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Bibliography: Salience in Philosophy of Mind
  1. Harmful Salience Perspectives.Ella Whiteley - 2022 - In Sophie Archer, Salience: A Philosophical Inquiry. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. Chapter 11.
    Consider a terrible situation that too many women find themselves in: 85,000 women are raped in England and Wales alone every year. Many of these women do not bring their cases to trial. There are multiple reasons that they might not want to testify in the courts. The incredibly low conviction rate is one. Another reason, however, might be that these women do not want the fact that they were raped to become the most salient thing about them. More specifically, (...)
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  2. Salience Principles for Democracy.Susanna Siegel - 2022 - In Sophie Archer, Salience: A Philosophical Inquiry. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 235-266.
    I discuss the roles of journalism in aspirational democracies, and argue that they generate set of pressures on attention that apply to people by virtue of the type of society they live in. These pressures, I argue, generate a problem of democratic attention: for journalism to play its roles in democracy, the attentional demands must be met, but there are numerous obstacles to meeting them. I propose a principle of salience to guide the selection and framing of news stories (...)
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    Salience Perspectives.Ella Whiteley - 2019 - Dissertation, Cambridge University
    In the philosophy of language and epistemology, debates often centre on what content a person is communicating, or representing in their mind. How that content is organised, along dimensions of salience, has received relatively little attention. I argue that salience matters. Mere change of salience patterns, without change of content, can have dramatic implications, both epistemic and moral. Imagine two newspaper articles that offer the same information about a subject, but differ in terms of what they headline. (...)
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    Salience in Sociolinguistics: A Quantitative Approach.Pter Rcz - 2013 - De Gruyter Mouton.
    This work proposes a definition of the notion of salience in sociolinguistics. Salient linguistic variants are those that are easily picked up by the listeners, and these stand in opposition to `invisible' variants, which are, even if they also show complex social stratification, completely ignored. Taking a quantitative angle, this work sees salience as a function of relative frequency differences, giving it an empirically testable operationalisation.
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  5. Salience Reasoning.Gerald J. Postema - 2008 - Topoi 27 (1-2):41-55.
    The thesis of this essay is that social conventions of the kind Lewis modeled are generated and maintained by a form of practical reasoning which is essentially common. This thesis is defended indirectly by arguing for an interpretation of the role of salience in Lewis’s account of conventions. The remarkable ability of people to identify salient options and appreciate their practical significance in contexts of social interaction, it is argued, is best explained in terms of their exercise of what (...)
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  6. Beyond ’Salience’ and ’Affordance’: Understanding Anomalous Experiences of Significant Possibilities.Matthew Ratcliffe & Matthew R. Broome - 2022 - In Sophie Archer, Salience: A Philosophical Inquiry. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 50–69.
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    Stakeholder Salience for Stakeholder Firms: An Attempt to Reframe an Important Heuristic Device.Mohammad A. Ali - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (1):153-168.
    This work underscores the importance of answering the question: who are organizational stakeholders? It argues that stakeholder theory is a normative management theory, and there is a need to differentiate between stakeholder and non-stakeholder firms. It further argues that the overall organizational stakeholder orientation indicates how narrowly or broadly organizations define their stakeholders. Therefore, this work attempts to provide a stakeholder salience scheme for stakeholder organizations, i.e., organizations with accommodative and proactive stakeholder orientations. In the process, this work reviews (...)
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  8. Manipulation, salience, and nudges.Robert Noggle - 2017 - Bioethics 32 (3):164-170.
    Cass Sunstein and Richard Thaler recommend helping people make better decisions by employing ‘nudges’, which they define as noncoercive methods of influencing choice for the better. Not surprisingly, healthcare practitioners and public policy professionals have become interested in whether nudges might be a promising method of improving health-related behaviors without resorting to heavy-handed methods such as coercion, deception, or government regulation. Many nudges seem unobjectionable as they merely improve the quality and quantity available for the decision-maker. However, other nudges influence (...)
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  9. On salience and signaling in sender–receiver games: partial pooling, learning, and focal points.Travis LaCroix - 2020 - Synthese 197 (4):1725-1747.
    I introduce an extension of the Lewis-Skyrms signaling game, analysed from a dynamical perspective via simple reinforcement learning. In Lewis’ (Convention, Blackwell, Oxford, 1969) conception of a signaling game, salience is offered as an explanation for how individuals may come to agree upon a linguistic convention. Skyrms (Signals: evolution, learning & information, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010a) offers a dynamic explanation of how signaling conventions might arise presupposing no salience whatsoever. The extension of the atomic signaling game examined (...)
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  10. Salience and metaphysical explanation.Phil Corkum - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):10771-10792.
    Metaphysical explanations, unlike many other kinds of explanation, are standardly thought to be insensitive to our epistemic situation and so are not evaluable by cognitive values such as salience. I consider a case study that challenges this view. Some properties are distributed over an extension. For example, the property of being polka-dotted red on white, when instantiated, is distributed over a surface. Similar properties have been put to work in a variety of explanatory tasks in recent metaphysics, including: providing (...)
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    On Our Mind: Salience, Context, and Figurative Language.Rachel Giora - 2003 - Oxford University Press.
    In this volume, Rachel Giora explores how the salient meanings of words - the meanings that stand out as most prominent and accessible in our minds - shape how we think and how we speak. For Giora, salient meanings display interesting effects in both figurative and literal language. In both domains, speakers and writers creatively exploit the possibilities inherent in the fact that, while words have multiple meanings, some meanings are more accessible than others. Of the various meanings weencode in (...)
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  12. Perceptual saliences and nuclei of meaning.L. Albertazzi - 1998 - In Roberto Poli, The Brentano puzzle. Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate. pp. 113--138.
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  13. Order-Based Salience Patterns in Language: What They Are and Why They Matter.Ella Whiteley - 2024 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 11.
    Whenever we communicate, we inevitably have to say one thing before another. This means introducing particularly subtle patterns of salience into our language. In this paper, I introduce ‘order-based salience patterns,’ referring to the ordering of syntactic contents where that ordering, pretheoretically, does not appear to be of consequence. For instance, if one is to describe a colourful scarf, it wouldn’t seem to matter if one were to say it is ‘orange and blue’ or ‘blue and orange.’ Despite (...)
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  14. Salience: A Philosophical Inquiry.Sophie Archer (ed.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    What is salience? This collection addresses this neglected question by considering the role of salience in a wide variety of areas. All 13 chapters are specially commissioned, and written by an international team of contributors.
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    Social identity salience shapes group-based emotions through group-based appraisals.Toon Kuppens, Vincent Y. Yzerbyt, Sophie Dandache, Agneta H. Fischer & Job van der Schalk - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (8):1359-1377.
    Group-based emotions have been conceptualised as being rooted in perceivers' social identity. Consistent with this idea, previous research has shown that social identity salience affects group-based emotions, but no research to date has directly examined the role of group-based appraisals in comparison with individual appraisals. In the present studies, we measured group-based appraisals through a thought-listing procedure. In Experiment 1, we explicitly reminded people of their group identity, which led to the predicted change in group-based anger. This effect was (...)
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    Salience, sensemaking, and setting in psilocybin microdosing: Methodological lessons and preliminary findings of a mixed method qualitative study.Aleš Oblak, Liam Korošec Hudnik, Anja Levačić, Kristian Elersič, Peter Pregelj & Jurij Bon - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    There are profound methodological challenges facing microdosing research. One way we can address some of these methodological issues is by understanding how psilocybin microdosing fits in the broader existential context of people’s lives. We recruited participants who underwent psilocybin microdosing on their own and consented to being monitored for harm mitigation purposes. We combined momentary ecological assessment and detailed retrospective interviews. Participants reported loosening of mental structures (i.e., less intense strength of thoughts, tangential stream of consciousness), increased salience of (...)
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    Moral Salience and the Role of Goodwill in Firm-Stakeholder Trust Repair.Jill A. Brown, Ann K. Buchholtz & Paul Dunn - 2016 - Business Ethics Quarterly 26 (2):181-199.
    ABSTRACT:Re-establishing trust presents a complex challenge for a firm after it commits corporate misconduct. We introduce a new construct, moral salience, which we define as the extent to which the firm’s behavior is morally noticeable to the stakeholder. Moral salience is a function of both the moral intensity of the firm’s behavior and the relational intensity of the firm-stakeholder psychological contract. We apply this moral salience construct to firm misconduct to develop a model of trust repair that (...)
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  18. Stakeholder Identification and Salience After 20 Years: Progress, Problems, and Prospects.Logan M. Bryan, Bradley R. Agle, Ronald K. Mitchell & Donna J. Wood - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (1):196-245.
    To contribute to the continuing challenge of explaining how managers identify stakeholders and assess their salience, in this article, we chronicle the history, assess the impact, and evaluate the possibilities opened by Mitchell, Agle, and Wood (MAW-1997). We do so through two types of qualitative analysis, and also through utilizing a quantitative network analysis tool. The first qualitative analysis categorizes the major contributions of the most influential papers succeeding MAW-1997; the second identifies and compares the relevant issues with MAW-1997 (...)
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  19. Salience of visual parts.Donald D. Hoffman & Manish Singh - 1997 - Cognition 63 (1):29-78.
  20. Salience and Epistemic Egocentrism: An Empirical Study.Joshua Alexander, Chad Gonnerman & John Waterman - 2014 - In James R. Beebe, Advances in Experimental Epistemology. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 97-117.
    Jennifer Nagel (2010) has recently proposed a fascinating account of the decreased tendency to attribute knowledge in conversational contexts in which unrealized possibilities of error have been mentioned. Her account appeals to epistemic egocentrism, or what is sometimes called the curse of knowledge, an egocentric bias to attribute our own mental states to other people (and sometimes our own future and past selves). Our aim in this paper is to investigate the empirical merits of Nagel’s hypothesis about the psychology involved (...)
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    Reward Salience and Choice in a Controlling Context: A Lab Experiment.Rosa Hendijani & Piers Steel - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:862152.
    One of the challenges in the motivation literature is examining the simultaneous effect of different motivational mechanisms on overall motivation and performance. The motivational congruence theory addresses this by stipulating that different motivational mechanisms can reinforce each other if they have similar effects on the perceived locus of causality. Reward salience and choice are two motivational mechanisms which their joint effects have been long debated. Built upon the motivational congruence effect, a recent empirical study affirms that a salient reward (...)
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  22. Rationality and salience.Margaret Gilbert - 1989 - Philosophical Studies 57 (1):61-77.
    A number of authors, Including Thomas Schelling and David Lewis, have envisaged a model of the generation of action in coordination problems in which salience plays a crucial role. Empirical studies suggest that human subjects are likely to try for the salient combination of actions, a tendency leading to fortunate results. Does rationality dictate that one aim at the salient combination? Some have thought so, Thus proclaiming that salience is all that is needed to resolve coordination problems for (...)
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    Effects of Mortality Salience on Physiological Arousal.Johannes Klackl & Eva Jonas - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Making the inevitability of mortality salient makes people more defensive about their self-esteem and worldviews. Theoretical arguments and empirical evidence point to a mediating role of arousal in this defensive process, but evidence from physiological measurement studies is scarce and inconclusive. The present study seeks to draw a comprehensive picture of how physiological arousal develops over time in the mortality salience paradigm, and whether contemplating one’s mortality actually elicits more physiological arousal than reflecting on a death-unrelated aversive control topic. (...)
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    Stakeholder Salience for Small Businesses: A Social Proximity Perspective.Merja Lähdesmäki, Marjo Siltaoja & Laura J. Spence - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (2):373-385.
    This paper advances stakeholder salience theory from the viewpoint of small businesses. It is argued that the stakeholder salience process for small businesses is influenced by their local embeddedness, captured by the idea of social proximity, and characterised by multiple relationships that the owner-manager and stakeholders share beyond the business context. It is further stated that the ethics of care is a valuable ethical lens through which to understand social proximity in small businesses. The contribution of the study (...)
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    Mortality salience biases attention to positive versus negative images among individuals higher in trait self-control.Nicholas J. Kelley, David Tang & Brandon J. Schmeichel - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (3):550-559.
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    Perceptual salience affects the contents of working memory during free-recollection of objects from natural scenes.Tiziana Pedale & Valerio Santangelo - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Aberrant Salience Across Levels of Processing in Positive and Negative Schizotypy.Charlotte A. Chun, Peter Brugger & Thomas R. Kwapil - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  28. Salience, supervenience, and layer cakes in Sellars's scientific realism, McDowell's moral realism, and the philosophy of mind.Marc Lange - 2000 - Philosophical Studies 101 (2-3):213-251.
  29. The salience of things: toward a phenomenology of artifacts (via knots, baskets, and swords).Fabio Tommy Pellizzer - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (X):1-27.
    What things mean to us involves more than what they afford in a straightforward sense (e.g., motor affordances). One can think of bodily adornments, lines, or precious stones. Differently from tools like hammers, these things are used to be displayed, watched etc. The paper investigates this very important feature of human behaviour, focusing especially on the expressive possibilities, or salience, of tools. This is interpreted as an emergent property of our engagement with tools, for which tools matter to us (...)
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  30. Attention, Salience, and the Phenomenology of Visual Experience.Hemdat Lerman - 2022 - In Sophie Archer, Salience: A Philosophical Inquiry. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 24-49.
    Both introspection and empirical studies suggest that visual attention can affect the phenomenology of our visual experience. However, the exact character of such effects is far from clear. My aim in this chapter is to spell out the main difficulties involved in attempting to achieve a clearer view of these effects, and to make some suggestions as to how we can make progress with this issue while avoiding tempting mistakes. I do this by discussing the question of whether there is (...)
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  31. Managing Salience: The Importance of Intellectual Virtue in Analyses of Biased Scientific Reasoning.Moira Howes - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (4):736-754.
    Feminist critiques of science show that systematic biases strongly influence what scientific communities find salient. Features of reality relevant to women, for instance, may be under-appreciated or disregarded because of bias. Many feminist analyses of values in science identify problems with salience and suggest better epistemologies. But overlooked in such analyses are important discussions about intellectual virtues and the role they play in determining salience. Intellectual virtues influence what we should find salient. They do this in part by (...)
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  32. Silence & Salience: On Being Judgmental.Neal Tognazzini - 2020 - In Sebastian Schmidt & Gerhard Ernst, The Ethics of Belief and Beyond: Understanding Mental Normativity. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp. 256-269.
    This chapter explores the concept of judgmentalism: what it is and why it’s morally problematic. After criticizing an account offered by Gary Watson, the paper argues for a broader understanding of what it is to be judgmental, encompassing not just the overall beliefs that we form about someone else, but also the very pattern of our thoughts about those with whom we are involved in interpersonal relationships. The thesis is that to care about someone is to be oriented toward them, (...)
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  33. Virtue and Salience.Richard Yetter Chappell & Helen Yetter-Chappell - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (3):449-463.
    This paper explores two ways in which evaluations of an agent's character as virtuous or vicious are properly influenced by what the agent finds salient or attention-grabbing. First, we argue that ignoring salient needs reveals a greater deficit of benevolent motivation in the agent, and hence renders the agent more blameworthy. We use this fact to help explain our ordinary intuition that failing to give to famine relief is in some sense less bad than failing to help a child who (...)
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    Salience of emotion in recall.K. T. Strongman & P. N. Russell - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (1):25-27.
  35. Salience reasoning in coordination games.Julius Schönherr - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6601-6620.
    Salience reasoning, many have argued, can help solve coordination problems, but only if such reasoning is supplemented by higher-order predictions, e.g. beliefs about what others believe yet others will choose. In this paper, I will argue that this line of reasoning is self-undermining. Higher-order behavioral predictions defeat salience-based behavioral predictions. To anchor my argument in the philosophical literature, I will develop it in response and opposition to the popular Lewisian model of salience reasoning in coordination games. This (...)
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    Scene saliencies in egocentric vision and their creation by parents and infants.Erin M. Anderson, Eric S. Seemiller & Linda B. Smith - 2022 - Cognition 229 (C):105256.
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  37. Cognitive salience of haptic object properties: Role of modality-encoding bias.Roberta L. Klatzky - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 25--983.
  38. Attention or salience?Thomas Parr & Karl Friston - 2019 - Current Opinion in Psychology 29:1-5.
    While attention is widely recognised as central to perception, the term is often used to mean very different things. Prominent theories of attention — notably the premotor theory — relate it to planned or executed eye movements. This contrasts with the notion of attention as a gain control process that weights the information carried by different sensory channels. We draw upon recent advances in theoretical neurobiology to argue for a distinction between attentional gain mechanisms and salience attribution. The former (...)
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    The Impact of Mortality Salience on Intergenerational Altruism and the Perceived Importance of Sustainable Development Goals.Saiquan Hu, Xiaoying Zheng, Nan Zhang & Junming Zhu - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:344896.
    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), consisting of 17 specific goals such as ending poverty, reducing inequality, and combating climate change, were proposed by the UN member states in 2014 for the ongoing UN agenda until 2030. These goals articulate the growing need for the international community to build a sustainable future. To progress and build a truly sustainable future requires not only the immediate support of individuals for the current SDGs, but also their personal long-term commitment to the needs of (...)
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    Stakeholder Salience Revisited: Refining, Redefining, and Refueling an Underdeveloped Conceptual Tool. [REVIEW]Benjamin A. Neville, Simon J. Bell & Gregory J. Whitwell - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (3):357-378.
    This article revisits and further develops Mitchell et al.’s (Acad Manag Rev 22(4):853–886, 1997 ) theory of stakeholder identification and salience. Stakeholder salience holds considerable unrealized potential for understanding how organizations may best manage multiple stakeholder relationships. While the salience framework has been cited numerous times, attempts to develop it further have been relatively limited. We begin by reviewing the key contributions of other researchers. We then identify and seek to resolve three residual weaknesses in Mitchell et (...)
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    Stakeholder Salience, Shifting Networks and Sustainability.David Saiia - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:342-346.
    The definition of sustainability is notoriously imprecise. Stakeholder salience and a better understanding of stakeholder networks can help to add clarity to sustainability in an organizational context. Case material drawn from a South American NGO will be used to demonstrate a new representation of stakeholder management information. This paper offers a tool for graphically describing and managing stakeholder relationships for sustainable development.
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  42. Epistemic Foundations of Salience-Based Coordination.Vojtěch Zachník - 2021 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 4 (28):819-844.
    This paper aims to assess current theoretical findings on the origin of coordination by salience and suggests a way to clarify the existing framework. The main concern is to reveal how different coordination mechanisms rely on specific epistemic aspects of reasoning. The paper highlights the fact that basic epistemic assumptions of theories diverge in a way that makes them essentially distinctive. Consequently, recommendations and predictions of the traditional views of coordination by salience are, in principle, based on the (...)
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  43. Lingering stereotypes: Salience bias in philosophical argument.Eugen Fischer & Paul E. Engelhardt - 2019 - Mind and Language 35 (4):415-439.
    Many philosophical thought experiments and arguments involve unusual cases. We present empirical reasons to doubt the reliability of intuitive judgments and conclusions about such cases. Inferences and intuitions prompted by verbal case descriptions are influenced by routine comprehension processes which invoke stereotypes. We build on psycholinguistic findings to determine conditions under which the stereotype associated with the most salient sense of a word predictably supports inappropriate inferences from descriptions of unusual (stereotype-divergent) cases. We conduct an experiment that combines plausibility ratings (...)
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    Salience Not Status: How Category Labels Influence Feature Inference.Mark K. Johansen, Justin Savage, Nathalie Fouquet & David R. Shanks - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (7):1594-1621.
    Two main uses of categories are classification and feature inference, and category labels have been widely shown to play a dominant role in feature inference. However, the nature of this influence remains unclear, and we evaluate two contrasting hypotheses formalized as mathematical models: the label special-mechanism hypothesis and the label super-salience hypothesis. The special-mechanism hypothesis is that category labels, unlike other features, trigger inference decision making in reference to the category prototypes. This results in a tendency for prototype-compatible inferences (...)
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  45. Seeking Salience in Engaging Artworks: A Short Story about Attention, Artistic Value, and Neuroscience (2018). The Arts and the Brain: Psychology and Physiology Beyond Pleasure, Progress in Brain Research 257: 437-453.William Seeley - 2018
    It has recently been suggested that research in neuroscience of art has failed to bring art into focus in the laboratory. Two general arguments are brought to bear in the regard. The common perceptual mechanisms argument observes that neuroscientists working within this field develop models to explain art relative to the ways that artworks are fine-tuned to the operations of perceptual systems. However, these perceptual explanations apply equally to how viewers come to recognize and understand art and nonart objects and (...)
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    The physical salience of non-fundamental local beables.Matthias Egg - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 57:104-110.
    I defend the idea that objects and events in three-dimensional space are part of the derivative ontology of quantum mechanics, rather than its fundamental ontology. The main objection to this idea stems from the question of how it can endow local beables with physical salience, as opposed to mere mathematical definability. I show that the responses to this objection in the previous literature are insufficient, and I provide the necessary arguments to render them successful. This includes demonstrating the legitimacy (...)
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    Salience and Context Effects: Two Are Better Than One.Orna Peleg, Rachel Giora & Ofer Fein - 2001 - Metaphor and Symbol 16 (3):173-192.
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    Computing motivation: Incentive salience boosts of drug or appetite states.Kent C. Berridge, Jun Zhang & J. Wayne Aldridge - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (4):440-441.
    Current computational models predict reward based solely on learning. Real motivation involves that but also more. Brain reward systems can dynamically generate incentive salience, by integrating prior learned values with even novel physiological states (e.g., natural appetites; drug-induced mesolimbic sensitization) to cause intense desires that were themselves never learned. We hope future computational models may capture this too.
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  49. Salience, Imagination, and Moral Luck.Nathan Stout - 2017 - Philosophical Papers 46 (2):297-313.
    One key desideratum of a theory of blame is that it be able to explain why we typically have differing blaming responses in cases involving significant degrees of luck. T.M. Scanlon has proposed a relational account of blame, and he has argued that his account succeeds in this regard and that this success makes his view preferable to reactive attitude accounts of blame. In this paper, I aim to show that Scanlon's view is open to a different kind of luck-based (...)
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    When learning meets salience.David Bodoff - 2013 - Theory and Decision 74 (2):241-266.
    Behavior in one-shot coordination games with common knowledge labels can be described by theories of salience and focal points. Behavior in repeated games, including coordination games, can be explained by theories of learning. This paper considers games in which both theories apply, repeated coordination games with common knowledge labels. The research question asks how players combine the two sources of information—salience and the history of play—when making their choices. We specifically ask whether salience, normally considered as a (...)
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