with responsibility envisages a responsibility that is constitutively “social,” and that the thus understood responsibility traces back to a more original trait of (...)
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    Simondon, Individuation and the Life Sciences: Interview with Anne Fagot-Largeault.Thierry Bardini - 2014 - Theory, Culture and Society 31 (4):141-161.
    In this interview, Anne Fagot-Largeault discusses with Thierry Bardini her recollections of the life and work of French philosopher Gilbert Simondon (1924–1989). The discussion covers Simondon’s theory of individuation and considers its influences on contemporary thinkers such as Gilles Deleuze and François Laruelle. Fagot-Largeault situates Simondon’s thinking within the broader context of 20th-century biological research and the development of life sciences. Informed by her personal association and experiences working with Simondon, her reminiscences shed light on the unique character (...)
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    Semiotic hybridization in Persian poetry and Iranian music.Amir Sedaghat - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (241):275-310.
    This article demonstrates how Iranian classical music and Persian medieval poetry, taken as separate semiotic systems, form together, in certain contexts, a single hybrid semiotic system with overlapping structural features and shared aesthetic principles. Hjelmslev’s description of connotative semiotic systems serves as a theoretical framework to show the modalities of this hybridization. This phenomenon can be observed through comparative analysis of the interdependence of poetry and music in the Persianate World from a semiotic point of view. On the one hand, (...)
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    The natural system in biology.J. Lorch - 1961 - Philosophy of Science 28 (3):282-295.
    Prior to the advent of evolutionary theory the Natural System was generally conceived as based on "distinctions of kind, not consisting in a given number of definite properties" (J.S. Mill). It was considered final and unique, to be arrived at by more than one approach. Evolutionary theory has shifted emphasis to different characters, yet explicitly or implicitly the belief in a final natural system in biology persists in many textbooks and taints research. Allegedly natural systems are shown to (...)
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    Breeding: A Partial History of the Eighteenth Century.Jenny Davidson - 2008 - Columbia University Press.
    The Enlightenment commitment to reason naturally gave rise to a belief in the perfectibility of man. Influenced by John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, many eighteenth-century writers argued that the proper education and upbringing—breeding—could make any man a member of the cultural elite. Yet even in this egalitarian environment, the concept of breeding remained tied to theories of blood lineage, caste distinction, and biological difference. Turning to the works of Locke, Rousseau, Swift, Defoe, and other giants of the British Enlightenment, Jenny (...)
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    Logic, Language, and the Autonomy of Reason.Richard Dien Winfield - 1987 - Idealistic Studies 17 (2):109-121.
    There is hardly any feature of Hegel’s philosophy whose current significance is greater, or more neglected, than the unique place given the analysis of thought. Unlike any other thinker before or after, Hegel begins his philosophical system with a logic conceiving categories without regard for their reference to reality or how a given knower might think them. He allows thinking itself to figure as an object of investigation only within the subsequent theory of reality comprising the philosophies of (...)
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    ‘Things familiar to the mind’: heuristic style and elliptical citation in The Wealth of Nations.Geoffrey Kellow - 2011 - History of the Human Sciences 24 (1):1-18.
    Despite an initially warm reception, over the past two centuries assessments of the literary character of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations have gradually but unmistakably turned negative. This transformation in the public reception of Smith’s text began during his lifetime and culminated in Heilbroner’s assertion that Smith wrote with ‘an encyclopedic mind, but not with the precision of an orderly one’. However, where Heilbroner and many of his predecessors saw obscurity and tedious attention to minor detail, recent scholarship (...)
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  47. Leading in the unique character of academe: What it takes.Kathleen M. Ponder & Cynthia D. McCauley - 2006 - In David G. Brown, University presidents as moral leaders. Westport, Conn.: Praeger Publishers. pp. 211.
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  48. The Bio-Philosophical “Insufficiency” of Darwinism for Henri Bergson’s Metaphysical Evolutionism.Magda Costa Carvalho - 2012 - Process Studies 41 (1):133-149.
    The main goal of Henri Bergson’s philosophy of nature is to offer a dynamic understanding of living phenomena. It is in this context that we main­tain that the author left us a “bio-philosophy,” that is, an interpretation which, by adopting a positive model of biology as a cognitive paradigm, describes the essential character of living activity as time or duration (durée). Bergson’s posi­tive metaphysics, which brings science to the metaphysical field and provides an inner perspective of the vital (...)
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    Ibsen's Drama of Self-Sacrifice.William A. Johnsen - 1996 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 3 (1):141-161.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ibsen's Drama of Self-Sacrifice William A. Johnsen Michigan State University Henrik Ibsen, like Flaubert, is a fundamental precursor of all subsequent modern literature. His development, which takes place over a lifetime of playwriting, is nevertheless only obscurely recognized in theories ofthe modern. Critics quarrel about his antecedents: Scribe, Feydeau, as well as Norwegian and Scandinavian dramatists and poets. Yet nothing in any of his predecessors could prepare one for (...)
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    Hunters, Cooks, and Nooks: Two Interpretations of the Tangled Relationship Between Philosophy and Science.Stefano Franchi - 2003 - Diacritics 33 (2):98-109.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hunters, Cooks, and Nooks:Two Interpretations of the Tangled Relationship Between Philosophy and ScienceStefano Franchi (bio)Knowledge is the measure of all things.—Plato, Prot. 361b1Preliminaries: Double QuestioningWhen philosophers ask questions about science, they usually do so in the context of one specific discipline whose latest results or whose historical development seem to pose genuinely philosophical problems: for instance, the nature of space/time, the nature of intelligence, the nature/nurture debate. It is (...)
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