Results for ' subsidiary rights'

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  1.  50
    The Process of Embedding Human Rights within Subsidiaries of a Multinational Corporation.Esther M. J. Schouten - 2009 - International Corporate Responsibility Series 4:35-57.
    Multinational companies (MNCs) can have positive and negative impacts on the human rights situation of a country. More and more MNCs have made a commitment to respect human rights. So far, little research has been done on how MNCs can embed their commitment and which factors determine its success. This paper therefore aims to describe and learn from the process of embedding human rights in six subsidiaries of the multinational oil company Royal Dutch Shell (in short, Shell), (...)
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    Is there a Need for Extension of Subsidiary Protection in the European Union Qualification Directive?Lyra Jakulevičienė - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 120 (2):215-232.
    The establishment of the Common European Asylum System by 2012 remains a key policy objective for the European Union. According to the Council of the European Union, the development of a Common Asylum Policy should be based on a full and inclusive application of the 1951 Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and other relevant international treaties. In the European Pact on Immigration and Asylum attention is brought to the persistence of wide disparities amongst Member States in the (...)
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    A Study of the Transfer of Corporate Social Responsibility from Well-Established Foreign Multinational Enterprises to Chinese Subsidiaries.Maria Lai-Ling Lam - 2007 - International Corporate Responsibility Series 3:343-363.
    The study is designed to examine the perceptions of Chinese executives of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and to explore possible strategies by which well-established foreign multinational enterprises can carry out their CSR in China. The interviewees’ interpretation of CSR is found to be oriented toward internal operations of the Chinese subsidiaries and economic responsibility. Many interviewees have the classical view of CSR, while headquarters has the modern view. The main problems of implementing CSR are: specific Chinese business culture, intellectual property (...)
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    World-championship-caliber Scrabble☆☆SCRABBLE® is a registered trademark. All intellectual property rights in and to the game are owned in the USA by Hasbro Inc., in Canada by Hasbro Canada Corporation, and throughout the rest of the world by J.W. Spear & Sons Limited of Maidenhead, Berkshire, England, a subsidiary of Mattel Inc. [REVIEW]Brian Sheppard - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence 134 (1-2):241-275.
  5.  22
    Owners of Databases Copyright and Sui Generis Right.Ramūnas Birštonas - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 116 (2):211-227.
    Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the legal protection of databases of 11 March 1996, which was intended to protect the interests of the makers of databases, determined that databases could be protected by double rights: copyright and sui generis right. The article first of all analyses what persons are entitled to be acknowledged as holders of copyright and sui generis right in respect of a newly created database. As the issue of the owner (...)
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    Add international courts to The Idea of Human Rights and stir … on Beitz’ The Idea of Human Rights after 10 years.Andreas Follesdal - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (1):66-86.
    These reflections elaborates the theory of The Idea of Human Rights by addressing a topic that theory attempts to bracket: international and regional judicialization in the form of international courts and tribunals. Using the method of reflective equilibrium, the article argues that this exclusion is inconsistent. Including these international courts and tribunals (‘ICs’) prompts several changes to the original theory, and opens new research questions. The original theory is on the one hand too narrow regarding both the objectives and (...)
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    Transnational Corporations and Human Rights: Overcoming Barriers to Judicial Remedy.Gwynne L. Skinner - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    The number of transnational corporations - including parent companies and subsidiaries - has exploded over the last forty years, which has led to a correlating rise of corporate violations of international human rights and environmental laws, either directly or in conjunction with government security forces, local police, state-run businesses, or other businesses. In this work, Gwynne Skinner details the harms of business-related human rights violations on local communities and describes the barriers, both functional and institutional, that victims face (...)
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    Back to bundles: Deflating property rights, again.Shane Nicholas Glackin - 2014 - Legal Theory 20 (1):1-24.
    Following Wesley Hohfeld's pioneering analyses, which demonstrated that the concept of ownership conflated a variety of distinct legal relations, a deflationary regarding those relations as essentially unconnected held sway for much of the subsequent century. In recent decades, this theory has been thought too diffuse; it seems counterintuitive to insist, for instance, that rights of possession and alienation over a property are associated only contingently. Accordingly, scholars such as James Penner and James Harris have advanced theories that revive the (...)
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    Protection under the European Convention on Human Rights – Oasis for Asylum Seekers in Europe?Lyra Jakulevičienė & Vladimiras Siniovas - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (3):855-899.
    Even though the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) does not explicitly address the rights of asylum seekers and refugees, the case law of the European Human Rights Court (ECtHR) confirms that their rights can be successfully defended under this mechanism. In parallel, in its evolving jurisprudence on asylum the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) refers to the Strasbourg case law, where there is a certain interrelationship between these (...)
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  10.  54
    Ethics, Inventing Right and Wrong. [REVIEW]M. J. - 1980 - Review of Metaphysics 34 (1):152-153.
    Morality, as commonly conceived, is a delusion; it is, however, indispensable for the flourishing both of society and of individuals. These are the main theses, one concerning the status, the other the content of morality,, of J. L. Mackie’s Ethics, Inventing Right and Wrong. In part 1, with much fresh, useful, if subsidiary discussion of more standard meta-ethical fare—meanings of normative terms and analysis of moral argument—Mackie argues that the morality of the plain man is not, what it is (...)
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  11.  28
    Can Literary Agents Be Based Outside London and Still Be Successful?Melanie Ramdarshan Bold - 2013 - Logos 24 (1):7-18.
  12.  45
    Asylum Legal Framework and Policy of the Slovak Republic.Lucia Hurná - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1383-1405.
    After the establishment of the independent Slovak Republic, legal and institutional ground rules were set for providing asylum to foreigners present on the territory of the Slovak Republic. The national legislation of the last twenty years was adopted in compliance with international treaties and the European Union instruments covering asylum matters. In the field of asylum policy, the Slovak Republic complies with its traditional pillars and supports new forms of protection following the new challenges faced by the international community. The (...)
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  13.  73
    Beyond Credibility of Doing Business in China: Strategies for Improving Corporate Citizenship of Foreign Multinational Enterprises in China. [REVIEW]Maria Lai-Ling Lam - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):137 - 146.
    This study examines the perceptions of Chinese executives concerning corporate social responsibilities in their Chinese subsidiaries of foreign multinational corporations in China. These Chinese subsidiaries are found in the elementary stage of corporate citizen development even though their headquarters are in the advanced stage. The key challenges of moving Chinese subsidiaries to be better corporate citizens in China are specific Chinese business culture, intellectual property rights, internal due process, insufficient Chinese government support, and lack of knowledge of Chinese subsidiaries. (...)
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  14. Dignity's gauntlet.Remy Debes - 2009 - Philosophical Perspectives 23 (1):45-78.
    The philosophy of “ human dignity” remains a young, piecemeal endeavor with only a small, dedicated literature. And what dedicated literature exists makes for a rather slapdash mix of substantive and formal metatheory. Worse, ironically we seem compelled to treat this existing theory both charitably and casually. For how can we definitively assess any of it? Existing suggestions about the general features of dignity are necessarily contentious in virtue of being more or less blissfully uncritical of themselves. Because none of (...)
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  15.  48
    Lessons of the First EU Court of Justice Judgments in Asylum Cases.Lyra Jakulevičienė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (2):477-505.
    Starting from 2009, national courts of the EU Member States for the first time gained a “real” right to request the EU Court of Justice for preliminary rulings in asylum matters. First judgments of this Court demonstrate equivocal tendencies: some are blaming the Court for incompetence in asylum matters, others believe that the adoption of authoritative decisions at the European level will assist in developing consistent practice of applying asylum law in the European Union, something that failed at international level (...)
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  16.  76
    (1 other version)Between Political Liberalism and Postnational Cosmopolitanism.David Ingram - 2003 - Political Theory 31 (3):359-391.
    It is well known that Rawls and Habermas propose different strategies for justifying and classifying human rights. The author argues that neither approach satisfies what he regards as threshold conditions of determinacy, rank ordering, and completeness that any enforceable system of human rights must possess. A related concern is that neither develops an adequate account of group rights, which the author argues fulfills subsidiary conditions for realizing human rights under specific conditions. This latter defect is (...)
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  17. The Rationality of Moral Conduct: A Preliminary Study.Rachel Cohon - 1986 - Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles
    The present work lays the foundations for a proposed longer work in which I shall defend an answer to the question whether immoral action is necessarily irrational. Here I first examine the traditional formulations, by Hume and Kant, of the crucial positions in the controversy over whether reason does or does not require us to do right or act well, or forbid us to do wrong or be villainous, and I criticize the views of each of these philosophers. I then (...)
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  18.  51
    Selective nontreatment and spina bifida: A case study in ethical theory and application.Paul R. Johnson - 1981 - Journal of Medical Humanities 3 (2):91-111.
    Defective newborn children are to be considered human persons. Thus, primary duty in proxy consent is to act with the infant's best interest in mind. This duty may at times override the otherwise prima facie right to life, but only under restricted circumstances. Refinements of McCormick's “relational potential” criteria and of ordinary-extraordinary means analysis prove useful in such decisions. Utilitarian considerations of social consequences have impact but can be kept subsidiary. The importance for decision making of available child support (...)
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  19.  25
    Information disclosure to family caregivers: Applying Thiroux's framework.John Rowe - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (4):435-444.
    In the UK, community care has led to more complex relationships for mental health nurses. They need to respect the rights of service users to confidentiality while also respecting the rights of family caregivers to information that directly affects them. An unsatisfactory situation has arisen in which utilitarian and legally driven motives have seen family caregivers’ interests become subsidiary to those of service users and providers. An ethical case is made for sharing information with family caregivers, even (...)
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  20.  43
    But is it liberalism?Loren E. Lomasky - 1990 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 4 (1-2):86-105.
    THE LIBERTARIAN IDEA by Joseph Raz Oxford: Clarendon, 1986. 435 pp., $59.00 Joseph Raz's The Morality of Freedom offers a subtle and arrestingly original reconstruction of liberal theory. Raz argues that standard liberal linchpins such as neutrality, rights, equality, anti?perfectionism, subjective preference, and individualism fail adequately to ground a liberal order. Rather, he enshrines autonomy as the core value of a justifiable liberalism. Many of Raz's subsidiary arguments are insightful, yet his liberal structure ultimately founders. In large measure (...)
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  21.  69
    Recent Developments in Health Law: ERISA: Subrogation, Sereboff, and the “Make Whole” Doctrine: The D.C. Circuit Defines Ambiguity in ERISA Subrogation Clauses—Moore v. Capital Care, Inc.Katherine Polak - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (4):828-831.
    On August 29, 2006, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit held that an injured ERISA plan beneficiary need not be “made whole” by any injury-related recovery from a third party in order for her ERISA plan to assert subrogation or reimbursement rights if the plan's terms either 1) “unambiguously establish a plan priority” to any funds a beneficiary recovers from a third party, or 2) are reasonably interpreted to establish such a priority by (...)
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  22. Gleiche Gerechtigkeit: Grundlagen eines liberalen Egalitarismus.Stefan Gosepath - 2004 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    Equal Justice explores the role of the idea of equality in liberal theories of justice. The title indicates the book’s two-part thesis: first, I claim that justice is the central moral category in the socio-political domain; second, I argue for a specific conceptual and normative connection between the ideas of justice and equality. This pertains to the age-old question concerning the normative significance of equality in a theory of justice. The book develops an independent, systematic, and comprehensive theory of equality (...)
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  23. Outline of a Logic of Knowledge of Acquaintance.Samuele Iaquinto & Giuseppe Spolaore - 2019 - Analysis 79:52-61.
    The verb ‘to know’ can be used both in ascriptions of propositional knowledge and ascriptions of knowledge of acquaintance. In the formal epistemology literature, the former use of ‘know’ has attracted considerable attention, while the latter is typically regarded as derivative. This attitude may be unsatisfactory for those philosophers who, like Russell, are not willing to think of knowledge of acquaintance as a subsidiary or dependent kind of knowledge. In this paper we outline a logic of knowledge of acquaintance (...)
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  24.  42
    The Corporation as Citoyen? Towards a New Understanding of Corporate Citizenship.Michael S. Aßländer & Janina Curbach - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (4):541-554.
    Based on the extended conceptualization of corporate citizenship, as provided by Matten and Crane :166–179, 2005), this paper examines the new role of corporations in society. Taking the ideas of Matten and Crane one step further, we argue that the status of corporations as citizens is not solely defined by their factual engagement in the provision of citizenship rights to others. By analysing political and sociological citizenship theories, we show that such engagement is more adequately explained by a change (...)
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  25.  42
    Protozoa as precursors of metazoa: German cell theory and its critics at the turn of the century.Marsha L. Richmond - 1989 - Journal of the History of Biology 22 (2):243-276.
    With historical hindsight, it can be little questioned that the view of protozoa as unicellular organisms was important for the development of the discipline of protozoology. In the early years of this century, the assumption of unicellularity provided a sound justification for the study of protists: it linked them to the metazoa and supported the claim that the study of these “simple” unicellular organisms could shed light on the organization of the metazoan cell. This prospect was significant, given the state (...)
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  26. Joseph Fletcher: The Evolution of His Ethical Thought.Mary Faith Marshall - 1992 - Dissertation, University of Virginia
    The goal of this study is to discover and critically examine the major influences on the development of Joseph Fletcher's theological and philosophical ethics. Subsidiary investigation will reveal the influence of particular philosophical points of view , theological positions , and the effects of social context and other determinants on Fletcher's thought. Whether Fletcher's ethics remain dependent on social or temporal contingencies, whether they are historically contingent or of lasting practical value will be analyzed. ;This paper will take the (...)
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  27.  6
    To each Technology Its Own Ethics? A Reply to Sætra & Danaher (and Their Critics).Júlia Pareto & Carme Torras - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (3):1-6.
    Contemporary ethics is currently ramifying into different sub-ethics specific to each type of technology. Although this trend has been very timely and rightly called into question by Sætra and Danaher, both these authors and their critics Llorca Albareda and Rueda leave the matter unsolved from a discipline point of view. In this commentary, we clarify the statute of the ethics of technology, which corresponds to that of a subsidiary applied ethics, and show how it is precisely that, what renders (...)
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  28.  13
    The dark posthuman: dehumanization, technology, and the Atlantic world.Stephanie Polsky - 2022 - [Goleta, California]: Punctum Books.
    The Dark Posthuman: Dehumanization, Technology, and the Atlantic World explores how liberal humanism first enlivened, racialized, and gendered global cartographies, and how memory, ancestry, expression, and other aspects of social identity founded in its theories and practices made for the advent of the category of the posthuman through the dimensions of cultural, geographic, political, social, and scientific classification. The posthuman is very much the product of world-building narratives that have their beginnings in the commercial franchise and are fundamentally rooted in (...)
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  29.  73
    Subsidiarity’s Roots and History: Some Observations.John Finnis - 2016 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 61 (1):133-141.
    Subsidiarity, i.e., “the principle of subsidiarity,” i.e., “the principle of subsidiary function/responsibility,” i.e., the principle that it is unjust for a higher authority to usurp the self-governing authority that lower authorities, acting in the service of their own members, rightly have over those members, is a presumptive and defeasible, not an absolute, principle. But it excludes any general policy or aim of assuming the control or managerial direction of lower groups. Its deepest rationale is the intrinsic desirability of self-direction, (...)
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  30. (1 other version)‘the Self’.Galen Strawson - 1997 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 4 (5-6):405-428.
    Recommends an approach to the philosophical problem about the existence and nature of the self in which the author models the problem of the self rather than attempting to model the self. It is suggested that the sense of the self is the source in experience of the philosophical problem of the self. The first question to ask is the phenomenological question: What is the nature of the sense of the self? But this, in the first instance, is best taken (...)
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  31.  66
    Liberalism, Constitutionalism, and Democracy.Russell Hardin - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (220):534-536.
    The central argument of this book is that liberalism, constitutionalism, and democracy, as well as, specifically, liberal constitutional democracy all work, when they do, because they serve the mutual advantage of the politically effective groups in the society through coordination of those groups on a political and, perhaps, economic order. These arguments are applied both to the early history of constitutional developments in the United States and to contemporary transitions from autocratic regimes to market democracies. A subsidiary claim is (...)
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  32.  40
    Utilitarianism and Malthus’s virtue ethics. Respectable, virtuous, and happy.Sergio Cremaschi - 2014 - Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
    1Preface: Malthus the Utilitarian vs. Malthus the Christian moral thinker. The chapter aims at reconstructing the deadlocks of Malthus scholarship concerning his relationship to utilitarianism. It argues that Bonar created out of nothing the myth of Malthus’s ‘Utilitarianism’, which carried, in turn, a pseudo-problem concerning Malthus’s lack of consistency with his own alleged Utilitarianism; besides it argues that such misinterpretation was hard to die and still persists in Hollander’s reading of Malthus’s work. ● -/- 2 Eighteenth-century Anglican ethics. The chapter (...)
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  33.  67
    Knowing what you are doing: Action‐demonstratives in unreflective action.Markos Valaris - 2020 - Ratio 33 (2):97-105.
    Almost everything that we do, we do by doing other things. Even actions we perform without deliberation or conscious planning are composed of ‘smaller’, subsidiary actions. But how should we think of such subsidiary actions? Are they fully-fledged intentional actions (in the sense of things that we do for reasons) in their own right? In this paper I defend an affirmative answer to this question, against a recently influential form of scepticism. Drawing on a distinctive kind of ‘action-demonstrative’ (...)
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  34.  28
    Tax Law System and Charging Principles.Egidija Puzinskaitė & Romanas Klišauskas - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (2):675-695.
    Relying on the systematic, logical, and analytical methods, national legislation and some internationally accepted guidelines, as well as on the research conducted by the Lithuanian scientists and law practitioners, this article consistently and comprehensively deals with the problems arising in the areas of interpretation and application of tax law. The article examines the relevant tax concepts, studies the tax law system, deals with the relevant issues arising in the field of application of legal regulations on taxation, and provides a particularly (...)
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  35.  78
    V. A. Howard, Charm and Speed: Virtuosity in the Performing Arts.Anthony J. Palmer - 2010 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 18 (1):101-106.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Charm and Speed: Virtuosity in the Performing ArtsAnthony J. PalmerV. A. Howard, Charm and Speed: Virtuosity in the Performing Arts (New York: Peter Lang, 2008)There may be one other book on virtuosity, but nothing that approaches the depth of argument put forth by V. A. Howard in Charm and Speed. As the author states, “[t]his book offers an interpretation, analysis, and reconstruction of the concept of virtuosity which (...)
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  36.  44
    Citizenship and Culture in Early Modern Europe.Peter N. Miller - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (4):725-742.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Citizenship and Culture in Early Modern EuropePeter N. MillerCharlotte Wells, Law and Citizenship in Early Modern France (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995), xviii, 198p.Paula Findlen, Possessing Nature: Museums, Collecting, and Scientific Culture in Early Modern Italy (Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press, 1994), xviii, 449p.Steven Shapin, The Social History of Truth: Civility and Science in Seventeenth-Century England (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, (...)
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    The Legitimacy of Business.George C. Lodge - 2005 - Philosophy of Management 5 (3):3-21.
    As the world moves into the 21st century, business managers face new and daunting challenges to their legitimacy. Those who run the world’s 72,0000 multinational firms and their 828,000 subsidiaries face special difficulties.1 These firms constitute a global economy that has produced much that is useful, including wondrous technologies and great wealth for many. Nevertheless, one in five of the world’s six billion people lives in extreme poverty, surviving on less than $1 a day. Half the world lives on less (...)
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    Introduction: Symposium on James Hamilton’s The Art of Theater.Sherri Irvin - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (3):1-3.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IntroductionSherri Irvin, Guest Editor (bio)The idea for this special issue of the Journal of Aesthetic Education had its origins in the December 2007 event “The Art of Performance: Symposium in Honor of Jim Hamilton,” organized by Sandra Lapointe and Marcelo Sabatés and hosted by the Department of Philosophy at Kansas State University with the kind support of President Jon Wefald and the dean of the Faculty of Arts and (...)
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    Degussa AG and its Holocaust Legacy.Al Rosenbloom & RuthAnn Althaus - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (2):183-194.
    This case is designed to help students analyze decision making from various ethical perspectives and to use stakeholder analysis. The case perspective is that of the CEO of Degussa AG, a multispecialty chemical company, headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany. Degussa is considering whether to submit a bid to supply its anti-graffiti coating, Protectosil ® , for a new Memorial to the Murdered Jews in Europe being planned for Berlin. Degussa’s ethical dilemma is that a former Degussa subsidiary, Degesch, manufactured and (...)
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    An Equality of Security.Mark J. Kaswan - 2023 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 23.
    In the “Principles of the Civil Code,” Jeremy Bentham identifies four “principles subsidiary to utility”: subsistence, abundance, equality, and security. Whereas these subsidiary principles form part of the bedrock of classical liberalism, in this essay I show that in the hands of his friend and disciple William Thompson, they are transformed into the foundations for socialism. Where Bentham prioritizes security over equality, and security of property takes a preeminent role, Thompson shows that the system of individual competition and (...)
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  41. On the Doctrine of Elements and the Demands of Kantian Virtue.Guus Duindam - forthcoming - Kant Studien.
    In the Doctrine of Virtue, Kant develops an elaborate virtue ethics grounded in two ends that are also duties: our own perfection and the happiness of others. Kant says apparently inconsistent things about the nature of these duties, however, leaving ambiguous precisely what the demands of Kantian virtue are. In the Doctrine of Virtue, Kant says that duties of virtue govern only our freedom to set ends, not our freedom of action; that such duties are not coercively enforceable; and that (...)
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    Aristotle on Thought and Feeling by Paula Gottlieb (review).Corinne Gartner - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (4):703-705.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Aristotle on Thought and Feeling by Paula GottliebCorinne GartnerPaula Gottlieb. Aristotle on Thought and Feeling. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. 173. Hardback, $99.99.Paula Gottlieb's recent book is an illuminating, synoptic study of Aristotle's theory of human motivation, according to which his innovative notion of prohairesis (choice)—specifically, the virtuous agent's prohairesis—is the cornerstone. She argues against both Kantian-flavored readings, which prioritize reason's role in motivating ethical action, and (...)
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  43. Theatrical Performances and the Works Performed.Sherri Irvin - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (3):pp. 37-50.
    I consider James Hamilton’s discussion of what I term the complete autonomy thesis, according to which no theatrical performance is a performance of some other work. While agreeing with Hamilton that theatrical performances are often artworks in their own right and that theatrical performance is not a derivative or subsidiary art form, I argue that the complete autonomy thesis overshoots the evidence. Some theatrical performances are autonomous, but many belong to an established tradition of close adherence to the texts (...)
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    Chrześcijańska perspektywa rozwiązywania kwestii społeczno-ekonomicznych w świetle nauczania Jana Pawła II i założeń personalizmu G.M. Gronbachera.ks Mirosław Twardowski - 2015 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 18 (2):55-66.
    In this essay I would like to outline the Christian perspective on solving economic issues based on documents of the Catholic Church. The term ‘economic personalism’ appeared in literature several years ago and has been used as a proposal of a new economic model which is supposed to be a synthesis of achievements of economic sciences and Christian moral theology. Pope John Paul II is believed to be one of its precursors or even founding-fathers. We shall sum up these significant (...)
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  45. Passage, Persistence and Precision.Neil McKinnon - 2002 - Dissertation, Monash University
    Time passes, and the inexorability of its passing has deep emotional significance. One of the main themes of this thesis involves an investigation into the metaphysical nature of the passage of time. What sort of metaphysical account of passage should be given? And do our emotional responses to temporal passage have metaphysical implications? The other main theme of the thesis is the issue of the metaphysics of persistence. When a thing is present at more than one time, what is the (...)
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  46. Kant on the State, Law, and Obedience to Authority in the Alleged ‘Anti-Revolutionary’ Writings.Kenneth R. Westphal - 1992 - Journal of Philosophical Research 17:383-426.
    The tension between Kant’s egalitarian conception of persons as ends in themselves and his rejection of the right of revolution has been widely discussed. The crucial issue is more fundamental: Is Kant’s defense of absolute obedience consistent with his own principle of legitimate law, that legitimate law is compatible with the Categorical Imperative? Resolving this apparent inconsistency resolves the subsidiary inconsistencies that have been debated in the literature. I argue that Kant’s legal principles contain two distinct grounds of obligation (...)
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    Let the Future Come by Wilfred Desan, and: Toward a Just Social Order by Derek L. Phillips. [REVIEW]John B. Davis - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (3):564-570.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:564 BOOK REVIEWS illuminating re-examination of the category of inwardness in Kierkegaard 's writings. The majority of the essays in the hook are similarly suggestive and will prove rewarding and interesting reading-they echo the aim and gift, share by Wittgenstein and Kierkegaard, of "making their readers thinkers" (xvi). University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia M. JAMIE FERREIRA Let the Future Come. By WILFRED DESAN. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1987. (...)
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    Right to Private Property.Welfare Rights as Compensation - 2012 - In Martin O'Neill & Thad Williamson, Property-Owning Democracy: Rawls and Beyond. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  49. Public ai= I= airs quarterly.Private Property Rights - 2002 - Public Affairs Quarterly 16:231.
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    Human Rights matter: a reassertion of the UN charter and UDHR core values in turbulent times.Human Rights: Between Text, Context, Realities Political Economy of Human Rights Rights, Realization Legality, Strong Legitimacy: A. Political Economy Approach to the Struggle for Basic Entitlements to Safe Water, Human Rights Quarterly Sanitation’, The State, Environment Politics of Development & Climate Change - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (3):343-353.
    Drawing its strength from the UN Charter and UDHR, human rights ethics is a beacon of hope and a promise that requires continuous reaffirmation during these turbulent times. These two documents, with their unwavering faith in ‘fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small,’ have shaped our understanding of human rights as global and universal ethics. However, this faith (...)
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