Results for ' the academy'

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  1.  7
    Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 150 Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, Vi.British Academy - 2007 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Sixteen obituaries of recently deceased Fellows of the British Academy: Peter Birks; Lord Dacre of Glanton; William Frend; John Gallagher; Philip Grierson; Stuart Hampsire; William McKane; Sir Malcolm Pasley; Ben Pimlott; Robert Pring-Mill; John Stevens, Peter Strawson; Sir William Wade; Alan Williams; Sir Bernard Williams and John Wymer.
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  2. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 115: Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, I.British Academy (ed.) - 2003 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Volume 115 of the Proceedings of the British Academy contains 20 obituaries of recently deceased Fellows of the British Academy and an essay on James Bryce. Memoirs of Fellows have previously been published in the same annual Proceedings volume as that containing the British Academy's Lectures. The Biographical Memoirs are henceforth to be published in a volume of their own, within the Proceedings sequence.
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  3. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 101: 1998 Lectures and Memoirs.British Academy - 2000 - Oxford University Press UK.
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    Moral Principles and Inductive Policies... from the Proceedings of the British Academy.R. B. Braithwaite & British Academy - 1952
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    The Academy and Cyberspace Ethics.John Michael Kittross & A. David Gordon - 2003 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 18 (3-4):286-307.
    This article discusses ethical implications for the academy in the use of cyberspace and virtual reality in conducting its teaching and research responsibilities. It identifies important cyberspace ethics concerns as they intersect with the academy and provides an ethical framework for coming to grips with them. Topics discussed here include the sine qua non of academic collegiality and civility, concerns about digital alteration of images and sounds, and issues pertaining to academic administration and infrastructure.
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    Discourses on Painting and the Fine Arts, Delivered at the Royal Academy.Joshua Reynolds, Jones & Co & Royal Academy of Arts Britain) - 2023 - Legare Street Press.
    As the first President of the Royal Academy of Arts, Joshua Reynolds played a pivotal role in shaping the course of British art in the 18th century. In these discourses, Reynolds reflects on the nature of art, the role of the artist, and the importance of aesthetic education. With insightful commentary on the works of the Old Masters and a wealth of practical advice for aspiring artists, this volume is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of art (...)
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  7.  7
    Goethe's Conception of Form. Annual Lecture on a Master Mind, Henriette Hertz Trust of the British Academy, 1951. From the Proceedings of the British Academy.Elizabeth M. Wilkinson & British Academy - 1953 - G. Cumberlege.
  8.  49
    Annex: The survey questionnaires.Hungarian Academy of Sciences - 1994 - World Futures 39 (1):161-164.
    (1994). Annex: The survey questionnaires. World Futures: Vol. 39, The Evolution of European Identity: Surveys of the Growing Edge A Report by the European Culture Impact Research Consortium (EUROCIRCON), pp. 161-164.
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    The Legacy of Aristotle's Political Thought: Essays in Honour of Prof. Dr. Gerard Verbeke, Honorary Permanent Secretary of the Koninklijke Academie Voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten Van België, 1978-1997.Gérard Verbeke, Carlos G. Steel & Letteren En Schone Kunsten van België Koninklijke Academie Voor Wetenschappen - 1999
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    Attempting to break the chain: reimaging inclusive pedagogy and decolonising the curriculum within the academy.Jason Arday, Dina Zoe Belluigi & Dave Thomas - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (3):298-313.
    Anti-racist education within the Academy holds the potential to truly reflect the cultural hybridity of our diverse, multi-cultural society through the canons of knowledge that educators celebrate, proffer and embody. The centrality of Whiteness as an instrument of power and privilege ensures that particular types of knowledge continue to remain omitted from our curriculums. The monopoly and proliferation of dominant White European canons does comprise much of our existing curriculum; consequently, this does impact on aspects of engagement, inclusivity and (...)
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    Plato: The Academy.Lewis Trelawny-Cassity - 2019 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Plato: The Academy Plato’s enormous impact on later philosophy, education, and culture can be traced to three interrelated aspects of his philosophical life: his written philosophical dialogues, the teaching and writings of his student Aristotle, and the educational organization he began, “the Academy.” Plato’s Academy took its name from the place where its members congregated, … Continue reading Plato: The Academy →.
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  12.  35
    The Academy for SoulsJohn O'Hara Cosgrave.Harold Chapman Brown - 1931 - International Journal of Ethics 41 (4):535-536.
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    Outsiders Within Transforming the Academy: The Unique Positionality of Feminist Sociologists.Heather Laube - 2021 - Gender and Society 35 (3):476-500.
    Several initiatives recognize the importance of transforming institutions, not just changing individuals, to diversify STEM fields. Universities and colleges are distinctive gendered work organizations because workers are highly educated and have authority in hiring, evaluation, and policy. This article explores whether feminist sociologists are particularly well suited to guide institutional change to diversify the academy. Drawing on data from in-depth interviews with 24 feminist academic sociologists at the rank of associate or full professor, I analyze how their feminist and (...)
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  14. The Academy in the Courtroom: The Sacramento Monkey Trial.Donald Arnstine - 1983 - Journal of Thought 18 (1):10-23.
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  15. The academy.Author unknown - 2001 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  16.  94
    Moving the Academy Closer to Utopia.Jennifer Faust - 2007 - Teaching Philosophy 30 (2):201-215.
    In spite of the fact that most university campuses are considered bastions of liberalism (in contrast to the conservative “mainstream”), it remains difficult for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered faculty members and students to come out, and instances of poor treatment still occur. In addition, curricular issues related to LGBT identities and concerns continue to be met with resistance or outright hostility. In this paper, I argue that all faculty—not just LGBT faculty—have an obligation to play a more active role (...)
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  17. Reengineering the academy.Gerard Casey - unknown
    In his excellent and stimulating paper1, Professor Rothblatt remarked “The irony of Newman’s perpetual reincarnation is that none of the structural or even conceptual features of the university as he knew and loved them has survived him, not even this university which may on an occasion such as this revere him as a spiritual ancestor.” [p. 1] What can one say to that remark except to admit its truth. However, that is not the only irony to be discovered. Despite the (...)
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  18.  20
    From the Academy to the Boardroom: Methodological Challenges and Insights on Transnational Business Feminism.Sofie Tornhill, Catia Gregoratti & Katherine Allison - 2019 - Feminist Review 121 (1):53-65.
    Increasingly, corporations are championing the cause of gender equality and women’s empowerment in the Global South. Tapping into notions about women’s role as caregivers, empowerment promotion is simultaneously meant to lead to family and community development, profitability for those who invest in women and girls and economic growth. While emerging feminist scholarship on this kind of ‘transnational business feminism’ (TBF) (Roberts, 2012, 2015) has largely scrutinised gender governance based on visual and textual materials produced by corporations themselves, this article expands (...)
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  19.  51
    Passing the Buck: How the Academy of Medical Sciences's 'New Pathway for the Regulation and Governance of Health Research' Shifts the Regulatory Burden but Fails to Improve the Quality of Research Governance.Christopher Roy-Toole - 2011 - Research Ethics 7 (3):82-90.
    In this paper the author argues that the Academy of Medical Sciences's ‘Review of the regulation and governance of medical research’ has produced a set of muddled recommendations that could increase complexity and uncertainty in research governance rather than reduce it. Issues discussed in the paper include the additional legal burden placed upon the newly proposed Health Research Agency by the plan for a National Research Governance Service and its system of centralized permissions, the consequences that this may have (...)
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  20. Biology as History Papers From International Conferences Sponsored by the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco and the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale in Milan.Giovanni Pinna, Michael T. Ghiselin, California Academy of Sciences & Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano - 1996 - Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali E Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano.
  21.  17
    Othering the Academy: Professionalism and Multiculturalism.Bruce Robbins - 1991 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 58:355-372.
  22.  29
    The Public Philosopher in the Academies: Reflections on Merleau-Ponty's Eloge de la philosophie.T. Brian Mooney - unknown
    Recently we have come to witness an assault on the traditional conception of the university as a centre of detached concern for pure research. The economic rationalist vision which has occasioned this assault has deeply permeated almost every facet of contemporary life and even the specific kind of discourse emanating from this interpretation has managed to ensconce itself within the academies. Philosophers are at particular risk in the uncertain climate that has been created. However philosophers have not addressed the issues (...)
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  23.  14
    The academy and the market place.Giles H. Brown - 2011 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 15 (3):77-78.
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  24. The Academy Five Centuries of Grandeur and Misery, From the Carracci to Mao Tse-Tung.Thomas B. Hess & John Ashbery - 1967 - Macmillan Company.
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    4. The Academy.Paul Friedlander - 1958 - In Paul Friedländer, Plato: An Introduction. [New York]: Pantheon Books. pp. 85-107.
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    The Académie des Sciences and the Republic of Letters: Fontenelle's Role in the Shaping of a New Natural‐Philosophical Persona, 1699–1734.Stephen Gaukroger - 2008 - Intellectual History Review 18 (3):385-402.
  27. Philosophy of Religion and Theology, 1972 Working Papers Read to the Philosophy of Religion and Theology Section, American Academy of Religion, Annual Meeting, 1972.David Ray Griffin & American Academy of Religion - 1972 - American Academy of Religion.
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  28. The doctrine of degree in knowledge, truth, and reality.R. B. Haldane Haldane & British Academy - 1919 - London,: Pub. for the British Academy by H. Milford.
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    The Academy and its Discontents.Bernie Fels - 1979 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1979 (40):173-176.
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    Auguste Comte and the Académie des sciences.Mary Pickering - 2007 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 132 (4):437.
    This article highlights Comte's ambivalence toward the sciences, which he otherwise celebrated as the foundation of positivism. It correlates changes in his attitude with his personal expériences as an ambitious scholar unable to find acceptance and legitimacy in the leading institutions of his time, especially the Académie des sciences. Comte remained a scientific bohemian, unable to adapt to the new trends of professionalization but eager to impose his moral vision on the scientific community that rejected him. Cet article souligne l'ambivalence (...)
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  31.  17
    Report to the academy: re--the new conflict of the faculties.Gregg Lambert - 2001 - Aurora, CO: Davies Group.
    Taking up the original argument of Kant's The Conflict of the Faculties, as well as more recent arguments by philosophers and cultural critics such as Jacques Derrida, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Jurgen Habermas, Fredric Jameson, and Bill Readings, Report to the Academy offers a lively and compelling interpretation of the most critical issues underlying the contemporary debates over the fate of higher education.
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    Managing Uncertainty in the Academy and the Courtroom: Normal Arsenic and Nineteenth-Century Toxicology.José Ramón Bertomeu-Sánchez - 2013 - Isis 104 (2):197-225.
    This essay explores how the enhanced sensitivity of chemical tests sometimes produced unforeseen and puzzling problems in nineteenth-century toxicology. It focuses on the earliest uses of the Marsh test for arsenic and the controversy surrounding “normal arsenic”—that is, the existence of traces of arsenic in healthy human bodies. The essay follows the circulation of the Marsh test in French toxicology and its appearance in the academy, the laboratory, and the courtroom. The new chemical tests could detect very small quantities (...)
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    Pythagorean Number Doctrine in the Academy and Lyceum.Leonid Zhmud - 2012 - In Pythagoras and the Early Pythagoreans. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter first considers the estimates of how great the contribution of the Pythagoreans was to Plato's philosophy and how these views diverge substantially, and which vary across the range from ‘decisive’ to ‘insignificant’. It shows that Platonists were characterized by a benevolent attitude to Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans and an interest in their scientific, philosophical, and religious theories. Number doctrine is found in the testimonies of all three Platonists, but there is in them no picture of a Pythagorean philosophy (...)
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  34. The Academy in Antiquity and the vicissitudes it suffered.M. Isnardi Parente - 1998 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 53 (2):215-234.
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  35. The Academy in the Middle Platonic Period.John Dillon - 1979 - Dionysius 3:63-77.
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  36. Rethinking the Academy: Problems and Possibilities of Teaching, Scholarship, Authority, and Power in Electronic Environments.Keith Dorwick - 1996 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 7 (3).
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  37.  32
    The Refuge of the Academy: Response to Socrates Tenured.Raphael Sassower - 2017 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 48 (1):63-70.
    In response to and as an elaboration on Robert Frodeman and Adam Briggle’s Socrates Tenured, I wish to recognize the notion of practical philosophers as both public intellectuals and as those who may find refuge in the academy in order to shed the pretense of expertise, on the one hand, and the esoteric engagement with topics irrelevant to the affairs of contemporary culture, on the other.
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  38.  16
    What is ‘indigenising the academy’ and why attempt it?Te Kawehau Hoskins & Alison Jones - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    We will share some thoughts on what ‘indigenising the academy’ might mean, and why we might attempt it. We come at these questions from our different yet intertwined identities, experiences and lines of intellectual inquiry. Te Kawehau is of Ngāti Hau and Ngāpuhi tribal groups. Her indigenous ancestors arrived in Aotearoa about 1000 years ago. Alison is a Pākehāl her English settler ancestors came as colonists in the 1850s.
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  39. The academy and the marketplace : avant-garde performance in neoliberal times.Liz Tomlin - 2015 - In Kimberly Jannarone, Vanguard performance beyond left and right. Ann Arbor: Univ Of Michigan Press.
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  40.  25
    The Academy and the Engineering Sciences: An Unwelcome Royal Gift. [REVIEW]Wolfgang König - 2004 - Minerva 42 (4):359-377.
    On 19 March 1900, at the bicentenary celebrations of the Prussian Academy of Sciences, Kaiser Wilhelm II established three new fellowships in engineering sciences. This was in many aspects an unwanted gift, and one which tested the Academy’s relationship between pure and applied science. In the context of contemporary struggles between traditional and modern knowledge, this paper shows how the Academy confronted the newly emerging engineering sciences, and how it resolved a potential challenge in ways that ensured (...)
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  41. Studies in the Philosophy of Thought and Action British Academy Lectures by Gilbert Ryle [and Others]. --.P. F. Strawson, Gilbert Ryle & British Academy - 1968 - Oxford University Press.
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  42.  11
    Vocation across the academy: a new vocabulary for higher education.David S. Cunningham (ed.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Although the language of vocation was born in a religious context, the contributors in this volume demonstrate that it has now taken root within the broad framework of higher education and has become intertwined with a wide range of concerns. This volume makes a compelling case for vocational reflection and discernment in undergraduate education today, arguing that it will encourage faculty and students alike to venture out of their narrow disciplinary specializations and to reflect on larger questions of meaning and (...)
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  43.  56
    What Can Indigenous Feminist Knowledge and Practices Bring to “Indigenizing” the Academy?Kim Anderson, Elena Flores Ruíz, Georgina Tuari Stewart & Madina Tlostanova - 2019 - Journal of World Philosophies 4 (1):121-155.
    More than a decade has passed since North American Indigenous scholars began a public dialogue on how we might “Indigenize the academy.” Discussions around how to “Indigenize” and whether it’s possible to “decolonize” the academy in Canada have proliferated as a result of the Truth and Reconciliation of Canada, which calls upon Canadians to learn the truth about colonial relations and reconcile the damage that is ongoing. Indigenous scholars are increasingly leading and writing about efforts in their institutions; (...)
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  44. The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth CenturyAesthetics, an Introduction.Allan Shields, Albert Boime & William Charlton - 1971 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 30 (1):140.
  45.  3
    Soldiers in War as Homo Sacer.AssociAte PrOfessor Of Military Ethics At THe Military Academy In Belgradehe Is Also Lecturer In Ethics at The School Of National Defence he Is An Elected Member Of The Board Of Directors Of The EuropeAn Society For Military Ethics & War Collection He is A. Reserve Officer in the Serbian Armed Forces Editor-in-Chief of the Online Ethics of Peace - forthcoming - Journal of Military Ethics:1-13.
    In this article, the author aims to demonstrate how Agamben’s concept of Homo Sacer is ideally epitomized by a soldier in war. A soldier in war holds a peculiar position, as killing of soldiers is considered neither illegal by laws nor immoral by ethics, and so a soldier is not considered to be legally or morally “guilty” in the usual sense of the word if he or she kills another soldier in war. The author analyzes the notion of Homo Sacer (...)
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  46.  9
    The Spiritual and Religious Dimensions of the Environmental Crisis.Seyyed Hossein Nasr & Temenos Academy - 1999
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    Jewish Philosophy and the Academy.Emil L. Fackenheim & Raphael Jospe - 1996 - Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press.
    "Jewish Philosophy and the Academy reflects in broad terms on the current state of Jewish philosophy in the university. This generation of university teachers lives at a unique historic junction. It is the last to be taught by the giants of European Wissenschaft des Judentums and the first to experience the remarkable expansion of Judaic scholarship in Israel and abroad." "Emil Fackenheim suggests that if we are indebted to Athens for the philosophical method, we are also indebted to Jerusalem (...)
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  48.  63
    Roundtable on Intellectuals and the Academy.Tim Luke, Paul Piccone, Fred Siegel & Michael Taves - 1987 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1987 (71):5-35.
    Taves: Let us begin with the claim that universities are deadly to serious intellectual work. The university ethos fosters mediocrity, boredom and gutlessness. It has become a haven for conformist intellectuals who value patronage and status over intellectual quality and challenge. “Radical” academics are no exception; they too have bought into hyperspecialization, empiricism, professionalization, abstract theory, and have become marginal, predictable and politically irrelevant. If such is the case, what are the implications? Siegel: There is certainly a sense of pervasive (...)
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  49.  11
    Othering the Academy.Bruce Robbins - 1995 - In Jeffrey Williams, PC wars: politics and theory in the academy. New York: Routledge. pp. 279.
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  50.  53
    The Development of the Academies Programme: ‘Privatising’ School-Based Education in England 1986–2013.Anne West & Elizabeth Bailey - 2013 - British Journal of Educational Studies 61 (2):137-159.
    ABSTRACT The secondary school system in England has undergone a radical transformation since 2010 with the rapid expansion of independent academies run by private companies (?academy trusts?) and funded directly by central government. This paper examines the development of academies and their predecessors, city technology colleges, and explores the extent and nature of continuity and change. It is argued that processes of layering and policy revision, together with austerity measures arising from economic recession, have resulted in a system-wide change (...)
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