Results for ' question of ethics and regulation of research using human embryos'

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  1.  54
    Reviews in Medical Ethics: The Ethics and Regulation of Research with Human Subjects, Carl Coleman, Jerry Menikoff, Jesse Goldner, and Nancy Dubler, eds., (LexisNexis) 2005.David B. Resnik - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (2):465-466.
    The Ethics and Regulation of Research with Human Subjects, edited by Professors Carl Coleman of Seton Hall, Jerry Menikoff of the University of Kansas, Jesse Goldner of Saint Louis University, and Nancy Dubler of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, is an up-to-date and authoritative collection of readings on ethical, legal, and policy issues in research with human subjects. The authors have modeled their text on the casebook style commonly used in law schools. At (...)
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    Research Using Preimplantation Human Embryos.Mary Warnock & Peter Braude - 1998 - In Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer (eds.), A Companion to Bioethics. Malden, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 487–494.
    This chapter contains sections titled: References Further reading.
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    Potentiality switches and epistemic uncertainty: the Argument from Potential in times of human embryo-like structures.Ana M. Pereira Daoud, Wybo J. Dondorp, Annelien L. Bredenoord & Guido M. W. R. De Wert - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 27 (1):37-48.
    Recent advancements in developmental biology enable the creation of embryo-like structures from human stem cells, which we refer to as human embryo-like structures (hELS). These structures provide promising tools to complement—and perhaps ultimately replace—the use of human embryos in clinical and fundamental research. But what if these hELS—when further improved—also have a claim to moral status? What would that imply for their research use? In this paper, we explore these questions in relation to the (...)
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    Evaluating the science and ethics of research on humans: a guide for IRB members.Dennis John Mazur - 2007 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    Biomedical research on humans is an important part of medical progress. But, when lives are at risk, safety and ethical practices need to be the top priority. The need for the committees that regulate and oversee such research -- institutional review boards, or IRBs -- is growing. IRB members face difficult decisions every day. Evaluating the Science and Ethics of Research on Humans is a guide for new and veteran members of IRBs that will help them (...)
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    No ethical divide between China and the West in human embryo research.Xiaomei Zhai, Vincent Ng & Reidar Lie - 2016 - Developing World Bioethics 16 (2):116-120.
    This is a discussion of the reaction to the recent research article publication in the journal Protein & Cell by a group of scientists at Sun Yat-sen University using the CRISPR/Cas9 technique on editing non-viable human zygotes. Many commentators condemned the Chinese scientists for overstepping ethical boundaries long accepted in Western countries and accused China of having lax regulations on genomic research in general. We argue that not only did this research follow strict ethical standards (...)
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    On the Contribution of Neuroethics to the Ethics and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence.Michele Farisco, Kathinka Evers & Arleen Salles - 2022 - Neuroethics 15 (1):1-12.
    Contemporary ethical analysis of Artificial Intelligence is growing rapidly. One of its most recognizable outcomes is the publication of a number of ethics guidelines that, intended to guide governmental policy, address issues raised by AI design, development, and implementation and generally present a set of recommendations. Here we propose two things: first, regarding content, since some of the applied issues raised by AI are related to fundamental questions about topics like intelligence, consciousness, and the ontological and ethical status of (...)
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  7.  44
    Ethical Guiding Principles of “Do No Harm” and the “Intention to Save Lives” in relation to Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Finding Common Ground between Religious Views and Principles of Medical Ethics.Mathana Amaris Fiona Sivaraman - 2019 - Asian Bioethics Review 11 (4):409-435.
    One of the goals of medicine is to improve well-being, in line with the principle of beneficence. Likewise, scientists claim that the goal of human embryonic stem cell research is to find treatments for diseases. In hESC research, stem cells are harvested from a 5-day-old embryo. Surplus embryos from infertility treatments or embryos created for the sole purpose of harvesting stem cells are used in the research, and in the process the embryos get (...)
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  8.  49
    Why current uk legislation on embryo research is immoral. How the argument from lack of qualities and the argument from potentiality have been applied and why they should be rejected.Jan Deckers - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (3):251–271.
    ABSTRACT On 22 January 2001, the UK became the first country to approve of embryonic stem cell research by passing the Human Fertilisation (Research Purposes) Regulations 2001, which legislated new research purposes for which early embryos can be used, in addition to those approved by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990. Legal advisory committees, most notably the Chief Medical Officer's Expert Group and the House of Lords’ Select Committee, have offered various reasons, which (...)
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  9.  64
    Questions of Life and Death.Elvio Baccarini - unknown
    The research started with a definition of the general ethical background to be applied in bioethical discussions, particularly regarding aspects of morality that have to be enforced by the community. Only those moral beliefs that can be accepted by consensus in a free discussion can be enforced. It follows that the basic principle of a well ordered society is the equality (and possible upwards extension) of the basic liberties. Therefore, whenever it is possible to respect the principle of autonomy (...)
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  10. The Commercialization of Human Stem Cells: Ethical and Policy Issues. [REVIEW]David B. Resnik - 2002 - Health Care Analysis 10 (2):127-154.
    The first stage of the human embryonic stem(ES) cell research debate revolved aroundfundamental questions, such as whether theresearch should be done at all, what types ofresearch may be done, who should do theresearch, and how the research should befunded. Now that some of these questions arebeing answered, we are beginning to see thenext stage of the debate: the battle forproperty rights relating to human ES cells. The reason why property rights will be a keyissue in this (...)
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  11.  34
    Risk stratification: an important tool in the special review of research using oocytes and embryos.G. Owen Schaefer & Teck Chuan Voo - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (9):599-600.
    Like all research, embryo research can take a variety of forms, some posing substantially more risks to persons than others. Savulescu et al argue persuasively that regulatory regimes specially designed for sensitive embryo research should differentiate between person-affecting and non-person-affecting embryo research, with substantial scrutiny only warranted for the former.1 Yet if we find Savulescu et al ’s argument persuasive, what practical implications would it have? In this commentary, we focus in particular on how such an (...)
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  12.  18
    Virtue ethics and the unsettled ethical questions in controlled human infection studies.Jeffrey T. Poomkudy & Seema K. Shah - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (8):692-701.
    Controlled human infection studies (CHIs) involve the intentional infection of human subjects for a scientific aim. Though some past challenge trials have involved serious ethical abuses, in the last few decades, CHIs have had a strong track record of safety. Despite increased attention to the ethics of CHIs during the COVID‐19 pandemic, CHIs remain controversial, and there has been no in‐depth treatment of CHIs through the lens of virtue ethics. In this article, we argue that virtue (...)
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  13. Clarifying the Ethics and Oversight of Chimeric Research.Josephine Johnston, Insoo Hyun, Carolyn P. Neuhaus, Karen J. Maschke, Patricia Marshall, Kaitlynn P. Craig, Margaret M. Matthews, Kara Drolet, Henry T. Greely, Lori R. Hill, Amy Hinterberger, Elisa A. Hurley, Robert Kesterson, Jonathan Kimmelman, Nancy M. P. King, Melissa J. Lopes, P. Pearl O'Rourke, Brendan Parent, Steven Peckman, Monika Piotrowska, May Schwarz, Jeff Sebo, Chris Stodgell, Robert Streiffer & Amy Wilkerson - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (S2):2-23.
    This article is the lead piece in a special report that presents the results of a bioethical investigation into chimeric research, which involves the insertion of human cells into nonhuman animals and nonhuman animal embryos, including into their brains. Rapid scientific developments in this field may advance knowledge and could lead to new therapies for humans. They also reveal the conceptual, ethical, and procedural limitations of existing ethics guidance for human‐nonhuman chimeric research. Led by (...)
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  14.  87
    Take Another Little Piece of My Heart: Regulating the Research Use of Human Biospecimens.Gail H. Javitt - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (2):424-439.
    Access to human biospecimens is widely regarded as essential to the progress of medical research, and in particular, to the success of “personalized medicine.” Understanding the influence of genetic variation on human health and disease requires that researchers conduct genetic and other studies on thousands of human specimens. Over the past decade, human “biobanks” — vast collections of human biospecimens — have proliferated both in the United States and internationally. These biobanks are subject to (...)
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  15.  77
    Ethical issues in tissue banking for research: The prospects and pitfalls of setting international standards.Karen J. Maschke & Thomas H. Murray - 2004 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 25 (2):143-155.
    Bauer, Taub, and Parsi's review of an international sample of standards on informed consent, confidentiality, commercialization, and quality of research in tissue banking reveals that no clear national or international consensus exists for these issues. The authors' response to the lack of uniformity in the meaning, scope, and ethical significance of the policies they examined is to call for the creation of uniform ethical guidelines. This raises questions about whether harmonization should consist of voluntary international standards or international regulations (...)
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  16.  34
    Clinical Trial Portfolios: A Critical Oversight in Human Research Ethics, Drug Regulation, and Policy.Alex John London & Jonathan Kimmelman - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (4):31-41.
    Regulators rely on clinical trials for drug approval and labeling decisions. Health systems and clinicians rely on the evidence from trials to determine treatment, and patients rely on it to decide which courses of care to undertake. Many of these stakeholders presume that the careful review of individual studies is enough to address the ethical and scientific questions that arise in clinical trials. In what follows, however, we demonstrate that explicit consideration of trial portfolios—series of trials that are interrelated by (...)
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  17.  27
    Ethical human participant research in Central Asia: a quantitative analysis of attitudes and practices among social science researchers based in the region.Aipara Berekeyeva, Elaine Sharplin, Matthew Courtney & Roza Sagitova - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (2):304-330.
    Central Asian researchers are underrepresented in the global research production in social sciences, resulting in a limited Central Asian perspective on many social issues. To stimulate the production of local knowledge, it is important to develop strong research cultures, including knowledge of ethical practices in research with human participants. There is currently scarce evidence about research ethics regulations used by social science researchers working in the Central Asian region. This article reports findings from an (...)
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  18.  35
    Embryo Research in Italy: The Bioethical and Biojuridical Debate.Laura Palazzani - 2011 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 17 (1):28-39.
    This article deals with the discussion on the status of the human embryo in Italy on a philosophical, socio-ethical and juridical level before, during and after the law. Different lines of thought are outlined and critically discussed. The focus is the debate over the so-called embryonic stem cells, pointing out the ethical premises and the juridical implications. The regulations in Italy are analysed in detail, referring to legislation and jurisprudence. In particular the author includes evidence for the debate after (...)
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  19.  17
    The Ethics of Stem Cell-Based Embryo-Like Structures.A. M. Pereira Daoud, W. J. Dondorp, A. L. Bredenoord & G. M. W. R. de Wert - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (3):513-542.
    In order to study early human development while avoiding the burdens associated with human embryo research, scientists are redirecting their efforts towards so-called human embryo-like structures (hELS). hELS are created from clusters of human pluripotent stem cells and seem capable of mimicking early human development with increasing accuracy. Notwithstanding, hELS research finds itself at the intersection of historically controversial fields, and the expectation that it might be received as similarly sensitive is prompting proactive (...)
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  20.  36
    At the Vortex of Controversy: Developing Guidelines for Human Embryo Research.Ronald M. Green - 1994 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 4 (4):345-356.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:At the Vortex of Controversy:Developing Guidelines for Human Embryo ResearchRonald M. Green (bio)Because of the unavoidable time delay between the submission and publication of this article, its readers will have a significant advantage over its writer: You will know whether the recommendations of the Report of the Human Embryo Research Panel, on which I have served as a member since its inception in January of this (...)
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  21.  76
    Harmonization of Ethics Policies in Pediatric Research.Valarie Blake, Steve Joffe & Eric Kodish - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (1):70-78.
    The Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency have launched a recent initiative to enhance collaboration in research, with the intent to “ensure that clinical trials submitted in drug marketing applications in the United States and European Union are conducted uniformly, appropriately, and ethically.” This initiative recalls efforts from two decades ago when the United States, the European Union and Japan formed the International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (...)
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  22.  47
    Researchers and Firing Squads: Questions Concerning the Use of Frozen Human Embryos.P. Tully - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (5):516-528.
    Is it morally acceptable to use human embryos left over from fertility treatments in research that would harm or destroy them? Many answer "no" to this question on the grounds that all human beings, including human embryos, have a basic moral status that forbids such use. There are some, though, who accept this claim about the basic moral status of human embryos but who believe nevertheless that frozen human embryos (...)
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  23.  31
    Full Disclosure of the ‘Raw Data’ of Research on Humans: Citizens’ Rights, Product Manufacturers’ Obligations and the Quality of the Scientific Database.Dennis J. Mazur - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (2):90-99.
    This guide accompanies the following article(s): ‘Full Disclosure of the “Raw Data” of Research on Humans: Citizens’ Rights, Product Manufacturer’s Obligations and the Quality of the Scientific Database.’Philosophy Compass 6/2 (2011): 90–99. doi: 10.1111/j.1747‐9991.2010.00376.x Author’s Introduction Securing consent (and informed consent) from patients and research study participants is a key concern in patient care and research on humans. Yet, the legal doctrines of consent and informed consent differ in their applications. In patient care, the judicial doctrines of (...)
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  24.  55
    Ethics of research involving mandatory drug testing of high school athletes in oregon.Adil E. Shamoo & Jonathan D. Moreno - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (1):25 – 31.
    There is consensus that children have questionable decisional capacity and, therefore, in general a parent or a guardian must give permission to enroll a child in a research study. Moreover, freedom from duress and coercion, the cardinal rule in research involving adults, is even more important for children. This principle is embodied prominently in the Nuremberg Code (1947) and is embodied in various federal human research protection regulations. In a program named "SATURN" (Student Athletic Testing (...) Random Notification), each school in the Oregon public-school system may implement a mandatory drug-testing program for high school student athletes. A prospective study to identify drug use among student-athletes, SATURN is designed both to evaluate the influence of random drug testing and to validate the survey data through identification of individuals who do not report drug use. The enrollment of students in the drug-testing study is a requirement for playing a school sport. In addition to the coercive nature of this study design, there were ethically questionable practices in recruitment, informed consent, and confidentiality. This article concerns the question of whether research can be conducted with high school students in conjunction with a mandatory drug-testing program, while adhering to prevailing ethical standards regarding human-subjects research and specifically the participation of children in research. (shrink)
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  25.  20
    A survey of ethics and regulation within the ICT industry in Australia: ethics education.Richard Lucas & Nyree Mason - 2008 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 6 (4):349-363.
    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to present a preliminary analysis of age and gender across a number of questions asked in a survey of ethical attitudes of professionals in the information and communication technology industry in Australia. While a large number of demographic questions regarding ethics and regulation, only those concerning age and gender are examined here.Design/methodology/approachAn online survey was conducted of the ICT workplace in Australia. The results were analyzed using SPSS.FindingsThere are some significant differences (...)
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  26.  42
    Framing the ethical and legal issues of human artificial gametes in research, therapy, and assisted reproduction: A German perspective.Barbara Advena-Regnery, Hans-Georg Dederer, Franziska Enghofer, Tobias Cantz & Thomas Heinemann - 2018 - Bioethics 32 (5):314-326.
    Recent results from studies on animals suggest that functional germ cells may be generated from human pluripotent stem cells, giving rise to three possibilities: research with these so‐called artificial gametes, including fertilization experiments in vitro; their use in vivo for therapy for the treatment of human infertility; and their use in assisted reproductive technologies in vitro. While the legal, philosophical, and ethical questions associated with these possibilities have been already discussed intensively in other countries, the debate in (...)
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  27.  60
    'Appropriate consent' and the use of human material for research purposes: the competent adult.J. V. McHale - 2006 - Clinical Ethics 1 (4):195-199.
    The Human Tissue Act 2004 presents a radical change to the legal regulation of the use of human material in England and Wales. The Act presents a broad regulatory framework but much in the practical operation of the legislation will depend upon regulations to be enacted and a new Code of Practice. This article examines 'appropriate consent' for the use of human tissue for research purposes in the context of the living competent adult. It examines (...)
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  28.  62
    The Ethical Analysis of Risks and Potential Benefits in Human Subjects Research: History, Theory, and Implications for U.S. Regulation.Charles Weijer - unknown
    This paper addresses three questions central to the ethical analysis of risks and potential benefits in human subjects research: 1. How was the ethical analysis of risk understood by the members of the U.S. National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research (National Commission)? 2. What conceptual framework should guide the ethical analysis of risk? 3. What changes to U.S. regulations would the implementation of such a framework require?
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    Review of Carl H. Coleman, Jerry A. Menikoff, Jesse A. Goldner, and Nancy Neveloff Dubler (eds.), The Ethics and Regulation of Research with Human Subjects. [REVIEW]Frances H. Miller - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (12):57-58.
  30.  11
    Ethics of Research Involving Mandatory Drug Testing of High School Athletes in Oregon.Adil E. Shamoo - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (1):25-31.
    There is consensus that children have questionable decisional capacity and, therefore, in general a parent or a guardian must give permission to enroll a child in a research study. Moreover, freedom from duress and coercion, the cardinal rule in research involving adults, is even more important for children. This principle is embodied prominently in the Nuremberg Code (1947) and is embodied in various federal human research protection regulations. In a program named "SATURN" (Student Athletic Testing (...) Random Notification), each school in the Oregon public-school system may implement a mandatory drug-testing program for high school student athletes. A prospective study to identify drug use among student-athletes, SATURN is designed both to evaluate the influence of random drug testing and to validate the survey data through identification of individuals who do not report drug use. The enrollment of students in the drug-testing study is a requirement for playing a school sport. In addition to the coercive nature of this study design, there were ethically questionable practices in recruitment, informed consent, and confidentiality. This article concerns the question of whether research can be conducted with high school students in conjunction with a mandatory drug-testing program, while adhering to prevailing ethical standards regarding human-subjects research and specifically the participation of children in research. (shrink)
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  31.  21
    Buying and selling human eggs: infertility providers’ ethical and other concerns regarding egg donor agencies.Robert Klitzman - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):71.
    BackgroundEgg donor agencies are increasingly being used as part of IVF in the US, but are essentially unregulated, posing critical ethical and policy questions concerning how providers view and use them, and what the implications might be.MethodsThirty-seven in-depth interviews of approximately 1 h were conducted – with 27 IVF providers and 10 patients.ResultsClinicians vary in their views and interactions concerning egg donor agencies, ranging widely in whether and how often they use agencies. Agencies may offer egg recipients increased choices, but (...)
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  32.  78
    Human dignity in international policy documents: A useful criterion for public policy?Inmaculada de Melo-martín - 2010 - Bioethics 25 (1):37-45.
    Current developments in biomedicine are presenting us with difficult ethical decisions and raising complex policy questions about how to regulate these new developments. Particularly vexing for governments have been issues related to human embryo experimentation. Because some of the most promising biomedical developments, such as stem cell research and nuclear somatic transfer, involve such experimentation, several international bodies have drafted documents aimed to provide guidance to governments when developing biomedical science policy. Here I focus on two such documents: (...)
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  33.  32
    Teaching & Learning Guide for: Full Disclosure of the ‘Raw Data’ of Research on Humans: Citizens’ Rights, Product Manufacturers’ Obligations and the Quality of the Scientific Database.Dennis J. Mazur - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (2):152-157.
    This guide accompanies the following article(s): ‘Full Disclosure of the “Raw Data” of Research on Humans: Citizens’ Rights, Product Manufacturer’s Obligations and the Quality of the Scientific Database.’Philosophy Compass 6/2 (2011): 90–99. doi: 10.1111/j.1747‐9991.2010.00376.x Author’s Introduction Securing consent (and informed consent) from patients and research study participants is a key concern in patient care and research on humans. Yet, the legal doctrines of consent and informed consent differ in their applications. In patient care, the judicial doctrines of (...)
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    The Italian Way to Stem Cell Research: Rethinking the Role of Catholic Religion in Shaping Italian Stem Cell Research Regulations.Lorenzo Beltrame - 2017 - Developing World Bioethics 17 (3):157-166.
    Stem cell research regulations are highly variable across nations, notwithstanding shared and common ethical concerns. Dominant in political debates has been the so-called embryo question. However, the permissibility of human embryonic stem cell research varies among national regulatory frameworks. Scholars have explained differences by resorting to notions of political culture, traditions of ethical reasoning, discursive strategies and political manoeuvring of involved actors. Explanations based on the role of religion or other cultural structural variables are also employed. (...)
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    Media portrayal of ethical and social issues in brain organoid research.Abigail Presley, Leigh Ann Samsa & Veljko Dubljević - 2022 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 17 (1):1-14.
    Background Human brain organoids are a valuable research tool for studying brain development, physiology, and pathology. Yet, a host of potential ethical concerns are inherent in their creation. There is a growing group of bioethicists who acknowledge the moral imperative to develop brain organoid technologies and call for caution in this research. Although a relatively new technology, brain organoids and their uses are already being discussed in media literature. Media literature informs the public and policymakers but has (...)
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    Controversies between regulations of research ethics and protection of personal data: informed consent at a cross-road.Eugenijus Gefenas, J. Lekstutiene, V. Lukaseviciene, M. Hartlev, M. Mourby & K. Ó Cathaoir - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (1):23-30.
    This paper explores some key discrepancies between two sets of normative requirements applicable to the research use of personal data and human biological materials: the data protection regime which follows the application of the European Union General Data Protection Regulation, and the Declaration of Helsinki, CIOMS guidelines and other research ethics regulations. One source of this controversy is that the GDPR requires consent to process personal data to be clear, concise, specific and granular, freely given (...)
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    Body –to-head transplant; a "caputal" crime? Examining the corpus of ethical and legal issues.Zaev D. Suskin & James J. Giordano - 2018 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 13 (1):10.
    Neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero proposed the HEAVEN procedure – i.e. head anastomosis venture – several years ago, and has recently received approval from the relevant regulatory bodies to perform this body-head transplant in China. The BHT procedure involves attaching the donor body to the head of the recipient, and discarding the body of R and head of D. Canavero’s proposed procedure will be incredibly difficult from a medical standpoint. Aside from medical doubt, the BHT has been met with great resistance from (...)
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    The Commons Science and Technology Committee Inquiry into Hybrid Embryo Research 2007: Credible, Reliable and Objective?Pauline Gately - 2011 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 17 (1):84-109.
    In 2006 the Government issued a White Paper in which it proposed a ban on human-animal embryo research pending greater clarity on its potential. The Commons Select Committee on Science and Technology initiated an Inquiry and concluded that such research was necessary and should be permitted immediately. The Government agreed and this is reflected in revised legislation. The Government has issued guidelines on the gathering and use of scientific advice and evidence, designed to ensure that these are (...)
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  39. Ethics and Policy in Embryonic Stem Cell Research.John Ancona Robertson - 1999 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 9 (2):109-136.
    : Embryonic stem cells, which have the potential to save many lives, must be recovered from aborted fetuses or live embryos. Although tissue from aborted fetuses can be used without moral complicity in the underlying abortion, obtaining stem cells from embryos necessarily kills them, thus raising difficult questions about the use of embryonic human material to save others. This article draws on previous controversies over embryo research and distinctions between intrinsic and symbolic moral status to analyze (...)
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    Ethical and Regulatory Considerations for Using Social Media Platforms to Locate and Track Research Participants.Ananya Bhatia-Lin, Alexandra Boon-Dooley, Michelle K. Roberts, Caroline Pronai, Dylan Fisher, Lea Parker, Allison Engstrom, Leah Ingraham & Doyanne Darnell - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (6):47-61.
    As social media becomes increasingly popular, human subjects researchers are able to use these platforms to locate, track, and communicate with study participants, thereby increasing participant retention and the generalizability and validity of research. The use of social media; however, raises novel ethical and regulatory issues that have received limited attention in the literature and federal regulations. We review research ethics and regulations and outline the implications for maintaining participant privacy, respecting participant autonomy, and promoting researcher (...)
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  41.  82
    Privacy, confidentiality and abortion statistics: a question of public interest?Jean V. McHale & June Jones - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (1):31-34.
    Next SectionThe precise nature and scope of healthcare confidentiality has long been the subject of debate. While the obligation of confidentiality is integral to professional ethical codes and is also safeguarded under English law through the equitable remedy of breach of confidence, underpinned by the right to privacy enshrined in Article 8 of the Human Rights Act 1998, it has never been regarded as absolute. But when can and should personal information be made available for statistical and research (...)
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    Embryo Research as a Paradigm of Ethical Pragmatics.Dieter Birnbacher - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 4:7-12.
    Research on the human embryo is one of the most obstinately controversial issues of international bioethical debate. There has not been enough of a consensus on this issue to allow for more than a formal compromise within Europe. I argue in this paper for a pragmatic approach to the problem which accords priority to "want-regarding" considerations but does not fail, as most utilitarian approaches do, to give due weight to the "morality-dependent harms" caused by the practice of embryo (...)
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  43. The Wisdom of Germline Editing: An Ethical Analysis of the Use of CRISPR-Cas9 to Edit Human Embryos.Jennifer M. Gumer - 2019 - The New Bioethics 25 (2):137-152.
    With recent reports that a Chinese scientist used CRISPR-Cas9 to heritably edit the genomes of human embryos (i.e., germline editing) brought to term, discussions regarding the ethics of the technology are urgently needed. Although certain applications of germline editing have been endorsed by both the National Academy of Sciences (US) and the Nuffield Council (UK), this paper explores the ethical concerns related even to such therapeutic uses of the technology. Additionally, this paper questions whether the technology could (...)
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  44.  24
    The Ethics of Neuroscience and National Security.Nicholas Evans - 2021 - Routledge.
    New advances in neuroscience promise innovations in national security, especially in the areas of law enforcement, intelligence collection, and armed conflict. But ethical questions emerge about how we can, and should, use these innovations. This book draws on the open literature to map the development of neuroscience, particularly through funding by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, in certain areas like behavior prediction, behavior modification, and neuroenhancement, and its use in the creation of novel weapons. It shows how advances (...)
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  45. Technology of biopolitics and biopolitics of technologies(Metaphysical, political, and anthropological essay).Valentin Cheshko - 2019 - Practical Philosophy ISSN 2415-8690 4 (74):42-52.
    Purpose. Our study aims at developing a conceptual model of transdisciplinary synthesis of philosophical-anthropological, sociopolitical and epistemological aspects of co-evolution of the scientific and technical designs of High Hume class and the socio-cultural / political context in the process of anthropo-socio-cultural genesis. The relevance of the topic is justified by the technologization of all spheres of human existence and the emergence of High Hume class technologies, which can be called technology-driven equally. As a result, the concepts of "bio-power" and (...)
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    Attitudes Towards the Donation of Human Embryos for Stem Cell Research Among Chinese IVF Patients and Students.Achim Rosemann & Huiyu Luo - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (3):441-457.
    Bioethical debates on the use of human embryos and oocytes for stem cell research have often been criticized for the lack of empirical insights into the perceptions and experiences of the women and couples who are asked to donate these tissues in the IVF clinic. Empirical studies that have investigated the attitudes of IVF patients and citizens on the donation of their embryos and oocytes have been scarce and have focused predominantly on the situation in Europe (...)
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  47. Stem cell research in the U.s. After the president's speech of August 2001.Cynthia B. Cohen - 2004 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (1):97-114.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14.1 (2004) 97-114 [Access article in PDF] Stem Cell Research in the U.S. after the President's Speech of August 2001 Cynthia B. Cohen On 9 August 2001, in a nationally televised speech, President Bush addressed the contentious question of whether to provide federal funds for human embryonic stem cell research (White House 2001).1 This research involves taking the (...)
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    Human embryo research and the language of moral uncertainty.William P. Cheshire - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (1):1 – 5.
    In bioethics as in the sciences, enormous discussions often concern the very small. Central to public debate over emerging reproductive and regenerative biotechnologies is the question of the moral status of the human embryo. Because news media have played a prominent role in framing the vocabulary of the debate, this study surveyed the use of language reporting on human embryo research in news articles spanning a two-year period. Terminology that devalued moral status - for example, the (...)
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    Determining the status of non-transferred embryos in Ireland: a conspectus of case law and implications for clinical IVF practice.Eric Scott Sills & Sarah Ellen Murphy - 2009 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 4:8.
    The development of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) as a treatment for human infertilty was among the most controversial medical achievements of the modern era. In Ireland, the fate and status of supranumary (non-transferred) embryos derived from IVF brings challenges both for clinical practice and public health policy because there is no judicial or legislative framework in place to address the medical, scientific, or ethical uncertainties. Complex legal issues exist regarding informed consent and ownership of embryos, particularly the (...)
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    Joining forces: the need to combine science and ethics to address problems of validity and translation in neuropsychiatry research using animal models.Franck L. B. Meijboom, Elzbieta Kostrzewa & Cathalijn H. C. Leenaars - 2020 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 15 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundCurrent policies regulating the use of animals for scientific purposes are based on balancing between potential gain of knowledge and suffering of animals used in experimentation. The balancing process is complicated, on the one hand by plurality of views on our duties towards animals, and on the other hand by more recent discussions on uncertainty in the probability of reaching the final aim of the research and problems of translational failure.MethodsThe study combines ethical analysis based on a literature review (...)
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