Results for ' rational actor model'

965 found
  1. Devoted actor versus rational actor models for understanding world conflict presented to the national security council at the white house, september 14, 2006.Scott Atran - unknown
    Ever since the end of the Second World War, Rational Actor models have dominated strategic thinking at all levels of government policy and military planning. In the confrontation between states, and especially during the Cold War, these models were insightful and useful in anticipating a wide array of challenges and in stabilizing the world peace enough to prevent nuclear war. But now our society faces a whole new range of challenges from non-state actors who are committed to die (...)
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  2. Do anthropologists use rational actor models? The case of Marilyn Strathern.Terence Rajivan Edward - 2022 - IJRDO - Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 7 (3).
    Economics uses rational actor models, but what about anthropology? I present an interpretation of the influential anthropologist Marilyn Strathern according to which she engages in a kind of rational actor modelling, but a kind that is different from economic modelling.
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  3. The death of A.J. Ayer, rational actor models, and the curriculum.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This paper reflects on an article that appeared after the death of A.J. Ayer, which complains about what British philosophers focus on. I propose that the content of the philosophy curriculum can be predicted from a rational actor model.
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    Rationalism and the “rational actor assumption” in realist international relations theory.Colin Wight & Brian C. Schmidt - 2023 - Journal of International Political Theory 19 (2):158-182.
    The commitment to the rational actor model of state behavior is said to be a core assumption of realist theory. This assumption is listed in most textbook accounts of realism. Yet is rationality a core supposition of realist theory, and if so, what kind of rationality is implied in these claims? Debate on the relationship between realism, and what is often labeled as rationality is replete with misunderstandings. Authors deploy terms such as rationality, rationalism, and rational (...)
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  5. A framework for the unification of the behavioral sciences.Herbert Gintis - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (1):1-16.
    The various behavioral disciplines model human behavior in distinct and incompatible ways. Yet, recent theoretical and empirical developments have created the conditions for rendering coherent the areas of overlap of the various behavioral disciplines. The analytical tools deployed in this task incorporate core principles from several behavioral disciplines. The proposed framework recognizes evolutionary theory, covering both genetic and cultural evolution, as the integrating principle of behavioral science. Moreover, if decision theory and game theory are broadened to encompass other-regarding preferences, (...)
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    Towards the unity of the human behavioral sciences.Herbert Gintis - 2004 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 3 (1):37-57.
    Despite their distinct objects of study, the human behavioral sciences all include models of individual human behavior. Unity in the behavioral sciences requires that there be a common underlying model of individual human behavior, specialized and enriched to meet the particular needs of each discipline. Such unity does not exist, and cannot be easily attained, since the various disciplines have incompatible models and disparate research methodologies. Yet recent theoretical and empirical developments have created the conditions for unity in the (...)
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    Rational agency in evolutionary perspective.Kim Sterelny & Ben Jeffares - 2010 - In Timothy O'Connor & Constantine Sandis (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Action. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 374–383.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Rational Agents and the Conceptual Background Beyond Homo economicus Informational Resources A Poisoned Chalice? What Is to Be Done? References.
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    Rationality versus program-based behavior.Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (1):29-30.
    For Herbert Gintis, the “rational actor,” or “beliefs, preferences, and constraints (BPC),” model is central to his unifying framework for the behavioral sciences. It is not argued here that this model is refuted by evidence. Instead, this model relies ubiquitously on auxiliary assumptions, and is evacuated of much meaning when applied to both human and nonhuman organisms. An alternative perspective of “program-based behavior” is more consistent with evolutionary principles. (Published Online April 27 2007).
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    A pluralist–expressivist critique of the pet trade.Kimberly K. Smith - 2009 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22 (3):241-256.
    Elizabeth Anderson’s “pluralist–expressivist” value theory, an alternative to the understanding of value and rationality underlying the “rational actormodel of human behavior, provides rich resources for addressing questions of environmental and animal ethics. It is particularly well-suited to help us think about the ethics of commodification, as I demonstrate in this critique of the pet trade. I argue that Anderson’s approach identifies the proper grounds for criticizing the commodification of animals, and directs our attention to the importance (...)
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  10. Constrained maximization reconsidered — an elaboration and critique of Gauthier's modelling of rational cooperation in a single prisoner's dilemma.Maarten Franssen - 1994 - Synthese 101 (2):249 - 272.
    Gauthier's argument for constrained maximization, presented inMorals by Agreement, is perfected by taking into account the possibility of accidental exploitation and discussing the limitations on the values of the parameters which measure the translucency of the actors. Gauthier's argument is nevertheless shown to be defective concerning the rationality of constrained maximization as a strategic choice. It can be argued that it applies only to a single actor entering a population of individuals who are themselves not rational actors but (...)
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    Rational vs. Adaptive Egoism in Support Networks: How Different Micro Foundations Shape Different Macro Hypotheses.Andreas Flache & Rainer Hegselmann - 1998 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 5:261-275.
    In the following we study the evolution of support networks among egoists who differ widely in their degree of neediness, are free to choose their partners, and do so in opportunistic ways. No central authority is involved. The question we address is to what degree and under what aspect it shapes the structure of emerging solidarity networks whether we model egoistic actors as rational actors in a game theoretical sense or as adaptive actors, i.e. learning beings following a (...)
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  12. Behavioral Game Theory and Contemporary.Herbert Gintis - 2005 - Analyse & Kritik 27 (1):48-72.
    It is widely believed that experimental results of behavioral game theory undermine standard economic and game theory. This paper suggests that experimental results present serious theoretical modeling challenges, but do not undermine two pillars of contemporary economic theory: the rational actor model, which holds that individual choice can be modeled as maximization of an objective function subject to informational and material constraints, and the incentive compatibility requirement, which holds that macroeconomic quantities must be derived from the interaction (...)
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    Rational choice theory in sociology.Robert J. Holton - 1995 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 9 (4):519-537.
    James Coleman attempted to reconcile rational choice theory with the classical sociological concerns: the relationship between the individual and society, and the historical and normative status of rationality. He identifies limits to the rational choice model, and suggests some promising but ultimately unconvincing ways around them. His project does, however, offer an important critique of Weber's theory of bureaucracy, which is of value in analyzing relationships between corporate actors and particular persons.
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    Mathematical models of foreign policy decision-making: Compensatory vs. noncompensatory.Alex Mintz, Nehemia Geva & Karl Derouen - 1994 - Synthese 100 (3):441 - 460.
    There are presently two leading foreign policy decision-making paradigms in vogue. The first is based on the classical or rational model originally posited by von Neumann and Morgenstern to explain microeconomic decisions. The second is based on the cybernetic perspective whose groundwork was laid by Herbert Simon in his early research on bounded rationality. In this paper we introduce a third perspective — thepoliheuristic theory of decision-making — as an alternative to the rational actor and cybernetic (...)
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    Mathematical Models of Foreign Policy Decision-Making: Compensatory vs. Noncompensatory.Alex Mintz, Nehemia Geva & Karl Derouen Jr - 1994 - Synthese 100 (3):441 - 460.
    There are presently two leading foreign policy decision-making paradigms in vogue. The first is based on the classical or rational model originally posited by von Neumann and Morgenstern to explain microeconomic decisions. The second is based on the cybernetic perspective whose groundwork was laid by Herbert Simon in his early research on bounded rationality. In this paper we introduce a third perspective -- the poliheuristic theory of decision-making -- as an alternative to the rational actor and (...)
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    Alienation of Rationality: Threats, Challenges and Thinking Posthumanism.Sviatoslav Vyshynskyi - 2024 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 4:53-61.
    The article is devoted to the problem of artificial intelligence and the challenges of “smart technologies”, which threaten the autonomy of human mind and the existence of human itself. The author states the crisis situation of contemporary culture, the existential fatigue of humanity, which manifests itself in the intention to delegate one’s own subjectivity, will and rationality to external actors – namely the Internet, artificial intelligence, and robotics. The article discovers the alienation of the fundamental quality of a thinking person (...)
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  17. The Political Economy of Terrorism.Walter Enders & Todd Sandler - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Political Economy of Terrorism presents a widely accessible political economy approach to the study of terrorism. It applies economic methodology – theoretical and empirical – combined with political analysis and realities to the study of domestic and transnational terrorism. In so doing, the book provides both a qualitative and quantitative investigation of terrorism in a balanced up-to-date presentation that informs students, policy makers, researchers and the general reader of the current state of knowledge. Included are historical aspects, a discussion (...)
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    Virtue Ethics and Contractarianism.Bill Shaw - 1995 - Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (2):297-312.
    The notion of rationality underlying contemporary business and business ethics, or the “rational actormodel of moral decision-making in business, links a roughly utilitarian notion of the good to a contractarian notion of human agency. The “C-Umodel” provides inadequate means for explaining how business people do or ought to behave or think about their behavior, because the notion of rationality upon which it relies is far too narrow a picture of business people’s character. An alternative to these (...)
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    Rational Laziness - When Time Is Limited, Supply Abundant, and Decisions Have to Be Made.Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund - 2016 - Analyse & Kritik 38 (1):203-226.
    This paper expands the model of rational action by introducing a new concept. rational laziness, to better understand actors’ decision making. In addition to rational information processing, human beings often rely on automatic and lion-cognitive mental capacities, and I use the term mental laziness to account for information processing based on these capacities. When time is limited, supply abundant, and decisions have to be made, mental laziness might be a rational decision device. Actors’ choice of (...)
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    The Rationality Principle: An Attempt at Synthesis.Alfonso Palacio-Vera - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (5):726-737.
    ABSTRACT The status and role of Popper’s ‘Rationality Principle’ (RP) is still the subject of disputes. The ‘prevailing view’ among Popper’s commentators seems to be that RP is better interpreted as a methodological principle. Yet, this view is challenged in a recent study where RP is interpreted as an‘idealization’. We critically review these two accounts of RP and propose a novel one according to which RP is, first and foremost, the scientific version of a heuristic that ordinary people unconsciously use (...)
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    Framing Democracy: A Behavioral Approach to Democratic Theory.Jamie Terence Kelly - 2012 - Princeton University Press.
    The past thirty years have seen a surge of empirical research into political decision making and the influence of framing effects — the phenomenon that occurs when different but equivalent presentations of a decision problem elicit different judgments or preferences. During the same period, political philosophers have become increasingly interested in democratic theory, particularly in deliberative theories of democracy. Unfortunately, the empirical and philosophical studies of democracy have largely proceeded in isolation from each other. As a result, philosophical treatments of (...)
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  22.  58
    Theory of practice, rational choice, and historical change.Ivan Ermakoff - 2010 - Theory and Society 39 (5):527-553.
    If we are to believe the proponents of the Theory of Practice and of Rational Choice, the gap between these two paradigmatic approaches cannot be bridged. They rely on ontological premises, theories of motivations and causal models that stand too far apart. In this article, I argue that this theoretical antinomy loses much of its edge when we take as objects of sociological investigation processes of historical change, that is, when we try to specify in theoretical terms how and (...)
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    Is educational policy making rational — and what would that mean, anyway?Eric Bredo - 2009 - Educational Theory 59 (5):533-547.
    In Moderating the Debate: Rationality and the Promise of American Education, Michael Feuer raises concerns about the consequences of basing educational policy on the model of rational choice drawn from economics. Policy making would be better and more realistic, he suggests, if it were based on a newer procedural model drawn from cognitive science. In this essay Eric Bredo builds on Feuer's analysis by offering a more systematic critique of the traditional model of rationality that Feuer (...)
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  24. Arguing with villagers: opposition to the idea of the lazy inhabitant of Elmdon.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    I present an argument Marilyn Strathern makes against characterizing Elmdon villagers as innately lazy. It looks as if the eventual direction of this material is going to be a rational actor model.
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  25. On How to Build a Moral Machine.Paul Bello & Selmer Bringsjord - 2013 - Topoi 32 (2):251-266.
    Herein we make a plea to machine ethicists for the inclusion of constraints on their theories consistent with empirical data on human moral cognition. As philosophers, we clearly lack widely accepted solutions to issues regarding the existence of free will, the nature of persons and firm conditions on moral agency/patienthood; all of which are indispensable concepts to be deployed by any machine able to make moral judgments. No agreement seems forthcoming on these matters, and we don’t hold out hope for (...)
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    Perspectives, norms, and agency.Ryan Muldoon - 2017 - Social Philosophy and Policy 34 (1):260-276.
    A core set of assumptions in economic modeling is that rational agents, who have a defined preference set, assess their options and determine which best satisfies their preferences. The rational actor model supposes that the world provides us with a menu of options, and we simply choose what’s best for us. Agents are independent of one another, and they can rationally assess which of their options they wish to pursue. This gives special authority to the choices (...)
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    Preferential parental investment in daughters over sons.Lee Cronk - 1991 - Human Nature 2 (4):387-417.
    Female-biased parental investment is unusual but not unknown in human societies. Relevant explanatory models include Fisher’s principle, the Trivers-Willard model, local mate and resource competition and enhancement, and economic rational actor models. Possible evidence of female-biased parental investment includes sex ratios, mortality rates, parents’ stated preferences for offspring of one sex, and direct and indirect measurements of actual parental behavior. Possible examples of female-biased parental investment include the Mukogodo of Kenya, the Ifalukese of Micronesia, the Cheyenne of (...)
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    Agency, Desire, and Changing Organizational Routines.Caleb Bernacchio - 2018 - Philosophy of Management 17 (3):279-301.
    Feldman (Organization Science 11(6): 611–629, 2000) describes the striving mechanism as a mode of routine change driven by successful organizational routines. Striving describes a process by which organization members gain a better understanding of the ideals undergirding their actions. In turn, this insight drives changes within routines. In this paper, I argue that the rational actor model, especially as articulated in Donald Davidson’s (1963) theory of action, is unable to account for the striving mechanism of endogenous routine (...)
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  29. Social deliberation: Nash, Bayes, and the partial vindication of Gabriele Tarde.J. McKenzie Alexander - 2009 - Episteme 6 (2):164-184.
    At the very end of the 19th century, Gabriele Tarde wrote that all society was a product of imitation and innovation. This view regarding the development of society has, to a large extent, fallen out of favour, and especially so in those areas where the rational actor model looms large. I argue that this is unfortunate, as models of imitative learning, in some cases, agree better with what people actually do than more sophisticated models of learning. In (...)
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    Normanerkennung, -befolgung und Economic Behavior

    Eine Studie zu Verbindlichkeitsstrukturen im Wirtschaftsrecht am Beispiel der Corporate Governance.
    Brigitte Haar - 2014 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 100 (2):219-242.
    The interdependence between compliance with norms and economic behavior can be highlighted by the effects of corporate governance codes. Their underlying comply or explain mechanism is first compared with the economic theory of corporate law. Diverging empirical studies on the effect of capital market pressure on compliance with codes leave room for different compliance mechanisms, which can be compared with the discussion on corporate social responsibility and its underlying business cases. The emerging common ground between economic motivation and social interests (...)
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    The Margins of the Rational Man: Fluid Identities in Eighteenth-Century Biography.William Over - 2012 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 2 (2):27-45.
    This study will explore the Enlightenment conception of the individual of reason, its attempted formulations in actor biographies, and its ultimate denial by the reality of human identity as multiple, fluid, and dialogical. Such fluidity sought to overcome the marginal status of the stage player through the embodiment of rational models of personality. Some stage celebrities, most notably David Garrick, were offering themselves as public models of identity for the new age of reasoned discourse. This involved the presentation (...)
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    Reclaiming the human stratum, acknowledging the complexity of social behaviour: From the linguistic turn to the social cube in theory of decision-making.Touko Piiparinen - 2006 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 36 (4):425–452.
    Roy Bhaskar's Social Cube model based on critical realist philosophy has not been dealt with in theory of decision-making at any length, nor has it raised any notable debate in social theory in general. The model demonstrates that decision-making is regulated and transformed by a constantly evolving complexity of mechanisms emerging from physical, mental, material, human and social levels of reality. With the help of this device, Graham Allison's argument against the Rational Actor Model that (...)
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  33. Hubert L. Dreyfus and Stuart E. Dreyfus.Model Of Rationality - 1978 - In A. Hooker, J. J. Leach & E. F. McClennen (eds.), Foundations and Applications of Decision Theory: Vol.II: Epistemic and Social Applications. D. Reidel. pp. 115.
  34.  44
    Beyond Individual Choice: Teams and Frames in Game Theory.Natalie Gold & Robert Sugden (eds.) - 2006 - Princeton University Press.
    Game theory is central to modern understandings of how people deal with problems of coordination and cooperation. Yet, ironically, it cannot give a straightforward explanation of some of the simplest forms of human coordination and cooperation--most famously, that people can use the apparently arbitrary features of "focal points" to solve coordination problems, and that people sometimes cooperate in "prisoner's dilemmas." Addressing a wide readership of economists, sociologists, psychologists, and philosophers, Michael Bacharach here proposes a revision of game theory that resolves (...)
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    The Economics of Economists: Institutional Setting, Individual Incentives and Future Prospects.Alessandro Lanteri & Jack Vromen (eds.) - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    The profession of academic economics has been widely criticized for being excessively dependent on technical models based on unrealistic assumptions about rationality and individual behavior, and yet it remains a sparsely studied area. This volume presents a series of background readings on the profession by leading scholars in the history of economic thought and economic methodology. Adopting a fresh critique, the contributors investigate the individual incentives prevalent in academic economics, describing economists as rational actors who react to their intellectual (...)
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    Index.John Teehan - 2010-03-19 - In Michael Boylan (ed.), In the Name of God. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 259–272.
    The prelims comprise: Half‐Title Page Wiley Series Page Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Page Table of Contents Acknowledgments.
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    The concept of political representation from Hobbes to Marx.Georgios Daremas - unknown
    The object of this thesis is the examination of the concept of political representation in the corpus of Hobbes, Locke, Hegel and Marx. Through the method of textualreconstruction I foreground the concept’s salience in their writings. Political representation constitutes a unitary political society as the basis of representative government by entrusting to a separate part of the political community the exercise of the legislative and executive functions on behalf of the political society. Hobbes’s author-actor model grounded the concept (...)
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    Insecurity, Conformity and Community: James Coleman's Latent Theoretical Model of Action.Gad Yair - 2008 - European Journal of Social Theory 11 (1):51-70.
    James S. Coleman was the major proponent of rational choice theory. This article challenges the traditional reading of his work by showing that under the explicit theory of rational choice lay a latent non-rational theory of action. The article shows that instead of rationality, Coleman's psychological starting point was existential insecurity; that instead of the alleged mechanism of the maximization of utility, actors choose to conform to peer values and norms in order to alleviate insecurity; and that (...)
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  39. An evolutionary theory of commons management.Rob Boyd - manuscript
    Our aim in this chapter is to draw lessons from current theory on the evolution of human cooperation for the management of contemporary commons. Evolutionary theorists have long been interested in cooperation but social scientists have documented patterns of cooperation in humans that present unusual problems for conventional evolutionary theory (and for rational choice explanations as well). Humans often cooperate with nonrelatives and are prone to cooperate in one-shot games. Cooperation is quite dependent on social institutions. We believe that (...)
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    Does Business and Society Scholarship Matter to Society? Pursuing a Normative Agenda with Critical Realism and Neoinstitutional Theory.Tyler Earle Wry - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (2):151-171.
    To date, B&S researchers have pursued their normative aims through strategic and moral arguments that are limited because they adopt a rational actor behavioral model and firm-level focus. I argue that it would be beneficial for B&S scholars to pursue alternate approaches based on critical realism (CR) and neoinstitutional theory (IT). Such a shift would have a number of benefits. For one, CR and IT recognize the complex roots of firm behavior and provide tools for its investigation. (...)
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    Triumph und Grenzen des Marktes: Erwiderung auf Gebhard Kirchgässner: „Auf der Suche nach dem Gespenst des Ökonomismus“ (Analyse & Kritik 19, 127-152}. [REVIEW]Jens Beckert - 1998 - Analyse & Kritik 20 (2):205-220.
    While markets are important mechanisms for coordination of social exchange it has to be looked at their limits and preconditions as well. This paper advocates three claims: First, under conditions of externalities and asymmetric distribution of information the eflicient functioning of markets depends on non-market institutions. Second, social limitations of the expansion of markets reflect a value-realm in which society constitutes itself. These values, though they change, are normatively immune against efficiency consideration. Third, the rational-actor model of (...)
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    Seeking allies: Modelling how listeners choose their musical friends. [REVIEW]Dave Billinge & Tom Addis - 2008 - Foundations of Science 13 (1):53-66.
    In this paper we describe in some detail a formal computer model of inferential discourse based on a belief system. The key issue is that a logical model in a computer, based on rational sets, can usefully model a human situation based on irrational sets. The background of this work is explained elsewhere, as is the issue of rational and irrational sets (Billinge and Addis, in: Magnani and Dossena (eds.), Computing, philosophy and cognition, 2004; Stepney (...)
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    Against Nature: The Metaphysics of Information Systems.David Kreps - 2018 - London, UK: Routledge.
    Against Nature – Chapter Abstracts Chapter 1. A Transdisciplinary Approach. In this short book you will find philosophy – metaphysical and political - economics, critical theory, complexity theory, ecology, sociology, journalism, and much else besides, along with the signposts and reference texts of the Information Systems field. Such transdisciplinarity is a challenge for both author and reader. Such books are often problematic: sections that are just old hat to one audience are by contrast completely new and difficult to another. My (...)
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  44. Teaching Ethics, Heuristics, and Biases.Robert Prentice - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 1 (1):55-72.
    Although economists often model decision makers as rational actors, the heuristics and biases literature that springs from the work of Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman and his late colleague Amos Tversky demonstrates that people make decisions that depart from the optimal model in systematic ways. These cognitive and behavioral limitations not only cause inefficient decision making, but also lead people to make decisions that are unethical. This article seeks to introduce a selected portion of the heuristics and (...)
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    An evolutionary theory of commons management.Peter Richerson - manuscript
    Our aim in this chapter is to draw lessons from current theory on the evolution of human cooperation for the management of contemporary commons. Evolutionary theorists have long been interested in cooperation but social scientists have documented patterns of cooperation in humans that present unusual problems for conventional evolutionary theory (and for rational choice explanations as well). Humans often cooperate with nonrelatives and are prone to cooperate in one-shot games. Cooperation is quite dependent on social institutions. We believe that (...)
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    Water Management: Sacrificing Normative Practice Subverting the Traditions of Water Apportionment—‘Whose Justice? Which Rationality?’.Mehdi F. Harandi, Mahdi G. Nia & Marc J. de Vries - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (5):1241-1269.
    Since current water governance patterns mandate cooperation and partnership within and between the actors in the hydrosystems, supplementary models are necessary to distinguish the roles and the rules of indoor actions which is why we extend a theory in the frameworks of philosophy of technology. This analysis is empirically grounded on the problematic hydrosystems of a river in central Iran, Zayandehrud. Following a modernist-holistic-based analysis, it illustrates how values in the water apportionment mechanisms are being reshaped. The article by using (...)
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  47. Rational Actor Perspectives.Geoffrey Brennan & Pettit & Philip - 2005 - In Frank Jackson & Michael Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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    Rational actors? Hippias and Aristogeiton.Eleni Panagiotarakou - 2019 - Schole 13 (1):19-31.
    This paper seeks to address the extent to which ancient historical actors might be seen to have exhibited what might be described as rational motives. In particular, it examines a number of strategic interactions employed by the Athenian tyrant Hippias in his interactions of Aristogeiton, the protagonist of an unsuccessful coup d’etat. A secondary objective of this paper is to explore Hippias’ reactionary policies following his brother’s assassination, namely, whether Hippias’ choice of external allies, in the face of possible (...)
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  49. Rational actors in macrosociological analysis.James S. Coleman - 1979 - In Ross Harrison (ed.), Rational action: studies in philosophy and social science. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 75--91.
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    Why actor models are integral to structural analysis.Joseph M. Whitmeyer - 1994 - Sociological Theory 12 (2):153-165.
    Some versions of structuralism consider actors to be necessary for structural analysis; others argue that they are not. All versions of structuralism consider social structure to be analytically independent of actors. I show through examples and subsequently through deduction that this position is wrong. That is, any conceptualization of social structure necessarily involves a conception of its constituent actors. Moreover, I generalize this point to argue that the structure of scientific knowledge follows a multilevel modeling approach: theory at every level (...)
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