Results for ' sequential decision behavior'

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    Task characteristics in sequential decision behavior.William C. Howell - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (1):124.
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    Devaluation and sequential decisions: linking goal-directed and model-based behavior.Eva Friedel, Stefan P. Koch, Jean Wendt, Andreas Heinz, Lorenz Deserno & Florian Schlagenhauf - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Two-person sequential bargaining behavior with exogenous breakdown.Rami Zwick, Amnon Rapoport & John C. Howard - 1992 - Theory and Decision 32 (3):241-268.
  4. Functional Effects of Bilateral Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Modulation During Sequential Decision-Making: A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study With Offline Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation.Iryna Schommartz, Annika Dix, Susanne Passow & Shu-Chen Li - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    The ability to learn sequential contingencies of actions for predicting future outcomes is indispensable for flexible behavior in many daily decision-making contexts. It remains open whether such ability may be enhanced by transcranial direct current stimulation. The present study combined tDCS with functional near-infrared spectroscopy to investigate potential tDCS-induced effects on sequential decision-making and the neural mechanisms underlying such modulations. Offline tDCS and sham stimulation were applied over the left and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in (...)
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    Model‐Based Wisdom of the Crowd for Sequential Decision‐Making Tasks.Bobby Thomas, Jeff Coon, Holly A. Westfall & Michael D. Lee - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (7):e13011.
    We study the wisdom of the crowd in three sequential decision‐making tasks: the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART), optimal stopping problems, and bandit problems. We consider a behavior‐based approach, using majority decisions to determine crowd behavior and show that this approach performs poorly in the BART and bandit tasks. The key problem is that the crowd becomes progressively more extreme as the decision sequence progresses, because the diversity of opinion that underlies the wisdom of the (...)
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  6. Adequate Moods for non-eu Decision Making in a Sequential Framework.Nathalie Etchart - 2002 - Theory and Decision 52 (1):1-28.
    In a dynamic (sequential) framework, departures from the independence axiom (IND) are reputed to induce violations of dynamic consistency (DC), which may in turn have undesirable normative consequences. This result thus questions the normative acceptability of non expected-utility (non-EU) models, which precisely relax IND. This paper pursues a twofold objective. The main one is to discuss the normative conclusion: usual arguments linking violations of DC to departures from IND are shown to be actually based on specific (but usually remaining (...)
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    This or that? Sequential rationalization of indecisive choice behavior.Jesper Armouti-Hansen & Christopher Kops - 2018 - Theory and Decision 84 (4):507-524.
    Decision-makers frequently struggle to base their choices on an exhaustive evaluation of all options at stake. This is particularly so when the choice problem at hand is complex, because the available alternatives are hard to compare. Rather than striving to choose the most valuable alternative, in such situations decision-makers often settle for the choice of an alternative which is not inferior to any other available alternative instead. In this paper, we extend two established models of boundedly rational choice, (...)
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    Decision Making and Confidence Given Uncertain Advice.Michael D. Lee & Matthew J. Dry - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (6):1081-1095.
    We study human decision making in a simple forced‐choice task that manipulates the frequency and accuracy of available information. Empirically, we find that people make decisions consistent with the advice provided, but that their subjective confidence in their decisions shows 2 interesting properties. First, people's confidence does not depend solely on the accuracy of the advice. Rather, confidence seems to be influenced by both the frequency and accuracy of the advice. Second, people are less confident in their guessed decisions (...)
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    Sophisticated Voting Under the Sequential Voting by Veto.Fany Yuval - 2002 - Theory and Decision 53 (4):343-369.
    The research reported here was the first empirical examination of strategic voting under the Sequential Voting by Veto (SVV) voting procedure, proposed by Mueller (1978). According to this procedure, a sequence of n voters must select s out of s+m alternatives (m=n=2; s>0). Hence, the number of alternatives exceeds the number of participants by one (n+1). When the ith voter casts her vote, she vetoes the alternative against which a veto has not yet been cast, and the s remaining (...)
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    Exploration and Exploitation During Sequential Search.Gregory Dam & Konrad Körding - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (3):530-541.
    When we learn how to throw darts we adjust how we throw based on where the darts stick. Much of skill learning is computationally similar in that we learn using feedback obtained after the completion of individual actions. We can formalize such tasks as a search problem; among the set of all possible actions, find the action that leads to the highest reward. In such cases our actions have two objectives: we want to best utilize what we already know (exploitation), (...)
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    Bounded rationality for relaxing best response and mutual consistency: the quantal hierarchy model of decision making.Benjamin Patrick Evans & Mikhail Prokopenko - 2023 - Theory and Decision 96 (1):71-111.
    While game theory has been transformative for decision making, the assumptions made can be overly restrictive in certain instances. In this work, we investigate some of the underlying assumptions of rationality, such as mutual consistency and best response, and consider ways to relax these assumptions using concepts from level-k reasoning and quantal response equilibrium (QRE) respectively. Specifically, we propose an information-theoretic two-parameter model called the quantal hierarchy model, which can relax both mutual consistency and best response while still approximating (...)
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    Modeling violations of the race model inequality in bimodal paradigms: co-activation from decision and non-decision components.Michael Zehetleitner, Emil Ratko-Dehnert & Hermann J. Müller - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:93369.
    The redundant-signals paradigm (RSP) is designed to investigate response behavior in perceptual tasks in which response-relevant targets are defined by either one or two features, or modalities. The common finding is that responses are speeded for redundantly compared to singly defined targets. This redundant-signals effect (RSE) can be accounted for by race models if the response times do not violate the race model inequality (RMI). When there are violations of the RMI, race models are effectively excluded as a viable (...)
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  13. Aspirations as reference points: an experimental investigation of risk behavior over time. [REVIEW]Arvid O. I. Hoffmann, Sam F. Henry & Nikos Kalogeras - 2013 - Theory and Decision 75 (2):193-210.
    This paper examines the importance of aspirations as reference points in a multi-period decision-making context. After stating their personal aspiration level, 172 individuals made six sequential decisions among risky prospects as part of a choice experiment. The results show that individuals make different risky-choices in a multi-period compared to a single-period setting. In particular, individuals’ aspiration level is their main reference point during the early stages of decision-making, while their starting status (wealth level at the start of (...)
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    Theory and implementation of coalitional analysis in cooperative decision making.Haiyan Xu, D. Marc Kilgour, Keith W. Hipel & Edward A. McBean - 2014 - Theory and Decision 76 (2):147-171.
    Stability definitions for describing human behavior under conflict when coalitions may form are generalized within the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution and algebraic formulations of these definitions are provided to allow computer implementation. The more general definitions of coalitional stabilities relax the assumption of transitive graphs capturing movements under the control of decision makers, either independently or cooperatively, and allow the convenient expansion to the case of coalitions of the four basic individual stabilities consisting of Nash stability, general (...)
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    DFT-D: a cognitive-dynamical model of dynamic decision making.Jared M. Hotaling & Jerome R. Busemeyer - 2012 - Synthese 189 (S1):67-80.
    The study of decision making has traditionally been dominated by axiomatic utility theories. More recently, an alternative approach, which focuses on the micro-mechanisms of the underlying deliberation process, has been shown to account for several "paradoxes" in human choice behavior for which simple utility-based approaches cannot. Decision field theory (DFT) is a cognitive-dynamical model of decision making and preferential choice, built on the fundamental principle that decisions are based on the accumulation of subjective evaluations of choice (...)
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    Personalized Model‐Driven Interventions for Decisions From Experience.Edward A. Cranford, Christian Lebiere, Cleotilde Gonzalez, Palvi Aggarwal, Sterling Somers, Konstantinos Mitsopoulos & Milind Tambe - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    Cognitive models that represent individuals provide many benefits for understanding the full range of human behavior. One way in which individual differences emerge is through differences in knowledge. In dynamic situations, where decisions are made from experience, models built upon a theory of experiential choice (instance-based learning theory; IBLT) can provide accurate predictions of individual human learning and adaptivity to changing environments. Here, we demonstrate how an instance-based learning (IBL) cognitive model, implemented in a cognitive architecture (Adaptive Control of (...)
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    Why Do Some Consumers Still Prefer In-Store Shopping? An Exploration of Online Shopping Cart Abandonment Behavior.Siqi Wang, Ye Ye, Binyao Ning, Jun-Hwa Cheah & Xin-Jean Lim - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Shopping cart abandonment remains a challenge for many e-retailers despite the continued growth of the e-commerce industry worldwide. However, the issue of online shopping cart abandonment has not been explored extensively in the literature. Grounded by the stimulus-organism-response model, this study explores a sequential mediation model comprising consumers' wait for lower prices as an antecedent, hesitation at checkout and OSCA as mediators, perceived transaction inconvenience as a moderator, and decision to buy from a land-based retailer as an outcome. (...)
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    The Role of Consciousness in Electoral Behavior: Philosophical Analysis.Ірина Анатоліївна ФАРАФОНОВА - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (1):122-127.
    The publication examines the problems of the philosophical foundations of elections, the concept of physicalism, where consciousness-body is studied, which in the philosophy of consciousness has a decisive fact. In modern philosophy of elections, the philosophical aspect is considered - consciousness and the monistic-ontological thesis - physicalism, which allows us to explain the fact that everything that exists is physical or appeared as a derivative of the physical. The concept of physicalism is a position in the philosophy of mind. Consciousness (...)
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  19. (2 other versions)A centipede for intransitive preferrers.Wlodek Rabinowicz - 2000 - Studia Logica 67 (2):167-178.
    In the standard money pump, an agent with cyclical preferences can avoid exploitation if he shows foresight and solves his sequential decision problem using backward induction (BI). This way out is foreclosed in a modified money pump, which has been presented in Rabinowicz (2000). There, BI will lead the agent to behave in a self-defeating way. The present paper describes another sequential decision problem of this kind, the Centipede for an Intransitive Preferrer, which in some respects (...)
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    Context-Dependent Risk Aversion: A Model-Based Approach.Darío Cuevas Rivera, Florian Ott, Dimitrije Markovic, Alexander Strobel & Stefan J. Kiebel - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:393268.
    Most research on risk aversion in behavioral science with human subjects has focused on a component of risk aversion that does not adapt itself to context. More recently, studies have explored risk aversion adaptation to changing circumstances in sequential decision-making tasks. It is an open question whether one can identify evidence, at the single subject level, for such risk aversion adaptation. We conducted a behavioral experiment on human subjects, using a sequential decision making task. We developed (...)
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  21. Escaping the Cycle.J. Dmitri Gallow - 2022 - Mind 131 (521):99-127.
    I present a decision problem in which causal decision theory appears to violate the independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA) and normal-form extensive-form equivalence (NEE). I show that these violations lead to exploitable behavior and long-run poverty. These consequences appear damning, but I urge caution. This decision should lead causalists to a better understanding of what it takes for a decision between some collection of options to count as a subdecision of a decision between a (...)
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  22. Information and ambiguity: herd and contrarian behaviour in financial markets. [REVIEW]J. L. Ford, D. Kelsey & W. Pang - 2013 - Theory and Decision 75 (1):1-15.
    The paper studies the impact of informational ambiguity on behalf of informed traders on history-dependent price behaviour in a model of sequential trading in financial markets. Following Chateauneuf et al., we use neo-additive capacities to model ambiguity. Such ambiguity and attitudes to it can engender herd and contrarian behaviour, and also cause the market to break down. The latter, herd and contrarian behaviour, can be reduced by the existence of a bid-ask spread.
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  23. Sequential verbal behavior.Neal F. Johnson - 1968 - In T. Dixon & Deryck Horton (eds.), Verbal Behavior and General Behavior Theory. Prentice-Hall.
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    Sequential decision making: Wald's model and estimates of parameters.Gordon M. Becker - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 55 (6):628.
  25. Social norms and the traditional deterrence game.Lisa Carlson & Raymond Dacey - 2010 - Synthese 176 (1):105-123.
    Bicchieri (The grammar of society: The nature and dynamics of norms, 2006, xi) presents a formal analysis of norms that answers the questions of "when, how, and to what degree" norms affect human behavior in the play of games. The purpose of this paper is to apply a variation of the Bicchieri norms analysis to generate a model of norms-based play of the traditional deterrence game (Zagare and Kilgour, Int Stud Q 37: 1-27, 1993; Morrow, Game theory for political (...)
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    Sequential decision making without independence: a new conceptual approach. [REVIEW]A. Nebout - 2014 - Theory and Decision 77 (1):85-110.
    This paper presents a critical reflection on dynamic consistency as commonly used in economics and decision theory, and on the difficulty to test it experimentally. It distinguishes between the uses of the term dynamic consistency in order to characterize two different properties: the first accounts for the neutrality of individual preferences towards the timing of resolution of uncertainty whereas the second guarantees that a strategy chosen at the beginning of a sequential decision problem is immune to any (...)
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    An additive model for sequential decision making.James C. Shanteau - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 85 (2):181.
  28. Bayesian modeling of human sequential decision-making on the multi-armed bandit problem.Daniel Acuna & Paul Schrater - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky (eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 100--200.
  29. Bottom-up skill learning in reactive sequential decision tasks.Ron Sun, Todd Peterson & Edward Merrill - unknown
    This paper introduces a hybrid model that unifies connectionist, symbolic, and reinforcement learning into an integrated architecture for bottom-up skill learning in reactive sequential decision tasks. The model is designed for an agent to learn continuously from on-going experience in the world, without the use of preconceived concepts and knowledge. Both procedural skills and high-level knowledge are acquired through an agent’s experience interacting with the world. Computational experiments with the model in two domains are reported.
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  30. What are the minimal requirements of rational choice? Arguments from the sequential-decision setting.Katie Siobhan Steele - 2010 - Theory and Decision 68 (4):463-487.
    There are at least two plausible generalisations of subjective expected utility (SEU) theory: cumulative prospect theory (which relaxes the independence axiom) and Levi’s decision theory (which relaxes at least ordering). These theories call for a re-assessment of the minimal requirements of rational choice. Here, I consider how an analysis of sequential decision making contributes to this assessment. I criticise Hammond’s (Economica 44(176):337–350, 1977; Econ Philos 4:292–297, 1988a; Risk, decision and rationality, 1988b; Theory Decis 25:25–78, 1988c) ‘consequentialist’ (...)
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  31. Look-ahead capability and sequential decision-making.Aj Wearing & Aj Mackinnon - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):348-348.
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    Sequential decision making with partially ordered preferences.Daniel Kikuti, Fabio Gagliardi Cozman & Ricardo Shirota Filho - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (7-8):1346-1365.
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    Payoff effects in sequential decision-making.Gordon F. Pitz & Helen Reinhold - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (2):249.
  34. Individual and Couple Decision Behavior under Risk: The Power of Ultimate Control Who controls the mouse controls the outcome of joint choice, forthcoming in.Andre de Palma, Nathalie Picard & Anthony Ziegelmeyer - forthcoming - Theory and Decision.
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    Melioration as rational choice: Sequential decision making in uncertain environments.Chris R. Sims, Hansjörg Neth, Robert A. Jacobs & Wayne D. Gray - 2013 - Psychological Review 120 (1):139-154.
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    Supplementary report: Two-choice decision behavior with many alternative events.R. Allen Gardner & John B. Forsythe - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (6):631.
  37. Beyond risk preferences in sequential decision-making: How probability representation, sequential structure and choice perseverance bias optimal search.Christiane Baumann, René Schlegelmilch & Bettina von Helversen - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):106001.
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    How Corporate Reputation Disclosures Affect Stakeholders’ Behavioral Intentions: Mediating Mechanisms of Perceived Organizational Performance and Corporate Reputation.Kim T. Baumgartner, Carolin A. Ernst & Thomas M. Fischer - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 175 (2):361-389.
    Corporate reputation is decisive for stakeholders’ supporting or repelling behavior and, therefore, one of firms’ most valuable intangible resources. Drawing on signaling theory, this paper focuses on the usefulness of voluntarily provided corporate reputation disclosures (CRDs) and examines their impact on stakeholders’ attitudinal and behavioral outcomes. Our experimental vignette studies reveal that CRDs reduce stakeholders’ information asymmetries, which positively affects perceived organizational performance and corporate reputation as well as stakeholders’ purchase, investment, and employment intentions. The relationships between CRDs and (...)
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  39. Some experiments with a hybrid model for learning sequential decision making.Ron Sun & Todd Peterson - unknown
    To deal with reactive sequential decision tasks we present a learning model which is a hybrid connectionist model consisting of both localist and distributed representations based on the two level approach proposed in..
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    Individual and couple decision behavior under risk: evidence on the dynamics of power balance.André Palma, Nathalie Picard & Anthony Ziegelmeyer - 2011 - Theory and Decision 70 (1):45-64.
    This article reports results of an experiment designed to analyze the link between risky decisions made by couples and risky decisions made separately by each spouse. We estimate both the spouses and the couples’ degrees of risk aversion, we assess how the risk preferences of the two spouses aggregate when they make risky decisions, and we shed light on the dynamics of the decision process that takes place when couples make risky decisions. We find that, far from being fixed, (...)
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    A Dilemma for Respecting Autonomy: Bridge Technologies and the Hazards of Sequential Decision-Making.Aidan Kestigian & Alex John London - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (2):293-310.
    Respect for patient autonomy can apply at two levels: ensuring that patient care reflects their considered values and wishes and honoring patient preferences about how to make momentous decisions. Caregivers who seek to respect patient autonomy in the context of some end-of-life decisions face a dilemma. Because these decisions are fraught, patients may prefer to approach them sequentially, only making decisions at the time they arise. However, respecting patients’ preferences for a sequential approach can increase the likelihood that surrogates (...)
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    Depression and Sequential Decision-Making Revisited.Martha Sander, Steffen Nestler & Boris Egloff - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  43. Précis of simple heuristics that make us Smart.Peter M. Todd & Gerd Gigerenzer - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (5):727-741.
    How can anyone be rational in a world where knowledge is limited, time is pressing, and deep thought is often an unattainable luxury? Traditional models of unbounded rationality and optimization in cognitive science, economics, and animal behavior have tended to view decision-makers as possessing supernatural powers of reason, limitless knowledge, and endless time. But understanding decisions in the real world requires a more psychologically plausible notion of bounded rationality. In Simple heuristics that make us smart (Gigerenzer et al. (...)
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    Direct Associations or Internal Transformations? Exploring the Mechanisms Underlying Sequential Learning Behavior.Todd M. Gureckis & Bradley C. Love - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (1):10-50.
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  45. Individual and couple decision behavior under risk: evidence on the dynamics of power balance. [REVIEW]André de Palma, Nathalie Picard & Anthony Ziegelmeyer - 2011 - Theory and Decision 70 (1):45-64.
    This article reports results of an experiment designed to analyze the link between risky decisions made by couples and risky decisions made separately by each spouse. We estimate both the spouses and the couples’ degrees of risk aversion, we assess how the risk preferences of the two spouses aggregate when they make risky decisions, and we shed light on the dynamics of the decision process that takes place when couples make risky decisions. We find that, far from being fixed, (...)
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    “Guess what I'm doing”: Extending legibility to sequential decision tasks.Miguel Faria, Francisco S. Melo & Ana Paiva - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 330 (C):104107.
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    Expected value and response uncertainty in multiple-choice decision behavior.David M. Messick & Amnon Rapaport - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (2):224.
  48. Consciousness without a cerbral cortex: A challenge for neuroscience and medicine.Bjorn Merker - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (1):63-81.
    A broad range of evidence regarding the functional organization of the vertebrate brain – spanning from comparative neurology to experimental psychology and neurophysiology to clinical data – is reviewed for its bearing on conceptions of the neural organization of consciousness. A novel principle relating target selection, action selection, and motivation to one another, as a means to optimize integration for action in real time, is introduced. With its help, the principal macrosystems of the vertebrate brain can be seen to form (...)
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    Can the induction of incidental positive emotions lead to different performances in sequential decision-making?Mélody Mailliez, Thierry Bollon, Aurélien Graton & Pascal Hot - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (7):1509-1516.
    A growing body of evidence suggests that emotional states under which individuals perform decision-making tasks modulate performance. Studies have mainly reported that negative emotions can differe...
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    An experiential, game-theoretic pedagogy for sustainability ethics.Jathan Sadowski, Thomas P. Seager, Evan Selinger, Susan G. Spierre & Kyle P. Whyte - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):1323-1339.
    The wicked problems that constitute sustainability require students to learn a different set of ethical skills than is ordinarily required by professional ethics. The focus for sustainability ethics must be redirected towards: (1) reasoning rather than rules, and (2) groups rather than individuals. This need for a different skill set presents several pedagogical challenges to traditional programs of ethics education that emphasize abstraction and reflection at the expense of experimentation and experience. This paper describes a novel pedagogy of sustainability ethics (...)
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