Results for ' proselytism'

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  1.  57
    Proselytism as Epistemic Violence: A Jewish Approach to the Ethics of Religious Persuasion.Samuel Lebens - 2021 - The Monist 104 (3):376-392.
    The purpose of this paper is two-fold: to provide a philosophical justification for the counterintuitive attitude that Judaism seems to have towards proselytism; and to extend the case so as to create a general argument, applicable to all religions, against many forms of proselytism.
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    Formulating principles of islamic proselytization: A sociological contribution.Nur Syam - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (2):419-438.
    This paper examines the contribution of sociology to the Islamic proselytization. In the context of epistemology, it has the opportunity to develop based on five aspects: factors, systems, interpretative, developmentalism and participatory. The five principles can be developed based on sociological theories. Among these theories, for example are the phenomenology of Islamic proselytization, the social construction of Islamic proselytization, dramaturgy of Islamic proselytization, hermeneutics of Islamic proselytization, communicative acts of Islamic proselytization, and ethnomethodology of Islamic proselytization. Through a sociological approach, (...)
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    Proselyting the asuras.W. Norman Brown - 1919 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 39:100-103.
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    Toleration, Proselytizing, and the Politics of Recognition.Jean Bethke Elshtain - 2008 - In Thomas Banchoff (ed.), Religious Pluralism, Globalization, and World Politics. Oxford University Press.
  5. In defence of proselytizing.H. E. Baber - 2000 - Religious Studies 36 (3):333-344.
    In Ethics in the Sanctuary, Margaret Battin argues that traditional evangelism, directed to promoting religious belief, practice, and affiliation, that is proselytizing, is morally questionable to the extent that it involves unwarranted paternalism in the interests of securing other-worldly benefits for potential converts. I argue that Christian evangelism is justified in order to make the this-worldly benefits of religious belief and practice available to everyone, to bring about an increase in religious affiliation for the purpose of providing a more supportive (...)
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    The Ethics of Evangelism: A Philosophical Defense of Proselytizing and Persuasion.Elmer John Thiessen - 2011 - Ivp Academic.
    Why do religious people attempt to persuade others of their beliefs? What are the current objections to the religious practice of proselytizing? Is proselytizing an ethically defensible practice? Are there kinds of proselytizing activities that are ethically questionable? Elmer John Thiessen responds to questions like these in an effort to provide a philosophical defense of proselytization, or religious persuasion, as an ethical practice. Thiessen examines and refutes current cultural and academic objections to religious proselytizing and offers a thorough ethics of (...)
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  7. The occasionalist proselytizer: A modified catechism.Hugh J. McCann & Jonathan L. Kvanvig - 1991 - Philosophical Perspectives 5:587-615.
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    Southern Baptist Evangelism of Coptic Christians: Is It Proselytism?John R. Cheyne - 1991 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 8 (4):23-24.
    Defining the concept of “proselytism” from a Biblical viewpoint, the author attempts to distinguish between witnessing through life-style evangelism and the introduction of the word of God, and overt attempts to draw others away from their historic beliefs, sometimes through questionable methodologies and/or unethical inducements. He points out that when renewal and revival within a body of believers bring about a spontaneous desire to follow Biblical principles, and a different approach toward worship, individuals should have the freedom to make (...)
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    Contemporary problems of muslim-Christian relationship in indonesia: Case of proselytizing-mission and worship building.Zuly Qodir - 2021 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 16 (2):105-129.
    The issues of religious proselytization as well as the construction of house of worship are of main contentious topics inciting tensions between religious adherents, particularly between the minority Christians and the majority Muslims in contemporary Indonesia. This article discusses these two inter-religious problems and poses a question to extent that the competition between Muslim and Christians, both in their missionary activities and the building of new house of worship, inflicting inter-religious relation in contemporary Indonesia. Taken some cases as points of (...)
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    Pagans and Proselytizers: Evidence of the Persistence of Celtic Pagan Eschatological Beliefs in Medieval Irish Christian Literature.Brenna Clark - 2018 - Constellations 10 (1).
  11. On Jewish Proselytism before the War of Titus.Francis William Newman - 2009 - The Works of Francis William Newman on Religion 6:107-117.
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    An evolutionary hypothesis about teaching and proselytizing behaviors.Robert B. Glassman - 1980 - Zygon 15 (2):133-154.
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    What's wrong with deliberately proselytizing patients?Russell DiSilvestro - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (7):22 – 24.
  14. Sharing the Book: Religious Perspectives on the Rights and Wrongs of Proselytism.John Witte & Richard C. Martin - 1999
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    The Rights and Limits of Proselytism in the Ne w Religious World Order.John Witte Jr - 2008 - In Thomas Banchoff (ed.), Religious Pluralism, Globalization, and World Politics. Oxford University Press.
  16. Book Review: Elmer Thiessen, The Ethics of Evangelism: A Philosophical Defence of Ethical Proselytizing and Persuasion[REVIEW]Gavin Wakefield - 2013 - Studies in Christian Ethics 26 (2):259-262.
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  17. Elmer Thiessen and the Ethics of Evangelism.John Tillson - 2013 - Journal of Education and Christian Belief 17 (2):243-258.
    IN THIS PAPER I provide a critical commentary of Elmer Thiessen's The Ethics of Evangelism. Following an overview of the book's project and strategies, I discuss two stages of the project in detail. The first is Thiessen's analysis of ‘religious proselytism’; the second is Thiessen's arguments that evangelizing can be a good thing to do in itself. Finally, I summarize what I think are the chief merits of the book and suggest for whom it will be of particular interest.
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    The Right to Mission in Human Rights Law, “Mission to Amish People” and “Jews for Jesus”.Maria Grazia Martino - 2015 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 14 (42):78-99.
    This paper examines the position of international human rights law towards missionary or proselytizing activities with a special focus on the American context. By evaluating UN legal acts such as the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 1960 Arcot Krishnaswami Study and the 1981 Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief and the American Convention of Human Rights, it investigates the extent to which such activities fall within the scope of (...)
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    Sibling Rivalries.Zuly Qodir - 2021 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 16 (2):127-151.
    The issues of religious proselytization as well as the construction of house of worship are of main contentious topics inciting tensions between religious adherents, particularly between the minority Christians and the majority Muslims in contemporary Indonesia. This article discusses these two inter-religious problems and poses a question to extent that the competition between Muslim and Christians, both in their missionary activities and the building of new house of worship, inflicting inter-religious relation in contemporary Indonesia. Taken some cases as points of (...)
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    Spinning the Genome: Why Science Hype Matters.Timothy Caulfield - 2018 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 61 (4):560-571.
    Genetic research attracts significant attention from the popular press, and often these representations are less than ideal, skewing toward hyperbole and promises of near-future benefits. Indeed, revolutionary language has permeated public discourse since the start of the Human Genome Project in the early 1990s. If the near constant parade of enthusiastic headlines is to be believed, we have been in the midst of a "genetic revolution" for over three decades, yet, the promised revolutionary changes never fully materialize, at least not (...)
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    On One Leg: The Stability of Monotheism.Mark Glouberman - 2014 - Philosophy and Theology 26 (1):187-206.
    A potential proselyte asks the great rabbi Hillel to explain the Torah to him while he stands ‘on one leg.’ Hillel responds with, essentially, the Golden Rule. This Talmudic anecdote is invariably read as critical of anyone who wants a Torah for Dummies. I offer a different interpretation. The Torah-based position, theologically speaking, rests on one principle and one principle alone, God. ‘How can an account of the creation as a whole rest on one principle only? Won’t such a structure (...)
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    Giving voice to African thought in medical research ethics.Godfrey B. Tangwa - 2017 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 38 (2):101-110.
    In this article, I consider the virtual absence of an African voice and perspective in global discourses of medical research ethics against the backdrop of the high burden of diseases and epidemics on the continent and the fact that the continent is actually the scene of numerous and sundry medical research studies. I consider some reasons for this state of affairs as well as how the situation might be redressed. Using examples from the HIV/AIDS and Ebola epidemics, I attempt to (...)
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  23. The Vacuity of Postmodernist Methodology.Nicholas Shackel - 2005 - Metaphilosophy 36 (3):295-320.
    Many of the philosophical doctrines purveyed by postmodernists have been roundly refuted, yet people continue to be taken in by the dishonest devices used in proselytizing for postmodernism. I exhibit, name, and analyse five favourite rhetorical manoeuvres: Troll's Truisms, Motte and Bailey Doctrines, Equivocating Fulcra, the Postmodernist Fox Trot, and Rankly Relativising Fields. Anyone familiar with postmodernist writing will recognise their pervasive hold on the dialectic of postmodernism and come to judge that dialectic as it ought to be judged.
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    Woman, Know Thyself: Producing and Using Phrenological Knowledge in 19th-Century America.Carla Bittel - 2013 - Centaurus 55 (2):104-130.
    This article explores the production and consumption of phrenological knowledge for and by middle-class women in the USA during the early and middle decades of the 19th century. At a time when science itself had few boundaries, women became readers, consumers, proselytizers and practitioners of this knowledge system, outside of a scientific academy. This paper argues that phrenological beliefs about sex differences enabled and encouraged women to be users. Phrenology allowed women to negotiate gender and by encouraging followers to ‘know (...)
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    Dialogue Forms in the Taiping jing.Barbara Hendrischke - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (4):719.
    Large parts of the Taiping jing from the outgoing Han dynasty are presented as dialogues between a heaven-sent teacher and his disciples or, fewer in number, between a celestial spirit and an eager practitioner of Daoist ways of self-cultivation. It is argued that dialogue forms played a particular role in a text like the Taiping jing that is written in non-standard language and was meant to address a wider audience that reached beyond the educated elite. Despite their widespread use in (...)
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  26. The convert as a social type.David A. Snow & Richard Machalek - 1983 - Sociological Theory 1:259-289.
    This essay treats the convert as as social type with four specifiable formal properties: biographical reconstruction; adoption of a master attribution scheme; suspension of analogical reasoning; and embracement of the convert role. These properties are derived from the talk and reasoning of converts to a culturally transplanted Buddhist movement and from accounts of other proselytizers and converts. We conclude that it is the convert's rhetoric rather than institutional context or ideological content that denotes the convert as a social type.
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    Biopolitical Marketing and Social Media Brand Communities.Detlev Zwick & Alan Bradshaw - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (5):91-115.
    This article offers an analysis of marketing as an ideological set of practices that makes cultural interventions designed to infuse social relations with biopolitical injunctions. We examine a contemporary site of heightened attention within marketing: the rise of online communities and the attendant profession of social media marketing managers. We argue that social media marketers disavow a core problem; namely, that the object at stake, the customer community, barely exists. The community therefore functions ideologically. We describe the ideological gymnastics necessary (...)
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  28. ‘Utility’ and the ‘Utility Principle’: Hume, Smith, Bentham, Mill.Douglas G. Long - 1990 - Utilitas 2 (1):12-39.
    David Hume, Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill are often viewed as contributors to or participants in a common tradition of thought roughly characterized as ‘the liberal tradition’ or the tradition of ‘bourgeois ideology’. This view, however useful it may be for polemical or proselytizing purposes, is in some important respects historiographically unsound. This is not to deny the importance of asking what twentieth-century liberals or conservatives might find in the works of, say, David Hume to support their (...)
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  29. Literary Ethics and the Problem of Moral Rationalism in Proust and Sartre.Robyn Brothers - 1997 - Dissertation, Brown University
    This study focuses on the question of individualism in the works of Marcel Proust and Jean-Paul Sartre, particularly with regard to the issue of ethical and political selfhood. If there is to be a fruitful interaction between descriptive narrative ethics and proscriptive ethical theory, the role of the literary imagination needs to be reassessed. The resurging interest in redefining the humanist project begs the question of why exponents of individual liberty and group authority remain firmly opposed to one another. Therefore (...)
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    Clouds Thick, Whereabouts Unknown: Poems by Zen Monks of China.Charles Egan (ed.) - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    Compiled by a leading scholar of Chinese poetry, _Clouds Thick, Whereabouts Unknown_ is the first collection of Chan poems to be situated within Chan thought and practice. Combined with exquisite paintings by Charles Chu, the anthology compellingly captures the ideological and literary nuances of works that were composed, paradoxically, to "say more by saying less," and creates an unparalleled experience for readers of all backgrounds. _Clouds Thick, Whereabouts Unknown_ includes verse composed by monk-poets of the eighth to the seventeenth centuries. (...)
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  31. A methodological critique of the semantic conception of theories.Noretta Koertge - manuscript
    A new PhD slated to teach a beginning undergraduate course on scientific reasoning recently asked me to recommend topics. I launched into a description of my “baby-Popper-plus-statistics” class – give them enough deductive logic to understand the Duhemian problem, do the Galileo case study, use the notion of severe test to introduce a bit of probability theory, then segue to the problem of testing statistical hypotheses…. My interlocutor was looking impatient. “But I’m a strong adherent of the Semantic Conception of (...)
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    'Bearing Gifts: How Librarians Deal with Gift Books and Gift Givers.Earl Lee & Scott Forschler - 1992 - Journal of Information Ethics 1:52-9.
    We present and discuss the responses to a survey we sent to selected libraries regarding their decisions to accept unsolicited book donations, especially regarding any with an apparent political or proselytizing intent.
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    Mondialisation, religions et politique au XXIe siècle.Jean-Francois Mayer - 2008 - Hermes 51:177.
    La mondialisation ne reste pas sans impact sur les religions. Mais elle n'efface pas leurs différences internes: l'appartenance religieuse est un facteur identitaire parmi d'autres. La mondialisation permet en revanche plus aisément une mobilisation autour de causes communes. Les modèles occidentaux restent forts, mais d'autres pôles et acteurs s'affirment. Un « marché » mondial des croyances se développe, même si ses implications varient selon les régions du globe. Dans ce contexte, diffusion des religions et prosélytisme peuvent être des facteurs de (...)
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    Omissions and Chronological Complexities.Jyoti Mohan - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (1):220-230.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Omissions and Chronological ComplexitiesJyoti Mohan (bio)The stated purpose of Chinese and Indian Ways of Thinking in Early Modern European Philosophy: The Reception and the Exclusion by Selusi Ambrogio is "to examine the European understanding of China and India within the histories of philosophy from 1600 to 1744."1 Specifically, Ambrogio sets out to investigate the antecedents of the "othering" of non-Western philosophies. How far back did the notion go, that (...)
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    In Loco Parentis and the Politically-directed Music Curriculum.William M. Perrine - 2019 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 27 (2):171.
    Abstract:The pedagogical aim of liberation, as drawn from critical pedagogy, poses significant philosophical problems. In this paper, I argue that the fundamental right to direct the education of children rests with the family situated within a particular local community. This authority is then delegated to the state through the institution of the school via a social contract that can be described as in loco parentis. Advocating liberation as a universally appropriate educational good encourages teachers to violate this social contract by (...)
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    Populism, Media and Education: Challenging Discrimination in Contemporary Digital Societies.Maria Ranieri (ed.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    Based on a major research project funded by the European Commission,_ Populism, Media and Education_ studies how discriminatory stereotypes are built online with a particular focus on right-wing populism. Globalization and migration have led to a new era of populism and racism in Western countries, rekindling traditional forms of discrimination through innovative means. New media platforms are being seen by populist organizations as a method to promote hate speech and unprecedented forms of proselytism. Race, gender, disability and sexual orientation (...)
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    The Liberals.Hindol Sengupta - 2012 - Harpercollins Publishers India, a Joint Venture with the India Today Group.
    'The Liberals tells us the story of an India in transition from a very personal vantage point, one that is full of cheeky intelligence and delicious insight. Hindol Sengupta has given us lots to think about and even more to chuckle about'- Santosh Desai 'Here is an account of Manmohan's children, the Gen Next who have the world as their oyster... Hindol Sengupta's droll memoirs at such a young age will echo in many a young person's mind. Hindol speaks for (...)
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    John Eliot's Logick Primer: A Bilingual English-Massachusett Logic Textbook.Sara L. Uckelman - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (3):278-301.
    In 1672 John Eliot, English Puritan educator and missionary to New England, published The Logick Primer: Some Logical Notions to initiate the INDIANS in the knowledge of the Rule of Reason; and to know how to make use thereof (Eliot 1672) The Logick Primer: Some Logical Notions to Initiate the INDIANS in the Knowledge of the Rule of Reason; and to Know How to Make Use Thereof, Cambridge, MA: Marmaduke Johnson]. This roughly 80 page pamphlet introduces syllogistic vocabulary and reasoning (...)
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  39. Feminism in science: an imposed ideology and a witch hunt.Martín López Corredoira - 2021 - Scripta Philosophiae Naturalis 20:id. 3.
    Metaphysical considerations aside, today’s inheritors of the tradition of natural philosophy are primarily scientists. However, they are oblivious to the human factor involved in science and in seeing how political, religious, and other ideologies contaminate our visions of nature. In general, philosophers observe human (historical, sociological, and psychological) processes within the construction of theories, as well as in the development of scientific activity itself. -/- In our time, feminism—along with accompanying ideas of identity politics under the slogan “diversity, inclusion, equity”—has (...)
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    Human Flourishing and our Relationships with Nature.Dan C. Shahar - 2024 - Ethics and the Environment 29 (1):89-108.
    Some environmentalist writers argue human flourishing depends on rich engagement with wild ecosystems and biodiversity, such that inadequate conservation would undermine our prospects for happiness. To succeed, arguments of this kind must specify a connection between flourishing and ecological engagement that can accommodate happiness' diverse manifestations while also being sufficiently particular to require well-protected ecosystems. I argue these conditions cannot both be met. It is true that nature enriches our lives, that much of its value comes from engagement with wilderness (...)
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    Toward a better bioethics.Jason Scott Robert - 2009 - Science and Engineering Ethics 15 (3):283-291.
    It has been argued that bioethicists too often tend to represent the interests of scientists and not of the broader polity. Indeed, bioethicists seem predisposed to discard the voices and viewpoints of all but the cognoscenti . Focusing particularly on human pluripotent stem cell research, this commentary explores a variety of characterizations of bioethics and bioethicists in relation to forbidding science. Rather than proselytizing or prohibiting, bioethicists should work in partnership with scientists and publics to craft scientifically well-informed and morally (...)
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  42. Appreciating Susan Sontag.Fred Rush - 2009 - Philosophy and Literature 33 (1):pp. 36-49.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Appreciating Susan SontagFred RushMuch education from the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s was self-education. Although one might happen to take a university course that incorporated contemporary art and criticism, it was a rarity. More often one supplemented university fare with one's own reading, listening, and viewing of cutting-edge art, anthropology, music, philosophy, linguistics, etc. Susan Sontag was for many Americans of that time a preeminent guide in this process, opening (...)
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  43. Faith in the Truth.Daniel Dennett - 2001 - Free Inquiry 21.
    Is mathematics a religion at all? Is science? One often hears these days that science is "just" another religion. There are some interesting similarities. Established science, like established religion, has its bureaucracies and hierarchies of officials, its lavish and arcane installations of no utility apparent to outsiders, its initiation ceremonies. Like a religion bent on enlarging its congregation, it has a huge phalanx of proselytizers--who call themselves not missionaries but educators.
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    Politiques de la conversion en Algérie.Hamida Azouani-Rekkas - 2024 - Multitudes 95 (2):94-101.
    Dans les sociétés occidentales, traversées par les processus de la sécularisation et de laïcisation, les sciences humaines tendent à distinguer le religieux du politique. Les nouvelles formes de la manifestation du pentecôtisme transnational, incitant à envelopper toutes les dimensions de la vie, ont indéniablement conduit à l’investissement du terrain politique. L’engagement actif des pentecôtistes dans un combat spirituel recentré sur des enjeux politiques se perçoit davantage en contexte kabyle où les représentations individuelles et les positions dans l’arène religieuse s’inscrivent dans (...)
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  45. The Turmoil of the Unknown.Michel Pierssens - 1995 - Diogenes 43 (169):109-119.
    The adverse report of the Academy of Sciences, published in 1784, failed to put an end to the proselytism of Mesmer's early followers, nor did it scale down their ambitions to gain scientific recognition. The allure of mystery, the taste for wonders and the call of the unknown prevailed, and throughout that century numerous clashes occurred between the scientific establishment and those demanding its recognition. Their demand was founded not so much on a theoretical construct as on people's personal (...)
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    RESISTANCE AND RESILIENCE IN CHANGING INDONESIA: The Political Struggle and Movement of Hidayatullah.Adiyono Adiyono & Abdurrohim Abdurrohim - 2024 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 19 (1):91-116.
    This article seeks to endeavors and strategies of an Islamic organization, Hidayatullah, to survive in changing political regimes in the New Order to Reformation period of Indonesia. It was established as an Islamic educational and dakwah (Islamic proselytizing) institution in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, in 1973. Despite socio-political changes in the country, it has expanded to several provinces in Indonesia which transformed it to become the largest Islamic educational institution with 402 branches of Islamic schools. The organization focuses its activities on (...)
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    The Curious Tales of The Scarlet Empire.J. Michael Duvall - 2024 - Utopian Studies 35 (1):83-104.
    _The Scarlet Empire_ (1906) by David Maclean Parry, a former president of the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), offers an anti-utopian romance set in an authoritarian socialist Atlantis. Supplementing the efforts of NAM to limit the power of unions and diminish the appeal of socialism through political and editorial suasion, the novel promised a new and powerful way of proselytizing middle-class readers by competing with prominent literary utopians and socialists, especially Edward Bellamy and Upton Sinclair. The novel's protagonist is converted (...)
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    Religion after September 11th World Congress.Frances S. Adeney - 2007 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 27 (1):144-144.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Religion after September 11th World CongressMontreal, Quebec, September 11–15, 2006Frances S. AdeneyThis global conference, organized by Professor Arvind Sharma and a team of international scholars, began on the fifth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in 2001. Conference themes stressed the commonalities among religions seeking peace, the unity all religions share in our common humanity, the necessity for (...)
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    L’écriture de Nietzsche dans Zarathoustra.Serge Botet - 2011 - Philosophiques 38 (2):383-417.
    La Zarathoustra de Nietzsche, de son propre aveu l’opus magnum de Nietzsche a toujours été appréhendé sous l’angle de ses contenus et de ses thématiques : volonté de puissance, surhumain, éternel retour. Le vitalisme de Nietzsche, illustré par ces trois enseignements centraux de Zarathoustra, a rarement été recherché dans la forme et les caractéristiques précises d’un discours qui se voulait pourtant novateur et que l’on pouvait supposer — à l’opposé du discours neutre et reproducteur de la tradition philosophique — chercher (...)
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    Особливості освіти та виховання протестантів волинської губернії в першій половині хіх ст.B. Ye Boyko - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 47:164-173.
    The relevance of the topic is primarily due to the fact that in recent years the Protestant churches of Ukraine have increasingly been directing activities towards raising the educational level of their pastors and believers. The proportion of Protestants among university students who receive state diplomas in various specialties is noticeably increasing. Obviously, the emergence of such a tendency is not coincidental and is connected with the desire of Protestant organizations to increase their influence in order to achieve a more (...)
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