Results for ' pediatrics'

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  1.  25
    Neonatal pediatrics at the century mark.William A. Silverman - 1988 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 32 (2):159-170.
    Neonatal pediatrics has made stunning and completely unprecedented progress in recent years. Nonetheless, an increasing number of voices now ask, Where is this field of medicine going? Is it, dare one ask, even headed in the right direction? These are reasonable questions, but first we need to know where this subspecialty of pediatrics has been. The current phenomenon is all the more remarkable because it differs so completely from the past.
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    Ethics Consultation in Pediatrics: Long-Term Experience From a Pediatric Oncology Center.Liza-Marie Johnson, Christopher L. Church, Monika Metzger & Justin N. Baker - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (5):3-17.
    There is little information about the content of ethics consultations in pediatrics. We sought to describe the reasons for consultation and ethical principles addressed during EC in pediatrics through retrospective review and directed content analysis of EC records at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Patient-based EC were highly complex and often involved evaluation of parental decision making, particularly consideration of the risks and benefits of a proposed medical intervention, and the physician's fiduciary responsibility to the patient. Nonpatient consultations (...)
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    Does pediatrics need its own bioethics?John D. Lantos - 2010 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 53 (4):613-624.
  4.  54
    Moral Hazard in Pediatrics.Donald Brunnquell & Christopher M. Michaelson - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (7):29-38.
    “Moral hazard” is a term familiar in economics and business ethics that illuminates why rational parties sometimes choose decisions with bad moral outcomes without necessarily intending to behave selfishly or immorally. The term is not generally used in medical ethics. Decision makers such as parents and physicians generally do not use the concept or the word in evaluating ethical dilemmas. They may not even be aware of the precise nature of the moral hazard problem they are experiencing, beyond a general (...)
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    Pediatrics in Medieval Islamic Theoria.Elaine van Dalen - 2020 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (1):1-17.
    This article analyzes the pediatric material in the Arabic commentaries (written tenth–fifteenth centuries) on the Hippocratic Aphorisms by exploring the traces of its late-antique origins and highlighting the influences of contemporary Islamic sources. This study demonstrates, first, how the commentaries assimilate Galenic pediatric theory through intricate elaborations and innovations; and second, that the commentators on the Aphorisms exhibit a strict theoretical interest in the causes and nature of childood diseases as opposed to their remedies. Consequently, it shows that therapeutic pediatric (...)
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    End-of-Life Decision Making in Pediatrics: Literature Review on Children's and Adolescents’ Participation.Katharina M. Ruhe, Domnita O. Badarau, Bernice S. Elger & Tenzin Wangmo - 2014 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 5 (2):44-54.
    Background: Pediatric guidelines recommend that children and adolescents participate in a developmentally appropriate way in end-of-life decision making. Shared decision making in pediatrics is unique because of the triadic relationship of patient, parents, and physician. The involvement of the patient may vary on a continuum from no involvement to being the sole decision maker. However, the effects of child participation have not been thoroughly studied. The aims of this literature review are to identify studies on end-of-life decision making in (...)
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    Shared Decision‐Making in Pediatrics: Honoring Multiple Voices.Daniel J. Benedetti - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (4):46-47.
    Historically, parents looking for guidance turned to a small cadre of trusted individuals such as grandparents and pediatricians. In the Internet era, this paradigm has shifted. With a few keystrokes, anxious parents have access to a seemingly endless array of opinions from faceless sources with unknown agendas. For some parents, this can cause more uncertainty, and for the parents of a child with a medical condition, navigating this information can be overwhelming. In this modern paradigm, the pediatrician's duty has also (...)
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  8.  27
    American Pediatrics: The Social Dynamics of Professionalism, 1880-1980Sydney A. Halpern.Joel Howell - 1989 - Isis 80 (3):552-553.
  9.  73
    Ethical problems in pediatrics: what does the setting of care and education show us?Jucélia Maria Guedert & Suely Grosseman - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1):2.
    Background: Pediatrics ethics education should enhance medical students' skills to deal with ethical problems that may arise in the different settings of care. This study aimed to analyze the ethical problems experienced by physicians who have medical education and pediatric care responsibilities, and if those problems are associated to their workplace, medical specialty and area of clinical practice. Methods: A self-applied semi-structured questionnaire was answered by 88 physicians with teaching and pediatric care responsibilities. Content analysis was performed to analyze (...)
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  10.  24
    Clinical Ethics in Pediatrics: An International Perspective.André Kidszun, Pablo Lezama-Del Valle, Jagdish Chinnappa, Priya Pais, Arpana Iyengar, Erwin J. Khoo, Janicke Syltern, Fajar Raza, Sarosh Saleem & John D. Lantos - 2019 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 30 (1):35-45.
    In this article, we first review the development of clinical ethics in pediatrics in the United States. We report that, over the last 40 years, most children’s hospitals have ethics committees but that those committees are rarely consulted. We speculate that the reasons for the paucity of ethics consults might be because ethical dilemmas are aired in other venues. The role of the ethics consultant, then, might be to shape the institutional climate and create safe spaces for the discussion (...)
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  11.  18
    Pediatrics of the PastJohn Ruhrah.George Sarton - 1926 - Isis 8 (2):386-388.
  12.  44
    Ventilator Allocation for Pediatrics during COVID-19 – How We Avoided Drawing Lots for Tots.Neil D. Fernandes, Kelly Gardner, John J. Paris & Brian M. Cummings - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):147-150.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page 147-150.
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  13. Clinical Ethics Committees and Pediatrics. An Evaluation of Case Consultations.Tanja Ramsauer & Andreas Frewer - 2009 - Diametros 22:90 – 104.
    Since Clinical Ethics Consultation has become important in the public health sector in the last decade in Germany, there are on-going questions about effectiveness. Targets have been established by the Ethics Committees, in regard to assisting patients, families and health care teams at times of ethical conflicts during the decision-making process in medical care. Of all the ethics consultations over the last eight years at Erlangen University Hospital the consultations carried out in the pediatric department were chosen to be reviewed (...)
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    Ethics in Pediatrics.Tracy K. Koogler - 2008 - In Micah D. Hester, Ethics by committee: a textbook on consultation, organization, and education for hospital ethics committees. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 187.
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    Autism beyond pediatrics: Why bioethicists ought to rethink consent in light of chronicity and genetic identity.Alexandra Perry - 2012 - Bioethics 26 (5):236-241.
    Autism is a chronic neurodevelopmental disorder that presents unique challenges to bioethicists. In particular, bioethicists ought to reconsider pediatric consent in light of disparity between beliefs that are held about the disorder by parents and adults with autism. The neurodiverse community ought to be given some consideration in this debate, and, as such, there may be a role for autistic narratives in clarifying this problem.
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    Truth telling in pediatrics: what they don't know might hurt them.Christine Harrison - forthcoming - Pediatric Bioethics.
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    Vaccination in pediatrics and informed consent: balancing social paternalism and patients’ autonomy.Matthias Dahl - 2002 - Ethik in der Medizin 14 (3):201-214.
    Bei der Durchführung von Impfungen in der Pädiatrie sind die Interessen von Kind, Eltern und öffentlicher Gesundheitsvorsorge zu berücksichtigen. Eine ethische Diskussion allein auf Grundlage der informierten Einwilligung wird der vielschichtigen Dimension der Impfproblematik nicht gerecht. In bestimmten Fällen erscheint eine Impfung auch gegen den Willen der Eltern legitim, z. B. wenn das Kindeswohl gefährdet ist. Ein genereller Impfzwang ist jedoch ethisch nicht zu rechtfertigen. Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass impfkritische Eltern andere Entscheidungskriterien verwenden als bislang von Experten angenommen. Für die (...)
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  18.  25
    Ethics Consults in Pediatrics and Neonatology Are More Varied and Complex Than Those Reported at St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital.John J. Paris & Andrew Hawkins - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (5):29-30.
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    The policy statement of the American academy of pediatrics – children as hematopoietic stem cell donors – a proposal of modifications for application in the UK.Tak Kwong Chan & George Lim Tipoe - 2013 - BMC Medical Ethics 14 (1):43.
    With a view to addressing the moral concerns about the use of donor siblings, the Policy Statement of the American Academy of Pediatrics - Children as Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donors (the Policy) has laid out the criteria upon which tissue harvest from a minor would be permissible.
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    Ethical issues in pediatrics.D. Micah Hester - 2012 - In D. Micah Hester & Toby Schonfeld, Guidance for healthcare ethics committees. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 114.
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  21.  22
    Moral Hazards Over Narrative Methods in Pediatrics? Not Worth the Risk.Kellie R. Lang & D. Micah Hester - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (7):42-44.
    In their article “Moral Hazards in Pediatrics” (2016), Brunnquell and Michaelson remind us that the child's perspective is of utmost importance when making health care decisions and express concern...
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    Futility in Pediatrics: From Case to Policy.Robert D. Truog - 2000 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 11 (2):136-141.
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  23.  74
    How do parents decide on genetic testing in pediatrics? A systematic review.Elena Sophia Doll, Seraina Petra Lerch, Katja Maria Schmalenberger, Karla Alex, Stefan Kölker, Heiko Brennenstuhl, Stacey Pereira, Hadley Smith, Eva C. Winkler, Julia Mahal & Beate Ditzen - forthcoming - Genetics in Medicine.
    Purpose This systematic review aims to identify factors that influence parents’ decisions regarding pediatric diagnostic and predictive genetic testing (DT/PT). Factors are integrated into a conceptual model of decision-making. Implications for genetic counseling, research, and ethics are derived. Methods PubMed, PsychInfo, WebofScience and references of related reviews were searched for original publications between 2000 and 2023. Extracted factors were categorized into an existing model. Results Of 5843 publications, 56 met inclusion criteria. The included studies differentiate between DT, traditional, and expanded (...)
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  24.  35
    Continuous Deep Sedation and Euthanasia in Pediatrics: Does One Really Exclude the Other for Terminally Ill Patients?Domnita O. Badarau, Eva De Clercq & Bernice S. Elger - 2019 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 44 (1):50-70.
    Debates on morally acceptable and lawful end-of-life practices in pediatrics were reignited by the recent amendment in Belgian law to allow euthanasia for minors of any age who meet the criteria for capacity. Euthanasia and its legalization in pediatrics are often opposed based on the availability of aggressive palliative sedation. For terminally ill patients, this type of sedation is often identified as continuous and deep sedation until death. We demonstrate that this reasoning is based on flawed assumptions: CDS (...)
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  25.  41
    The Ethical Course Is To Recommend Infant Male Circumcision — Arguments Disparaging American Academy of Pediatrics Affirmative Policy Do Not Withstand Scrutiny.Brian J. Morris, John N. Krieger, Jeffrey D. Klausner & Beth E. Rivin - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (4):647-663.
    We critically evaluate arguments in a recent Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics article by Svoboda, Adler, and Van Howe disputing the 2012 affirmative infant male circumcision policy recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics. We provide detailed evidence in explaining why the extensive claims by these opponents are not supported by the current strong scientific evidence. We furthermore show why their legal and ethical arguments are contradicted by a reasonable interpretation of current U.S. and international law and ethics. (...)
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  26.  26
    Moral Hazards Over Narrative Methods in Pediatrics? Not Worth the Risk.Kellie Lang & Micah Hester - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (7):42-44.
    In their article “Moral Hazards in Pediatrics” (2016), Brunnquell and Michaelson remind us that the child's perspective is of utmost importance when making health care decisions and express concern...
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    Ethical Perspectives: Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Treatments in Pediatrics.Danielle Brigham, Shefali Karkare & Linda Siegel - 2015 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 6 (3-4):187-196.
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    The Birth of Tragedy in Pediatrics: a Phronetic Conception of Bioethics.Franco A. Carnevale - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (5):571-582.
    Accepted standards of parental decisional autonomy and child best interests do not address adequately the complex moral problems involved in the care of critically ill children. A growing body of moral discourse is calling for the recognition of `tragedy' in selected human problems. A tragic dilemma is an irresolvable dilemma with forced terrible alternatives, where even the virtuous agent inescapably emerges with `dirty hands'. The shift in moral framework described here recognizes that the form of conduct called for by tragic (...)
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  29.  50
    Development of a tissue engineered heart valve for pediatrics: A case study in bioengineering ethics.W. David Merryman - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (1):93-101.
    The following hypothetical case study was developed for bioengineering students and is concerned with choosing between two devices used for development of a pediatric tissue engineered heart valve (TEHV). This case is intended to elicit assessment of the devices, possible future outcomes, and ramifications of the decision making. It is framed in light of two predominant ethical theories: utilitarianism and rights of persons. After the case was presented to bioengineering graduate students, they voted on which device should be released. The (...)
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  30.  43
    Is decision-making capacity an “essentially contested” concept in pediatrics?Eva De Clercq, Katharina Ruhe, Michel Rost & Bernice Elger - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (3):425-433.
    Key legislations in many countries emphasize the importance of involving children in decisions regarding their own health at a level commensurate with their age and capacities. Research is engaged in developing tools to assess capacity in children in order to facilitate their responsible involvement. These instruments, however, are usually based on the cognitive criteria for capacity assessment as defined by Appelbaum and Grisso and thus ill adapted to address the life-situation of children. The aim of this paper is to revisit (...)
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  31.  81
    The Unique Nature of Clinical Ethics in Allied Health Pediatrics: Implications for Ethics Education.Clare Delany, Merle Spriggs, Craig L. Fry & Lynn Gillam - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (4):471-480.
    Ethics education is recognized as an integral component of health professionals’ education and has been occurring in various guises in the curricula of health professional training in many countries since at least the 1970s. However, there are a number of different aims and approaches adopted by individual educators, programs, and, importantly, different health professions that may be characterized according to strands or trends in ethics education.
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    The Best Interest Standard: An Exhaustive Guide for Medical Decision Making in Pediatrics?Eva De Clercq & Katharina Ruhe - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (8):69-71.
    In his article, Bester (2018) criticizes the so-called “harm consensus” movement among a growing number of bioethicists and practitioners. He argues that the harm principle is unable to replace the...
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  33.  16
    Process logic in the practice of pediatrics care: a case study.В. К Солондаев - 2022 - Philosophy Journal 15 (4):43-53.
    Process logic described by A. V. Smirnov is based on materials from the arab-muslim cul­ture as a whole. Process logic is contrasted with the substance logic which forms the foundation of European culture as a whole. It has been proven theoretically that any situation could be interpreted using any logic of sense. The article provides an empirical illustration of the use of the process logic in a consultation of a preschool educational in­stitution psychologist on problems connected with a mental disorder (...)
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  34. A Pragamatic Guide to Shared Decisionmaking in Pediatrics : A Justification and Concrete Steps.Jennifer Walter & Alexander Fiks - 2021 - In John D. Lantos, The ethics of shared decision making. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Making Meaning From Experience: A Working Typology for Pediatrics Ethics Consultations.Lynn Gillam, Rosalind McDougall & Clare Delany - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (5):24-26.
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    Reframing Fantasy: Toward a Common Language of Hope, Dying, and Death in Long-Shot Pediatrics.Courtney Addison & Courtney Hempton - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (1):36-38.
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  37.  30
    The Fraught Notion of a “Good Death” in Pediatrics.Bryanna Moore - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (1):60-72.
    In this article, I sort through some of the confusion surrounding what constitutes the controversial notion of a “good death” for children. I distinguish, first, between metaphysical and practical disagreements about the notion of a good death, and, second, between accounts of a good death that minimally and maximally promote the dying child’s interests. I propose a narrowed account of the dying child’s interests, because they differ from the interests of non-dying children. Importantly, this account illustrates how disagreements at the (...)
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  38.  5
    Variability in the Limitation of Life Support in Pediatrics Continues.Anita J. Catlin - 2009 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 20 (4):327-329.
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    Moral Hazard and Transparency in Pediatrics: A Different Problem Requiring a Different Solution.Armand H. Matheny Antommaria & Ron King - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (7):39-40.
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  40.  19
    Including the Family’s Interests in Medical Decision Making in Pediatrics.George Hardart - 2000 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 11 (2):164-168.
  41.  13
    Disclosing the diagnosis of HIV in pediatrics.E. Flanagan-Klygis, L. F. Ross, J. Lantos, J. Frader & R. Yogev - 2001 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 12 (2):150.
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    Reconceiving Decisions at the End of Life in Pediatrics: Decision-Making as a Form of Ritual.Amy E. Caruso Brown - 2019 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 62 (2):301-318.
    Medical anthropologists have long recognized variation between cultures with regard to the locus of healing in different systems and traditions: that is, in some cultures, the human body is a “bounded physical unit” and healing is thus focused on the body alone. This perspective will be most familiar to Western health-care providers, and indeed, many providers do not imagine an alternative perspective. However, in many cultures, experiences of health, illness, disease, and healing are intricately connected with the social spheres. In (...)
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  43.  26
    Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Moral Hazard in Pediatrics”.Donald Brunnquell & Christopher M. Michaelson - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (8):3-4.
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    “Undoing” Capacity: The Capability Approach in Pediatrics.Eva De Clercq, Jürg Streuli, Katherina Ruhe & Bernice S. Elger - 2019 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 62 (2):319-336.
    Viola and Ben, two pediatric oncology patients, need to undergo chemotherapy that might decrease their fertility. Both of them want to participate in the decisions related to their cancer treatment and fertility preservation. Should they be involved, and if so when and how?In many jurisdictions, children are not entitled to provide legally valid consent for medical decisions.1 As a result, others, usually parents, take on the role of surrogate decision-makers who act in their best interest. Still, it is important to (...)
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  45.  23
    Nurturing Children: A History of Pediatrics. A. R. Colón.Jacqueline Wolf - 2001 - Isis 92 (2):374-375.
  46.  5
    Decreasing Perceived Moral Distress in Pediatrics Residents: A Pilot Study.Allison N. J. Lyle, Angela Quain, Sara Ali & Zeynep N. Inanc Salih - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-10.
    Pediatric residents experience ethical dilemmas and moral distress during training. Few studies have identified meaningful methods in reducing moral distress in pediatric trainees. The authors aimed to determine how residents perceive ethics case discussions, whether such a program affects trainee ethics knowledge and perceived moral distress, and if residents’ perceived moral distress changes before, during, and after a discussion series. Participants included pediatric residents in a single residency program. Five separate 1-hour sessions were presented over a 5-month period. Each session (...)
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    Comment—Disclosing a Diagnosis of HIV in Pediatrics: Providing the Best Possible Care.Steven Hirschfeld - 2001 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 12 (2):158-160.
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  48. Peter pan, the pied Piper and pediatrics.John Lantos - 1994 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 15 (4):449-454.
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    Disclosure and Consent Problems in Pediatrics.Angela R. Holder - 1988 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 16 (3-4):219-228.
  50.  8
    Disclosing the Diagnosis of HIV in Pediatrics.Ram Yogev, Joel Frader, John Lantos, Lainie Friedman Ross & Erin Flanagan-Klygis - 2001 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 12 (2):150-157.
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