Results for ' transmutation'

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  1.  46
    Transmuted Goods and the Legacy of the Atrocity Paradigm.Jill Hernandez - 2019 - Social Philosophy Today 35:103-114.
    This paper responds to a recent challenge posed to Claudia Card’s atrocity paradigm by “transmuted goods,” or, goods which positively transmute victims of atrocity in ways which are difficult for the paradigm to explain. Whereas the legacy of Card’s atrocity paradigm will surely be its demand that we hold others culpable for allowing and perpetuating systems of harm which threaten our ability to flourish, this paper suggests a way for the paradigm to incorporate transmuted goods in a manner that strengthens (...)
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    The transmutation of bogwera in Luke 2:21 in the 1857 English-Setswana Bible.Itumeleng D. Mothoagae - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):9.
    In her article on ‘translating ngaka’ (diviner-healer), Musa Dube argues that in the writings of Robert Moffat and subsequently in his translation of the Bible into Setswana, the person of the ngaka, rather than being portrayed as occupying a central and positive role in Setswana culture, is relegated to a marginal position and is even depicted as evil and an imposter. The article seeks to argue that firstly, there is a fundamental connection between ngaka and bogwera in Setswana tradition. This (...)
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    Intimacy: From Transformation to Transmutation.Gabriel Bianchi - 2010 - Human Affairs 20 (1):1-8.
    Intimacy: From Transformation to Transmutation The paper reflects the historical and current dynamism of the concept of intimacy. Besides differences between scientific disciplines in understanding what the substance of intimacy is, the recent discourse on change in intimacy has been dominated by the transformation theme introduced by Anthony Giddens (1992). Led by reflections of Richard Sennett (1986) the author draws attention to the opposite aspect of change in intimacy—the change in content, or the "transmutation" of intimacy. Transmutation (...)
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  4. Transmuted Expertise: How Technical Non-Experts Can Assess Experts and Expertise. [REVIEW]Harry Collins & Martin Weinel - 2011 - Argumentation 25 (3):401-413.
    To become an expert in a technical domain means acquiring the tacit knowledge pertaining to the relevant domain of expertise, at least, according to the programme known as “Studies of Expertise and Experience” (SEE). We know only one way to acquire tacit knowledge and that is through some form of sustained social contact with the group that has it. Those who do not have such contact cannot acquire the expertise needed to make technical judgments. They can, however, use social expertise (...)
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  5. Artificial transmutation of the gene.H. J. Muller - 2014 - In Francisco José Ayala & John C. Avise (eds.), Essential readings in evolutionary biology. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
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    Is transmutation possible?Bernard Linsky - 1982 - Philosophical Studies 41 (3):367 - 381.
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    The transmutation of humanity.Ariel Hessayon - 2024 - Metascience 33 (2):199-202.
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    Spin-Statistics Transmutation in Quantum Field Theory.P. A. Marchetti - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (7):746-764.
    Spin-statistics transmutation is the phenomenon occurring when a “dressing” transformation introduced for physical reasons (e.g. gauge invariance) modifies the “bare” spin and statistics of particles or fields. Historically, it first appeared in Quantum Mechanics and in semiclassical approximation to Quantum Field Theory. After a brief historical introduction, we sketch how to describe such phenomenon in Quantum Field Theory beyond the semiclassical approximation, using a path-integral formulation of euclidean correlation functions, exemplifying with anyons, dyons and skyrmions.
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    Transmuting History.Lawrence Principe - 2007 - Isis 98 (4):779-787.
    The dissemination of accurate accounts of the history of science to a wider public is a crucial enterprise. Both professional historians of science and popular writers have key contributions to make in this endeavor, and they can learn valuable lessons from each other. The need to provide correct, up‐to‐date, and well‐documented and well‐attributed narratives is equally incumbent on both groups. Popular texts can be both engagingly written and truthful about history and its methods, and professional historians should be encouraged to (...)
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    La transmutation et les sciences physico-chimiques.Abel Rey - 1918 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 86:39 - 99.
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    Consciousness: The transmutation of a concept.Patricia Smith Churchland - 1983 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 64 (January):80-95.
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    The Transmutation of Love and Avant-Garde Poetics by Jeanne Heuving.Belle Randall - 2020 - Common Knowledge 26 (1):167-167.
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  13. On transmuting Boyle's law to Darwin's revolution.Stephen Jay Gould - 1998 - In A. C. Fabian (ed.), Evolution: society, science, and the universe. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    The Transmuting Ether Paradigm of Subquantum Kinetics: A Physics for the Twenty-First Century.Paul A. La Violette - 2016 - World Futures 72 (1-2):5-18.
    A summary is presented of the subquantum kinetics ether methodology, a type of unified field theory that successfully predicts a large number of physical phenomena. This utilizes a new approach to theory development that emphasizes the use of system theory and places theory development as primary and observation as secondary. The rationale is given for adopting an open system, process-based view of the physical universe and for choosing the Model G reaction system as a prospective “genetic code” for the physical (...)
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  15. Joseph Hooker Takes a “Fixed Post”: Transmutation and the “Present Unsatisfactory State of Systematic Botany”, 1844–1860.Richard Bellon - 2006 - Journal of the History of Biology 39 (1):1-39.
    Joseph Hooker first learned that Charles Darwin believed in the transmutation of species in 1844. For the next 14 years, Hooker remained a "nonconsenter" to Darwin's views, resolving to keep the question of species origin "subservient to Botany instead of Botany to it, as must be the true relation." Hooker placed particular emphasis on the need for any theory of species origin to support the broad taxonomic delimitation of species, a highly contentious issue. His always provisional support for special (...)
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    Art Inspiring transmutations of life.Patricia Trutty-Coohill (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Springer.
    Although the creative impulse surges in revolt against everyday reality, breaking through its confines, it makes pacts with that reality’s essential laws and returns to it to modulate its sense. In fact, it is through praxis that imagination and artistic inventiveness transmute the vital concerns of life, giving them human measure. But at the same time art’s inspiration imbues life with aesthetic sense, which lifts human experience to the spiritual. Within these two perspectives art launches messages of specifically human inner (...)
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  17. La transmutation.Gontran D' Ardillon - 1945 - Paris,: Éditions universelles.
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  18. The transmutations of a young Averroist : Agostino Nifo's commentary on the Destructio Destructionem of Averroes and the nature of celestial influences.Nicholas Holland - 2013 - In Anna Akasoy & Guido Giglioni (eds.), Renaissance Averroism and its aftermath: Arabic philosophy in early modern Europe. New York: Springer.
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  19. Transmutation of species. Notebook b, 1837-1838. Notebook c, 1838. Notebook d, 1838. Notebook e, 1838-1839 / [all] transcribed and edited by David Kohn. Torn apart notebook, 1839-1841 / transcribed and edited by Sydney Smith & David Kohn. Summer 1842 / transcribed and edited by David Kohn. Zoology notes, edinburgh notebook, 1837-1839. Questions & experiments, 1839-1844. [REVIEW]Both] Transcribed & Edited by Paul H. Barrett - 1987 - In Charles Darwin (ed.), Charles Darwin’s Notebooks, 1836--1844: Geology, Transmutation of Species, Metaphysical Enquiries. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
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    Transmutation: Natural and Artificial. T. J. Trenn.Joan Bromberg - 1983 - Isis 74 (2):272-273.
  21. Alchimicorum periti operantur sicut periti medicorum. Albert the Great’s Account on Alchemical Transmutation.Mario Loconsole - 2020 - Noctua 7 (2):185-224.
    This article deals with the most relevant philosophical side of Albert the Great’s analysis of alchemy, aimed at clarifying what alchemical transmutation consists in and whether this process can ultimately be accomplished by men. The Dominican master handles the problem differently in the earlier commentary on Lombardus’ Libri Sententiarum and in works like the De mineralibus, in which a more mature idea of the connection between art and nature is developed. In this respect, Albert’s interpretation intersects with Avicenna’s De (...)
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    The transmutations of chymistry. Wilhelm Homberg and the Académie Royale des Sciences: by Lawrence Principe, Chicago and London, University of Chicago Press, 2020, xv+464 pp., 18 figs.+1 table., $45.00 (Hardback); £32.24, ISBN 0-226-70078-6. [REVIEW]Anita Guerrini - 2021 - Annals of Science 78 (3):398-400.
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  23. Aristotle on the Transmutation of the Elements in De generatione et corruptione 1.1–4.David Bostock - 1995 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 13:217-229.
  24. Translation and transmutation: the Origin of Species in China.Xiaoxing Jin - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Science 52 (1):117-141.
    Darwinian ideas were developed and radically transformed when they were transmitted to the alien intellectual background of late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century China. The earliest references to Darwin in China appeared in the 1870s through the writings of Western missionaries who provided the Chinese with the earliest information on evolutionary doctrines. Meanwhile, Chinese ambassadors, literati and overseas students contributed to the dissemination of evolutionary ideas, with modest effect. The ‘evolutionary sensation’ in China was generated by the Chinese Spencerian Yan Fu’s (...)
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    Evolution before Darwin: theories of the transmutation of species in Edinburgh, 1804-1834.Bill Jenkins - 2019 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    1. Introduction -- 2. Edinburgh's university and medical schools in the early nineteenth century -- 3. Natural history in Edinburgh, 1779-1832 -- 4. Geology and evolution -- 5. Edinburgh and Paris -- 6. The legacy of the 'Edinburgh Lamarckians' -- 7. Conclusion.
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    Charles Darwin's biological species concept and theory of geographic speciation: the transmutation notebooks.Malcolm J. Kottler - 1978 - Annals of Science 35 (3):275-297.
    Summary The common view has been that Darwin regarded species as artificial and arbitrary constructions of taxonomists, not as distinct natural units. However, in his transmutation notebooks he clearly subscribed to the reality of species, on the basis of the criterion of non-interbreeding. A consequence of this biological species concept was his identification of the acquisition of reproductive isolation as the mark of the completion of speciation. He developed in the notebooks a theory of geographic speciation on the grounds (...)
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  27.  13
    A Discussion of the Transmutative Process of Sports Culture.Atsushi Shimbo - 2010 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 32 (1):13-25.
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    Artistic Creation as a Mystical Transmutation in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse.Salah Bouregbi - 2017 - Annals of Philosophy, Social and Human Disciplines 1 (1):5-21.
    This paper deals with the mystical experiences in Virginia Woolf’s artistic creation. Woolf denies any form of modernism that cannot transcend reality. There are moments, where reality is never what it is but a vision — a perspective — whose meaning is beyond the graspable. Reality, thus, becomes un-reality — a halo, and the artist becomes a contemplator — a devotee to such visionary manifestation. Virginia Woolf does not make an exception to this rule. She is par excellence a mystic. (...)
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    Bioethics and the Whole: Pluralism, Consensus, and the Transmutation of Bioethical Methods into Gold.Patricia A. Martin - 1999 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 27 (4):316-327.
    In 1785, George Washington described a “knowing farmer” as “one who can convert every thing he touches into manure, as the first transmutation towards Gold.” With these words, Washington linked the “knowing farmer” to the alchemist who endeavored to transform base metals into gold with the aid of a philosopher's stone. In each instance, the challenge was to convert raw materials into something new and precious.Today, the “knowing bioethicist” is in a similar position. American bioethics harbors a variety of (...)
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    Veiled Theory: The Transmutation of Anthropology in T. S. Eliot's Critical Method.Adam Trexler - 2006 - Paragraph 29 (3):77-94.
    While literary criticism is often seen as an unself-reflective forerunner to literary theory, this article argues that T.S. Eliot's theory of critical practice was a philosophically informed methodology of reading designed to create a disciplinary and institutional framework. To reconstruct this theory, it enriches theoretical methodology with intellectual and institutional history. Specifically, the article argues that Eliot's early critical theory depended on the paradigms of anthropology and occultism, developed during his philosophical investigation of anthropology and Leibniz. From this investigation, Eliot (...)
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    The place of man in the development of Darwin's theory of transmutation. Part II.Sandra Herbert - 1977 - Journal of the History of Biology 10 (2):155-227.
    The place of man in Darwin's development of a theory of transmutation has been obscured by his manner of disclosure. Comparing the 1837–1839 period to his entire career as a theorist suggests that it was Darwin's practice to present himself and his work only before the most select scientific audiences, and then in accordance with their expectations. The negative implications of this rule for his publication on man are clear enough: finding no general invitation in science to publish as (...)
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  32.  14
    Construction of new epistemological fields: Interpretation, translation, transmutation.Mark Goncharenko, Olga Demidova & Valentina Goncharenko - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (225):383-403.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2018 Heft: 225 Seiten: 383-403.
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  33.  72
    Alchemies of the Mind: Transmutation and Misrepresentation.Jon Elster - 1997 - Legal Theory 3 (2):133-176.
    At least since the French moralists—Montaigne, Pascal, La Rochefoucauld, La Bruyère—it has been a commonplace that people can fool themselves as well as others about their beliefs and motivations. In this article, I consider some mechanisms oftransmutation(deceiving oneself) andmisrepresentation(deceiving others), and their impact on behavior. (I refer to these collectively astransformations.) I argue that deception and self-deception are not merely ex post rationalizations of behavior whose real motive and explanation are found elsewhere, but that they have independent causal and explanatory (...)
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    Evidence for Transmutation in Seventeenth-Century Alchemy.Lawrence M. Principe - 2005 - In Peter Achinstein (ed.), Scientific Evidence: Philosophical Theories & Applications. The Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 151--64.
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  35. Transmission and Transmutation: George Ripley and the Place of English Alchemy in Early Modern Europe.Jennifer M. Rampling - 2012 - Early Science and Medicine 17 (5):477-499.
    Continental authors and editors often sought to ground alchemical writing within a long-established, coherent and pan-European tradition, appealing to the authority of adepts from different times and places. Greek, Latin and Islamic alchemists met both in person and between the covers of books, in actual, fictional or coincidental encounters: a trope utilised in Michael Maier’s Symbola aureae mensae duodecim nationum. This essay examines how works attributed to an English authority, George Ripley, were received in central Europe and incorporated into continental (...)
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  36. DIstortions and masks : transmutation of the "performing breath" in the studio take.Simon Trezise - 2008 - In Mine Doğantan (ed.), Recorded music: philosophical and critical reflections. London: Middlesex University Press.
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    Critical ResponseStaging Absorption and Transmuting the Everyday: A Response to Michael Fried.James Aw Heffernan - 2008 - Critical Inquiry 34 (4):818-834.
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    Quand le numérique transmute les valeurs.Ariel Kyrou - 2015 - Multitudes 57 (3):283-287.
    Le numérique réalise une opération d’alchimie, déclinée ici en cinq thèses : 1) L’original disparaît, la copie numérique devient originale, et l’œuvre trouve sa valeur par la création d’un contexte. 2) Dès lors que la position d’auteur est partagée avec le public, l’œuvre se juge en termes de relation. 3) Il devient impossible de mesurer la vérité d’une œuvre, sa valeur repose donc sur sa justesse. 4) L’œuvre ne tient plus sa valeur du musée ou de la galerie, mais des (...)
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    Helvetius, Spinoza, and Transmutation.M. Nierenstein - 1932 - Isis 17 (2):408-411.
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    Anke Timmermann. Verse and Transmutation: A Corpus of Middle English Alchemical Poetry . xiv + 374 pp., bibl., index. Leiden: Brill, 2013. $171. [REVIEW]Erik Leibenguth - 2015 - Isis 106 (2):432-433.
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    Charles Darwin’s Notebooks, 1836--1844: Geology, Transmutation of Species, Metaphysical Enquiries.Charles Darwin - 1987 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Edited by Paul H. Barrett, Peter Jack Gautrey, Sandra Herbert, David Kohn & Sydney Smith.
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    The place of man in the development of Darwin's theory of transmutation.Sandra Herbert - 1974 - Journal of the History of Biology 7 (2):217-258.
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    Book Review: Nuclear Transmutation: The Reality of Cold Fusion. [REVIEW]John O’M. Bockris - 1999 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 19 (5):439-441.
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    Anke Timmermann, Verse and Transmutation: A Corpus of Middle English Alchemical Poetry. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2013. Pp. xvi, 374. $171. ISBN: 978-90-04-25484-8. [REVIEW]Peter J. Grund - 2015 - Speculum 90 (3):858-859.
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    The rise and fall of Darwin's first theory of transmutation.George Grinnell - 1974 - Journal of the History of Biology 7 (2):259-273.
  46.  24
    Lawrence M. Principe. The Transmutations of Chymistry: Wilhelm Homberg and the Academie Royal des Sciences. 504 pp., halftones, drawings. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2020. $45 (cloth); ISBN 9780226700786. E-book available. [REVIEW]Anna Marie Roos - 2022 - Isis 113 (1):185-186.
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    Cong Xunzi dao Dong Zhongshu: ru xue yi zun de li shi shan bian yan jiu = From Xunzi to Dong Zhongshu: research on the historical transmutation of the domination of confucianism.Junling Li - 2021 - Beijing Shi: Ren min chu ban she.
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    Biogeography and the Genesis of Darwin's Ideas on Transmutation.R. Alan Richardson - 1981 - Journal of the History of Biology 14 (1):1 - 41.
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    A disease in motion: diabetes history and the new paradigm of transmuted disease.Chris Feudtner - 1995 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 39 (2):158-170.
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  50. Alchemists or ecologist? Some remarks on the philosophy of alchemical transmutation.Costica Bradatan - 2005 - Acta Philosophica 14 (2):261-274.
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