Results for ' philosophical deductivism'

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  1.  12
    Deductivism Visited and Revisited.Wesley C. Salmon - 1997 - In Wesley C. Salmon (ed.), Causality and Explanation. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Attacks explanatory deductivism, the view that all genuine explanations have the form of a correct deductive argument. The view has strong intuitive appeal to many philosophers. The author offers a defense against the claim that there are no statistical explanations of particular facts. In other words, he shows that statistical explanations of statistical generalizations – in the form that Hempel designated as the deductive–statistical variety – are not the only correct forms of statistical explanation. He exposes a glaring conflict (...)
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  2. Hypothetico-Deductivism: The Current State of Play; The Criterion of Empirical Significance: Endgame.Ken Gemes - 1998 - Erkenntnis 49 (1):1 - 20.
    : Any precise version of H-D needs to handle various problems, most notably, the problem of selective confirmation: Precise formulations of H-D should not have the consequence that where S confirms T, for any T', S confirms T&T'. It is the perceived failure of H-D to solve such problems that has lead John Earman to recently conclude that H-D is "very nearly a dead horse". This suggests the following state of play: H-D is an intuitively plausible idea that breaks down (...)
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  3. Problems with the deductivist image of scientific reasoning.Philip Catton - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (3):473.
    There seem to be some very good reasons for a philosopher of science to be a deductivist about scientific reasoning. Deductivism is apparently connected with a demand for clarity and definiteness in the reconstruction of scientists' reasonings. And some philosophers even think that deductivism is the way around the problem of induction. But the deductivist image is challenged by cases of actual scientific reasoning, in which hard-to-state and thus discursively ill-defined elements of thought nonetheless significantly condition what practitioners (...)
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    Deductivism and practical reasoning.James Hearne - 1984 - Philosophical Studies 45 (2):205 - 208.
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    The Philosophical Method of Spinoza.Vance Maxwell - 1988 - Dialogue 27 (1):89.
    The main purpose of this paper is to argue, against the formalist or hypothetico-deductivist approach now dominant, that God or substance is for Spinoza a discovery, or indeed a kind of revelation. In both TdlE and Ethics, Spinoza affirms substance as the outcome of a search for salvation. He could not have held that a postulate or presupposition, even if thought necessary, can save man through abstract entailment. Indeed, salvation depends on “the quality of the object to which we cling (...)
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    The Methods Behind Poincaré’s Conventions: Structuralism and Hypothetical-Deductivism.María de Paz - 2023 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 54 (1):169-188.
    Poincaré’s conventionalism has been interpreted in many writings as a philosophical position emerged by reflection on certain scientific problems, such as the applicability of geometry to physical space or the status of certain scientific principles. In this paper I would like to consider conventionalism as a philosophical position that emerged from Poincaré’s scientific practice. But not so much from dealing with scientific problems, as from the use of two specific methodologies proper to modern mathematics and the modern natural (...)
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  7. Is Philosophy Exceptional? A Corpus-Based, Quantitative Study.Moti Mizrahi & Michael Adam Dickinson - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (5):666-683.
    Drawing on the epistemology of logic literature on anti-exceptionalism about logic, we set out to investigate the following metaphilosophical questions empirically: Is philosophy special? Are its methods (dis)continuous with science? More specifically, we test the following metaphilosophical hypotheses empirically: philosophical deductivism, philosophical inductivism, and philosophical abductivism. Using indicator words to classify arguments by type (namely, deductive, inductive, and abductive arguments), we searched through a large corpus of philosophical texts mined from the JSTOR database (N = (...)
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  8. Karl Popper’s Philosophical Breakthrough.Stefano Gattei - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (4):448-466.
    Despite his well‐known deductivism, in his early (unpublished) writings, Popper held an inductivist position. Up to 1929 epistemology entered Popper's reflections only as far as the problem was that of the justification of the scientific character of these fields of research. However, in that year, while surveying the history of non‐Euclidean geometries, Popper explicitly discussed the cognitive status of geometry without referring to psycho‐pedagogical aspects, thus turning from cognitive psychology to the logic and methodology of science. As a consequence (...)
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  9. Are moral philosophers moral experts?Bernward Gesang - 2008 - Bioethics 24 (4):153-159.
    In this paper I examine the question of whether ethicists are moral experts. I call people moral experts if their moral judgments are correct with high probability and for the right reasons. I defend three theses, while developing a version of the coherence theory of moral justification based on the differences between moral and nonmoral experience: The answer to the question of whether there are moral experts depends on the answer to the question of how to justify moral judgments. (...) and the coherence theory both provide some support for the opinion that moral experts exist in some way. I maintain – within the framework of a certain kind of coherence theory – that moral philosophers are 'semi-experts'. (shrink)
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  10. David Stove (1927-1994), Sydney philosopher and master of argument: life and work.James Franklin - 2021 - Sydney Realist 43:1-8.
    David Stove was a philosopher strong on argument and polemic. His work on the logical intepretation of probability led to a defence of induction in The Rationality of Induction (1986). It resulted too in his denunciation of Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos and Feyeraband as irrationalists because of their "deductivism" (the thesis that the only logic is deductive logic). Stove also defended controversial views on the intelligence of women and on Darwinism. The article surveys his life and work.
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  11. Provisos: A philosophical problem concerning the inferential function of scientific laws.Carl Gustav Hempel - 1988 - In Adolf Grünbaum & Wesley C. Salmon (eds.), Limitstions of Deductivism. University of California Press, Berkeley, Ca. pp. 19Ð36.
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    ‘Analytic Philosophy and the Long Tail of Scientia: Hegel and the Historicity of Philosophy’.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2010 - The Owl of Minerva 42 (1/2):1–18.
    Rejection of the philosophical relevance of history of philosophy remains pronounced within contemporary analytic philosophy. The two main reasons for this rejection presuppose that strict deduction is both necessary and sufficient for rational justification. However, this justificatory ideal of scientia holds only within strictly formal domains. This is confirmed by a neglected non-sequitur in van Fraassen’s original defence of ‘Constructive Empiricism’. Conversely, strict deduction is insufficient for rational justification in non-formal, substantive domains of inquiry. In non-formal, substantive domains, rational (...)
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  13. A new theory of content I: Basic content. [REVIEW]Ken Gemes - 1994 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 23 (6):595 - 620.
    Philosophers of science as divergent as the inductivist Carnap and the deductivist Popper share the notion that the (logical) content of a proposition is given by its consequence class. I claim that this notion of content is (a) unintuitive and (b) inappropriate for many of the formal needs of philosophers of science. The basic problem is that given this notion of content, for any arbitrary p and q, [(p ∨ q)] will count as part of the content of both p (...)
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  14. The fine structure of inference to the best explanation. [REVIEW]Stathis Psillos - 2007 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 74 (2):441–448.
    Traditionally, philosophers have focused mostly on the logical template of inference. The paradigm-case has been deductive inference, which is topic-neutral and context-insensitive. The study of deductive rules has engendered the search for the Holy Grail: syntactic and topic-neutral accounts of all prima facie reasonable inferential rules. The search has hoped to find rules that are transparent and algorithmic, and whose following will just be a matter of grasping their logical form. Part of the search for the Holy Grail has been (...)
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    Methods of Science.Elliott Sober - 2019 - In Graham Oppy (ed.), A Companion to Atheism and Philosophy. Hoboken: Blackwell. pp. 291–302.
    Do the methods of science lead to atheism? This is different from asking whether the results of science (e.g., well‐confirmed theories in evolutionary biology or cosmology) have that consequence. In this chapter, I consider several philosophical theories about scientific reasoning and trace out their implications for atheism, theism, and agnosticism. These theories include different versions of empiricism, logical positivism, inference to the best explanation, Bayesianism, hypothetico‐deductivism, and the principle of parsimony (Ockham's razor).
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  16. (1 other version)The Salem Region: Two Mindsets about Science.John S. Wilkins - 2013 - In Massimo Pigliucci & Maarten Boudry (eds.), Philosophy of Pseudoscience: Reconsidering the Demarcation Problem. University of Chicago Press. pp. 397.
    It is often noted that if someone has a tertiary degree in a scientific field who promotes an anti-science-establishment, antiscience, or pseudoscience agenda, they are very often engineers, dentists, surgeons or medical practitioners. While this does not mean that all members of these professions or disciplines are antiscience, of course, the higher frequency of pseudoscience among them is indicative of what I call the “deductivist mindset” regarding science itself. Opposing this is the “inductivist mindset”, a view that has been deprecated (...)
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  17.  27
    Aspectos da Filosofia da Ciência de Pierre Duhem: Variedades de Subdeterminação Empírica e a Função do Bom Senso na escolha entre Teorias.Alexander Maar - 2018 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 74 (1):59-84.
    As a philosopher of science, Pierre Duhem is most often remembered as the earliest contributor to what became known as the Duhem-Quine thesis. This thesis casts doubt on our ability to isolate and test theories, and to choose between empirically equivalent rivals. By extension, it offers important criticism of the rationality of deductivist science. In contrast with the vast literature produced during the 20th century addressing the problem of empirical underdetermination of theories, little has been said on the viability of (...)
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    Particles and waves: historical essays in the philosophy of science.Peter Achinstein - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume brings together eleven essays by the distinguished philosopher of science, Peter Achinstein. The unifying theme is the nature of the philosophical problems surrounding the postulation of unobservable entities such as light waves, molecules, and electrons. How, if at all, is it possible to confirm scientific hypotheses about "unobservables"? Achinstein examines this question as it arose in actual scientific practice in three nineteenth-century episodes: the debate between particle and wave theorists of light, Maxwell's kinetic theory of gases, and (...)
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    Theories of Scientific Method: An Introduction.Robert Nola & Howard Sankey - 2006 - Stocksfield: Acumen Publishing. Edited by Howard Sankey.
    What is it to be scientific? Is there such a thing as scientific method? And if so, how might such methods be justified? Robert Nola and Howard Sankey seek to provide answers to these fundamental questions in their exploration of the major recent theories of scientific method. Although for many scientists their understanding of method is something they just pick up in the course of being trained, Nola and Sankey argue that it is possible to be explicit about what this (...)
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  20.  14
    Jean Perrin and Molecular Reality.Peter Achinstein - 1994 - Perspectives on Science 2 (4):396-427.
    Jean Perrin’s argument for the existence of molecules from his 1908 experimental determination of Avogadro’s number raises two questions considered in this article. One is historical: Why as late as 1908 should Perrin have thought it necessary to argue that molecules exist? The other, which takes up the bulk of this article, is philosophical: In view of the fact that his argument appears to assume the existence of molecules as a premise, how, if at all, can a charge of (...)
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  21. Reduction without reductionism: A defence of Nagel on connectability.Colin Klein - 2009 - Philosophical Quarterly 59 (234):39-53.
    Unlike the overall framework of Ernest Nagel's work on reduction, his theory of intertheoretic connection still has life in it. It handles aptly cases where reduction requires complex representation of a target domain. Abandoning his formulation as too liberal was a mistake. Arguments that it is too liberal at best touch only Nagel's deductivist theory of explanation, not his condition of connectability. Taking this condition seriously gives a powerful view of reduction, but one which requires us to index explanatory power (...)
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  22.  26
    Four approaches to doing ethics.Benjamin H. Levi - 1996 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 21 (1):7-39.
    Within the field of medical ethics there is a startling amount of diversity regarding which issues and relationships are deemed relevant for ethical inquiry and analysis, what strategies are appropriate for examining and resolving ethical conflict, what should be the goals for medical ethics, even who should participate in that project. What I will try to make clear in this paper is that how we go about this process of doing medical ethics, of examining, reflecting, decisionmaking, and behaving, makes a (...)
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  23.  39
    Explanation, Causation and.Norman Swartz - unknown
    Wilson has returned to a debate whose heyday was the fifties and early sixties. He staunchly aligns himself with the deductivists, philosophers such as Popper, Hempel, Bergmann, and Braithwaite, who argued that scientific and historical explanations presuppose general laws and statements of initial conditions from which explanandum statements are validly deduced.
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  24.  13
    When Marxists do research.Pauline Vaillancourt Rosenau - 1986 - New York: Greenwood Press.
    Professor Vaillancourt has written an unique introductory volume designed to assist non-Marxist scholars and students to understand and evaluate Marxist inquiry. In clear, straightforward language, the author identifies and examines the research of four of the most important contemporary Marxist currents--structuralists, philosophics, materialists, and deductivists. Marxist research-relevant assumptions about epistemology, methodology, and science are scrutinized along with how each of the various Marxist groups goes about conducting research in terms of contemporary social science norms. Examples are offered of how the (...)
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    Re-writing Popper's Philosophy of Science for Systematics.Olivier Rieppel - 2008 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 30 (3-4):293 - 316.
    This paper explores the use of Popper's philosophy of science by cladists in their battle against evolutionary and numerical taxonomy. Three schools of biological systematics fiercely debated each other from the late 1960s: evolutionary taxonomy, phenetics or numerical taxonomy, and phylogenetic systematics or cladistics. The outcome of that debate was the victory of phylogenetic systematics/cladistics over the competing schools of thought. To bring about this "cladistic turn" in systematics, the cladists drew heavily on the philosopher K.R. Popper in order to (...)
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  26.  10
    Besmisao »primijenjene etike«.Ante Čović - 2022 - Synthesis Philosophica 37 (2):353-373.
    At the starting point of the article, the author considers the current process of fragmenting ethics into numerous special ethics as a process of destroying ethics as a philosophical discipline. He relates this to the historical failure of ethics, which due to categorical limitations could not address the challenges of the advanced scientific-technical civilisation, resulting in an “ethical vacuum” (H. Jonas). In response to the ethical vacuum, a number of ethical initiatives have emerged which the author, according to the (...)
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    Go's Command by John Hare.Joshua T. Mauldin - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (2):197-199.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Go's Command by John HareJoshua T. MauldinGod's Command John Hare OXFORD: OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2015. 368 pp. $110.00Divine command theory has received a significant amount of high-powered philosophical attention in recent years, notably in works by C. Stephen Evans, Robert Adams, and Philip Quinn. John Hare's book God's Command joins this [End Page 197] discussion and advances it by attending not only to the Christian tradition but (...)
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    Logic, Probability, and Presumptions in Legal Reasoning.Scott Brewer - 1998 - Routledge.
    Illuminates legal reasoning -- and its justification At least since plato and Aristotle, thinkers have pondered the relationship between philosophical arguments and the "sophistical" arguments offered by the Sophists -- who were the first professional lawyers. Judges wield substantial political power, and the justifications they offer for their decisions are a vital means by which citizens can assess the legitimacy of how that power is exercised. However, to evaluate judicial justifications requires close attention to the method of reasoning behind (...)
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  29.  13
    The Nonsense of “Applied Ethics”.Ante Čović - 2019 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 39 (1):247-264.
    The author considers the current process of fragmenting ethics into numerous special ethics at the starting point of the article as a process of destroying ethics as a philosophical discipline. He relates this to the historical failure of ethics which due to categorical limitations could not address the challenges of the advanced scientific-technical civilisation, resulting in an “ethical vacuum”. In response to the ethical vacuum, a number of ethical initiatives have emerged which the author, according to the effects on (...)
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  30. New Insights on Young Popper.John Wettersten - 2005 - Journal of the History of Ideas 66 (4):603-631.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:New Insights on Young PopperJohn R. WetterstenSeven essays that Popper wrote from 1925 to 1932–33 show Popper's transition from a fresh student of pedagogy into a serious philosopher of science ten years later. His first essay was published in 1925, and in 1934–35 he presented a revolutionary philosophy. These essays led first to Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie (written between 1930 and 1933 but first published in 1979) and (...)
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  31. The best explanation of a scientific paper.Peter Lipton - 1998 - Philosophy of Science 65 (3):406-410.
    Frederick Suppe would have us reject hypothetico-deductivism, Bayesianism, and Inference to the Best Explanation, on the grounds that none of these philosophical models can account for the argumentative structure that virtually all data-based papers in science share, a structure exemplified by W. Jason Morgan's landmark paper in plate tectonics. At the core of that putative universal structure is a strategy whereby recalcitrant data are given interpretations designed to show that the theory or scientific model being advanced need not (...)
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  32. (1 other version)The role of 'complex' empiricism in the debates about satellite data and climate models.Elisabeth A. Lloyd - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (2):390-401.
    climate scientists have been engaged in a decades-long debate over the standing of satellite measurements of the temperature trends of the atmosphere above the surface of the earth. This is especially significant because skeptics of global warming and the greenhouse effect have utilized this debate to spread doubt about global climate models used to predict future states of climate. I use this case from an under-studied science to illustrate two distinct philosophical approaches to the relation among data, scientists, measurement, (...)
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  33. Three Criticisms of Newton’s Inductive Argument in the Principia.Nicholas Maxwell - 2013 - Advances in Historical Studies 3 (1):2-11.
    In this paper, I discuss how Newton’s inductive argument of the Principia can be defended against criticisms levelled against it by Duhem, Popper and myself. I argue that Duhem’s and Popper’s criticisms can be countered, but mine cannot. It requires that we reconsider, not just Newton’s inductive argument in the Principia, but also the nature of science more generally. The methods of science, whether conceived along inductivist or hypothetico-deductivist lines, make implicit metaphysical presuppositions which rigour requires we make explicit within (...)
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  34. Ceteris paribus laws: Classification and deconstruction. [REVIEW]Gerhard Schurz - 2002 - Erkenntnis 57 (3):351Ð372.
    It has not been sufficiently considered in philosophical discussions of ceteris paribus (CP) laws that distinct kinds of CP-laws exist in science with rather different meanings. I distinguish between (1.) comparative CP-laws and (2.) exclusive CP-laws. There exist also mixed CP-laws, which contain a comparative and an exclusive CP-clause. Exclusive CP-laws may be either (2.1) definite, (2.2) indefinite or (2.3) normic. While CP-laws of kind (2.1) and (2.2) exhibit deductivistic behaviour, CP-laws of kind (2.3) require a probabilistic or non-monotonic (...)
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  35. Metaphysics and Explanation: Proceedings of the 1964 Oberlin Colloquium in Philosophy. [REVIEW]R. M. V. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (2):385-386.
    This is a collection of the invited papers presented at the fifth annual Oberlin Colloquium. The main papers are: "On Deductivism as a Philosophy of Science" by Stephan Körner; "Nonsense" by J. J. C. Smart; "Causing Voluntary Actions" by Joel Feinberg; "Evaluative Metaphysics" by Nicholas Rescher; and "Things and Qualities" by Herbert Hochberg. The contributions by Körner and Smart are short papers which, though well written, will offer few surprises to those familiar with their work. Körner attacks deductivist accounts (...)
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  36. Review of Alan Musgrave, Essays on Realism and Rationalism. [REVIEW]Stathos Psillos - unknown
    Alan Musgrave has been one of the most important philosophers of science in the last quarter of the 20th century. He has exemplified an exceptional combination of clearheaded and profound philosophical thinking. Two seem to be the pillars of his thought: an uncompromising commitment to scientific realism and an equally uncompromising commitment to deductivism. The essays reprinted in this volume (which span a period of 25 years, from 1974 to 1999) testify to these two commitments. (There are two (...)
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  37. Does Kant’s Opus Postumum Anticipate Hegel’s Absolute Idealism?Kenneth R. Westphal - 2009 - In Ernst-Otto Jan Onnasch (ed.), Kants Philosophie der Natur: Ihre Entwicklung Im Opus Postumum Und Ihre Wirkung. Walter de Gruyter.
    The three presumptions that Hegel’s idealism further develops or radicalises Kant’s transcendental idealism, that their respective versions of idealism are linked by Kant’s account of self-positing (Selbstsetzungslehre) in the late opus postumum and that the basic model of Hegel’s early idealism holds also for his mature system are wide-spread and largely unexamined. This paper examines several problems confronting these presumptions, including Hegel’s refutation of the basic premises of Kant’s transcendental idealism and Transzendentalphilosophie in the late opus postumum (§2), Hegel’s critical (...)
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  38. Inductive skepticism and the probability calculus I: Popper and Jeffreys on induction and the probability of law-like universal generalizations.Ken Gemes - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64 (1):113-130.
    1. Introduction. Attempts to utilize the probability calculus to prove or disprove various inductive or inductive skeptical theses are, I believe, highly problematic. Inductivism and inductive skepticism are substantive philosophical positions that do not allow of merely formal proofs or disproofs. Often the problems with particular alleged formal proofs of inductive or inductive sceptical theses turn on subtle technical considerations. In the following I highlight such considerations in pointing out the flaws of two proofs, one an alleged proof of (...)
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    Does Kant’s opus postumum Anticipate Hegel’s Absolute Idealism?Kenneth R. Westphal - 2009 - In Ernst-Otto Jan Onnasch (ed.), Kants Philosophie der Natur: Ihre Entwicklung Im Opus Postumum Und Ihre Wirkung. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 357-384.
    The three presumptions that Hegel’s idealism further develops or radicalises Kant’s transcendental idealism, that their respective versions of idealism are linked by Kant’s account of self-positing (Selbstsetzungslehre) in the late opus postumum and that the basic model of Hegel’s early idealism holds also for his mature system are wide-spread and largely unexamined. This paper examines several problems confronting these presumptions, including Hegel’s refutation of the basic premises of Kant’s transcendental idealism and Transzendentalphilosophie in the late opus postumum (§2), Hegel’s critical (...)
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    Is bioethics applied ethics?Robert M. Veatch - 2007 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 17 (1):1-2.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Is Bioethics Applied Ethics?Robert M. VeatchBioethics is often referred to as a kind of applied ethics. The term applied ethics can be controversial if it is taken to imply that ethical theory from philosophy or religious ethics has to be the starting point for ethical analysis of some practical field such as medicine or law or politics. The term can be understood as requiring some premises from an ethical (...)
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    The concept of implicit knowledge in the context of rational reconstruction of the history of mathematics.L. B. Sultanova - 2018 - Liberal Arts in Russia 7 (1):3.
    In the article, questions from the field of philosophy of mathematics are studied. The author is driven by the need to achieve a balance between the philosophy of science and the history of science in formation of concepts of the science development. In this regard, the author justifies the reliance on the methodology of implicit knowledge, combined with the epistemology principle of criticism in studying the development of mathematics as the most expedient and effective. The author expresses the necessity of (...)
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    Beyond Deduction. [REVIEW]Kevin Kennedy - 1992 - Review of Metaphysics 45 (3):643-645.
    Mr. Will articulates a theory of the legitimate governance of norms which emerges largely from and criticizes the Anglo-American analytic tradition. He advocates a nonfoundational, pragmatic, and holistic reconception of reasoning in reaction to the failures of "deductivism"--theories in which legitimate governance is restricted to recursive procedures to extant accessible norms whose authority is independent of their use. The inadequacies of the deductivist model of reasoning, as exposed by Hume, Kuhn, Wittgenstein, and Rorty, are presented. Will finds resources for (...)
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  43. What is relative confirmation?David Christensen - 1997 - Noûs 31 (3):370-384.
    It is commonly acknowledged that, in order to test a theoretical hypothesis, one must, in Duhem' s phrase, rely on a "theoretical scaffolding" to connect the hypothesis with something measurable. Hypothesis-confirmation, on this view, becomes a three-place relation: evidence E will confirm hypothesis H only relative to some such scaffolding B. Thus the two leading logical approaches to qualitative confirmation--the hypothetico-deductive (H-D) account and Clark Glymour' s bootstrap account--analyze confirmation in relative terms. But this raises questions about the philosophical (...)
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  44. Deductively Definable Logics of Induction.John D. Norton - 2010 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 39 (6):617-654.
    A broad class of inductive logics that includes the probability calculus is defined by the conditions that the inductive strengths [A|B] are defined fully in terms of deductive relations in preferred partitions and that they are asymptotically stable. Inductive independence is shown to be generic for propositions in such logics; a notion of a scale-free inductive logic is identified; and a limit theorem is derived. If the presence of preferred partitions is not presumed, no inductive logic is definable. This no-go (...)
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    What Practical Reasoning Must Be If We Act for Our Own Reasons.Perceiving Contradictions & Deductivism Surpassed - 1999 - European Journal of Philosophy 7 (2).
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  46. Michael kremer/how not to argue for incompatibilism 1–26 Neil campbell/generalizing qualia inversion 27–34 M. janvid/epistemological naturalism and the normativity objection or from normativity to constitutivity 35–49 Daniel Howard-snyder/Lehrer's case against. [REVIEW]Suck-Jung Park & Hypothetico-Deductivism is Still - 2004 - Erkenntnis 60 (1):423-424.
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  47. historians of science have ignored Descartes' solution to the geometrization problem...[because of] an orthodoxy of misplaced emphasis on Descartes' more “philosophical” texts':'Cartesian Optics and the Geometrization of Nature'.Nancy L. Maull Complains That‘Philosophers - 1980 - In Stephen Gaukroger (ed.), Descartes: philosophy, mathematics and physics. Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble.
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  48. Synopsis of 'consciousness, brain and the physical world'.Philosophical psychology - 1992 - Philosophical Psychology 5 (2):153 – 157.
  49. The rationality of science: Why bother?Philosophical Models of Scientific Change - 1992 - In W. Newton-Smith, Tʻien-chi Chiang & E. James (eds.), Popper in China. New York: Routledge.
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  50. A Chronology of Key Events, Texts and Thinkers.Philosophical Fragments Kierkegaard - 2011 - In Felicity Joseph, Jack Reynolds & Ashley Woodward (eds.), Continuum Companion to Existentialism. Continuum.
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