Results for ' representational strategies'

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  1.  39
    Task representations, strategy variability, and base-rate neglect.Marsha C. Lovett & Christian D. Schunn - 1999 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 128 (2):107.
  2.  44
    Induction: Representation, strategy and argument.David W. Green - 1994 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 8 (1):45 – 50.
    Abstract In order to be a general theory of human cognition, the theory of mental models needs to accommodate a variety of forms of reasoning in addition to deduction. The mental model theory of induction is a crucial step in establishing generality. After suggesting that the theory of mental models can also account for abduction and analogy, the paper points out that inductive performance is likely to be constrained both by the nature of the representation used and by strategic factors. (...)
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    Stratégies de négociation politique et de représentation du discours d'autrui dans la presse adressée aux jeunes.Justine Simon - forthcoming - Argumentation.
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    Strategies Used by Musicians to Identify Notes’ Pitch: Cognitive Bricks and Mental Representations.Alain Letailleur, Erica Bisesi & Pierre Legrain - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    To this day, the study of the substratum of thought and its implied mechanisms is rarely directly addressed. Nowadays, systemic approaches based on introspective methodologies are no longer fashionable and are often overlooked or ignored. Most frequently, reductionist approaches are followed for deciphering the neuronal circuits functionally associated with cognitive processes. However, we argue that systemic studies of individual thought may still contribute to a useful and complementary description of the multimodal nature of perception, because they can take into account (...)
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    Declarative Representation of Revision Strategies.Gerhard Brewka - 2001 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 11 (1-2):151-167.
    In this paper we introduce a nonmonotonic framework for belief revision in which reasoning about the reliability of different pieces of information based on meta-knowledge about the information is possible, and where revision strategies can be described declaratively. The approach is based on a Poole-style system for default reasoning in which entrenchment information is represented in the logical language. A notion of inference based on the least fixed point of a monotone operator is used to make sure that all (...)
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    The representation of planning strategies.Andrew S. Gordon - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 153 (1-2):287-305.
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    From Microsomes to Ribosomes: "Strategies" of "Representation". [REVIEW]Hans-Jörg Rheinberger - 1995 - Journal of the History of Biology 28 (1):49 - 89.
  8. Isomorphic representations lead to the discovery of different forms of a common strategy with different degrees of generality.Jiajie Zhang, T. Johnson & Hongbin Wang - 1998 - In Morton Ann Gernsbacher & Sharon J. Derry, Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Lawerence Erlbaum.
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    At the Mercy of Strategies: The Role of Motor Representations in Language Understanding.Barbara Tomasino & Raffaella Ida Rumiati - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  10. (2 other versions)Scientific Realism, the Galilean Strategy, and Representation.Mauricio Suárez - 2009 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 101 (1):269-292.
    This paper critically reviews Philip Kitcher's most recent epistemology of science, real realism . I argue that this view is unstable under different understandings of the term 'representation', and that the arguments offered for the position are either unsound or invalid depending on the understanding employed. Suitably modified those arguments are however convincing in favor of a deflationary version of real realism, which I refer to as the bare view . The bare view accepts Kitcher's Galilean strategy, and the ensuing (...)
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    Strategies for Gender Democracy: Strengthening the Representation of Trade Union Women in the European Social Dialogue.Cynthia Cockburn - 1996 - European Journal of Women's Studies 3 (1):7-26.
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    The representation of action in Italian Sign Language (LIS).Virginia Volterra, Pasquale Rinaldi, Chiara Bonsignori & Elena Tomasuolo - 2020 - Cognitive Linguistics 31 (1):1-36.
    The present study investigates the types of verb and symbolic representational strategies used by 10 deaf signing adults and 13 deaf signing children who described in Italian Sign Language 45 video clips representing nine action types generally communicated by five general verbs in spoken Italian. General verbs, in which the same sign was produced to refer to several different physical action types, were rarely used by either group of participants. Both signing children and adults usually produced specific depicting (...)
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    Scientific realism, the Galilean strategy and representation.Wenceslao J. Gonzalez - 2011 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Scientific Realism and Democratic Society: The Philosophy of Philip Kitcher:269-293.
    This paper critically reviews Philip Kitcher's most recent epistemology of science, real realism. I argue that this view is unstable under different understandings of the term 'representation', and that the arguments offered for the position are either unsound or invalid depending on the understanding employed. Suitably modified those arguments are however convincing in favor of a deflationary version of real realism, which I refer to as the bare view. The bare view accepts Kitcher's Galilean strategy, and the ensuing commitment to (...)
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  14.  26
    Reconstruction and Representation: Deductivism as an Interpretative Strategy.David M. Godden - unknown
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  15. Representations: philosophical essays on the foundations of cognitive science.Jerry A. Fodor - 1981 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    Introduction: Something on the State of the Art 1 I. Functionalism and Realism 1. Operationalism and Ordinary Language 35 2. The Appeal to Tacit Knowledge in Psychological Explanations 63 3. What Psychological States are Not 79 4. Three Cheers for Propositional Attitudes 100 II. Reduction and Unity of Science 5. Special Sciences 127 6. Computation and Reduction 146 III. Intensionality and Mental Representation 7. Propositional Attitudes 177 8. Tom Swift and His Procedural Grandmother 204 9. Methodological Solipsism Considered as a (...)
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  16.  26
    The Role of Notation and Knowledge Representation in the Determination of Programming Strategy: A Framework for Integrating Models of Programming Behavior.Simon P. Davies - 1991 - Cognitive Science 15 (4):547-572.
    A number of accounts of expert programming behavior have been advanced. These models of the programming activity have served to highlight the range of factors that are thought to underpin programming strategy. However, such accounts have tended to emphasize either the effects of the organization of the programmer's knowledge representation or the role played by features of the notation of the task language on the emergence, development, and support of particular forms of strategy. Such work has neglected to (a) provide (...)
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  17.  30
    Social justice-oriented narratives in European urban food strategies: Bringing forward redistribution, recognition and representation.Sara A. L. Smaal, Joost Dessein, Barend J. Wind & Elke Rogge - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (3):709-727.
    More and more cities develop urban food strategies to guide their efforts and practices towards more sustainable food systems. An emerging theme shaping these food policy endeavours, especially prominent in North and South America, concerns the enhancement of social justice within food systems. To operationalise this theme in a European urban food governance context we adopt Nancy Fraser’s three-dimensional theory of justice: economic redistribution, cultural recognition and political representation. In this paper, we discuss the findings of an exploratory document (...)
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  18.  41
    Causal Representation and Shamanic Experience.Timothy Hubbard - 2012 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 19 (5-6):5-6.
    Causal representation in shamanic consciousness is compared with causal representation in ordinary waking consciousness. Causal representation in shamanic experience and in ordinary waking experience can engage strategies involving attribution of intentionality , heuristics , and magical thinking . Such strategies have consequences involving social biases , locus of control, authorship of actions, and supernaturalizing of social life. Similarities of causal representation in shamanic experience and in ordinary waking experience have implications for theories of mind and theories of causal (...)
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    The City of Illusion. Narrative Strategies And Forms Of Representation Of Le Corbusier's Urban Planning Visions.Anna Rosellini - 2020 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 31 (62).
    Le Corbusier's visionary or realistic urban plans are accompanied by various experimental ways of presentation, all designed to involve the public and political authorities through spectacular installations that play on the dimension of illusionism. In his quest to present his urbanistic ideas, Le Corbusier uses dioramas, photographs and film projections. The aim of his staging is to modify the conventional vision of reality with a systematic bombardment of spectacular images.
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    Judicial power in Russian print media: Strategies of representation.Svetlana Gulyaykina, Natalia Dankova & Tatiana Dubrovskaya - 2015 - Discourse and Communication 9 (3):293-312.
    This study examines discursive representations of judicial power in Russian print media. The data are drawn from governmental and oppositional newspapers and cover a six-month period during 2013. Using an approach that is informed by Critical Discourse Analysis and a pragma-dialectical perspective on argumentation, the authors distinguish strategies and specific linguistic means as well as argumentation fallacies that journalists employ in the articles to construct the representation which is consistent with a newspaper’s ideology.
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  21. Experimental Modeling in Biology: In Vivo Representation and Stand-ins As Modeling Strategies.Marcel Weber - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (5):756-769.
    Experimental modeling in biology involves the use of living organisms (not necessarily so-called "model organisms") in order to model or simulate biological processes. I argue here that experimental modeling is a bona fide form of scientific modeling that plays an epistemic role that is distinct from that of ordinary biological experiments. What distinguishes them from ordinary experiments is that they use what I call "in vivo representations" where one kind of causal process is used to stand in for a physically (...)
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  22. Teleosemantic modeling of cognitive representations.Marc Artiga - 2016 - Biology and Philosophy 31 (4):483-505.
    Naturalistic theories of representation seek to specify the conditions that must be met for an entity to represent another entity. Although these approaches have been relatively successful in certain areas, such as communication theory or genetics, many doubt that they can be employed to naturalize complex cognitive representations. In this essay I identify some of the difficulties for developing a teleosemantic theory of cognitive representations and provide a strategy for accommodating them: to look into models of signaling in evolutionary game (...)
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  23.  38
    Post-Postmodern Redemptions of Self, Text, and Event The Critical I Norman N. Holland Poethics: And Other Strategies of Law and Literature Richard H. Weisberg Probing the Limits of Representation: Nazism and the "Final Solution" Saul Friedlander.David S. Caudill - 1993 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 5 (1):137-191.
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  24. Game strategies, promises, and rational choice.Jan van Eijck - unknown
    We will study game trees as representations of rational choice and as representations of player preferences, and promises as public announcements of genuine intentions. Promises in a game change what players know about the preferences of other players. They can be modelled as operations that change a given game into a different game where players know more about the effects of their strategies.
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  25. Naturalising Representational Content.Nicholas Shea - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (5):496-509.
    This paper sets out a view about the explanatory role of representational content and advocates one approach to naturalising content – to giving a naturalistic account of what makes an entity a representation and in virtue of what it has the content it does. It argues for pluralism about the metaphysics of content and suggests that a good strategy is to ask the content question with respect to a variety of predictively successful information processing models in experimental psychology and (...)
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  26.  15
    The strategy of individualization of identity in modern culture: Philosophical analysis.I. S. Seleznev - 2020 - Bioethics 25 (1):16-21.
    The article considers the process of identity constructing in modern culture. As a result of the case analysis, the author conceptualizes the modern identity construction strategy as an individualization of identity. The worldview foundations of this strategy are revealed. It is proposed to distinguish two paradigms of identity on the basis of the function of social representation: I-as-image and I-as-symbol. The author connects the tendency of individualization and delegitimation of social institutions in modern culture with the process of transition from (...)
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  27.  29
    Mental Representations and the Dynamic Theory of Mind.Cristinel Ungureanu - 2012 - Logos and Episteme 3 (3):489-502.
    In this paper I will investigate the possibility of defending the concept of ‘mental representation’ against certain contemporary critiques. Some authors, likeAnthony Chemero, argue that it is possible to explain offline actions with dynamic concepts. Hence, the dynamic discourse preempts the representational one. I doubt that this is a recommendable strategy. A form of representation is necessary, though one which is different from the classical one. Instead of eliminating the concept of representation (as radical dynamicists do) or of splitting (...)
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  28.  17
    Individual strategies and state strategies: the shaping of French Caribbean emigration by gender relations.Stéphanie Condon - 2020 - Clio 51:119-141.
    Les recherches ayant permis de sortir de l’invisibilité l’histoire de la migration antillaise mettent généralement l’accent sur sa place parmi les « migrations de travail » dans la France des années 1950-1970, sur le rôle de l’État dans l’expatriation des migrants, puis des discriminations subies. Relativement absente de la littérature est une vision des stratégies des individus, stratégies façonnées par les motifs du départ des Antilles puis par les attentes et les projets de vie à plus long terme. S’appuyant sur (...)
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  29. Structural representation and the two problems of content.Jonny Lee - 2019 - Mind and Language 34 (5):606-626.
    A promising strategy for defending the role that representation plays in explanations of cognition frames the concept in terms of internal models or map‐like mechanisms. “Structural representation” offers an account of representation that is grounded in well‐specified, empirical criteria. However, anti‐representationalists continue to press the issue of how to account for the paradigmatic semantic properties of representation at the subpersonal level. In this paper, I offer an account of how the proponent of structural representation should think about content. There are (...)
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  30.  76
    Representations in Distributed Cognitive Tasks.Jiaje Zhang & Donald A. Norman - 1994 - Cognitive Science 18 (1):87-122.
    In this article we propose a theoretical framework of distributed representations and a methodology of representational analysis for the study of distributed cognitive tasks—tasks that require the processing of information distributed across the internal mind and the external environment. The basic principle of distributed representations Is that the representational system of a distributed cognitive task is a set of internal and external representations, which together represent the abstract structure of the task. The basic strategy of representational analysis (...)
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    Modeling Strategies for Measuring Phenomena In- and Outside the Laboratory.Marcel Boumans - 2011 - In Henk W. De Regt, Stephan Hartmann & Samir Okasha, EPSA Philosophy of Science: Amsterdam 2009. Springer. pp. 1--11.
    The Representational Theory of Measurement conceives measurement as establishing homomorphisms from empirical relational structures into numerical relation structures, called models. There are two different approaches to deal with the justification of a model: an axiomatic and an empirical approach. The axiomatic approach verifies whether a given relational structure satisfies certain axioms to secure homomorphic mapping. The empirical approach conceives models to function as measuring instruments by transferring observations of a phenomenon under investigation into quantitative facts about that phenomenon. These (...)
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  32. Representation and the imperfect ideal.Charles Wallis - 1994 - Philosophy of Science 61 (3):407-28.
    This paper examines the nomic covariationist strategy of using idealization to define representation. While the literature has focused upon the possibility of defining ideal conditions for perception, I argue that nomic covariationist appeals to idealization are pseudoscientific and contrary to a foundational and empirically well-supported methodological presupposition in cognitive science. Moreover, one major figure in this camp fails to come to grips with its role and its problems in mainstream science. Thus he forwards a false dichotomy of the sciences and (...)
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  33.  23
    Spontaneous Representations of Disability and Attitudes toward Inclusive Educational Practices: a Mixed Approach.Alexandra Maftei & Alois Gherguț - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (2).
    The present study's primary aims were a) to explore non-disabled adults' spontaneous representation of disability and the specific associations related to adults and children with disabilities; to investigate participants' general perception of specific inclusive educational practices and the potential impact of contact with disabled individuals on children. We used a mixed approach in a sample of 628 participants aged 18 to 82. Our results suggested that most explicit representations of disability were negatively valenced, i.e., people generally used pessimistic and detrimental (...)
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    Strategie van de vrouwenbeweging bij parlementsverkiezingen.Mia Nysmans - 1977 - Res Publica 19 (3):469-491.
    The problem of political apathy and poor representation of women in the Belgian parliament bas been focused and seriously challenged with the 1974 parliamentary elections. Two different strategies hereby have been developed: on the one hand a separate, exclusive feminist party ; on the other hand a strategy of female candidates on the more conventional ballots. The effects of both strategies are quite remarkable : whereas the newcoming feminist party was struggling with breakthrough problems, the female candidate strategy (...)
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    Discursive representation of Boko Haram terrorism in selected Nigerian newspapers.Ayo Osisanwo - 2016 - Discourse and Communication 10 (4):341-362.
    Studies on terrorism with bias towards Boko Haram have mainly been carried out from non-linguistic fields. The few linguistics-related studies that have examined the media reportage of the BH activities, with emphasis on the discourse and linguistic strategies deployed in the representations, have not been sufficient. This study, therefore, identifies the linguistic and discourse strategies deployed by selected newspapers in representing the BH and other social actors. For data, headline and overline stories are purposively sampled from four newspapers, (...)
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    Representation of Illness, Disability, and Ageing in Visual Arts, Dance, and Theatre as a Way of Combating Social Exclusion.Magdalena Grenda - 2024 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 15 (3).
    Since the mid-20th century, there has been a noticeable shift of interest in topics related to disability, illness, old age and the discourse of exclusion, both in practice and theory. Numerous artists, who often employed diverse strategies and aesthetics in their works, would confront similar themes, engaging in activities aimed at counteracting various forms and manifestations of social ostracism. This article describes and analyzes selected projects by Polish representatives of critical art and independent theatre which address these issues. The (...)
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    Indigenous knowledges : a genealogy of representations and applications in developing contexts of environmental education and development in southern Africa.Soul Shava - unknown
    This study was developed around concerns about how indigenous knowledges have been represented and applied in environment and development education. The first phase of the study is a genealogical analysis after Michel Foucault. This probes representations and applications of plant-based indigenous knowledge in selected anthropological, botanical and environmental education texts in southern Africa. The emerging insights were deepened using a Social Realism vantage point after Margaret Archer to shed light on agential issues in environmental education and development contexts. Here her (...)
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  38. Perception, Representation, Realism, and Function.Alison Ann Springle - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (5):1202-1213.
    According to orthodox representationalism, perceptual states have constitutive veridicality or accuracy conditions. In defense of this view, several philosophers—most notably Tyler Burge—employ a realist strategy that turns on the purported explanatory ineliminability of representational posits in perceptual science. I argue that Burge’s version of the realist strategy fails as a defense of orthodox representationalism. However, it may vindicate a different kind of representationalism.
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    Text, Author-Function, and Appropriation in Modern Narrative: Toward a Sociology of Representation.Robert Weimann - 1988 - Critical Inquiry 14 (3):431-447.
    To talk about the sociology of literary representation is, first and foremost, to propose to historicize representational activity at that crucial point where its social and linguistic dimensions intersect.1 The troublesome incongruity between these two dimensions need not be minimized, but it can be grappled with as soon as the presuppositions of either the hegemony of the subject or that of language itself are questioned. In this view, the position of George Lukács tends to ignore the state of extreme (...)
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    Objective Representation and Non-Physical Entities.Alireza Mazarian - 2022 - Essays in Philosophy 23 (1):60-82.
    What can we learn about the existence of non-physical entities from close inquiry into special kinds of experiences? Contemporary analytic philosophy has sometimes studied mystic experiences as evidence for the existence of such entities. The article is organized as follows: first, I discuss several distinctions that seem to me to play substantive roles in philosophizing about such experiences. I will then offer and criticize two arguments that support the significance of the experiences. The arguments do not show whether a non-physical (...)
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    Neural Representations Beyond “Plus X”.Vivian Cruz & Alessio Plebe - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (1):93-117.
    In this paper we defend structural representations, more specifically neural structural representation. We are not alone in this, many are currently engaged in this endeavor. The direction we take, however, diverges from the main road, a road paved by the mathematical theory of measure that, in the 1970s, established homomorphism as the way to map empirical domains of things in the world to the codomain of numbers. By adopting the mind as codomain, this mapping became a boon for all those (...)
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  42. Two faces of representation: on the neuroscience of folk psychology.Daniel F. Hartner - 2013 - Biology and Philosophy 28 (3):523-539.
    Much work in contemporary philosophy of mind and neurophilosophy hinges on the concept of ‘representation,’ but that concept inherits a problematic ambiguity from neuroscience, where scientists may distinguish between cognitive and physiological levels of representation only tacitly. First, I explicate two potentially distinct senses of representation corresponding to these levels. I then argue that ambiguity about the nature of representation in philosophy of mind is problematic for at least one prominent philosophical project that aims to use neuroscientific work on representation (...)
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    Representational trajectories in connectionist learning.Andy Clark - 1994 - Minds and Machines 4 (3):317-32.
    The paper considers the problems involved in getting neural networks to learn about highly structured task domains. A central problem concerns the tendency of networks to learn only a set of shallow (non-generalizable) representations for the task, i.e., to miss the deep organizing features of the domain. Various solutions are examined, including task specific network configuration and incremental learning. The latter strategy is the more attractive, since it holds out the promise of a task-independent solution to the problem. Once we (...)
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  44. Trading spaces: Computation, representation, and the limits of uninformed learning.Andy Clark & Chris Thornton - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (1):57-66.
    Some regularities enjoy only an attenuated existence in a body of training data. These are regularities whose statistical visibility depends on some systematic recoding of the data. The space of possible recodings is, however, infinitely large – it is the space of applicable Turing machines. As a result, mappings that pivot on such attenuated regularities cannot, in general, be found by brute-force search. The class of problems that present such mappings we call the class of “type-2 problems.” Type-1 problems, by (...)
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    Intentions and Representations.Shaun Gallagher - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (72):367-379.
    Kathy Wilkes’s essays on explanations and representations, and especially her interaction with Daniel Dennett, raise questions about whether some notion of representation can explain action intention. Wilkes is not sure whether subpersonal representations are real, but she thinks that the most pragmatic strategy is to take the intentional stance and accept the usefulness of personal level intentions, even if we have to worry that this does not give us a scientific explanation. Wilkes’s skepticism about subpersonal representations, and even about the (...)
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    On Theory and Genocide Probing the Limits of Representation: Nazism and the "Final Solution" Saul Friedlander Poethics and Other Strategies of Law and Literature Richard Weisberg.Jeffrey Mehlman - 1993 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 5 (1):193-200.
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    Représenter une reine de France. Marie de Médicis et le cycle de Rubens au palais du Luxembourg.Fanny Cosandey - 2004 - Clio 19.
    En commandant à Rubens un cycle exclusivement consacré à sa gloire, Marie de Médicis entend affirmer à toute l’Europe son retour au pouvoir. Au-delà du récit biographique, l’œuvre picturale délivre un message politique fort qui justifie, et légitime, la reine mère dans le gouvernement. Pour parvenir à ses fins, et donner d’elle-même l’image d’une souveraine toute puissante sans transgresser ouvertement les principes monarchiques, Marie de Médicis joue de toutes ses qualités, de femme, de reine, de mère, dans un cycle complexe (...)
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    Rational representations of uncertainty: a pluralistic approach to bounded rationality.Isaac Davis - 2024 - Synthese 203 (5):1-30.
    An increasingly prevalent approach to studying human cognition is to construe the mind as optimally allocating limited cognitive resources among cognitive processes. Under this bounded rationality approach (Icard in Philos Sci 85(1):79–101, 2018; Simon in Utility and probability, Palgrave Macmillan, 1980), it is common to assume that resource-bounded cognitive agents approximate normative solutions to statistical inference problems, and that much of the bias and variability in human performance can be explained in terms of the approximation strategies we employ. In (...)
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    Realism and the Drama of Reference Strategies of Representation in Balzac, Flaubert, and James.Meili Steele - 1988 - University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press.
    While most studies of reference focus on the relationship of the individual proposition to the world, this book looks at the problem of reference through the holistic lens of the practices and assumptions that inform the construction of literary worlds. Beginning with Balzac’s arguments for establishing his version of realism, Realism and the Drama of Reference then moves to Flaubert’s challenge to those realist norms and assumptions in its depiction of setting, narration, dialogue, and character. Henry James rejects the practices (...)
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  50. Representation in the Prediction Error Minimization Framework.Alex Kiefer & Jakob Hohwy - 2009 - In Sarah Robins, John Symons & Paco Calvo, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Psychology. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 384-409.
    This chapter focuses on what’s novel in the perspective that the prediction error minimization (PEM) framework affords on the cognitive-scientific project of explaining intelligence by appeal to internal representations. It shows how truth-conditional and resemblance-based approaches to representation in generative models may be integrated. The PEM framework in cognitive science is an approach to cognition and perception centered on a simple idea: organisms represent the world by constantly predicting their own internal states. PEM theories often stress the hierarchical structure of (...)
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