Results for ' tonal discrimination'

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  1.  18
    Pitch discrimination as a function of tonal duration.W. W. Turnbull - 1944 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 34 (4):302.
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  2. Effects of tonal context on octave discrimination thresholds.Ne Kelley - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):492-492.
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  3. Computational Models of Tonal Sequence Discrimination.Robert D. Sorkin - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):329-329.
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    Time-order errors in the discrimination of short tonal durations.L. H. Stott - 1935 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 18 (6):741.
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  5. Unconscious structural knowledge of tonal symmetry: Tang poetry redefines limits of implicit learning.Shan Jiang, Lei Zhu, Xiuyan Guo, Wendy Ma, Zhiliang Yang & Zoltan Dienes - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):476-486.
    The study aims to help characterize the sort of structures about which people can acquire unconscious knowledge. It is already well established that people can implicitly learn n-grams and also repetition patterns. We explore the acquisition of unconscious structural knowledge of symmetry. Chinese Tang poetry uses a specific sort of mirror symmetry, an inversion rule with respect to the tones of characters in successive lines of verse. We show, using artificial poetry to control both n-gram structure and repetition patterns, that (...)
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    One Way or Another: Evidence for Perceptual Asymmetry in Pre-attentive Learning of Non-native Contrasts.Liquan Liu, Jia Hoong Ong, Alba Tuninetti & Paola Escudero - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:309099.
    Research investigating listeners’ neural sensitivity to speech sounds has largely focused on segmental features. We examined Australian English listeners’ perception and learning of a supra-segmental feature, pitch direction in a non-native tonal contrast, using a passive oddball paradigm and electroencephalography. The stimuli were two contours generated from naturally produced high-level and high-falling tones in Mandarin Chinese, differing only in pitch direction ( Liu and Kager, 2014 ). While both contours had similar pitch onsets, the pitch offset of the falling (...)
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  7. Aesthetics Naturalized: Cognitivist Reflections on a Traditional Problem in the Philosophy of Art.Diana Raffman - 1986 - Dissertation, Yale University
    The thesis develops a cognitivist account of the supposed ineffability of musical experience. It is contended that, when the ineffability is viewed as adhering to a certain kind of perceptual knowledge of a musical signal, its nature can be illuminated by the adoption of a recent cognitivist theory of perception in conjunction with a generative grammar for tonal music . On this two-headed view, music perception consists in a rule-governed process of computing a series of increasingly abstract mental representations (...)
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    Style: A Queer Cosmology.Joe Edward Hatfield - 2024 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 57 (2):226-232.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Style: A Queer Cosmology by S. Taylor BlackJoe Edward HatfieldStyle: A Queer Cosmology. By Taylor Black. New York: New York University Press, 2023. 304 pp. Hardcover $99.00, paper $35.00. ISBN- 10: 147982500X.Style is a perennial concern within rhetorical studies. As one of Aristotle's five canons, style has inspired a great deal of rhetorical theory over the past two millennia and counting. Hence, it would be reasonable to presume (...)
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    The Sequence Recall Task and Lexicality of Tone: Exploring Tone “Deafness”.Carlos Gussenhoven, Yu-An Lu, Sang-Im Lee-Kim, Chunhui Liu, Hamed Rahmani, Tomas Riad & Hatice Zora - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Many perception and processing effects of the lexical status of tone have been found in behavioral, psycholinguistic, and neuroscientific research, often pitting varieties of tonal Chinese against non-tonal Germanic languages. While the linguistic and cognitive evidence for lexical tone is therefore beyond dispute, the word prosodic systems of many languages continue to escape the categorizations of typologists. One controversy concerns the existence of a typological class of “pitch accent languages,” another the underlying phonological nature of surface tone contrasts, (...)
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    Why musical hierarchies?Courtney B. Hilton, Rie Asano & Cedric Boeckx - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    Credible signaling may have provided a selection pressure for producing and discriminating increasingly elaborate proto-musical signals. But, why evolve them to have hierarchical structure? We argue that the hierarchality of tonality and meter is a byproduct of domain-general mechanisms evolved for reasons other than credible signaling.
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    Perceptual Asymmetries and Auditory Processing of Estonian Quantities.Liis Kask, Nele Põldver, Pärtel Lippus & Kairi Kreegipuu - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:612617.
    Similar to visual perception, auditory perception also has a clearly described “pop-out” effect, where an element with some extra feature is easier to detect among elements without an extra feature. This phenomenon is better known as auditory perceptual asymmetry. We investigated such asymmetry between shorter or longer duration, and level or falling of pitch of linguistic stimuli that carry a meaning in one language (Estonian), but not in another (Russian). For the mismatch negativity (MMN) experiment, we created four different types (...)
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    A Micro-Phenomenology of Consonance and Dissonance.Richard Lind - 1997 - Journal of Philosophical Research 22:321-355.
    “Consonance” and “dissonance” can be shown to denote a syndrome of relative characteristics falling within three distinct dimensions of experience: 1) tension-repose, 2) pleasure-displeasure, 3) coherence-incoherence. There is a demonstrable, complex relationship between the specific degree of each of those characteristics associated with a particular tonal interval and the degree of complication of the ratio of that interval. No extant theory is able to explain that correlation, including the currently popular theory of psychological expectation. Using micro-phenomenology, I hypothesize that (...)
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  13. The discrimination of speech sounds within and across phoneme boundaries.Alvin M. Liberman, Katherine Safford Harris, Howard S. Hoffman & Belver C. Griffith - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 54 (5):358.
  14.  20
    The Gaze Cueing Effect and Its Enhancement by Facial Expressions Are Impacted by Task Demands: Direct Comparison of Target Localization and Discrimination Tasks.Zelin Chen, Sarah D. McCrackin, Alicia Morgan & Roxane J. Itier - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The gaze cueing effect is characterized by faster attentional orienting to a gazed-at than a non-gazed-at target. This effect is often enhanced when the gazing face bears an emotional expression, though this finding is modulated by a number of factors. Here, we tested whether the type of task performed might be one such modulating factor. Target localization and target discrimination tasks are the two most commonly used gaze cueing tasks, and they arguably differ in cognitive resources, which could impact (...)
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  15. What's so Bad about Discrimination?Shlomi Segall - 2012 - Utilitas 24 (1):82-100.
    The article argues that discrimination is bad as such when and because it undermines equality of opportunity. It shows, first, that other accounts, such as those concerning intent, efficiency, false representation, prejudice, respect and desert cannot account for the badness of discrimination as such. The inequality of opportunity account, in contrast, captures everything that is bad about discrimination. The article then addresses some counter-examples of practices that are discriminatory without arguably entailing inequality of opportunity, where the notable (...)
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  16. Racial discrimination: How not to do it.Adam Hochman - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (3):278-286.
    The UNESCO Statements on Race of the early 1950s are understood to have marked a consensus amongst natural scientists and social scientists that ‘race’ is a social construct. Human biological diversity was shown to be predominantly clinal, or gradual, not discreet, and clustered, as racial naturalism implied. From the seventies social constructionists added that the vast majority of human genetic diversity resides within any given racialised group. While social constructionism about race became the majority consensus view on the topic, social (...)
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    Reference, Representation-as, and Discrimination.Ayoob Shahmoradi - 2024 - Dissertation, University of California, San Diego
    I develop a theory of (mental) reference according to which there are two ways of referring to an object. One can refer to an object by relying on a previous instance of successful reference to that (or some other) object. I call this type of reference 'dependent reference'. Alternatively, one can refer to an object 'independently'. A referential attempt is independent if and only if it is not dependent. I argue that these two types of reference differ as they adhere (...)
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  18. Beyond bias and discrimination: redefining the AI ethics principle of fairness in healthcare machine-learning algorithms.Benedetta Giovanola & Simona Tiribelli - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):549-563.
    The increasing implementation of and reliance on machine-learning (ML) algorithms to perform tasks, deliver services and make decisions in health and healthcare have made the need for fairness in ML, and more specifically in healthcare ML algorithms (HMLA), a very important and urgent task. However, while the debate on fairness in the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI) and in HMLA has grown significantly over the last decade, the very concept of fairness as an ethical value has not yet been sufficiently (...)
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  19. Don’t Demean “Invasives”: Conservation and Wrongful Species Discrimination.C. E. Abbate & Bob Fischer - 2019 - Animals 871 (9).
    It is common for conservationists to refer to non-native species that have undesirable impacts on humans as “invasive”. We argue that the classification of any species as “invasive” constitutes wrongful discrimination. Moreover, we argue that its being wrong to categorize a species as invasive is perfectly compatible with it being morally permissible to kill animals—assuming that conservationists “kill equally”. It simply is not compatible with the double standard that conservationists tend to employ in their decisions about who lives and (...)
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    Is self-discrimination disrespectful?Andreas Bengtson & Viki Møller Lyngby Pedersen - forthcoming - The Journal of Ethics:1-20.
    Victims of oppressive (e.g., sexist, racist or ableist) structures sometimes internalize the unjust norms that prevail in society. This can cause these victims to develop preferences or make deci-sions that seem bad for them. Focusing on such cases, we ask: is self-discrimination disrespectful? We show that some of the most sophisticated respect theories fail to provide any clear guidance. Specifically, we show that the widely recognized view that respect has two dimensions—an interest dimension and an autonomy dimension—delivers completely opposite (...)
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  21. The perception of gender discrimination at the level of young educated Romanians-A quantitative approach.Tudorel Andrei, Erika Tusa & Claudiu Herteliu - 2006 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 14:51-62.
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    9. Perceptions of discrimination, effort to obtain psychological balance, and relative wages: can we infer a happiness gradient?Arthur Goldsmith - 2009 - In Amitava Krishna Dutt & Benjamin Radcliff (eds.), Happiness, Economics and Politics: Towards a Multi-Disciplinary Approach. Edward Elgar. pp. 202.
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  23. Santé génétique, discrimination et eugénisme.B. Leclerc - 1998 - Philosopher: revue pour tous 22:81-103.
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  24. Three Lessons For and From Algorithmic Discrimination.Frej Klem Thomsen - 2023 - Res Publica (2):1-23.
    Algorithmic discrimination has rapidly become a topic of intense public and academic interest. This article explores three issues raised by algorithmic discrimination: 1) the distinction between direct and indirect discrimination, 2) the notion of disadvantageous treatment, and 3) the moral badness of discriminatory automated decision-making. It argues that some conventional distinctions between direct and indirect discrimination appear not to apply to algorithmic discrimination, that algorithmic discrimination may often be discrimination between groups, as opposed (...)
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  25. But Some Groups Are More Equal Than Others: A Critical Review of the Group-Criterion in the Concept of Discrimination.Frej Klem Thomsen - 2013 - Social Theory and Practice 39 (1):120-146.
    In this article I critically examine a standard feature in conceptions of discrimination: the group-criterion, specifically the idea that there is a limited and definablegroup of traits that can form the basis of discrimination. I review two types of argument for the criterion. One focuses on inherently relevant groups and relies ultimately on luck-egalitarian principles; the other focuses on contextually relevant groups and relies ultimately on the badness of outcomes. I conclude that as neither type of argument is (...)
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  26.  32
    A combined model of sensory and cognitive representations underlying tonal expectations in music: From audio signals to behavior.Tom Collins, Barbara Tillmann, Frederick S. Barrett, Charles Delbé & Petr Janata - 2014 - Psychological Review 121 (1):33-65.
  27. Immigrant Selection, Health Requirements, and Disability Discrimination.Douglas MacKay - 2018 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 14 (1).
    Australia, Canada, and New Zealand currently apply health requirements to prospective immigrants, denying residency to those with health conditions that are likely to impose an “excessive demand” on their publicly funded health and social service programs. In this paper, I investigate the charge that such policies are wrongfully discriminatory against persons with disabilities. I first provide a freedom-based account of the wrongness of discrimination according to which discrimination is wrong when and because it involves disadvantaging people in the (...)
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  28.  54
    Thresholds for color discrimination in English and Korean speakers.Debi Roberson, J. Richard Hanley & Hyensou Pak - 2009 - Cognition 112 (3):482-487.
    Categorical perception (CP) is said to occur when a continuum of equally spaced physical changes is perceived as unequally spaced as a function of category membership (Harnad, S. (Ed.) (1987). Psychophysical and cognitive aspects of categorical perception: A critical overview. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). A common suggestion is that CP for color arises because perception is qualitatively distorted when we learn to categorize a dimension. Contrary to this view, we here report that English speakers show no evidence of lowered (...) thresholds at the boundaries between blue and green categories even though CP is found at these boundaries in a supra-threshold task. Furthermore, there is no evidence of different discrimination thresholds between individuals from two language groups (English and Korean) who use different color terminology in the blue-green region and have different supra-threshold boundaries. Our participants' just noticeable difference (JND) thresholds suggest that they retain a smooth continuum of perceptual space that is not warped by stretching at category boundaries or by within-category compression. At least for the domain of color, categorical perception appears to be a categorical, but not a perceptual phenomenon. (shrink)
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    Grounding Unlawful Discrimination.Michael P. Foran - 2022 - Legal Theory 28 (1):3-34.
    This article explores the necessary and jointly sufficient conditions for the recognition of a ground of unlawful discrimination. It is important not only to have a coherent understanding of the currently enumerated grounds, but also to have a theoretical framework that can assist in enumerating new grounds through the open-ended “other status” aspect of many legal frameworks. To that end, this article argues that personal characteristics that are generally morally irrelevant, and that are socially salient in that they carry (...)
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    Revisiting Harmless Discrimination.Tom Parr - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (5):1535-1538.
    In a co-authored piece with Adam Slavny, I argued that any promising account of the wrongness of discrimination must focus not only on the harmful outcomes of discriminatory acts but also on the deliberation of the discriminator and in particular on the reasons that motivate or fail to motivate her action. In this brief paper, I defend this conclusion against an objection that has recently been pressed against our view by Richard Arneson. This task is important not only because (...)
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  31. Does Race Best Explain Racial Discrimination?Keshav Singh & Daniel Wodak - 2023 - Philosophers' Imprint 23.
    Our concern in this paper lies with a common argument from racial discrimination to realism about races: some people are discriminated against for being members of a particular race (i.e., racial discrimination exists), so some people must be members of that race (i.e., races exist). Error theorists have long responded that we can explain racial discrimination in terms of racial attitudes alone, so we need not explain it in terms of race itself. But to date there has (...)
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  32.  64
    The discrimination of relative onset-time of the components of certain speech and nonspeech patterns.A. M. Liberman, Katherine S. Harris, Jo Ann Kinney & H. Lane - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 61 (5):379.
  33.  55
    Disability Discrimination, Medical Rationing and COVID-19.Bo Chen & Donna Marie McNamara - 2020 - Asian Bioethics Review 12 (4):511-518.
    The current public health crisis has exposed deep cracks in social equality and justice for marginalised and vulnerable communities around the world. The reported rise in the number of ‘do not resuscitate’ orders being imposed on people with disabilities has caused particular concerns from a human rights perspective. While the evidence of this is contested, this article will consider the human rights implications at stake and the dangers associated with using ‘quality of life’ measures as determinant of care in medical (...)
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    Supported Decision-making: The CRPD, Non-Discrimination, and Strategies for Recognizing Persons’ Choices About their Good.Leslie Francis - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Disability 1:57-77.
    People with cognitive impairments often have difficulties formulating, understanding, or articulating decisions that others judge reasonable. The frequent response shifts decision-making authority to substitutes through advance directives of the person or guardianship orders from a court. The Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities defends supported decision-making as an alternative to such forms of supplanted decision-making. But supported decision-making raises both metaphysical questions—what is required for a decision to be the person’s own?—and epistemological questions: how do we know what (...)
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    Temporal order perception of auditory stimuli is selectively modified by tonal and non-tonal language environments.Yan Bao, Aneta Szymaszek, Xiaoying Wang, Anna Oron, Ernst Pöppel & Elzbieta Szelag - 2013 - Cognition 129 (3):579-585.
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  36. Immigration and Discrimination.Sarah Fine - 2016 - In Sarah Fine & Lea Ypi (eds.), Migration in Political Theory: The Ethics of Movement and Membership. Oxford University Press UK.
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    Spontaneous number discrimination of multi-format auditory stimuli in cotton-top tamarins.Marc D. Hauser, Stanislas Dehaene, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz & Andrea L. Patalano - 2002 - Cognition 86 (2):B23-B32.
  38.  20
    Social (In)justice and Rental Housing Discrimination in Urban Canada: The Case of Ethno-racial Minorities in the Herongate Community in Ottawa.Joseph Mensah & Daniel Tucker-Simmons - 2021 - Studies in Social Justice 15 (1):81-101.
    In 2015, the predominantly visible minority immigrant community of Herongate, in Ottawa, Ontario, was slated for redevelopment by its landlord, Timbercreek Asset Management. This redevelopment involved mass eviction of the incumbent tenants, demolition of the existing affordable housing and its replacement with luxury rentals, which, by all indications, are beyond the financial reach of the former Herongage tenants. This paper seeks to problematize large-scale residential real estate redevelopment in Canada and examine its impact, using the Herongate situation as a case (...)
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    Mathematical Modeling of Multiattack Behavior Discrimination in the WSN Based on Incidence Matrix.Yu Shuai-Jing & Wang Peng-Fei - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-8.
    The current WSN is vulnerable to a variety of malicious attacks, resulting in the decline of its comprehensive performance. Multihop routing involves a number of safety and privacy issues. Problems such as snooping, sinkhole, manipulation, cloning, wormhole, spoofing, and so on affect the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of the WSNs. Therefore, this paper mainly studies the mathematical modeling of WSN multiattack behavior discrimination based on the incidence matrix. The WSN node model is used to collect relevant data and mark (...)
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    Correction: Beyond bias and discrimination: redefining the AI ethics principle of fairness in healthcare machine-learning algorithms.Benedetta Giovanola & Simona Tiribelli - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (5):2637-2637.
  41.  25
    Facial profiling technology and discrimination: a new threat to civil rights in liberal democracies.Michael Joseph Gentzel - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (6):1369-1392.
    This paper offers the first philosophical analysis of a form of artificial intelligence (AI) which the author calls facial profiling technology (FPT). FPT is a type of facial analysis technology designed to predict criminal behavior based solely on facial structure. Marketed for use by law enforcement, face classifiers generated by the program can supposedly identify murderers, thieves, pedophiles, and terrorists prior to the commission of crimes. At the time of this writing, an FPT company has a contract with the United (...)
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    Hypothesis behavior by humans during discrimination learning.Marvin Levine - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (3):331.
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    Reasonable Precaution or Unjust Discrimination? Applying a Lexical Utility Model of the Precautionary Principle to Moral Choices.Thomas Boyer-Kassem & Sébastien Duchêne - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-14.
    In some applications to human beings, the precautionary principle seems to raise specific ethical concerns. For instance, it has been used by a business owner in a court of justice to justify his refusal to hire applicants with a certain geographical origin for safety reasons. Or in public management, the precautionary principle has been used to exclude men who have sexual relations with men from donating blood on the basis of a higher HIV prevalence in this group. Does not the (...)
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    Pupillary responses reveal infants’ discrimination of facial emotions independent of conscious perception.Sarah Jessen, Nicole Altvater-Mackensen & Tobias Grossmann - 2016 - Cognition 150 (C):163-169.
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    Acquisition of items and associations in verbal discrimination learning as a function of level of practice.Eugene B. Zechmeister & Benton J. Underwood - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (2):355.
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    Dignity as non-discrimination: Existential protests and legal claim-making for reproductive rights.Wairimu Njoya - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (1):51-82.
    Analysing two reproductive rights claims brought before the High Court of Namibia and the European Court of Human Rights, this article argues that human dignity is not reducible to a recognized warrant to demand a particular set of goods, services, or treatments. Rather, dignity in the contexts in which women experience sterilization abuse would be better characterized as an existential protest against degradation, a protest that takes concrete form in legal demands for equal citizenship. Equality is conceived here as necessitating (...)
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    Moments of area and of the perimeter of visual form as predictors of discrimination performance.Leonard Zusne - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (3):213.
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  48. Equal and ashamed? Egalitarianism, anti-discrimination, and redistribution.Bastian Steuwer - 2025 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 24 (1):72-97.
    One prominent criticism of luck egalitarianism is that it requires either shameful revelations or otherwise problematic declarations by the state toward those who have had bad brute luck. Relational egalitarianism, by contrast, is portrayed as an alternative that requires no such revelations or declarations. I argue that this is false. Relational equality requires the state to draft anti-discrimination laws for both state and private action. The ideal of relational egalitarianism requires these laws to be asymmetric, that is to allow (...)
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    Conventionalisation and discrimination as competing pressures on continuous speech-like signals.Hannah Little, Kerem Eryilmaz & Bart de Boer - 2017 - Interaction Studies 18 (3):352-375.
    Arbitrary communication systems can emerge from iconic beginnings through processes of conventionalisation via interaction. Here, we explore whether this process of conventionalisation occurs with continuous, auditory signals. We conducted an artificial signalling experiment. Participants either created signals for themselves, or for a partner in a communication game. We found no evidence that the speech-like signals in our experiment became less iconic or simpler through interaction. We hypothesise that the reason for our results is that when it is difficult to be (...)
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  50. A Clarion Call for Change: The MLP Imperative to Center Racial Discrimination and Structural Health Inequities.Dayna Bowen Matthew & Emily A. Benfer - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (4):735-747.
    Across the country, legal and health care professionals who understand that health outcomes are most influenced by social and environmental conditions have improved patient health by adopting the interdisciplinary MLP health care delivery model. However, the MLP field cannot advance population health, let alone long-term health equity, until it addresses the structural determinants of health inequity that are rooted in discrimination, segregation, and other forms of racial and ethnic subordination.
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