Results for ' signifying order'

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  1.  71
    Lacan's Psychoanalysis and Plato's Symposium: Desire and the (In) Efficacy of the Signifying Order.A. D. C. Cake - 2009 - Analecta Hermeneutica 1:224-239.
    The paper presents a suggestive interpretation of Lacan’s interest in the relationship between Socrates and Alcibiades, insofar as this relationship makes a certain common understanding of love in Plato and psychoanalysis emerge. The author contends that Lacan’s interpretation makes it possible to understand how, in the ancient text, desire is already understood as an unconscious motivation, not only in terms of its inexorable power to determine a person’s aims, but also in its ability to subsist between and beyond the rules (...)
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    Signifying the body: nation, sport and the cultural analysis of Pierre Bourdieu.Torgeir Fjeld - 2005 - Dissertation, University of Roehampton
    The present study is an interrogation of theories of culture and nation in the context of spectacular sports. It proposes a view of nationalism as discourses that articulate and produce nations through narrative acts. A wide array of concepts and tools are drawn from the work of Pierre Bourdieu and contrasted with methods and notions from discursive and semiotic analysis to interrogate a national-sports nexus in which sports are vehicles to embody nations, their matrices of thought and perception, and their (...)
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    The Order of Body.Iwona Krupecka - 2019 - Dialogue and Universalism 29 (3):57-70.
    This text focuses on the possibility of acquiring universal knowledge by individual subjective consciousness as determined both corporeally and culturally. Along with the appearance of the “question” of the cultural Other the attempts of European philosophers to establish a kind of a universal sphere—intellectual basis for an intercultural dialogue—became more intensive, but still often limited by their relation to the values and ideas of the only one culture. In other words, the attempts to search the community of human kind in (...)
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    The International Order of White Sovereignty and the Prospect of Abolition.Owen R. Brown - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (2):189-199.
    Discussions of the liberal international order, both inside and outside the academy, tend to take its necessity and desirability for granted. While its specific contours and content are left somewhat open in such debates, the idea that this international order is essential for global peace and stability is left largely unquestioned. What is more, the potential loss or end of this order is often taken to mean a return to anarchy, chaos, and disorder. In this essay, I (...)
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    Writing Philosophy from the Periphery: Lixing as Foundational Empty Signifier in Tang Junyi’s Cultural Consciousness and Moral Reason.Philippe Major - 2021 - Sophia 60 (2):255-276.
    This article adopts Ernesto Laclau’s notion of empty signifier to discuss Tang Junyi’s uses of the concept oflixing(‘reason’ or ‘rationality’) in his seminal workCultural Consciousness and Moral Reason(文化意識與道德理性; 1958). My dual goal, in doing so, is to bring to light the relations of power constitutive of the text’s discourse onlixingand relate them to the problematic of writing philosophy from the periphery. I argue that in this work,lixing’s dual referents—as a translation of ‘reason’ and as denoting a Neo-Confucian faculty to intuit (...)
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    Adaptive Backstepping Fuzzy Neural Network Fractional-Order Control of Microgyroscope Using a Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode Controller.Juntao Fei & Xiao Liang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-12.
    An adaptive fractional-order nonsingular terminal sliding mode controller for a microgyroscope is presented with uncertainties and external disturbances using a fuzzy neural network compensator based on a backstepping technique. First, the dynamic of the microgyroscope is transformed into an analogical cascade system to guarantee the application of a backstepping design. Then, a fractional-order nonsingular terminal sliding mode surface is designed which provides an additional degree of freedom, higher precision, and finite convergence without a singularity problem. The proposed control (...)
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    The Ideal Socio-Legal Order. Its "Rule of Law" Dimension.Robert S. Summers - 1988 - Ratio Juris 1 (2):154-161.
    . The author aims at defining the borderlines of the concept “rule of law.” This has been often inflated to encompass several dimensions of an ideal legal order. The author on the contrary believes that the “rule of law” ought to be a “thin” ideal. As a matter of fact, when the “rule of law” signifies almost any dimension of an ideal legal order, it comes to stand for nothing essential in particular. Deflation is then advocated for the (...)
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  8. Causal Order and Kinds of Robustness.Arnon Levy - 2017 - In Snait Gissis, Ehud Lamm & Ayelet Shavit (eds.), Landscapes of Collectivity in the Life Sciences. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. pp. 269-280.
    This paper derives from a broader project dealing with the notion of causal order. I use this term to signify two kinds of parts-whole dependence: Orderly systems have rich, decomposable, internal structure; specifically, parts play differential roles, and interactions are primarily local. Disorderly systems, in contrast, have a homogeneous internal structure, such that differences among parts and organizational features are less important. Orderliness, I suggest, marks one key difference between individuals and collectives. My focus here will be the connection (...)
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    On semiotics in language education.Prisca Augustyn - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (192):523-533.
    This paper examines the progenitors of the semiotic concepts in current Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theory as well as some concepts that could further inform recent trends in SLA theory and practice. Through the connections between recent ecology models of language learning (e.g., Kramsch 2002, 2006, 2010) or an “ecological-semiotic perspective” (e.g., van Lier 2002, 2004) and fundamental concepts in semiotic theory such as the signifying order (Danesi), multimodality, (Kress), modeling systems theory (Sebeok), and Umwelt theory (von Uexküll), (...)
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  10.  22
    Towards the Capitalist discourse: the sublimity of objet petit and the Master-Signifier.Simon Rajbar - 2016 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 10 (3).
    The focus of this paper lies in the unconscious solidification of capitalist ideology through Lacanian understanding of subjectivity. The analysis intervenes in the ideological fantasy and its inherent antagonisms in order to analyse the way capitalist ideology strives to fill or repress these ruptures in the socio-symbolic edifice. It points to the mode of proliferation of certain objects, which the fantasy puts in the position where they can function as objects of desire, covering the cracks in the socio-symbolic (...) by filling their own lack. Furthermore, I focus on the establishment and signification of meaning within the capitalist matrix as well as its dialectical overlap with the objects proliferated by the socio-economic system in question. Such simultaneous fusion of lack and excess creates ideological enjoyment and solidifies capitalist ideology in the subject’s fantasy construction. Here lies the strength of capitalist ideology and its appropriation of even some social phenomena into consumerist categories. It is therefore vital to understand how ideology manages to fix its core of enjoyment through a dialectical overlap of meaning and objects to produce a totalized experience of reality. In itself, this already points to the much neglected Lacanian discourse of the Capitalist, revealing how the daily reality of subjects is driven by unconscious fantasy in its dogmatic ideological circle. It also hints to the homology between Lacan's surplus- jouissance and Marx's surplus-value. (shrink)
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    The Ontology of Crisis: The sublimity of objet petit a and the Master-Signifier.Simon Rajbar - 2018 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 12 (2).
    The focus of this paper lies in the unconscious solidification of capitalist ideology through Lacanian understanding of subjectivity. The analysis intervenes in the ideological fantasy and its inherent antagonisms in order to analyse the way capitalist ideology strives to fill or repress these ruptures in the socio-symbolic edifice. It points to the mode of proliferation of certain objects, which the fantasy puts in the position where they can function as objects of desire, covering the cracks in the socio-symbolic (...) by filling their own lack. Furthermore, I focus on the establishment and signification of meaning within the capitalist matrix as well as its dialectical overlap with the objects proliferated by the socio-economic system in question. Such simultaneous fusion of lack and excess creates ideological enjoyment and solidifies capitalist ideology in the subject’s fantasy construction. Here lies the strength of capitalist ideology and its appropriation of even some social phenomena into consumerist categories. It is therefore vital to understand how ideology manages to fix its core of enjoyment through a dialectical overlap of meaning and objects to produce a totalized experience of reality. In itself, this already points to the much neglected Lacanian discourse of the Capitalist, revealing how the daily reality of subjects is driven by unconscious fantasy in its dogmatic ideological circle. It also hints to the homology between Lacan's surplus- jouissance and Marx's surplus-value. (shrink)
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    Speaking Rationally About the Good: Karol Wojtyła on Being and the Normative Order.Paul Kucharski - 2015 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 20 (1):29-49.
    In this paper, I explain and defend Karol Wojtyła’s claim that “if we wish to speak rationally about good and evil, we have to return to the philosophyof being. If we do not set out from such ‘realist’ presuppositions, we end up in a vacuum.” I begin by outlining Wojtyła’s existential understanding of the good,according to which the good for x is found in those ends that complete the being that is lacking in x, or that enhance its existence in (...)
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  13. The Crystal order that is most concrete: The Wittgenstein house.Hui Zou - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (3):22-32.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Crystal Order That Is Most Concrete:The Wittgenstein HouseHui Zou (bio)IntroductionIn the instruction of architectural history, some historical references have to be mentioned in terms of the relationship between building and language. In Chapter I, Book II, of The Ten Books on Architecture, the ancient Roman theorist Vitruvius discussed the "origin of the dwelling house." According to him, the "primitive hut" originated from the gathering of men around (...)
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  14. Proof tableau formulations of some first-order relevant ortho-logics.Michael Mcrobbie & Nuel Belnap Jr - 1984 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 13 (4):233-239.
    In [6] proof tableau formulations were given of the implication/negation fragments of the important zero-order relevant logics E and R and the semirelevant logic RM . The main purpose of this paper then, is to extend results by giving proof tableau formulations of the distribution-free fragments of E, R and RM and of their first order extensions EQ, RQ and RMQ. Where X is one of these logics, we shall follow [13] in calling its distribution-free fragment OX – (...)
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    On Knowing What One Does Not Know: Ignorance and the Aims of Research.Torsten Wilholt - 2020 - In Janet A. Kourany & Martin Carrier (eds.), Science and the production of ignorance: when the quest for knowledge is thwarted. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. pp. 195-218.
    In order to select an area of ignorance and make it the target of inquiry, one first has to be aware of one’s own lack of knowledge in this particular area. In this paper, I explore this connection between ignorance and the aims of research. I emphasize the importance of distinguishing between all the things we don’t know—our total ignorance—and the totality of what we know we don’t know—our conscious ignorance. I argue that while our total ignorance may be (...)
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  16.  36
    The Love Affair between Philosophy and Poetry: Aristotle's Poetics and Narrative Identity.Silvia Carli - 2015 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 53 (2):151-177.
    In order to grasp the distinctive character of the object imitated in tragedies, Aristotle's Poetics introduces a new notion of action, which does not refer to individual ethical deeds as in the Ethics. Rather, it signifies a whole with a beginning, a middle, and an end, whose constitutive components are events. This paper argues that the notion of agents undergoes a parallel transformation in the treatise on poetry. It no longer refers exclusively to the authors of ethical deeds, but (...)
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    The Syntropic History of Writing.Amir Šulić - 2020 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 14 (1).
    In this essay, I will try to elaborate the fundamental postulates of transdifferential ontology, developed through the inscription of some basic concepts of poststructuralist philosophy within the realm of general system theory. In this manner, a system/being will be conceptualized as set of elements which is organized as a functional whole, whose goal is not to establish a homeostasis but to menage and organize disruptive forces of lack/surplus, that represents non-mediated kernel of any system. Therefore, any system is fundamentally grounded (...)
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  18.  10
    When Is a Dingo Not a Dingo?Jean Hillier - 2024 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 18 (4):542-569.
    In 2019 the Western Australian government recategorised the dingo ( Canis dingo) as a wild dog ( Canis familiaris) whose status is legally declared to be a pest. Despite its iconic native status, Canis dingo has been rendered non-existent and liable to be disposed of by inhumane means. Dumped in a legal black hole via a signifying regime of signs, dingoes are confronted with the fact of their own non-existence. Regarding the dingo as a dingoing, a multiplicity and a (...)
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  19. Mathematics and Philosophy. Translated by Simon B. Duffy.Alain Badiou - 2006 - In Simon Duffy (ed.), Virtual Mathematics: the logic of difference. Clinamen. pp. 12--30.
    In order to address to the relation between philosophy and mathematics it is first necessary to distinguish the grand style and the little style. The little style painstakingly constructs mathematics as the object for philosophical scrutiny. It is called the little style for a precise reason, because it assigns mathematics to the subservient role of that which supports the definition and perpetuation of a philosophical specialisation. This specialisation is called the ‘philosophy of mathematics’, where the ‘of’ is objective. The (...)
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  20. (1 other version)Why the question of animal consciousness might not matter very much.Peter Carruthers - 2005 - Philosophical Psychology 18 (1):83-102.
    According to higher-order thought accounts of phenomenal consciousness it is unlikely that many non-human animals undergo phenomenally conscious experiences. Many people believe that this result would have deep and far-reaching consequences. More specifically, they believe that the absence of phenomenal consciousness from the rest of the animal kingdom must mark a radical and theoretically significant divide between ourselves and other animals, with important implications for comparative psychology. I shall argue that this belief is mistaken. Since phenomenal consciousness might be (...)
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  21.  88
    Pluralism - True and False.Paulin Hountondji - 1973 - Diogenes 21 (84):101-118.
    Cultural pluralism generally signifies three things:1)the fact of cultural plurality, considered as the co-existence of cultures which, in principle at least, belong to different geographical areas;2)the acknowledgement of the fact of this plurality;3)the affirmation that this plurality is a good thing, and the desire to make something of it in one way or another, either by preserving the various cultures in an individual sense in order to avoid any kind of reciprocal contamination, or, conversely, by organising between them a (...)
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  22. The singularity of the cinematic object.Todd McGowan - 2013 - Continental Philosophy Review 46 (2):311-325.
    In order to avoid the reduction of desire to demand and to produce a theory in keeping with the insights of psychoanalysis, Lacan had to move beyond Hegel’s theorization based on recognition. To do so, Lacan had to come up with a new form of object, an object irreducible to the signifier but with the power to arouse the desire of the subject. The theorization of the objet a enables Lacan to make an important advance on Hegel’s theory of (...)
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  23.  11
    L’Europe comme concept juridique?Jean-Louis Halpérin - 2018 - Noesis 30:281-294.
    Que signifie l’Europe pour les juristes? La première réponse, de caractère descriptif, renvoie aux deux ordres juridiques européens, celui de l’Union Européenne et celui du Conseil de l’Europe. Ces deux ordres juridiques reposent sur des traités et les États qui adhèrent à ces traités sont reconnus comme « européens ». Le concept juridique d’Europe est donc distinct du concept géographique : il intègre des territoires situés en Asie ou outremer. L’Europe juridique ne correspond pas non plus à un peuple européen, (...)
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  24.  9
    Where the Mortal God Meets the Real: The Theory of the State in the Context of the Philosophy of Zizek and Reisner.Mark Belov - 2024 - Sociology of Power 36 (1):61-77.
    The article is devoted to a rethinking of the state as a political form from theperspective of Slavoj Žižek’s psychoanalytical understanding of ideology and Mikhail Reisner’s theory of the state. The paper systematically outlines Žižek’s ideas from the early period of his work and Reisner’s theory of the state. Žižek, rejecting the traditional understanding of ideology as false consciousness, presents it as a necessity that structures reality. In turn, Reisner views the state not only as an instrument of oppression but (...)
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    Women’s Entrepreneurial Contribution to Family Income: Innovative Technologies Promote Females’ Entrepreneurship Amid COVID-19 Crisis.Taoan Ge, Jaffar Abbas, Raza Ullah, Azhar Abbas, Iqra Sadiq & Ruilian Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:828040.
    Women entrepreneurs innovate, initiate, engage, and run business enterprises to contribute the domestic development. Women entrepreneurs think and start taking risks of operating enterprises and combine various factors involved in production to deal with the uncertain business environment. Entrepreneurship and technological innovation play a crucial role in developing the economy by creating job opportunities, improving skills, and executing new ideas. It has a significant impact on the income of the household. The study focused on investigating the role of women’s entrepreneurship (...)
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    Mastery, Dependence, and the Ethics of Authority.Aaron Stalnaker - 2019 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Over the last few decades, skepticism about political and moral experts has grown into a serious social problem, undermining the functioning of liberal democratic regimes. Indeed, meritocracy-that is, government by hard working, public-spirited people with high levels of relevant expertise-has never looked so promising as an alternative to the dangers of know-nothing populism. One cultural tradition has devoted sustained attention to the idea of meritocracy, as well as to the cultivation of true expertise or mastery: Confucianism. Mastery, Dependence, and the (...)
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  27. The End of Writing? Grammatology and Plasticity.Catherine Malabou - 2007 - The European Legacy 12 (4):431-441.
    The word “grammatology” literally signifies the “science of writing.” One must acknowledge, however, that this science has never existed. Derrida's book Of Grammatology proposes to elaborate and to implement just such a project. Why has this grammatological project never been accomplished? For Derrida, “writing”1 can no longer simply designate a technique for the notation of speech. A distinction should be made, then, between “narrow” and “enlarged” meanings of writing. Indeed, is the extension of the concept of writing the work of (...)
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  28.  19
    The “Bystander at the Switch” Revisited? Ethical Implications of the Government Strategies Against COVID-19.S. Stelios, K. N. Konstantakis & P. G. Michaelides - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (3):501-511.
    Suppose COVID-19 is the runaway tram in the famous moral thought experiment, known as the “Bystander at the Switch.” Consider the two differentiated responses of governments around the world to this new threat, namely the option of quarantine/lockdown and herd immunity. Can we contrast the hypothetical with the real scenario? What do the institutional decisions and strategies for dealing with the virus, in the beginning of 2020, signify in a normative moral framework? This paper investigates these possibilities in order (...)
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    The art of deceit: Pseudolus and the nature of reading.A. R. Sharrock - 1996 - Classical Quarterly 46 (01):152-.
    Reading is delusion. In order to read, we have to suspend certain standards of reality and accept others; we have to offer ourselves to deceit, even if it is an act of deception of which we are acutely aware. One way of considering this paradoxical duality in the act of reading is more or less consciously to posit multiple levels of reading, whereby the deceived reader is watched by an aware reader, who is in turn watched by a super-reader; (...)
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  30.  16
    The Work of Verbal Picturing for John Ray and Some of his Contemporaries.Alexander Wragge‐Morley - 2010 - Intellectual History Review 20 (1):165-179.
    By far the largest part of Nehemiah Grew?s account of a seventeenth?century collection of rarities, his Musæum Regalis Societatis (1685) is taken up with ?thick?, verbal descriptions of things in the Royal Society?s repository. Not only, Grew suggests, do his descriptions serve to signify the contents of his collection, but they enable us to discern among species and to think about the collection?s pieces in new ways. Verbal descriptions did not just signify things in the Royal Society?s collection, but had (...)
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    Sobre la Influencia de Zenón de Elea en el Grupo Megárico.Mariana Gardella - 2019 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 75 (1):697-724.
    The aim of this paper is to revisit the problem about the influence of preceding philosophical theories on the Megaric group. Against the traditional view which defend either the influence of Parmenides or that of Socrates, I will try to show the impact of the philosophical position of Zeno of Elea. I will aim to defend that the Megarics use Zenonian antilogy as a part of eristic refutation. In the first section of this paper, I will present and discuss the (...)
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    Outward Signs: The Powerlessness of External Things in Augustine's Thought.Phillip Cary - 2008 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This book is, along with Inner Grace, a sequel to Phillip Cary's Augustine and the Invention of the Inner Self. In this work, Cary argues that Augustine invented the expressionist type of semiotics widely taken for granted in modernity, where words are outward signs giving inadequate expression to what lies within the soul. Augustine uses this new semiotics to explain why the authority of external teaching, including Biblical authority, is useful but temporary, designed to lead to a more permanent Platonist (...)
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  33. Sovereign Chaos and Riotous Affects, Or, How to Find Joy Behind the Barricades.Aylon Cohen - 2020 - Capacious: Journal for Emerging Affect Inquiry 2 (1-2):152–172.
    A commonly deployed signifier to render the political event of a riot intelligible, ‘chaos’ describes an affective condition of disorder and disarray. For some theorists of affect, such a condition of chaotic unpredictability suggests emancipatory potential. Recounting the 2018 May Day / May 1st protests in Paris, that both politicians and media declared to be a riot, this paper argues that to consider the riot as chaotic is to think and feel like a state. Critically interrogating the analytical purchase of (...)
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    Care and the pluriverse: rethinking global ethics.Maggie FitzGerald - 2022 - Bristol: Bristol University Press.
    A perennial debate in the field of global ethics revolves around the possibility of a universalist ethics as well as arguments over the nature, and significance, of difference for moral deliberation. Decolonial literature, in particular, increasingly signifies a pluriverse – one with radical ontological and epistemological differences. This book examines the concept of the pluriverse alongside global ethics and the ethics of care in order to contemplate new ethical horizons for engaging across difference. Offering a challenge to the current (...)
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  35. From Van gogh's museum to the Temple at bassae: Heidegger's truth of art and Schapiro's art history.Babette Babich - unknown
    This essay revisits Meyer Schapiro’s critique of Heidegger’s interpretation of Van Gogh’s painting of a pair of shoes in order to raise the question of the dispute between art history and philosophy as a contest increasingly ceded to the claim of the expert and the hegemony of the museum as culture and as cult or coded signifier. Following a discussion of museum culture, I offer a hermeneutic and phenomenological reading of Heidegger’s ‘Origin of the Work of Art’ and conclude (...)
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    The Dredd-Ful Day of Judgement: Judicial Models and the Twilight of the West.Mark Thomas - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (5):2107-2142.
    I am the LawIt is hard to imagine two more disparate characters than Judge Joseph Dredd and Hercules J—the one an over-muscular, faceless and heavily armed street judge astride a Lawmaster motorcycle who overidentifies with his role ; the other devoid of any physical presence or image, and structurally decoupled from the execution of law by a fierce determination to maintain the separation of powers and accountability which Dredd so effortlessly ignores. Hercules J is the embodiment of an intellectualised, yet (...)
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    Elite Power under Advanced Neoliberalism.William Davies - 2017 - Theory, Culture and Society 34 (5-6):227-250.
    The financial crisis, and associated scandals, created a sense of a juridical deficit with regard to the financial sector. Forms of independent judgement within the sector appeared compromised, while judgement over the sector seemed unattainable. Elites, in the classical Millsian sense of those taking tacitly coordinated ‘big decisions’ over the rest of the public, seemed absent. This article argues that the eradication of jurisdictional elites is an effect of neoliberalism, as articulated most coherently by Hayek. It characterizes the neoliberal project (...)
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    Emotional Labor and the Problem of Exploitation in Roboticized Care Practices: Enriching the Framework of Care Centred Value Sensitive Design.Belén Liedo, Janna Van Grunsven & Lavinia Marin - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (5):1-17.
    Care ethics has been advanced as a suitable framework for evaluating the ethical significance of assistive robotics. One of the most prominent care ethical contributions to the ethical assessment of assistive robots comes through the work of Aimee Van Wynsberghe, who has developed the Care-Centred Value-Sensitive Design framework (CCVSD) in order to incorporate care values into the design of assistive robots. Building upon the care ethics work of Joan Tronto, CCVSD has been able to highlight a number of ways (...)
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    "Periwigged Heralds": Epistemology and Intertextuality in Early American Cometography.Christopher Johnson - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (3):399-419.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"Periwigged Heralds":Epistemology and Intertextuality in Early American CometographyChristopher JohnsonIn the winter of 1680-81 an enormous comet appeared in the nighttime skies of Europe and the Americas.1 This "blazing star" occasioned numerous treatises, poems, pamphlets, broadsides, ballads, engravings, and woodcuts. Evaluating this cometary copia, the historian of science, Pingré, in 1783 observes:The world was inundated with writings on these phenomena, on their nature, on their significations; for there were still (...)
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    The Masturbator and the Ban.Murat Mümtaz Kök - 2020 - Conatus 5 (2):47.
    In this paper, I will expand upon Giorgio Agamben’s argument in his defining work Homo Sacer where he accused Immanuel Kant for introducing the state of exception to modernity. According to Agamben, Kant managed to do this by introducing the form of law as “being in force without signifying.” In this line, I will argue that ‘the ban’ is indeed inherent within Kantian morality and all subjects under the law stand in “pure relation of abandonment” vis-a-vis the law. In (...)
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    Preaching as art (imaging the unseen) and art as homiletics (verbalising the unseen): Towards the aesthetics of iconic thinking and poetic communication in homiletics.Daniel Louw - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (2):14.
    The article investigates the hypothesis that preaching implies more than merely verbalising, proclaiming and rhetoric reasoning. Preaching is fundamentally the art of poetic seeing; an aesthetic event on an ontic and spiritual level; that is, it provides vocabulary and images in order to help people to discover meaning in life (preaching as the art of foolishness). In this regard, preaching should provide God-images that open up the dimension of aesthetics and provide vistas of the ‘unseen’. The iconic dimension of (...)
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  42. A Critical Exposition of Nishida's Philosophy.Woo-Sung Huh - 1988 - Dissertation, University of Hawai'i
    Nishida in his writings pursued two main lines of thought, which are almost equally pervasive and persistent. These are the philosophy of self-consciousness, which is mainly religious and soteriological, and the philosophy of history-politics, which is fundamentally historical and political. Both philosophies are essentially ontologies, by virtue of the application of ontological operators. These operators function in almost every phase of Nishida's philosophy, with the notable exception of his discussion of the sciences, and in the main include activity, self-determination, actuality, (...)
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  43. Que dit-on, quand on dit Dieu créateur?F. Marty - 1996 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 84 (4):519-540.
    Les analyses linguistiques modernes ont mis en lumière une dimension de la communication humaine qui est de l’ordre de la promesse, et qui est applicable au langage de la création. Tout récit de commencement est mythique et symbolique, en tant qu’il relève de l’imagination et qu’il implique la foi dans une promesse d’avenir. Dans la Bible, les récits de création disent l’Alliance de Dieu avec l’humanité, dont l’histoire est précédée par l’acte créateur de l’univers. S’intéressant à l’histoire de la nature (...)
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  44. Intuition pumps.Jon Dorbolo - 2006 - Minds and Machines 16 (1):81-86.
    The award of the 2003 Barwise Prize to Daniel Dennett by the American Philosophical Association signifies Dennett’s importance in the developing area of philosophical inquiry into computing and information. One source of Dennett’s intellectual stature is his command of scientific and engineering ideas, which he effectively applies to philosophical debates over machine intelligence, consciousness, and intentionality. Dennett regards the computer as both a model and a tool that will transform the ways that philosophy is pursued in the 21st century. In (...)
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  45. As Diferentes estratégias de enfrentar a controversa posição de Kant a respeito do dever de não mentir por amor à humanidade: Série 2 / Different Strategies of Facing the Controversial Position of Kant Regarding the Duty of Not Lying for the Sake of Humanity.Charles Feldhaus - 2011 - Kant E-Prints 6:120-134.
    This study aims to reconstruct some of the main strategies to address the controversial position of Kant in his opusculum On the Supposed Right to Lie for the sake of Humanity, namely, an unconditional prohibition of lying, even when the consequences are catastrophic, seeking to ascertain the relevance such as an attempt to better situate the ethics of Kant in the face of overwhelming objections from the critics.Wood, for example, argues that the opusculum does not deal with an ethical duty, (...)
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  46. Between Truth and Relativism: the Choice of Psychoanalysis.Luisella Brusa - 2012 - Filozofski Vestnik 33 (2).
    My aim in this paper is to draw attention to the position of psychoanalysis regarding the opposition between the quest for truth and relativism. It is a conventional opposition of contemporary thought. On one hand, the quest for truth, and on the other, relativism, as the fundament of our intellectual and political life. I do this by means of Lacanian teachings. My objective is to take on the theoretical tools of psychoanalysis and the consequences of clinical facts, in order (...)
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    'Pataphysics: the poetics of an imaginary science.Christian Bok - 2001 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    'Pataphysics: The Poetics of an Imaginary Science is a survey that attempts to describe a hypothetic philosophy--the avant-garde pseudo-science imagined by Alfred Jarry. 'Pataphysics is a supplement to metaphysics, accenting it, then replacing it, in order to create a philosophic alternative, whose discipline can study cases, not of conception, but of exception: variance , alliance , and deviance . 'Pataphysics synthesizes the romantic schism between a literal, scientized discourse and a figural, poeticized discourse, and my thesis suggests that this (...)
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    Lacan leest Hamlet tussen fenomenologie en psychoanalyse?Philippe Van Haute - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (3):535-558.
    In his seminar on 'Desire and its Interpretation' Lacan gives a detailed interpretation of Shakespeare's Hamlet. We present this interpretation as an alternative to the psychobiographic approach which has been dominant in the psychoanalytic tradition. According to Lacan Hamlet is a poetic creation and nothing else. In order to understand it wedon't have to look at the unconscious motives of the author, but at the composition of the text. The deliberate articulation of the signifier accounts for the effect of (...)
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    Ethics and the dynamic vulnerability of children.Gottfried Schweiger & Gunter Graf - 2017 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 12 (2-3):243-261.
    GOTTFRIED SCHWEIGER,GUNTER GRAF | : In this paper, we want to examine the particular vulnerability of children from an ethical perspective. We want to defend three claims: Firstly, we will argue that children’s vulnerability is best understood as a dynamic quality, meaning that as children progress through childhood, their vulnerability also undergoes particular changes. To capture this, we want to discriminate among physical, mental, social, and symbolic vulnerability, which vary according to certain features, such as age, maturity, gender, and race. (...)
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    Authorship and purpose.Henry S. Leonard - 1959 - Philosophy of Science 26 (4):277-294.
    This paper approaches a theory relating authorship, meaning and purpose by semiformalized developments of two "presupposed theories": of purposeful behavior and of sign-reading. The theory of purposeful behavior is made to rest upon two undefined predicates. `Wt(a,p,q)' abbreviates the claim that at time t, person a works at bringing it about that p in order to bring it about that q. `Bt(a,p)' abbreviates the claim that at time t, person a brings it about that p. A number of definitions (...)
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