Results for ' principal'

948 found
  1.  39
    Virtuous Romance and Romantic Virtuoso: The Shaping of Robert Boyle's Literary Style.Lawrence M. Principe - 1995 - Journal of the History of Ideas 56 (3):377-397.
  2.  9
    Essays in Medieval Philosophy and Theology in Memory of Walter H. Principe, CSB: Fortresses and Launching Pads.Walter H. Principe, James R. Ginther & Carl N. Still - 2005 - Routledge.
    In his extensive work as a theologian and a historian, Walter H. Principe, CSB, (1922-1996) was committed to reflecting on both the present and the past. He was well-known as an historian of medieval theology and philosophy - especially through the work of Thomas Aquinas, as well as a contemporary theologian. This memorial collection addresses a fundamental feature of Principe's thought, namely his concern that the history of medieval theology and philosophy have a significant role to play in contemporary discussions. (...)
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  3. Marx, natural religion, and capitalism.Michael A. Principe - 1996 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 31 (67):155-164.
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  4.  26
    Jacob Boehme's Divine Substance Salitter: its Nature, Origin, and Relationship to Seventeenth Century Scientific Theories.Lawrence M. Principe & Andrew Weeks - 1989 - British Journal for the History of Science 22 (1):53-61.
    The Century between the death of Copernicus and the birth of Newton witnessed a major reshaping of traditional ways of viewing the universe. The Ptolemaic system was challenged by Copernican heliocentrism, the Aristotelian world was assailed by Galilean physics and revived atomism, and theology was troubled by the progressive distancing of God from the daily operation of His creation. Besides earning this era the title of ‘the Scientific Revolution’, the intellectual ferment of these times offered many world systems as successors (...)
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    Descartes e la filosofia trascendentale.Salvatore Principe - 2013 - Roma: Aracne editrice S.r.l..
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  6.  82
    Hearing The Difference.Michael A. Principe - 1989 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 4 (3):1-6.
  7.  57
    La philosophie naturelle rétablie en sa pureté, suivi de l'Ouvrage secret de la philosophie d'Hermès.Lawrence Principe - 2009 - Early Science and Medicine 14 (4):574-575.
  8.  61
    Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer , Towards a New Manifesto, trans. Rodney Livingstone . Reviewed by.Michael A. Principe - 2013 - Philosophy in Review 33 (3):171–173.
  9.  19
    Time and Relativity of Time in Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity.Salvatore Principe - 2015 - In Flavia Santoianni, The Concept of Time in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy: A Philosophical Thematic Atlas. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    In 1905 Albert Einstein, in a paper entitled “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”, as a solution to the disagreement between classical mechanics and the results of the Michelson's experiment, who showed the invariance of the speed of light in vacuum measured in different inertial reference systems, developed the theory of special relativity. In this essay Einstein expounded a theory that, instead of introducing a privileged system, required the revision of the concepts of space and time of classical physics. Combining (...)
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  10.  54
    Nikolaus M. Häring, SAC (1909-1982).Walter H. Principe - 1982 - Mediaeval Studies 44 (1).
  11.  24
    Richard Fishacre's Use of Averroes with Respect to Motion and the Human Soul of Christ.Walter H. Principe - 1978 - Mediaeval Studies 40 (1):349-360.
  12.  28
    Cassirer thinker of technology.João Príncipe - 2016 - Scientiae Studia 14 (2):387.
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  13.  48
    Poincaré's epistemology in the light of Kant: conventions and the regulative use of reason.João Príncipe - 2015 - Scientiae Studia 13 (1):49-72.
    As reflexões metodológicas de Poincaré sobre a modelação mecânica dos fenômenos, as teorias físicas, a hierarquização das leis e a evolução do seu estatuto e sistema são susceptíveis de uma leitura kantiana que exibe a função constitutiva das matemáticas e a função reguladora dos princípios de conveniência e dos princípios da física, correspondendo estes a uma importante etapa na evolução das teorias físicas. The methodological reflections of Poincaré on the mechanical modeling of phenomena, physical theories, the hierarchy of laws and (...)
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  14.  24
    Alain Badiou , The Rebirth of History: Times of Riots and Uprisings. Trans. Gregory Elliot . Reviewed by.Michael Principe - 2014 - Philosophy in Review 34 (5):202-205.
  15.  15
    As fontes da pedagogia trabalhista de António Sérgio.João Príncipe - 2020 - Educação E Filosofia 33 (68):783-815.
    As fontes da pedagogia trabalhista de António Sérgio Resumo: Porventura o traço mais saliente da proposta educativa de António Sérgio para o Portugal republicano é a de ser uma pedagogia trabalhista, em que a preparação para e pelo trabalho é uma condição para a construção de pessoas autónomas, membros de uma sociedade baseada na cooperação. Para Sérgio, a correcta operacionalização dos novos métodos de ensino, valorizadores dos interesses imanentes das crianças, implicava uma fundamentação filosófica séria, um modelo antropológico coerente no (...)
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  16.  38
    Hugh of Saint-Cher's Stockholm" Gloss on the Sentences": An Abridgment rather than a First Redaction.Walter H. Principe - 1963 - Mediaeval Studies 25 (1):372-376.
  17.  7
    Il fantasma dell'Opera: sognando una filosofia.Quirino Principe - 2018 - Milano: Jaca Book.
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  18.  16
    Usisa, Saliksik, at Tiyaga: The Task of Philosophizing Ferriols's Translation of the Apology.Jesus Deogracias Principe - 2019 - Kritike 13 (1):78-100.
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  19.  64
    Georges Pierre Des Clozets, Robert Boyle, the Alchemical Patriarch of Antioch, And the Reunion of Christendom: Further New Sources.Lawrence Principe - 2004 - Early Science and Medicine 9 (4):307-320.
    In 1677, Georges Pierre des Clozets visited Robert Boyle and told him that he had been approved for membership in the Asterism, a secret international society of alchemical masters, headed by Pierre's patron Georges du Mesnillet, the Patriarch of Antioch. Extensive correspondence followed, replete with gifts and bizarre claims, until Pierre vanished in August 1678. This paper links several new documents—articles in the Mercure galant and the Gazette de France and a manuscript account by another convinced admirer of Pierre—to my (...)
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  20. Haring, Nikolaus, M.(1909-1982).Wh Principe - 1982 - Mediaeval Studies 44:R7.
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  21. Claudio La Rocca (cur.), Leggere Kant. Dimensioni della filosofia critica.Salvatore Principe - 2009 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 64 (3):626.
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  22. Chris Mathew Sciabarra, Total Freedom: Toward a Dialectical Libertarianism Reviewed by.Michael A. Principe - 2001 - Philosophy in Review 21 (5):375-377.
  23.  25
    Evidence for Transmutation in Seventeenth-Century Alchemy.Lawrence M. Principe - 2005 - In Peter Achinstein, Scientific Evidence: Philosophical Theories & Applications. The Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 151--64.
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  24.  30
    Galileo, the Jesuits, and the Medieval Aristotle. William A. Wallace.Lawrence Principe - 1994 - Isis 85 (4):694-694.
  25. Joseph H. Carens, ed., Democracy and Possessive Individualism: The Intellectual Legacy ofC. B. Macpherson Reviewed by.Michael A. Principe - 1995 - Philosophy in Review 15 (1):14-16.
  26.  58
    Solidarity and responsibility: Conceptual connections.Michael A. Principe - 2000 - Journal of Social Philosophy 31 (2):139–145.
  27. Thomas Aquinas' spirituality (1984).Walter H. Principe - 2008 - In James P. Reilly, The Gilson Lectures on Thomas Aquinas. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
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  28.  18
    The centenary of the education (Scotland) act of 1872.James Scotland Principal - 1972 - British Journal of Educational Studies 20 (2):121-136.
  29. William L. McBride, Philosophical Reflections on the Changes in Eastern Europe Reviewed by.Michael A. Principe - 2000 - Philosophy in Review 20 (2):123-126.
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  30.  8
    Sur les sources néokantiennes de la pensée épistémologique de Henri Poincaré.João Príncipe - 2012 - Kairos 4:51-70.
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  31.  10
    Four.David Del Principe - 1994 - Between the Species 10 (1):17.
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  32.  44
    Style and Thought of the Early Boyle: Discovery of the 1648 Manuscript of Seraphic Love.Lawrence Principe - 1994 - Isis 85 (2):247-260.
  33.  50
    Faces differing in attractiveness elicit corresponding affective responses.Connor P. Principe & Judith H. Langlois - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (1):140-148.
  34.  63
    Sources et nature de la philosophie de la physique d’Henri Poincaré.João Príncipe - 2012 - Philosophia Scientiae 16 (2):197-222.
    Cette étude montre que les réflexions épistémologiques de Poincaré émergèrent dans le cadre de ses recherches scientifiques et qu’elles furent en partie inspirées par sa lecture de savants philosophes comme Helmholtz et surtout Maxwell. Elle donne une analyse systématique des textes philosophiques publiés par Poincaré vers 1900, au moment où il juge que la physique des principes constitue le sommet de l’évolution des théories. Enfin, elle met en rapport certaines de ses thèses sur la physique avec l’Analytique et la Dialectique (...)
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  35.  72
    Plato’s Erotic Thought. [REVIEW]Jesus Principe - 2006 - Ancient Philosophy 26 (1):197-201.
  36.  47
    Hegers Logic and Marx’s Early Development.Michael A. Principe - 1991 - International Studies in Philosophy 23 (1):47-60.
  37.  68
    Is Universalization in Ethics Significant for Choosing A Theory of Identity Across Possible Worlds?Michael A. Principe - 1985 - Philosophy Research Archives 11:77-88.
    Can Lewisian counterpart theory adequately account for the deliberation involved in universalizing moral judgments? In this paper, the dispute between Shalom Lappin and Yehudah Freunlich over the answer to this question is examined and clarified. Then it is argued that Lappin andFreunlich do not join issue in a way which allows for satisfactory adjudication of their dispute. Specifically, they are unaware of the different models of role projection which each employs. By making these models explicit, it can be seen that, (...)
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  38. Loving Friendship According to Thomas Aquinas.Walter Principe - 1995 - In David Goicoechea, The nature and pursuit of love: the philosophy of Irving Singer. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. pp. 128.
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  39.  29
    Quaestiones Concerning Christ from the First Half of the Thirteenth Century: VI. Quaestiones from Douai MS. 434: Saving Activities of Christ.Walter H. Principe - 1992 - Mediaeval Studies 54 (1):1-48.
  40.  45
    Quaestiones concerning Christ from the First Half of the Thirteenth Century: I. Quaestiones from the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.Walter H. Principe - 1977 - Mediaeval Studies 39 (1):1-59.
  41.  47
    Restraint of Desire in the Gorgias.Michael A. Principe - 1982 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 20 (1):121-132.
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  42.  48
    Writing the Disaster: A Philippine Case Study of the Challenge to Traditional Theodicy in Popular Media.Jesus Deogracias Principe - 2015 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 14 (42):172-197.
    The question initially raised in this paper was on how one’s religious sensibility affects one’s response to suffering. Focusing on three particular disasters that hit the Philippines, we look at the various media sources: the writing about the rains and flooding found in broadsheets and online media, and some ethnographic descriptions coming from the social sciences; we also look at experiential or anecdotal sources. All this provides us with material to establish certain traits and topics that come to fore in (...)
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  43.  15
    An Important New Study of Thomas Aquinas: Jean-Pierre Torrell’s Initiation À Saint Thomas d’Aquin.Walter H. Principe - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (3):489-499.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AN IMPORTANT NEW STUDY OF THOMAS AQUINAS: JEAN-PIERRE TORRELL'S INITIATION A SAINT THOMAS D'AQUIN WALTER H. PRINCIPE, C.S.B. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies Toronto, Canada BEFORE BECOMING professor of theology at the Universite de Fribourg, Jean-Pierre Torrell, O.P., was a member of the Leonine Commission. This editorial experience, together with his continuing association with members of the commission, enables him in his new work, Initiation a saint Thomas d'Aquin: (...)
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  44. Wilhelm Homberg et la chimie de la lumière.Lawrence M. Principe - 2008 - Methodos 8.
    En 1705, Wilhem Homberg, le principal chimiste de l’Académie royale des sciences, proposa une nouvelle théorie chimique selon laquelle le Soufre principe des corps mixtes était identique à la lumière. Il affirma par la suite que cette lumière corporelle était la seule source d’activité et de changement dans les substances matérielles. Cet article montre comment la théorie de Homberg s’élabora progressivement pendant de nombreuses années sous l’influence de ses observations et des résultats de ses expériences de laboratoire, ce qui (...)
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  45. Ellen Meikins Wood, Democracy against Capitalism. [REVIEW]Michael Principe - 1996 - Philosophy in Review 16:153-155.
  46.  95
    Can Illness Perceptions Predict Lower Heart Rate Variability following Acute Myocardial Infarction?Mary Princip, Marco Scholz, Rebecca E. Meister-Langraf, Jürgen Barth, Ulrich Schnyder, Hansjörg Znoj, Jean-Paul Schmid, Julian F. Thayer & Roland von Känel - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  47.  21
    Rupture et continuité dans la physique française : Henri Poincaré et les fondements mécaniques de la thermodynamique.João Príncipe - 2023 - Philosophia Scientiae 27:153-175.
    Après 1850, la physique moléculaire laplacienne ou ampérienne s’est trouvée en compétition avec d’autres approches impliquant la thermodynamique et les théories cinétiques. Henri Poincaré est l’un des deux seuls savants français qui contribuèrent au développement de la mécanique statistique classique au tournant du siècle. Son ouverture à la physique étrangère et son engagement pour une physique des principes et pour un pluralisme méthodologique marquent une rupture avec l’autosuffisance prétendue de la physique française. Cependant, l’évolution des idées de Poincaré sur le (...)
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  48.  16
    Catholicity, Inculturation, and Liberation Theology: Do They Mix?Walter H. Principe Csb - 1987 - Franciscan Studies 47 (1):24-43.
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  49. The Theology of the Hypostatic Union in the Early Thirteenth Century: The Doctrines of William of Auxerre, Alexander of Hales, Hugh of Saint-Cher, and Philip the Chancellor,".Walter H. Principe - 1962 - Mediaeval Studies 24:392-394.
  50.  49
    The Role of Illness Perception and Its Association With Posttraumatic Stress at 3 Months Following Acute Myocardial Infarction.Mary Princip, Christina Gattlen, Rebecca E. Meister-Langraf, Ulrich Schnyder, Hansjörg Znoj, Jürgen Barth, Jean-Paul Schmid & Roland von Känel - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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