  1.  64
    The Relationship between Social and Financial Performance.Ronald M. Roman, Sefa Hayibor & Bradley R. Agle - 1999 - Business and Society 38 (1):109-125.
    A primary issue in the field of business and society over the past 25 years has been the relationship between corporate social performance and corporate financial performance. Recently, Griffin and Mahon (1997) presented a table categorizing studies that have investigated this relationship. Motivated by concerns with this table, as well as a desire to account for progress in research in this area, the authors reconstructed it. The authors present a portrait of this relationship that is (a) substantially different from that (...)
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    Can Culture Influence Body‐Specific Associations Between Space and Valence?Juanma Fuente, Daniel Casasanto, Antonio Román & Julio Santiago - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (4):821-832.
    People implicitly associate positive ideas with their dominant side of space and negative ideas with their non-dominant side. Right-handers tend to associate “good” with “right” and “bad” with “left,” but left-handers associate “bad” with “right” and “good” with “left.” Whereas right-handers' implicit associations align with idioms in language and culture that link “good” with “right,” left-handers' implicit associations go against them. Can cultural conventions modulate the body-specific association between valence and left-right space? Here, we compared people from Spanish and Moroccan (...)
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  3. The Ethics of Online Retailing: A Scale Development and Validation from the Consumers’ Perspective.Sergio Roman - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 72 (2):131-148.
    While e-commerce has witnessed extensive growth in recent years, so has consumers' concerns regarding ethical issues surrounding online shopping. The vast majority of earlier research on this area is conceptual in nature, and limited in scope by focusing on consumers' privacy issues. This study develops a reliable and valid scale to measure consumers' perceptions regarding the ethics of online retailers. Findings indicate that the four factors of the scale - security, privacy, non-deception and fulfillment/reliability - are strongly predictive of online (...)
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    Determinants of Consumer Attributions of Corporate Social Responsibility.Longinos Marín, Pedro J. Cuestas & Sergio Román - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (2):247-260.
    Prior research has found attributions to mediate the relationship between the elements of corporate social responsibility activities and consumer responses to firms; however, the question of what variables determine consumer attributions of CSR remains partially unaddressed. This article analyzes why consumers make attributions of CSR that are either positive, or negative. The results obtained from two empirical studies indicate that company–cause fit, corporate ability, and interpersonal trust have a positive influence on the motives that consumers attribute to CSR, whereas corporate (...)
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    Attentional Factors in Conceptual Congruency.Julio Santiago, Marc Ouellet, Antonio Román & Javier Valenzuela - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (6):1051-1077.
    Conceptual congruency effects are biases induced by an irrelevant conceptual dimension of a task (e.g., location in vertical space) on the processing of another, relevant dimension (e.g., judging words’ emotional evaluation). Such effects are a central empirical pillar for recent views about how the mind/brain represents concepts. In the present paper, we show how attentional cueing (both exogenous and endogenous) to each conceptual dimension succeeds in modifying both the manifestation and the symmetry of the effect. The theoretical implications of this (...)
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    Far East as a weapon for revolution? Reflections on the role of Eastern philosophy in the work of Byung-Chul Han.Juan David Almeyda Sarmiento, Andrés Botero Bernal & Javier Orlando Aguirre Román - 2022 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 67:5-24.
    The purpose of this paper is to expose the function of the culture and thought of the Far East, expressed in Japanese Zen Buddhism and Chinese Chan (as well as, in general, in Chinese philosophy and culture), within the thought of Byung-Chul Han. This dimension of the Korean's work has not been sufficiently deepened in the analyses that are made of him. This error leads to mistakes such as stating that there is no emancipation proposal in Han or that his (...)
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    De l’utopie!Pierre Macherey & Sébastien Roman - 2022 - Cahiers Philosophiques 167 (4):81-98.
    Pierre Macherey est philosophe, professeur honoraire à l’université de Lille. Rattaché à l’UMR « Savoirs Textes Langage » du CNRS, il continue d’animer un blog « La philosophie au sens large » dont les travaux sont publiés sur le net ( https://philolarge.hypotheses.org/ ). Il a écrit de nombreux ouvrages, aussi bien en philosophie (sur Spinoza, Hegel, Marx, Comte, Canguilhem, Foucault) qu’en littérature et sur la manière de philosopher avec la littérature ( Philosopher avec la littérature est la reprise de sa (...)
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    A Radial Basis Function Neural Network Approach to Predict Preschool Teachers’ Technology Acceptance Behavior.Dana Rad, Gilbert C. Magulod, Evelina Balas, Alina Roman, Anca Egerau, Roxana Maier, Sonia Ignat, Tiberiu Dughi, Valentina Balas, Edgar Demeter, Gavril Rad & Roxana Chis - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the continual development of artificial intelligence and smart computing in recent years, quantitative approaches have become increasingly popular as an efficient modeling tool as they do not necessitate complicated mathematical models. Many nations have taken steps, such as transitioning to online schooling, to decrease the harm caused by coronaviruses. Inspired by the demand for technology in early education, the present research uses a radial basis function neural network modeling technique to predict preschool instructors’ technology usage in classes based on (...)
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  9. Towards Shutdownable Agents via Stochastic Choice.Elliott Thornley, Alexander Roman, Christos Ziakas, Leyton Ho & Louis Thomson - 2024 - Global Priorities Institute Working Paper.
    Some worry that advanced artificial agents may resist being shut down. The Incomplete Preferences Proposal (IPP) is an idea for ensuring that doesn't happen. A key part of the IPP is using a novel 'Discounted REward for Same-Length Trajectories (DREST)' reward function to train agents to (1) pursue goals effectively conditional on each trajectory-length (be 'USEFUL'), and (2) choose stochastically between different trajectory-lengths (be 'NEUTRAL' about trajectory-lengths). In this paper, we propose evaluation metrics for USEFULNESS and NEUTRALITY. We use a (...)
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  10. The Perceptions of Consumers Regarding Online Retailers’ Ethics and Their Relationship with Consumers’ General Internet Expertise and Word of Mouth: A Preliminary Analysis.Sergio Román & Pedro J. Cuestas - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (4):641-656.
    Ethical concerns of Internet users continue to rise. Accordingly, several scholars have called for systematic empirical research to address these issues. This study examines the conceptualization and measurement of consumers' perceptions regarding the ethics of online retailers. Also, this research represents a first step into the analysis of the relationship between CPEOR, consumers' general Internet expertise and reported positive word of mouth. Results, from a convenience sample of 357 online shoppers, suggest that CPEOR can be operationalized as a second-order construct (...)
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    Relational Consequences of Perceived Deception in Online Shopping: The Moderating Roles of Type of Product, Consumer’s Attitude Toward the Internet and Consumer’s Demographics.Sergio Román - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (3):373-391.
    This study investigates the negative influence of consumer’s perceptions of online retailer’s deceptive practices on consumer’s relational variables. Also, the moderating role of product type, consumer’s attitude toward the Internet, and consumer’s demographics in the deception-relational outcomes link is considered. Data from 398 online consumers revealed that satisfaction totally mediated the influence of deception on loyalty. Furthermore, the deception-satisfaction link was moderated by all the hypothesized variables. Interestingly, a direct effect of deception on loyalty was found among more educated consumers, (...)
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    The Global Diffusion of Supply Chain Codes of Conduct: Market, Nonmarket, and Time-Dependent Effects.Thomas G. Altura, Anne T. Lawrence & Ronald M. Roman - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (4):909-942.
    Why and how have supply chain codes of conduct diffused among lead firms around the globe? Prior research has drawn on both institutional and stakeholder theories to explain the adoption of codes, but no study has modeled adoption as a temporally dynamic process of diffusion. We propose that the drivers of adoption shift over time, from exclusively nonmarket to eventually market-based mechanisms as well. In an analysis of an original data set of more than 1,800 firms between the years 2006 (...)
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  13. Homini cochlea o tiburón del rendimiento. El horizonte subjetivo por venir en el marco del capitalismo contemporáneo pospandémico.Andrés Botero Bernal, Javier Orlando Aguirre Román & Juan David Almeyda Sarmiento - 2024 - Perseitas 12:345-374.
    La presente investigación expone las alternativas subjetivas que pueden acontecer en el marco del capitalismo contemporáneo desde la mirada filosófica de Byung-Chul Han. Para ello, se recurre a tres momentos: el primero, describe la actual sociedad neoliberal en el marco de la pospandemia; el segundo, trabaja el concepto de tiburón del rendimiento como una figura hegemónica en la dominación sistémica del sujeto; y, finalmente, se expone el concepto de homini cochlea como una alternativa no hegemónica de resistir a estos mecanismos (...)
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    Les relations parent-enfant en prison : entre attentes parentales et empêchements, une parentalité en souffrance.Pascal Roman - 2016 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 1 (1):13-26.
    Le maintien des relations parent-enfant en prison représente un véritable défi au regard des différentes formes d’empêchement – véritable mise en suspens de la parentalité – auxquels se trouvent confrontés les parents détenus et les enfants ainsi que leurs accompagnants. Membre d’une recherche inter-disciplinaire (droit et psychologie), menée en France dans trois établissements pénitentiaires en appui sur des questionnaires et la conduite de focus-groups, l’auteur met en évidence, au travers d’une approche clinique psychodynamique, la tension qui s’exerce entre les attentes (...)
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  15. Wokismo, emotivismo hipertrofiado y nuevos abolicionismos.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz, Elizabeth Duval & Ayme Román - 2023 - Minerva 40:35-42.
    Bajo el título «Utopías, distopías y otras nostalgias», la cuarta edición del Congreso de Pensamiento Interdisciplinar, organizado por alumnos del grado de Filosofía, Política y Economía de la Alianza 4 Universidades, abordó el controvertido fenómeno woke, una supuesta mezcla de izquierda identitaria y progresismo políticamente correcto al que se acusa de promover la censura y la llamada «cultura de la cancelación». Sobre esta cuestión conversaron la escritora y filósofa Elizabeth Duval, la investigadora Ayme Román y el director académico y profesor (...)
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    L’Antiquité et la culture humaniste au XVI e siècle.Sébastien Roman - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie 83 (1):103-120.
    Il est arrivé que l’on compare Machiavel à La Boétie pour grossièrement les opposer, selon l’idée fausse que le premier serait du côté du prince, et le second du côté du peuple. Nous proposons, ici, une étude comparative de leurs pensées qui se concentre sur leur manière de lire les Anciens et de se situer vis-à-vis de la culture humaniste de leur époque, pour mieux saisir adéquatement leurs différences et leurs similitudes.
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    The Influence of Consumers’ Cognitive and Psychographic Traits on Perceived Deception: A Comparison Between Online and Offline Retailing Contexts.Isabel P. Riquelme & Sergio Román - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (3):405-422.
    In this article, we examine the role of several consumers’ cognitive and psychographic traits in their perceptions of retailers’ deceptive practices and the different effects on perceived deception associated with online vis-à-vis in-store shopping. Building on theoretical models of persuasion in consumer behavior, we hypothesize that the antecedents of perceived deception in traditional settings are the same as those on the Internet, while the intensity of the impact of these antecedents differs between the online and the offline environment. Results suggest (...)
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    Health, justice, and the environment.David B. Resnik & Gerard Roman - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (4):230–241.
    In this article, we argue that the scope of bioethical debate concerning justice in health should expand beyond the topic of access to health care and cover such issues as occupational hazards, safe housing, air pollution, water quality, food and drug safety, pest control, public health, childhood nutrition, disaster preparedness, literacy, and many other environmental factors that can cause differences in health. Since society does not have sufficient resources to address all of these environmental factors at one time, it is (...)
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    Perspectives of Consent Silence in Cyberbullying.Dana Rad, Tiberiu Dughi, Alina Roman & Sonia Ignat - 2019 - Postmodern Openings 10 (2):57-73.
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    Personality Traits and Postnatal Depression: The Mediated Role of Postnatal Anxiety and Moderated Role of Type of Birth.Maria Roman, Cristina Maria Bostan, Loredana R. Diaconu-Gherasim & Ticu Constantin - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  21. Innovación metodológica de las actividades de dibujo de la titulación de arquitectura.Pablo Miguel De Souza Sánchez, Esther Ferrer Román & Iballa Naranjo Henríquez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 17 (1):1-27.
    Mediante una investigación teórica y de trabajo de campo en relación a la adaptación de la titulación de arquitectura al EEES y con el objetivo de hacer efectivo un despliegue gradual del desarrollo de las competencias del submódulo de dibujo, se exponen los resultados de la coordinación entre asignaturas y una selección crítica y comparativa de actividades de aprendizaje. Se indaga además en la dispar distribución de las materias de dibujo de la adaptación al plan de bolonia, concluyendo con una (...)
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    Virtud y Felicidad: Análisis Desde la Antropología Cartesiana y El Pensamiento Comunitario de Spinoza.Ana María Ayala Román - 2017 - Praxis Filosófica 44:169-191.
    El objetivo de este escrito es el de develar la relación entre felicidad y virtud, remitiendo esta relación a la concepción de la naturaleza o especificidad ontológica del hombre. Para este objetivo se estudiará principalmente los pensamientos cartesiano y spinozista con el fin de mostrar dos vertientes contrarias, pero que se encuentran en diálogo. La diferencia que se intentará mostrar entre estos pensamientos del siglo XVII está cimentada en el pensamiento antropológico cartesiano de corte individualista y el pensamiento comunitario de (...)
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    Scientific representation is representation-as.Frigg Roman & Nguyen James - 2016 - In Hsiang-Ke Chao & Julian Reiss (eds.), Philosophy of Science in Practice: Nancy Cartwright and the nature of scientific reasoning. Cham: Springer International Publishing. pp. 149-179.
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    (3 other versions)Of barrels and pipes: representation - as in art and science.Frigg Roman & Nguyen James - 2016 - In Roman Frigg & James Nguyen (eds.). pp. 41-61.
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    Advance Directives in Romania and Lithuania.Ştefana Maria Moisă, Angela Mariana Enache, Andrada Pârvu, Silvia Dumitraș, Rodica Gramma, Gabriel Roman & Beatrice Ioan - 2019 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:89-98.
    Advance directives, a set of written instructions that a person gives that specify what actions should be taken for their health if they are no longer able to make decisions due to illness or incapacity, are a well-implemented tool in America, but few European countries have specific provisions about them in the law. Significant differences exist regarding the way advance directives are regulated and implemented between countries. The authors analyze the attitudes of several professional categories in Romania and Lithuania towards (...)
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    Web Service Modeling Ontology.Dumitru Roman, Uwe Keller, Holger Lausen, Jos de Bruijn, Rubén Lara, Michael Stollberg, Axel Polleres, Cristina Feier, Cristoph Bussler & Dieter Fensel - 2005 - Applied ontology 1 (1):77-106.
    The potential to achieve dynamic, scalable and cost-effective marketplaces and eCommerce solutions has driven recent research efforts towards so-called Semantic Web Services that are enriching Web services with machine-processable semantics. To this end, the Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO) provides the conceptual underpinning and a formal language for semantically describing all relevant aspects of Web services in order to facilitate the automatization of discovering, combining and invoking electronic services over the Web. In this paper we describe the overall structure of (...)
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    Hannah Arendt: biographie.Elisabeth Young-Bruehl, Joël Roman & Etienne Tassin - 1999
    Cette biographie de référence éclaire d'un jour nouveau tout un pan de la vie intellectuelle du XXe siècle, celui de ces universitaires juifs allemands obligés de fuir le IIIe Reich et qui, d'étape en étape, finirent par trouver refuge aux Etats-Unis. Le livre associe la présentation des grandes étapes de la pensée et de l'œuvre de Hannah Arendt aux événements historiques qui la sollicitent et au tableau des amitiés et des cercles successifs. Si la liaison qu'elle eut brièvement au début (...)
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    Interdisciplinarity as a Tool to the Understanding of Global Behavior Under Uncertainty in Science and Society.Petre Roman - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy 11 (2):32-45.
    Between the zone of certainty beyond all doubt and the zone of incomprehensible uncertainty, the sources of which are nothing but chance, we need to use solid results from a vast interdisciplinarity. We wish to give here a sense of the factors in play and the state of the debate and advance in the territory of how interdisciplinarity may help to solve problems which are common in many areas of knowledge. Chaos and complexity certainly put limits on what we can (...)
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    The workers opinions have a value in the Code of Ethics: Analysis of the contributions of workers in virtual Forum Catalan Institute of Health.Eva Peguero, Anna Berenguera, Enriqueta Pujol-Ribera, Begoña Roman, Carmen M. Prieto & Núria Terribas - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-18.
    BackgroundThe Catalan Institute of Health is the largest health services public provider in Catalonia. “CIH Code of Ethics Virtual Forum”, was created within the Intranet of the CIH to facilitate participation among their employees. The current study aims to: a) Analyse the CIH workers’ assessment of their own, their colleagues’ and the organization’s observance of ethical values; b) Identify the opinions, attitudes, experiences and practices related to the ethical values from the discourse of the workers that contributed voluntarily to the (...)
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    Quantum logic revisited.L. Román & B. Rumbos - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (6):727-734.
    An adequate conjunction-implication pair is given for complete orthomodular lattices. The resulting conjunction is noncommutative in nature. We use the well-known lattice of closed subspaces of a Hilbert space, to give physical meaning to the given lattice operation.
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    The relationships among consumers’ ethical ideology, risk aversion and ethically-based distrust of online retailers and the moderating role of consumers’ need for personal interaction.Isabel P. Riquelme & Sergio Román - 2014 - Ethics and Information Technology 16 (2):135-155.
    Consumer distrust is only recently beginning to be perceived as an important e-commerce issue and, unlike online trust, the nature and role of distrust is much less established. This study examines the influence of two important consumer characteristics on consumer’s ethically-based distrust of online retailers. Also, the moderating role of consumer’s need for personal contact with sales staff is tested. Results from 409 online consumers confirm that both relativist-based ethical ideology and risk aversion are strongly and positively related to consumers’ (...)
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    Derechos humanos, vulnerabilidad y pandemia.María Isolina Dabove, Eugenia D’Angelo, Agostina Carla Hernández Bologna, Francisco Bariffi, Hernán Schapiro, Mariana Guadalupe Catanzaro Román & Dolores Neira - 2020 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 34:168-196.
    Este trabajo presenta seis ponencias en torno a los problemas que atraviesan distintos sectores de la población en situación de vulnerabilidad social en el goce de sus derechos humanos en el contexto de la pandemia global de COVID-19. Las exposiciones reflexionan sobre los prejuicios y vulnerabilidades que atraviesan las personas adultas mayores; las violencias de género en contextos de aislamiento; las personas en contextos de movilidad excluidas de las medidas de protección; el tratamiento y priorización de las personas con discapacidad (...)
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  33. ONGs, entre el descrèdit i la confiança. Reflexions al voltant de les dimensions de legimitat del Tercer Sector.Daniel Galland García de Quevedo & Begoña Román - 2009 - Comprendre 11:15-44.
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    Gamificación: Un recurso para la motivación y la fidelización en los museos.Miguel Ángel Novillo López, Óscar Costa Román, Amelia Barrientos Fernández, Francisco Javier Pericacho Gómez, Amaya Arigita García & Roberto Sánchez Cabrero - 2018 - Clío: History and History Teaching 44:170-181.
    La gamificación o ludificación, entendida como la aplicación de la filosofía del juego en contextos no lúdicos, está experimentando en los últimos años un desarrollo espectacular en áreas de diversa naturaleza. Si bien está más que comúnmente aceptado que las funciones principales de los museos consisten en preservar y dar a conocer sus colecciones, resulta fundamental que logren conectar de manera satisfactoria con los usuarios empleando para ello medios y estrategias innovadoras y accesibles. En las siguientes páginas ponemos de manifiesto (...)
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    Quality Assessment and Passenger Satisfaction from Public Transport Services in Radom.Kamil Roman & Grzegorz Czapski - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (1):71-92.
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    “No hay tiempo que perder”: disincronía temporal, desfactificación y psicopolítica como paradigmas del neoliberalismo contemporáneo.Andrés Botero Bernal, Javier Orlando Aguirre Román & Juan David Almeyda Sarmiento - 2022 - Universitas Philosophica 39 (79):179-207.
    El presente escrito tiene por objetivo demostrar cómo el estado actual del capitalismo neoliberal, entendido como una fuerza productora de la subjetividad basada en el rendimiento [síntesis de la disciplina (Foucault) y el control (Deleuze y Guattari) que se cataliza con la digitalidad (Han, Berardi, Fisher, entre otros)], se centra en ejercer una colonización frente al tiempo como concepto estructural de la existencia humana para poder desplegar un sistema de dispositivos psicopolíticos que le permitan su reproducción sistémica. Para conseguir este (...)
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    We Live Under the Permanent Conviviality of Norms and Chance--Understanding It Is Key to Building More Resilient Complex Systems.Petre Roman - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophy 10 (4):147.
    People have always tried to make predictions; they are necessary and useful, but very often they commit obvious errors, which have negative consequences on decision-making. Prediction errors are in some cases, not few, unavoidable, because the world itself is unpredictable, subject to chance (or randomness in mathematics). Chance is a property of nature. The causes of random events are physically determined, but so numerous and complex that they (the events) are unpredictable. Science is not about certainty. Human knowledge itself is (...)
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    Ethical issues in communication of diagnosis and end-of-life decision-making process in some of the Romanian Roma communities.Gabriel Roman, Angela Enache, Andrada Pârvu, Rodica Gramma, Ştefana Maria Moisa, Silvia Dumitraş & Beatrice Ioan - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (3):483-497.
    Medical communication in Western-oriented countries is dominated by concepts of shared decision-making and patient autonomy. In interactions with Roma patients, these behavioral patterns rarely seem to be achieved because the culture and ethnicity have often been shown as barriers in establishing an effective and satisfying doctor–patient relationship. The study aims to explore the Roma’s beliefs and experiences related to autonomy and decision-making process in the case of a disease with poor prognosis. Forty-eight Roma people from two Romanian counties participated in (...)
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    El ombligo de la subjetividad. Consideraciones desde Freud al dogma de la transparencia.Andrés Botero Bernal, Javier Orlando Aguirre Román & Juan David Almeyda Sarmiento - 2024 - Praxis Filosófica 59:e20313608.
    Este artículo tiene por objetivo retomar la teoría de Byung Chul Han sobre la sociedad del logro (Leistungsgesellschaft), tomando específicamente lo expuesto por él sobre el dogma de la transparencia que surge en la lógica neoliberal-digital contemporánea, para ser completado con la teoría freudiana de lo Unerkante -no reconocible-. Para esto el trabajo se divide en tres momentos: el primero tiene por objetivo exponer lo que se entiende por dogma de la transparencia y cómo se relaciona con el Homo œconomicus; (...)
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    Tractatus 6 Reconsidered: An Algorithmic Alternative to Wittgenstein's Trade-Off.A. Roman & J. Gomułka - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (3):323-340.
    Wittgenstein's conception of the general form of a truth function given in thesis 6 can be presented as a sort of a trade-off: the author of the Tractatus is unable to reconcile the simplicity of his original idea of a series of forms with the simplicity of his generalisation of Sheffer's stroke; therefore, he is forced to sacrifice one of them. As we argue in this paper, the choice he makes – to weaken the logical constraints put on the concept (...)
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    La figure du délogement : vers une métapsychologie des pratiques de soin à domicile.Pascal Roman - 2011 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 2 (2):31-41.
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    Chesterton, Santo Tomás y el misterio de la libertad.Agustín Ambrosini, Martín G. Castro & Mariano A. Román - 2009 - The Chesterton Review En Español 3 (1):123-128.
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    code oF ethIcs FoR PoLItIcIaNs.Antonio Argandoña, Norbert Bilbeny, Victòria Camps, Miquel Calsina, Àngel Castiñeira, Cristian Palazzi, Ferran Requejo, Raimon Ribera, Begoña Román & Ferran Sàez - 2012 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 3 (3):9.
    Antonio Argandoña, Norbert Bilbeny, Victòria Camps, Miquel Calsina, Àngel Castiñeira, Cristian Palazzi, Ferran Requejo, Raimon Ribera, Begoña Román, Ferran Sàez, Miquel Seguró, Francesc Torralba, Josep Maria Vallès, Rosamund Thomas Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 2012 3(3):9-16.
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  44. Creatividad e innovación en la cultura digital.Javier Nadal Ariño & Carlos Román - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 77:48-49.
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    Inferior parietal lobule involved in representation of “what” in a delayed-action Libet task.Ondřej Bečev, Radek Mareček, Martin Lamoš, Bartosz Majchrowicz, Robert Roman & Milan Brázdil - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 93 (C):103149.
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  46. Protocolo de atención de niños sometidos a cirugía multinivel.Roxana Böke & Paulina Román - forthcoming - Horizonte.
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  47. Labor Market Characteristics and the Presence of Pre-employment Drug Screening and Employee Assistance Programs'.N. Bunt, T. C. Blum & P. M. Roman - 1990 - Meeting of the Academy of Management, San Francisco, Ca, Quoted in Ce Schwoerer, Dr Mai, and B. Rosen (1995). Organisational Characteristics and Hrm Policies on Rights: Exploring the Patterns of Connection. Journal of Business Ethics 14:531-549.
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    Presentación.Luis Cecèreu & José Román - 2010 - Aisthesis 48:9-9.
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    How Policies and Practices in Medical Settings Impact Communication Access with Deaf Patients and Caregivers.Kelley Cooper, Maggie Russell, Debra Chaiken, Michael W. Mazzaroppi & Gretchen Roman - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (3):3-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:How Policies and Practices in Medical Settings Impact Communication Access with Deaf Patients and CaregiversKelley Cooper, Maggie Russell, Debra Chaiken, Michael W. Mazzaroppi, and Gretchen RomanIntroductionWe are a group of Deaf community members, sign language interpreters, organizational leaders, and academic partners. We have a collective point of view about how policies and practices in medical settings impact communication access with Deaf patients and caregivers. Here, we account multiple stories (...)
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    Le scénario d’une traversée houleuse : le placement familial d’adolescents auteurs de violences sexuelles.Sonia Corré, Pascal Roman & Vincent Estellon - 2022 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 235 (1):137-152.
    Au sein du service de placement où exerce en tant que psychologue le premier auteur de cet article a été développée une recherche longitudinale qui vise à explorer le fonctionnement psychique des adolescents auteurs de violences sexuelles et les modalités de leur accompagnement éducatif et thérapeutique. L’article propose de se centrer sur leur placement en famille d’accueil, la dynamique relationnelle témoignant des particularités des liens tissés avec les premiers objets. La présentation de la situation de Nicolas mettra en exergue les (...)
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