Results for ' population risk management strategy of public health'

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  1.  20
    The Mismarriage of Personal Responsibility and Health.Greg Bognar - 2020 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 29 (2):196-204.
    This paper begins with a simple illustration of the choice between individual and population strategies in population health policy. It describes the traditional approach on which the choice is to be made on the relative merits of the two strategies in each case. It continues by identifying two factors—our knowledge of the consequences of the epidemiological transition and the prevalence of responsibility-sensitive theories of distributive justice—that may distort our moral intuitions when we deliberate about the choice of (...)
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    Managed Care and Public Health: Conflict and Collaboration.Sara Rosenbaum & Brian Kamoie - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (2):191-200.
    This article reviews the relationship between managed care and public health. Managed care, with its seemingly infinite structural and organizational variation, dominates the modern American health-care system for the non-elderly U.S. population. Through its emphasis on standarhzed practice norms and performance measurement, coupled with industrial purchasing techniques, prepayment, risk downstreaming, and incentives-based compensation, managed care has the potential to exert considerable influence over the manner in which the health-care system is organized and functions. Given (...)
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    Brazilian public policies for reproductive health: Family planning, abortion and prenatal care.Dirce Guilhem & Anamaria Ferreira Azevedo - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 7 (2):68–77.
    ABSTRACT This study is an ethical reflection on the formulation and application of public policies regarding reproductive health in Brazil. The Integral Assistance Program for Women's Health (PAISM) can be considered advanced for a country in development. Universal access for family planning is foreseen in the Brazilian legislation, but the services do not offer contraceptive methods for the population in a regular and consistent manner. Abortion is restricted by law to two cases: risk to the (...)
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    The Vulnerability of Rural Migrants Under COVID-19 Quarantine in China and its Global Implications: A Socio-Ethical Analysis.Xiang Zou & Jing-Bao Nie - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (2):197-206.
    Despite the role of public health interventions in controlling disease transmission and protecting the public during the COVID-19 emergency, the implementation of quarantine restrictions has raised serious ethical concerns, especially in relation to the well-being of vulnerable populations. Drawing on the lived experiences of rural Chinese migrants who are subject to pandemic control, the authors highlight their inadequate capacities to manage the risks associated with the pandemic and adjust to quarantine restrictions. Informed by an ethical discourse of (...)
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    Protecting Life or Managing Risk? Suicide Prevention and the Lure of Medicalized Control.Warren Kinghorn - forthcoming - Christian Bioethics.
    Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States and in many other parts of the world. As such, suicide is frequently framed as a medical and public health problem for which solutions are best recommended by medical and public health authorities. While, medicalized suicide prevention strategies often resonate with traditional Christian commitments to preserve life and to discourage suicide, there is little evidence to date that medical approaches to suicide risk-reduction decrease (...) rates of suicide. Further, by treating suicide as a phenomenon that can be eliminated through technical managerial control, modern suicide prevention efforts construe suffering persons as carriers of risk best managed by standardized and often dehumanizing environments of care. This emphasis on the medical management of risk also erodes the clinician–patient relationship and inappropriately centers medical (e.g., systematic health screenings) rather than non-medical (e.g., access to housing) forms of response. Although, medicalized suicide prevention efforts should not be dismantled, those working to prevent suicide would do well to prioritize a positive commitment to human dignity and worth and to engage social and political systems beyond medicine and public health, while drawing on specific contributions that clinicians can offer. (shrink)
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    Using Precision Public Health to Manage Climate Change: Opportunities, Challenges, and Health Justice.Walter G. Johnson - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (4):681-693.
    Amid public health concerns over climate change, “precision public health” is emerging in next generation approaches to practice. These novel methods promise to augment public health operations by using ever larger and more robust health datasets combined with new tools for collecting and analyzing data. Precision strategies to protecting the public health could more effectively or efficiently address the systemic threats of climate change, but may also propagate or exacerbate health (...)
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  7. The Neuroethics of Pleasure and Addiction in Public Health Strategies Moving Beyond Harm Reduction: Funding the Creation of Non-Addictive Drugs and Taxonomies of Pleasure.Robin Mackenzie - 2010 - Neuroethics 4 (2):103-117.
    We are unlikely to stop seeking pleasure, as this would prejudice our health and well-being. Yet many psychoactive substances providing pleasure are outlawed as illicit recreational drugs, despite the fact that only some of them are addictive to some people. Efforts to redress their prohibition, or to reform legislation so that penalties are proportionate to harm have largely failed. Yet, if choices over seeking pleasure are ethical insofar as they avoid harm to oneself or others, public health (...)
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    One Health and Zoonotic Uncertainty in Singapore and Australia: Examining Different Regimes of Precaution in Outbreak Decision-Making.C. Degeling, G. L. Gilbert, P. Tambyah, J. Johnson & T. Lysaght - 2020 - Public Health Ethics 13 (1):69-81.
    A One Health approach holds great promise for attenuating the risk and burdens of emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) in both human and animal populations. Because the course and costs of EID outbreaks are difficult to predict, One Health policies must deal with scientific uncertainty, whilst addressing the political, economic and ethical dimensions of communication and intervention strategies. Drawing on the outcomes of parallel Delphi surveys conducted with policymakers in Singapore and Australia, we explore the normative dimensions of (...)
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    Health prevention in the era of biosocieties: a critical analysis of the ‘Seek‐and‐Treat’ paradigm in HIV / AIDS prevention.Thomas Foth, Patrick O'Byrne & Dave Holmes - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (2):99-108.
    On 18 November 2014, the United Nations launched an urgent new campaign to end AIDS as a global health threat by 2030. With its proposed strategy, the UN follows leading scientists who had declared the failure of former prevention strategies and now were promoting a ‘Seek and Treat for Optimal Prevention’ (STOP) approach as the most cost‐effective response to the pandemic to meet the goal of ‘an AIDS‐free generation’. STOP combines antiretroviral therapy and routine HIV screening to find (...)
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  10.  21
    Trust and digital privacy in healthcare: a cross-sectional descriptive study of trust and attitudes towards uses of electronic health data among the general public in Sweden.Niels Lynøe, Gert Helgesson & Sara Belfrage - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-8.
    BackgroundThe ability of healthcare to protect sensitive personal data in medical records and registers might influence public trust, which in turn might influence willingness to allow healthcare to use such data. The aim of this study was to examine how the general public’s trust relates to their attitudes towards uses of health data.MethodsA stratified sample from the general Swedish population received a questionnaire about their willingness to share health data. Respondents were also asked about their (...)
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  11.  51
    Addressing the Legacy of the U.S. Public Health Service Syphilis Study at Tuskegee: Optimal Health in Health Care Reform Philosophy.Rueben C. Warren, Luther S. Williams & Wylin D. Wilson - 2012 - Ethics and Behavior 22 (6):496-500.
    This article is guided by principles and practices of bioethics and public health ethics focused on health care reform within the context of promoting Optimal Health. The Tuskegee University National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care is moving beyond the traditions of bioethics to incorporate public health ethics and Optimal Health. It is imperative to remember the legacy of the ill-fated research entitled Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro (...)
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    Understanding COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among the General Population in Japan from Public Health Ethical Perspectives: Findings from a Narrative Review.Moe Kuroda, Md Koushik Ahmed, Kaku Kuroda & Sandra D. Lane - 2025 - Asian Bioethics Review 17 (1):141-165.
    Japan has been reported as a country with high levels of vaccine hesitancy. However, a lack of comprehensive reviews studying factors for vaccine hesitancy for the COVID-19 vaccines in the Japanese context from the perspective of ethical controversy exists. Using a narrative review method, we reviewed factors associated with vaccine hesitancy to the COVID-19 vaccines and examined issues related to ethical controversy among the Japanese population. Factors associated with vaccine hesitancy include concerns about vaccine safety, suspicion of vaccine inefficacy, (...)
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    Artificial Intelligence in Public Health: A Review Article.Hridi Hedayet & Fariha Haseen - 2024 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 15 (2):15-19.
    Background: Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, such as learning, reasoning, and problem-solving. AI has the potential to transform the field of public health, which is concerned with promoting and protecting the health of populations and preventing diseases. AI can help public health organizations perform their essential functions more efficiently, effectively, and equitably; AI can transform the public health field, but it also poses some challenges and risks (...)
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  14.  79
    Guilt, fear, stigma and knowledge gaps: Ethical issues in public health communication interventions.Nurit Guttman & Charles T. Salmon - 2004 - Bioethics 18 (6):531–552.
    ABSTRACT Public health communication campaigns have been credited with helping raise awareness of risk from chronic illness and new infectious diseases and with helping promote the adoption of recommended treatment regimens. Yet many aspects of public health communication interventions have escaped the scrutiny of ethical discussions. With the transference of successful commercial marketing communication tactics to the realm of public health, consideration of ethical issues becomes an essential component in the development and application (...)
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    State Laws Regulating Prescribing of Controlled Substances: Balancing the Public Health Problems of Chronic Pain and Prescription Painkiller Abuse and Overdose.Andrea M. Garcia - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (s1):42-45.
    According to the Institute of Medicine, chronic pain affects at least 116 million adults in the United States, which is more than the total affected by heart disease, cancer, and diabetes combined. Pain costs the nation up to $635 billion each year in medical treatment and lost productivity. It has been conceptualized as a public health problem due to its prevalence, seriousness, disparities, vulnerable populations, the utility of population health strategies, and the importance of prevention at (...)
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  16.  36
    Risk Management Practices of Health Research Ethics Committees May Undermine Citizen Science to Address Basic Human Rights.Penelope Hawe, Samantha Rowbotham, Leah Marks & Jonathan Casson - 2022 - Public Health Ethics 15 (2):194-199.
    Lack of supportive workplaces may be depriving babies and mothers of the health advantages of breastfeeding. This citizen science pilot project set out to engage women in photographing and sharing information on the available facilities for breastfeeding and expressing and storing breastmilk in Australian workplaces. While some useful insights were gained, the project failed in the sense that 234 people ‘liked’ the project Facebook page set up to recruit participants, but only nine photographs were submitted. The heaviest loss of (...)
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    Motives of contributing personal data for health research: (non-)participation in a Dutch biobank.R. Broekstra, E. L. M. Maeckelberghe, J. L. Aris-Meijer, R. P. Stolk & S. Otten - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundLarge-scale, centralized data repositories are playing a critical and unprecedented role in fostering innovative health research, leading to new opportunities as well as dilemmas for the medical sciences. Uncovering the reasons as to why citizens do or do not contribute to such repositories, for example, to population-based biobanks, is therefore crucial. We investigated and compared the views of existing participants and non-participants on contributing to large-scale, centralized health research data repositories with those of ex-participants regarding the decision (...)
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  18. Access to antiretroviral treatment, issues of well-being and public health governance in Chad: what justifies the limited success of the universal access policy?Jacquineau Azétsop & Blondin A. Diop - 2013 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 8:8.
    Universal access to antiretroviral treatment (ART) in Chad was officially declared in December 2006. This presidential initiative was and is still funded 100% by the country’s budget and external donors’ financial support. Many factors have triggered the spread of AIDS. Some of these factors include the existence of norms and beliefs that create or increase exposure, the low-level education that precludes access to health information, social unrest, and population migration to areas of high economic opportunities and gender-based discrimination. (...)
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  19.  30
    The ethical implications of verbal autopsy: responding to emotional and moral distress.Sassy Molyneux, Marylene Wamukoya, Amek Nyaguara, Vicki Marsh & Alex Hinga - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-16.
    BackgroundVerbal autopsy is a pragmatic approach for generating cause-of-death data in contexts without well-functioning civil registration and vital statistics systems. It has primarily been conducted in health and demographic surveillance systems (HDSS) in Africa and Asia. Although significant resources have been invested to develop the technical aspects of verbal autopsy, ethical issues have received little attention. We explored the benefits and burdens of verbal autopsy in HDSS settings and identified potential strategies to respond to the ethical issues identified.MethodsThis research (...)
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  20.  51
    Managing the public health risk of a 'sex worker' with hepatitis B infection: legal and ethical considerations.R. Poll - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (10):623-626.
    This paper examines the ethical issues faced by health workers managing a fictional case of a female sex worker who is hepatitis B positive with a high level of virus but is asymptomatic. According to guidelines she does not require treatment herself, but is potentially highly infectious to others. Recent legal cases in the UK show it can be criminal to pass on HIV or hepatitis B infection sexually if the risk is known and the partner has not (...)
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  21.  45
    Publish and perish: a case study of publication ethics in a rural community.J. Fraser - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (9):526-529.
    Background: Health researchers must weigh the benefits and risks of publishing their findings.Objective: To explore differences in decision making between rural health researchers and managers on the publication of research from small identifiable populations.Method: A survey that investigated the attitudes of Australian rural general practitioners to nurse practitioners was explored. Decisions on the study’s publication were analysed with bioethical principles and health service management ethical decision-making models.Results: Response rate was 78.5% . 84–94% of GP responders considered (...)
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  22.  24
    The PHERCC Matrix. An Ethical Framework for Planning, Governing, and Evaluating Risk and Crisis Communication in the Context of Public Health Emergencies.Giovanni Spitale, Federico Germani & Nikola Biller-Andorno - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):67-82.
    Risk and crisis communication (RCC) is a current ethical issue subject to controversy, mainly due to the tension between individual liberty (a core component of fairness) and effectiveness. In this paper we propose a consistent definition of the RCC process in public health emergencies (PHERCC), which comprises six key elements: evidence, initiator, channel, publics, message, and feedback. Based on these elements and on a detailed analysis of their role in PHERCC, we present an ethical framework to help (...)
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  23.  35
    Governing through lifestyle—Lalonde and the biopolitical management of public health in Canada.Thomas Foth & Dave Holmes - 2018 - Nursing Philosophy 19 (4):e12222.
    In 1974, the Liberal government of Pierre Trudeau released a “green paper” known as the Lalonde Report, after the health minister at that time. The report formulated perspectives on health and the main concepts and ideas developed in it, particularly the concept of “lifestyle,” which became the foundation of public health policies in many different European countries and the United States. The concept of “lifestyle” connected personal behaviour and habits to the individual health condition; people (...)
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  24.  29
    An Epidemic Spreading Simulation and Emergency Management Based on System Dynamics: A Case Study of China’s University Community.Wei Rong, Ping Wang, Zonglin Han & Wei Zhao - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-12.
    The spread of epidemics, especially COVID-19, is having a significant impact on the world. If an epidemic is not properly controlled at the beginning, it is likely to spread rapidly and widely through the coexistence relationship between natural and social systems. A university community is a special, micro-self-organized social system that is densely populated. However, university authorities in such an environment seem to be less cautious in the defence of an epidemic. Currently, there is almost no quantitative research on epidemic (...)
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    Risk of public disclosure in environmental farm plan programs: Characteristics and mitigating legal and policy strategies. [REVIEW]Emmanuel K. Yiridoe - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 13 (1):101-120.
    Although various studies have shown thatfarmers believe there is the need for a producer-ledinitiative to address the environmental problems fromagriculture, farmers in several Canadian provinceshave been reluctant to widely participate inEnvironmental Farm Plan (EFP) programs. Few studieshave examined the key issues associated with adoptingEFP programs based on farmers', as opposed to policymakers', perspectives on why producers are reluctantto participate in the program. A study adapting VanRaaij's (1981) conceptual model of the decision-makingenvironment of the firm, and prospect theory on valuefunctions associated (...)
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    Why Leading Consumer Product Companies Develop Proactive Chemical Management Strategies.Harry J. Van Buren & Caroline E. Scruggs - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (5):635-675.
    Scholars have studied the various pressures that companies face related to socially responsible behavior when stakeholders know the particular social issues under consideration. Many have examined social responsibility in the context of environmental responsibility and the general approaches companies take regarding environmental management. The issue of currently unregulated, but potentially hazardous, chemicals in consumer products is not well understood by the general public, but a number of proactive consumer product companies have voluntarily adopted strategies to minimize use of (...)
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    Managing Risk: A Taxonomy of Error in Health Policy.Paul Joyce, Ruth Boaden & Aneez Esmail - 2005 - Health Care Analysis 13 (4):337-346.
    This paper discusses the current initiatives on error and adverse events within healthcare, with a particular focus on the NHS, within the context of health policy. One of the key features of the paper is the proposal for an emergent taxonomy of the medical error literature, developed from the ideologies and rationales that underpin their approaches. This taxonomy provides details of three categories—empiricists, organisational rationalists and reformers of professional culture—and these act as an organising framework for the exploration of (...)
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  28.  15
    Think Like a Journalist and Act as a Risk and Crisis Communicator in the Context of Public Health Emergencies.Cesare Buquicchio - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):86-89.
    For risk and crisis communication in health emergencies and for the management of infodemics, now is the time to intervene. A time that precedes the arrival of the next health emergency and a time...
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    Clinical risk management in hospitals: strategy, central coordination and dialogue as key enablers.Matthias Briner, Tanja Manser & Oliver Kessler - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (2):363-369.
  30.  48
    “Who is watching the watchdog?”: ethical perspectives of sharing health-related data for precision medicine in Singapore.Tamra Lysaght, Angela Ballantyne, Vicki Xafis, Serene Ong, Gerald Owen Schaefer, Jeffrey Min Than Ling, Ainsley J. Newson, Ing Wei Khor & E. Shyong Tai - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-11.
    Background We aimed to examine the ethical concerns Singaporeans have about sharing health-data for precision medicine and identify suggestions for governance strategies. Just as Asian genomes are under-represented in PM, the views of Asian populations about the risks and benefits of data sharing are under-represented in prior attitudinal research. Methods We conducted seven focus groups with 62 participants in Singapore from May to July 2019. They were conducted in three languages and analysed with qualitative content and thematic analysis. Results (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Managing Antimicrobial Resistance In Food Production : Conflicts Of Interest And Politics In The Development Of Public Health Policy.Bryn Williams-Jones & Béatrice Doize - 2010 - Les Ateliers de L’Ethique 5 (1):156-169.
    Antimicrobial resistance is a growing public health concern and is associated with the over- or inappropriate use of antimicrobials in both humans and agriculture. While there has been reco- gnition of this problem on the part of agricultural and public health authorities, there has none- theless been significant difficulty in translating policy recommendations into practical guidelines. In this paper, we examine the process of public health policy development in Quebec agriculture, with a focus on (...)
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    Population Genetic Research and Screening: Conceptual and Ethical Issues.Eric Juengst - 2007 - In Bonnie Steinbock, The Oxford handbook of bioethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Like all community-based public health campaigns, proposals to use genetic information to improve the health and welfare of communities, whether the old eugenic sterilization campaigns or the routinized population screening programs of today's ‘public health genetics’, can involve asking affected individuals to make special sacrifices or assume special responsibilities on behalf of the community's welfare. Moreover, unlike public health interventions that restrict individual liberties in order to prevent health problems which all (...)
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    The Contingent Object of Psychiatry.David McCallum - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (1):69-71.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Contingent Object of PsychiatryDavid McCallum (bio)Keywordsmental illness, dangerousness, law, genealogyWilson and Adhead’s plea that the British Government’s proposed new mental health legislation might entail a misappropriation of psychiatry’s true mission will strike a chord in numerous jurisdictions. Many European countries during the last northern summer will adopt mental health legislation that moves in the opposite direction to the United Nations Convention on Human Rights for persons (...)
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    Public Health Ethics: The State of Arts.Kathryn L. MacKay - 2024 - International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine 22 (2):9-43.
    LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in English ; abstract also in Chinese. 本文介紹生物倫理學與公共健康倫理學領域,並描述兩者之間的關係;文章尾聲將展望公共健康倫理學論未來既廣泛又多變的方向。本文首先簡介公共健康倫理學的本質,以及如何把其與比之更廣闊的生物倫理學作出區分,因此 需要提出公共健康倫理學的定義,以助釐清公共健康倫理的重點。隨後,本文簡述公共健康倫理學文獻的一些最新進展,包括圍繞新冠病毒、大流行病、抗菌素抗藥性、「生活方式」疾病及正義等道德問題。本文同時論及就干預 公共健康的「合法範圍」所提出的觀點之間於政治及形而上學的角力。其後本文探討公共健康倫理學所面臨的挑戰,包括其複雜又多元的性質。而且公共健康實踐高度政治化,其政治化的原因是因為公共健康影響整個人口及社區 ,而很多關於公共健康的決策由政治人物而非公共健康專家所作出。此外,公共健康倫理也因為公共健康的範圍擴展至納入非政府公共健康行動者而面臨進一步的挑戰。本文最後闡述有關公共健康的一些未來方向,包括「公共健 康觀」的出現,以作為為人熟知的健康與社會問題的形而上學框架、把該領域的認知和道德基礎去殖民化以涵蓋更廣泛的知識,以及一些包括美德在内的公共健康倫理學的理論發展。筆者建議讀者把文章視為對公共健康倫理學領 域的一部分介紹,並鼓勵他們閲讀本文所引用的論文,並以這些論文作為進入所涵蓋主題的大量文獻之門徑。公共健康倫理學是一個相對年輕的領域,而該領域有著巨大的成長及發掘更多新概念的潛力。 This essay begins by introducing the fields of bioethics and public health ethics and describing the relationship between them. It ends with some glimpses into the wide-ranging and discourse-changing directions of the literature on public health ethics. To open, the paper describes the field of public health ethics and how it is differentiated from the wider field of bioethics. This requires a (...)
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    Beyond Trade-Offs: Autonomy, Effectiveness, Fairness, and Normativity in Risk and Crisis Communication.Federico Germani, Giovanni Spitale & Nikola Biller-Andorno - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (6):1-4.
    This paper addresses the critiques based on trade-offs and normativity presented in response to our target article proposing the Public Health Emergency Risk and Crisis Communication (PHERCC) framework. These critiques highlight the ethical dilemmas in crisis communication, particularly the balance between promoting public autonomy through transparent information and the potential stigmatization of specific population groups, as illustrated by the discussion of the mpox outbreak among men who have sex with men. This critique underscores the inherent (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Behavior Change or Empowerment: On the Ethics of Health-Promotion Strategies. [REVIEW]P. -A. Tengland - 2012 - Public Health Ethics 5 (2):140-153.
    There are several strategies to promote health in individuals and populations. Two general approaches to health promotion are behavior change and empowerment. The aim of this article is to present those two kinds of strategies, and show that the behavior-change approach has some moral problems, problems that the empowerment approach (on the whole) is better at handling. Two distinct ‘ideal types’ of these practices are presented and scrutinized. Behavior change interventions use various kinds of theories to target people’s (...)
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    Heterogeneity of Risk within Racial Groups, a Challenge for Public Health Programs.Sean A. Valles - 2012 - Preventive Medicine 55 (5):405-408.
    Targeting high-risk populations for public health interventions is a classic tool of public health promotion programs. This practice becomes thornier when racial groups are identified as the at-risk populations. I present the particular ethical and epistemic challenges that arise when there are low-risk subpopulations within racial groups that have been identified as high-risk for a particular health concern. I focus on two examples. The black immigrant population does not have the (...)
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    The 2‐year costs and effects of a public health nursing case management intervention on mood‐disordered single parents on social assistance.D. Ph, Gina Browne RegN PhD, Jacqueline Roberts RegN MSc, Amiram Gafni PhD & Carolyn Byrne RegN PhD - 2002 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 8 (1):45-59.
    Rationale, aims and objectives This randomized controlled trial was designed to evaluate the 2-year costs and effects of a proactive, public health nursing case management approach compared with a self-directed approach for 129 single parents (98% were mothers) on social assistance in a Canadian setting. A total of 43% of these parents had a major depressive disorder and 38% had two or three other health conditions at baseline. Methods Study participants were recruited over a 12 month (...)
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    A Public Health Ethics Case for Mitigating Zoonotic Disease Risk in Food Production.Justin Bernstein & Jan Dutkiewicz - 2021 - Food Ethics 6 (2):1-25.
    This article argues that governments in countries that currently permit intensive animal agriculture - especially but not exclusively high-income countries - are, in principle, morally justified in taking steps to restrict or even eliminate intensive animal agriculture to protect public health from the risk of zoonotic pandemics. Unlike many extant arguments for restricting, curtailing, or even eliminating intensive animal agriculture which focus on environmental harms, animal welfare, or the link between animal source food (ASF) consumption and noncommunicable (...)
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  40. Fishers weigh in: benefits and risks of eating Great Lakes fish from the consumer’s perspective. [REVIEW]Jennifer Dawson, Judy Sheeshka, Donald C. Cole, David Kraft & Amy Waugh - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (3):349-364.
    Three decades of concern over consumption of potentially contaminated Great Lakes fish has led government agencies and public health proponents to implement risk assessment and management programs as a means of protecting the health of fishers and their families. While well-meaning in their intent, these programs––and much of the research conducted to support and evaluate them––were not designed to accommodate the understandings and concerns of the fish consumer. Results from a qualitative component of a multi-disciplinary, (...)
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    A New Era, New Strategies: Education and Communication Strategies to Manage Greater Access to Genomic Information.Megan A. Lewis, Natasha Bonhomme & Cinnamon S. Bloss - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S2):25-27.
    As next‐generation genomic sequencing, including whole‐genome sequencing information, becomes more common in research, clinical, and public health contexts, there is a need for comprehensive communication strategies and education approaches to prepare patients and clinicians to manage this information and make informed decisions about its use, and nowhere is that imperative more pronounced than when genomic sequencing is applied to newborns. Unfortunately, in‐person counseling is unlikely to be applicable or cost‐effective when parents obtain genomic risk information directly via (...)
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    Public Health Ethics: Health by the Numbers.Pat Milmoe McCarrick & Martina Darragh - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (3):339-358.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Public Health Ethics: Health by the NumbersMartina Darragh (bio) and Pat Milmoe McCarrick (bio)Hippocrates had nothing to say about public health. Rather, the idea that a government should protect its citizens from disease by maintaining sanitary conditions has its origin in Renaissance humanities texts, and the notion that physicians have public health responsibilities emerged in the works of such Enlightenment authors as (...)
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    Taking Risks to Protect Others—Pediatric Vaccination and Moral Responsibility.Jessica Nihlén Fahlquist - 2023 - Public Health Ethics 16 (2):127-138.
    The COVID-19 pandemic during 2020–2022 raised ethical questions concerning the balance between individual autonomy and the protection of the population, vulnerable individuals and the healthcare system. Pediatric COVID-19 vaccination differs from, for example, measles vaccination in that children were not as severely affected. The main question concerning pediatric vaccination has been whether the autonomy of parents outweighs the protection of the population. When children are seen as mature enough to be granted autonomy, questions arise about whether they have (...)
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    Meta-consent for the secondary use of health data within a learning health system: a qualitative study of the public’s perspective.Jean-François Ethier, Anne-Marie Cloutier, Nissrine Safa, Roxanne Dault, Adrien Barton & Annabelle Cumyn - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-17.
    BackgroundThe advent of learning healthcare systems (LHSs) raises an important implementation challenge concerning how to request and manage consent to support secondary use of data in learning cycles, particularly research activities. Current consent models in Quebec were not established with the context of LHSs in mind and do not support the agility and transparency required to obtain consent from all involved, especially the citizens. Therefore, a new approach to consent is needed. Previous work identified the meta-consent model as a promising (...)
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    Risking the Sustainability of the Public Health System: Ethical Conundrums and Ideologically Embedded Reform.Margaret Brunton - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 142 (4):719-734.
    The purpose of this paper is to examine the outcomes arising from ideologically driven health reforms, which confronted an enduring socialized model of public health care in New Zealand. The primary focus is on the narratives arising from the unprecedented strike action of junior doctors, symbolic of industrial unrest in the public health sector. Analysis revealed the way in which moral obligations ingrained in the professional identities of junior doctors can be both enacted and persistently (...)
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    Risky Bodies, Drugs and Biopolitics: On the Pharmaceutical Governance of Addiction and Other ‘Diseases of Risk’.Scott Vrecko - 2016 - Body and Society 22 (3):54-76.
    While there has been a significant amount of scholarship done on health and risk in relation to public health and disease prevention, relatively little attention has been paid to therapeutic interventions which seek to manage risks as bodily, and biological, matters. This article elucidates the distinct qualities and logics of these two different approaches to risk management, in relation to Michel Foucault’s conception of the two poles of biopower, that is, a biopolitics of the (...)
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    Livelihood change, farming, and managing flood risk in the Lerma Valley, Mexico.Hallie Eakin & Kirsten Appendini - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (4):555-566.
    In face of rising flood losses globally, the approach of “living with floods,” rather than relying on structural measures for flood control and prevention, is acquiring greater resonance in diverse socioeconomic contexts. In the Lerma Valley in the state of Mexico, rapid industrialization, population growth, and the declining value of agricultural products are driving livelihood and land use change, exposing increasing numbers of people to flooding. However, data collected in two case studies of farm communities affected by flooding in (...)
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    Public Health Law Strategies for Suicide Prevention Using the Socioecological Model.Catherine Cerulli, Amy Winterfeld, Monica Younger & Jill Krueger - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (S2):31-35.
    Suicide is a public health problem which will require an integrated cross-sector approach to help reduce prevalence rates. One strategy is to include the legal system in a more integrated way with suicide prevention efforts. Caine explored a public health approach to suicide prevention, depicting risk factors across the socio-ecological model. The purpose of this paper is to examine laws that impact suicide prevention at the individual, relational, community, and societal levels. These levels are (...)
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    Developing Public Health Approaches to Cognitive Enhancement: An Analysis of Current Reports.S. M. Outram & E. Racine - 2011 - Public Health Ethics 4 (1):93-105.
    In this article, we analyse content from two recent reports to examine how a public health framework to cognitive enhancement is emerging. We find that, in several areas, these reports provide population-level arguments both for and against the use of cognitive enhancers. In discussing these arguments, we look at how these reports are indicative of potentially innovative frameworks—epidemiological, risk/benefit and socio-historical—by which to explore the public health impact of cognitive enhancement. Finally, we argue that (...)
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    When Public Health and Genetic Privacy Collide: Positive and Normative Theories Explaining How ACA's Expansion of Corporate Wellness Programs Conflicts with GINA's Privacy Rules.Jennifer S. Bard - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (3):469-487.
    The passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a triumph for the field of public health. Its inclusion of many provisions intended to prevent illness and promote health endorses the core belief of public health as expressed by Dr. Georges Benjamin, the long-time executive director of the American Public Health Association, in a Washington Post opinion piece praising ACA for “provid[ing] care as far upstream as possible… [in order to] reduce (...)
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