Reengineering the academy
In his excellent and stimulating paper1, Professor Rothblatt remarked “The irony of Newman’s perpetual reincarnation is that none of the structural or even conceptual features of the university as he knew and loved them has survived him, not even this university which may on an occasion such as this revere him as a spiritual ancestor.” [p. 1] What can one say to that remark except to admit its truth. However, that is not the only irony to be discovered. Despite the ritual invocation of Newman at UCD conferrings and on special occasions such as this, he did not in fact found UCD. He did found the Catholic University of Ireland, or perhaps he didn’t, if Colin Barr’s thesis in his recent book is to be believed! Wherever the truth lies in this matter, I am happy to be able to announce that UCD now has at least one cast-iron connection with Newman in that the International Centre for Newman Studies, directed by Dr Teresa Iglesias, will be inaugurated on the 21st of this month in Newman House