Results for ' silný program'

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  1. Přezkoumání oprávněnosti Kuhnovy kritiky silného programu sociologie vědění.Libor Benda - 2012 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 34 (2):201-225.
    Thomas Kuhn ve svých pozdějších pracích ostře napadá tzv. silný program sociologie vědění a důsledně se vůči němu vymezuje. Tato skutečnost je zajímavá z toho důvodu, že představitelé silného programu se naopak ke Kuhnovi otevřeně hlásí a vydatně čerpají z jeho díla, neboť v něm spatřují řadu klíčových myšlenek, které implikují možnost sociologické analýzy vědeckého poznání. Cílem této studie je kriticky přezkoumat Kuhnovu kritiku silného programu a zhodnotit její oprávněnost. V první části je za tímto účelem nejprve rekonstruováno (...)
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  2. Věda, politika a problém dvou kultur: příspěvek k vnějším dějinám vzniku sociologie vědeckého poznání.Libor Benda - 2014 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 36 (2):181-209.
    Tématem studie je dosud neprobádaná oblast vnějších dějin vzniku sociologie vědeckého poznání. Jejím záměrem je analýza vnějších faktorů, které se podílely na vzniku této disciplíny, a to za účelem nalezení odpovědi na otázku, proč vznikla právě v sedmdesátých letech minulého století na Oddělení pro studium vědy při Edinburské univerzitě a právě v podobě tzv. silného programu sociologie vědění. Skrze postavu zakladatele edinburského Oddělení pro studium vědy C. H. Waddingtona se studie zaměřuje konkrétně na dvě epizody, a to na vznik politicky (...)
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  3. Historiografická metoda Thomase Kuhna a její význam z hlediska sociologie vědeckého poznání.Libor Benda - 2011 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 33 (3):445-468.
    Význam Thomase Kuhna z hlediska jeho vlivu na další vývoj představ o povaze vědy a konkrétně na vznik tzv. sociologie vědeckého poznání bývá dnes běžně spojován s jeho Strukturou vědeckých revolucí, zatímco jeho starším historickým pracím je v tomto ohledu jen zřídkakdy věnována pozornost. Příspěvek analyzuje právě tyto práce a pokouší se charakterizovat základní metodologické rysy Kuhnova přístupu k dějinám vědy, který je v nich uplatňován. Prostřednictvím jejich porovnání s metodologickými východisky rané sociologie vědeckého poznání se snaží zjistit, nakolik lze (...)
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    Logic Programming: 10th International Symposium : Preprinted Papers and Abstracts.Dale Miller & Association for Logic Programming - 1993
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    Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning: Proceedings of the First International Workshop.Wiktor Marek, Anil Nerode, V. S. Subrahmanian & Association for Logic Programming - 1991 - MIT Press (MA).
    The First International Workshop brings together researchers from the theoretical ends of the logic programming and artificial intelligence communities to discuss their mutual interests. Logic programming deals with the use of models of mathematical logic as a way of programming computers, where theoretical AI deals with abstract issues in modeling and representing human knowledge and beliefs. One common ground is nonmonotonic reasoning, a family of logics that includes room for the kinds of variations that can be found in human reasoning. (...)
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    Logic Programming: Proceedings of the Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming.Krzysztof R. Apt & Association for Logic Programming - 1992 - MIT Press (MA).
    The Joint International Conference on Logic Programming, sponsored by the Association for Logic Programming, is a major forum for presentations of research, applications, and implementations in this important area of computer science. Logic programming is one of the most promising steps toward declarative programming and forms the theoretical basis of the programming language Prolog and its various extensions. Logic programming is also fundamental to work in artificial intelligence, where it has been used for nonmonotonic and commonsense reasoning, expert systems implementation, (...)
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    Edukacja dialektyczna i szkoła przyszłości.Ryszard ¡Ukaszewicz & W. P. Centralny Program Badaân Podstawowych 08 I. Kierunek Rozwoju Systemu Oâswiaty - 1991 - Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
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    Research Doctorate Programs in the United States: Continuity and Change.Marvin L. Goldberger, Brendan A. Maher, Pamela Ebert Flattau, Committee for the Study of Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States & Conference Board of Associated Research Councils - 1995 - National Academies Press.
    Doctoral programs at U.S. universities play a critical role in the development of human resources both in the United States and abroad. This volume reports the results of an extensive study of U.S. research-doctorate programs in five broad fields: physical sciences and mathematics, engineering, social and behavioral sciences, biological sciences, and the humanities. Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States documents changes that have taken place in the size, structure, and quality of doctoral education since the widely used 1982 editions. This (...)
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  9. Steve Prefontaine: artist on the track?Brett Gaul Philosophy Program, Marshall, Mn & Usa - forthcoming - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport:1-16.
    American distance running legend Steve Prefontaine – ‘Pre’ – claimed that he was an artist and that his races were works of art. In this article, I examine and defend Pre’s claims. Using Robert Stecker’s definition of art as a guide, I argue that a race can be a work of art – specifically, performance art. I then argue that Pre’s 3,000 m American record race at the 1972 Bislett Games in Oslo, Norway, and his 5,000 m final at the (...)
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  10. Manfred Mohr.Programmed Esthetics - 1989 - In Richard Kostelanetz, Esthetics contemporary. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. pp. 154.
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    Over-Constrained Systems.Michael Jampel, Eugene C. Freuder, Michael Maher & International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - 1996 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume presents a collection of refereed papers reflecting the state of the art in the area of over-constrained systems. Besides 11 revised full papers, selected from the 24 submissions to the OCS workshop held in conjunction with the First International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP '95, held in Marseilles in September 1995, the book includes three comprehensive background papers of central importance for the workshop papers and the whole field. Also included is an introduction by (...)
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  12. The Minimalist Program.Noam Chomsky - 1995 - MIT Press.
    In these essays the minimalist approach to linguistic theory is formulated and progressively developed.
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    Just Interpretations: Law Between Ethics and Politics.Michel Rosenfeld & Professor of Human Rights and Director Program on Global and Comparative Constitutional Theory Michel Rosenfeld - 1998 - Univ of California Press.
    "An important contribution to contemporary jurisprudential debate and to legal thought more generally, Just Interpretations is far ahead of currently available work."--Peter Goodrich, author of Oedipus Lex "I was struck repeatedly by the clarity of expression throughout the book. Rosenfeld's description and criticism of the recent work of leading thinkers distinguishes his work within the legal theory genre. Furthermore, his own theory is quite original and provocative."--Aviam Soifer, author of Law and the Company We Keep.
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    KF, PKF and Reinhardt’s Program.Luca Castaldo & Johannes Stern - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic (1):33-58.
    In “Some Remarks on Extending and Interpreting Theories with a Partial Truth Predicate”, Reinhardt [21] famously proposed an instrumentalist interpretation of the truth theory Kripke–Feferman ( $\mathrm {KF}$ ) in analogy to Hilbert’s program. Reinhardt suggested to view $\mathrm {KF}$ as a tool for generating “the significant part of $\mathrm {KF}$ ”, that is, as a tool for deriving sentences of the form $\mathrm{Tr}\ulcorner {\varphi }\urcorner $. The constitutive question of Reinhardt’s program was whether it was possible “to (...)
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    Learning to Program in LISP1.John R. Anderson, Robert Farrell & Ron Sauers - 1984 - Cognitive Science 8 (2):87-129.
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  16. Behind the Headlines.Bob Deans, N. Japan Society York, Japan) U. Media Dialogue & United States-Japan Foundation Media Fellows Program - 1996 - Japan Society.
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    Rebounding from Corruption: Perceptions of Ethics Program Effectiveness in a Public Sector Organization.Kathie L. Pelletier & Michelle C. Bligh - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 67 (4):359-374.
    We examine the perceived importance of three organizational preconditions theorized to be critical for ethics program effectiveness. In addition, we examine the importance of ethical leadership and congruence between formal ethics codes and informal ethical norms in influencing employee perceptions. Participants from a large southern California government agency completed a survey on the perceived effectiveness of the organization’s ethics program. Results suggest that employee perceptions of organizational preconditions, ethical leadership and informal ethical norms were related to perceptions of (...)
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  18. On an alleged refutation of Hilbert's program using gödel's first incompleteness theorem.Michael Detlefsen - 1990 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 19 (4):343 - 377.
    It is argued that an instrumentalist notion of proof such as that represented in Hilbert's viewpoint is not obligated to satisfy the conservation condition that is generally regarded as a constraint on Hilbert's Program. A more reasonable soundness condition is then considered and shown not to be counter-exemplified by Godel's First Theorem. Finally, attention is given to the question of what a theory is; whether it should be seen as a "list" or corpus of beliefs, or as a method (...)
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    Ethical and Logistical Issues Raised by the Advanced Donation Program “Pay It Forward” Scheme.Lainie Friedman Ross, James R. Rodrigue & Robert M. Veatch - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (5):518-536.
    The advanced donation program was proposed in 2014 to allow an individual to donate a kidney in order to provide a voucher for a kidney in the future for a particular loved one. In this article, we explore the logistical and ethical issues that such a program raises. We argue that such a program is ethical in principle but there are many logistical issues that need to be addressed to ensure that the actual program is fair (...)
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  20. Introduction: Structuralism as a program for modelling theoretical science.C. Ulises Moulines - 2002 - Synthese 130 (1):1-11.
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    Evolutionary Epistemology: A Multiparadigm Program.Werner Callebaut & R. Pinxten (eds.) - 1987 - Reidel.
    This volume has its already distant or1g1n in an inter national conference on Evolutionary Epistemology the editors organized at the University of Ghent in November 1984. This conference aimed to follow up the endeavor started at the ERISS (Epistemologically Relevant Internalist Sociology of Science) conference organized by Don Campbell and Alex Rosen berg at Cazenovia Lake, New York, in June 1981, whilst in jecting the gist of certain current continental intellectual developments into a debate whose focus, we thought, was in (...)
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    Society in harmony. A polyaesthetic school-program for interracial understanding.Kjell Skyllstad - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (1-3):89-97.
  23. A minimalist program for linguistic theory.Noam Chomsky - 1993 - In Kenneth Locke Hale & Samuel Jay Keyser, The View From Building 20: Essays in Linguistics in Honor of Sylvain Bromberger. MIT Press.
  24. Hilbert's program relativized: Proof-theoretical and foundational reductions.Solomon Feferman - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (2):364-384.
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    What the HEC-C? An Analysis of the Healthcare Ethics Consultant-Certified Program: One Year in.Janet Malek, Sophia Fantus, Andrew Childress & Claire Horner - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (3):9-18.
    Efforts to professionalize the field of bioethics have led to the development of the Healthcare Ethics Consultant-Certified (HEC-C) Program intended to credential practicing healthcare ethics consultants (HCECs). Our team of professional ethicists participated in the inaugural process to support the professionalization efforts and inform our views on the value of this credential from the perspective of ethics consultants. In this paper, we explore the history that has led to this certification process, and evaluate the ability of the HEC-C (...) to meet the goals it has set forth for HCECs. We describe the benefits and weaknesses of the program and offer constructive feedback on how the process might be strengthened, as well as share our team’s experience in preparing for the exam. (shrink)
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    A twelve‐step program for evolving multicellularity and a division of labor.David L. Kirk - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (3):299-310.
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  27. Social Epistemic Normativity: The Program.Sanford C. Goldberg - 2020 - Episteme 17 (3):364-383.
    In this paper I argue that epistemically normative claims regarding what one is permitted or required to believe are sometimes true in virtue of what we owe one another as social creatures. I do not here pursue a reduction of these epistemically normative claims to claims asserting one or another interpersonal obligation, though I highlight some resources for those who would pursue such a reduction.
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    Is episodic memory uniquely human? Evaluating the episodic-like memory research program.Sarah Malanowski - 2016 - Synthese 193 (5):1433-1455.
    Recently, a research program has emerged that aims to show that animals have a memory capacity that is similar to the human episodic memory capacity. Researchers within this program argue that nonhuman animals have episodic-like memory of personally experienced past events. In this paper, I specify and evaluate the goals of this research program and the progress it has made in achieving them. I will examine some of the data that the research program has produced, as (...)
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  29. Improving Epistemological Beliefs and Moral Judgment Through an STS-Based Science Ethics Education Program.Hyemin Han & Changwoo Jeong - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (1):197-220.
    This study develops a Science–Technology–Society (STS)-based science ethics education program for high school students majoring in or planning to major in science and engineering. Our education program includes the fields of philosophy, history, sociology and ethics of science and technology, and other STS-related theories. We expected our STS-based science ethics education program to promote students’ epistemological beliefs and moral judgment development. These psychological constructs are needed to properly solve complicated moral and social dilemmas in the fields of (...)
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  30. Hilbert'S Program. An Essay on Mathematical Instrumentalism.Michael Detlefsen - 1988 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 50 (4):730-731.
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    The Ethics Liaison Program: building a moral community.Sarah R. Bates, Wendy J. McHugh, Alexander R. Carbo, Stephen F. O'Neill & Lachlan Forrow - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (9):595-600.
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    Level of Coherence Among Ethics Program Components and Its Impact on Ethical Intent.Pablo Ruiz, Ricardo Martinez, Job Rodrigo & Cristina Diaz - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (4):725-742.
    Three ethics program components, a code of ethics, ethics training initiatives and ethics-oriented performance appraisal content, were examined for their relationship to ethical intent using a sample of 525 employees from the Spanish financial services industry. As expected, all three components contributed to the prediction of ethical intent. Importantly, clusters of employees who reported experiencing distinct combinations of the program components were identified and compared for their level of ethical intent. Employees who perceived all three components to be (...)
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  33. Rings, holes and substantivalism: On the program of Leibniz algebras.Robert Rynasiewicz - 1992 - Philosophy of Science 59 (4):572-589.
    In a number of publications, John Earman has advocated a tertium quid to the usual dichotomy between substantivalism and relationism concerning the nature of spacetime. The idea is that the structure common to the members of an equivalence class of substantival models is captured by a Leibniz algebra which can then be taken to directly characterize the intrinsic reality only indirectly represented by the substantival models. An alleged virtue of this is that, while a substantival interpretation of spacetime theories falls (...)
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    The Minimalist Program and the Origin of Language: A View From Paleoanthropology.Ian Tattersall - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Is It Just for a Screening Program to Give People All the Information They Want?Lisa Dive, Isabella Holmes & Ainsley J. Newson - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (7):34-42.
    Genomic screening at population scale generates many ethical considerations. One is the normative role that people’s preferences should play in determining access to genomic information in screening contexts, particularly information that falls beyond the scope of screening. We expect both that people will express a preference to receive such results and that there will be interest from the professional community in providing them. In this paper, we consider this issue in relation to the just and equitable design of population screening (...)
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    The Early Axiomatizations of Quantum Mechanics: Jordan, von Neumann and the Continuation of Hilbert's Program.Jan Lacki - 2000 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 54 (4):279-318.
    Hilbert's axiomatization program of physical theories met an interesting challenge when it confronted the rise of quantum mechanics in the mid-twenties. The novelty of the mathematical apparatus of the then newly born theory was to be matched only by its substantial lack of any definite physical interpretation. The early attempts at axiomatization, which are described here, reflect all the difficulty of the task faced by Jordan, Hilbert, von Neumann and others. The role of von Neumann is examined in considerable (...)
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  37. Lieber Herr Bernays!, Lieber Herr Gödel! Gödel on finitism, constructivity and Hilbert's program.Solomon Feferman - 2008 - Dialectica 62 (2):179-203.
    This is a survey of Gödel's perennial preoccupations with the limits of finitism, its relations to constructivity, and the significance of his incompleteness theorems for Hilbert's program, using his published and unpublished articles and lectures as well as the correspondence between Bernays and Gödel on these matters. There is also an important subtext, namely the shadow of Hilbert that loomed over Gödel from the beginning to the end.
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    Eurisko: A program that learns new heuristics and domain concepts.Douglas B. Lenat - 1983 - Artificial Intelligence 21 (1-2):61-98.
  39. 4. Responses to the Positive Program.Mark Quentin Gardiner - 2000 - In Semantic Challenges to Realism: Dummett and Putnam. University of Toronto Press. pp. 106-136.
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  40. (1 other version)On what makes certain dynamical systems cognitive: A minimally cognitive organization program.Xabier Barandiaran & Alvaro Moreno - 2006 - Adaptive Behavior 14:171-185..
    Dynamicism has provided cognitive science with important tools to understand some aspects of “how cognitive agents work” but the issue of “what makes something cognitive” has not been sufficiently addressed yet, and, we argue, the former will never be complete without the later. Behavioristic characterizations of cognitive properties are criticized in favor of an organizational approach focused on the internal dynamic relationships that constitute cognitive systems. A definition of cognition as adaptive-autonomy in the embodied and situated neurodynamic domain is provided: (...)
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    A Kernel of Truth? On the Reality of the Genetic Program.Lenny Moss - 1992 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1992:335 - 348.
    The existence claim of a "genetic program" encoded in the DNA molecule which controls biological processes such as development has been examined. Sources of belief in such an entity are found in the rhetoric of Mendelian genetics, in the informationist speculations of Schrodinger and Delbruck, and in the instrumental efficacy found in the use of certain viral, and molecular genetic techniques. In examining specific research models, it is found that attempts at tracking the source of biological control always leads (...)
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  42. The Leibniz-Carnap program for inductive logic.Ian Hacking - 1971 - Journal of Philosophy 68 (19):597-610.
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    A Demonstration Study of the Quiet Time Transcendental Meditation Program.Gabriella Conti, Orla Doyle, Pasco Fearon & Veruska Oppedisano - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This manuscript presents a demonstration study of Quiet Time, a classroom-based Transcendental Meditation intervention. The aim of the study is to assess the feasibility of implementing and evaluating QT in two pilot settings in the United Kingdom and Ireland. This study contributes to the field by targeting middle childhood, testing efficiency in two settings operating under different educational systems, and including a large array of measures. First, teacher and pupil engagement with QT was assessed. Second, the feasibility of using a (...)
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    The Autonomy of Mathematical Knowledge: Hilbert's Program Revisited.Curtis Franks - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Most scholars think of David Hilbert's program as the most demanding and ideologically motivated attempt to provide a foundation for mathematics, and because they see technical obstacles in the way of realizing the program's goals, they regard it as a failure. Against this view, Curtis Franks argues that Hilbert's deepest and most central insight was that mathematical techniques and practices do not need grounding in any philosophical principles. He weaves together an original historical account, philosophical analysis, and his (...)
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    Socrates in the schools from Scotland to Texas: Replicating a study on the effects of a Philosophy for Children program.Frank Fair, Lory E. Haas, Carol Gardosik, Daphne D. Johnson, Debra P. Price & Olena Leipnik - 2015 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 2 (1):18-37.
    In this article we report the findings of a randomised control clinical trial that assessed the impact of a Philosophy for Children program and replicated a previous study conducted in Scotland by Topping and Trickey. A Cognitive Abilities Test was administered as a pretest and a posttest to randomly selected experimental groups and control groups. The students in the experimental group engaged in philosophy lessons in a setting of structured, collaborative inquiry in their language arts classes for one hour (...)
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    Great Trees Require Strong Roots: Evaluating Data and Delegation Doctrine Underlying Proposed Reforms to FDA’s Accelerated Approval Program.Anjali D. Deshmukh - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (4):920-925.
    In “Missing the Forest for the Trees: Aduhelm, Accelerated Approvals & the Agency,” Dr. Matthew Herder argues that agency capture and politicized discretion drive delays in confirmatory trials of accelerated approval drugs amongst other concerns at US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In highlighting this important problem and offering nuanced insight into agency workings based in part on interviews with twenty-three unnamed FDA officials and a three-drug case study, Dr. Herder suggests two innovative solutions. However, amidst broader debates balancing agency (...)
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    The collapse of the Hilbert program: A variation on the gödelian theme.Saul A. Kripke - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (3):413-426.
    The Hilbert program was actually a specific approach for proving consistency, a kind of constructive model theory. Quantifiers were supposed to be replaced by ε-terms. εxA(x) was supposed to denote a witness to ∃xA(x), or something arbitrary if there is none. The Hilbertians claimed that in any proof in a number-theoretic system S, each ε-term can be replaced by a numeral, making each line provable and true. This implies that S must not only be consistent, but also 1-consistent. Here (...)
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  48. The "genetic program" program: A commentary on Maynard Smith on information in biology.Kim Sterelny - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (2):195-201.
    In many texts on evolution the reader will find a characteristic depiction of inheritance and evolution, one showing the generations of an evolving population linked only by a causal flow from genotype to genotype. On this view, the genotype of each organism in this population plays a dual role as both the motor of individual development and as the sole causal channel across the generations. This picture is known to be literally false. In many species, parents exert direct causal influence (...)
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    Green Wall Infrastructure in China. 3-North Shelterbelt Program: The afforestation of deserts.Rosetta Sarah Elkin - 2013 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 82:30.
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    Preprocessing of Metrics Measurement Based on Simplifying Program Strucutres.Yui Sasaki, Tomoya Ishihara, Keisuke Hotta, Hideaki Hata, Yoshiki Higo, Hiroshi Igaki & Shinji Kusumoto - manuscript
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